What is long flax? Biological features of long flax

Moderate temperatures in spring and summer with intermittent rain and clear weather are favorable for fiber flax. Flax seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 5 °C. Flax seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5 °C. The sum of active temperatures for the sowing - shoots period is 60 ° C, shoots - the beginning of flowering - 418...440, from flowering to early yellow ripeness - about 410 ° C. The most favorable air temperature in the flax seedling phase is 9...12°C, for further growth and development 16...18 °C. When air temperatures exceed 22 °C in combination with dry weather, plant growth is inhibited, stem branching increases and fiber quality deteriorates. To achieve technical ripeness, the duration of the growing season with a temperature of 10 °C and above should be 75...90 days.

Curly flax is more demanding of heat than long-lasting flax. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 12 °C. Oil flax has the greatest need for heat during the flowering and seed ripening period (20...22 °C). The sum of active temperatures during the growing season is 1600...1800 °C (for fiber flax - 1100... 1500 °C).

Fiber flax is quite demanding on soil moisture. Both excess and lack of moisture in the soil during the entire growth period reduces the flax yield. To swell, fiber flax seeds require 160% of water by weight, and curly and mezheumka seeds require 140%. Starting from the Christmas tree phase until flowering, the need for moisture increases; plant growth and development proceed normally with reserves of productive moisture in the layer of 0...20 cm, 30 mm or more. Preservation of moisture in the soil is one of the most important conditions for the formation of a high yield of good quality. It is not advisable to place flax in areas with close groundwater levels. Excessive rainfall after flowering and during ripening causes lodging of flax and contributes to the development of various fungal diseases.

Fiber flax is a long-day plant with moderate requirements for sunlight intensity. Strong lighting causes increased branching of the stem, which reduces the yield of long fiber. In conditions of excessive shading, flax lays down and very loose fibrous bundles are formed. In this case, the elementary fibers have a rounded shape, a large internal cavity and slightly thickened shells with sharp layering, i.e., flax of reduced quality is obtained. The net productivity of photosynthesis in fiber flax during the period of rapid growth - budding reaches 10... 14 g per 1 m 2 of leaf area per day. The process of photosynthesis proceeds normally with increased solar radiation at the beginning and in the second half of the growing season and with relatively low illumination during the period of rapid growth. The best solar lighting regime is created when the leaf area at the budding phase for early ripening varieties is 35...40 thousand m 2, late ripening - 40...50 thousand m 2 per 1 hectare.

In the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation, cultivated soddy-podzolic medium and light silty loams with a low degree of podzolization are considered the best for fiber flax; the soil reaction is preferably slightly acidic (pH 5.6...6.0). Light soils (sandy loam and sand) are unsuitable for fiber flax. It also does not work well on heavy clay and acidic peaty soils. On soils of homogeneous fertility, the plant develops its root system more evenly and forms a leveled stem. The microrelief of the soil is essential. The most favorable is a leveled field with the following indicators: contour of at least 20 hectares, humus content in the 0...20 cm layer is about 2%, salt pH 5.6, easily hydrolyzed nitrogen 10 mg, P 2 O 5 content 15...20 and K 2 O 13... 17 mg per 100 g of soil (according to Kirsanov), volumetric mass of soil 1.2...1.3 g/cm 3. However, in flax-growing areas, a significant part of the fields have a small contour, low content of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen in the soil, high acidity and weediness.

Botanical description

The plant has an erect stem, round, smooth, covered with a waxy coating. The height under normal field conditions is 65-100 cm, and sometimes up to 125-150 centimeters. When sown sparsely, it is prone to branching. The leaves are narrow, pointed in shape, without petioles, reaching 36-40 mm in length and 2-5 mm in width. Arranged densely, alternately along a helical line. When ripe they fall off, starting from the bottom of the stem. The fiber content of the stems ranges from 20 to 30 percent.

The flowers are blue, but there are flax varieties with white, purple and pink petals. Flax is a predominantly self-pollinating plant, but cross-pollination is possible.

The flax fruit is a spherical small capsule 6.1-8.3 mm long and 5.7-6.8 mm wide. It is five-locular, each nest is divided by an incomplete, usually pubescent septum into two half-nests containing one seed each. In industrial crops, the number of normally developed seeds may be less than ten (depending on the flax growing season conditions). Ripe bolls remain closed and only when they are left standing do they crack and the seeds fall off. In prolonged wet weather they can germinate in boxes.

Flax seed is ovoid, flat, with a slightly curved and narrowed nose (germ end). Healthy seeds usually have a brown color of varying shades - from light to dark brown; their surface is smooth, glossy, and highly flowable. Dimensions of fiber flax seeds: length from 3.2 to 4.8 mm, width from 1.5 to 2.2 mm, thickness from 0.5 to

1.2 mm, the weight of 1000 seeds ranges from 2.8 to 6 g. Although the color and size of the seeds are hereditary characteristics, they are influenced by growing conditions.

A seed consists of three main anatomical parts: the shell, the endosperm and the embryo. The shell protects the seeds from harmful external influences - mechanical damage and the ingress of toxic substances, especially dangerous to the embryo. The shell allows oxygen and water to pass through under certain conditions.

Under the shell is the endosperm, rich in protein and fat, used by the embryo during its growth. In a ripe seed, the endosperm and embryo are developed relatively evenly. The embryo consists of a small root, two cotyledon leaves and a bud located between them. The bolls are located on pedicels at the top of the stem. Depending on the variety and agricultural technology, there are usually 1-6 and sometimes up to 10-12 boxes on one plant. The less often the flax is sowed, the more bolls there are on the stem.

The seeds are light brown, smooth, shiny, sliding. The weight of 1000 mature seeds ranges from 3.5-5.5 grams. Flaxseed contains up to 23%. protein and 37-40% fat (oil).

The largest mass of roots is located at the depth of the arable layer. The main tap root reaches a length of up to 100-150 cm and has numerous lateral branches.

The duration of the growing season and individual phases of flax development depends on meteorological conditions, soil moisture conditions and the variety. With the end of flowering, the growth of stems in height and the formation of green mass stops.

Structure of flax stem (cut)

1 – skin (epidermis)

2 – cuticle

5 – bark

4 – bast fiber bundles

5 – conductive fabric

6 – educational fabric

7 – wood

5 – core

9 – cavity

Features of growth and development during the growing season

Fiber flax is a self-pollinating plant, but cross-pollination is also possible. This is facilitated by the open structure and bright color of the flower, which attracts insects, especially bees. In the process of growth and development in fiber flax, the following phases are distinguished: shoots, or cotyledons, “herringbone”, budding, flowering, ripening.

The duration of each phenological phase, as well as the entire life cycle of fiber flax, depends on the varietal characteristics and growing conditions. On average, its growing season is 80-90 days.

About 15 days pass from the appearance of cotyledon leaves to the “herringbone” phase. By this time, the plants reach a height of 5-10 cm and have 6 pairs of leaves closely spaced to each other. The growth of flax in the “herringbone” phase is characterized by a very slow pace, which some researchers associate with the passage of plants through two main stages of development - vernalization and light.

It is believed that the vernalization stage of fiber flax lasts 5-8 days and in some varieties it occurs before emergence, and in others - after. During this period, plants are not sensitive to light intensity and develop better at low temperatures (+ 5-8cC).

By the light stage, flax usually enters the state of expanded cotyledon leaves. Its duration varies widely and even for one variety, depending on the temperature, can vary from 35 to 28 days.

At this time, the plants’ root system is intensively developing, the growth point is elongated, and the potential for stem formation is laid. The longer the light stage, the more internodes are formed and the more prerequisites are created for subsequent intensive linear growth of the stem. Reduced air temperature (+ 8-12°C) helps to lengthen the light stage and leads to an increase in the final productivity of plants.

After passing the light stage, flax plants enter a period of rapid growth that lasts until flowering. The average daily growth of the stem at this time can reach 4 cm or more. 15-22 days before flowering, the plant forms up to 75% dry matter and 60% fiber. At this time, the potential growth opportunities of flax are realized.

Increasing the duration of active growth, whether caused by lower temperatures or genetically specific, results in a longer growing season and higher fiber yield.

During flowering, the growth of the stem in height slows down greatly and stops towards the end. An important condition for the passage of this phase and the formation of full-fledged seeds is increased air temperature and moderate soil moisture.

The ripening phase is characterized by rapid lignification of the stem and the formation of seeds. In this phase, green, early yellow, yellow and full ripe flax are distinguished. There are no sharp boundaries between the phases; the transition occurs gradually.

The growing season (from germination to ripening) of fiber flax is short - 75-90 days.

Requirements for environmental factors

Areas with a moderately humid climate and relatively low intensity of sunlight are most suitable for the cultivation of fiber flax. These conditions, when sowed densely, promote the formation of longer, thinner and less branched stems containing a significant amount of high-quality fiber.

Fiber flax is a moisture-loving plant. Transpiration coefficient 400-430. At the TSHA experimental station it was established that during the growing season, fiber flax consumes about 7 tons of water from the soil to form every 16 kg of fiber. Flax is most sensitive to a lack of moisture in the soil during the budding and flowering phases, i.e., during the period of rapid growth.

During drought, plant height, fiber yield and quality decrease sharply. Fiber flax is a long-day crop. It is cultivated in a zone characterized by the sum of temperatures during the growing season within the range of 1400-2400°. Moderately warm, or rather even cool, weather is favorable for it, without sharp fluctuations in temperature between day and night (15... 18 °C). Hot weather (22 °C) retards growth, especially if there is a lack of moisture.

Flax seeds begin to germinate at 3...5 °C, the best temperature for germination is 9...10 °C. Flax seedlings tolerate frosts down to -4 °C.

Fiber flax is also demanding in terms of soil nutrition, as it has a relatively underdeveloped root system. Flax uses the bulk of its nutrients during the period of rapid growth - during the budding and flowering phases. It reacts negatively to a lack of microelements in the soil, especially boron. Applying boron fertilizers to flax helps to increase the yield of fiber and seeds.

Fiber flax develops well in places with a moderate, humid climate. Short-term frosts (3-4°) are not dangerous for flax seedlings. Prolonged or lower frosts lead to thinning or death of seedlings.

Strong lighting promotes branching of flax plants and the formation of flower shoots. This property of flax is used when propagating seeds in seed production, using wide-row crops.

To grow a hundredweight of crop, flax consumes 400-430 centners of water. Therefore, flax suffers greatly from lack of moisture. The most dangerous for flax is the lack of moisture in the soil when it is in the budding and flowering phase, which leads to a sharp decrease in yield. However, flax does not tolerate large excesses of water in the soil. It grows poorly in soils with close groundwater. Excessive moisture during the flowering and ripening period contributes to the development of fungal diseases and lodging of flax.

The best soils for flax cultivation are medium and light silty loams. Less suitable are light sandy loam soils, especially those with sandy subsoil, as they do not retain moisture well. On such soils, flax suffers from lack of moisture. Even less suitable are heavy cohesive clay soils, which are highly compacted and form a dense crust after rains.

Economic and biological characteristics of the variety

The best and most common varieties of fiber flax:

1. VNIIL 11: Productive in straw and seeds, medium-fiber (25%), high-stem, late-ripening (92 days), resistant to lodging.

2. K-6. Productive honeycomb, tall, late ripening (90-195 days). Resistant to lodging and rust

The most accessible means of obtaining high and high-quality yields of flax products is the use of new and promising varieties.

Despite a significant reduction in cultivated area and production volume, flax remains an important source of raw material for the Russian textile industry. The efficiency of flax growing is determined by the quality of the fiber produced, which depends both on the cultivation technology and, mainly, on the potential of the varieties grown. Therefore, one of the main tasks of modern fiber flax breeding is the breeding of varieties with high fiber quality.

New varieties should have a more complete range of economically useful traits and properties. The question of creating early-ripening, productive varieties of flax arises urgently. This direction is of particular importance in connection with the transition of production to dew flax straw.

In addition, the vast majority of fiber flax varieties cultivated in Russia practically do not differ in appearance from each other; they have blue flowers and brown seeds. This makes seed production very difficult. For this reason, the development of new varieties of flax, which differ from existing ones not only in economic and biological, but also in morphological characteristics, is of great importance. The creation of varieties with marker traits will provide legal protection of breeding achievements and increase the efficiency of seed production.

The first domestic fiber flax variety Belochka with two marker traits (white color of corolla petals and light brown seeds) was bred at the Vyatka State Agricultural Academy. The variety has a complex of economically valuable traits and is a donor in terms of fiber quality. In recent years, the Department of Plant Growing of the Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, based on the Belochka variety, has obtained a number of new selection numbers of fiber flax with marker morphological characteristics. Identifying among them those that are promising in terms of economic and biological properties is an urgent task.

Over the past 30 years, the average fiber yield has decreased from 3.2 to 2.5 c/ha, while its quality has simultaneously decreased (Zhuchenko, 1994). The Tver region, where about a quarter of the cultivated area of ​​fiber flax in Russia is concentrated, has the best results in flax growing, but even here there was a decline in production and purchases of flax products by 3.5 times.

Some of the reasons for the drop in yields are a decrease in the overall farming culture in flax-growing farms, a decrease in the level of chemicalization, and an increase in total losses from pests from 22.5 in 1986-1990. to 36.2% in 1991-1995. (Zakharenko, 1997).

Currently, the idea that fiber flax is one of the crops most sensitive to the manifestation of diseases, pests and weeds in its crops is generally accepted. According to V.A. Zakharenko (1997), the potential losses of flax products in 1991-1995, on average per year, from pests amounted to 4.4%, from diseases - 10%, from weeds - 21.8%. In 1996-2000 crop losses from weeds tend to increase - 24% (Zakharenko, 2000; Zakharenko V. A, Zakharenko A. V, 2001). The basis for the favorable phytosanitary state of agrocenoses is the stabilization of the relationships between harmful and beneficial components.

To date, each harmful object for fiber flax has been studied in some detail, for some the harmfulness and its economic threshold have been determined. It remains to overcome one more barrier that makes it difficult to obtain an assessment of the field harmfulness of a complex of pests - to assess the negative effect of the combined impact of harmful objects on flax plants. This will reduce the density of pests to the level of economically insensible losses and contribute to nature conservation. The characteristics of harmfulness obtained as a result of field research are a necessary element in calculating the economic thresholds for the harmfulness of harmful objects and organizing effective control against them.

Taking into account all the known factors that complicate the assessment of harmfulness (compensation by the community of cultivated plants for negative influences, selectivity of harmful objects, interaction of influences on the culture of harmful objects, the completeness of their complex, early heterogeneity of crops), complex harmfulness in fiber flax crops was determined. The total losses from flax flea beetles, flax anthracnose, and weeds amounted to 14.9% or 4.9 c/ha of the potential straw yield and 13.7% or 0.5 c/ha of the potential seed yield.


When selecting sites for sowing flax, the determining factor in the suitability of the field is the acidity of the soil (pH KL should be no more than 5.5).

Loamy and sandy loam soils underlain by moraine loam are most suitable for flax cultivation.

Thin loams, underlain by sands from a depth of 0.5 m, as well as sandy loams, underlain by moraine loam, can be used.

Automorphic sandy loams and cohesive sands underlain by sands, soddy-podzolic soils with signs of temporary excessive moisture are of little use.

Sandy and sandy loam soils, underlain by sands, as well as peat soils are unsuitable for flax cultivation.

Flax crops should not be placed in fields with shallow contours, steep slopes and with a bouldered surface layer of soil.

The suitability of arable soils for flax cultivation, depending on the granulometric composition, is shown in Table 1.


The best predecessor for placing flax in crop rotation are winter and spring grains, going along the layer or rotation of the layer of perennial grasses.

Placement after potatoes fertilized with organic fertilizers, as well as after clover due to lodging of flax, is not allowed.

Return flax to its original field no less than after 5 years.


Tillage of the soil for flax consists of early autumn plowing, followed by cultivation with a semi-fallow cultivator.

The first cultivation is carried out to a depth of 10-12 cm, the subsequent one - 8-10 cm, in order to prevent the upturning of new layers of soil clogged with weeds.

To destroy harmful weeds (perennial cereals and dicotyledons), it is necessary to apply glyphosate-containing herbicides and, after 15 days, plowing with plows with skimmers.

For flax, even plowing and complete rotation of the layer are required. Plowing is carried out to a depth of 18-22 cm with plows with screw or semi-screw molds.

Removal of podzolic soil layers, unsealed landfill and break-up furrows, and unplowed headlands is not allowed.

Smooth plowing using reversible and rotary plows is promising.

In flax crop rotation, it is necessary to loosen the subsoil horizon with an AKR-3 unit once every five to six years.

Spring tillage:

Spring cultivation must begin when the soil reaches physical ripeness.

On sandy loam soils, harrowing is carried out using a harrow coupling, on loamy soils - with a KPS-4 cultivator, etc. to cover up moisture. The depth of spring cultivation should not exceed the depth of the last autumn cultivation. A second cultivation is necessary to incorporate mineral fertilizers.

During spring tillage, the use of energy-saturated tractors is not allowed to prevent over-compaction of the soil.

Pre-sowing tillage is carried out using a combined unit AKSh-3.6. The working depth is no more than 6 cm, the method of movement is rutting.


Organic fertilizers are not applied directly to flax.

With a fiber yield of 10 c/ha and a corresponding number of seeds, flax removes from the soil 58 kg of nitrogen, 23 kg of phosphorus, 73 kg of potassium, 35-40 kg of calcium, 20-25 kg of magnesium.

Doses of mineral fertilizers are calculated depending on the content of nutrients in the soil and the size of the planned yield (Table 2).

When sowing flax after cereals, following annual and perennial legumes, the dose of nitrogen is 10-15 kg/ha a.i.;

When cultivating flax after cereals, the predecessors of which were grains or cereal grasses, the dose of nitrogen is 20-30 kg/ha a.i.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring before pre-sowing cultivation of the soil.

Phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the spring. When using the SZL-3.6 seeder, part of the fertilizer is applied to the rows during sowing.

Potash fertilizers in full dose are applied in the fall for the main tillage or in the spring for the second cultivation.

If complex fertilizers are available on the farm, the dose of their application is calculated based on nitrogen.

Flax is sensitive to boron and zinc deficiency, especially in soils with a pH greater than 6.0. In such areas, plants are susceptible to calcium chlorosis and its cultivation is unacceptable without the addition of microelements.

To avoid damage to flax plants by calcium chlorosis, it is necessary to add 0.5-1.0 kg/ha of a.m. to the soil. boron, 2.0-3.0 kg/ha a.v. zinc and additionally in the seedling phase 0.2 kg/ha a.i. boron and 0.3 kg/ha a.i. zinc

The application of microelements depends on the content of their mobile forms in the soil (Table 3).

In areas of boron and zinc supply groups I-II, foliar feeding is carried out during the germination phase up to a plant height of 2.5 cm. The following is applied:

Boron - 0.2 kg/ha a.i.;

Zinc - 0.3 kg/ha a.i.;

Molybdenum (if necessary on light soils) - 0.1-0.15 kg/ha a.m.

The application of microelements can be combined with the treatment of crops against flax flea beetles.

To apply solid forms of mineral fertilizers, SU-12, RSHU-12, etc. machines are used. To mark adjacent working passages of machines, signal flags (sticks) are used.

Pickling is carried out at a stationary station KPS-10, machine PS-10A (Mobitox-super, PSSh-5, etc.).

It is prohibited to use treated seeds and waste for food purposes or for livestock feed. Mixing of treated and untreated seeds and their waste is not allowed. Treated seeds are stored in bags in stacks of 6-8 pieces in a row in winter and 4-6 in summer.

Bags of treated seed should be labeled with the appropriate information. It is forbidden to put a label inside the bag without tying it.

Based on the soil and climatic conditions in the republic, the following structure of flax crops is recommended (Table 5).

The economic and biological characteristics of the zoned flax varieties are given in Appendix A.

In flax farms (with a flax area of ​​more than 100 hectares), it is advisable to cultivate one variety from each flax ripeness group.


For sowing, quality seeds are used, the sowing qualities of which meet the requirements of STB 1123-98 (Appendix B).

For seed crops, seeds of at least I-II reproduction are used, for commercial crops - at least IV reproduction.

The optimal time for sowing flax is when the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm is warmed to +7-80C and the humidity of the top layer is 50-60% of the full moisture capacity.

Young plants tolerate short-term frosts down to -40C, seeds in the soil - up to -120C, seedlings - up to -50C, green cotyledon leaves - up to -30C.

Optimal seed sowing rates:

For commercial crops - 20-24 million viable seeds per 1 hectare;

For seed growers:

Uterine elite - 8-10,

Superelite - 10,

Elite - 10-12,

I and II reproductions - 13 and 14 million germinating seeds per 1 hectare, respectively.

The seeding weight rate is calculated using the formula (Appendix 3).

Seed placement depth:

On medium and heavy loams - 1-2 cm;

On light loams and sandy loam soils - 2-3 cm.

The sowing method is continuous row with a row spacing of 6 cm (seeders SZL-3,6 SPU-4L, SPU-6L, etc.). The method of movement of the unit is driven-shuttle in the direction of plowing.

It is not allowed to sow flax without markers and tramlines. The distance between the tracks is selected taking into account the design of the sprayer used.

When sowing flax, it is necessary to provide for the preparation of areas for harvesting: strips 6 m wide are left between the paddocks and edge turning strips 12 m wide for flax harvesters.

Technological passages are formed by driving the seeding unit idle. The sowing paddock should be a multiple of the sprayer passes.

In the case of driving the seeding unit relative to the track of the seeder wheels (for example, the SZL-3.6 seeder), the reach of the track indicator (the length of the rod from the center line of the unit to the track of the seeder) is determined from the expression:


Harrowing is carried out on medium and heavy loamy soils when a dense soil crust is formed, after heavy rains during the germination of flaxseed, using ZBP-0.6A harrows in one track perpendicular to the direction of the rows.


Agrotechnical measures: early autumn plowing, semi-fallow treatment, alternation of crops, cleaning of seed material do not ensure complete destruction of weeds. Chemical control measures are required.

The use of chemicals against weeds depends on their species composition and the degree of infestation. The need for herbicide treatment is determined for each specific field.

The following herbicides are used (Table 6).

Autumn treatments are carried out under the following conditions: wheatgrass has 5 leaves and a height of 15-20 cm; rosette - 1-2 pairs of leaves for thistle; The optimal air temperature is not less than +100C.

Conditions for processing in spring:

Optimum air temperature - +16-200C;

Repeated treatment - if precipitation occurs less than 4 hours after spraying, the dose of the drug is reduced.


The presence and number of pests, diseases and weeds in flax crops are determined using the methods given in Appendix B.

When establishing an economic threshold of harmfulness during the flax growing season, crops are sprayed with the following pesticides against pests and diseases (Table 7).

For chemical treatment of crops, sprayers OTM-2-3, Mekosan 2000-12, etc. are used.

The speed of movement of the sprayers must be maintained constant.

The consumption rate of working fluid is 200-300 l/ha. Consumption is determined at least twice per shift.

When changing the drug, the equipment must be washed.

Conditions for chemical treatments:

Air temperature - 15-240C;

At daytime temperatures above 250C, treatments are carried out only in the morning or evening.

Wind speed - less than 4 m/s;

Repeated treatment - if precipitation occurs in less than 4 hours, the dose of the drug is reduced by 1/3.


Optimal time for flax harvesting:

For commercial purposes - in the early yellow ripeness phase, harvesting duration - 8-10 days;

Harvesting for seeds begins in the yellow ripeness phase, harvesting duration is 6-8 days.

Flax productivity depending on harvesting time is given in Table 9.

To accelerate seed ripening, reduce disease infection and increase the productivity of drying plants, it is advisable to desiccate flax crops (Table 10).

Fallen, heavily weeded and disease-affected flax crops begin to be harvested at the stage of green ripeness.

Flax harvesting using a separate two-phase method begins at the beginning of early yellow ripeness. To pull and spread flax straw to dry and ripen the seeds, use a TL-1.9 (TLN-1.5, LK-4A) puller with the stripper turned off.

The seed pods are threshed using a picker-stripper POL-1.5 or OSV-100, POO-1 in combination with wrapping.

Seed crops begin to be harvested at the stage of yellow ripeness using a flax combine LK-4A in a unit with a 2-PTS - 4M-785A trailer and other combines designed for harvesting flax.

The height of flax pulling should be no lower than 1/3 of the height of the bulk of the planted plants; the height of lodged plants should be minimal.

Flax must be harvested using the corral method, with the units moving in a straight line along the paddocks and making idle turns on specially designated headlands at the ends of the paddocks.

Operation of lifting units in a circular manner or copying the curvilinearity of field contours is prohibited.

When the combine is operating, the stems must be laid in an even strip of equal thickness without entangling for subsequent operation of the wrappers and trust pickers, uniform and high-quality maturation.

With a flax fiber yield of up to 6 c/ha, it is necessary to carry out 1-2 turnings of the flax ribbons with VLK-3M flax de-hairers; with a yield of more than 8 c/ha, one turning and fluffing is carried out. The following wrappers are used: trailed OL-1, OD-1, mounted OSN-1. Wrapping for 3-5 days speeds up the process of aging trusts and improves its quality.

The ripe flax plant is collected into rolls using a PRL-150 press pick-up. Twine must be laid inside the roll.

Requirements for harvesting flax, preparing flax trust and methods for assessing the quality of work are given in Table 11.


After filling the trailer, the flax heap must be sent to drying points immediately.

Drying of flax heap is carried out at a coolant temperature of no more than +400C.

After drying, the flax heap should be blown with atmospheric air for 1.0-1.5 hours.

Loading height of flax heap:

On floor dryers at the beginning of drying - up to 1 m;

In a conveyor dryer - 0.6-0.7 m.

The humidity of dried flax heap is 18±3%, that of seeds is 12±1%.

Temperature monitoring during seed drying is carried out every 1.5 hours by sampling.

Fiber flax is an important industrial crop and the main source of natural raw materials for the production of linen fabrics. At the same time, in recent years, flax farming has fallen into decline - the sown area has decreased, productivity has fallen, the quality of flax products sold has decreased, and the gross harvest of flax fiber has decreased several times. Flax farming as a whole has become unprofitable. The way out of this situation is to transfer flax production and its processing to resource-saving technologies, in close cooperation of rural producers and processors of flax products. This can only be done on the basis of improving the general culture of farming, the use of varieties adapted to local conditions, the competent use of chemicals, strict adherence to technological discipline and the implementation of all operations in agrotechnically favorable terms, with high quality, effective protection of plants from pests, diseases and weeds , the introduction of comprehensive mechanization in the cultivation and harvesting of flax, the development of modern technologies in the processing of flax products.

The technology of cultivating and harvesting fiber flax is an important link in scientifically based farming systems, and it should be mastered taking into account specific soil and climatic conditions, the biological characteristics of fiber flax, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the cultivated varieties.

Fiber flax is an annual dicotyledonous plant. The root system of flax is underdeveloped and is characterized by a weak ability to absorb soil nutrients. A thin tap root penetrates the soil to a depth of 0.8-1.0 m. The bulk of the first and second order roots are located in the arable soil layer. Therefore, careful tillage of the soil and the presence of sufficient nutrients and moisture in it are of great importance. The stem is single, thin, cylindrical. Its height, depending on the variety and growing conditions, varies from 70 to 130 cm and above. The thickness of the stem in ordinary thickened crops ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 mm.

There are total and technical lengths of the stem. The common valley will be the entire height of the stem - from the root collar to the upper seed capsule. The technical length is measured from the root collar to the first branch of the inflorescence. The technical part of the stem contains 70-80% fibrous substances, so it is very important to grow high-stem flax to obtain a high fiber yield.

The fibrous part of the stem consists of elementary fibers, the average length of which is 20-30 mm, diameter 20-30 microns. Elementary fibers are glued together by pectic substances into fibrous bundles. The latter are located around the circumference of the stem.

The characteristics of good fiber (strength, flexibility, elasticity, fineness) largely depend on the growing conditions and the external characteristics of the stem. Good quality fiber is obtained from stems with a length of 70 cm and above, with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm. This is ensured by the appropriate density of the stem (up to 2000 plants per 1 m2).

The duration of the life cycle of fiber flax depends on the biological characteristics of the variety and growing season conditions. For the earliest ripening varieties, it averages about 75 - 80 days, for late ripening varieties up to 90 -100 days. During the life cycle of fiber flax, there are five successive stages, or phases, which are characterized by morphological and qualitative changes in the flax plant.

Seedling or cotyledon phase. The plant has two cotyledon leaves and between them a growth point - a small bud, from which the whole plant will then develop. The duration of the phase is 5-7 days depending on the variety and weather conditions.

The “herringbone” phase begins when there are 5 - 6 pairs of true leaves and the plant height is 6-10 cm. Its duration is 10 - 12 days. Characteristic of this phase is a slight increase in stem height, but intensive growth of the flax root system.

After the “herringbone” phase, flax begins a period of rapid growth, when the daily growth of the stem reaches 3 - 5 cm; it continues into the budding phase.

Budding phase. Flower buds form at the top of the stem. High growth rates of flax in height remain. This is a very important stage in the development of flax, since not only the most intensive growth of the above-ground part of the plant occurs, but also massive formation of fiber in the stem. Within 15 - 20 days, 55 - 60% of fibrous substances accumulate. At the same time, the formation of fruiting organs occurs. The presence of sufficient moisture and nutrients in the soil during this period largely contributes to the formation of a high yield of fiber and seeds.

The flowering phase lasts 6 - 10 days. The growth of flax in height noticeably weakens, and at the end of flowering, the growth of the stem, the growth of the leaf apparatus and the formation of fiber stop, only its qualitative change occurs. The sequence of bud formation and the beginning of flowering in flax proceeds from shoots located higher along the stem to those located below. Physiological ripeness of the capsules and seeds occurs in the same sequence.

The flax ripening phase is characterized by lignification of the stem and formation of seeds. In this case, green, early yellow and full ripeness of flax sequentially occurs.

Green ripeness occurs two weeks after flowering. At the same time, the stems and boxes are green. The fiber in the stems is not fully formed; it is very thin and weak to break. Seeds in green ripeness are still underdeveloped and have low viability. Harvesting fiber flax in green ripeness leads to a large shortage of fiber and seeds.

Early yellow ripeness occurs 25 - 30 days after mass flowering. The stems have a greenish-yellow color, the leaves in the lower part of the stem crumble, the rest turn yellow. The bulk of the seed pods (65 - 75%) have a yellow-green color, the rest are yellow and brown. The seeds are light yellow, well-executed, viable, but require ripening to obtain good germination. When harvested in early yellow ripeness by direct combining, the seeds will have reduced germination. The fiber in the stems is well formed, and its technical ripeness is approaching. Fiber growth ends. Harvesting at this ripeness ensures the highest fiber yield, best quality and is recommended for commercial crops.

Yellow ripeness occurs 35 - 40 days after mass flowering. The stems become yellow, the leaves remain only in the upper part of the stem. Half the boxes are yellow, half are brown. The seeds are yellow and brown, well-executed and, when properly dried, have high germination rates. The yield and quality of fiber are somewhat lower than with early yellow ripeness, due to lignification of the stem and fibrous cells. During the yellow ripeness phase, seed crops should be harvested, as this ensures a higher yield of full-fledged seeds.

Full ripeness. The stems are yellow, beginning to turn brown, the leaves have all fallen off. The capsules are brown in color, the seeds in them are brown, shiny, and “rattle” when shaken. Depending on the variety, cracking of the boxes and shedding of seeds is possible. In the phase of full ripeness, the fiber becomes coarser and its yield decreases. When harvesting flax in full ripeness, large losses of seeds are possible, they are severely affected by diseases, and the yield of long fiber is reduced compared to harvesting flax of early yellow ripeness.

No. 56 Botanical and biological differences between long-lasting flax and curly flax. Technology of flax cultivation for fiber.

Curly flax, or stag (v. brevimulticaulia), is a low-growing (30...50 cm) plant with a strongly branching stem at the base and a large number of bolls (30...60 or more). The seeds are larger than those of fiber flax. Cultivated for oil in Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

Flax-Dolgunets has a smooth stem 70-125 cm or more in height. In dense crops, fiber flax is a single-stemmed, non-branching plant with 1-3 bolls; The fiber content in the stem of such plants is up to 30%. Cultivated mainly for fiber. The seeds of this group of plants are also of great value because they contain 35-40% fat.( everything I found on the internet)

Place in crop rotation. In our country, 7- and 8-field crop rotation has become widespread. Predecessors: winter cereal crops, layer and turnover layer of perennial grasses, legume-cereal mixtures, peas, corn. It is impossible to sow oilseed flax after sunflower, rapeseed and castor beans due to severe contamination of the crops with the carrion of these crops. Oilseed flax clears fields early and is an excellent precursor for winter crops. With constant cropping or frequent return to the same area, flax fatigue occurs - a decrease or complete loss of the crop due to the accumulation of pathogens in the soil.

Soil cultivation and fertilizers. Before the main treatment, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil using spreaders RUM-5, RUM-8, the doses of which are determined depending on the supply of nutrients and the need of plants for them to form the planned yield. With a yield of 10 c/ha, flax consumes 51-63 kg of nitrogen, 10-12 kg of phosphorus, 41-55 kg of potassium. The most effective doses are N40-60P60, and on soils with low potassium content - N40-60P60K40-60.

Organic fertilizers also increase the yield of oil flax by 1.5-2 c/ha. However, the use of fresh manure leads to weeding of fields, which is explained not only by the supply of weed seeds with organic fertilizers, but also by an increase in the content of nitrates in the soil, which increase the competitive ability of weeds. Therefore, it is advisable to apply organic fertilizers to previous crops and during fallow treatment in doses determined by zonal farming systems.

Fertilizer doses are adjusted taking into account the reserves of nutrients in the soil.

The main tillage for flax can be moldboard or non-moldboard - depending on the natural and climatic conditions, soil type, predecessor, nature and degree of weediness of the field.

The layer is plowed with a plow with skimmers. For more uniform plowing of the turf, skimmers are installed at a distance of 32-34 cm in front of the main plow bodies to a depth of 8-10 cm. Before plowing, the soil is disced in two tracks to a depth of 8-10 cm with BDT-7 or BDT-10 disc harrows. Early plowing to a depth of 23-25 ​​cm ensures the most complete clearing of the field from weeds, which, as they appear, are cut with disc implements (LDG-10, LDG-15). Semi-steam treatment increases the supply of soil with moisture and nutrients.

For oil flax, as a small-seeded crop, a mandatory element of soil preparation is leveling its surface, which improves the quality and uniformity of sowing, and reduces crop losses during mowing.

Pre-sowing treatment. Oil flax seeds require a finely lumpy structure for the emergence of friendly shoots, however, excessive grinding of the soil should be avoided, which, in the event of heavy rainfall, increases the risk of floating and the formation of a soil crust, which negatively affects the field germination of the seeds. When the soil reaches physical ripeness, early cultivation is carried out to a depth of 8-10 cm, and then pre-sowing cultivation is carried out to a depth of 4-5 cm. If the soil dries out greatly, the crop is rolled to ensure uniform emergence of seedlings.

Sowing and care. Sowing of oil flax is best done in the early stages (late April - early May) to a depth of 3-4 cm. Oil flax is sown in a row with a row spacing of 15 cm using SZP-3.6, SZL-3.6 seeders. The seed sowing rate is 7-8 million pieces/ha of viable seeds (50-60 kg/ha). The optimal sowing density is 500-700 plants per 1 m2

When caring for oil flax crops, pesticides are used. Herbicides are best applied in the herringbone phase when the plant height is 3-15 cm.

Herbicides: agritox, 500 g/l w.c.; dicopur M. 750 g/l v.r.; boastox extra, 26% w.r.; cross, 16.4% c. r.g.; lenok, 85% c. r.g.; Grodil, 75% c. d.g. The effect of herbicides on weeds is reduced when crops are treated in rainy and cold weather. It is best to process crops at an air temperature of 15-200C. In dry and hot weather, plants are sprayed early in the morning and late in the evening, when they have increased turgor.

Oil flax in all phases of development can be affected by pests: blue flax flea beetle, flax thrips, flax moth, alfalfa cutworm caterpillar, meadow moth and cutworm - gamma.

Cleaning. According to biological characteristics, flax ripens unevenly. The first buds form on the upper branches of the central stem, and they also begin to bloom earlier than others. The first capsules appear, which ripen earlier than those that form further down the stem. The ripeness of the boxes occurs in the same sequence.

When the seeds are fully ripe, the moisture content of the stems can be 40% or more. Harvesting flax at this stage by direct combining is difficult due to the winding of wet stems on the rotating parts of the combine, and seeds arriving from the field require immediate cleaning and drying. Using a separate method, you can harvest the crop earlier and get higher-quality seeds with less labor and money spent on post-harvest processing compared to direct combining.

The optimal mowing time is the period when 60-75% of the bolls are ripe.

During direct combining, desiccation can be carried out to dry the grain and partially suppress weeds.

Harvesting oil flax does not require a special set of machines. You can use row windrowers and combine harvesters, i.e. Oilseed flax can be harvested either by direct combining or by separate harvesting. The separate method is more preferable, since with this method flax can be harvested 6-8 days earlier, without waiting for the bolls to fully ripen. Cut flax in windrows ripens earlier and dries much faster than standing flax.

No. 57 Tobacco and shag. Features of cultivation technology and botany.

Botany of tobacco.

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family, 70-100 cm high, less often up to 200-300 cm.

The stem is erect, rounded, pubescent, 10-40 mm thick.

The root system is powerful, penetrating to a depth of 2 m, with a well-defined main tap root.

The leaves are alternate, entire, pubescent, petiolate or without petioles, the length of the leaf blade is from 12 cm in small-leaved forms to 50 cm in large-leaved forms. The shape of the leaf blade is from round-oval to lanceolate. The size of the leaves varies significantly depending on the growing conditions, but the characteristic length-to-width ratio remains: from 1.2-1.3 in European varieties to 2.2-2.5 in American large-leaved varieties. The number of leaves on a plant ranges from 16 to 50 or more. The color of the leaf is from yellow-green to dark green, the nicotine content in the leaves is from 0.5 to 3.0%.

Tobacco flowers are bisexual, with a 5-lobed calyx and a funnel-shaped corolla, white, pink or red in color, 5 stamens. The pistil style is simple, with a capitate stigma, a 2-locular superior ovary, surrounded at the base by a nectary.

The fruit is a 2-locular capsule, cracking when ripe.

The seeds are small, round-oval in shape, with a cellular rough surface, brownish-brown in color. About 2-4 thousand seeds are formed in one box, the weight of 1000 seeds is 0.06-0.08 g.

Botany of shag.

Shag - Nicotiana rusti - ca L. - is an annual plant from the Solanaceae family - Sola - paseae. The root system is taprooted and penetrates the soil to a depth of 1.5 m or more. The stem is erect, round or ribbed, green or yellow in color. There are 16-17 leaves alternately located on the stem. The leaves are petiolate, heart-shaped, triangular, elliptical, spatulate, ovate or kidney-shaped. The leaf color ranges from dark green to greenish-yellow.

The inflorescence is a panicle. The flowers are smaller than those of tobacco, with a short tube swollen at the base, bisexual, pentamerous, green, yellowish-green or cream in color. Makhorka is a self-pollinating plant, but cross-pollination is possible.

The fruit is a two-leaf multi-seeded capsule. One box contains 300-500 seeds. The seeds are small, brown, and in some varieties white with a grayish tint. Their surface is rough, finely tuberculate. The weight of 1000 seeds is 0.25-0.35 g. They contain 35-40% fat and 20% protein. The seed yield from 1 plant is about 20 g.