What do you need to light up your apartment? Consecration of an apartment, finished house, other premises

Try to drink holy water more often, especially Epiphany water, and sprinkle your homes with this water, but before that you need to wash and clean everything in the house. Once a year, on the night of January 18-19, the Lord sanctifies the entire earth, all the water in all rivers and lakes is sanctified. In the old days in Rus', ice holes were always cut on rivers and lakes on this night, and at exactly midnight people went to swim and collect Epiphany water. I happened to be in Siberia once. There is not a single temple there for several hundred kilometers, but people in Epiphany night, at 12 o’clock they go to the river and collect Epiphany water, storing it in closed buckets and flasks all year round. They take this water every morning on an empty stomach and illuminate their body and soul with it, and consecrate their homes with sprinkling. This water never spoils if no one swears or does bad things in the house. When the water runs out, they take ordinary water, pour it into a bucket and add a few drops of Epiphany water three times, saying the prayer: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” and that’s it, the water is sanctified again and can be used again. The power of this water is great, demons fear it more than the fire of hell, because it burns and expels everything unclean, heals spiritual and physical illnesses, and adds strength to a person.

Epiphany water HEALS - all diseases, inflammatory processes, tumors, cleanses human blood, liver, treats stomach ulcers, heals kidneys, treats the heart, lungs, nerves, diabetes, glaucoma and generally returns vision if you constantly instill this water in your eyes. When a person falls ill with a serious illness, it is even necessary to drink a tablespoon of Epiphany water every hour, crossing himself with the prayer: “Lord Bless me to drink Epiphany water and heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” so that the sick body gains strength to fight the disease and then the person quickly recovers.

All our houses and apartments need to be LIGHTED, this is VERY IMPORTANT! Especially when people move and start living in houses and apartments that people have already lived in before them. Many people simply do not know that it turns out that our houses remember everyone who lived in them and there are happy and unhappy apartments and houses. That is, the energy of the atmosphere of people living in houses and apartments is superimposed and imprinted on these houses and apartments, and remains in them. This can be compared, for example, with how they record this or that music on a blank tape cassette; you can record a melody by Mozart or Beethoven, or you can record hard rock or criminal swearing songs. So it is here. If the house or apartment you are moving to has good and calm people, if they also lived as believing Orthodox Christians, then the energy of the atmosphere of the house will be positive and peaceful - because God blesses this house, so the new residents will live calmly and well if they are normal people.

We must know that if the previous residents drank, drank moonshine, used drugs, swore, swore, fought, engaged in debauchery, rock music was played in the house, there were pornographic magazines, newspapers, videotapes in the house - then such a house or apartment is DEFAMATED .

In such houses, demons have settled and negative energy has been deposited, therefore, if such a house or apartment is NOT SANCTIFYED, then no one in this house WILL HAVE goodness and a good life. Everyone who would not live in such a house or apartment will also swear, quarrels will begin, various troubles and problems, and even misfortunes. And if in this house lived people who studied and practiced magic, astrology, extrasensory perception, cast spells, bewitched and told fortunes, or sectarians lived in the house, or Jews, Muslims or Buddhists and Hare Krishnas - then this house is CURSE by God and therefore the new residents will not be happy , evil spirits who settled in this house will not give them any quiet life.

It happens that someone was killed in a house, or someone committed suicide, then there will be nothing good in this house either, often people cannot live in such houses and apartments, also when someone dies of old age or from illnesses - all such houses must be LIGHTED by inviting a priest to the house. Moreover, it is better to throw away the beds and sofas on which a person died; even in hospitals, doctors and nurses know this well, that if a patient is put on a bed on which someone died before him, then the person immediately becomes much worse. The fact is that clothes, shoes, bed linen, beds and sofas on which people sleep - all these things seem to remember their owners and are imbued with their spirit, which is why you CANNOT dress or wear other people's clothes and shoes, especially you can't dress them in them children.

Even if you take your child the clothes of the children of your relatives or friends and acquaintances, then if their children were capricious, aggressive and disobedient - you absolutely CANNOT take these clothes and dress your children in them, they will also begin to behave BADLY. You need to wash these clothes first and then sprinkle them Epiphany water.

Therefore, you must not allow strangers onto your bed, you must not even allow strangers to sit on your bed, you must NOT dress or carry other people’s things, only as a last resort if you have nothing to wear, but at the same time you need to read a prayer for the consecration of things and sprinkle them with holy water . All things and goods that you buy for your home must be ILLUMINATED yourself, reading a prayer for the consecration of things and sprinkling them with holy water - then these things will serve us for a long time for our benefit, and you thank the Lord for this mercy.

Prayer for the sanctification of every thing. (in order for the things that we have or have bought to serve us for a long time, they need to be illuminated.) To the Creator and Maker of the human race, the Giver of spiritual Grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest Blessing to this thing ( to name things), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession for those who want to use it (names), it will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. (And they sprinkle things with holy water - three times)

That is why, for example, when we are traveling on a train and receive bed linen on which we are going to sleep, then this linen needs to be crossed with the Sign of the Cross three times with the prayer “Lord, cleanse these things from all filth, from all bad things. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Also, when we have to stay in a hotel, we also need to read prayers in the room, cross everything with the Sign of the Cross, including the bed on which you will sleep.

It is necessary to LIGHT all the houses and apartments in which you are going to live, especially those houses and apartments in which people have already LIVED before you - otherwise all sorts of problems and troubles may begin. When houses and apartments are consecrated, in a special prayer the priest asks that God cleanse this house or apartment from all filth and bless the house and everyone living in it. If the people who live in this house are good and calm people in themselves: they don’t quarrel with each other, don’t get drunk, don’t engage in debauchery, don’t steal - then the Lord blesses this house and the people living in it. And then people begin to live well. That is why it is necessary to illuminate all houses and apartments so that the people who will live in them can live kindly. Understand all this is very important, if only people knew - how many good families quarreled and fell apart, only because they did not believe in God and did not consider it necessary to illuminate their home, how many children got out of hand, became disobedient, stopped studying, how many children's destinies were spoiled. How many misfortunes happened to the people who lived in these desecrated and God-cursed houses. In the old days, people knew this well and, having invited a priest, they served a special prayer service already at the foundation of a new house, and then after the completion of construction they consecrated new house, that’s why our ancestors lived peacefully and amicably.

I will give an example of how IMPORTANT it is to serve a prayer service when laying the foundation of a house and to illuminate the site itself on which a new house will be built. In one house in the center of the city there lived a witch who constantly cast spells, I found out about this completely by accident. The house was old, built by the Tsars, but since it was in the center of the city, the time had come to demolish it and build a big one in its place. apartment house. Once construction began, the residents of this house were relocated and the house was quickly demolished. And then something incomprehensible began, the construction manager told me about this, all sorts of problems began, starting with financial, supply of building materials and ending with personnel, general construction the new house froze and did not move a single step, and time passed. Then, after suffering for more than six months, the construction manager invited a priest, who served a prayer service and blessed the entire construction site. Only after the consecration did the construction of the house get off the ground, turn around and begin to boil with redoubled force. The house was built quickly, in a few months, and now it adorns the city center.

I will tell you one illustrative case related to the consecration of a house with ordinary Epiphany water. Once, when we came to visit some of our friends, we started talking about God, I had Epiphany water with me and I invited them to sprinkle them three-room apartment, at one time church employees showed and explained to me how to do this correctly if it is not possible to invite a priest. A new brush is taken for painting, with which no one has done anything - the brush must be washed with soap, a bowl or some vessel is taken, which must be crossed three times with the Sign of the Cross with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” and pour Epiphany water into it. Before sprinkling, you need to read the prayers: “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary”, “May God rise again” and “King of Heaven” - three times each. After this, you need to sprinkle each room with Epiphany water in a cross pattern three times, each corner of the room in the indicated order: east - west, north - south, reading the prayer: “Lord, cleanse this room from all filth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After sprinkling a house or apartment, you need to read aloud 12 chapters from the Gospel, it is best to read the Gospel of John. So, having sprinkled their apartment, I went home, and in the morning the excited owner of the apartment came to my work and told the following story. They moved into this apartment a year ago - and the whole family, a husband, wife and two daughters, could not sleep in their new apartment, having difficulty falling asleep after three in the morning, and then only a short time, naturally they were very tired from such incomprehensible insomnia. It turned out that there was a brothel in this apartment, the owner and her daughters took men to their place, drank and debauched, because of this the apartment was DESCRATED. And when I moved new family, despite the fact that the apartment was made good repair– living in it became uncomfortable and difficult; even flowers did not grow in the apartment. After I sprinkled Epiphany water, read the prayers and the Gospel, and, as it were, consecrated the apartment, the whole family fell asleep soundly at nine o’clock in the evening and in the morning everyone overslept, the parents were late for work, and the daughters were late for school. Insomnia disappeared, flowers began to grow.

There was another case in my practice. I was asked to help in one family, where six months ago a person was killed in one room, and after that no one could be in this room, not to mention living and sleeping in it - people felt bad in this room. When the room was sprinkled with Epiphany water, after reading prayers and the Gospel, everything PASSED and people were able to begin to live normally in this room. Of course, it is best, if possible, to invite a priest who will not only bless your home but also serve a special prayer service.

In the village there was a house in which all family members were sick, causeless quarrels and swearing constantly arose at home, chickens and geese died, cows and pigs died. Eventually, the owner of the house went to the local church and invited the priest to bless the house that they bought and moved into. The priest came, blessed the entire house, the entire yard and buildings, then gathered the whole family and talked with them about God, and asked that the whole family come to his service, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. So they did. That's it, after that the quarrels stopped in the house and peace and quiet came, no one was sick with unknown diseases anymore, cows and pigs, chickens and geese stopped dying, and the owners began to zealously attend church.

I’ll also tell you how Epiphany water helps people. Once I was returning home by train, the ride was still long, about two hours. And then at one station a young couple entered the carriage, they had a Small child, who did not stop loudly, almost crying bitterly. The child’s crying was very strong and after almost half an hour of crying, I could not stand it and approached them, asking what happened to the child. A man, the child’s father, answered me and told me the following story. About two months ago they were visiting someone with their child, before that everything was fine, the child grew up practically healthy and calm, nothing foreshadowed trouble. Returning from visiting, they noticed that the child became restless and began to cry; that night, for the first time, the parents did not sleep due to the constant crying of the child. And now this child’s crying has been going on for more than two months, without stopping, the parents tried everything they could and went to the grandmothers, but nothing helped, the child’s mother was especially tired, she had no face, she was so exhausted. I tried to cross the child and read prayers for him, but nothing helped, and then I remembered that I had a bottle of Epiphany water with me and I decided to give the child this water to drink. Having poured Epiphany water into the bottle cap, my father and I began to try to give the child something to drink, and then the child flew up in his arms, began to scream loudly and twitch in different sides. With difficulty holding the child, we opened his mouth and poured Epiphany water into it. At that same second, a miracle happened: there was silence in the carriage, only the sound of wheels could be heard. The child lay back in his mother’s arms and immediately fell into a deep sleep and slept all the way to the city without waking up. Before parting with them, I told them that the next day they must bring the child to church and give him communion, and I told them not to forget about God, to constantly pray and go to church. Two days later, when I came to church, I met them again, they came to church to give communion to the child and when they saw me, they thanked me for my help, and said that for the first time their child slept all these nights in a deep, restful sleep and everything was fine with him. That's the power in Epiphany water. As far as I understand, someone simply jinxed their child very strongly.

Many people nowadays are very curious and want to know everything, and therefore, out of pure curiosity, they often buy and bring into their home books on magic, the occult, which are sold in all stores, they think that these are completely harmless books, just like everyone else other books, and therefore you can safely keep them at home and read them. I must tell you right away that this is far from the case. Not everything can and should be known to a person, and most importantly, not everything is useful, and there are things that pose a direct danger to their unscrupulous and overly curious owners.

What are magic and books on the occult? These are books of the devil himself, therefore, when we buy them and bring them into the house, we thereby open the doors of our house and voluntarily invite EVIL spirits into our house. That's it, after that, Trouble loomed over the house and everyone who lived in it. I will give one of many cases that I knew personally.

Magic in the house is a TROUBLE, it is like a magnet - ATTRACTS UNHAPPINESS!

One woman bought it just out of curiosity big book magic of Papus and brought it to her home. She didn’t even read this book, she just looked at it a little, put it aside, and forgot about it. A little over a year has passed. I must say that the woman had an unusually good family, Kind loving husband, son, they lived amicably, they were also well off financially, the only thing was that although they were baptized, they were practically unbelievers, this is all around us in our time. Ordinary people like all. First they are robbed, then their husband is killed, right in the entrance of their house, she loses her job and to top it off, after some time an accident happens to her son, he becomes disabled. Yes, this woman eventually understood where and why so many misfortunes befell her, she burned the magic, invited a priest and consecrated her house, but unfortunately the misfortune had already happened and she could not return her husband, nor could she return the health of her son. There are a lot of such stories and all because people are very curious, they want to know even things that are not supposed to and are dangerous, without looking into them, they drag everything to their home.

You need to know that reading Magic, books on the Occult and bringing them into your home is very DANGEROUS. It is also dangerous to have in the house images of evil spirits, pictures, posters, drawings on clothes, figurines of demons, video cassettes and DVDs with similar films, horror films - all this, like a magnet, attracts evil spirits into the house, which brings misfortune to everyone who lives in the house . Among our youth today it is very fashionable to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with images of evil spirits, skeletons, skulls, accompanied by corresponding inscriptions, they also like to hang similar posters at home - so, this is dangerous and often leads to deaths from their owners.

If in your house there are books on Magic, Occultism, Kaballah, Fortune telling or with Healing and Love Spells, posters, drawings depicting evil spirits, figurines of demons, horror films, or there is PORNOGRAPHY, pornographic magazines and films - then you need everything of this - to GET RID of it and destroy it all.

After this, the house MUST BE sanctified by inviting a priest. And if this is not yet possible, then you need to diligently SPRINKLE everything in the house with Epiphany water or Holy water - all the walls, ceiling, floor and doors, things and furniture and read the Gospel at least 12 chapters out loud in the house.

If you have read MAGIC and books on OCCULTISM, books by the Roerichs or on Buddhism and yoga, or Kaballah, or books by Castaneda, or books with conspiracies, watched horror films and pornographic films, then all this needs to be CONFESSED. If you have used healing spells, then you need to repent of this. Often, Orthodox prayers are printed before conspiracies or along with them; moreover, it is recommended to read the prayers first, and then read the conspiracies - so the devil is trying to mix both the pure and the filthy into one heap.

You need to know that all CONSPIRACIES, no matter what they are and no matter how they are read with or without prayer, are from the devil and CAUSE great HARM to people.

It often happens that after the visit of unwanted or unfamiliar guests, the house suddenly becomes uncomfortable and bad, quarrels even begin - this is a sign that one of the guests has envied you and, as people say, has jinxed you. Unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of people on earth who have an evil, envious eye. Therefore, if you don’t like one of the guests, then immediately after they leave, you need to read prayers, read 3–7 chapters of the Gospel of John, and sprinkle the whole house with holy water, preferably Epiphany water. And it’s best not to invite people you don’t like, whom you don’t know what kind of people they are, to your home, and also don’t invite Bad people, gypsies, sorcerers and sectarians into your home. And you should not take anything and bring it into the house of people you are not sure that they really are. good people, even if these are your neighbors, and it’s better not to have any communication with bad neighbors, your life will be calmer.

Do not INVITE every person and bring them into your house - for there are many wiles treacherous person and he can cause Evil. Settle a STRANGER in your house and he will upset you with unrest and make you a STRANGER to your loved ones. / Bible. Book of Wisdom of Sirach./

We need to be careful in our time and know that any person whom we do not know well and are not sure that he good man– You CANNOT invite him to visit you, let alone live with him. Therefore, you CANNOT INVITE just anyone into your home, people you don’t know and aren’t sure about them - that they are good people. A lot of people HAVE SUFFERED because of this STUPID TRUST, so you need to be smarter and MORE CAREFUL.

That's why - you CANNOT show the baby to anyone except your close relatives, you need to cover the child and not let anyone look at him, neither neighbors, nor friends, nor girlfriends, nor acquaintances, etc. strangers- to no one. Little children under one year old are very SENSITIVE to envious and angry, unkind people, and if you DO NOT PROTECT the child, then they cry a lot, cannot sleep, get seriously ill, become nervous and restless. Therefore, you need to pray well for them and vigilantly protect them from all curious “well-wishers.”

We ourselves also need to remember this and protect ourselves from witchcraft and the evil eye, this is also why we, Orthodox Christians, read prayers every day in the morning and evening. In the morning, having read our prayers and crossed ourselves, we leave the house - and God, through our prayer, protects us all day, and if we also prayed for our loved ones and relatives, then God protects them too - from evil people and all sorts of misfortunes. In the evening, after reading prayers, God protects us all night until the morning.

You can consecrate your home absolutely free on one of the coming Thursdays.

To do this, go to Church and buy several candles for your home and 3 for the Orthodox image of St. Nicholas.
Lighting 3 candles for him, cross yourself and say these prayer lines:

Wonderworker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. Let it be so. Amen."

You go back.

When you come home, light one candle and walk with it through all the corners of your apartment without exception, while reading the prayer for consecration, which I inherited:

I clean the corner, I clean the floor, I clean the ceiling and walls. I drive away demons, I drive away envy. I burn a candle to illness, illness and misfortune. Amen."

This a short prayer You can write on a piece of paper, holding it in one hand, and with the other hand cross the corners of the apartment, the room itself and the walls.
Do this 3 Thursdays in a row, not forgetting to go to an Orthodox church on these days and ask Nicholas the Pleasant for his blessing to consecrate the apartment yourself.
In about one month you will feel the holy grace of cozy rooms.

I bring to your attention an Orthodox prayer for cleansing the house, addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Over time, our Father's house becomes a container of negative energy.
When we quarrel and sort things out, we don’t think about the fact that our home needs prayerful cleansing.
This is not for you to “wave a broom”, collecting dust particles with a damp cloth.

The essence here is Orthodox cleansing, which must be carried out at least once a month.
For this purpose, prayers were conceived to cleanse the house, read to Nikolai Pleaser.

How to cleanse yourself with prayers.

Cleansing with a prayer word should be carried out with a pure soul. This means that before the procedure itself you need to visit an Orthodox church and confess to Father. You will also receive blessed communion and a strict three-day fast. Only after this can you begin to cleanse the house.
You need to cleanse your home, house or apartment with candles, moving them around the perimeter of the room.
This should be done slowly, patiently monitoring what kind of soot is formed and how the candles behave in a specific area.
The “quieter” the flame and the barely perceptible crackling sound, the less favorable the energy zone.
And don’t forget to sprinkle holy water in the corners of your spacious apartment.
Prayerful cleansing of your home will help you drive away accumulated grief from your apartment.

Text of prayer for cleansing the house.

The prayer is quite long, so it is not at all necessary to memorize it.
Just write it down to Blank sheet paper and read repeatedly, cleaning the apartment and following the tips suggested above.

I address you, Saint Nicholas. You show us your miracles. Help me cleanse my house from my own and sent filth. From swearing and filth, from anger and envy, cleanse my house. With a candle and holy water, cleanse my house. From the demonic mob and vicious thoughts, cleanse my house. So let peace and love nest in him. Let it be so. Amen.!

It was one of the most strong prayers to cleanse the house.
When asking St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for gracious help, try to swear as little as possible, restraining yourself and forgiving others.

Prayer for the blessing of the house to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Before you begin Orthodox prayer, go to the Temple and submit a simple note about the Health of your household.
Also don't forget about the eve.
Place 3 candles each at the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
While standing at the image of the latter, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Wonderworker Nicholas, bless my house and those living in it. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and go back.
Get plenty of holy water and buy 12 candles.
If the icons listed above are not available, purchase them from the Temple.

The ideal option would be for each person living in the house to personally ask for blessings from Nicholas the Ugodnik.
Otherwise, you will pray.

Light all the candles. Place icons and a decanter of holy water nearby.
While fervently crossing yourself, begin to repeatedly whisper the Orthodox prayer.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Savior and Defender. We, all living in a common monastery, ask you for a holy blessing.
Let it be light and calm, without quarrels and absurd enmity. Let it become joyful, enough, that’s what we pray for.
May the angel not leave our house, and may your miracle descend. Kindness will not cool down in the hearts, and the Kingdom of God will come.
Thy will be done. Amen."

Cross yourself again and drink holy water.
Let everyone else take a sip of it too.
This prayer, addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, is formulated in poetic form.
She will definitely be heard, and the house will be blessed.
Just believe in it.

To protect your household from negative interference, try reading prayers.

First, visit an Orthodox Church and submit simple notes about the health of all family members.
Place 3 candles each Orthodox icons Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.
Additionally, purchase 12 more candles for your home, collect holy water and buy, if not in stock, the icons listed above.
Crossing yourself diligently, go back.

Light all the candles at the most appropriate time. Place icons and a glass of holy water nearby.
Mentally ask the Lord God for forgiveness - for yourself and everyone living in the house.
Start reading multiple times. Orthodox prayers addressed to the Almighty.

Prayer to protect the family.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect my family from the machinations of the enemy and strengthen our faith in holy orthodoxy. Cleanse our souls from sinful soot and deliver all living people from terrible diseases. Do not allow discord in the family and help us understand your life-giving wisdom. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer to protect the house.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect my home from fierce envy and from the attacks of evil people. Save us from the sinful abyss and do not test our faith severe trials. Save our house from ruin, fire and desecration. Thy will be done. Amen.

Drink the holy water and let all family members sip it.
Read these prayers if you feel something is wrong.
Do not rush to intrigue your spiteful critics.
Let the Lord God himself determine the measure of restraint for them.

For peace to reign in your family, try reading a special prayer that will help you find a compromise.

Before you begin to pray fervently, you need to visit an Orthodox Church and submit health certificates for all family members.
For a sick resident, it is best to order a Prayer for Health.
When you come home, light it up church candles and mentally imagine peace and grace.
After this, begin to read the prayer word repeatedly:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me all sins, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Remove family discord and help you find peace and love. Help you to hold on in a quarrel and anger, and not to break down in an argument. Help others with this too. Thy will be done. Amen."

There is another prayer for peace in the family, also addressed to the Lord God.
Read it if you suspect that an evil person has caused discord in the family.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Turn our enemies away from our family and cleanse us from envious filth. If discord is happening with demonic help, help me stop it. Grant us a peaceful life and forgive all sins committed out of ignorance. Thy will be done. Amen."

The ideal option would be if everyone living next to you prays independently for peace and a prosperous family life.

God bless you!

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Help the Temple

Upon entering new apartment or a house after renovation, we notice that it is somehow not cozy, not lived-in. Outwardly everything is fine: there is electricity, gas, water, the repairs don’t seem to be bad, but still, something is wrong.

What exactly is missing? But there is not enough spiritual light, spiritual comfort, which can be achieved by consecrating an apartment.

It would seem that all you have to do is invite a priest to your apartment and it will immediately be sanctified. But this is a little different.

When the priest comes to bless the apartment, he will do his job: he will pray for those living in it, sprinkle the apartment with holy water, etc. It's all about the owner of the apartment. Because the person living here himself must participate in the consecration of his own home.

Before inviting a clergyman into your home, you need to prepare. How to prepare for the consecration of an apartment?

There must be icons in the house. Make sure that they do not hang in different corners or walls in the rooms. Icons should be in the “red” corner of the apartment, in a place of honor. The “red” corner is usually made to the east. Usually, a Cross is attached at the very top, just below the icon of the Savior (on the right) and Mother of God(left). This is the basis of the “red” corner. If you have other icons, they can be placed on the sides or below the main ones.

There is no need to place photographs of relatives among the icons, be they living or deceased. There is no need to decorate the iconostasis (the place where the icons are located) with garlands. It is best to buy a lamp. They are available both hanging and standing.

In order for the priest to bless the apartment, it is also necessary to prepare holy water, 4 candles and cups of cereal to place the candles there. If you don’t have candles or holy water at home, tell about it in the temple, where you will negotiate with the priest, then he will bring everything himself. We also prepare a clean towel or towel - this is for the Gospel.

After the priest consecrates the home, peace, prosperity, one might say, a certain calm and tranquility reigns in it. Many people said that after the priest left, they didn’t even ventilate the apartment; they wanted this air, with the smell of incense, to be felt longer.

But what should you do if, some time after the consecration, you notice that the house is somehow gloomy and uncomfortable?

First, the grace received as a result of sanctification must be protected. If in the house, let’s say, they swear and smoke, then these actions drive away the grace of God and attract demons, to whom bad words are like sweet music, and tobacco smoke like incense. Then the answer is simple, in order to maintain a “peaceful spirit” in a home, it is necessary that those living in it try not to sin, live peacefully, and not quarrel. Then there will always be a favorable atmosphere in the house.

But still, the apartment is not blessed by the priest for the second time. Then what should you do to regain your lost grace?

In this case, the Church gives us the right to consecrate the apartment ourselves. This is not just a right, but a direct responsibility!

To consecrate the apartment yourself, you need to sprinkle all the rooms with holy water with the prayer “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". You can ask for holy water at Orthodox church. Under no circumstances should you contact sorcerers, asking them to “charge” the water - this is a great sin.

Sometimes people ask the question: “What to do if there is a devilry?. Well, let's think about where something unclean might live? Of course, where it is unclean. Conclusion: we are looking for the reason in our own life. What did we do wrong, how did we drive away grace, because in a spiritually unclean place holiness is not present. First you need to go to church, be sure to prepare for confession and receive communion. You can tell the priest about your problem and invite him home again. There is a special prayer “For the temple, cold from evil spirits.” You can’t read it yourself; that’s the priest’s lot. If the priest does not undertake to expel evil spirits (everything is required), then contact a hieromonk or an elder, for example, the nearest monastery.

Please know that playing with such phenomena as poltergeists, UFOs, etc. is very dangerous.

In the diary of A.S. Pushkin, the famous poet, has a documentary record of such a “miracle”. A house is described where furniture was constantly moving, chairs and tables were flying. The police couldn't do anything. It all ended with the arrival of the priest, who served a prayer service in this house.

There are a lot of such anomalous phenomena these days. This is allowed by God to enlighten people, so that they come to their senses, look around, and change their lives.

I want to say one more thing. When moving to a new apartment, many people invite all sorts of “brownies” and “owner” with them. Don't do this, don't call trouble on your head. Others let the cat into the house first, and hang the walls of the house with amulets, scary masks, amulets, and talismans. Invites psychics into the house. Don't do this. The Gospel clearly says - to drive out Satan with Satan, or to cleanse dirt with dirt.

In conclusion, I want to say: do not mistake the consecration of an apartment for some kind of magic ritual. Without your fate, without the desire to change for the better, the priest will not be able to do anything. And that grace that is visible during sanctification will quickly disappear. Don't let this happen. Remember, a home is a small church. Don't allow sin to spread within him.

God bless you!

M Congratulations to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

Discussion: 16 comments

    Hello, tell me please. We have a large mirror in our bedroom, we hung it up for two days (it was uncomfortable), and no one died. What could happen? Thank you in advance.


    1. Maria, good evening!
      We urge you not to believe in signs and not to defile your soul with superstition. Cannot be attributed magical properties interior items, in your case - a mirror. We advise you to churchize your life, begin the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion at least once every two weeks, and, most importantly, we advise you to fear only one thing in this life - to offend and offend God with your unbelief and cowardice.
      May God make you wise!


    I want to light up my apartment. I myself am a Muslim, my husband is a peasant. Is it possible to illuminate the apartment in our case?


    1. Hello, Zhanna!
      An apartment can be blessed if an Orthodox Christian wants it, but if a representative of another religion wants it, then the reason is unclear. The first thing you need to sanctify is yourself. And apartment lighting for Orthodox Christian- this is a symbol of the fact that a person intends to sanctify not only his inner self, but also everything that surrounds him, including his home. The consecration of an apartment is a person’s intention to live a Christian life in this house. It is impossible to use the consecration of an apartment for any magical purposes.
      With God blessing!


    Hello! Developer multi-storey building in his materials he says that when starting construction, he invited the priest to the consecration, and upon completion, the mufti slaughtered a lamb. Does this somehow affect the energy at home?


    1. Hello, Konstantin!
      Of course, in any business it is important who does the work and how, what his thoughts and intentions are. But they are building houses different people. On your part, it is necessary to bless the apartment upon arrival. The consecration of an apartment is its dedication to God, i.e. we must strive to live in it as Christians.
      With God blessing!


    Hello. Tell me, do I think my apartment has been jinxed? Can this even happen?
    Anywhere - I feel fine, but as soon as I cross the threshold of the apartment, I immediately give up... and I don’t want to do anything... I often get sick...
    and I’m not the only one... everyone who lives in the apartment with me, is it the same with them?
    I was thinking, maybe lighting the apartment would help? And can I do this myself? Or do we still need to look for the priest?
    In the name of the father, son and holy spirit... amen...

The consecration of one’s own home is a whole ritual that must be done if a person is a believer. This is the most best protection from bad and unfavorable energy, devilish forces, real involvement in the church, true faith in the Lord God. It is popularly accepted that it is necessary to consecrate an apartment or house after moving to this place or if renovations have been completed. In any case, this is a blessed ritual that does not make anything bad, but only internally comforts each person. For those who do not know how to properly bless an apartment with water, you should call Father or, having learned about all the rules, try to walk through the entire house yourself.

How to properly sanctify a house with Epiphany water

This tradition is quite ancient, as it dates back to the moment Christianity was born. Even then, all Orthodox Christians knew that holy water was one of the main protections for the people. Today this ritual is performed by a priest, since he is the one who knows exactly how to bless an apartment with water. You just have to go to any church or chapel to talk with knowledgeable people, at what time you can consecrate your house.

They say that only a servant of the Lord can perform the ceremony correctly. Why Father? The fact is that all clergy have undergone the sacrament of the Priesthood, therefore each of them is endowed with divine rights that allow them to conduct this church rite. But the main rules for a believer who wants to sanctify his home still exist. Here's what you need to do before inviting Father into your home:

  • visit perfect order, remove all those things that are not lying well;
  • try to throw out everything unnecessary and useless;
  • the apartment should have an icon and several candles from the church;
  • the priest will come with his personal belongings, for which it is necessary to make some space.

The time spent consecrating a house with holy water, as a rule, takes Father a little more than an hour. You don’t have to watch his every move, you can just watch from the side. And the most important thing is not to be distracted.

How can you consecrate your apartment with holy water?

If it is not possible to contact a priest, then you can consecrate the apartment with holy water yourself. True, in this case, it is important to visit the church and receive a blessing, because without it the ritual will not work. It is necessary to stock up not only with icons and the necessary candles, but also with a prayer book, which contains all the most important sacred texts, which are usually read during the ceremony. Such literature is purchased only in the temple; it is not available in any other store. Detailed preparatory instructions before consecrating each room with holy water:

  1. When reading a prayer, the believer always turns to God, to the Mother of God, who constantly protects man, to all the Guardian Angels and other Saints. You cannot think about anything extraneous during the consecration of the apartment. You need to tune in and clearly say your prayers (you can also silently) and see the true meaning in them.
  2. It is also important that the lifestyle be close to the spiritual. For example, you should not let negative energy into your home, or swear in your apartment every day. It is worth attending church at least on weekends every week, and even better, attending Saturday and Sunday morning and evening services.
  3. A person needs to sincerely believe in the Lord God and never wish harm on anyone, even the most sworn enemy and ill-wisher. You should always rejoice for the happiness of those around you, even for those who have done something painful and bad.
  4. Do not defile your thoughts with bad thoughts, do not say bad words out loud, avoid all bad habits, do not violate the Bible commandments.

If all these four points are present in life and observed, then blessing an apartment with water will be a great blessing. Holy water can be brought from the church absolutely on any day when it is convenient for the believer to perform the ceremony. To do this, on the porch of the temple or in the hall, holy water in bottles is usually prepared for everyone to take away, the price for which is symbolic.

You can also use other water - the one that Father sanctifies during a church holiday: you just need to bring a container and wait for the priest to go around, substituting your water. In order to perform the ritual yourself, you need fresh water, just blessed.

You cannot use a stagnant one, as it takes on all the negativity in the apartment. So:

  1. In his left hand, the believer should hold a bowl of holy water, and with his right hand, sprinkle the drops in front of him on all the walls of the room.
  2. It is customary to start the ritual from the eastern corner, the movement should be clockwise.
  3. It is important to read the “Our Father” prayer, which everyone knows from an early age. If there are prayers such as “May God rise again” or Psalm 90, then they will also need to be read.
  4. It is not necessary to carry out the church ritual of consecrating the apartment on Thursday or Sunday. You can choose any other day convenient for this. But, of course, Friday is best avoided.

Blessing an apartment with holy water - what is it for?

If a believer has consecrated an apartment, this does not mean that now there will be no sins in his life. We are all partly sinful people, and sometimes we don’t even notice that we are not doing the purest and best things. Having consecrated each room, a person becomes a little closer to the Lord, entrusts his home and the roof over his head to the Almighty, and promises to maintain peace and tranquility in his family. Yes, in a place whose walls are sprinkled with water, fewer illnesses occur and swearing is much less common. But everything depends only on the person, since the consecration of an apartment is only a small step towards ensuring that everything will be fine in the future.

There is one wonderful example, which happened relatively recently in real life. The family lived in ordinary apartment, previously unconsecrated. There were constantly scandals, squabbles and even assault between the spouses. It seemed that these two people loved each other and respected each other, but for some reason in this particular room everything did not go as usual. In any other place, a real idyll could be traced between the spouses.

Having consecrated the apartment, the husband and wife began to swear less, listen to each other more and respect the opinion of their loved one. The consecration of each room helped the family find peace, harmony and endure all the accumulated devilish negative energy beyond the threshold of the family world. This is the most shining example and the fact why it is still worth consecrating your apartment with holy water.

Which house or apartment is considered unclean?

Firstly, this is a place where they often drank, used illegal substances, swore a lot, hurled dirty words, fought, and engaged in debauchery. Secondly, this is a room where people who do not believe in the Lord God live. It is precisely such dwellings that are usually considered unclean, and they should be illuminated with holy water at the most convenient opportunity.

It is believed that such houses are not only shrouded in negative energy, but also full of demons. It’s true, everyone who is present in an apartment where there is constant scandal becomes the center of the conflict. Anyone who lives in such conditions will never feel true happiness, will always face problems and troubles, and there will be no peace in their souls.

Many people moving to a new place do not even know that astrologers, psychics, fortune tellers or sorcerers once lived here. All these groups of people are not from God, there is nothing Holy about them. And the apartments in which people associated with magic once lived and spent their lives must be consecrated immediately. Under no circumstances should children be allowed into a house where Father has not yet been with holy water. Especially if a witch or any other person associated with magic and extrasensory perception once lived in this place long ago.

Even if everything depends on the person - after consecrating the house with holy water, living in a clean room becomes much simpler, easier and more enjoyable. You won’t want to make trouble anymore, you won’t want to resort to bad habits, constant harmony will reign between people. Many believers can confirm that after the ritual of consecration with water, even breathing indoors becomes much easier than before. Let every home have only peace, pleasant thoughts and constant children’s laughter, and negative energy as less as possible. Consecrate your apartment - this is the best decision for everyone, if faith in God is strong and unshakable enough!

Is it possible and how to properly sanctify an apartment with water?