What can be grafted onto red rowan. Differences between vaccination in spring and spring and autumn

Everyone would like the trees on their tree to please them every year with an abundant and high-quality harvest, never grow old, and any variety they like to take root easily and quickly. It is quite possible to make all these dreams come true if you are an expert. Let's look into the nuances of this subtle and very fascinating matter.

The main rule of breeders is to graft like onto like. In this case, a successful result is guaranteed, since intraspecific vaccinations always grow together easily and bear fruit well.

Important! Internatal vaccinations are considered the most difficult, but quite realistic. For example, growing on, although it sounds like a fragment from a fantasy series, is quite possible. But such combinations are very short-lived. Cause- in the discrepancy between the development coefficient of the wood of the rootstock and scion. Over time, this graft turns into a thick log, which becomes too much for the thin leg.

The desired result can be obtained not only by crossing varietal and wild ones, but also in tandem of interspecific specimens. IN Lately gardeners are experimenting more and more, grafting on quince.

This combination is attractive due to the special taste characteristics of the fruit, which become more pronounced. It is almost impossible to achieve this when fused with wild animals.

Experts emphasize that in most cases it is used as a rootstock for and- on which the cutting you like takes root.
This variation is very successful for intervarietal and interspecific combinations, since the tree provides good nutrition to the scion, which, in turn, quickly absorbs useful microelements and forms an improved harvest.

But it is impossible to grow quince sprouts on a pear. This happens extremely rarely, even among professionals.

Cherry plum

A surefire option is to cross two varieties of this variety. But as a result of numerous experiments, botanists have proven that cherry plum is the best rootstock for most stone fruit crops.

Important! Vaccinations are best done at 4-5-year-old seedlings, since a too young, underdeveloped tree is not yet ready to grow together, and older specimens are already sufficiently formedfor this purpose. The older the rootstock, the more difficult it is to achieve results.

The reasons for the popularity of the rootstock are:

  • high survival rate of cuttings;
  • increased productivity of the future scion;
  • improved taste and big sizes fruits;
  • increasing drought and frost resistance of the scion;
  • the presence of fewer root shoots.

Experienced gardeners speak well of those grafted on, and. At the same time, the effectiveness of the latter combination is noted only in warm regions where there are no harsh winters.

It is also recommended to use semi-wild varieties of cherry plum for grafting.


Having become interested in higher gardening, many lovers of experiments combine incompatible things and, of course, become disappointed in the undertaking.

So that we don’t have to regret wasted time, we asked experts what can be instilled in.

In one of the largest garden nurseries in the country, we were advised to grow on this rootstock and.
And if you want to get something interesting from varietal plums, then it is better to graft on seedlings of large-fruited cherry plums. An excellent nutrient material for splicing is the rootstock VVA-1, SVG-11-19.

Important! Vaccination fruit crops It is better to plan in the spring, when the circulation of sap in the trunks begins and occurs very intensively. Summer experiments often fail due to dehydration, and autumn ones - due to early frosts.

These are the most common variations at the amateur level. Moreover, tandems of wild animals with hybrids and different varieties.

Did you know? Scientists have been able to prove that all plants transmit information about the amount of ultraviolet radiation received. This process occurs due to an internal mechanism reminiscent of nervous system primitive living organisms. For example, when light fell on only one leaf, a violent chemical reaction. In addition, it was different in the color of the irradiation.

But this is still an incomplete list of what can be grafted onto. It turns out amazing when combining it with cherry plum and plum. Moreover, in these cases the reverse option is also allowed.

And if you want to get a dwarf, very winter-hardy tree with a branched, variegated crown, try merging it with thorns.
In regions with moderate climatic conditions, “Korostynsky” cherry varieties are ideal for grafting, as well as cloned rootstocks “Izmailovskaya (PN)”, “Rubin”, AVCh-2, VP-1.


If you do not deviate from the key rule of gardeners, then the ideal option for cherry cuttings are frost-resistant varieties.

And when you want to expand the horizons of gardening possibilities, you can try to plant them on either cherry plum. These variations are welcomed among industry professionals because they have good survival rate and the ability to collect different types of fruits from one tree every year.

The only requirement for the scion: it must have good immunity and endurance to unfavorable cultivation conditions.

Did you know? In order to get results from grafted plants, you will need 4-5 years.

Experienced gardeners can try to grow with a plum, using the latter as a rootstock. This combination requires a lot of effort and knowledge, but the result is worth it.


The easiest way is to splice different ones. It truly brings pleasure maximum effect. For such combinations, gardeners give preference to the varieties “Svetlyanka”, “Lesnaya”, “Tenderness”, which are used for rootstock.
A good result is obtained when grafted onto quince. Such a shoot never grows tall, its fruits ripen much faster than usual and have a slightly tart, pleasant taste.

Well, if you ask, “Can you graft onto a pear?”, you will get a clear answer: “Yes.” The most common combination, which is characterized by the rapid fusion of rootstock and scion, is considered to be apple varieties “Melba”, “Vityaz”, and pear varieties “Kadefralnaya”.

Experts warn about the high yield of grafting, so they advise you to support the scion branches in time, since the risk of them breaking off is very high.

Did you know? The foliage on plants is located in a clear order: at a specific angle, at the same distance from each other, clockwise or counterclockwise. Mathematicians managed to describe these facts as fractions using Fibonacci numbers. For example, the angle between the leaves is 2/5, the angle between the leaves is 5/13, and the angle between the leaves is 3/8. Botanists translate these meanings as effective opportunity plants receive ultraviolet light and moisture.

It is allowed to engraft pear cuttings on, and even

Sloes and sand cherries. Seedlings from the seeds of local forms of ungrafted apricots, the so-called zherdels, are more winter-hardy than those grown from seeds of cultivated varieties. It is better to use cherry plum as a rootstock in cases where you are going to grow apricots on moist soils. loamy soils. Under these conditions, his trees grow and bear fruit better on cherry plum rootstocks rather than on poles.

Common quince- seedlings of varieties and forms of common quince, the most winter-hardy in the area, are used as rootstocks.

Japanese Quince (Chaenomeles) - best forms Chaenomeles is grafted onto the rootstocks of common quince, pear, serviceberry, and hawthorn.

Kalina- cuttings and eyes of varietal viburnum can be grafted into the crown of common viburnum seedlings.

Dogwood- seedlings of cultivated varieties or wild dogwood are used as rootstocks.

Plum- for this crop, seedlings of local forms of cherry plum, less often local red plum, are most often used as rootstocks. Can be used for this purpose

In this article we will talk about chokeberry grafting. Among fruit plants One of the prominent places belongs to the chokeberry; it is widespread in Altai, Leningrad and many other regions. Excellent yield, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests and high value fruit production in nutritional and technical terms puts it on a par with valuable fruit crops.

Chokeberry fruits contain 13.25 percent sugars. They are also rich in vitamin C (over 79.69 mg%) and vitamin P (1555 mg%). They are used as food in fresh and especially when processed, they prepare jam, marmalade, wine, and liqueurs. Jam and wine are an excellent remedy in medicine for gastric diseases and hypertension, they have a resolving effect on gouty deposits.

Chokeberry propagation by cuttings

Enormous demand for planting material Amateur gardeners cannot be satisfied with this crop due to a lack of seedlings. However, gardeners who want to grow their own chokeberry can be advised to purchase cuttings, which is much easier, and graft them into the crown of an ordinary rowan.

To do this, you can use adult chokeberry plants aged about 5 years and older, available in home gardens and in the surrounding forests.

After transplanting, trees must be heavily pruned to reduce the volume of the crown. It is best to graft cuttings or budding in the second year after planting. If the tree is growing well, it is better to do it on the shoots of new growth (otherwise the eyes will not take root).

Leaving a trunk of wild rowan about 1.5-2 meters high, you can get chokeberry after grafting into its crown beautiful tree weeping form. Fruiting of chokeberry after grafting into the crown begins in the 3rd year. The grafted tree reaches considerable size and produces abundant harvests.

Pear seedling (seed rootstock)

The choice of rootstocks for pear trees is much smaller than for apple trees. After lengthy selection, the seed rootstock of the Kirchensaller Mostbierne variety has proven itself well. It has good winter hardiness and strong growth. Pears (Sorbus) and hawthorn (Crataegus) are also available, but these combinations have not gained popularity.

Vegetatively propagated pear rootstocks

But the Golden Pear variety with small fruits that taste like marzipan is on the verge of extinction.

Cultivated forms of medlar with large fruits (for example, German medlar Mespilus germanica) are grafted onto hawthorn; such seedlings are covered with thorns and produce only small fruits. Vaccinations for quince, pear and rowan are also possible.

Varieties of German medlar (Mespilus germanica) with large fruits are often grafted onto monogyne hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna).

You can grow wonderful standard forms on mountain ash.

Rootstocks for cherries

Bird cherry

As before, sweet cherry seedling (Prunus avium) remains the most common rootstock for both sweet cherries and cherries. Until now, the rootstocks mainly used were Limburger Cherry and Pure Hüttner, bred from the True Light Bark Harz Birdcherry variety. You can also purchase virus-free Altenweddinger seed rootstock.

Grafting of cultivated cherry varieties is generally done using the appropriate grafting method at the height of any desired branching, since the grafted cherry varieties themselves are often less frost-resistant and more prone to gum development. Therefore, we do not recommend grafting cherries onto the root collar.

Antipka, or Magalebka

The rootstock variety Antipka, or Magalebka (Prunus mahaleb), is suitable for dry, sandy soils both for sweet cherries and sour cherries, but more weak-growing than Bird Cherry (Prunus avium). When grafting different varieties of cherries, some incompatibility often occurs.

Vegetative rootstocks for cherries

Maxma Delbard 14

A slightly lower-growing, well-proven cherry rootstock from micropropagated crops (i.e. propagated in vitro). It arose by crossing Magalebka and Sweet Cherry (Prunus mazzard). If possible, it is better not to prune scions on such a rootstock in the first three years.

A somewhat weaker, vegetatively propagated rootstock derived from Bird Cherry (Prunus avium), and Colt. Virus-free Colt rootstock was developed at East Malling Research Station (England) by crossing Bird Cherry (Prunus avium) with Chinese Cherry (Prunus pseudocerasus). It grows much weaker.

Sweet cherries grown on a trellis give especially abundant harvests, as they receive very good lighting and optimal care from all sides.

Bird cherry, and in combination with both cherries and cherries exhibits full compatibility. Thus, Colt rootstock has become one of the most popular cherry rootstocks. Sometimes there is a tendency of young trees to form aerial roots.

Gisela rootstocks

As a result of the program for breeding rootstocks for cherries at the University of Giessen, as a result of crossing the varieties Morel shady (Prunus cerasus) and Sweet cherries (Prunus canescens), the best clonal rootstocks appeared - Gisela 3, Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 (growth vigor increases with increasing ordinal rootstock numbers). These rootstocks were healthy rhizomes with pronounced weak growth. Cherries grafted onto these rootstocks grew from 1.8 to a maximum of 2.5 m.

The plum variety Friar (also Monk) produces a very large fruits unusual flat shape. It is also grafted onto a vigorous rootstock.

These rootstocks are propagated by a new method of meristem propagation, in which the plant is grown in a test tube from the meristem tissues of the plant (in this case, by the way, the clone is freed from viruses).

Other cherry rootstocks

Meanwhile, many other cherry rootstocks were developed. Weaker clonal rootstocks came from the German town of Weihenstephan (Beirut) and from France (Tabel, Yaspi, Julior, Torinel).

Although almond cultivation has no particular agricultural significance, it is still successfully cultivated in areas with a suitable climate. Basically we mean sweet almonds.

Almond seedling (seed rootstock). Vigorous, suitable for warm and very dry places.


A hybrid rootstock obtained by crossing almond and peach promotes strong scion growth and is suitable for good, permeable soil.

Ishtar. Medium-vigorous rootstock, promotes a good large-fruited harvest, does not form wild growth.

Peach and nectarine. Winter-hardy almond trees can also be planted in more northern regions.

Peach seedling (seed rootstock)

Peach seedlings are grown from the Gigama and red-leaved Rubira varieties for the subsequent formation of vigorous plants. In eastern Germany, the Proskauer variety is also used as a rootstock.

Brompton plum. Vigorous plum rootstock, also excellent for grafting into the crown.

Prickly plum, or thorn. The sloe produces a pronounced dwarf growth; sometimes it needs support on a stake. However, life expectancy is significantly limited. Basically, only amateur gardeners graft peach and nectarine onto sloe.


Apricot seedling (seed rootstock)

Seed rootstocks of the Millionaire variety produce vigorous trees and are recommended for dry soil.

If you grow apricot in a spacious tub in a suitable place, then even in northern latitudes you can count on an annual harvest.

Cherry plum, or myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera)

Myrobalan is a vigorous, healthy rootstock, the formation of stolons is possible.

Torinel. Medium-vigorous apricot rootstock with early fruit set. Also suitable for impermeable soils.

Currants and gooseberries

Currants and gooseberries in bush form are grown from cuttings. Low-standard or high-standard forms, as well as the Heinemanns Spätlese variety, are propagated by grafting. If the varieties form strong, erect, zero shoots growing from the roots, then they can be cut off and grafted with cuttings at the desired height.

Golden currant (Ribes aureum)

Golden currant is the most important rootstock, and several different breedings are known.

Oregon gooseberry (Ribes divaricatum)

The rootstock is well suited for areas with heavy rainfall and for deep places, since golden currants in such conditions have a tendency to edema (dropsy).

Common gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa)

Along with Oregon gooseberry and golden currant, it is also good for grafting cultivated gooseberry varieties. Moreover, some hybrids of currants and gooseberries, such as Yoshta, are also excellent as rootstocks, due to their strong growth and smooth straight trunk.

Currants grafted onto a standard can be grown anywhere in the garden, as they do not take up much space.


Real walnut (Juglans regia). Strong Walnut as a rootstock it promotes strong growth, but rather late entry into fruiting.

Black walnut (Juglans nigra). Black walnut as a rootstock does not produce such strong growth and makes the walnut bear fruit earlier.

Common hazel

Common hazel (Corylus avellana). This type of rootstock is primarily used for propagating corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana ‘Contorta).

Rootstocks for citrus fruits

By plants in tubs we mean those plants that, in the climatic conditions of Central Europe, usually do not have winter-hardy properties, and if they do, then only taking into account certain precautions. Therefore, most of them require appropriate wintering quarters during the cold season.

Planting seeds from a wide variety of citrus fruits sold in stores is very popular, since the seeds in most cases germinate, and in favorable places - on a south-east or south-west window or ideally in a greenhouse, and in summer on fresh air- corresponding green plants with outlandish leaves and flowers grow from them. However, those who expect to receive flowering and fruiting citrus within a few years, in most cases, disappointment awaits, because seedlings of most citrus species bloom after many years.

Poncirus trifolia is not only an excellent rootstock for citrus fruits. This is our only winter-hardy citrus plant with attractive flowers and a bountiful harvest apple-like fruits in autumn.

And since almost all citrus fruits sold in stores are hybrids or selection varieties, then the propagation of varieties by generative, that is, sexual, means is in principle impossible.

Citrus cultivars are grown by grafting onto suitable, for example, low-growing rootstocks such as Poncirus trifoliata and its variety Flying Dragon (var. monstrosa).

Three-leaved poncirus (Poncirus trifoliata)

Poncirus trifolia is the most important rootstock for citrus fruits grown in tubs. It is low-growing and especially cold-resistant. But this does not mean that the varieties grafted onto the three-leaved poncirus will become cold-resistant and can be grown on open ground. Incompatibility may occur with some varieties of grapefruit and pampelmousse.

Poncirus trifolia is the only one we have winter-hardy species citrus fruits. When grown in a tub, it also has a very attractive appearance.

Poncirus trifoliata var. monstrosa ‘Flying Dragon’

This rootstock grows even weaker than the previous one. In combination with cuttings from low-growing cultivars, such as Hong Kong or mini kumquat (Fortunella hindsii), or Chinese bush orange (Severinia bwdfolia), bonsai can be grown. The twisted trunks and downward thorns look especially attractive on this rootstock.

Citrange (Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus sinensis)

Citrange varieties (a hybrid of Poncirus trifoliata and Citrus sinensis orange) such as Carrizo and Troyer, due to their strength, tolerance and disease resistance, are often used as medium-vigorous rootstocks in citrus-growing countries.

Citromelo (Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus paradisi)

Citromelo (a hybrid of Poncirus trifoliata and Citrus paradisi) is a healthy, highly compatible rootstock. If they want to achieve stronger and faster growth, then they often use citromelo.

Selection US119 (Citromelo x Citrus sinensis)

Vigorous, insensitive to cold, very prickly hybrid of citromel and orange Citrus sinensis. Also suitable as an intermediate insert for grafting.

Orange (Citrus aurantium)

Orange, or bitter orange, often grows simply on the streets Southern Europe. Typical plant in a tub in greenhouses. All types and varieties of citrus fruits grafted onto orange trees become vigorous and relatively short term form strong trunks.

Wild lemon (Citrus jambhiri)

Those wishing to grow a fast-growing citrus plant should graft it onto this particular rootstock. Wild lemon is often sold under a second name: rough-skinned lemon.

Rowan is valued by breeders as a reliable rootstock option. To its stem or rhizome you can attach a cutting with a bud of the plant that needs to be propagated.

As a rootstock, one that is more hardy and resistant to conditions is used. external environment plant to help the main tree produce healthy and juicy fruits. This method of reproduction is called vegetative. You need to know what rowan can be grafted onto and how to do it.

Advantage of the rootstock

You can see this tree in almost every yard. The fruits have healing properties and can be used for decorative purposes. For what advantages do gardeners use rowan as a rootstock for certain crops?

  1. Frost resistance. Is a champion among fruit trees in endurance low temperatures. The tree can withstand temperatures down to -50°C. Resistance to diseases and pests.
  2. Adaptability to the soil. Perfect option– dry or medium dry soils: the tree will also be able to adapt to wet ones over time.
  3. Weakness. Thanks to this feature, the harvest promises to be early and prolific.
  4. Compactness. Relatively small in size, the tree will not take up much space on the site.
  5. Neutrality. Use will not affect the taste of the fruits of the grafted tree.

Not every fruit tree is compatible with rowan during the growing season. You need to know which plants gardeners graft using such a rootstock.

Grafting with apple tree

Often among agronomists the question arises whether it is possible to propagate one of the trees from cuttings of another. Success depends on what type of apple tree we are talking about.

Positive results can be achieved by grafting varieties of plum-leaved apple, which is Chinese, onto rowan. It is frost-resistant and has small fruits. In other cases, the grafted area will die off immediately or later.

Let's look at the advantages of using rowan rootstock for an apple tree:

  • acceleration of fruiting - sometimes the farmer collects the first harvest of apples after 2 years;
  • rational use of the garden area and enrichment of the harvest by grafting several apple varieties onto one rowan tree;
  • restoration of a tree with a broken trunk.

The success of grafting rowan onto an apple tree depends on the right choice varieties

It is compatible with varieties such as autumn Bellefleur-Kitayka and Dolgo. Apple cuttings begin to be prepared as early as February, but only if the air temperature is at least -10 °C.

In the midst of spring, sap flow usually begins. To determine it, you need to carefully pry the tree bark with a sharp object. If it rises easily, the process has started.

Please note that both plants involved in propagation must be young and healthy. A rowan seedling can be moved from the forest.

Methods for grafting an apple tree with rowan

The most popular methods include crown grafting. These include copulation, splitting and crown grafting. The 1st one is suitable if the diameter of the rowan matches the apple tree branch at the site of the rootstock. When the branch is slightly thinner, splitting occurs. If the difference is significant, you will have to turn to method 3.

To copulate you will need a special sharp knife, plastic strips and garden pitch. A diagonal cut is made on the rowan branch, then it is split. The treated cuttings are cut to 3 buds, the rootstock is wrapped in film, and the sections are treated with varnish.

When splitting, the rowan branch is cut against the axis and splits by 5 cm. The cuttings are divided into 2 parts. Both need to be connected to the split so that the edges of the bark also grow together.

When grafting an apple tree by the bark, you need to cut off the thickest rowan branch. Notches are made on the bark, the cuttings are cut obliquely and inserted into the splits. At the end, film treatment is required.

Grafting for pear and chokeberry

These fruit trees are grafted onto rowan less often than apple trees. In vain, because the results are good.

Whole, fresh rowan cuttings with 3 buds are selected to match the size of the transverse branch.

The cuttings are cut in a wedge shape, and should be as thin and sharp as possible, close to the rootstock. This way he can get the maximum amount of nutrients from the mother tree.

The contact point is wrapped with electrical tape. Tools for work are pre-sharpened and disinfected.

There is a secret to success: a cutting is taken with the buds in full bloom, and another tree is taken with the buds beginning to bloom. The optimal time for the process is evening with cloudy weather. Pear trees grafted with rowan bear fruit in 2–3 years, grow small, and delight their owners with a rich harvest for a long time.


Chokeberry has the same advantages as red one, but looks like a shrub with strong branches. Growing by ramming helps to form the chokeberry into a tree-like structure.

The practice of grafting pear, rowan and chokeberry is uncommon, but does occur. A plant with a trunk of 75–100 cm is formed. Trees after such a rootstock are early, fertile and beautiful.

Rowan grafting is successfully practiced experienced gardeners for reproduction fruit trees. By following the recommendations, you can get a rich harvest.