Cycles of life. Cell life cycle

Taurus, you must force yourself to conduct your financial affairs safely and stably, develop self-esteem, and accept all the material benefits that are in this world. Don't be afraid to allow yourself to attract prosperity! This is how you learn in this life to learn that you deserve to take the best that life has to offer!

Taurus Affirmation

Your affirmation: “I am getting stronger every minute. My world is a stable and comfortable world.” Say the affirmation often and learn to believe! Your subconscious mind listens to what you say! If you tell yourself that things are bad, you are powerless and that there will be a bad day, chances are it will be! Try to believe that you are in control of your destiny instead!

Life qualities of Taurus

Learn to handle money, study for a master's degree and enjoy the material world, find stability, become comfortable and reliable for yourself, feel protected.

What are you not doing very well in life?

Do you often get sore throats?

you constantly worry about money or possessions,

you can't get out of your comfortable chair and do anything,

you do not know how to meet the allotted time,

using food as a substitute for love and security,

you seriously do not take into account your need for comfort and luxury.

Advice: you need to do certain internal work to work through these shortcomings.

Energy imbalance comes from:

Getting stuck in place due to worries about possessions,

indulging in the pleasures of too many rich delicious foods and sitting in your soft chair without doing anything!

What do you do well in life?

You feel good financially and personally,

you learn the value of a day spent in the garden or an hour's massage.

You are the happiest

When you feel that your life is safe, you know who and what you can count on, you don’t have to fight for money every minute and every day, you find time for love and simple joys.

Good Jobs for Taurus

Banking, financial manager, something stable, consistent, something you can count on as a stable company.

Good Relationships for Taurus

Someone you can rely on, who is predictable, reliable and grounded.

This is worth considering for Taurus

Grow a garden or herbs on the windowsill,

buy yourself some good comfortable chairs,

open an account in a reliable bank,

move to a dacha or at least to nice apartment with a yard where you can grow things,

pamper yourself from time to time to make you feel good,

pamper yourself with a massage,

buy some expensive work of art that will cost more and more,

make a budget,

wear a jade bracelet - Jade, gem Taurus because it adds prosperity and stability to your life,

buy indoor plants.

When planning your day, be sure to write the word “relaxation” in your notepad so you remember to rest.

What are the qualities of Taurus?

Caring, very purposeful, knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

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Human life can be divided into different cycles, depending on what we take as a basis.

For example, if we consider human physiology, the shortest cycle is the life of a cell - 28 days.

The number 28 itself can be obtained by addition prime numbers up to 7, i.e. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28.

The number 28 can also be attributed to years human life, dividing it into 28-year cycles.

You can take the cycles of planetary movement and compare them with the cycles of human development. This is the most ancient astrological method that allows a person to understand the influences of the planets and adapt to changes in his physical, mental and spiritual states.

When a child is born, during the first four years of life he is influenced Moon.

It helps the formation of the human etheric body - the receiver and accumulator of emotional experiences in the form of figurative perception.

The lunar influence can persist even after four years, if the child does not develop intellectual abilities, thinking, which is associated with the influence of Mercury.

The child needs to be told in detail what each thing means and the experiences associated with it. For example, that you should not touch the fire, as it can burn you. The child remembers the information received in images and experiences.

There are exceptional cases of sleepwalking, when the child has already turned into an adult, but he remains dependent on the Moon.

This means that he did not receive the necessary information in childhood with the help of which he could comprehend his experiences. So for him emotional state his thinking is underdeveloped, although maybe a good education. In this case, a person needs the help of a specialist who would help him understand his emotional states.

Mercury affects from 4 to 10 years of a child’s life.

During this period, the child should develop intellectual abilities and logic of thinking (through perception, observation and analysis).

It means a lot during this period for a child to receive spiritual development which parents must lay down.

Since spiritual values ​​help to form the right system values ​​that the child’s logic should use in the thinking process.

Venus has an effect from 10 to 18 years. Influencing the heart, in which love and various feelings arise, Venus stimulates sensual life in a person.

This is the time of youth when a teenager needs to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex.

If attention is not paid to this process in a timely manner, then problems will arise in a person’s life. personal life, with the health of the reproductive system. He has difficulty in intimate relationships with a person of the opposite sex, and may seek relationships with people of the same sex. This is one of the reasons for the emergence of homosexuality.

The time of maturity begins under the influence Sun, from 18 years to 37. At this time, the human mental body is formed - the source of thoughts. He needs to learn to think independently, without prompting from other people, in order to manifest the properties of his consciousness.

From 37 to 52 years old a person is under the influence Mars, which influences a person’s behavior, his actions and forms fortitude and will.

A person learns to act independently in order to bring his ideas and plans to life.

In the period from 52 to 64 years of age the influence spreads Jupiter, which develops wisdom in a person, teaches to live in the present, taking into account the past and future.

Under the influence of Jupiter, a person develops a worldview, which can change due to changes in society and his life experience.

During this period, a person can develop intuition - an instrument of the soul, which, by extracting information from the memory of human consciousness, anticipates the future and prompts a person to the moment of truth.

Thus, Jupiter develops the ability to act correctly and sends the voice of true destiny.

By the position of Jupiter in the birth horoscope, one can determine the purpose of the soul’s incarnation and what a person’s happiness lies in.

The remaining years after age 64 are under the influence of Saturn, which serves as a bridge connecting personality and individuality, body and soul.

And this influence is connected with the bone skeleton and the body of the soul. This planet strives to develop a sense of duty in human consciousness.

No one can escape the influence of this planet without paying the debt to fate and karma. This planet is the judge and lawgiver, and represents the justice of God.

If by this time a person has not learned to fulfill his duty and take on obligations, then Saturn begins to destroy his skeletal system and stem cells located in the bone marrow. As a result, a person begins to age.

Planets affect different cycles of human life, both in general, on all people, and on each individual, and the degree of their influence may vary.

Therefore, there are cases when child prodigies are born, their intellectual development exceeds that of their peers by 4-10 years.

We know people who have the wisdom of old people, although they are still relatively young, and we know old people who remain children in their behavior and thinking.

In any case, consulting an astrologer can help a person develop harmoniously, with an understanding of what is happening.

We lose hair every day, but we usually don't go bald; We cut our nails, but they still grow back. We remove dead skin cells to give it smoothness and radiance, and carry out procedures that start the process of skin regeneration.

All this is possible thanks to the body’s ability to renew itself. You've probably heard that the human body is completely renewed every 7 years, that is, at the end of this period you become a different person, because every cell in your body is replaced by a new one.

Sounds amazing! But is this really so and why do we, despite the renewal of the body, continue to age?

Renewal of the body: each cell has its own “lifespan”

Indeed, the lifespan of individual cells human body limited. After expiration given period, cells die and new ones take their place. The adult human body consists of huge amount cells - approximately 50-75 trillion - and each type of cell has its own “lifespan”.

After the death of a person, not all cells die immediately - some of them take several minutes, others - hours, and others - a day. The rate of cell death is one of the factors used to determine the cause and time of death of a person.

The rate of cell death is one of the factors used to determine the cause and time of death of a person.

The site will review below:

  • approximate renewal time of various cells, tissues and organs of the body;
  • why do we grow old?

At what speed does the body's cells renew?

Below are the approximate rates of cell renewal in the human body:

1. Red blood cells (erythrocytes), which carry oxygen, live for about four months.

2. The average lifespan of white blood cells is just over a year. At the same time, the most numerous group of leukocytes - neutrophils - live only a couple of hours, eosinophils - 2-5 days.

3. Platelets live for about 10 days.

4. Lymphocytes are renewed at a rate of 10,000 cells per second.

5. Epidermal cells are renewed approximately every 10-30 days of the week, the skin recovers 4 times faster after minor injuries.

6. The “age” of hair on the head can reach 6 - 7 years. Every day, the hair on your head grows by about 0.5 mm. Hair on other parts of the body - approximately 0.27 mm per day. Eyebrows are renewed every 64 days.

7. The surface of the cornea is covered thin layer cells that are constantly renewed in 7-10 days. Retinal cells do not renew themselves, as does the lens of the eye, which is why age-related vision deterioration is a common problem. However, experts are developing methods for retinal regeneration using stem cells.

8. Epithelial cells of the small intestine are renewed every 2-4 days, the colon - approximately every 4 days, the gastric mucosa - about 5 days.

9. Cells in the cerebral cortex, as far as is known today, are not capable of regeneration, unlike hippocampal neurons. Damaged nerve cells can recover to a certain extent if the cell body of the neuron is not damaged.

10. The rate of nerve regeneration after injury is approximately 2-3 mm per day.

11. Average age fat cell - 8 years. Every year, 10% of fat cells are replaced by new ones.

12. Liver cell renewal takes approximately 300-500 days. The human liver has an excellent ability to regenerate. If 70% of this organ is removed, it will recover to normal sizes in just a couple of months. Surgeons even removed 90% of the liver, but recovery in this case was incomplete.

13. Kidney and spleen cells require 300-500 days to renew.

14. Nails grow approximately 3.5 mm each month, although the nail on the little finger grows slower than the others. Toenails grow at a rate of about 1.6 mm per month, with the big toenail growing fastest.

15. The heart is one of the slowest regenerating organs of the human body. In a 25-year-old person, only 1 percent of heart cells are renewed annually; this figure decreases with age. Less than half of the heart cells are renewed over a lifetime.

The heart is one of the slowest regenerating organs in the human body.

16. Taste buds on the tongue are renewed every 10 days.

17. Fingertips can partially regenerate after injury. The best results are observed in children several months after injury. To restore the fingertips, an unaffected nail bed is necessary. The new fingertip is sensitive and has an imprint on it.

18. The mucous membrane of bronchioles is renewed every 2-10 days.

19. Microscopic air sacs - alveoli - are renewed in 11-12 months, and surface cells of the lungs - in 2-3 weeks.

20. Muscle cells are “long-livers”, since their lifespan is 15 years.

21. Skeletal cells are constantly renewed, but rather slowly - 10% per year, and for complete replacement skeletal cells take about 10 years.

Why, despite the renewal of the body, do we age?

The fact of body renewal was established back in the early 50s during the observation of the movements of objects with radioactive atoms embedded in them. Jonas Friesen, a molecular biologist from Sweden, has been studying body renewal by measuring levels of radioactive carbon-14.

He discovered that every 7-10 years, most of the body's cells are replaced by new ones. Of course, this figure is arbitrary, taking into account the rate of renewal, for example, of heart and skeletal cells or the lack of the ability to regenerate certain neurons, retinal cells, lens, and oocytes.

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Throughout our lives, we all go through corresponding signs. And there is, which moves at a speed of 4.3 degrees per year, starting its journey in Aries and ending in Pisces. We can always determine exactly what problems we will encounter at a given age. Each of us must complete our own program at each specific age and, ultimately, throughout our lives.

See how things are going for you and draw your own conclusions:

From 0 to 7 years

The point of life at this age moves according to the most nimble sign - . Children are bursting with energy, they are restless and inquisitive, they immediately want to know everything about everything, and there is no force that could stop them. And there is no need to restrain a child at this age; on the contrary, we need to give him more freedom, because it is very important for him to assert himself and demonstrate his abilities. The task of parents is to instill in their child a sense of love and compassion for others, and to prevent the development of selfishness and cruelty. After all, the motto of this age and Aries is: “I want!” Don’t let your child hurt animals and other kids, teach them to take care of nature, and cultivate willpower. If you fail to instill these qualities in your child before the age of seven, you will never instill them!

From 7 to 14 years

The life point moves to the curly. Therefore, gentlemen, parents, do not indulge all the material desires and whims of your child. On this life stage he must be taught to control his emotions, especially anger and aggression. It is necessary to develop and train your memory. Try to “culturally,” but firmly, form a teenager’s social circle, since at this age the negative energy of the crowd accumulates in him, which can later manifest itself in cruelty and intransigence towards others. But don’t isolate your child from their peers. Great importance there is a place of their meetings and an atmosphere. It is also important to lay the foundations for systematic learning. Try to ensure that your child learns more of the various material being studied; the more, the better. At this age, it is quite easy to instill in a child a love of art and aesthetics. It's the right time to study in music and art schools. And at the age of 13–14, you need to instill and form the correct attitude towards your ancestors and roots. You can also speculate on philosophical topics. It is time!

From 15 years to 21 years

The point moves along the sign. It's time to actively develop intelligence and independent thinking. At the age of 15–16, a person enters society, which has its own laws and rules that one must learn to follow in order for society to accept him. It is necessary to get rid of lack of composure, irresponsibility, craving for gossip and speculation. It's time for parents to start sex education for their children, otherwise they will find out everything themselves (actually, I think these recommendations about sex education are outdated, start it earlier). At this age, it is useful to travel a lot, learn about the cultures of other countries, and absorb a variety of information.

From 21 to 28 years old

The point of life is at . This is very important stage in the life of every person. The main task is improvement inner world, formation of one’s own value system based on the experience of older generations. By engaging in introspection and spiritual improvement, a person must try to get rid of many negative qualities: suspiciousness, isolation from others, greed. The most difficult thing at this age is to overcome the milestone of 25–26 years, when a person is overcome by the desire to give up everything and start living again. During this period it is very important to do right choice, since many have already started a family. Often reckless actions ruin the life of not only him, but also those close to him. In order not to make mistakes, you need to establish strong spiritual ties with parents and relatives, just with the older generation. In a difficult situation, they are able to really help both in word and deed. 25–26 years is the most favorable time for the birth of children, since they take over from their parents the most best qualities their personalities.

From 28 to 35 years old

The point of life is at. A tendency toward adventurism, alcoholism, and drug addiction begins to appear; there is an influx of energy, which not everyone can use correctly; many begin to waste it, indulging in pleasures and entertainment, often empty and worthless. The most the best remedy fighting temptations - studying philosophy, religion, reading books that raise morality and purity of the soul. It is very important to choose the right philosophical concept, not to go into sectarianism, not to accumulate negative energy, capable of destroying a person. Crucial moment– up to 32 years old. From the age of 28, family problems fade into the background, the main thing becomes own ego. A person tries to prove himself in a team, to be noticed and appreciated. At the age of 29, he takes stock of the years he has lived for the first time. For women, the period is very important - 32 years. Time to change feelings, reconsider your personal relationships. At this age, divorces often occur and new love affairs begin. We must try to analyze the past, weigh all the pros and cons, and not act too quickly. New feelings may not last long, sometimes only a year.

From 35 to 42 years old

The point of life is at . There comes a time when a person must give most energy accumulated in the previous period. Clarity and methodicality are required in the approach to solving the most different problems. A favorable time for professional growth and arranged marriages. The age from 37 to 38 years is a karmic check, a check of society. This is the first exam on how you comply with the principles of the Zodiac and whether you are fulfilling your life program. And if not, then you will face punishment in the form of various life problems: dismissal from work, serious illness, betrayal of friends.

During this period, you must pay close attention to your health. It’s worth paying special attention to your diet and trying not to pollute your body. At the age of Virgo, unpleasant traits may appear in your character: grumpiness, pickiness, stinginess, disregard for the feelings and needs of others. But the main thing is to get ready for the most important cycle in your life - 42 years - the half-cycle of Uranus, when the point of life crosses the life “equator”. At this age, many are trying to change their lives, as it seems to them, in better side: change family, place of work, place of residence, hobbies.

From 42 to 49 years old

The point of life moves according to the sign. During this period, a person tries to devote himself to a creatively chosen task at the age of 42. This age is also called “Indian summer”, when harmony and maturity sets in both personally and social life. Everything that has been accumulated over previous years has been analyzed, systematized and is awaiting implementation. The main planet of Libra is Venus. It is she who guides a person in the desire to create strong harmonious connections, to follow the laws of ethics and morality in deeds and feelings. During this period, it is necessary to establish social connections, get a new job, show your organizational skills and overcome shortcomings. Such as, for example, egocentrism, selfishness, and a tendency to dictate. Good timing to develop talents if you have them.

From 49 to 55 years old

Time . A difficult, critical period in the life of any person, especially women. We have to change long-established views, which is very difficult to do. Withdrawal is difficult and painful. On the physical plane, many often experience oncological diseases; many (especially at 52 years old) experience sexual syndrome - increased sexual dissatisfaction. At the age of Scorpio, a person has enormous self-destructive power and is sometimes ready to go all-in to achieve a goal. It is necessary to control your emotions, under no circumstances withdraw into yourself and not engage in self-examination.

Go out more often, meet with friends, study psychology, create creativity or engage in group activities. This period is favorable for discovering and improving magical and occult abilities. Women aged 52 are especially prone to this. For those who until this time led an unrighteous lifestyle, fate provides a chance to correct themselves, abandon their delusions and begin to live on completely new philosophical principles.

From 56 to 63 years old

At this age, the point of life moves according to the sign. A person begins to rush into philosophy or religion. Many people have a fussy craving for knowledge that they did not have time to acquire once. I would like to know several sciences and different philosophical movements at once. But, as a rule, this fails. Mercury is in captivity, and, grasping at many things, a person does not achieve results at all. Try to choose one thing and study this subject more deeply. At the age of 56, a person undergoes another test by society. All the mistakes and blunders made at the ages of 37 and 38 are revealed here. Those who correctly approach this stage of their path occupy high positions in society. Those who do not pass the test do not achieve their goals and retire.

From 63 to 70 years old

The point of life moves according to the sign. Last Chance is coming! It is at the age of 63 that a person’s last choice occurs, when he CAN change his life if he wishes. The one who commits incorrect choice, as a rule, passes away from life or severely breaks it. This is especially true for people who strive to create another family: in 90% of cases nothing works out. It is possible to destroy the old, but creating a new one is almost impossible.

At the age of Capricorn, it is necessary to abandon some stereotypical ideas, finally develop a vital, philosophical core and learn to give a clear assessment of every phenomenon, every event, but in no case impose your opinion and listen carefully to your opponents. It is very important to build relationships with your loved ones correctly, since many at this age try to be despotistic towards them. Try to develop diplomacy and the ability to compromise.

From 70 to 77 years

Time . A time of contemplation of life, a philosophical view of it, the view of an outside observer. Throughout his life, a person changes his attitude towards the world around him, changes his priorities. As children we say: “I”. In his youth: “Me and the world.” In adulthood: “The world and I.” At the age of Aquarius, only “PEACE” remains. This fourth stage of perception is the most important in understanding life and one’s place in it. If such a perception of the world does not come over the years, then a person’s spiritual qualities gradually begin to fade, he falls into insanity, which inevitably leads to collapse physical body. Aquarius time is a time of enjoying solitude or family solitude with your other half, since the life program has already been completed. But while enjoying life, show wisdom and philanthropy, then those around you will respect you for your thoughtfulness, justice and deep knowledge of the laws of life.

From 77 to 84 years old

The point of life moves according to the sign - the life cycle ends. For a person, everything is clear and understandable; he feels a connection with nature, unity with it. Spiritual, cosmic HARMONY is coming. The person enjoys life. The one who distributed correctly vitality, at this time must travel, learn about foreign cultures, filling the gap in knowledge of everything earthly. It is during this period that highly spiritual people connect to cosmic sources. Man merges with the Cosmos, but sometimes he needs to return to Earth. And - EVERYTHING. Agree, there is something to think about...

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