What to do when you are tired mentally and physically. Physical and mental fatigue, how to deal with it

Tired of work and personal problems? And so every day? If you, like most people, answered yes, the most likely reason is that you have not given yourself proper rest for too long. You have accumulated moral fatigue .

Of course, in order to cope with your professional responsibilities, it is very important to be able to concentrate on business. However, if you have already reached the limit of your strength (both physical and spiritual), then it is time to stop and take a break. Follow our tips and you will learn how to win moral fatigue.

You will see that you will feel more refreshed and energetic, and you will be ready to begin your daily responsibilities again.

1. Evaluate your victories by the effort expended, not by the result.

Moral fatigue (or even mental exhaustion) appears due to excessive demands on oneself. Most of us are accustomed to evaluating our victories by results.

This means that no matter what you achieve or how much effort you expend, if the final “big” goal is not achieved, you you will feel like a failure.

It's actually not that scary. If you do everything right, you will be able to “measure” your progress. Just try not to do this all the time, when performing every task, no matter how small.

Reward yourself for all the “small” victories, for every right step towards the intended goal.

2. Add passion and take away responsibility.

Another way to overcome mental exhaustion and fatigue is to leave aside most of their obligations. When you move forward just because you “have to,” everything gradually becomes a burden. Even positive points do not bring any pleasure or satisfaction.

This can apply to everything from child care, your profession, to a new job.

Passion and enthusiasm, on the contrary, will become a powerful push forward. Find something you really enjoy doing and try to find time to make it part of your life.

If you are forced to be at your workplace from 9 to 17, which is not particularly pleasing, but allows you to “pay the bills” and you have no other option, think about yours.

Maybe it will be some kind of classes in the evenings or sports on weekends.

Allow yourself to change your usual (and boring) rhythm of life a little, and believe me, it will immediately sparkle with new colors!

3. Reconnect with nature

Let's be honest when you last time did you relax in nature? Even if you care about cleanliness environment Most likely, you rarely get out of the stuffy office for a walk.

You’re just not used to it, “there’s no time,” you’re always in a hurry to get somewhere. But we are not saying that you should go on an excursion every 2 days or go hiking and conquer mountain peaks.

Enough 15 minutes, but daily. Figure out how this can be done, morning jogging, taking care of own garden, feeding birds in a nearby park, etc.

If you have a dog, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to walk him every day. This will also help overcome moral fatigue.

4. Carbohydrates and mental fatigue

It would seem, what is the connection? Since our brain is the organ that spends the most, negative calories and excess sugar consumption will be completely inappropriate and not beneficial. This will only lead to even more fatigue.

Try to eat instead the most natural products possible. Let them contain a minimum of natural sugars or none at all.

It would also be a good idea to limit your salt intake and gradually eliminate habitual harmful foods from the diet(fast food, semi-finished products, flour, fatty, fried, etc.).

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages and sugar completely.

How about giving up sugar for the entire day? How about two? What if you try this all week? You'll see you will immediately feel how moral fatigue leaves you.

You will become more active, after a couple of weeks you will notice an extraordinary surge of energy, and - a nice bonus - you will lose a few extra pounds.

  • First step: read all food and drink labels carefully.
  • We are sure that you will be surprised to see the amount of sugar they contain (even if at first glance these are absolutely “neutral” and “harmless” products).
  • In addition, you will You need to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. And while drinking red wine or beer can be good for your health, it's best to avoid them if you're determined to cope with your mental fatigue.
  • Remember that the consumption of alcoholic beverages should be “casual” (that is, on occasion) and in very moderate quantities.

6. Maintain a strict sleep schedule

The most successful people They are very strict about their sleep schedule, it is a fact. You will rarely see such a person sleeping at the wrong time or for more hours than his body needs. 10 recommendations that will help you overcome fatigue and feel a surge of energy

I'll describe the situation. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of psychological stress. After college, about a year later, I got a job at a trade and retail company. If you don’t know, then I’ll tell you that of the most difficult stressful areas in the private sphere, the most stressful area is trade. And the most stressful area in trading is the area retail. So, having entered this field, in five years I rose from a low position to the position of director of the company. To make such a leap in my career within five years of work, I had to work under extreme stress loads. I worked, achieved high results in my work, increased the company's profits up to tenfold. I felt like I was armored, while others were mentally crumbling and worried, I purposefully walked towards my goal. Partly I aspired to a big position to protect myself from poverty, which accompanied me most of my life. Despite all the grins of my family and friends that I won’t be able to save up for a car, I manage to save up for a car within two years, get my license and get behind the wheel of my own car, bought by saving wages. By the fourth year of work, I got married. But by that time, at the age of fifty, my father had left for someone else and started another family, and my mother had gone into deep depression. It turned out that my sister organized the wedding, and I took over all financial issues. The father was present in the role of the wedding general and, having collected all the money received as gifts, he went to another city and spent everything there at another wedding. And I spent another year and a half paying off the loan he took out for wedding expenses. Father practically disappeared from our lives, disappearing into his own worries. After the wedding, my wife became pregnant with twins. Since my mother was in a state of depression and did not leave the room, watching TV series from morning to evening, all the worries about my wife’s pregnancy fell on me. The pregnancy turned out to be problematic, one of the twins died inside in the sixth month, the second lived and was born prematurely. But 18 hours after birth he died. My wife spent almost the entire pregnancy in hospitals and maternity hospitals. I was at work in the morning, and after work I went to the hospital to see my wife almost every day to support her. Mother was morally incompetent to provide us with support, so food, attention and financial issue was on me. When the children died during this pregnancy, I worried about it very much. I didn’t show it to anyone outwardly, because no one provided support. The mother is depressed, the father has withdrawn. I tried to support my wife. A year later, problems began at work. This is the founder’s wife, she began to tactlessly interfere in my decisions, pushing her relatives everywhere and speaking in an orderly tone. I did not want to submit to the humiliation regime and quit. Fortunately, I had savings, thanks to which, during the year of the financial crisis, I calmly sat at home and looked for work, having the opportunity to choose. Despite the fact that my mother practically earned pennies, my wife was unemployed, and I was unemployed. The family did not need anything thanks to the savings collected earlier. Five months later I found a job. Since the situation had stabilized, my wife and I decided to try again. And she got pregnant. Just like last time, with any threat, I shelled out a lot of money just so that the pregnancy would go well. Also, almost throughout her pregnancy, after work, I ran to the maternity hospital where she was being kept. This summer, she gave birth to a girl. Offended by how dirty they treated me previous job, as well as the pain from losing twins during my first pregnancy began to gradually fade away. The baby began to revive the dead cells of my soul. But here it bothers my wife and mother, who argue every day. Because of these quarrels, my wife and I begin to argue. My wife calls her mother, who comes and takes her to another country. A week later I travel to another country and take my wife and child back. After this, my respect for my wife decreases greatly, because in a moment of crisis family life she chose to listen to her mother and leave the country, instead of waiting for me and resolving this issue with me. But my daughter is three months old, she is admitted to the hospital with complicated allergies. The allergy was complicated due to the poor qualifications of the local local doctor, who until the very end said that everything was fine. And when my wife didn’t believe it and went to check at the allergy center, they gasped and immediately sent me to the hospital. I was injected with antibiotics for a week to make the pustules go away. And at the end of last week we decided to take blood from a finger for analysis. And then it turned out that the blood was flowing from the finger and did not stop. No lotions helped. Immediately transferred to the hematology department. Intrauterine infection is suspected. I drop everything, quit my job. Then the next day I take time off from work and go in the morning to give my daughter’s blood for analysis to the laboratory. Now we are waiting for the test results. The expected week in the hospital has already stretched into two weeks. And again, I (now at lunch, mom, in the evening) every day after work I run to the hospital, bringing medicines, diapers, and diet food. And inside I am growing morally tired from the workload that I have endured over all these years; I am annoyed by the fact that I am again going to the hospital and again standing near the hospital windows. In fact, all these years I took on the entire moral burden and carried it silently, realizing that no one but me would do this. And now I have accumulated enormous moral fatigue. I want to send everyone away. I often think about divorce so that I can marry a healthy woman, with whom I won’t have to spend all my time in hospitals. When the negativity from your mother starts, you just want to move out. Now I'm sick of everything. It infuriates me to go to the hospital, loaded with packages with “orders”. I want to send everyone and tell them to deal with it themselves or to waste solving the whole issue by suicide, because I take on all the moral, mental, financial burden, I cannot afford to relax, and there are more and more problems. I see no end to them. How to survive this, the most annoying thing is that I carry everything alone, others prefer to be on the sidelines or play the role of the weak. I'm tired, I want to finish everything at once. What should I do?

Ruslan, good afternoon.

I read your letter and it feels like I’m running a 42 km marathon. Moreover, I didn’t even think about running away from him. And somehow it happened that I was running. I have no strength, but I run. I understand that I will die at the finals, but I run. I don’t want anything anymore, but I still run.

Heavy feeling. I really want to stop and do something else. Or at least rest.

Ruslan, you have an exaggerated sense of responsibility. You don't allow yourself to relax and rest. I would like to take you by the hand and lead you to a psychologist. Do not spare yourself time and, again, finances. Spend it on yourself. Let yourself be helped. There are individual consultations, there is group therapy.

Sincerely, T.Sh.

Good answer 3 Bad answer 2

Hello, Ruslan.

I clearly “see” your movements in getting money..., in “doing” good deeds..., I see your family and friends..., your experiences that are only with you...,

Your fatigue...,

Your endless despair...

It is very difficult to answer your question...

..."I'm tired, I want to finish everything at once. What should I do?..."

I don't think you need any advice.

Rather, in the “illumination” of everything where you are - and then you yourself will choose your future path.

In this regard, I remember the words from the book of books, from the Bible -

“Save yourself, and then those around you will be saved..,”

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the presentation, but that’s the gist.

How? How to save yourself?

I'm afraid I can't convey it - in words - in a letter.

I'm afraid that I can only convey the path that I know myself, and it is only suitable for me.

Rather - I can help you see -

Myself - from the outside,

Life - from other points of view,

Meanings are not only those that you have,

The situation - a view from the outside,

Feelings are different

Experiences are different

The possibilities are different.

I think you can make the choice yourself.

It’s not like ending everything at once - there’s no such choice, it’s not a choice, it’s a defeat.

Which you don't deserve.


G. Idrisov.

Good answer 6 Bad answer 0

Hello, Ruslan!

The number and severity of the trials that befell you are impressive. I sympathize with you very sincerely. There is such a common “popular” opinion that every person experiences exactly as many trials and shocks as he can endure, and not a drop more. You know, I don't really like the so-called " folk wisdom", since it often contains a lot of stereotypes, templates and standardized programs, but here I still agree. A person can endure a lot, and before the tests begin he doesn’t even know how much. For some reason it seems to me that you are very responsible and a faithful person, and you cannot just pick up and abandon those who depend on you. And for this I respect you very much. But you definitely need to take care of yourself. Stress (or rather distress, as in your case) is an insidious and destructive thing , you need to keep an eye out for it. Stress needs to be prevented whenever possible, and if it has already “hit”, then minimize its harmful consequences for the psyche and physical health (since psychosomatic disorders often become the consequences of distress). Since you are a wealthy person, then I think you should spend some of your hard-earned money on yourself, on maintaining your psychological state. You can work with and reduce the effects of stress Negative influence, you can competently and effectively live through crises and losses (and there have been many losses in your life, and it is not clear to me from the letter how you lived through them). Therefore, I recommend that you regularly (at least during a crisis) go to a psychologist, someone with whom you can establish an understanding best contact, mutual understanding and trust. All the best, Elena.

Good answer 5 Bad answer 1

Hello, Ruslan! It is very sad to realize that the path that we have is one that we consciously or unconsciously choose ourselves... This makes it even harder, since breaking out of the vicious running in a circle is not only impossible, but also scary, since the experience of another is simply No! You can, of course, give up on everything and go to the Canary Islands, but such a thing will not even occur to you, and even if you do think about it, then in reality this is not a way out of the current situation... This causes melancholy and hopelessness that is not human... With awareness of the fact that it was created with my own hands and thoughts..?! It is useful to become aware of your feelings in connection with what is happening now in your life, to get to know them, recognize them, accept them, in order to then live and let go... to cleanse yourself internally and reconsider your life - with the value that “The best, What can I do for my loved ones is to become happy myself!!!" This is where I suggest you start! To begin with, answer these questions for yourself in order to see your situation more clearly and clearly: How do I feel about myself? What do I ignore and what do I avoid? What am I afraid of? Do I know my own boundaries? Am I cheating on myself? And if “yes”, then in what way? Do I work so I won't be poor? Or, in order to become rich and financially successful? To whom and what do I owe? Do others owe me? And if “yes”, then in what way? And if “no,” then do I owe myself anything? Etc. By answering these questions - and experiencing the feelings that arise - you can get out of “this debt hole” and begin to live with new energy potential and a new vision of what is happening in your life! The help of a psychologist will be simply necessary for you! Moral and physical rest for at least a week can restore your strength in order to better understand yourself! And at your leisure, just for yourself - I recommend that you read in my article “Awareness in Gestalt Therapy”, at the end - life philosophy Gestalt, written in the original nine commandments of K. Naranjo! I think this will help you! All the best. Sincerely, Lyudmila K.

Good answer 2 Bad answer 1

If a person is mentally tired, how to rest?

    We need to go in for sports and physical activity. I periodically do swimming and yoga, and I get a very pleasant feeling of physical relaxation. You also need to normalize your sleep and walk more in the fresh air.

    If you are mentally tired, I think that you need to focus yourself on learning about another area of ​​​​life (go to museums - read history), sports are a very good distraction and give a surge of vivacity.

    It wouldn’t hurt me either morally, psychologically, as it still happens, but to take a break from everyone, so that no one bothers me at all... so now I’m half-resting from everyone... alone, no one, lonely, something I want to, but... yes, turn on the music for yourself, that’s how I am now and relax....

    In order to get a rest full of psychological relaxation, you need to be alone for at least some time, in solitude.

    But, in this situation, there is no specific rule or method that would be suitable for any person and would represent a perfect pattern of behavior or certain actions. Each person has his own method, his own individual perception and a reaction to one or the other. But, you need to behave the way you personally wish, no matter what, exactly at that moment, at that moment, whether drinking a little wine, listening to your favorite music, or thinking about or drawing up some kind of action plan to implement it in in the future, it is possible to simply dream, remember some bright and joyful moments from your life, or maybe do all this at once. But all this listed is not a date for the rest itself, as such, it is just a date for temporary relaxation, a release of tension, but which is undoubtedly useful and necessary, but still does not solve the main thing, the main thing, which is not a date for complete rest. But in order to get real rest, it’s much more difficult here, since you need to realize that you have found a way out, seen the light, and are confident that your situation will change in the direction you want, which you may have found yourself, or received help from the side that will accompany you and change your life in such a way that it will renew it to such an extent that it will lead you into a certain freedom, where you will be able and have the opportunity to fulfill your life goal, realizing and embodying the most important and important thing in life for you, what is still in the stage of desires and dreams. Until this something appears, until such awareness occurs, there will be no rest as such, but only temporary psychological relaxation and stress relief. Such relaxation can be obtained by a trip to the sea or to some other resort, and only by finding or receiving the means to change your situation to the result you want, and realizing that this has happened or is about to happen, but in this you are completely confident , can give real relaxation, even if you arrive at a time far from resort place. And in principle, in any way.

    I will not give too long an answer, unlike Analostanka, whom I respect. I will limit myself to a modest recommendation - drink a little vodka or schnapps, and life will sparkle in all its diversity of colors.)))

    If the dose turns out to be small for immersion in nirvana, you can increase it.

    I think that a person becomes mentally tired when he does not live his own life. He does not what he wants, but what he needs. Of course, we all do what we need, but in a relationship I want and need to have harmony. And for you it is clearly necessary. Try to balance this relationship by pampering yourself by eliminating unnecessary obligations. Don’t rush to iron your son’s shoelaces, wrap sandwiches for your husband, or comfort your daughter, who is in trouble. Once again nothing to wear to a disco or school. Don’t despair because your boss ordered you to complete a project, but at work no one but you thinks about it, and only you are worried about the quality of the work done. You are probably characterized by hyper-responsibility with self-sacrifice, and, as a result, increased anxiety. You don't have to do BC! Delegate authority: let your men handle the shoelaces and sandwiches themselves. Don’t worry about your daughter over little things - this is how energy is drawn out of you. It’s better to tell your daughter: You know, dear, I haven’t bought new clothes for a long time either, I’ll go shopping. And buy something new for YOURSELF!, even cheap tights, but for YOURSELF, and no one else! Distribute part homework between household members, and tell them that you will not remind them about the timely fulfillment of their duties, they also live here and are equally responsible for the house. If you didn’t have time to complete a project at work, well, to hell with it, it’s not you who are responsible for it, but the entire department. So don’t worry - that’s what the boss is for. You need to learn (rebuild internal settings) to be free. Remember how Cinderella said in the Soviet film: It’s so harmful not to get what you want and deserve. And if you want to cross-stitch right now, but you have to cook dinner, sit down and embroider. Let your daughter simply peel and cook the potatoes to go with the herring she bought, and everyone will be full without delicacies. And you will prepare delicacies when YOU want.

    Sorry for the long answer, I just think I understand you.

    If you are mentally tired, I would advise you to spend the evening in good company and go somewhere to the sauna, bowling, etc.

    For me, the best mental relaxation is in nature, hunting or fishing. in good company, of course with vodka and for a few days. After such a rest, I was born again, ready for any exploits. You can also relax alone in nature.

    If you are mentally tired and want to rest, then you need to be physically tired and do work that is brought to the point of automatism so that you don’t have to think with your head. And then lie down and fall asleep without memory.

    It seems to me that it is important to switch. Go into the forest, with a new company, to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes going to a concert helped me switch gears. When it was bad, I took tickets to the circus)) It made me feel better... In general, you need something that you don’t do every day and haven’t seen for a long time, - I immediately remembered the holiday New Year, a fairy tale you need it, that's what! Or go to a sanatorium for the weekend and relax. Go to a poetry club and listen... - thoughts fly away, - who cares!

    If you are mentally tired,

    but not weak financially,

    then quickly go to Mallorca!

    It’s warm there, but what’s the use here!

    If there is not enough money -

    going abroad is a bit difficult

    you should go, then to the river,

    You can safely take a first aid kit.

    Maybe it’s even nicer here

    take a break from the hustle and bustle!

    Everything is here! Everything is clearer!

    Crucians, dogs, fleas!...

    Moral fatigue appears due to many reasons: problems in the family and at work, lack of sleep and much more. I would recommend relaxing in nature. Go fishing, hunting, take with you those people with whom you enjoy spending time and relaxing. It is better not to take your phone with you or turn it off so that no one will disturb you. Spend time without thinking about your problems. If it happens in the summer, then you can even spend the night in a tent, light a fire, and cook food over the fire. Unity with nature is very relaxing and gives a lot of strength. A good but more expensive option would be a trip somewhere: to the sea, on an excursion. First, try a simpler option - jogging, hiking gym or any other physical activity. When playing sports, a person develops specific elements, thanks to which the body feels better and mentally rested.

    I don’t really understand the meaning of the expression - I’m mentally tired. Apparently, this does not mean simple physical fatigue from walking, running, or hard work, but from intellectual effort? We need to switch. On the same physical work, For example. Physical education, no matter how banal it sounds. I don’t have time for fitness or exercise, so I walk to and from work. It turns out to be an hour and a half a day, no less. During this time I unwind and get a lot of impressions. In the evening I like to sit at the computer and have a tasty snack - now I’m chewing Danissimo cottage cheese. Reading the Internet and getting distracted by other people's problems is also an option. My moral fatigue no longer seems so unbearable.

    Are you mentally tired? Accordingly, physical fatigue will appear! My advice, judging by my own experience, is to sign up for a gym or a swimming pool and get some exercise!

During those periods when a person feels mentally tired, great importance has how satisfied he is, in principle, with what he does. If he is categorically dissatisfied with the profession or company in which he works, the depressive state can be much worse. When a person finds himself in this position, there are two ways to go.

The first option is to change the type of activity, learn a new profession, look for another job. In this way, the problem itself is radically solved, and a person is given a new start for development. However, it is not suitable for everyone. After all, there are times when some person just thinks that she is tired of working in a given company or doing certain things.

When dissatisfaction with your job appears against the background of general fatigue, you can try the second way to solve the problem: try to devote more time to your hobbies, do what you like, and not what you need. If you move from duties to pleasures, your condition will improve significantly.

Attitude to life

Perhaps your moral strength is running low because you take everything that happens too personally. If you continue in the same mode, your internal resources will not last long. Stop paying attention to annoying little things. Try to focus on the positive aspects. Surely you have them in your life.

Consider whether you are taking on too much responsibility for what is happening around you. You don't have to be responsible for literally everything. Know how to let go of the situation and delegate your responsibilities. Have pity on yourself and don't work too hard. This also applies professional sphere activities, and personal life. Sometimes a person tries to do everything everywhere and therefore quickly runs out of energy.

Proper rest

Do not forget that a person needs rest. Take breaks after every hour of work. Sleep sufficient quantity time, relax on the weekend, don't give up annual leave. Find a relaxation method that works best for you. For some, yoga becomes this method, others prefer meditation, others actively engage in sports, and others choose massage and relaxing baths.

Find an outlet. Let it be your hobby, hobby or communication with someone you love very much - a friend, partner, family member or pet. You need to make time for what gives you maximum pleasure not only during a personal crisis, but regularly.

Stress, work, problems and other factors constantly influence a person. Therefore, sooner or later, he is faced with a feeling of exhaustion or fatigue, which manifests itself in the onset of a state of physical, psychological or moral fatigue. If, after an adequate respite, physical strength returns, then it is very difficult to restore psychological, and especially moral, fatigue.

Description of the characteristics of moral fatigue

Moral fatigue - psychological characteristics, reflecting a person’s state of complete depression, leading to a lack of any interests, unwillingness to live, unfounded claims against oneself and biased self-esteem.

The danger of moral fatigue lies in a gradual psychological-neurotic disorder, leading to physiological consequences, such as chronic depression, neurosis, psychosis, etc.

WITH medical point view, moral fatigue, is a narrower and more specific aspect of psychological fatigue. It is influenced by factors that depress the moral component of the human psyche, these are:

  • regular humiliation from, for example, parents, husband (wife);
  • beloved, children, underestimation of superiors, social inequality;
  • actions committed earlier that do not allow you to live in peace;
  • Often, trivially, excess weight can lead to a similar condition.

A person can develop moral fatigue various factors, both external, independent of him, and himself, through “moral self-criticism.”

It should be clarified that there is no gender or age for this diagnosis. As strange as it may sound, even people can become mentally tired. Small child, for example, living in a single-parent family. Firstly, he understands that one parent (father, mother) is not in his life and this is already a trauma. Secondly, mom or dad, who are constantly tired themselves, regularly take it out on him. Thus, the child is subjected to moral oppression and destroys himself. The question is why my dad left me and what I am guilty of before my mother, or vice versa. Being in such a state and thoughts, the child himself destroys his personality, he becomes withdrawn, low self-esteem with self-doubt is developed, resentment towards life appears, as a result of which thirst and interest in it disappear. And this is only the most primitive example, and there are millions of such situations.

A state of moral fatigue can arise from a simple act that a person has committed and repents all his life, realizing the impossibility of correcting it, or has not committed and regrets it. Such a heavy moral burden leads not only to psychological, but also to physiological consequences.

Signs of moral fatigue

Psychological signs of moral fatigue are:

  • unwillingness to live;
  • lack of pleasure from previously joyful and familiar activities (the range can be different, from work, hobbies, cooking, sex, meetings with friends to communication with family, friends, children);
  • loss of interest in something;
  • chronic reluctance to do something due to loss of interest;
  • low biased self-esteem and constant self-esteem;
  • "self-criticism";
  • dissatisfaction with life.

Psychological and neurological symptoms manifest themselves in:

  • mood swings, irritability;
  • lack of sleep;
  • aggression;
  • unexpected increase in tone when speaking;
  • tearfulness, depression, hysterics.

Physiological symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • diarrhea, dizziness, weakness;
  • headache, decreased immunity.

Visual manifestations:

  • a person always has downcast eyes that do not express any interest or desire for anything;
  • stoop, shoulders also drooping, unsteady gait;
  • untidiness in appearance and the clothes are completely tasteless.

The main difficulty lies in identifying moral fatigue in a person and diagnosing it. Often this problem It is discovered quite late, because people have a tendency to hide their problems, and the symptoms are attributed to overwork and other factors.

Treatment of moral fatigue

Important! There is no specific answer to how to get rid of moral fatigue, since moral fatigue has purely individual causes and manifestations. Much depends on the person’s psychotype, the situation in which he finds himself, and environmental factors.

First of all, regular psychological self-therapy is necessary:

  • solution of external and internal conflicts as they arise, without accumulation, and it is better to avoid them;
  • after work stress, try to relax;
  • periodic change of environment - visiting excursions, entertainment events, travel;
  • playing sports, an exciting hobby that can distract;
  • communication with friends, family, lack of increased demands on oneself;
  • avoiding excessive self-criticism, healthy good rest and dream.

The state of moral fatigue can also worsen additional factors: vitamin deficiency, which depletes the body and reduces immunity, insufficient and irregular nutrition, which leads to stress in the body, insomnia, leading to neurological disorders, loss of attention and memory.

Considering the fact of the influence of moral fatigue on general state human health, complex therapy is required to restore it.

Therefore, if you have the corresponding symptoms, you need to contact specialists - psychologists, neurologists, who will select medications to maintain the body and stabilize it.

  • three high-quality meals a day to restore the exhaustion of the body. Eating certain foods: bananas, spinach, legumes, nuts, figs and garlic, containing vitamins and beneficial elements that can fight moral exhaustion and stimulate brain activity;
  • taking infusions of sedative herbs that stabilize the condition nervous system. For example, a mixture of tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, and valerian with the addition of the pharmaceutical product Corvalol is suitable for such purposes. All ingredients can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies. Mix tinctures of 25 ml each in a glass container, respectively, and then with Corvalol, of which 15 ml is sufficient. The resulting mixture is sealed and stored in a dark place. As a rule, this mixture is taken before bed, 1 tsp. diluted with boiled cool water. The maximum dosage is no more than 2 times a day.

Often, with moral fatigue, a person is forced to turn to specialists in the field of psychiatry, who directly select drug treatment in the form of antidepressants and certain therapy, then sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is prescribed.

Moral fatigue is a serious psychological and social problem that affects both the person himself and his environment. First of all, the tired person must realize that he needs to get out of this state. However, with proper therapy, rapid recovery occurs.