Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich real name. Vitaly Chernomyrdin: my father said that no matter how hard it is, we must try to do it not just well, but better than anyone else

Society, 25 Feb, 19:13

Chernomyrdin's granddaughter lost the lawsuit over houses and land donated by her father ... Chernomyrdin“meeted the criteria of insolvency.” Already at that time there were several court decisions to collect debts from him in favor of creditors. Maria property manager Chernomyrdin Ruslan Gubaidulin. [RBC] The court recognized the son Chernomyrdin bankrupt and launched the sale of his property Vitaly's bankruptcy procedure Chernomyrdin, President and... The court ordered the Bentley sold by Chernomyrdin's son to be returned to creditors ...Moscow refused to recognize the sale by businessman Vitaly as valid Chernomyrdin, son of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, a Bentley car on the eve of its bankruptcy. RIA Novosti reports this. 2008 Bentley Continental Flying Spur Chernomyrdin sold... The court ordered Vitaly Chernomyrdin to return to creditors the Lexus sold to his son ... businessman Vitaly Chernomyrdin, son of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, to his son. RIA Novosti reports this. The court found the sale of the car illegal Chernomyrdin son... thousand rubles). The court recognized the son Chernomyrdin bankrupt and launched the sale of his property Vitaly’s bankruptcy procedure Chernomyrdin, president and co-founder of the interregional fund "Support... The court declared Chernomyrdin's son bankrupt and launched the sale of his property ... Moscow on Tuesday declared businessman Vitaly bankrupt Chernomyrdin, son of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. RIA Novosti reports this. The court launched... . The court refused to seize VTB's son's property Chernomyrdin by 305 million rubles. Bankruptcy procedure Chernomyrdin arbitration began in September 2017 at... is Severstal. Liabilities Chernomyrdin before this metallurgical company amount to about 17.7 billion rubles. The court confirmed the son's debt Chernomyrdin in front of Severstal and... The court confirmed the debt of Chernomyrdin's son to Severstal and Gazprombank ... . to Vitaly Chernomyrdin, son of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. This follows from the court's ruling. The court found that the debt Chernomyrdin connected to Gazprombank... the bank withdrew the claim. According to SPARK data, Vitaly Chernomyrdin is the director and co-founder of the interregional fund Chernomyrdin Chernomyrdin accused Severstal of forcefully seizing the Yakovlevsky mine ... a mine in the Belgorod region between Severstal and the structures of Victor’s son Chernomyrdin Vitalia is gaining momentum. The parties accuse each other of using a poisonous agent... the eldest son of the ex-head owns on a parity basis Russian government Victor Chernomyrdin Vitaly and businessman Andrey Klyamko. This is stated in the message... of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a representative of the metallurgical company explained to RBC. He accused Chernomyrdin and people acting on his instructions in resisting and...

Business, 14 Sep 2017, 14:01

The court began the bankruptcy of Chernomyrdin’s son at the request of VTB ...Victor Chernomyrdin Vitaly is justified, RIA Novosti reports. Now debt restructuring has begun against the debtor - the initial bankruptcy procedure. To the register of creditors' claims Chernomyrdin... . "He is not insolvent," the spokesman said. Chernomyrdin. The court refused to seize VTB's son's property Chernomyrdin by 305 million rubles. Bankruptcy application... The court refused VTB to seize the property of Chernomyrdin’s son for 305 million rubles. ..., Interfax reports. The credit institution asked the court to seize property for debts Chernomyrdin Jr. for the specified amount, including his shares... June 2016, the credit institution also filed a claim against his son Chernomyrdin. Then the reason was the failure to fulfill loan obligations of the company Kronomet Rus LLC... to withdraw the claim, since, according to the bank’s press service, Chernomyrdin made a “constructive proposal” to the credit organization to settle the debt, ​ and the parties... Severstal gained control over the mine of Chernomyrdin's son ... in front of Gazprombank. The company plans to buy this asset from Victor's son Chernomyrdin Vitaly and his partner Andrey Klyamko Metallurgical company "Severstal" Alexey... ", "Metal Group" is owned on a parity basis by Vitaly Chernomyrdin, eldest son of the former head of the Russian government Viktor Chernomyrdin, and businessman Andrey Klyamko. According to... VTB demanded that Chernomyrdin's son be declared bankrupt ...Victor Chernomyrdin VTB Bank filed an application with the Moscow Arbitration Court to declare Vitaly bankrupt Chernomyrdin- the eldest son of the ex-head of the Russian government Viktor Chernomyrdin... regarding the claim." According to SPARK, V. Chernomyrdin is the director and co-founder of the Interregional Fund Chernomyrdin"Support and development of the middle class", co-owner of companies...

The Moscow Arbitration Court recognized Vitaly Chernomyrdin's record debt of 17.7 billion rubles. To whom and for what does the son of former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin owe? And what happens if he cannot pay the creditor? Nikolai Dolgopolov talks about this.

The court included Vitaly Chernomyrdin's debt to the Severstal company in the register of creditors - approximately 18 billion rubles. The amount began to form in the early 2000s, when Mr. Chernomyrdin was the main owner of the Yakovlevsky mine in the Belgorod region. This enterprise is famous for extracting ore with an iron content of more than 60%, so it does not need to be enriched, but can be immediately used for steel production.

In 2013, the mine took out a loan from Gazprombank. Vitaly Chernomyrdin himself acted as guarantor for it, but it seems he underestimated the risks. The borrower did not fulfill the obligation, and the debts were bought by the structures of Alexei Mordashov.

At that time, the debt to Gazprombank amounted to 12 billion rubles, they bought it for 6 billion rubles, and today with interest it is almost 18 billion, says Anastasia Mishanina, head of the external communications department of Severstal: “The investor, frankly speaking, is at the wrong time took out a loan in dollars, and the asset ended up in a serious debt hole. When we bought out debt obligations, we did so, naturally, at a discount. Enough already long time"Severstal representatives manage the asset in accordance with the law."

Vitaly Chernomyrdin is the son of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. Born in 1962 in the city of Orsk, Orenburg region, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. Gubkin, ran for deputy of the regional council of the region, but was not elected. Owns shares in several enterprises. The businessman was engaged in agriculture, processing of non-ferrous metals and, according to some sources, widely used his high-profile surname to obtain loans.

Banks indeed often take into account the presence of high-ranking relatives of borrowers when making decisions, said Igor Mintusov, chairman of the board of directors of the PR company Niccolo-M: “Guarantees are given under names that have a specific administrative resource behind them, for example, if a relative of the borrower heads federal agency or ministry. Accordingly, this position in the table of ranks makes it immediately clear to professionals that this person can make certain kinds of decisions related to the distribution of certain resources or financial flows.”

Billions of dollars in claims against Vitaly Chernomyrdin were put forward against the background of his bankruptcy proceedings as individual. But, judging by the court materials, his property is estimated at only 305 million rubles: an elite apartment in the south-west of Moscow and a vintage car - a 1937 Cadillac - are mentioned.

All this can be sold and the funds distributed among creditors, explains the partner law firm“Danilov and Conradi” Roman Serb-Serbin. Moreover, expensive real estate can be confiscated, even if it is the only one, the expert notes: “As they say general rule, foreclosure on the only housing is impossible, but now a bill is being widely discussed that would allow it on the only expensive housing. After all, sometimes it happens that a citizen declares that he has only one such asset, but it turns out that we are talking about a huge palace on Rublyovka. It is possible that this bill will be adopted in the near future, and then such real estate will have to be sold. Most of In this case, the proceeds will be used to pay off debts to creditors. With the remaining money it will be possible to buy an apartment, so to speak, to satisfy all personal necessary needs.”

But another option is also possible - the court may recognize Vitaly Chernomyrdin as a bona fide debtor, that is, rule that the borrower did not fulfill his obligations due to objective circumstances, due to the financial crisis, for example. Then they will forgive him everything, and look for 18 billion rubles. you won't have to.

Now a financial manager is working to ensure the repayment of debt in the case of Vitaly Chernomyrdin - his task is to find additional assets for settlements with creditors. A court hearing on his report is scheduled for April this year.

Reni, the westernmost of the Ukrainian ports, is located on the Danube, 130 km above the mouth. IN Soviet times life was in full swing here. By railway oil and ore from the republics of the USSR arrived from the east, pickled tomatoes went east along the Danube from Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Hungary, women's shoes and furniture “walls”. With the collapse of the USSR, the port lost its importance. In 2000, cargo turnover was only 10% of the level of the 1980s. The first signs of recovery appeared in 2002. The access railway tracks were lengthened, and pumping equipment appeared on the shore of the backwater (an area separated from the Danube). liquefied gas to tankers. The port is under the control of the United Oil and Gas Company, its general director is Andrei Chernomyrdin, whose father had by that time received the post of Russian Ambassador to Ukraine.

By the time Chernomyrdin moved to Kyiv, his family business had grown into an entire empire. Her main asset was her share in Stroytransgaz, Gazprom’s contractor for the construction of gas pipelines. Vitaly and Andrey Chernomyrdin owned about 12% of the company. Stroytransgaz, in turn, was a major shareholder of Gazprom with a share of 6.2%. Vitaly Chernomyrdin worked as the first vice-president of Stroytransgaz, and his younger brother Andrey was involved in liquefied gas. He traveled around the regions, negotiating the construction of gas filling stations. The Chernomyrdins also took up the mining industry: the Yakovlevsky mine in the Belgorod region was acquired. However, times have changed. Alexey Miller started a big purge at Gazprom. Stroytransgaz lost lion's share orders from Gazprom and, in order to save his business, was forced to give up shares in the gas monopoly, and at the same time get rid of some shareholders. Chernomyrdin’s children also sold their shares to Gazprom structures. The brothers’ “compensation” amounted to about $60 million. Then, in 2002, Ukraine, where Viktor Chernomyrdin became ambassador, seemed like a safe haven.

Five years have passed. What are the progress? The new terminal in Reni is idle: the Danube has become shallow. “A changeable river,” sighs Viktor Zorin, deputy director of the port of Reni. The depth of the backwater where the port is now located is only 1.5 m; a gas carrier ship will not enter here. Construction is currently underway on five barges for transporting liquefied gas, the shallow draft of which will allow operation in the port. In addition to the terminal in Reni, the Chernomyrdins tried to engage in gas sales in Ukraine. The United Oil and Gas Company of Ukraine, where Andrei Chernomyrdin was the president, even received a license to sell gas to industrial consumers at an unregulated tariff. Deliveries were planned in volumes of up to 360 million cubic meters. m per year ($2.6 billion). The story hit the media and a scandal broke out. The Chernomyrdins failed to expand on the Ukrainian gas market. “If they have any business, it is very small. At least I haven’t heard anything about him,” says Dmitry Mosienko, editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian industry magazine OilMarket. Andrei and Viktor Chernomyrdin themselves refused to talk to Forbes.

The Chernomyrdins’ business decreased in volume not only in Ukraine. In 2004, a stake in the Gazenergoset company was sold to Gazprom (it collects assets related to the supply of liquefied gas, the turnover in 2005 was about $200 million). The Chernomyrdins removed themselves from management of the Yakovlevsky mine in the Belgorod region. Its work is now controlled by the managers of Vadim Novinsky (a Russian entrepreneur who owns several mining and processing plants and factories in Ukraine). However, there is an area where their business is growing.

Since 2004. The Chernomyrdins are actively investing in Agriculture. The interests of the family (Vitaly is involved in projects) are concentrated in the Orenburg region. total area land - about 50,000 hectares. A large pig farm was built for $7 million; a dairy complex is being built in the Saraktash region for more than $10 million.

It was here, in the village of Cherny Otrog, Saraktash district, that Viktor Chernomyrdin was born. Soon after the first enterprise was purchased here, Chernomyrdin Sr., together with his son Vitaly, visited the local “Cossack circle”. He scolded his former fellow villagers for drunkenness, and they elected Vitaly as a comrade (deputy) of the ataman. Chernomyrdin is generally a prominent figure in the region. He accompanied First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev here in October. In the summer of 2007, Viktor Chernomyrdin brought the relics of Apostle Andrew the First-Called to Orenburg from Ukraine. In 2003, he organized the visit of the French writer Maurice Druon, whose father was born in Orenburg. Need I say that Governor Alexey Chernyshov often visits the Chernomyrdin enterprises in the region?

Soviet and Russian statesman Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin was born on April 9, 1938 in the village of Cherny Otrog, Saraktash district, Orenburg region.

In 1966 he graduated from the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev (now Samara State Technical University) with a degree in process engineering. In 1972 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute (since 2011 - Moscow State Open University named after V. S. Chernomyrdin).

He began his career in 1957, becoming a machinist at the Orsk Oil Refinery.

In 1957-1960 he served in the ranks Soviet army.
In 1967-1973, Viktor Chernomyrdin was an instructor, deputy head, then head of the Orsk City Committee of the CPSU.
In 1973, he was appointed deputy chief engineer of the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant, and later became its director, working in this position until 1978, when he was transferred to the apparatus of the CPSU Central Committee.

In 1978-1982, he worked as an instructor in the Heavy Industry Department of the CPSU Central Committee and supervised the country's gas industry.
In 1982, Viktor Chernomyrdin was appointed Deputy Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR, and since 1983, at the same time, he headed the All-Union Industrial Association for Gas Production in the Tyumen Region (Tyumengazprom).
In 1985-1989 he served as Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR.
From 1984 to 1989, Viktor Chernomyrdin was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and in 1985-1990 - as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

In 1989, on the initiative of Viktor Chernomyrdin, the State Gas Concern Gazprom was created on the basis of the Ministry of Gas Industry.

In 1989-1992, Chernomyrdin was the chairman of the board of the Gazprom concern. On May 30, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for the fuel and energy complex.

In 1995, Viktor Chernomyrdin became the leader of the all-Russian socio-political movement “Our Home is Russia” (NDR).

In November 1996, for 24 hours, he temporarily acted as the President of the Russian Federation for a period of time. surgery on the heart of Boris Yeltsin.

In 1997, he headed the Government Commission on reforming the penal system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On July 16, 1997 he was appointed chairman State Commission on protecting the rights of investors in the financial and stock markets of Russia.

In 1999, Viktor Chernomyrdin was the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation to resolve the situation around Yugoslavia. For peacekeeping efforts and foreign policy activities was nominated for competition Nobel Prize peace.

From 1999 to 2001 he was a deputy State Duma Russian Federation of the third convocation from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In 1999-2000, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.
From 2001 to 2009, he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, and was also a special representative of the President. Russian Federation on the development of trade and economic relations with Ukraine.

In June 2009, Viktor Chernomyrdin was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, he was entrusted with the duties of the President's special representative on economic cooperation with the CIS member states.

Viktor Chernomyrdin was a candidate technical sciences. In 2002 he was awarded the Russian Academy of Industrial Ecology.

He headed the International Sholokhov Committee.

In February 2010, there was the Russian Judo Federation (FDR).

State and social activity Chernomyrdin was awarded honorary awards: the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Red Banner of Labor, the October Revolution, Friendship (2003), “For Services to the Fatherland” II degree (1998), III degree (2008),

In Moscow, a famous man passed away in his apartment after a serious illness. political figure Russia in the 1990s, former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin.

In Moscow, a famous Russian political figure of the 1990s, former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, passed away in his apartment after a serious illness.

V. Chernomyrdin died at the age of 73. The cause of death has not yet been officially reported.

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin was born on April 9, 1938. in a large family in the village of Cherny Otrog, Gavrilovsky district, Chkalov region. In 1957 He graduated from Orsk Technical School No. 1, after which he began working at the Orsk Oil Refinery named after V.P. Chkalov as a mechanic and compressor and pump operator.

In 1957 V. Chernomyrdin enlisted in the army, and in 1960. At the end of his service, he returned to the plant, where he held the position of installation manager. From 1962 to 1966 studied at the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute, graduating with a diploma in industrial engineering.

After graduation, V. Chernomyrdin began his political career. At first he worked in the Orsk City Committee of the CPSU as an instructor, then as a deputy head and directly as the head of the department. In 1972 Graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute with a degree in economics.

From 1973 to 1978 served as the head of the Orenburg gas processing plant, after which he returned to the bodies of the CPSU. In 1981 received academic degree candidate of technical sciences. In 1982 appointed Deputy Minister of the gas industry of the USSR. From 1985 to 1989 served as Minister of Gas Industry of the USSR. In 1989 headed the board of the state gas concern Gazprom. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1984-1989), a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1985-1990), and also a member of the CPSU Central Committee (1986-1990).

In 1992 V. Chernomyrdin becomes deputy chairman of the Russian government for the fuel and energy complex. Later in the same year, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed V. Chernomyrdin Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

In May 1995 V. Chernomyrdin headed the all-Russian socio-political movement “Russia is Our Home”. In 1996, after the re-election of Boris Yeltsin and the dissolution of the government, he was again appointed Prime Minister of Russia.

In 1996 from November 5 to 6, appointed temporarily as acting President of the Russian Federation during a serious surgical operation on the heart of Boris Yeltsin.

In 1998 The President of Russia dismissed the government of V. Chernomyrdin, appointing Sergei Kiriyenko as Prime Minister.

Since August 24, 1998 V. Chernomyrdin was reappointed as acting Chairman of the Government, but the State Duma twice refused to approve him, after which B. Yeltsin introduced the candidacy of Yevgeny Primakov to the Duma.

In 1999 V. Chernomyrdin becomes the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation to resolve the situation around the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but in the same year he vacates this position “in connection with the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him.” For peacekeeping activities in the Balkans and activities in the field foreign policy nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1999-2001 was a State Duma deputy from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In 1999-2000 - Headed the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom.

From 2001 to 2009 V. Chernomyrdin was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Ukraine. In 2009 Russian President D. Medvedev appointed V. Chernomyrdin as his advisor. He also served as special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on economic cooperation with CIS member states.

V. Chernomyrdin was an honorary professor at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, honorary Doctor of Science of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.

V. Chernomyrdin complete gentleman Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", awarded with orders Friendship, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, October Revolution, etc.