How to plant a lawn at the dacha. How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

A clearing characterized by velvety grass can create a certain atmosphere throughout the entire area. Emerald shades can define a design by combining colors, paths and alpine slides. How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands? Everyone can do this. To form a lawn on our own it is necessary to understand how and prepare the area where the clearing will be located. At the same time, it is important not to allow standard errors during sowing and care.

What should you do first?

Start preparing the area for your lawn several months before planting. Especially if there is a big number perennial plants. How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands? Both sunny and slightly shaded places are equally suitable for it. If the shade from the trees is too large, then you will need to carefully select the grass to create a lawn. You can purchase special herbal mixtures.

If you are thinking about forming a lawn on your site, then the place should be sandy or loose. If there is high humidity, arrange the area drainage system. Lack of moisture will have a negative impact on crops. To prevent this problem, remove upper layer soil and make a cushion using clay. The layer thickness should be 10 cm. How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands? Make sure there is good system irrigation.

Arranging the site with my own hands, dig up the top layer of soil. All debris will need to be removed. The thickness of the fertile layer should not be less than 30 cm. Have you decided to use the brought plant soil? Compact it thoroughly to compact the soil.

Need to get rid of weeds

Remove weeds from the future lawn site. Regular weeding will not help with this. Therefore, it will be necessary to use herbicides. To apply the drugs, he will use special devices that will spray the products over the surface of the weeds. The result of such actions will be that all unnecessary plants will die in a week. Several treatments may be required. To re-treat, you need to wait for new shoots to appear. How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands? This should be returned to only 3 weeks after the last tillage.

If the quality of the soil is not good enough, you can use fertilizers or special means.

What kind of lawn can you create on your site?

Before you do beautiful lawn at the dacha with your own hands, you need to decide what size and shape is needed. You should also imagine what the design of the site will be. Which ones can be used in dachas?

  1. Parterre. The most prestigious and beautiful lawn. Know that it is recommended to plant grass on a flat area. Crops should be selected carefully. The lawn requires thorough care, without which it will not last long.
  2. Ordinary. The most common type of meadow that is included in this type of lawn is unpretentious either in creation or maintenance. In addition, it is characterized by high resistance to trampling. An ordinary lawn is optimal options for family holidays.
  3. Mauritanian. This lawn is also known as a grass-flower lawn. This type should be chosen only if the area is large enough in area. It includes several dozen different different varieties herbs and flowers. In addition, the appearance of the lawn will change throughout the summer.
  4. Can be used rolled lawn. It’s quite easy to create such a clearing with your own hands at the dacha. And high-quality grass cover will be obtained for the maximum short time at minimum costs strength

Lawn shape may vary. The clearing can be flat and continuous, representing narrow strips located between different flower beds and buildings. The shape can be unusual, curved or curly. Such a lawn can fit perfectly into the design of the site. Each owner of a dacha or own home, guided by preferences.

Tools required for work

As soon as absolutely all the nuances are taken into account, you can start creating a lawn at your dacha with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions do not imply any complex actions. First of all, you need to collect some tools. You will need:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Rake.
  3. Boards. They should be long. Instead, you can use a light roller to compact the soil.
  4. Seeds of those grasses that should make up the lawn.
  5. Seeder.
  6. Irrigation hose.

Are all the tools collected? We begin to create a lawn at the dacha with our own hands. Step-by-step instructions will be described below.

The surface must be flat

The first steps have already been described above. Will need to pick up suitable site, collect garbage, remove weeds and fertilize it. If there is a need for this, then you will need to make a drainage and irrigation system. After this, start leveling the place. The site should not have holes or hills. If all this is available, then dig the soil several times. To level it, you should use a rake. Before you begin sowing, compact the soil using boards or a roller. It is not difficult to make it using a piece of pipe for this purpose.

The choice of grass must be approached carefully

Before planting, use a rake with fine teeth. You need to sow perpendicularly, first along and then across the site. Divide all the seeds into two parts. Mix each of them with sand. After that, start sowing. If the area is large, use special seeders. The sowing depth should not be large - no more than a centimeter. Due to this, seed germination can be increased. Available great amount a variety of grass varieties. They differ in color, appearance and requirements for care. It is recommended to carefully select mixtures based on the site. You can use the help of consultants from specialized stores.

Watering and lawn care

Using a rake, mix the seeds into the top layer of soil. After sowing, the soil should be compacted using a roller. Due to this, conditions for grass germination will be improved. In addition, the seeds can be protected from attacks from birds and wind. After sowing, the area should be watered. It is recommended to do this carefully and carefully. As soon as the first entrances appear, the site must be watered regularly.

Be sure to mow the lawn. This is the main condition for caring for him. It is recommended to mow regularly, starting from the moment the grass reaches 8 cm in height.

A simple option for the lazy

Are you wondering how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands? For the lazy, there is an option that requires minimal effort. You just need to use it roll coating. This is a special mesh with turf 5 cm thick. It is rolled up. In this form, it must be transferred to the installation site. The site must first be prepared using the methods described above. It is necessary to get rid of weeds, fertilize the soil, and level the area. These operations will help prevent air from entering between the ground and the coating. Spread the lawn over the area, roll it with a roller and water it thoroughly. After all the steps taken, you will get an even, stable coating, having a saturated green. Such lawns are distinguished by the fact that the grass on them grows much faster than seeded grass. You can use this method of forming a clearing if you need to obtain coverage in the shortest possible period of time.

The lawn needs to be decorated. What do the reviews say?

The lawn occupies a fairly important position in the design. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that it fits harmoniously into the design. Take this point into account if you want to answer the question of how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands. Feedback from people who have already created clearings on their plots showed that additional design is necessary. And it is best to use bulk materials for these purposes. The most popular are colored pebbles, granite crushed stone small fraction and which may differ in different shades.

Do you need to make a lawn at your dacha yourself? In spring you can plant coniferous shrubs and a variety of flowers. As the reviews have shown, by mid-summer you will already have a very beautiful meadow. You can also display greenhouse plants in pots. They will look decent against the background of green grass. An excellent addition would be benches, various figures of gnomes or other heroes from fairy tales. Why not decorate your lawn with flower beds? It is too good idea. European design can be achieved with the help of rural attributes. For example, you can use wooden benches, wheelbarrows with flowers, various garden sculptures. Remember that only a neat and well-groomed lawn can demonstrate the good taste of the owner of the site.

The fun process of creating a lawn

This review provided an answer to the question of how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands. You saw photos of what this process looks like and what results can be obtained as you read the review. They are able to demonstrate better than any words the beauty that the site will receive. But there are no difficulties in the process of creating a lawn as such. Everything will depend on how much you want to decorate your area. We wish you good luck in this creative and exciting process.

Planting a lawn involves several stages. All of them are important because decorative qualities and durability depend on them grass cover.

The lawn can be made in different styles: garden, flowering, classic or meadow. In any case, you need to choose the right type of grass, decide on the planting time and prepare the soil for sowing.

When to sow lawn grass yourself

There is no strictly defined time for sowing a lawn. On average, the entire process takes from 4 to 6 weeks. The most suitable period is considered to be from May to September. Despite this, each pore has its own planting rules, which should not be neglected.

  1. Before the onset of cold weather, the grass will have time to take root well and become stronger;
  2. There is time to eliminate deficiencies (reseeding, redevelopment);
  3. In spring there is a lot of moisture in the soil, which will facilitate the rapid emergence of seeds;

Before sowing lawn grass in the spring, it is necessary to clear the ground of weeds and treat the soil with herbicides. It is best to start when the snow has completely melted and dry, windless weather has established. It’s also worth waiting until the weeds sprout, since spraying herbicides on “bare” soil will not give results (they only act on the leaf apparatus, so watering the soil to destroy the root system is useless). If you do not take this rule into account, weeds will choke out the young grass.

June is considered the most suitable summer month for sowing lawn grass; at this time the soil contains more moisture compared to subsequent months. But if you fix uninterrupted system watering, you can sow seeds in August; moreover, by mid-summer, insect activity subsides and weed growth is blunted. If you carry out proper care: fertilize and mow on time, the grass will have time to get stronger before the onset of frost.

Most favorable period For autumn planting- first half of September. Because at this time the soil is saturated with moisture (precipitates in the form of dew), and the grass will have time to grow before the cold weather.

Lawn grass: how to plant and select grass mixtures

The finished grass mixture is selected according to the type of lawn. As a rule, the packaging indicates what type of lawn the contents are intended for, where the seeds should be sown and the type of soil recommended.

Most producers bring seeds from Western Europe and are already engaged in their arrangement and packaging on site. But not all foreign herbs take root in our conditions. Therefore, before sowing lawn grass, carefully select the desired composition.

For the Moscow region and middle zone A mixture of bluegrass and fescue ("Ideal" from Premium line) is ideal for Russia. They form a dense, bright green carpet and can be cut short. Dark colors The content of bluegrass in the composition will add to the lawn. In any case, you should not buy a mixture where ryegrass makes up 50-60%, because it is susceptible to freezing and maintains a dense grass stand for 3 to 5 years, after which it falls out completely.

First of all, on the site where the lawn is planned, it is necessary to make markings, remove all weeds and level them.

  1. Marking is carried out according to plan summer cottage, using pegs or pulling the fishing line. At the same time, flower beds and paths are laid. It is better to avoid strict lines and rectangular shapes, then lawns and flowering meadows will look more natural.
  2. Treat the area against weeds before sowing lawn grass with Roundup or Argument (general herbicides). Typically, weeds are destroyed 14-20 days after treatment. Particularly overgrown areas are sprayed several times at intervals of two weeks.
  3. After the weeds dry out, their remains are scraped off and the soil is leveled. If there is a need, you can cover the area with geotextiles; it will prevent the seeds of the remaining weeds from germinating.

How to plant lawn grass, fertilize and prepare the soil

In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and evenly, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for their growth.

  1. Need to install soil composition, its structure and moisture content. If it is alkaline, add peat, acidic - chalk or lime, dense and heavy - manure or vermicompost.
  2. At the same time, mineral fertilizers are applied: macroelements (NPK 6-22-28, NPK 21-6-17) are evenly scattered over the surface, and microelements are diluted in water with the following calculation: ammonium nitrate and superphosphate 40 g per sq.m., potassium sulfate 30 g per sq.m. In the spring they focus on nitrogen fertilizing, and in the fall - on potassium and phosphate fertilizers.
  3. After fertilizing, the surface of the earth is leveled with a rake and then compacted with a garden roller weighing 50-100 kg or round metal pipe. If after this there are still irregularities, they are leveled and rolled again.
  4. The rolled area is left alone for 10-12 days (so that the soil settles). If during this period the weeds that got onto the site along with the compost or humus sprout, the top ball of soil is carefully loosened with a rake.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands

The seed consumption is usually indicated on the back of the package, but you should not strictly adhere to the proportions, otherwise bare spots may form and you will have to re-sow the grass.

  1. To distribute the grass mixture evenly, visually divide the area into zones, and then roughly divide the contents of the bag between them.
  2. If the soil is dry, moisten it with a watering can and let the water absorb.
  3. For sowing, use a seeder. If you don’t have it on the farm, you can resort to manual method. To do this, mix the seeds with fine dry sand in a 1:1 ratio. Then, following the advice of professionals who know how to properly sow lawn grass, you need to scatter the mixture first along the site and then across it. Moreover, the edges should be sown twice as thick as the middle.
  4. After planting, lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil using a rake, and then compact the future lawn with a roller.
  5. Finally, water the planted area moderately using a watering can or hose with a sprayer.

Lawn care

Before you plant lawn grass on your property, you should know how to properly care for the sprouted seeds until they finally get stronger.

  1. The first shoots appear after a few weeks, and the bulk - after a month.
  2. In dry weather, watering is carried out daily, to a depth of 5-7 centimeters.
  3. When the green cover reaches a height of 8-10 cm, begin the first mowing. Only the tops of the grass are removed by 1.5 - 2 cm.
  4. After the grass begins to spread densely, mowing begins more often (every 5-7 days), this allows you to form a strong root system plants.

Bottom line

Well-groomed green lawns are the decoration of any summer cottage. There is nothing difficult about how to plant a lawn with your own hands if you follow the recommendations. Thanks to our advice, you will easily cope with the task.

The lawn on the site is like a green island. Many owners personal plots They dream of having one like this, with evenly trimmed grass, fragrant with the aromas of the field. Currently, it is not difficult to sow it yourself, having determined the location. However, you need to be patient - you will get the full-fledged lawn of your dreams only after three to four years proper care. And in this article we will tell you how to choose and plant grass with your own hands at your own dacha.

What benefit can a lawn have on a property?

  1. Beauty and aesthetic appearance. The area is transformed and looks well-groomed with minimal effort and time.
  2. Comfort to use. Unlike open ground, when walking on a grassy area, dirt does not stick to the soles of your shoes and is not carried into the house by your feet. And in this case, much less dust rises.
  3. Benefit for health. It's no secret that foot massage has a positive effect on work. internal organs. Walking on the lawn barefoot will have a massage effect on the lower surface of the feet, which in turn normalizes pressure, helps with insomnia and has a calming effect on the nervous system generally.
  4. Taking care of the soil. Open ground is vulnerable to impact external factors. The soil is eroded and washed away by rain. Under the cover of grass beneficial features soils are not lost. On the contrary, this guarantees the necessary work of worms and microorganisms to enrich them.
  5. Organization of playgrounds and other areas. A thick green carpet will suffice soft coating for children's games and picnics. Lawns are also used for recreation areas, areas near swimming pools and gazebos, and decorative ponds.

When should you plant lawn grass: spring or fall?

It is recommended to sow seeds in spring or in the first half of summer. During the warm months, the lawn will have time to sprout and become sufficiently strong before wintering. If planted in August or September, it will not be able to grow enough to safely endure the winter months.

Types of lawns for a summer residence

Exist different kinds lawns for gardens and personal plots. Each of them has soybean pros and cons in its content.

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need a lawn. Depending on the purpose, the choice falls on one type or another.

  1. Parterre. Perhaps the most spectacular view that exists. It has a velvety surface in appearance and is distinguished by the uniformity and density of the grass. It is usually placed near the front entrance. It is also found in front gardens and home rose gardens, filling the space between flower beds and trees. It consists mainly of cereals. Because cereal crops They germinate slowly; landscaping the area with a lawn of this type may take a long time. Among other things, he needs frequent haircuts, about 2-3 times a week.
  2. Ordinary. The best thing this type suitable for summer cottages. He is not demanding in care. It is recommended to cut it once a week. Ideal for children's games and relaxation in company.
  3. Sports. Good to use for landscaping sports grounds, golf courses, for organizing a tennis court. This grass is resistant to trampling and can withstand heavy loads.
  4. Mauritanian. This blooming species lawn grass. You can cut it only a few times a season. It is not whimsical and does not require investment large quantity energy and time for its maintenance. Appearance Such a lawn is very remarkable - among the green grass there are bright spots of flowers of various colors.

Proper lawn planting

The first priority before sowing a lawn is leveling the area. Using pegs, markings are made around the perimeter, stretching a fishing line between them.

Soil preparation

The area planned for planting is cleared of weeds.

15-20 days after such treatment, the soil on the site is dug up using half a shovel, if the soil is soft enough. If rocky rocks are present then top part the soil is removed and a fertile layer of soil is added to the vacant space. Thus, a rocky layer remains below, acting as drainage.

After preparation, the area should rest for two to three weeks. It’s even better if you carry out all the above procedures before winter. It is recommended to first add fertilizer to the prepared substrate. What types of fertilizers to use depends on the initial composition of the soil.

Before planting, the entire area planned for sowing with lawn is fertilized with compost. Then the soil is thoroughly compacted. For this purpose, you can use a garden roller or compact the soil with your feet.

Sowing seeds

After all preparatory procedures There remains an easier, but no less important part - sowing lawn grass. Firstly, you need to choose the right planting material. To do this, you should take into account the climatic conditions of your region, soil density, and your own gardening experience.

It should be taken into account that the number of seeds should be taken in reserve. As a rule, some of the seeds are washed off with water, eroded, and destroyed by birds and insects.

In this regard, the number of seeds required for sowing square meter land, double it.

It is recommended to sow the seeds after first mixing them with sawdust to simplify the process. After this, the seeds are mixed with the soil using a rake. Make forward and backward movements with light movements. Then the planted area is compacted.

Caring for planted grass on the site

Lawn care includes the following steps.

  1. Weeding. After the first shoots appear, weeds are weeded from the sown area. Most effective method– weeding by hand. At the end of the procedure, the soil should be compacted and watered.
  2. A haircut. Depending on the type of lawn chosen, mowing should be done from 3 times a week to 1 time a month. To do this, it is recommended to use a lawn mower to achieve uniformity and beauty of the lawn.
  3. Feeding. To keep the grass bright and lush, it is necessary to fertilize regularly. In the spring, you can use the lawn grass to grow and thicken nitrogen fertilizers. In autumn, preference is given to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plants prepare for wintering. All fertilizers are applied to moist soil.
  4. Cleaning. To maintain an attractive decorative look lawn, it is periodically cleaned of moss, debris, weeds and yellowed grass. To do this, they walk through the area, raking up unnecessary debris with a rake.
  5. Watering. Watering is mandatory in the following cases:
  • after landing;
  • during a period of active growth;
  • after weeding;
  • after a haircut.

Lawn grass is also watered during long dry periods and heat. Watering should be plentiful. To prevent moisture from stagnating on the surface, the ground is pierced with a pitchfork in several places.

Preparing the soil Compacting the top layer Preparing the seeds Planting grass using a special sprayer Watering a fresh lawn The necessary watering of the lawn at least once a week The need to mow the grass as needed

The main mistakes when planting grass with your own hands

Let's look at the most common mistakes gardeners make when sowing:

  1. Wrong substrate. If the soil is based on light and porous soils based on sand or peat, then the grass will certainly dry out. Such soil does not retain water. Therefore, before planting, add loamy components to the soil. If the problem was not discovered immediately, but in the second or third year after planting, then cover the soil with loam on top of the grass in a layer of 1-2 cm.
  2. Sprawl. To protect existing plantings from overgrowing with lawn grass, it is necessary to install curbs and other fences.
  3. Moss. This problem may be caused by improper or insufficient care. Moss appears when there is insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizer, or infrequent pruning. Also, the cause may be a violation of watering and ideal conditions are created for the moss.
  4. Trees and other plantings. If lawn grass is planted around existing shrubs or trees, the latter end up buried in the ground. Subsequently, the problem of rotting of the root collar arises. To avoid this, when planting seedlings, you should take this factor into account and plant trees at low elevations.
  5. Wrong choice of herbs for planting. In this case, the lawn may die completely or certain areas may be damaged and unsightly bald spots may form. In the spring, you should sow other species that suit your climatic conditions.

A smooth green lawn is not a dream at all, but a reality. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice of planting material and carefully carry out everything preparatory activities before boarding. This is key to the future health of your lawn. As you can see, growing grass is not difficult and even a lazy gardener can do it.

Lush green grass in front of the house looks very aesthetically pleasing and brings many benefits. Plants perfectly absorb dust, purifying the air in the country, increasing humidity and making personal plot beautiful and well-groomed. Before planting a lawn with your own hands, you need to think carefully about what it will be used for and purchase the necessary seeds at the store.

What types of lawns are there?

A lawn is a kind of compacted area sown with dense or creeping grasses. It can be placed in different corners personal plot.

  1. For an area where children often play, or for a football field, it is better to purchase a special sports mixture of grasses, which is denser than others and is not afraid of trampling.
  2. English lawn planted for decoration landscape compositions, fountains and statues in parks. You can’t run around with a ball there; the delicate grass will immediately lose its gorgeous appearance. It needs to be looked after regularly, watered and cut frequently.
  3. Moorish lawns are usually laid out in front of the house. It consists of a mixture meadow grass. These can be cornflowers, chamomiles, red poppies, echinacea and many others. It all depends on the imagination and preferences of the owner. You can collect the seeds yourself or purchase assorted purchases. You should not run on such a lawn. The grass instantly crumples and is difficult to recover.
  4. The easiest way to plant a park and garden lawn. Unpretentious herbs that do not require specific care are suitable for it. This lawn is used to decorate the ground in front of the pool and various places recreation.

When you decide what kind of lawn you want to see at your dacha and purchase planting material, you can begin preparing the soil.

How to prepare the soil

To ensure a thick and beautiful lawn, it is important to properly prepare the soil. This is the most difficult moment, requiring some effort and time.

  1. First of all, inspect the bed and try to level it. Fill any possible holes and make sure that more changes there is no relief.
  2. Carefully dig up the soil using the bayonet of a shovel, carefully breaking up any lumps. This care will improve the breathability of the soil.
  3. Check the thickness carefully fertile soil. It should be at least 15 cm. When there is not enough land, be sure to add it to the required size.
  4. If there are small pebbles, branches and other debris on the site, get rid of them.
  5. Don’t forget to remove the weeds, and when digging, try to pull all the roots you notice out of the ground with your own hands.

When the soil is dug up, you need to properly apply mineral fertilizers. Don't neglect this step. To grow quickly, grass needs nutrients. You can use the following components:

  • ammonium nitrate at the rate of 40 g per m 2.
  • potassium sulfate – 30 g per m2.
  • double superphosphate – 40 g per m2.
  • magnesium and boron - 2 g per m2.

Distribute the first three ingredients evenly on top of the soil, and dilute the magnesium and boron in the liquid and saturate the bed with it.

It often happens that there is no time to use individual components. Then purchase a mineral complex in the store. The preparations developed by the Russian Lawns company have proven themselves to be effective.


In order for a self-made lawn at the dacha to please the eye for a long time, the soil must be properly leveled and compacted before sowing the grass. This maintenance can be done using a heavy-duty rake with fine teeth. After tilling the soil, they place a wide board on it and begin to walk on it. The earth should be well compacted and not sag underfoot.

Instead of a board, it is better to use a garden roller. Walk it around the area, making some effort. The earth will quickly settle and become dense.

To prevent weeds from interfering with the lawn’s normal development, after leveling the soil, you will need to water the lawn thoroughly. In a few days, young shoots of weeds will emerge from the ground. Carefully remove them along with the roots. Such care will eliminate excess vegetation for a long time. Afterwards, do not forget to weed the bed and completely level it.

What grass to plant

Planting a lawn at your dacha with your own hands will be more successful if you use a mixture of herbs. She's settling in better.

In our climatic conditions they often plant:

  • red or sheep fescue;
  • thin or shoot-bearing bentgrass;
  • perennial ryegrass;
  • meadow bluegrass.

These plants are hardy and unpretentious. They only need to be watered regularly and provided with minimal care.

Sowing technology

It is better to plant a lawn in the spring, in mid-May, when the soil on the site has already warmed up enough and retains a lot of moisture. Sometimes the lawn is seeded in August. It is too good time. The main thing is to plan so that there are still about 2 months left before the cold weather begins. During this time, the roots of the plants will form their own system and become stronger.

You need to choose a sunny day for work when there is no wind.

  1. Small seeds are difficult to plant evenly, so for convenience they are mixed with sand in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Divide the prepared planting material into two equal parts.
  3. They go through the future lawn with a rake.
  4. One part of the seeds is sown along the bed, and the other - across.
  5. The areas along the edge of the lawn are covered with seeds more densely than the rest of the area.

At the end, you need to carefully sprinkle the bed with a layer of peat. Such care is necessary to retain moisture and protect delicate seeds from ultraviolet radiation.

The technology for growing lawn grass requires frequent watering of the lawn during seed germination. Do this using soft sprinkling sprayers. Optimal time for moisturizing - evening or early morning. Make sure that moisture penetrates the soil 10 cm deep. This is the only way the plants will sprout quickly. It is necessary to prevent the seeds from being washed out of the soil, the formation of puddles and stagnation of water in the area.

Under no circumstances should the soil dry out. Swollen seeds in dry soil die instantly. If the lawn is watered regularly, the grass will begin to emerge from the ground within 2 weeks.

How to care for your lawn

If you planted a lawn with your own hands in the spring, in the summer you will already have a beautiful green lawn that needs to be properly cared for. In the first year it needs to be especially taken care of. Try to walk on the lawn as little as possible, and do not allow cats or dogs to rummage through the grass.

The main care your lawn needs in summer is mowing. With its help, weeds are easily destroyed and preserved elegant look lawns, the density and density of the seeded material increases.

  1. The first time cutting is done when the plants reach a length of 10 cm. Then 2 cm of the tips of the leaves are cut off.
  2. Then the haircut is carried out weekly with a lawn mower. Leave the greenery 3-4 cm from the ground. When it gets longer, it often slopes down, and the lawn at the dacha looks unpresentable.
  3. Remove cut grass immediately. If left, bald patches quickly form underneath, and the grass cover is difficult to restore.

In order for crops to grow well, they need to be watered as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. Dryness causes the grass to instantly turn yellow and begin to wither.

In the summer, lawn grass often suffers from a lack of potassium. To replenish it. Experienced gardeners They use good anti-stress fertilizer Kali Gazon at the dacha. It was developed by German scientists and has an excellent effect on plants. They increase immunity to diseases, resistance to pests, and drought resistance. It must be used correctly. Apply Kali Gazon 2-3 times during the summer, using 30 g of product per m2.

In early September, lawn care involves another fertilizing with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. A week after it, it is advisable to treat the area with Agrokiller, a modern herbicide. It will help to completely destroy weeds, the fight against which is very tiring.

At the end of September, the cultivation technology requires cutting the lawn, weeding the weeds or pulling out individual specimens with your own hands, raking fallen leaves and sowing seeds into bald areas of the lawn.

You can't do without a lawn at your dacha. It fits perfectly into landscape design and creates a single complete picture. To maintain the attractiveness of the lawn you need little - take care of it regularly, water it often, treat it with care and love.

On the existing lawn, plant debris formed during the autumn-winter period is “combed out”. To prevent the emergence of lawn grass diseases, they create favorable conditions for air exchange in the root layer - they pierce the soil.

Then the lawn grass is fed with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen: they ensure rapid regrowth and restoration of the lawn after winter. If necessary, they fight weeds, reseeding the grass if it is not uniform. If there is no lawn on the site, then spring, like early autumn, is the time to create it.

Types of lawn grass: g harvest or seed?

First of all, you need to choose a place for the emerald “carpet”. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be located horizontally; slopes can also become beautiful lawns.

Then decide on the laying method: will you lay a ready-made rolled lawn or give preference to a seeded lawn. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ready-made turf from lawn grass allows you to turn a bare plot of land into a beautiful green area in just a few hours. You bypass the stage of painstaking care for young crops, but at the same time you must remember that a rolled lawn will last less than one grown from seeds.

Our advice:

It must be taken into account that the soil type of the site and the finished lawn must be identical.

You can’t delay laying it either, because the lifespan of “carpet” in rolls is 6-8 hours in hot weather and 5 days in cool and humid weather. And yet, if you decide to purchase a rolled lawn, make sure that the grass has been recently trimmed (long stems can hide “felt” and weeds).

Order turf 10-15% more than the area allocated for lawn, and if the area has a complex configuration, then even 25%.

Seed lawn

By growing a lawn from seeds, you will have a ready-made normal lawn in about a year. This will require more careful preparation of the soil for sowing, and the young grass will need additional measures to protect it from birds and animals. However, such lawns are distinguished by their durability and vitality, since plants from the first stages better adapt to natural conditions plot.

Our advice:

It is also important that this method is much cheaper. Those who prefer it should first of all carefully choose lawn grass.

Herbal mixtures of lawn grass: from “A” to “Z”

The highest demands are placed on lawn grass varieties: they must be decorative, long-lasting, resistant to mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions, etc.

Not a single type of herb combines all these qualities. Therefore, despite the beauty of single-grass “carpets”, it is preferable to sow lawn mixtures.

What kind of lawn grass is best to plant at the dacha?

Based on the type of lawn being created, the type of soil, climatic conditions and lighting of the area.

Many varieties of lawn grass are sensitive to soil acidity, and in addition, the level of groundwater is important for them.

It also wouldn’t hurt to understand in general terms the biological features different varieties lawn grasses

Our advice:

Creating a lawn on long years, take into account that lawn grasses can be long-lived, which develop slowly, and less long-lived, but with faster ontogenesis.

The appearance of lawn grass is largely determined by the density of shoot formation (thickness of the grass stand), which, in turn, depends on the type of tillering:

  • Rhizomatous plants(red fescue, common bluegrass and white bentgrass) form a herbage of medium or low density and are one of the most long-lived grasses. They are often used to create universal and parterre lawns.
  • Loose bush grasses- perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, rhizomatous wheatgrass create higher grass stand medium density. They are used for universal, parterre and meadow lawns.
  • Grass stand rhizome-loose bush plants (in particular, meadow bluegrass and thin bentgrass) is dense, even and elastic. Plus, such grasses form dense and tear-resistant turf, so they are ideal for constructing parterres and sports types lawns.
  • Dense bush grasses They form a grass stand of very high density and turf of the same density. Unfortunately, such excess is not good: next to these plants (fescue, white fescue, etc.), the development of cereals with a different type of tillering is almost impossible. Such herbs are included only in drought-resistant mixtures.

How tall should the grains be?

The height of the grass grass plays a significant role in creating a thick lawn.

Riding grasses of lawn grass

(meadow timothy grass, hedgehog grass)

Description: They form tall, up to a meter, coarse stems and leaves, but bush little. They are present in grass mixtures for universal and meadow species lawns, and are also intended for shady places and landscaping of slopes.

Grass grasses

(meadow bluegrass, red fescue, bentgrass)

Description: with thin shoots 40-50 cm high, they bush strongly, form a dense mass of squat stems and leaves, therefore they are suitable for parterre types of lawns.

Semi-top lawn grasses

(meadow fescue and meadow foxtail)

Description: with fairly tall shoots they form medium-density bushes that grow quickly after mowing and bush well. These cereals are suitable for universal species lawns.

Purpose of the lawn

Another criterion for choosing a mixture is performance characteristics plants intended for specific type green "carpet".

Parterre view of the lawn

Cereals for it should tolerate regular cutting well, which, in particular, is the case with meadow bluegrass, red fescue and white bentgrass. On the other hand, these grasses do not tolerate trampling, which is considered a disadvantage of parterre lawns.

But today it has been overcome: exclusive lawn mixtures from varieties of meadow grass and red fescue are highly resistant to intense mechanical loads.

Universal type of lawn

Less beautiful than parterre, since it is sown not only from narrow-leaved bluegrass, fescue and bentgrass, but also broad-leaved, coarser ryegrass. However, it is precisely this composition of grasses that makes the lawn wear-resistant: you can even walk on it, even play on it, even put sun loungers on it.

Sporty looking lawn

Grasses for sports lawns are distinguished by their ability to withstand heavy loads, as well as their special resistance to adverse climatic conditions. Among these cereals are perennial ryegrass and white bentgrass.

Meadow and Moorish lawn type

These lawns are rarely mowed; weeds have time to grow on them. Therefore, appropriate lawn grass mixtures include grasses that can displace weeds (for example, meadow grass and bentgrass).

If desired, you can arrange a non-grass lawn using mixtures of ground cover plants. This type of lawn is suitable for landscaping shady areas, where the growth of cereal grasses is difficult.

How to lay a lawn?

Having chosen the type of future lawn, decided on its location and purchased the appropriate grass mixture, you can begin laying the lawn.

The site is cleared of debris, stumps, roots of removed trees, and weeds are uprooted. The surface of the site is leveled, and in places where water stagnates, drainage is provided.

A layer of gravel is poured onto infertile soil, large stones or broken bricks 10-15 cm high and compacted well. Then lay a layer of small pebbles or sand 15 cm high and compact it too.

The drainage is filled with fertile soil removed during leveling.

Our advice:

Just before sowing lawn grass, take a long, flat board, tie a rope along its edges and drag the board across the area. This way you can check whether the surface is level enough.

Approximately a week before sowing lawn grass, a starting complex fertilizer is applied. And finally, let's get to the main thing:

  • Thoroughly mixed grass seeds are sown by hand or using a seeder. The weather on the day of sowing should be clear and calm. The number of seeds, depending on the composition of the mixture, can be different, on average - 25-30 g per 1 square meter. meter.
  • After laying the grass mixture, the soil is lightly leveled with a rake to cover the seeds with a layer of soil no more than 5 mm thick. With deeper planting, the time before germination increases, so the seeds are left almost on the surface, rolled with a roller or roller.
  • The area is then watered using drip irrigation or sprinkling to prevent the seeds from being washed out of the soil. Before mass shoots appear, the lawn grass is regularly watered, preventing it from drying out.

The first shoots of lawn grass will appear on the 7-21st day after sowing - depending on the weather, the type of grass mixture, soil fertility and watering. They will be a reward for all your efforts, and very soon you will see: an emerald lawn is a real godsend for your garden. After all, it emphasizes the beauty of flower beds and small architectural forms, helps create a beneficial microclimate on the site, soothing the eye with its even color.

Natalia Golubkova
© Ogorodnik magazine