What does the name Hitler mean? Adolf Hitler (real name: Adolf Schicklgruber)

Immediately after the onset of the new thirty-third year, in still free Germany, although not entirely prosperous after the crisis, the Reich Chancellor was replaced. People simply shrugged their shoulders and continued going about their business. The inhabitants could not even imagine that in just a couple of months their lives would change in the most dramatic way, because then the future founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich came to power. At that time almost no one knew who Hitler was, but soon the whole world was talking about him. Let's put aside value judgments and look at the factual material to understand how this man managed to do what he did.

Adolf Hitler: biography of a man who knew about the “incineration” in his own family

The unexpected defeat in the First World War put an end to the history of the German Empire. The Weimar Republic “in ruins” was weak and unviable: the people were in terrible poverty, and the economy was torn to shreds by the victorious states demanding payments. Total poverty and nationwide humiliation have become fertile ground for the growth of all kinds of radical sentiments in society. It was in such a situation that one of the most condemned and hated persons in the future, Adolf Hitler, loomed on the horizon. At that time, no one even guessed that soon the “Thousand-Year Reich”, which he was carefully building, would turn into almost the most terrible hell of human history.

In the early days of his chancellorship, Hitler carried out a Herculean task of imposing Nazi principles and ideology on a variety of institutions. He did everything to provide his party with maximum control: over culture, education, the economy, and legislation. Trade unions were abolished, and good-natured German burghers forced to join various organizations of a nationalist nature. By July thirty-three the deed was done - the only non-banned (allowed) party in Germany was the NSDAP.

The first enemy of humanity

The future ideologist of Nazism did not immediately become a monster who destroyed millions of innocent lives. He wrote quite well short stories, poems and short stories, and also painted good landscapes, but never received a higher education. When the First World War broke out, he signed up as a volunteer. It was in the trenches under a hail of bullets that he became acquainted with the ideas of National Socialism and was imbued with them to the depths of his soul. After taking office as chancellor, based on the ideas of maximum authoritarianism and racial inequality, Hitler confidently abolished the main freedoms and began building a new supposedly people's state.

In theory, the idea was to unite all social strata, as well as regions, under the leadership of a single person. It is clear that this person was supposed to be Hitler - an ideal citizen, luminary and demigod, adored by everyone. In reality it turned out somewhat differently. The Third Reich quickly became a police state in which anyone could be arrested and even executed. All members of the country's government became obedient puppets of the Fuhrer, and politics revolved only around his “priceless” figure. The outcome of this view of state building was predetermined in advance, as was the fate of the first enemy of humanity.

Birth and childhood of Adolf

The popular German philologist of the first half of the twentieth century, Max Gottschald, who studied proper names, believed that the surname Hitler (Hiedler or Hittlaer) comes from the German noun Waldhütler, which means “forester” or “keeper,” and is identical to Hütler. The origin of the word is originally German, but it should be understood that this does not always indicate belonging to a particular nation or race.

The father of the future evil genius, Alois Hitler, was the son of an unmarried peasant woman, therefore at birth he received his surname from his mother - Schicklgruber. His biological father could have been Johann Georg Hiedler or his brother Nepomuk Güttler. According to another version, Adolf’s grandfather could have been the son of the banker Leopold Frankenberger, and this one was definitely a Jew. However, a German historian who closely studies this family argued that such a situation is possible, but unlikely.

Presumably the grandfather of the future German leader, Nepomuk Güttler, was also the grandfather of Clara Pölzl, married to Hitler. Alois was married three times. When his second wife ordered him to live a long time, his relative, probably his niece, the daughter of his half-sister, helped look after the household.

Permission for the marriage of Alois and Clara had to be requested from the Vatican, because local priests did not allow closely related relationships. Adolf himself later tactfully called his parents’ marriage “incucht” in a “botanical” manner, so as not to use the ugly word “incest,” and also studiously avoided talking about his own origins.

On April 20, 1889, in the picturesque Austrian town of Braunau am Inn, a boy was born into the Hitler family, named beautiful name Adolf. Clara, who had lost babies before, doted on little Dolphy. However early years Hitler's were far from joyful and cheerful. A despotic tyrant father who loved to beat up an “unreasonable” woman, and a mother who slavishly and devotedly loved him - the boy could not even think of complaining to anyone about his father’s oppression.

The youth of the future dictator

Until 1992, the Hitlers lived in Braunau, but then Alois received a new place and the family, which included two more children from Clara’s first marriage (Alois and Angela), moved to Passau. Edmun was born here (died at the dawn of the new century), who turned out to be handicapped, and the family moved again, this time to Luntz. It was here that Adolf was sent to Fischlgame school for a year. Soon the father felt bad, so he bought big piece land in Gafeld and moved there, taking all the members of his large family. By this time, the Hitlers also had a daughter, Paula, whom Dolphy adored all his life.

Until the spring of '98, Adolf went to a Catholic school at a monastery in the neighboring town of Lambach am Traun. The smart boy received exceptionally high grades, and his studies came easily to him. He sang with all his might in the choir and was even appointed as an assistant clergyman during the celebration of mass. Then the family moved again, and Adolf was enrolled in school in Leonding, where he stayed until the new century.

Around the same time, in view of Alois' unseemly value judgments, young Hitler was already looking at the church from a critical point of view. The public school in Linz, where he was subsequently sent, was not what he wanted. Here they demanded a lot, but did not pay attention to the students themselves.

Reversal of fate: from artist to politician

In 1903, dad died unexpectedly, and Adolf, who still loved this domestic despot, sobbed at the grave. After his death, Hitler firmly decided that the path of an official was not for him: he would become a man of art - a poet, writer or artist. Two years later, he finally entered school in Steyr, but doctors discovered that he had young man lung disease. This immediately crossed out the future in the office, which the “sick man” himself was incredibly happy about.

In December of the seventh year, Clara died of oncology, despite a complex and expensive operation performed the year before. Having received an orphan's pension, Adolf went to Vienna, where he hoped to enter the Academy of Fine Arts. He tried twice, but never passed the competition. By that time, his internal anti-Semitism had already formed. He hid from military service precisely because he did not want to live in barracks with Jews.


In the ninth or tenth year, Adolf made acquaintance with Reinhold Hanisch, who offered to sell a couple of his paintings. Things went well, Hitler began to actively draw, and then suddenly accused the “producer” of fraud. The future leader continued selling paintings on his own; it brought in good income, so he was able to refuse the orphan’s pension in favor of Paulina.

In August of the fourteenth, the First World War broke out, and Hitler joyfully took the documents to the chancellery - he wanted to defend his homeland. In November of the same year, he already proudly bore the rank of corporal, and in December - the Iron Cross of the second degree. Adolf received many more awards and was wounded until he caught gas during an attack near La Montaigne in October 1918. He received serious eye damage and was sent to the hospital, where he learned about the defeat and overthrow of Kaiser Ludwig III.

After treatment, he spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, and then served as a prison camp guard. Hitler later returned to the army, still undecided whether he wanted to be an artist, an architect or a politician. In June next year the leadership of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment sent him to special agitator courses to conduct “educational training” with soldiers returning from the front. In September, attending a meeting of the German Workers' Party (DAP) in a beer hall, he proved himself to be such an excellent speaker that he was immediately invited to join the organization.

Hitler's rise to power

When by 1920 the NSDAP had become one of the most prominent parties in Bavaria, and the future famous Nazi Ernst Röhm became the leader of the stormtroopers (SA), Hitler became a prominent figure in the political field. They began to take him into account and listen to his opinion, but this was not enough. In November twenty-third, taking with him detachments of stormtroopers, Hitler came to the Bürgerbräukeller beer hall with a huge hall, in which a rally was being held. There he announced the overthrow of the Berlin leadership of the country. In turn, Kahr, at that time Commissioner of Bavaria, announced the dissolution of the NSDAP. The stormtroopers lined up in columns and advanced towards the Ministry of Defense. Then the police started shooting and dispersed the demonstrators.

The leaders of the uprising were convicted for inciting a rebellion. Hitler was given five years, but nine months later he was released for unknown reasons. In the 26th NSDAP formed the Hitler Youth (a children's and youth organization of the fascists), and Goebbels began to slowly conquer “red Berlin” with the help of propaganda. In thirty-two, Hitler first put forward his candidacy for the post of Reich President of the country and failed. In December of the same year, Kurt von Schleicher was appointed to the coveted position, but Adolf was no longer satisfied with this state of affairs. By the end of January thirty-three, Hitler received the place he needed - he became Reich Chancellor.

Then everything went like clockwork: a month after the above events, a fire broke out in the Reichstag. They accused the communists, captured the Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe and hanged him. Later it turned out that the fire was specially planned by the Nazis to level trust in the communists, who had good support among the people.

In 1934, the Night of Long Knives took place, carried out by the Gestapo. They did not spare anyone: old people, children, pretty women and the same stormtroopers. More than a thousand people died “not in vain” - in the referendum on August 19, the Nazi Party received more than eighty percent of the votes. Hitler formed his own cabinet, headed by Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen.

Bloody pages of history and the Fuhrer's allies

First, unemployment was completely and irrevocably eliminated. Every German citizen was involved in some kind of business. Hitler, the beginning of whose reign was sprinkled with blood, carried out an active social policy, allocated benefits and assistance to needy Germans. Sporting events and holidays have become regular and almost mandatory. The people were gripped by a strange hysteria of admiration for the Nazis.

In 1935, the Nuremberg Regulations were adopted, depriving Roma and Jews of all rights and freedoms. Pogroms broke out constantly, and things clearly “smelled of kerosene.” The peak was the adopted “endlezung” (the law on the physical destruction of all representatives of the Jewish people).

All that remained was to begin to gradually return the lost lands. First they annexed Austria, then part of Czechoslovakia. The world community silently watched the development of events. At the beginning of 1939, Time positioned Hitler as the man of the year, and already in March the expansion continued: Lithuania was captured, and Poland was asked to open a “corridor” to Prussia. In August, a non-aggression pact was concluded with the USSR. The entry into Poland on September 1 was the beginning of the Second World War and the impetus for the Great Patriotic War. In less than a month, the Nazis dealt with the Poles and moved to Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and France.

In the spring of '41, Greece and Yugoslavia fell, and on June 22, fascist planes were already bombing Kyiv. This was the Fuhrer's fatal mistake. From the middle of forty-two, Hitler’s victorious march across Europe stalled at Stalingrad, and by the beginning of forty-fifth fighting were completely transferred to German territory. The Berlin Pact on the creation of the so-called Berlin-Rome axis (Achsenmächte), concluded back in 1940, began to crumble before our eyes. The allies - Romania, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Finland - realized that there would be no longer a “Thousand Year Reich”, and began to resist.

Meticulous maintenance of a list of personal enemies

The mental state of the Fuhrer has always been of interest to historians and researchers, since sometimes, in addition to general atrocities, which in themselves cannot fit into the head of a normal person, he did something “telling.” For example, a “List of Hitler’s Personal Enemies” was compiled, as well as a “Wanted List of the USSR” (Sonderfahndungsliste UdSSR). These columns of names included people who were to be immediately exterminated as soon as they fell into the hands of the Nazis.

  • Levitan.
  • Stalin-Dzhugashvili.
  • Dimitrov.
  • Kurnikov.
  • Franklin Roosevelt.
  • Charles de Gaulle.
  • Winston Churchill.
  • Molotov and many others.

IN full lists there were almost five and a half thousand names. Among them were not only politicians and managers, but also cultural figures, actors, famous doctors, scientists, athletes, employees of special services and even ordinary people. This is already drawing on paranoid psychosis.

Dangerous hobbies in the occult

Long before the swastika became a symbol of Nazi Germany, it was used to symbolize the continuity of existence different peoples. Among the Slavs and Hindus, it means an endless solar cycle, which cannot be interrupted. In Buddhism, the swastika symbolizes the unification of the basic elements that make up all things: water, fire, earth and air. Hitler first saw such a sign in elementary Catholic school with one of the abbots, but the idea to make it a symbol of the new state did not belong to him. In the book “My Struggle,” the Fuhrer writes that young people sent sketches, and he already compiled the final version.

As a result, the Nazi symbol became a four-pointed swastika, with right side ends, rotated 45 degrees. A laconic black cross in a white circle on a red background had sacred meaning. It meant the irreconcilable and endless destruction of non-Aryan peoples to the point of complete extermination. In 1946 at Nuremberg trials a decision was made to ban the use of such symbols. However, in 2015, Roskomnadzor somewhat softened its position - displaying the symbol without promoting Nazism is no longer a crime.

Adolf Hitler was a fan of mysticism and various theories of the supernatural origin of certain races. Therefore, in 1935, a special pseudoscientific organization “Ahnenerbe” was even created. Its members were engaged in all sorts of occult-ideological developments, the study of history and the search for ancient artifacts considered magical. Held at Ahnenerbe and creepy experiences on living people and the bodies of the dead. The organization’s militants were engaged in looting exhibitions, museums, galleries and other cultural heritage.

Women's favorite: what Hitler is famous for on the “love front”

Despite the policy of persecution of homosexuality actively pursued in Germany in those years, some historians today claim that the German leader had bisexual inclinations and even experience in same-sex relationships. The famous German researcher Lothar Machtan is confident in the Fuhrer’s homosexuality; Kevin Abrams and Scott Lively in the book “Pink Swastika” completely share his opinion. However, no evidence of this was ever found.

Hitler had his own view on marriage and relationships with women in general: he was against marriage, because it immediately made him inaccessible to others. He preferred to remain free, so that every girl in Germany and beyond could desire and dream of his “indulgence.”

Mistresses, Eva Braun and the offspring of the German leader

Hitler had some kind of semi-mystical influence on women. He, like a python, knew how to bewitch them, entangle them and make them fall in love with him to the point of unconsciousness. There are known cases of suicide of girls on this basis. He had many mistresses, but his only wife was the notorious Eva Braun.

  • From a relationship with Hilda Lokamp, ​​about whom little is known, a boy was born, rumored to be Hitler's son. The fate of the woman herself and her offspring remains unclear.
  • Charlotte Lobjoie met Adolphe in 1916, and he even painted her portrait. She was a dark, dark-skinned Frenchwoman, a butcher's daughter, who looked like a nomadic gypsy. In the spring of the eighteenth, she gave birth to a boy, Jean-Marie Lauret-Frison, who, according to her, was the son of the Fuhrer. His son, Philip, who considers himself the Fuhrer’s grandson, is now negotiating to conduct a DNA test and prove a direct relationship.
  • Sigrid, daughter of Oskar von Laffert from Damaretz, born in 1916. After a fleeting connection with Hitler, she tried to hang herself from the doorknob to her room.
  • Maria Reiter (Kubis) met Hitler in 1927 in the store where she worked as a saleswoman. That same year, she tried to take her own life because of her love for Adolf, but in the end she managed to get married twice.
  • Unity Valkyrie Mitford is a real hereditary aristocrat from an ancient English family, a convinced Nazi. After the declaration of war, the girl tried to shoot herself, but was unsuccessful. In 1940 she contracted meningitis and died.
  • Renata Müller was a famous film actress, whose appearance awed men in Germany and beyond. She dated Adolf in the thirties, then became addicted to opium and alcohol. She died from an overdose of sleeping pills. It was rumored that the Nazi authorities carefully eliminated her.

A separate role in the life of Fuhrer Hitler was played by his own niece Geli Raubal. She was a blooming, rosy-cheeked and healthy girl, almost two decades younger than Adolf himself. From the twenty-fifth until her suicide in the thirty-first, Geli lived in the apartment of the German leader. She was clearly in a privileged position: her room could not be entered, and her orders could not be disobeyed. Geli's death was a real shock for the man; he withdrew into himself, but then found peace in the chest of the daughter of opera singer Gretl Slezak and actress Leni Riefenstahl.

The daughter of a Munich teacher, Eva Braun, a natural blonde who graduated from the school of maids of honor, first saw the Fuhrer in 29. She was only seventeen, and he was thirty years older. Adolf looked after her reverently and selflessly, took her to the theater and cinema, gave her flowers and diamonds. After Geli's death, it was Eva who became the main woman in Hitler's life. At the end of April 1945, just before the surrender of Germany, when Soviet troops were already victoriously marching through Berlin, she died. Eva married her lover, turning into Madame Hitler. True, I didn’t have to stay in this role for long, just a day.

To provide the nation with reliable and loyal followers of the new generation, Project Thor was created and launched. Several dozen young purebred German women were specially selected for him, who were to give birth to the Fuhrer. In 1945, the laboratory was disbanded, and the children were distributed to surrounding peasants and artisans. Some of them or their descendants may still walk among us today.

The last years of the bloody leader: in case of collapse

Despite his organizational talent, as well as sincere confidence in the correctness of his actions, Hitler understood that his entire harmonious plan could fail. Therefore, he built bunkers, the main one, Wolfschanze, located near the town of Rastenburg, in eastern Prussia. It contained gold, art objects and other valuables. However, most of The treasures looted by the Nazis were never found. And the building itself did not bring anything good to its creator - it was here that he committed suicide.

The first attempt was made on the life of the great leader of the German nation in 1930. This happened at the Kaiserhof Hotel, where an unknown person unsuccessfully tried to spray poison or acid on the Fuhrer's face. From the moment he took office as Chancellor in '33 until '38 (five years), a total of sixteen attempts were made on Adolf Hitler's life! They all failed.

On the thirtieth of April 1945, on the second day after his marriage to Eva Braun, realizing that the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin could only mean one thing, Adolf Hitler and his wife, as well as Goebbels with his wife and six offspring, committed suicide by swallowing ampoules of cyanide . According to another version, the leader first drank poison, and then also fired a bullet into his temple for good measure. Their bodies were taken out of the bunker, laid on the grass, doused with gasoline and burned. The Fuhrer was identified by his dentures, but subsequently the results of the identification were called into question.

In 1970, the territories of the “Wolf’s Lair”, which were previously under the jurisdiction of the Soviet military unit, were decided to be given to Germany. The ashes of everyone who rested in the graves were dug up, completely incinerated, crushed and thrown into the Biederitz River (according to other sources - into the Elbe). However, not everyone believed that the almighty Fuhrer died then. Popular legend has it that doubles were killed in his place. Adolf himself and his wife Eva were allegedly taken to Barcelona, ​​from where they headed to Argentina, where they quietly lived out the rest of their days in prosperity and peace.

The most incredible facts from life

Occult researcher Dr. Greta Leiber believes that in 1932, Hitler signed a real pact with the devil, as evidenced by the document she found. Moreover, Adolf’s signature on the paper is genuine. Historians have serious doubts regarding Satan's signature.

It is believed that drugs were used in the Third Reich to inspire soldiers, and also as stimulants for people different professions. It is believed that the Fuhrer himself took oxycodone and cocaine, prescribed to him by his attending physician Theodore Gilbert Morell. This fact is confirmed by the German writer and researcher Norman Ohler.

Hitler was very fond of cartoons, especially Disney ones. He even sketched characters for fun.

Henry Ford was the only American who was mentioned by the Fuhrer in the book “My Struggle”.

In 1938, Adolf Hitler was proposed as a nominee for Nobel Prize peace. Fortunately, his subsequent steps clarified the situation, and the question of rewarding was never raised again.

The name “Hitler” used to be associated with something negative in our country. No one even really knew when Hitler's birthday was. And it would never even have occurred to anyone to congratulate him on his next anniversary.
But there were young people who wanted to congratulate Hitler so much that they even cut their hair bald. It would seem, what joy would Hitler get from this? But such questions are asked only by those who have something to ask. The rest shave their heads so that their heads rest in the summer, are ventilated in the fall, their hats fit better in winter, and Hitler would be happy in the spring.
It is for such people that we publish the biography of Adolf Schicklgruber-Hitler. For the first time in Russian, by the way.

Little Gitlya was born in territory occupied by the Germans. But this is not what made him a fascist. First, Gitli's childhood was stolen from him. It happened like this: Gitlya was forced to go to school, and after school to walk back and stop at the store on the way. But this is not what made him a fascist. Although it made me very angry.
Then Gitli's adolescence was stolen from him. One beautiful girl(not Eva Braun, but more beautiful) did not want Gitlya to tickle her with his youthful mustache. Gitli immediately developed a cockroach complex. He began to be afraid of people in hard shoes with newspapers in their hands.
To overcome this complex, Gitl joined the army. There his youth was stolen from him, along with foot wraps and a photograph of a naked woman (possibly his mother or sister).
Gitlya could no longer tolerate this and became a fascist. In addition, he added the courageous letter “ER” to his rather flimsy name and turned from the fumbling Gitli into the Fuhrer Hitler.
At that time, there were few fascists in Germany, and Hitler easily stood out among them, beating the second German fascist and two anti-fascists. From that moment on, there were four fascists in Germany.
Adolf suggested wonderful fascist names to his friends: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and Hitler. Everyone wanted to be Hitler, because the other names seemed kind of frogish.
But Adolf himself was already Hitler. Then he came up with nicknames for his friends: Borman, Shmorman and Otorman. They somehow agreed to Borman, but Shmorman and Otorman were left without owners. I had to pull out the ones I had hidden for good people the names of Goebbels and Himmler.
At this point Borman was offended. If he had known that later such Zykan names as Goebbels and Himmler would be thrown out, would he have agreed to the almost Jewish Bormann? I had to take “Borman” back and issue an NZ -- sonorous name"Goering".
Finally, all procedural issues were resolved and Hitler, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels (sounds great, right?) could go and drink beer in a Munich pub.
It was there that these four “Ges,” as those around them called them, decided to conquer the whole world. And not with the help of smiles or some “Yesterday” song, but for real: with the help of SS divisions, Panther tanks and Messerschmidt aircraft.
When the money ran out, but the desire to drink beer still remained, the friends ordered the bartender to pour them a loan. The burry bartender refused and in the program of the angry fascists a clause appeared about special camps where such bartenders would be kept and all sorts of nasty things could be done to them. There are different humiliations there... So that you can pinch the bartender on the nose or give him a slap, and if he, such a clever bastard, decides to dodge, then burn him in the stove.
The bartender was immediately informed about this program, but for some reason he did not believe it, did not sell the bar and did not leave the country. But he had such an opportunity for another fifteen years.
Nobody immediately gave the scoundrels a hat, and they became insolent: they took it and came to power. What did the people buy? They took it and promised that the people would no longer work. The people really liked it, but the question arose: who would work then? Goebbels came up with the answer on the spot, saying that others would work. And Bormann added “peoples”. Himmler clarified that they would not be conquered today or tomorrow specifically for this purpose.
And indeed, looking ahead, let’s say that the peoples of Europe were conquered surprisingly quickly. They immediately began working for the Germans and only asked not to kill them.
But with the Russians everything turned out to be more complicated. Firstly, they are very similar to the Germans - they also don’t like to work. But unlike the Germans, they like to drink vodka, not beer. Moreover, they drink as much vodka as the Germans drink water in the morning after beer.
But let's return to Hitler. In his prime, he suffered a fatal love for Eva Braun (translated: for the Primordial Brown Woman). It must be said that Eva was not a beauty, but they did not tell Hitler this. And when he realized this, it was difficult to get rid of Eve. I had to poison her. By chance, together with Eva, Hitler poisoned the dog, himself, and released water into the Berlin swastika banner named after Hitler.
For some reason, everyone decided that Hitler was so upset because he lost the war. Fascists don’t get upset over such little things. And even more so, they don’t poison themselves in vain because of this. At most: they will change their name, appearance, and go to Argentina.
No, this is a common everyday mistake when a wife is poisoned.
In general, Hitler’s life was so boring that when it ended, he only managed to say: “Halt!” that's all. There was nothing to even remember. Just one stupid animal desire for everything to continue, for everyone to have money and money. (c)

Adolf's father Alois, being illegitimate, until 1876 bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber (German: Schicklgruber).

Five years after the birth of Alois, Maria Schicklgruber married miller Johann Georg Hiedler, who spent his entire life in poverty and did not have his own home.

In 1876, three witnesses certified that Gidler, who died in 1857, was the father of Alois, which allowed the latter to change his surname. The change in the spelling of the surname to “Hitler” was allegedly caused by a mistake by the priest when recording in the “Birth Registration Book”.

Modern researchers consider the probable father of Alois not Gidler, but his brother Johann Nepomuk Güttler, who took Alois into his house and raised him.

Adolf Hitler himself, contrary to the statement widespread since the 1920s and even included in the 3rd edition of the TSB, never bore the surname Schicklgruber.

On January 7, 1885, Alois married his relative (niece - granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk Güttler) Clara Pölzl. This was his third marriage. By this time he had a son, Alois, and a daughter, Angela, who later became the mother of Geli Raubal, Hitler's alleged mistress. Because of family ties Alois had to get permission from the Vatican to marry Clara. Clara gave birth to six children from Alois, of whom Adolf was the third.

Hitler knew about the incest in his family and therefore always spoke very briefly and vaguely about his parents, although he demanded from others documentary evidence of their ancestors. Since the end of 1921, he began to constantly reassess and obscure his origins. He wrote only a few sentences about his father and maternal grandfather. On the contrary, he mentioned his mother very often in conversations. Because of this, he did not tell anyone that he was related (in a direct line from Johann Nepomuk) to the Austrian historian Rudolf Koppensteiner and the Austrian poet Robert Hamerling.

Adolf's direct ancestors, both through the Schicklgruber and Hitler lines, were peasants. Only the father made a career and became a government official.

Adolf Hitler is the leader of Germany, whose name will forever be associated with fascism, cruelty, war, concentration camps and other crimes against humanity. But what do we know about him? personal life, lovers and hobbies? And is everything known about the last days of his life and death? Or some pages from the life of Hitler that are still a mystery to this day?

We bring to your attention an incredible Interesting Facts from the biography of this fascist.

Hitler. Family

On April 20, 1889, a boy was born into an Austrian family, who was named Adolf. The boy's fifty-two-year-old father, Alois Hitler, worked as a customs officer, and his twenty-year-old mother, Clara, was a peasant.

Interesting fact. Adolf's father first bore the surname Schicklgruber (his mother's surname), but then changed it to Hitler. Why? His paternal relatives bore the surname Gidler, but the man changed it somewhat and began to be called Alois Hitler.

This was Alois’s third marriage, and Clara’s, of course, his first. She was a meek girl who tried to do everything to make the house comfortable, the children happy, and her husband happy. There were five children, but only Adolf and his sister Paula lived to adulthood.

Clara was afraid of her husband, as were her children. This was a man who recognized only his opinion and his decisions, plus everything was cruel to his household, quick-tempered and loved to drink. He periodically beat and humiliated both his wife and children.

Adolf was an insecure boy who acutely felt that he was not like everyone else. And family relationships only aggravated the situation, cultivating hatred in his soul, and soon this feeling became dominant. He transferred his hatred of his father, who was half Jewish, to the entire nation.

Adolf Hitler always tried to hide the fact that he also had Jewish blood.

Hitler. Education
As a six-year-old boy, Adolf began studying at a simple school, where he received elementary education all local children. But his mother, being a religious woman, really wanted her son to become a priest, so two years later she transferred Adolf to a parish school. But her dream was not destined to come true, because after some time he was expelled for inappropriate behavior, more precisely, for smoking in the garden of the monastery.

In subsequent years, Adolf Hitler changed several more schools in different cities, but still eventually received a certificate of education, which included an A in drawing. And this is no coincidence, Adolf had a talent for drawing and he really wanted to enter the art academy.

When Hitler was 18 years old, he went to Vienna to fulfill his dream, but failed the entrance exams. After all, in addition to drawing, it was necessary to know other school disciplines, and Adolf was rather bad at this.

Having failed his exams, Adolf, with a complex, blamed everyone but himself. He said that he was the most worthy applicant, but he was not appreciated, and all the teachers at the academy were stupid.

Soon, in the winter of 1908, his mother died of cancer, which he took very seriously. He couldn’t hope for his father’s help; his mother died, so Adolf was forced to survive on his own. He made money by selling his drawings, but it was very little money, which was not enough for a decent life. He began to look careless - uncut and unshaven, in dirty clothes hanging out.

It is clear that the failures embittered Adolf even more, who began to hate everyone even more, especially Jews. And this despite the fact that among his friends there were Jews, and his Godfather was also a representative of this nation.

But there is another version. In those years in Germany there were many very rich Jews who headed some kind of business or were at the head of banks. It was them that Hitler wanted to eliminate.

It was at this time that Hitler had a dream - to make Germany a great power; of course, he should be at the head of the country.

At the end of the winter of 1914, Adolf Hitler was summoned to Austria, of which he was a citizen, where he passed medical commission and he was declared unfit for military service. But when the First World War began, he volunteered to go to the front.

Interesting fact. According to fellow soldiers, at this time Hitler had a bushy mustache, which he shaved off on the orders of his superiors, since it interfered with putting on a gas mask. As a result, the “Hitler mustache” familiar to all of us remained.

Briefly about Hitler's political career
After the end of the war, Adolf Hitler focused entirely on his political career. In 1923, he staged the so-called Beer Hall Putsch and attempted to overthrow the German government. The putsch ended in failure, and Hitler was sentenced to five prison codes, but for some reason he was released after nine months.

In 1925, he changed his citizenship and became a full citizen of Germany.

Adolf Hitler revived the Nazi party and became its leader, in 1930 he received the post of commander in chief assault troops, and in 1933 - Reich Chancellor of Germany. Over the next year, he managed to take away all powers from both the president and the Reichstag, and become the sole ruler of Germany.

And it was here that Hitler was able, without hiding, to throw out all his anger. In the summer of 1934, he staged the “Night of the Long Knives” and destroyed all high-ranking Nazis whom he considered a threat to his power. He created the Gestapo and concentration camps into which he rounded up Jews, Gypsies, and later prisoners of war.

All these years, Hitler collected photographs, national things and other artifacts that belonged to Jews, so that they would later become exhibits of the “Museum of the Destroyed Race,” which he wanted to organize.

He called himself a leader and wanted to become the only ruler in the world, of course, having first captured this entire world. In this case, the Aryans would be the only worthy race, which would be served by the Slavs, and other peoples, especially Jews and Gypsies, would be destroyed.

Let us omit the details of the monstrous massacre unleashed by Hitler (I mean the Second world war) is a different story. I will only say that seeing how the German army was retreating under the onslaught of Soviet troops and their allies, Hitler became completely uncontrollable. He frantically tried to rectify the situation and ordered everyone who could not fight normally - old people, disabled people, children - to be sent to the front.

Hitler. Death

When Hitler's Berlin residence was surrounded by Soviet troops, he committed suicide. Historians' opinions on this matter vary. Some believe that he drank potassium cyanide, others claim that Hitler shot himself. His mistress, Eva Braun, did this with him. But more about her a little later.

Hitler allegedly bequeathed that after killing him and Eva, their bodies should be burned, which was allegedly done. Really, soviet soldiers In one of the rooms they found burnt human remains, including part of a jaw and a skull with a hole in the temple.

According to experts, no examinations were carried out to identify these remains. The jaw and skull were simply taken and placed in the archives of the USSR.

Against this background, a version emerged that Hitler did not commit suicide at all, but fled, taking Eva with him. They allegedly fled to Argentina, where they were seen several times in the following years. They lived there for many years, and then moved to Paraguay, where Hitler died in 1964.

But what about Hitler’s jaw and skull, kept in the USSR? It turns out that Hitler’s jaw was established only from the words of his personal dentist. He said it was Hitler's jaw, and everyone believed it. No other examinations, as we have already mentioned, were carried out. Although it was possible to take DNA from the Fuhrer's younger sister, Paula.

So, maybe the dentist deliberately lied to cover for his powerful client? Perhaps the Hitler couple really escaped, and the burned bodies did not belong to them at all?

One more thing. Photos of the dead Adolf Hitler have been posted on the Internet, it turns out that he was not burned, or these photos are a fake.

There is no clear answer to these questions.

* * *
Adolf Hitler is a fascist, through whose fault millions of people died during World War II. We have already talked about his childhood, studies, political career and death, now we’ll talk about his mistresses and hobbies, and also learn other interesting facts from his biography.

Adolf Hitler was married for only one day - Eva Braun became his wife on the eve of suicide.

Adolf Hitler did not have legitimate children, because he was afraid of the birth of a defective child due to marriages between close relatives practiced in his family. Therefore, he believed that it was necessary to have mistresses, and they had no right to make any demands on him.

Surprisingly, this outwardly uninteresting man was a woman's favorite. Of course, it is quite possible that the ladies did not love him, but his power and limitless possibilities. Although people who knew Hitler said that in the presence of women whom he wanted to impress, the Fuhrer was always very gallant.

The Fuhrer had many mistresses, almost all of them were much younger than him (about twenty years old) and had a magnificent bust.

In 2012, information appeared that during the First World War, Hitler had a relationship with the Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoie, as a result of which a boy was born - the son of the Fuhrer.

Charlotte Lobjoie
Charlotte Lobjoie is the daughter of a French butcher, who at the age of eighteen entered into a relationship with Hitler. Their relationship lasted from 1916 to 1917. The girl followed her lover to where he was going. But when Hitler went to his relatives, he did not take Charlotte with him. He promised to return soon, but did not keep his promise.

Charlotte soon realized that she was pregnant, and in the spring of 1918 she gave birth to a boy. She named him Jean-Marie. This was Hitler's son.

Hitler knew that Charlotte had given birth to a son. In 1940, he ordered the security service to find them and find out everything about their lives. The order was carried out, but after reading the details, Hitler categorically refused to meet with Charlotte, and tried to take his son for himself. How did his former passion disappoint him? She turned into a depressed drinking woman.

Charlotte died in 1951. Jean-Marie knew who his father was - Charlotte told him about it. Hitler, obviously recognizing his paternity, constantly monitored the young man’s life, took care of him, but did not dare to bring him closer to himself, fearing condemnation.

Some historians doubt that Jean-Marie is Hitler's son, citing the fact that the man was repeatedly offered an examination to prove his relationship with the Fuhrer, but he refused.

Charlotte inspired Hitler to paint a painting where she is depicted with her breasts half-naked and a bright scarf on her head.

Geli Rau6al

Geli Raubal is Hitler's niece, 19 years younger. Their relationship began in 1925, when Geli settled in Hitler’s apartment in Munich (by the way, it had 15 rooms). The girl wanted to become a doctor, but she was not particularly smart, and she liked men much more than studying.

The connection continued until Geli’s death, when in 1931 she committed suicide. The cause of suicide was Hitler's relationship with Eva Braun. Geli knew about the Fuhrer's new passion, and that he spent all his nights with her. Geli, Hitler spent days on end with Eva. Once, unable to bear it, Geli threw a scandal at Hitler, but achieved nothing. Realizing that she had lost, the girl shot herself. According to some reports, Geli Raubal was pregnant.

Geli was not a monogamist, and besides Hitler, she had affairs with other men.

Adolf Hitler took the death of his niece very hard.

Maria Reiter
Maria Reiter met Hitler when she was 17 years old. The girl, being a minor, fell in love with Adolf and began to pursue him. She tracked him down everywhere and tried to impose herself, but it ended with Hitler, seeing her, starting to hide and pretending that he did not know the girl. Realizing this, Maria tried to hang herself, but was saved.

Later, Maria nevertheless achieved Hitler, and his sister Paula said that this was the only woman whom Adolf sincerely loved.

Eva Brown

Hitler met her in 1929, when Eva was only seventeen and he was forty. She was Hitler's personal photographer's assistant. The Fuhrer immediately really liked the cheerful young beauty.

But at that time Hitler had a relationship with Geli. At first he tried to cope with his feelings, but this did not work out and he began to care for Eva, while continuing to live with Geli. Eva knew about the existence of another woman in Hitler’s life, she was worried, but still agreed to daytime meetings with him and visits to restaurants and cinemas, knowing that he spent all his nights with another.

When Geli passed away, Eva Braun became his mistress.

During the 15 years she spent next to Hitler, Eva Braun twice attempted suicide. According to one version, she could not forgive him for his affairs with other ladies, according to another, she no longer had the strength to endure psychical deviations Hitler.

A reasonable question arises - why did Hitler, clearly loving Eva, marry her at the very last moment? Because on her mother’s side Jewish blood flowed in Eve. The girl’s parents did their best to hide this, even sending the girl to study at a Catholic school, where children of real Aryans were accepted. Perhaps, after years of living with Hitler, Eva herself confessed to him her roots. Then it is clear why he did not marry her for many years, and on the eve of his suicide, realizing that nothing mattered anymore, they got married.

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun got married on April 29, 1945, and the next day, according to the main version, they committed suicide.

Unity Valkyrie Mitford

Unity Valkyrie Mitford is the daughter of an English lord, an ardent supporter of Nazism. Her relationship with Hitler began in 1934, when the girl was twenty. Unity herself for a long time tried, seemingly by chance, to meet Adolf, which she eventually managed to do - they met in a restaurant. Their relationship lasted about a year. In 1939, she attempted suicide by shooting herself in the temple with a pistol given by Hitler. Unity survived, but died of meningitis a year later.

At one time or another, Hitler also had brief affairs with singer Gretl Slezak, actress Leni Riefenthal and Sigrid von Laffert (attempted to commit suicide).


Experts estimate that Hitler wrote more than three thousand works. Most of them were destroyed, some are stored in US archives, and some are sold at auctions. So, in 2009, 15 paintings by Hitler were sold at auction for $120,000, and in 2012 his work went for $43,500.

In total, 720 paintings by Adolf Hitler have survived to this day.

For the most part, he painted buildings and landscapes, but he did not like to depict people. One day an art critic was shown his works, but they did not reveal who their author was. The specialist said that they were written by a good artist who is absolutely indifferent to people.

Adolf Hitler never smoked himself and did not like it when others did.

He was very clean and was afraid of catching some kind of infection, especially a runny nose.

Hitler did not allow familiarity towards himself; he respected only his own opinion.

In 1933, the ground beetle was named after Hitler. The Fuhrer appreciated this and expressed gratitude.

In the Palestinian Gaza Strip, a store is named after Hitler, which residents really like. Why? Because Adolf, like them, fiercely hated Jews.

According to surviving medical documents, Hitler took cocaine and suffered from uncontrollable bloating.

In 2008, a document was found in one of the Berlin archives, which was called “Hitler’s Pact with the Devil.” It is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood. According to him. The Devil Gives to Hitler unlimited power, but the latter must do only evil. In exchange, after thirteen years, Hitler will have to give his soul to the Devil. It looks like a fairy tale, but an examination showed that the signature on the agreement really belonged to Hitler. Again, it is no secret that the Fuhrer believed in the existence of Shambhala, in the end of the world, in the mysterious forces of Tibet, so why shouldn’t he believe in the Devil? Then the question arises - who acted as this Devil? According to historians, it was an agent with hypnotic abilities, sent by those who benefited from the war, that is, weapons manufacturers, etc.

Adolf Hitler was a fan of Henry Ford. He gave him birthday gifts every year and collected his photos.

Hitler had special plans for Moscow: he intended to wipe it off the face of the Earth and build a reservoir in its place.

Hitler's biggest enemy in the USSR was not Stalin, but Levitan, for whose head the Fuhrer promised a quarter of a million marks.

In 1938, Time magazine named Hitler Person of the Year, and in 1939 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Adolf Hitler loved watching Walt Disney cartoons, especially Snow White.

Name: Adolf Hitler

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

A place of death: Berlin

Activity: Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor of Germany

Marital status: Was married to

Adolf Hitler - biography

This name and surname are very hated by many people around the world for the atrocities that this man committed. How did the biography of the one who started a war with many countries develop, how did he become like this?

Childhood, Hitler's family, how he appeared

Adolf's father was an illegitimate child, his mother remarried a man with the last name Gidler, and when Alois wanted to change his mother's last name, the priest made a mistake, and all the descendants began to bear the last name Hitler, and six of them were born, and Adolf was the third child. Hitler's ancestors were peasants; his father achieved a career as an official. Adolf, like all Germans, was very sentimental and often visited the places of his childhood and the graves of his parents.

Before Adolf's birth, three children died. He was the only and beloved son, then his brother Edmund was born, and they began to devote less time to Adolf, then Adolf’s sister appeared in the family, he always had the most tender feelings for Paula. After all, this is the biography of an ordinary child who loves his mother and sister, when and what went wrong?

Hitler's studies

In first grade, Hitler only got "excellent" grades. In the old Catholic monastery, he went to second grade, learned to sing in the church choir and helped during mass. I first noticed the swastika sign on Abbot Hagen's coat of arms. Adolf changed schools several times due to parental problems. One of the brothers left home, the other died, Adolf remained the only son. At school he began to like not all subjects, so he stayed for the second year.

Adolf's Growing Up

As soon as the teenager turned 13 years old, his father died, and the son refused to fulfill the parent’s request. He did not want to become an official; he was attracted to painting and music. One of Hitler's teachers later recalled that the student was one-sidedly gifted, was quick-tempered and wayward. Already in these years one could notice the traits of a mentally unbalanced person. After the fourth grade, the education document showed “5” grades only in physical education and drawing. He knew languages, exact sciences and shorthand perfectly well.

At the insistence of his mother, Adolf Hitler had to retake the exams, but he was diagnosed with lung disease and had to forget about school. When Hitler turned 18, he left for the capital of Austria, wanted to enter an art school, but failed to pass the exams. The young man's mother underwent surgery, did not live long, and Adolf, as the eldest and only man in the family, took care of her until her death.

Adolf Hitler - artist

Having failed to get into the school of his dreams the second time, Hitler goes into hiding and evades army service, he managed to get a job as an artist and writer. Hitler's paintings began to sell successfully. They mainly depicted buildings of old Vienna copied from postcards.

Adolf began to earn decent money from this, took up reading, and became interested in politics. He leaves for Munich and works as an artist again. Finally, the Austrian police found out where Hitler was hiding, sent to medical examination, where he was given a “white” ticket.

The beginning of the combat biography of Adolf Hitler

This war was accepted by Hitler with joy, he himself asked to serve in the Bavarian army, participated in many battles, received the rank of corporal, was wounded, and had many military awards. He was considered a brave and courageous soldier. He was wounded again and even lost his sight. After the war, the authorities considered it necessary for Hitler to participate as part of the agitators, where he showed himself to be a skilled master of words, he knew how to command the attention of the people listening to him. Throughout this period of his life, Hitler’s favorite reading became anti-Semitic literature, which basically shaped his further political views.

Soon everyone became acquainted with his program for the new Nazi party. He later receives the post of chairman with unlimited power. Allowing himself too much, Hitler began to take advantage of his post to incite the overthrow of the existing government, was convicted and sent to prison. There he finally believed that communists and Jews must be destroyed.

He declares that the nation of Germany should dominate the entire world. Hitler finds many supporters who unconditionally appoint him to lead armed forces, founded personal guards in the ranks of the SS, created torture and death camps.

He dreamed of getting even for the fact that once upon a time, during the First World War, Germany capitulated. He was ill and was in a hurry to carry out his plans. The occupation of many territories began: Austria, Czechoslovakia, part of Lithuania, threatened Poland, France, Greece and Yugoslavia. In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to peaceful coexistence, but, maddened by power and victories, Hitler violated this agreement. Fortunately, at the helm of power was a man who did not give up his power to a crazy, brutal egoist in the person of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler - biography of personal life

Hitler did not have an official wife, nor did he have children. He had a repulsive appearance; he could do practically nothing to attract women. But do not forget the gift of eloquence and the position it created. He never stopped seeing his mistresses, mostly including married women. Since 1929, Adolf Hitler has lived with his common-law wife, Eva Braun. The husband was not at all shy about flirting with everyone, and Eva, out of jealousy, tried many times to commit suicide.

Dreaming of being Frau Hitler, living with him and enduring bullying and quirks, she patiently waited for a miracle to happen. This happened 36 hours before death. Adolf Hitler and got married. But the biography of a man who aimed at the sovereignty of the Soviet Union ended ingloriously.

Documentary film about Adolf Hitler