What does the name Violetta mean for a girl? Profession and business

What is the meaning of the name Violetta? It evokes associations with spring, flowers, morning. The name is quite rare, which allows its owners to feel special and unique. Where did it come from, how does it affect character and destiny? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Violetta

First of all, what is interesting is where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name Violetta? Linguists have concluded that it has Latin roots. The name originates from the word viola; in our language it is translated as violet. Letta, Tusya, Vitusya, Veta, Volya, Vela are diminutive options.

Interestingly, this name gained the greatest popularity in Spain, Italy, and France. In our country it is still rare.

So, violet is the meaning of the name Violetta. For a girl who was named this way, from the first years of life there is nothing more important than independence. The child grasps everything on the fly and early learns to cope without the help of his parents in everyday matters. The owner of the name rarely has relationships with peers; she prefers to communicate with those who are older than her.

Decisive, lively, active - such is little Violetta. She likes to surprise children and adults and attract attention. The owner of the name is unlikely to admit her mistake, even if she realizes that she is wrong. Violetta loves herself too much for this.

What other information will be useful to parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Violetta for a girl and the fate of its owner? You can hardly expect excellent grades from a child who is named that way. The owner of the name is too independent and self-sufficient to study subjects that she considers unnecessary and boring. However, Violetta knows perfectly well what she is really interested in.

Characteristics of the name

According to the meaning of the name Violetta, its owner has a developed sense of taste. She gives preference to non-standard clothes, which help her stand out from the crowd. She likes original styles that she can come up with on her own.

Stubbornness - characteristic Violetta. If she has decided something, it is unlikely that she will be convinced. This helps the girl whose name is that way to easily achieve her goals and not deviate from her chosen path. However, the owner of the name is characterized by excessive emotionality in critical situations.

If you know the meaning of the name Violetta, then is it any wonder that its owner emanates positivity that attracts others. However, the girl whose name is that is distinguished by her pragmatism. Only the closest people can expect warmth and sincerity from her. Violetta prefers to hide and suppress her feelings.

Friends, acquaintances

The owner of the name loves to spend time in big companies, loves noisy parties and social events. She comes to such gatherings, first of all, to show off. Violetta, like her childhood, likes to attract the attention of others. She easily takes on leadership responsibilities and copes with them well.

Friends and acquaintances appreciate Violetta for her brightness, originality, and positive attitude towards the world around her. The owner of the name has many male friends who like to spend time with her. This often becomes the reason that her first marriage ends in divorce. The husband turns out to be unable to cope with jealousy; he does not like the constant communication of his other half with male friends.

Only successful, self-confident and positive people. Losers, pessimists are the contingent that she does not allow to get close to her.

Time of birth

It is also important what time of year the girl named Violetta was born. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner also depend on this. The young lady, born in winter, leads an active lifestyle and constantly needs new emotions, impressions and discoveries. Few people know how much her failures upset her.

A girl born in spring values ​​truthfulness and straightforwardness. She has a contradictory character, often she herself has no idea what she really wants. However, such confusion is observed in Violetta only in personal life. When it comes to her career, she is collected, pragmatic and responsible.

Sociability and sociability are qualities characteristic of women born in summer. In any society they are able to make an impression, present themselves in better light. Summer Violetta is able to cope with any task, no matter how difficult it turns out to be. A girl born in autumn has a lively and flexible mind. She is able to do several things at the same time. From time to time, autumnal Violetta is hampered by indecision.


Violetta, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article, never suffers from a lack of money. The girl who was so named is a kind of magnet for them. If the owner of the name needs a good job, she will certainly be offered one, which is facilitated by her wide circle of friends. Violetta often receives gifts and can win the lottery a large sum. She can safely be called the darling of fortune.

Getting up early is something that the owner of the name hates. This often forces her to look for a job that allows her to work in the evening. Violetta is suitable for creative professions, as well as areas in which she can put her communication skills and leadership skills to good use. The owner of the name can organize travel, work as a journalist, or a public relations specialist. The speed of Violetta's progress through career ladder directly depends on whether she likes the business she is doing. She will not cope well with a job she doesn’t like, so right choice profession is extremely important to her.

A woman with that name should not engage in entrepreneurial activity. An obstacle to success can be her inherent carelessness.

The mystery of the name

What secret is Violetta hiding from everyone? Few people realize how susceptible this girl is to flattery. When people start complimenting her, she quickly loses control of herself. This is due to the vanity of the owner of the name, her tendency to narcissism and the desire to be in the center of attention. Flattery - effective method to achieve something from Violetta. A girl with that name must definitely learn to distinguish manipulators from those who simply want to please her.

Planet - Moon.

Stone - Amethyst.

Zodiac sign - Pisces.

Plant - Violet.

Totem animal - Trout.

Tree - Willow.

The color of the name is Lilac.

Love, family

Does the meaning of the name Violetta and the character of its owner affect her personal life? A girl never remains without the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. She is always surrounded by fans who are ready to fight for her attention. Violetta tends to be amorous and is easy to conquer with the help of compliments and romantic gestures.

What kind of man has every chance of becoming the chosen one of the owner of the name? Violetta wants to see a bright and extraordinary personality next to her. If she marries just such a guy, then conflicts in the family are inevitable. It is not easy for two leaders to get along under one roof; they inevitably begin to compete with each other.

The first marriage of a woman with this name often ends in divorce. Violetta has no inclination towards long-term suffering; after parting with one man, she quickly finds a replacement for him. The owner of the name loves her children, but is extremely reluctant to raise them, as she prefers to spend time on herself. If there are grandmothers, Violetta will certainly try to shift her maternal responsibilities, or at least part of them, to them. Teenagers feel great next to such a mother, as she encourages their independence and desire to stand out thanks to an extravagant outfit, hairstyle or behavior.


What can you tell us about the health of a woman named Violetta? The owner of the name has a predisposition to diseases of the bronchi and lungs. They are strictly forbidden to smoke, as this could end in disaster. Heart disease is also a danger for Violetta. A woman's health can be harmed by her lifestyle. Violetta likes to sleep in the morning and stay awake at night, and she also enjoys going to parties and nightclubs. The owner of the name monitors her diet, but this happens only from time to time.

Linguists claim that the name Violetta comes from Latin word Viola. Translated from Latin, this means “violet”, and therefore The meaning of the name Violetta is "violet". The most common name became in Spain, France and Italy. IN Italian The name Violetta has a paired male name. This name is Violetto or more commonly used Violo.

The meaning of the name Violetta for a girl

Girls named Violetta grow up to be cheerful and joyful girls. They are determined and independent from childhood. Violetta is a lively girl and some parents find it difficult to keep up with her. She is developing ahead of many of her peers and is therefore skeptical of them. Violetta loves the admiring glances of others and their admiring exclamations. A tendency to narcissism can harm Violetta in life. In addition, her independence often results in disobedience. Girls named Violetta are quite difficult to raise.

Violetta’s studies don’t matter. Her activity in the classroom usually turns into restlessness, and her independence into conflicts with teachers. Violetta finds it difficult to study, but she enjoys going to various clubs. But what is important is if she chose them herself and decided to go there. Violetta generally likes to decide everything herself.

The health of girls named Violetta cannot be called strong. Rather, it is average, and its weak point can be called respiratory system. Violetta tends to often suffer from bronchitis and common colds. Parents will have to devote a lot of effort to preventing diseases so that they do not have to treat their child too often.

Short name Violetta

Viola, Vela, Veta, Vita, Vitusya, Letta.

Diminutive pet names

Violetka, Violetochka, Twig, Velochka, Violetushka, Vetushka, Vitulya.

Name Violetta in English

IN English language The name Violetta is spelled like this - Violet, but is read as Violet.

Name Violetta for international passport- VIOLETTA.

Translation of the name Violetta into other languages

in Arabic - اللون البنفسجي
in Belarusian - Viyaleta
in Hungarian - Viola
in Greek - Βιολέτα (Violeta)
in Danish - Viola
in Icelandic - Fjóla (Fjoula)
in Spanish - Violeta
in Italian - Viola, Violeta, Violetta
in Chinese - 维奥莱塔
in Latin - Viola
in German - Violeta
in Norwegian - Viola
in Polish - Wioletta or Wiola
in Portuguese - Viola
in Ukrainian - Violetta
in Finnish - Viola
in French - Violette
in Swedish - Viola
in Japanese - バイオレット

Church name Violetta(V Orthodox faith) undefined. The name Violetta is not church name, which means that at baptism she will receive a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Violetta

If we try to characterize Violetta, then first of all I would like to talk about her ability to be in the center of attention. Violetta knows how to look good and has excellent style. She loves noisy parties and goes there specifically to show off. At the same time, Violetta is characterized by pragmatism and a business approach in almost everything. She treats friendship as a transaction. Violetta is also characterized by a special sense of purpose and the ability to achieve her own goals.

Violetta knows how to work, but she only does the work well that she considers necessary. If she doesn’t have a soul for a certain job, then it’s extremely difficult to get Violetta to work. Money seems to flow naturally to Violetta, so she rarely needs it. Violetta prefers a night owl daily routine. She likes to get up late and goes to bed just as late, although with the advent of children this opportunity disappears.

Violetta's family relationships are unusual. She has such a wide choice of fans that only a special man catches her attention. Well, special men are rarely ordinary. Their family is a combination of two bright personalities, which often leads to competition for the right to leadership in the family. Many Violettas marry twice, or even three times. They love their children very much, but they are reluctant to devote time to them. Most of all, Violetta loves herself.

The mystery of the name Violetta

The secret of Violetta can be called her greed for flattery. She completely loses control of herself when people start flattering her. She is torn by vanity from the inside and it is through flattery that she can be won over. If she does not learn to identify flatterers, then this will not lead her to any good.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Trout.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Willow.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Amethyst.

Violetta is derived from the Latin “viola” - violet. The name is extremely popular in France and Italy. At first, Violetta was used as a diminutive of the name Viola, but later acquired an independent meaning.

Violetta celebrates her name day on May 3, October 29. The patron planet of the name is the Moon. The stone of luck is jasper. The element of the name is air. The plant that brings good luck is thyme.


From early childhood, Violetta has a strong-willed character. Despite the tender and fragile meaning of the name Violetta, the girl is distinguished by exceptional fearlessness. She deals with all her problems on her own, without waiting for the support of friends and relatives. Firmness and determination are the main traits of an adult woman. Violetta's friends can always count on her help and support. Viola goes straight to the goal, confidently coping with all obstacles. You should not think that in front of you is a soldier in a skirt. You should remember what the name Violetta means. Despite her strength of character, Violetta has a light, friendly character. She is feminine and has excellent taste. Viola is a big fashionista and loves to attract attention to her person.

The ease of behavior sometimes gives the wrong impression of Violetta's moral values. The discrepancy between ease of behavior and high standards of morality is the secret of the name Violetta. These are women of strict rules and regulations. “Winter” Violetta is a lover of life, an active extrovert. She always needs the opportunity for self-realization. “Spring” Violetta is a contradictory nature. She is straightforward and truthful, very restrained in expressing her feelings, but wants to please. She does not always have enough self-confidence, but perseverance and perseverance help her achieve success.

“Summer” Violetta is an enthusiastic chatterbox. Born in the summer of Violetta, the meaning of the name corresponds most accurately. They get along with people incredibly easily and are ready to tell everyone about their problems. Such a light image hides a very strong inner core. Violetta, born in autumn, is an extraordinary nature. She is smart, intelligent, inquisitive and has an excellent memory. Viola is incredibly talented with a strong will.

Study, career, hobbies

Violetta easily overcomes all the difficulties of studying. Excellent memory, perseverance and quick wits make studying simple and easy for her, but problems can arise with discipline. Violetta has difficulty coping with monotonous work; she needs a change of impressions. Violetta needs creative work. If she likes the work, then best employee will be difficult to find. It is easier for Violetta to work in the afternoon, since most often representatives of this name are owls. Violettas choose a field of activity related to communication. They make excellent flight attendants, doctors and nurses, and teachers. IN family life Violetta, as a rule, goes through several marriages. Having learned that Violetta's name means a gentle and modest flower, many expect to find the same qualities in her character. Violetta's character is completely different.

A woman loves company, admiration, light flirting, which makes her husband jealous. However, Violetta can be an excellent housewife and mother, leaving her career for the sake of family happiness. To do this, you need to provide her with your home. Violetta finds it difficult to get along with her parents, both her own and her husband’s.


Violetta is in excellent health. Irrepressible character, love for public life and noisy companies can affect the functioning of the heart. Over the years, blood pressure may increase.

Violetta is restless and quickly gets tired of monotonous work, so you need to be able to switch her attention by changing types of activities. Demands and pressure will not achieve success; Viola is very stubborn. Violetta needs to be interested, then the work will be done quickly and with pleasure.


Violetta Ivanova - actress (Bulgaria), Violetta Jabot - intelligence officer (Great Britain), Violetta Dinescu - composer (Germany), Violetta Quesada - sprinter (Cuba), Violetta Chamorro - President of Nicaragua. Violetta Parra – artist and singer (Chile).

Beautiful and euphonious, and also not the most common in Russia, Violetta comes from the Latin word “viola”, which is translated into Russian as “violet”. It is most widespread in countries such as France, Spain and Italy.

From positive traits Violetta can be noted for her sensuality, ability to achieve her goals and firmly pursue them, passion and groovy character. People around her often note the activity of this girl, but at the same time she can be perceived as cold due to a lack of sincerity.

Looks soberly and objectively at such uncertain things as love and friendship. Has a developed sense of duty. People around her are not always able to discern her sensuality, since it is often hidden behind Viola’s businesslike and pragmatic mind. Also, highly developed logic often takes precedence over emotions.

What is less attractive about the meaning of this name is that in certain circumstances, the desire to obtain benefits, combined with internal emotionality, can lead Violetta to commit very controversial actions.

In Italian there is a male version of this name - Violetto, the short and more commonly used form of which is Violo. The abbreviated forms of the name Violetta are the following: Letta, Vitusya, Vela, Veta, Tusya, Volya, Vitulya, Violka.

In other countries and cultures, the following synonyms for this name exist: Viola, Fjoula, Viol, Violet, Violant, Violanda, Violena.

Vita's character in childhood and adulthood

Already in early childhood, Vita’s parents and immediate circle noted a fearless and strong-willed character beyond her age. This girl will never try to run away from her problems - she will begin to solve them as soon as they appear.

She will also not leave the last word to her offender and will immediately strike back. If she herself, willy-nilly, hurt someone’s feelings, she will never apologize because of her stubbornness, even if she herself realizes that she is wrong.

It’s quite easy for Violetta at school - she comprehends school curriculum thanks to natural intelligence and good memory, as well as stubbornness. However, teachers occasionally leave discipline-related comments in her diary. Her restless character prevents her from being an exemplary schoolgirl.

Over the years, Vita's character remains virtually unchanged. The girl grows up brave and courageous, shows determination, moves mountains to achieve her own goals. For this, her friendly environment appreciates her - everyone knows that they can always rely on her.

In adult Vita, feminine charm is well developed and natural charm. She always dresses with taste and looks impressive. She is sociable, cheerful and kind, due to which she instantly wins sympathy. Her performance at work will depend on whether she is doing her own thing. If she likes the field, she will be an excellent worker.

Violetta's fate

Vita is destined to always be in the spotlight. She will spend a lot of time at noisy parties and other entertainment events, where she will purposefully go to demonstrate to everyone her ability to look impressive and stylish.

Voletta will take a business-like approach in everything. There will be no exceptions in friendship, which she will treat as the conclusion of a certain agreement, calculating possible losses and benefits. However, this same pragmatism will help her achieve her goals.

Vita will only get a job that she really likes. It is difficult to imagine what the circumstances would have to be to force Violetta to mind her own business. She will never need money - all her life it will seem to those around her that they are flowing into her hands.

The issue of personal life will not be easy for Violetta. By nature, she will grow up to be an amorous girl, and besides, she will be surrounded by many fans. However, she will only agree to marry a special man. Her marriage will be a union of two unusual and vibrant personalities, which may lead to competition for the role of leader in the relationship.

Violetta is prone to divorce and may have several marriages in her life, as well as children from different men. She will be reluctant to devote time to her children, although in general she will be a good mother.

Esoteric characteristics

Flattery is the real secret of the name Violetta. She, like no one else, is susceptible to flattery, which is the shortest way to this girl’s heart. Vanity makes her lose control of herself even from the most implausible compliments.

Various characteristics of Vita:

  • Planets – Moon;
  • Animal mascot – trout;
  • The color of the name is purple;
  • Tree mascot – willow;
  • The talisman plant is violet;
  • Zodiac sign – Pisces;
  • The talisman stone is amethyst.

Violetta does not celebrate her name day or angel's day, since she is on the list of Catholic or Orthodox calendar she's not there.

Career and money

Violetta's character is more masculine than feminine. Sensual in love and flirtatious at parties, Vita at work suddenly turns into a sober-thinking problem-solving machine. It's very good if she takes leadership position, since submission is not her model of behavior.

Vita often chooses a profession where she is given the opportunity to take care of other people - a nurse, nanny or flight attendant. Also, thanks to her passion for sports, music and dancing, she will make a wonderful artist. In tourism, entertainment or show business, it also has a chance to rise very high.

She is periodically showered with gifts, bonuses, given promotions and salary increases, so she does not need money. However, she does not save and risks squandering everything by adulthood.

Marriage and love, health

Vita gets married early thanks to the fact that she has youth there is a huge selection from a wide variety of fans. However, even being in a barge, she is not always able to resist her hormones and is inclined to respond to advances from other men, which gives her husband many reasons for jealousy.

The attention of men is highly valued by her, so she cannot do without it. This often becomes the reason for divorce. Vita is rarely married less than twice. The mother-in-law and Violetta do not like each other and try not to interact too often. This circumstance is also unlikely to please her chosen one and, coupled with constant affairs on the side, can lead to quarrels and divorce.

People named Violetta are unusually strong and healthy. It may also happen that a girl never misses school or work because of high temperature. However, with age, Vita’s wild lifestyle can undermine this biological strength, leading the woman to heart and kidney diseases.

Compatibility with other names

The happiest marriage awaits Violetta with Alexei, who knows how to give compliments and will value his partner more than himself, which is what vain Vita needs. A similar situation will develop with Arthur, Boris, Vladislav, Vasily and Valery, the marriage with whom will be just as happy and strong.

A less successful match for this girl would be men with names such as: , .

Famous bearers of the name

Among the bearers of this name there are many famous women who have become famous in various fields. Among them is Violetta Chamorro - ex-president Nicaragua, Violetta Bovt - Soviet ballerina, and Violetta Ivanova - Bulgarian astronomer.

A lot of research has been devoted to the secret meanings of names, because people really believe in the saying “what you call a ship is how it will sail.” IN modern society There is a tendency to borrow foreign names into the Russian language. You can argue for a long time whether this is good or bad, but one of the names that recently came to us from Europe is the name Violetta. And since the number of girls and young girls with this name is growing, it would be useful to know more about it.

Origin of the name Violetta

The name Violetta came to us from Latin language, where the word viola means "violet". In many languages, this name is synonymous with flower. It is not very often used in Russia, but it is popular in France, the USA, Italy and England, and a little less in other European and South American countries.

The name Violetta means "violet"

Name forms

Due to its prevalence, the name Violetta has many different forms.

Photo gallery: pictures with the name Violetta

In Italian, several male names are formed from the name Violetta. The name Violetta exists only in catholic church The name Violetta is very popular in Europe and America

The short forms are Ola, Olya, Vila, Viola, Vela, Veta, Vita, Volya, Letta, Vitsa.

Affectionately, Violetta can be called Violka, Olyusha, Violetka, Vitulya, Vitusya, Tusya, Fork, Vilya.

It is believed that this name was once a diminutive of the name Viola and close to the name Yolanda. In some countries, there is a spelling variant with one letter “t” (Violeta). In Italy there are male names Violo and Violetto, which are derived from the female Viola. Other related names: Viola, Viola, Violet, Violeta, Viol, Violen, Violant, Violena, Violanta, Violanda, Fjoula.

The name Violetta is not found in Orthodoxy.

According to transliteration rules in Russia, the name Violetta is indicated in international passports as VIOLETTA.

Table: the name Violetta in other languages

Patronymic names for the name Violetta

The best names for the name Violetta are Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Ilyinichna, and the worst ones are Viktorovna, Glebovna, Illarionovna, Nikolaevna.

Nicknames for social networks

  • ViØℓettส;
  • VᎥoℓeττa;
  • Viola;
  • Purple flower;
  • VioletScarlet.

Name days and patron saints

IN Orthodox Church there is no name Violetta, but Catholic Violettas can celebrate name days on October 29 and May 3.

The patron saint of this name is Viola Giolini, a virgin and martyr who was executed by the pagans for her Catholic faith. IN Catholic faith

Characteristics of the name

The patroness of the name Violetta is Viola Giolini

The name Violetta is considered in the studies of such authors as B. Higir and P. Rouget. Both of these people agree that a girl with this name is excitable, sensitive, sociable, hardworking, and an extrovert. In numerology, the name Violetta corresponds to the number 8.

Eights are very decisive, always ready for action. Any knowledge is grasped on the fly. They love it when everything goes according to plan, but in certain situations they are also capable of improvisation. They can achieve any goals they set, but only if there is a person next to them who can support them.

The influence of a name on a child's character Little Violetta is endowed with endless positivity. She is an eternal optimist, always joyful, always full of new ideas. She likes to be the center of attention, organize friends for Interesting games

. A certain narcissism can interfere with a girl’s communication, since she constantly needs the admiration of others. It is often difficult for parents to raise Violetta, as she has been disobedient and stubborn since early childhood. A girl often does things that ruin her own life, just to annoy her family. As a rule, a girl matures early, so she looks down on her peers, preferring to communicate with those who are older than her. This is especially evident in adolescence, when a girl who considers herself an adult becomes simply uncontrollable. Violetta usually starts early

independent life and parents have to put up with it. Violetta's success at school is below average. The girl is not interested in school subjects, she cannot sit still for long, and often comes into conflict with teachers. However

extracurricular activities can easily captivate her, if, of course, this is the child’s own choice.

Little Violetta’s studies usually don’t work out

The influence of a name on an adult woman

Violetta's character does not change much with age. Grown-up girl still remains very stubborn and determined. She appreciates true friendship, because only close friends know her well enough. For everyone else, the girl prefers to hide her true feelings. For the sake of the people close to her, Violetta is ready to do anything.

On the other hand, she has a huge number of friends with whom she happily goes to various events, always being in a state of euphoria. She is able to be the center of any company, spreading endless positivity and energy.

However, Violetta also has not very good character traits. This is touchiness, pettiness, vindictiveness, which, however, she shows very rarely.


Violetta's main talent can be called her sense of style. It’s as if she predicts what will be fashionable in the new season. The girl always looks perfect from head to toe, and most importantly, she thinks through everything herself, and sometimes she sews her own clothes and creates accessories. Another talent of Violetta is foreign languages.

Violetta loves to create her own outfits

Career, profession, business

Violetta is always lucky with money in life. Moreover, this can be not only good earnings, but also gifts and lottery winnings. She takes her work responsibly, but only if it interests her. Developed intuition helps to cope with any complex tasks.

The girl prefers professions in which she can show her perseverance and independence. These are analytics, psychology, medicine, teaching, tourism, restaurant business, and entertainment industry. Very often Violetta chooses creative professions.

Violetta’s business will be successful due to her stubbornness, self-sufficiency, intuition, business qualities. Having decided to become a businesswoman, a girl has every chance of making good money, but she shouldn’t take too many risks without thinking about the consequences. The main thing is that she likes the chosen business.


Violetta rarely complains about poor health, however, the lungs and bronchi can become problematic. Under no circumstances should a girl smoke; it’s better to go for walks. fresh air. Heart disease and high blood pressure may occur in adulthood.

Love, sex, marriage

Violetta quickly falls in love and just as quickly cools down. She tends to rush headlong into the pool, hormones surge in her blood, demanding new sensations, so she is often considered flighty. She can only stay for a long time with a reliable man who will support and surprise her soul mate.

Her first marriage happens at an early age; it rarely turns out to be her last. The girl is capable of strong feelings, but over time she will try to find flaws in her chosen one. Even after getting married, Violetta is not against flirting with other men, which is why she often quarrels with her husband. She does not tolerate jealousy. Usually a girl doesn't have much a good relationship with the husband’s family, so the young people simply need to live separately.

In her sex life, Violetta hates monotony and is always ready to experiment. She is a bright and sensual girl who will be a wonderful lover if her partner can create the right mood in her.

Even after getting married, Violetta will never refuse male attention

Due to the fact that the name Violetta is not very common in Russia, I have met only one such girl in my life. What can you tell us about her? That Violetta really was a real beauty who took care of herself, every hair had to be in its place. She was a true embodiment of positivity, always coming up with interesting ideas. True, she also had some not very good traits. She often considered people only as a means to an end, and herself as superior to everyone else, which is why communication with her was not entirely pleasant.

Table: compatibility of the name Violetta with other names

Significant years

Most important years in Violetta's life you can call 21, 24, 30, 63, 84.

If you want to dedicate poetry to Violetta, try using the following rhymes: candy, operetta, Juliet, carriage, vendetta.


Name matches are very easy to use in Everyday life, because it brings a person success and helps him to know himself better.

Table: matches to the name Violetta

The willow is the most important tree for Violetta

The meaning of the letters in the name

Each letter in the name Violetta has its own interpretation, which affects the overall meaning of the name:

  • B - perseverance, the ability to set goals and achieve them, fulfillment of dreams, sociability, harmony with oneself. A creative person who believes only in actions;
  • I - rich inner world, harmony, kindness, sensuality, calmness. Outwardly, this person is a real realist, but behind this lies a romantic nature;
  • O - conservatism, adherence to principles, which do not allow talents to come out. Rich intuition that allows you to understand your purpose in life. Sensitivity, ability to handle money;
  • L - abilities for art and communication, but the craving for beauty can be overwhelmed by the desire for material comfort. To prevent this from happening, a person needs to find his place in life;
  • E - talkativeness, the need for communication and exchange of ideas. The desire for power, which is visible to everyone around, is combined with the desire to achieve everything on one’s own, without fraudulent means;
  • T - life one day at a time, the need for daily changes, for creative self-expression. A person has good intuition and always seeks the truth, but does not understand that his desires do not always correspond to his possibilities;
  • A - leadership, talent for organizing others, hard work, active life position. A person is open to everything new, has the talent to easily start and, most importantly, finish new projects.

Although the name Violetta is not very popular in Russia, there are several songs about this name, in particular, by the groups “Chocolate”, “Tatyana’s Day”, “Noon”, and by the singer Semyon Lobaznoy.

Name according to the time of year

As a rule, the time of birth of a person influences his character. Let's try to describe a girl named Violetta, born in different times of the year.

  • “winter” is an extrovert, open to new people, able to sincerely empathize, always on the move. However, such a girl is easy to offend due to her excessive impressionability;
  • “Spring” - has a contradictory character, is straightforward and does not like to be lied to. She is businesslike, sets goals for herself and always achieves them. Relationships with men are quite problematic, as it is difficult for her to understand her feelings;
  • “summer” is sociable, the life of the party, able to get anyone talking and quickly arouses sympathy among others. She can handle any difficult tasks, but sometimes a girl needs to talk to someone about her problems;
  • “Autumn” is smart, so she always achieves what she wants, and is able to perform several tasks at once. She is a little unsure of her abilities, which makes it difficult for her to decide on a new business, but objective view always helps her out with things.

The time of Violetta's birth greatly affects her character

Name horoscope

It's no secret that the zodiac sign has a strong influence on character, and in combination with the meaning of the name it gives more full description human characteristics:

  • Aries is purposeful, difficulties do not stop her. He carefully selects the people he allows into his life. It can only be with a man who is ready to take responsibility and tolerate her coldness and rudeness;
  • Violetta-Taurus - sees entertainment and relaxation as the main thing in life, loves fun and huge companies, and their absence can easily lead to a girl’s depression. She is unpredictable, restless, optimistic, prefers people who are cheerful and ready to throw themselves into the pool headlong;
  • Gemini - hates work, but devotes a lot of time to his appearance. Naturally attractive, she is always surrounded by the attention of men and takes advantage of this by traveling and having fun. She doesn’t think about starting a family because she’s scared of obligations;
  • Violet-Cancer - often gets into conflicts because of her principles, and will never accumulate resentment within herself, but will throw out all the anger outward. The rest of the time, the girl is very sociable and cheerful, but in difficult situations you cannot rely on her. He does not want to start a family and cannot, because he strives for freedom and often changes his environment;
  • Leo - prefers to be in charge in everything, and those who are under her control are better off not arguing. Sets many goals for himself and always achieves them thanks to his seriousness and hard work;
  • Virgo is too demanding of others; she can search for a life partner forever, since she represents her ideal in her head. However, having fallen in love, the girl will take care of her chosen one, protect him, and become a faithful and understanding wife;
  • Libra - does not like conflicts, so she always tries to be friendly and welcoming. She is very diplomatic and delicate when communicating with others. The chosen one of such a girl will be very lucky - she will be a wonderful wife and mother in a strong and friendly family;
  • Violetta-Scorpio is a born leader, not deprived of success and luck. A powerful, strong-willed, impulsive girl, with her straightforwardness she attracts others like her. strong personalities. However, she will not tolerate any manifestation of weakness and laziness around her;
  • Sagittarius - her life is clearly planned out, there is no entry unforeseen circumstances or frivolity. This girl is distinguished by concentration, responsibility, prudence;
  • Capricorn - her character is so fickle that she herself does not always understand what she wants. Her mood swings from depression to unbridled joy several times a day, and her significant other will experience the girl’s unpredictability especially hard;
  • Violetta-Aquarius has excellent organizational skills, a talent for inspiring people and directing their strength in the right direction, but she does not want to be a leader. At the same time practical and dreamy, she needs a partner who will protect and take care of her. She will be faithful to such a person to the end;
  • Pisces - this girl has a simple, patient and generous character, but can flare up if someone hurts her dignity. She is ready to devote all her strength and energy to her family, so she shows herself to be hardworking and cheerful to her husband and children.

Famous people named Violetta

There are many celebrities in history whose name is Violetta.