Sassy captions for photos. Comments on the woman's photo

Of course, photos often speak louder than words. But carefully chosen texts can enhance any image, adding an element of storytelling or even creating an aura of mystery.

Instagram photo captions help make posts more interesting and effective. You can add a call to action or inform the text important information. Meaningful quotes will look great under a selfie, and a product photo is worthless without a detailed description.

As you already know, Instagram captions play no less important role than photographs and visual design.

Today we will share tips for writing texts for your profile and offer a list of the most popular phrases and quotes for captions that your followers will love.

What is an Instagram caption?

Instagram caption– text that describes, explains or complements the content of the photo. Emojis and hashtags are often added to it.

How to write effective texts for Instagram

1. Ask for something

For example, Lately calls to rate photos work well, a new style image processing or design. This is especially true if you actually decide to try using to add variety to your feed. You can ask to leave emoticons, which will be instead of “like” or “dislike” answers, or write your opinion and recommendations.

2. Use the platform's capabilities

3. Use emojis

A distinctive feature of Instagram texts is that they cannot contain emojis, take it for granted. Even if you don’t like all this “fun”, pick a couple of serious pictures that fit into the style of your brand.

Emoji can not only convey emotions, but also hint at events or upcoming product releases. For example, for several weeks Britney Spears used the apple emoji in her signatures, fueling fans' interest in the new single.

4. Brainstorm

To ensure that you always have a good caption for a photo at your fingertips, brainstorm and write down the most witty and touching texts, then you will have plenty to choose from.

Write down all the quotes you like, puns, interesting hashtags, and your ideas. This piggy bank will come in handy more than once.

However, before you start generating ideas, decide what tone will perfectly complement your branding. Do you want to inspire or make people laugh? Motivate or evoke a strong emotional reaction?

Selected Captions for Instagram Photos

So you don't have to start with clean slate, we suggest paying attention to the following examples and ideas.

Selfie captions

Defiant signatures

  1. Don't be ordinary, be wild
  2. The truth hurts, buy a bandage
  3. They don't write books about good girls
  4. People say I pretend I don't care. But I'm not pretending.

Funny captions

View this post on Instagram

  1. When I'm told to follow my dreams I go to bed
  2. The best workout is running short distances, from the refrigerator to the TV and back
  3. If I had a sense of humor, I would come up with a funnier caption
  4. We're all born a little crazy, some just decide not to change.
  5. Everyone has a friend like that...
  6. Mirror: You look amazing today. Camera: nope
  7. Maybe it's natural beauty, or maybe it's the Clarendon filter
  8. I'm better in real life than on Instagram
  9. Suddenly you forgot what I look like
  10. I came, I saw, I forgot what I wanted
  11. Looks like I'm allergic to mornings
  12. If everything in this life were as simple as getting fat

Cute captions

  1. So grateful for everything
  2. Nothing shines brighter than a heart of gold
  3. Traveling is always the best part
  4. I radiate goodness and positivity
  5. I love your smiles so much
  6. Keep your chin up so the crown doesn't slip off
  7. Don't regret what you didn't do. Just go and do it!
  8. Always listen to your heart
  9. Don't wait for the storm to pass, come out and dance in the rain
  10. All my smiles start with you

Thoughtful captions

Here is a collection of captions about yourself, intended for posting to photos (on a personal page on a social network and other similar places). Each item on the list is a completely ready-made (complete and does not require additions) signature - just select the item you like.

  • Let them hate me for who I am, rather than love me for who I don’t want to be.
  • How to understand me? You don't have to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.
  • I learned to find a way out of the most confusing situations. Only one thing amazes me: how do I find the entrance there?
  • I allow myself to be looked down upon only by those who help me rise.
  • As I am, I won’t become another... I won’t change to please you! For some I will get a star... But for others I won’t move!
  • The more sun there is in the soul, the brighter life is around.
  • I do not know what will happen tomorrow. Let it just be. And let all those who are dear to me be in it.
  • I live with fire in my heart!
  • Sometimes life gives me lessons that I want to skip...
  • One of the most complex tasks- to be yourself in a world that tries to make you like everyone else.
  • And God grant you doubly what you wish for me...
  • A true woman does not worry, but excites.
  • The cries of the hungry soul are drowned out by the loud remake. How old-fashioned I am... in the world of show-offs and fakes.
  • The woman is as beautiful as a flower. And each flower should be a little loose.
  • I have nothing to say, but I want everyone to know about it!
  • I am ready for anything in life and optimism is my trait. I always have a swimsuit, vodka and a veil with me.
  • I try to prepare myself in the evening for the fact that tomorrow will be a perfect day.
  • It doesn’t matter who to be: kissed by life or a specific person... The main thing is that it is mutual!
  • What you believe in becomes your world.
  • The true reflection of our way of thinking is our life.
  • Experience has taught me that if people do something against you, it will ultimately benefit you.
  • Before you think badly of me, think well...
  • I throw flowers at my enemies... in a coffin.
  • I'm not at that age to do stupid things unconsciously. I am at the age when they are done consciously and with pleasure.
  • For some reason, some people are sure that they know my “place” better than I do.
  • Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not the development of intelligence? Because there are much fewer blind men than smart ones.
  • If you have an ass in your life, move it, oops, oops.
  • The universe is always on the side of dreamers, so my dreams will definitely come true.
  • Beauty affects even those who do not notice it.
  • Hell is empty, all the demons are here!
  • We get to the top most often through the wreckage of our cherished plans, discovering that it was our failures that brought us success.
  • The only source of information about you is yourself.
  • We can compare ourselves and rely on anyone, but we still always bear responsibility for our decisions.
  • Everyone is a star and deserves the right to shine.
  • If someone is not happy with something about me, it is not at all necessary to inform me... Try to survive the shock yourself.
  • Forgive me, ideal people, and be happy!
  • How smart I am! I am everywhere! I am in the heart too. And in the liver. And in bookmarks. And on the blacklist. I am amazed at my omnipresence!
  • ...And the stars shine beautifully for me, and hell is beautiful.
  • My happiness is when there are no sick people in the house. There are no relatives in prison. There are no rotten friends among them.
  • If I swear quietly, it means I have a cold in my throat.
  • If everyone around you is not the same, look within yourself.
  • I allow myself the luxury of being myself.
  • I bring happiness to the world!
  • Those who are too tough to eat with their eyes and gossip.
  • To be happy you need to do something, love someone and believe in something.
  • I know everything about myself, and you think what you want!
  • The devils are drowning in my pool, and I’m rushing headlong into your pool...
  • I'm better than anyone you know.
  • I'll be myself. All other places are already taken.
  • I know that I will be the happiest this year.
  • I will never beg people to come back... Yes, I will miss, I will miss these people, but they made their choice.
  • Don't bring me to the point of indifference, I won't return from there.
  • Of course, it’s impossible to correct me... But it’s still possible to ruin me completely.
  • The idiot trying to bite me! Let me remind you: my blood is bad, my teeth may fall out, then I’ll just have to suck!
  • I am most definitely a woman, and that makes me happy!
  • I don't invite you into my world. Stay in your own way. Just don't drag me there.
  • I am faithful as long as they are faithful to me, I am honest as long as they are honest with me.
  • My advice to you: under any circumstances, pretend to have peace in your heart. This is your chance to avoid having to explain to everyone what happened.
  • I don't live by memories. I live to make them!
  • Before you call me vile, remember what you did to me before.
  • Crazy. From the first joint!
  • Beautiful is when you are beautiful, and not when your breasts fall out and your panties are visible.
  • They hated me, but they wanted to be me...
  • He who is not with me is under me.
  • Don’t say “however the card falls.” She will lie the way I lay her.
  • And why did she get so lucky with such an unformatted man?
  • I am looking for marital status.
  • Actively searching for Santa Claus. Well, not exactly like a grandfather... but just a chill down the spine.
  • Today I realized – I’m happy! What's happened? Nothing, there’s simply no reason to be unhappy!
  • My lips are covered in caramel, I smell like vanilla, and my tears smell like strawberry syrup. I'm too sweet, your butt will stick together.
  • Happiness is where I am!
  • I always tell the truth, even when I'm lying.
  • Born for happiness!
  • I feel good with those who understand my world...
  • As usual, everything is strawberry!
  • Do I have something special? I have a lot of highlights! Yes, I’m practically a cupcake!
  • My soul is faithful to the laws of life.
  • This tragic moment when you are fat and there is no one to blame for it.
  • Continuously moving: hell devours the idle.
  • I'm fine! I have nothing to please you with!
  • I will be as cold as ice towards you, since you are rotting in the warmth.
  • I will definitely become better... some other time.
  • I prefer to experience adventures rather than read about them in books.
  • Never confuse my character with my attitude towards you. My character depends on me, and my attitude depends on your behavior.
  • With quiet steps I sneak confidently towards my dream.
  • You may think I'm weird. I will truly be strange to you as long as you remain within the confines of your worldview.
  • When I have insomnia, I prefer, no matter how trivial it may be, to count sheep: Vasya, Sasha, Anton, Sergey, Andrey...
  • How much will it cost me if I constantly give myself a discount?
  • I'm looking for a little bit of delight, a little bit of madness, everything that you can't live without.
  • I create miracles. With my own hands!
  • It's me! Just me! I am simply extraordinary!
  • I'm hard to find! Easy to lose! Impossible to forget!
  • That's how long I can remember... I've been cool for as long as I can.
  • It doesn't matter what others think of me. The main thing is that He called me the best!!!
  • I have regretted the fact that I felt sorry for you many times.
  • I'm fine, that's what I need.
  • I remember you. You are all I remember...
  • There is no place for evil in my soul... Everything is occupied by the people I love!
  • And I like Feng Shui to your words and great love.
  • When the whiner dies inside, and doesn’t care what the flock says, when you are your own first critic, the crown holds on like a glove!
  • In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. - Maya Angelou
  • I keep your heart close to me (I keep it in my heart) You are always with me. - E. E. Cummings
  • Love makes the world go round. Love is what makes life priceless. - Elizabeth Browning
  • You don't need to be on safari to see local wildlife(although a trip through Africa should be on any travel lover's bucket list).

Headings of physiological senses

  • If having a soul means being able to feel love, joy and gratitude, then animals are better than many people. - James Herriot
  • Many people talk to animals. However, not many people listen to them. - Benjamin Hoff
  • The greatness and morality of a person can be judged by his treatment of animals. - Mahatma Gandhi

Traveler's signature

  • Of all possible subjects, travel is the most difficult for an artist, but the easiest for a journalist. - W. H. Auden
  • The traveler does what good artists do Everyday life, placing the image in a frame adds sophistication to the setting, adding joy and clarity to everyday worries. Traveling means forgetting everything and enjoying art. - Freya Stark
  • What is art? -Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Understanding and being surprised in our time is a great luxury. - Glen Robinson
  • Only your eyes can tell about the problems of the world in all honesty. - Edward Garis
  • I saw a lot of good things in Russia - it made me a better person - Andreas Haevaro

B - Quotes under photos on Instagram

Headings to keep in mind, well, just in case. There are no quotes to spare, always write down smart thoughts, screenshot them or add them to bookmarks.

Best captions for subscribers

  • Beach life is bliss. - Dennis Wilson
  • Don’t look so quickly or you’ll forget what rest is. - Gala Brant
  • In every wasteland, in every curved beach, in every grain of sand, there is a story of the land. - Rachel Carson
  • There is a belief that if you throw a coin into the sea, you will definitely come back, it’s a pity you can’t do that with your childhood. - William Netsby

Brothers' signatures

  • Brothers, do not let each other wander alone in the dark. - Jolene Perry
  • We flew through the sky like birds and swam in the sea like fish, but we had not yet learned to walk on earth like brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Help your brother's boat and your own boat will reach the shore. - Hindu Proverb
  • Only your brother knows the real you. - Anonymous
  • I will remember you, I will believe and hope to meet you, but now only there. - Mikhailov

Brunch Captions

  • Breakfast at lunch, waste of time. - Anonymous
  • Lunch without champagne is just a waste of time. - Anonymous
  • Acuna "Mimosa". This means lunch. - Anonymous

Heartwarming Headlines

  • Like this wine, our love must mature. - Graham Greene
  • It's just luck to love someone until they leave you. - Rosim Stern
  • Why does it hurt me so much, because our souls are connected. - Nikolai Iskra
  • Forget about the problems of the world, and plunge into her eyes without a trace. - Alena Vetrova
  • I don’t need much just to see your lips in the morning. - Anonymous

Ship signatures

  • If you want to build a ship, don't make people work as labourers. Divide the work and give the order. Teach them to strive for the vast and endless sea... - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are designed for. - John A. Shedd
  • To reach the port we must sail. A sail, not an anchor. Float, not drift. - Franklin Roosevelt

B - Instagram Captions

Cats, well, where would we be without them? Finding a good, humorous quote about the Kotovskys is sometimes very difficult. Once you imagine a “catoclysm” falling from the table, it becomes funny. However, many philosophers compare people and their lives to cats.

Signatures for "Kus"

  • This is the big secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats, forcing them to follow you. - Ray Bradbury
  • I have lived with several Zen masters - all of them cats. - Eckhart Tolle
  • Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud

Signatures of the greats

  • I understand, no more the right way than a journey to find out whether you like a person or not. - Mark Twain
  • Never go on trips with people you don't love. - Ernest Hemingway
  • Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my favorite day. - A. A. Milne

Christmas and new year quotes Instagram

  • At Christmas, all roads lead home. - Marjorie Holmes
  • Christmas waved with a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything became softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peale
  • Christmas is the season of hospitable people, homes, and charity. - Washington Irving
  • This evening, everyone is thinking about tangerines and gifts, but I just want to sleep. - Light Bridge
  • I would quit drinking champagne on New Year's Day, but no one likes sober people.
  • I can't believe it's been a year since I haven't become a better person.
  • Save the water, drink the champagne.
  • May your life be colorful, magnificent, shimmering and joyful, like the magic of Christmas.
  • Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. - old Russian proverb
  • Come quickly, I'm tasting the stars! - Dom Perignon
  • I solemnly swear that I will not do anything good in the new year. - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter
  • My New Year's resolution is to stop hanging around people asking me about my New Year's resolution. - Augness Larch

Instagram Quotes That Will Change You

  • Traveling and changing places gives new impetus to the mind. - Seneca
  • If you try to imitate another person as much as possible, you will fail. - German Gref
  • Trust your intuition. Inner feeling one of the most truthful that exists. - Arthur Mavrielyan
  • Believe in a miracle - it exists. - Alice in Wonderland

G - Instagram Captions

Quotes are like dancing

  • Movement is a barometer that communicates the state of the soul's weather to all who can see it. - Martha Graham
  • And those who were seen dancing were considered mad by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Let's read, let's dance! These two amusements will never harm the world. - Voltaire
  • We must forget every lost day in which we did not dance at least once. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • After all, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She did it backwards and in high heels. ― Anne Richards

Quotes from the wise

  • Love yourself and the world will love you. - Amy Mercree Lee
  • A person who believes only in intellect will end up facing problems that intellect will not solve. - Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
  • Two things are infinite: the Universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the Universe. ― Einstein
  • Love is the universal music of the Universe. Only the heart can hear, feel, store, and transmit. In this process, one heart fills other hearts with rapture. ― Debasish and Mridha
  • You think you are an artist, but you are a canvas. ― John Green
  • Looks never last forever. ― Layla Olga Akita

D - Instagram Captions

Food is the most common type of post on Instagram. With these Quotes and Captions, you will add variety to your photos.

Edible Quotes

  • All you need is Love. But a little chocolate every now and then won't hurt. ― Charles M. Schultz
  • I love you like a well-fed child loves cake! ― Scott Adams
  • Don't ask what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. ― Orson Welles
  • After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even in your relationship. - Oscar Wilde
  • Take advantage of the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who sent out the dessert cart. ― Erma Bombeck
  • It is impossible to think well, love well, or sleep well if you have had a bad dinner.” - Virginia Woolf

Heading Browsers

  • Why are we walking in circles? You have often seen the dawn, breathed the fresh morning air, but never once looked into yourself. It is difficult to look into the depths of consciousness, but it will reveal the truth to you. - Lada Bernadtsky
  • Look around to see if you're surrounded by assholes. - Evgeniy Smolensky
  • It is not possible to develop an internal burning sensation and start working 25 hours a day without a strong desire to live forever. - Savin
  • We are like lions, jaguars, or the bats. Some are rabbits and some are rats - you choose. Anonymous
  • Spring is the best time to look at the world with new eyes. - Rosalia Block
  • She said many times that this was impossible. It turned out that she simply didn’t bother to do otherwise. - Erwin Grochowski

E - Instagram Captions

Family quotes instagram

  • Family is the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration for achieving greater heights and our comfort when we fail from time to time. - Brad Henry
  • There's nothing that makes you crazier than family. Or happier. Or even more irritated. Or... safer. - Jim Butcher
  • Sometimes a person needs to separate from his family, comrades and go to new places. You need to go without acquaintances, be open to outside influences in order to change. - Katarina Butler Hathaway
  • All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is dissatisfied in its own way. - Lev Tolstoy
  • Happiness has a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. - George Burns
  • "You can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas came and went and I didn't get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books. - J. K. Rowling

Winter quotes instagram

  • In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer. - Albert Camus
  • We are who we are because of those we love and because of those who love us. - Kate Mosse
  • IN New Year without snow, like in summer without greenery, but here it’s the only way, in Novorossiysk - Anonymous
  • The cold should only be on winter streets and not in your hearts - Gefo Ryan

F - Instagram Captions

In music you often come across smart thoughts and useful sayings. Not all lyrics by modern performers are considered stupid, in them you will find good signatures for posting on Instagram

Quotes from songs for Instagram

  • Life would be a mistake without music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • One good thing about music is when it hits you, you don't feel the pain. - Bob Marley
  • Music expresses what cannot be expressed in words and what cannot be silent. - Victor Hugo
  • Physics is what I can do, music is what I wanted to do. - Albert Einstein
  • Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible. - Frank Zappa
  • After silence, what comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music. - Aldous Huxley
  • There are two ways to escape from the poverty of life - music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

Captions about laughter

  • If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. - Marilyn Monroe
  • Never laugh at living dragons. - J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options, and now laughing makes you feel better. - Veronica Roth
  • Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh, cry and find meaning in life. - Christopher Paolini
  • Learn what to take seriously and laugh at others. - Hermann Hesse
  • The only way to penetrate life is to laugh at it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying causes headache. - Marjorie Play Hinckley

Quotes about rivers and lakes

  • Perhaps the truth depends on the walk on the lake. - Wallace Stevens
  • The lake is the most beautiful and expressive feature of the landscape. This is the eye of the Earth. - Henry David Thoreau
  • Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still surface and great depths of kindness. - Lao Tzu

Z - Instagram Captions

Headlines about Friendship and Love

  • Love journeys don't end that simple. - Pico Iyer
  • Home is comfort, and I feel comfortable. - Lily Leung
  • If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could always walk in the garden. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. - Dr. Seuss
  • A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard
  • We accept the love we think we deserve. - Stephen Chbosky
  • It is not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • If you judge people, you don't have time to love them. - Mother Teresa
  • Being deeply loved gives you strength, and loving others deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
  • There's never a time or place for true love. It happens randomly, in an instant, in one blinking, pulsating moment. - Sarah Dessen

Quotes about the road

  • If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison
  • Books are the plane, the train and the road. It is a destination and a journey. They are at home. - Anna Quindlen
  • It's just... I just think some things are meant to be broken. Imperfection. Chaotic. It's a way of providing the universe with contrast, you know? There should be a few holes in the road. It's like life. - Sarah Dessen
  • There was nowhere to go, they were everywhere, so keep riding under the stars. - Jack Kerouac
  • Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to you. - Yogi Berra
  • Man often meets his fate on the road he has chosen to avoid. - Jean de La Fontaine
  • You forget what you want to remember and remember what you want to forget. - Cormac McCarthy
  • Even though the road was rocky, I didn't care. - Bob Marley

What quotes and sayings do you like? Write in the comments.

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There are unforgettable women, and there are fatal ones. How are you... Such people change their fate irrevocably, as soon as you look into their eyes...

Who are you, goddess? Only in heaven can such perfect beauty be created.

There are women whom the years pass by. Because beauty and charm did not bypass them))

I will say one thing: you are simply lovely! You only get better with age, like delicious wine in Paris. I dream about you closer...
This photo shows the most spectacular beauty!

The sparkle of a diamond next to you is the dull glow of an ordinary piece of glass.

I can imagine how much drool dripped onto the monitor where your photo is shown...

Men, eating her with your eyes, don’t choke! Not everyone can handle these!

And the stars from heaven are not enough for you.

It’s stupid to suggest that the Sun pick up a star from the sky. I offer my heart. It's closer and hotter...

Let them carry you in their arms and love you in spite of everything. Let them write about love in poetry and let them love only you!

Spring is in your eyes, summer is in your character. Style in the image and femininity in every gesture.

Always smile like that - the star will envy you!

You have a special charm and a beautiful soul!

I will say this without any flattery. You are two hundred percent super!

Comment on a photo of a beautiful woman

Such a woman should be carried in her arms from the front door to the limousine door and served coffee in bed in the morning.

It’s impossible not to dream about such things. But only a select few get these. I'd like to know what your criteria are...

Elegant like a Bentley and expensive like an Infiniti.

There is something unimaginable about you - beauty and femininity, passion and tenderness, demons and angels.

The Empress next to you would look like a pathetic maid of honor.

Queen of beauty. Is the king's place on the next throne vacant?

I want to be your page, slave, servant. To extol such beauty and not give it a chance to fade from everyday life and worries.

With your beauty you provoke people to do crazy things. Dangerous woman.

Beauty is criminal. It pushes you to commit the greatest sins. Yours is generally a death sentence.

You have charmed more than one man with your photo. Without fortune tellers and magic - with your own feminine beauty.

Smile. Let envious women turn gray with anger and wash their bones. This will make your beauty even more radiant!

Women, be afraid. This goddess is single!

As soon as I look at your photo, I boil like soup in a pan. My roof is being undermined and I can’t see anything else...

Compliments to a woman in prose for a photo

I have not seen women more beautiful than you. Some kind of unearthly, I even get excited and lost, looking at you through the monitor.

I was lucky to see this smile, pose, grace and become. I can't get someone like you anymore.

You motivate me to achieve more for you - the best...

I can praise you endlessly. It’s easier to kiss long and tenderly to prove your delight and adoration.

I want to have you in my life much more than all the jewelry. There are no more such exquisite treasures!

Are you a satellite of Mars? Clearly from another planet. Such beauty is not produced on Earth!

The queens who previously ruled countries and states cannot compare with you. You rule desires and dreams!

This is a woman! No matter what photo you take, at least send it to the Red Carpet for an award.

Compliment a woman in your own words under the photo

Your photo smells of spring freshness and change for the better.

Even on a cloudy day you shine like the sun.

I have never met such a charming charm as comes from you.

Even an inept photographer, the wrong light and a cloudy day can’t spoil the photo of such a luxurious lady!

You don’t even need to pose or do makeup - the photo shows how beautiful your natural beauty and grace is!

© Sebastiano Salgado / Amazonas Images

« Your first 10,000 photos are your worst." - Henri Cartier-Bresson.

“Many photographers believe that if they buy a better camera, they will be able to shoot the best photos. The best camera won't work for you if there's nothing in your head or heart." - Arnold Newman.

« Which of my photos is your favorite? The one I'm going to take off tomorrow", - Imogen Cunningham.

« Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.», - Peter Adams.

« You don't photograph, you create", - Ansel Adams.

« If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough." -Robert Capa.

« What I love about photography is that it captures a moment that is gone forever, that cannot be reproduced», - Karl Lagerfeld.

« Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always carry a camera with me at all times... I just shoot what interests me at the moment.”, - Elliott Erwitt.

« There is such a subtle reality in photography that it becomes more and more real than reality itself», - Alfred Stieglitz.

“I'm not interested in rules or convention. Photography is not a sport,” Bill Brandt.

« There are always two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer.”, - Ansel Adams.

« For me, photography is the art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found that it has little to do with what you see and everything to do with how you see.", - Elliot Erwitt.

« I'm not interested in photography per se. I just want to capture a moment's worth of reality», - Henri Cartier-Bresson.

« The world simply doesn’t fit into the 35mm camera format.”, -Eugene Smith.

« Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs.", - Helmut Newton.

« A photograph can only represent the present. Once you photograph it, it becomes part of the past.", - Berenice Abbott.

« No place is boring if you had a night good dream, and you have unexposed film", - Robert Adams.

« Look and think before you open the shutter. Heart and mind are the true camera lens», - Yusuf Karsh.

« For a photographer, it is more important to have very good shoes than very good camera » - Sebastiano Salgado.

« I always thought nice photos like good jokes. If you explain them, they are no longer so good.", - unknown author.

« If you photograph in color, then you show the color of the clothing, and if you shoot in black and white, then you show the color of your soul", - unknown author.

« Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.", - unknown author.

© Bruno Barbe / Magnum Photos

“One out-of-focus photo is a mistake, ten out-of-focus photos are experiments, a hundred out-of-focus photos are style.”", - unknown author.

« Most of my photographs are based on people, I look at the unguarded moment when the soul peeks out, then the experience is etched on the person's face.", -Steve McCurry.

« I have to shoot three rolls of film a day to give my eyes enough practice», - Joseph Koudelka.

« Remember that the person you are photographing makes up 50% of the portrait, and the remaining 50% is you. You need the model as much as he or she needs you. If they don't want to help you, it will be a very bleak picture." - Lord Patrick Lichfield.

« Photos are open doors into the past, but they allow you to look into the future», - Sally Mann.

« A good photo stops a fleeting moment.”, - Eudora Welty.

« Photography picks up a fact from life, and it will live forever.”, - Raghu Rai.

« The results are questionable even among more experienced photographers.", - Matthew Brady.

« It's more important to get along with people than to click the shutter.", - Alfred Eisenstedt.

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« I see something special and show it to the camera. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then he them", - Sam Abel.

« I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect medium to comment on the madness of today's existence.", - Robert Mapplethorpe.

« I think the best photographs are often at the edge of any situation, I don't find photographing a situation as interesting as photographing the edge.", - William Albert Allard.

« To be a good photographer, you need to have a rich imagination. You need less imagination to become an artist because you can make things up. And in photography everything is so ordinary that you have to look at a lot before you learn to see the unusual.”, - David Bailey.

« Two of the most attractive features of photography are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.", - William Thackeray.

« I think I shot about 40,000 negatives and from them I have about 800 photographs that I like.", -Harry Callahan.

« I don’t get wrapped up in technology or anything like that,” - Faye Godwin.

« You can give everything to photography, but you will only get one thing from it - happiness.", - author unknown.

“When I take photographs, what I'm really doing is looking for explanations for things.”, - Wynn Bullock.

« There will be times when you find yourself in the field without a camera. Then you will see the most magnificent sunset or the most beautiful scene you have ever witnessed. Don't feel bad because you can't capture it. Sit back, absorb it and enjoy it for what it is!», - Degriff.

« Sometimes you can tell big story with a tiny object», - Eliot Porter.

« Ultimately, photography is about who you are. This is true to yourself. And the search for truth becomes a habit.", -Leonard Freed.

« Don't stop seeing. Don't stop framing. Don't turn off and on. It's continuous",- Annie Leibovitz.

« Most things in life are moments of joy and difficulty. Photography is a moment of difficulty and whole life pleasures", -Tony Benn.

« The artist's world is limitless. It can be found far from where it lives or within a few feet. Although he is always on the threshold of his home», - Paul Strand.

« My life is driven by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport.”, -