The garlic was sucked on my neck. How to get rid of a hickey quickly

The article tells you how to get rid of a hickey - it lists the most effective and popular methods of treating bruises left from hard kissing.

So, if you are reading this, then you are apparently in trouble. A stormy night, passion, ardent love and overflowing feelings - all this can lead to the appearance of quite noticeable marks on the skin. What to do if you soon have an important meeting, dinner with your parents, or, even worse, a date with a person who is unlikely to be delighted by eloquent bruises? This article will tell you how to get rid of a hickey quickly and efficiently.

To effectively deal with traces of hickeys, you need to know something about the nature of their occurrence. Hickeys are the same bruises that occur with bruises and minor injuries, i.e. hematomas caused by small subcutaneous hemorrhages. Means, get rid of hickey marks You can use the same methods you use to get rid of bruises.

If no measures are taken, the hickey, like any hematoma, will disappear only after ten to fourteen days. Problems usually do not arise if the hickey is in a place hidden from view. But what to do if the mark remains, say, on the neck or face?

The blue spot can be carefully disguised - cover it with foundation, wear clothes with a high collar, scarves, hide the hickey under your hair. A good way to disguise yourself is to visit a solarium. Under ultraviolet rays, the hickey site will merge with the rest of the skin. Men often mask hickeys with a band-aid, explaining it as a small cut during shaving.

What to do if you need get rid of a hickey quickly in view of any future circumstances? Don't worry, there are tons of options! Methods for getting rid of fresh hickeys (placed one or two hours ago):

  • It is recommended to apply ice or something cold as quickly as possible and actively massage;
  • You can get rid of a recent hickey using a thick mixture of water and baking soda, spreading the resulting mixture onto the hickey site. This method may even prevent bruising;
  • A rather strange, but no less effective way to get rid of fresh hickeys is to rub toothpaste into the affected area of ​​the skin.

Time-tested folk methods:

  • apply a piece of raw beef to the hickey with a fresh cut and hold for about fifteen minutes, repeat the procedure after thirty minutes;
  • rub with fresh onion juice or apply an onion cut in half, you can also use garlic. Be careful - you cannot hold it for long, otherwise you will burn your skin;
  • apply raw potatoes cut in half for twenty minutes;
  • make compresses from tincture of aloe leaves.

Ointments and medicines:

  • It will also be useful to make an iodine grid;
  • The most common method is applying ointments and creams. You can use any means against bruises and bruises; the best in this area are considered to be “Troxevasin”, “Heparin ointment”, “Rescuer”, “Antibruise”, “SinyakOff”. All ointments are applied to the hickey site every twenty to thirty minutes. The well-known “Bodyaga” is widely used. This product is mixed with any cream (preferably for children) and spread five times a day. “Lioton-gel” helps well; after applying this gel, you need to let it dry, then rinse off and apply again.

Using the above remedies, of course, will not get rid of hickeys instantly; it all depends on the depth and nature of the damage. With proper care, hickeys usually go away within one to two days. The most complex cases do not resolve even after a week of continuous treatment. Therefore, do not forget that the best treatment is prevention! Tell your partner to be more careful next time and those nasty marks that cause shame will avoid you.

Dear readers, how did you hide or treat hickeys? Do you have some special methods? how to get rid of a hickey quickly and without problems?

Nowadays, many male representatives can give their lady a hickey, thereby showing that she is not free. Probably many people have encountered this problem. So, what is a hickey? In essence, this is an intense pinch, after which a small hematoma remains. The hickey lasts about a week and, of course, causes a lot of inconvenience. It is quite unpleasant to have red-brown marks on your body that remain from lovemaking. Because of this, you have to wear turtleneck sweaters and wrap yourself in scarves. But there are several ways to get rid of hickeys.

How to disguise a hickey on your neck?

In the cold season, you can wear a turtleneck with a high neck or tie a warm scarf. If you have a business meeting planned in the near future and need to wear a white blouse, then you need to use corrective products. You can try to hide it with foundation. You need to remember that the tone should be lighter than the one you use for your face. If the hickey is a rich, bright red hue, try to hide it with some beautiful neckerchief that will match your blouse.

How to get rid of a hickey using folk remedies?

Cut peeled fresh potatoes into two parts. Apply half to the hickey site for 15 minutes, while massaging a little. If you don’t have time, then make a compress from grated potatoes and attach it to your neck. You can make an infusion of aloe vera with vodka and apply compresses to the bruises. You can also rub the hickey with a clove of garlic.

A fresh hickey can be removed using regular baking soda. To do this, mix baking soda with water to get a very thick consistency. Apply the mixture to the hickey site.

Cabbage leaf is suitable for those who do not have food allergies. First, it should be heated and then applied for 30-40 minutes. For greater effect, you need to bandage it with a warm scarf. This method is suitable for those whose skin does not tolerate creams and healing ointments.

Another method suggests you mix laundry soap, sugar and onions in equal parts. And, from the resulting mixture, make compresses. But this method should also be treated with caution. Laundry soap can dry out the skin, and onions can cause irritation.

Toothpaste contains components that can help resolve bruises and bruises. You need to mix the paste and a small amount of water. It should not be a very thick paste. Lubricate the affected areas. But you need to know that the paste contains substances that can cause an allergic reaction. And, be sure to apply it to your elbow first before using it. If the skin turns red, do not use it under any circumstances. And, in addition to a hickey, you can also develop an allergy.

Even in childhood, we applied plantain, while thoroughly wetting it with saliva. And somehow miraculously the wounds healed. But we didn’t know that plantain also effectively fights bruises. You just need to apply a fresh and clean sheet several times a day. To avoid green marks, you need to chop the plantain, wrap the resulting pulp in a bandage and bandage the hickey site. Do this until the bruise resolves.

How to get rid of a hickey using Badyagi?

Make a mixture of Badyagi and cream. Any cream will do, but children's cream is best. Rub the resulting mass onto the hickey 4-5 times a day, keeping it on the skin for 30-40 minutes. The hickey mark will disappear after three days.

How to get rid of a hickey using other methods?

Don't have the necessary funds at hand? It's OK! You can get rid of a hickey using other methods. Try making an iodine mesh at the site of the bruise. Even doctors recommend this method.

Visit a solarium, under the influence of ultraviolet light, the hickey will match the tone of your skin. Or, if you don’t have time for visits to the solarium, then take a self-tanner or a corrective pencil. But this will only hide the problem without solving it.

A small piece of ice that needs to be applied to the place where the hematoma is can also help. Or place a teaspoon in the freezer for 15 minutes and then apply.

Try a gentle massage - this will help dissolve congealed blood. Or use a comb, lightly massaging the reddened area for about ten minutes. A coin will work instead of a comb, but this is a painful method.

Many people believe that rubbing a hickey with an eraser will make it go away. Try it too.

Getting rid of hickey with the help of modern ointments and creams.

Every home first aid kit should always contain ointment for bruises and contusions. For example: “Bruise-off”, “Troxevasin”, “Rescuer” or heparin ointment. They accelerate the blood, causing it to circulate. The thickened particles begin to quickly dissolve. You can try an ointment with a toning effect. A cream with this effect will deal with your problem twice as quickly.

Vitamin K

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of cosmetic creams on the market. Some of them come with the addition of vitamin K. It has a hemorrhagic effect, which helps to resolve blood clots. Creams with the addition of this vitamin are usually used for swelling around the eyes. But, if there is nothing at hand, then you don’t have to choose. The cream is perfect for sensitive areas of the skin (décolleté area).

Getting rid of a hickey using warm compresses

Everyone knows that heat helps improve blood circulation. If on the second day the hematoma has not resolved, then apply a warm towel or heating pad to this area.

To summarize, it should be noted that there are quite a large number of methods that will help eliminate such a nuisance as a hickey. But it is better, in general, not to allow such marks on your body. Rather than looking for ways to get rid of them or make them invisible. Try to control your passion. Remember that treating hickeys is troublesome and time-consuming. But, if this has already happened, then do not despair. Nowadays, you will find a suitable remedy that will eliminate such a misunderstanding in a short period of time.

If you notice a hickey on your body, do not be upset. You can get rid of it easily and quickly. The main thing is to react in time and follow the advice that you will find in this article.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step No. 1

You will need:

  • plastic bag;
  • textile.

Take ice cubes from the refrigerator, pour them into a bag and wrap them in cloth. We apply the resulting bag to the site of the hickey. It is better to repeat this procedure several times a day for 20 minutes.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step No. 2

After using a cold compress, warm the area where the hickey is located. You can rub it or apply a heating pad. This promotes increased blood circulation and speeds up “healing”.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step No. 3

If possible, try to take a position at home that would facilitate the outflow of blood from the area with the hickey. For example, in the case of a hickey on the neck, it is better to sleep with 2 pillows for several days.

You will have to suffer with hickeys on your thighs or stomach. These areas are located below the heart. A folk recipe with banana peel will help you, which should be applied to the damaged area for 30 minutes for 2-3 days.

It wouldn’t hurt to treat the hickey site with aloe cream.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step number 4

In a situation with a hickey, there is also a psychological factor that negatively affects us. We begin to worry and think that people will think badly of us. Use foundation to disguise the hickey. You can cover your neck with a sweater collar in winter, and with a linen or cotton scarf in summer.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step number 5

Buy vitamins for your skin. You now need to consume vitamin C and K to reduce the risk of bruising and strengthen the capillaries. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking. This unnecessary “game” of dilating and constricting blood vessels is of no use to you. Exercising will also not speed up the healing of the hickey. Try to remain calm for 2-3 days.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step number 6

Pay special attention to your diet. Eat more broccoli, spinach, liver, cabbage, red peppers, strawberries, raspberries.

How to get rid of a hickey quickly - step No. 7

For severe swelling and pain, take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Rubbing witch hazel into the hickey site speeds up the healing of the hickey. Arnica ointment does not speed up healing, but helps quickly relieve pain.

Many people think that a hickey is a harmless bruise. But it can bring great discomfort to its “owner”. With timely treatment, hickey marks can be completely removed within a week. Carry out all procedures regularly!

Traces of love in the form of hickeys often “decorate” the necks, cheeks, lips and other parts of the face and body of representatives of both sexes. However, you always want to “cover up” these traces, especially if you have a business meeting or just another working day at the office. How to get rid of hickeys?

In fact, a hickey is nothing more than a bruise or hematoma, therefore, you can get rid of hickeys using the same methods, the same methods and means that are used to remove bruises.

So, if you need to quickly get rid of a hickey, try applying ice, a cold spoon, a coin or any other cold object. But this must be done as soon as possible after the hickey appears. After a day, they begin to heat the hickey so that the blood flow evens out the skin color, but you don’t need to be too zealous: just apply a warm, damp towel to the hickey several times. This method works for all types of hickeys, no matter where they are. You can also buy ointment, cream or gel at the pharmacy to remove bruises - such products are highly effective.

If a hickey on the body is usually easily disguised with clothing, and to hide a hickey on the neck, it is enough to tie a scarf or a light handkerchief, but with hickeys on the face you need to work hard, because the face is the calling card of every person, and a hickey looks like a stain on it. So, to get rid of a hickey on your face, in addition to pharmaceutical remedies for bruises, you can use badyaga (powder), which must be mixed with vegetable oil or cream and rubbed into the hickey. However, this remedy has side effects - sometimes severe irritation can occur, so if you use this recipe, do it very carefully.

Traditional medicine advises getting rid of hickeys on the cheek, lip and other parts of the face using cabbage and potatoes. All you need to do is apply a cabbage leaf or a slice of raw potato to the hickey for 20 minutes several times a day. Many question the effectiveness of these funds, but, nevertheless, they have the right to exist. And some women even managed to get rid of hickeys by simply rubbing them with garlic. Is it worth mentioning what side effects may occur in this case?

Another way to get rid of hickeys is to massage them, but this is only suitable for “light” hickeys. If you have bright purple spots, then a massage is unlikely to help.

It turns out there is even a video instruction on the topic of removing hickeys =)

Studying methods for removing hickeys, it may seem that they will be of no use, perhaps only except for pharmaceuticals. Well, what can you do, hickeys are a rather delicate phenomenon, difficult to influence. That is why many owners of “traces of love” prefer to combine the treatment of hickeys with their disguise. I must say, it’s quite easy to disguise a hickey. Representatives of the fair sex can use foundation for this purpose if they need to disguise a hickey on their face or neck, as well as bright or simply matte lipstick if the hickey remains on their lips. As for the stronger half of humanity, the best option for them is a plaster that can be used to seal a hickey and tell colleagues or friends that it is an injury from an unsuccessful repair or shaving.

But what is better: to mask, treat, or use a combined option for removing hickeys - everyone decides for themselves.

Hickey marks have long ceased to shock even the most ardent moralists. But you still shouldn’t demonstrate to others the consequences of a hectic night, since such behavior is still considered bad manners, and the appearance of the hematoma does not change for the better. Since a hickey is, in fact, an ordinary hematoma, it can be removed using the same methods that are used to eliminate other results of bruises or blows.

Medication methods

The main difficulty is that the bruise does not appear in a visible place immediately, and it must be treated literally at the moment of damage. This will make it easier to get rid of it in the future.

  • Ointments "Troxevasin" or "Lioton". Their effectiveness is explained by their ability to improve blood circulation in the treated area of ​​skin, which is why such drugs are also used to eliminate the visible symptoms of varicose veins, spider veins and other problems of a similar nature;
  • Heparin ointment also quickly removes hematomas, is convenient to apply, but ideally should be used almost in the first minutes after the bruise is applied.
  • Pharmacy bodyagi powder is another option for removing a hickey at home. It is mixed with regular everyday cream and spread over the damaged area of ​​the skin. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row, and if this is done on time, the hematoma evaporates without a trace.
  • The iodine network also promotes faster resorption.

All these drugs really help get rid of bruises; in case of injury, they must be used methodically and regularly.

How to remove a hickey with home remedies

If you don’t have the necessary medications in the house, and the bruise issue needs to be resolved urgently, use the following recommendations:

  • Take something from the freezer and apply it to the problem area. You can just chill it
    a metal spoon and use it as an improvised compress;
  • With the help of onions or garlic, you can also quickly lighten the place where passion manifests itself. To do this, just cut the vegetable in half and apply the cut to the skin;
  • Using fresh potatoes. It is cut in half, or even better, rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting slurry is applied to the problem area. It is better to secure the compress with a gauze bandage and do not remove it until completely dry;
  • Fresh cabbage has a similar effect. Take a cabbage leaf, beat it with a kitchen chop hammer, and apply the side on which the juice appears to the hematoma for at least half an hour;
  • You can also do a mini-version of a bruise massage at home, for which you smear it with toothpaste and rub it with a hard bath sponge. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row at short intervals sufficient for the redness to subside;
  • Using soda. Soda is mixed with water to form a paste, applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin and left on it until completely dry;

Cosmetic methods

Hiding a bruise with makeup is quite easy.

To do this, you must first treat it with a green-colored corrector, spread a light foundation on top, and fix the result with beige eye shadow or a light blush.

You can also simply hide the defect on your neck with a band-aid. But then get ready for the fact that it will be quite painful to remove it.

Finally, it is worth saying that any hickey is a hematoma, which in any case goes away only in a few days. All the methods described above only contribute to its speedy transformation from purple-blue or crimson to a soft yellow or green bruise, which is not so noticeable to others.

Hickey left on the neck after a kiss, many people consider it a sign of debauchery and disrespect for a partner. However, some do not know about this or deliberately leave a hickey in a visible place on their partner’s body so that others can see that he is not free. After all, a hickey lasts on the skin for 7-10 days, which means that during this period even an avid womanizer will not dare to flirt with other girls, so as not to let them know that he recently spent time with another lady.

Traces from hickey Usually they are discovered only the next day, when the hematoma has already “bloomed” and become noticeable. Therefore, a hickey puts many people in an awkward position; they have to blush in front of family members in the morning, and at work or school they become the object of ridicule and questioning from colleagues or peers.

Showing a hickey in public is bad form. It is better not to raise questions from curious interlocutors and harm your own reputation. Therefore, it is important to know ways to disguise a hickey and make it invisible:

1. Clothes and makeup. If the hickey appears on the neck, then in the cool season it can be hidden by wearing a sweater with a high neck or covering the neck with a scarf. In the summer, it is more difficult to hide a hickey under clothing, so men will have to stick the hickey on with an adhesive plaster, as if it had been carelessly cut while shaving, and women will have to cover up the hickey with special cosmetics designed to disguise a bruise or dark circles under the eyes.

These products include correctors and concealers, which today are presented in stores in various variations - in the form of pencils with a dense texture and liquid gel products. If the hickey is dark brown in color, the corrector or concealer should be chosen in a purple or lilac-blue shade. To hide a purplish-red hickey, you need to buy a green concealer. When combined with reddened skin color, it will give a beige color. Apply foundation or powder over the concealer, the color of which should be the same tone as your skin or a tone lighter.

2. Ointments and creams for bruises. A hickey is the same hematoma that appears after a blow. The reasons for the appearance of a hickey and a bruise are the same - damage to soft tissues and bruising caused by damage to the walls of small capillaries. You can speed up the healing of a hickey using various creams and gels designed to treat bruises. They are sold in pharmacies and have an excellent absorbable and healing effect. Such drugs include heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Antibruise and Bruise-off gels, Dolobene ointment, Bodyaga and Lyoton-gel.

3. Traditional medicine. Traditional medicine also has many recipes for preparing remedies to help get rid of the unfortunate hickey at home. The effectiveness of these methods has not been scientifically proven, but they all help speed up the resorption of the hematoma and reduce the intensity of the bruise. Here are the most popular ones.

If after a passionate date you find a purple bruise on your neck, know that you have a hickey. In former times, flaunting such “decoration” was considered the height of depraved behavior. The man used this display of affection to demonstrate the dependent position of his lady, subject to his whims.

Now, in the era of sexual freedom, a hickey does not cause much outrage among moralists. But it can be the subject of jokes among others. If you are not attracted to this role, ask how to quickly remove a hickey. In any case, there is no beauty from this bruise in a visible place, but quite the contrary. Moreover, demonstrating manifestations of your intimate life is still considered bad form.

What is a hickey?

At its core, this unsightly bruise is a bruise that will last a week or more. According to the French sex therapist J. Lele, this peculiar type of kiss is similar to a strong pinch, after which even a trace of teeth may remain. The skin is preserved, but the tissue underneath is damaged.

Therefore, you can solve the question of how to quickly remove a hickey only if you perceive it as a banal bruise. But there are nuances depending on the location.

Hickey on the neck

The easiest way to hide this “decoration” is with clothes or a scarf. A foundation of a lighter shade than that on your face will also work. But in hot weather you can’t hide under a turtleneck sweater, so you can use Heparin ointment or bodyaga cream. The classic anti-bruise remedy, cold, should not be used on the neck. As well as for the chest too.

Hickey on the chest

Products with strong effects can cause irritation of the delicate skin of the breast. It is better to apply a vitamin to the hickey, where there is a high concentration of vitamin K. Lyoton-gel and Troxevasin ointment are good for eliminating bruises. Of course, you will have to give up the low neckline for a while.

How to quickly remove a hickey using improvised means?

If the hickey is not on the neck or chest, use ice or any cold object.

A proven remedy in the fight against bruises is bodyaga powder, which is diluted with any vegetable oil or cream. But you need to keep in mind that this remedy can cause intense irritation.

A slice of raw potato applied to the site of injury accelerates tissue recovery. You can use a twenty-minute compress with grated potatoes. True, to achieve any effect, the compress will have to be changed many times.

A mixture of chopped onions, plantain and honey will help the situation. But you can only apply it to a hickey if there are no scratches or abrasions on the skin. A lotion of soda with a small amount of water works in a similar way.

Aloe can rightfully be called a bruise specialist, both in fresh form and in the form of an alcohol tincture.

The best fight against hickeys is their prevention. Discuss with your partner in advance that there are certain boundaries in expressing feelings. Then there will be no problems.

Your partner, in the heat of passion, gave you a hickey on your neck or chest. It’s clear that you don’t want to show this mark on your body to others. Bruising may remain on the skin for more than a week. Don't panic, our tips will help you quickly get rid of a hickey and avoid wearing collared clothes and scarves in the summer.

How to quickly remove a hickey - don’t waste precious time

If you immediately notice a hickey, don’t waste time. A fresh bruise will disappear quickly if you take care of it in time. Apply an ice cube or a cold spoon, chilled in the freezer, to the problem area of ​​the skin. Low temperature will prevent blood from accumulating in the tissues, narrow the blood vessels, and the bruise will quickly disappear. Wrap ice or another cold object in plastic and hold it on the bruise for about ten minutes. Apply cold carefully to the neck and chest area! It’s better not to place it in these places, you might catch a cold. Apply iodine mesh to the fresh hickey. But do not apply too much, otherwise the skin will get burned and begin to peel off.

How to quickly remove a hickey - medications

Buy an ointment at the pharmacy that has the property of constricting blood vessels and accelerating the blood. The drug must contain heparin. Such drugs include:

  • heparin ointment;
  • cream with bodyaga. You can replace it with bodyaga powder, it is also sold at the pharmacy. Mix it with water, apply to the problem area and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Lyoton-gel.

Using these and other drugs will help you quickly get rid of traces of a passionate kiss. You will have to wear closed clothes for 2-3 days or disguise the bruise with a scarf. Use decorative cosmetics – foundation or powder – for concealment.

How to quickly remove a hickey - folk recipes

Try to cope with an unpleasant mark on the body with the help of folk recipes. Choose any:

  • baking soda. Dilute baking soda with water to make a thick paste. Distribute the paste at the site of the hickey. Remove the dried mixture and apply a new one. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times;
  • potato. Grate the peeled potatoes. Make a compress from potato pulp and leave it on the problem area for 30 minutes. You can apply a small piece of peeled potato to the hickey instead of the paste. Change the potato slices every half hour. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. You can squeeze potato juice and soak the bandage in it. Apply the gauze to the bruise using light patting movements. After the gauze has dried, repeat the procedure 2-3 times;
  • aloe. Cut an aloe leaf and apply the soft part to the hickey for a couple of minutes. You can make an applique from fresh aloe leaves and medical alcohol;
  • onion. Cut the onion in half and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin. You can use garlic instead of onions;
  • white toothpaste. Apply it to your toothbrush and lightly massage the bruise.

Please note that you will not get rid of a hickey in a few hours using folk remedies. But it will pass not in a week, but in 2-3 days.

How to remove a hickey quickly - massage

A light skin massage will help you quickly get rid of signs of violent passion. But don’t put too much pressure on the skin – just rub lightly, otherwise you’ll get the opposite effect. A light massage will disperse blood clots, blood circulation under the skin will increase and the dark spot from the hickey will quickly disappear. Using your fingertips, massage the hickey site, first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Repeat the manipulation 10 times. If the hickey is fresh, massage it with a cold spoon.

Don't be offended by your loved one for a passionate kiss that left an unpleasant mark on your skin. You can get rid of it. But if this happens again, have a serious talk with your partner. The best method of dealing with hickeys is their prevention.

How to quickly remove a hickey on the skin?

A hickey is a bruise formed on an area of ​​skin. It may look like a bruise. As a rule, the appearance of such a defect may not always please you, so those who have developed such a leak ask themselves the question: how to remove a hickey ?

The simplest remedy is to wear closed clothes and hide the stain on the skin. But this method is not suitable for everyone, as it can bother you for more than one week. There are several reasons for the formation of a hickey: a careless kiss, a pinch or a bite. Thin tissues are damaged from this, and a red spot forms on the surface of the skin. There are many options and ways to remove this stain, mainly depending on the location.

How to remove a hickey on your neck?

Often, a hickey appears on the neck. In this area, the skin is very thin and delicate, so the structure is quite easy to damage. It is enough to press a little with your fingertips on the skin in this place, and after a few minutes a bruise will form on it. It is quite easy to remove a hickey on your neck; you can do this by wearing a long-necked sweater or scarf. However, this method is completely unsuitable if the hickey formed in the summer. It is necessary to use medical means in order to get rid of a hickey. Cream with bodyaga is suitable for this purpose.

Hickey on the chest

A hickey on the chest is quite easy to form. The skin in this area is thin and delicate. It is much easier to hide a stain in this area; you just need to give up the neckline for a while. If this is not possible, then you can neutralize the bruise using a product containing vitamin K. For example, this includes Troxevasin ointment. You can remove a hickey anywhere on the body using cosmetic products. Girls can easily disguise a hickey using foundation or tanning powder. Men don't worry so much about their own appearance. To combat this spot, you can use the same remedies that are used to treat bruises.

Medicines against hickeys

According to experts, the sooner you start eliminating a hickey, the easier it will be to carry out this procedure. Unfortunately, not everyone can immediately notice the appearance of this unpleasant defect. But if time has already been lost, then you can free the area of ​​skin from darkening with a medical preparation. There are several suitable medications:

When applying the drug to an area of ​​the body, blood circulation improves, thereby accelerating the process of metabolism and renewal of blood vessels, hiding the consequences of a kiss. This list also includes heparin ointment. however, it can only be applied to the neck.

All these ointments can be financially costly for a person. If you can’t use them, you can buy an inexpensive product.

For example, ointment can be replaced pharmaceutical bodyagi powder.

This drug can be mixed in a small amount with regular nourishing cream and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. It is necessary to do this procedure several times for the hickey to completely disappear. The course of treatment can last up to three days. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, it is required that one of the listed means is always at hand.

How to remove a hickey using folk remedies?

  1. Most likely, every home has some white cabbage. This product copes well with hematomas of any kind, including hickeys. The cabbage leaf must be carefully squeezed out so that the juice appears, then it must be applied to the damaged area and secured with a medical bandage or plaster. One procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Three repetitions of the procedure are enough and the hickey will disappear completely;
  2. If the hematoma is located on the fold line, then removing it is much more difficult. During movement, the hickey will rub, which will slow down the healing process several times. Potatoes will be an excellent helper in this situation. You must first remove the top layer from the root crop, after which you should carefully apply it to the damaged area. The procedure takes about 30 minutes; if during this period the potatoes lose their juiciness, they will need to be replaced;
  3. Plantain is another natural remedy to get rid of a hickey. Since childhood, every person knows that if you apply this green leaf to a wound, it will heal faster. Plantain has the same effect on hickeys. However, this folk remedy can only be used during the first hours of the appearance of the stain, after which this folk remedy will lose its meaning;
  4. Another folk remedy is aloe leaf. It must be applied to the hickey in a cut form and held for several seconds.

Of course, folk remedies will not bring the same effect as medications, but in a few procedures you can completely get rid of unpleasant marks.

How to quickly remove a hickey?

There are unforeseen situations when the problem requires an immediate solution. For example, an accidentally placed hickey should not be seen by the girlfriend or parents. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the unfortunate stain immediately so that it does not put the person in an awkward situation. First of all, you should try prevent hickeys. If this could not be done in time, then you need to treat the area of ​​skin until a hematoma forms.