DIY children's sandbox: photos and ideas. DIY sandbox

Fussing in the sand is an indispensable attribute of children's summer happiness. And if there is no shortage of sandboxes in urban courtyards, then in personal plot the child runs the risk of getting bored without the usual entertainment. If your baby is growing up, it's time to start building a sandbox on country yard. We tell you how to design and build a functional and durable sandbox with a lid with your own hands.

Sandbox with lid: design features

When starting construction, think through the main details in advance, starting with size. The sandbox should be deep and roomy enough so that a one-and-a-half-year-old baby can climb into it without any problems, but so that even a five-year-old child doesn’t feel cramped there. For this purpose, dimensions of 1.5 m x 1.5 m are suitable: such a sandbox will not take up much space and can comfortably accommodate 3-4 children.

Calculate the height of the structure so that the sand layer is at least 15 cm. Do not forget to leave space on top for sitting. With a board width of 12 cm, you can build a sandbox using two boards, that is, 24 cm high. This is quite enough for the child to not only sculpt Easter cakes on his “construction site”, but also build a sand castle.

But does the sandbox need a lid? For those who love order and care about the health of children, the answer is obvious.

The cover protects the sand:

  • from being scattered throughout the territory;
  • from excessive getting wet during rain;
  • from debris, branches, rotten fruits;
  • from the encroachments of dogs and cats, arrange a toilet there.

The lid will protect the sand from contamination and become a convenient bench

The simplest cover is a shield made from boards, which is used to cover the sandbox after the game. It is the easiest to make, but such a lid is very heavy and bulky and takes up extra bed on the site during the daytime, and moving it from place to place is quite difficult. Therefore, we suggest choosing a transforming lid: its construction will take more time, but the result will be justified. Build a lid that, when opened, turns into a table and/or a comfortable bench with a back: not only will the child like them, but they will also entice adults to join him.

Design of a transforming sandbox (photo gallery)

Where to begin

To begin with, you should stock up on materials and tools. We offer a list of the minimum essentials that you cannot do without.

Building materials:

  1. Boards: to build a frame 1.5 m x 1.5 m, you will need two pieces with dimensions of 32x120x6000 mm; for the lid, two boards with dimensions 20x120x6000 mm.
  2. Beam 2 pieces 50x50x1000 mm for fastening the body and the back of the lid.
  3. Agrofibre 1600x1600 mm for lining the bottom.
  4. Door hinges 6-8 pieces. To get more reliable design use wicket hinges.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Staples.
  7. Wood impregnation, stain, paint.


  • saw (jigsaw);
  • screwdriver;
  • stapler;
  • a device for grinding (plane, grinder + grinding wheel, sandpaper, etc.);
  • roulette.

Construction step by step

Let's start with building the frame. To do this, we cut the boards into the sections we need. At standard length 6 m. We divide each board into four equal sections, which ensures waste-free production.

We carefully plan and sand the boards to achieve smooth surface. We definitely don't need splinters in the sandbox. To make the sandbox last a long time, treat the boards with a solution against fungi and rot. An antiseptic will provide protection against pests and extend the life of the product.

We saw the timber into four equal pieces of 25 cm each and sanded them.

We assemble the sandbox body, fastening it with timber

We assemble a two-tier building from eight boards, fastening the boards in the corners with timber. We carefully drive the heads of the self-tapping screws (nails, screws) so that they do not protrude beyond the surface of the board and timber. Glue a strip of self-adhesive sealant between the boards, then sand will not spill into the cracks.

Seal the joint of the boards with self-adhesive sealant

Having measured the dimensions of the resulting frame with maximum accuracy, we begin to manufacture the transforming lid. You can make a table on one side of the sandbox and a bench on the other, or you can place two benches opposite each other. Let's consider the first option.

Transformable sandbox with bench and table

We attach the first board to the sandbox with self-tapping screws, the second one is attached to the first using two door hinges. This way we can adjust the size of the table and make it wider if necessary.

For the bench we will need six identical boards, two of which will go to the seat, two to the back and two to attach to the frame. How it should look is shown in the diagram:

Sandbox bench diagram

We screw the hinges to outside lids so that the inner strips bend when opening upwards. To fasten and fix the backrest, use a sanded beam. Calculate its length so that when opening the lid it provides a stable support for the backrest.

The beam should provide good support for the backrest

Important: to prevent the hinges from rusting, paint them on both sides before installation.

If you actively use the sandbox, self-tapping screws may not be enough for reliable fastening hinges: when opening/closing frequently, they quickly begin to fall out. For greater reliability, use bolts for fixation.

To prevent your baby from getting carried away with sandy excavations and start digging from the depths, make a bottom in the sandbox. It will not allow not only the soil, but also unwanted insects and plants to penetrate into the clean sifted sand. For the bottom, dense agrofibre with high moisture permeability is suitable, which will prevent stagnation of water in the sandbox.

Stretch the agrofibre along the bottom of the sandbox and secure with staples around the perimeter.

DIY sandbox (video)

Installation and care

Select on site appropriate place. Do not place the sandbox on open area to avoid overheating and sunburn during an all-consuming game. It is better to install the structure in partial shade - from a house, fence or bushes. Make sure in advance that during the midday hours the place for the future sandbox is protected from the sun.

In the selected area, dig a flat pit 3-5 cm deep. more area sandbox so that she can easily “sit” in it. You can make a gravel pile around it.

If you want the sandbox to be installed thoroughly, use a longer beam to secure the box, then legs will form at the corners of the structure, which can be dug into the ground.

Sandbox pit

When choosing between sea, quarry and river sand to fill the sandbox, we recommend choosing the latter. It is clean and does not contain impurities and salts, but it is still better to sift it when pouring it out, then the sand will be free of pebbles and dirt, soft, gentle, and pleasant to work with.

To make your children's "construction site" look cozy, surround it lawn grass and lead a path to it.

Now the sandbox is absolutely “ready for use” and you can let the first little builders into it to test the object. All that remains is to fill it with bright buckets, spatulas and molds as the final touches. A sandbox made using this technology is simply bound to last for many years.

How more complex design sandbox, the more time and effort it will take to build it. At the same time, a good thing, made conscientiously, will bring joy to more than one generation of children. After all, sand games develop fine motor skills, creative thinking and simply give the joy of a carefree childhood. And for this it’s worth trying a little.

On suburban areas Sometimes the pressing question is how to arrange them so that young children can play safely and interestingly. One solution is to make a sandbox with your own hands. The simplest structure can occupy the attention of children for many hours.

When creating, you should consider some rules for placing the playground:

  • From a safety point of view, children should always be visible, which means it is better to place the sandbox in a clearly visible and accessible place.
  • According to hygiene requirements, the sandbox should not be located under trees so that falling leaves and bird droppings do not contaminate the sand.
  • Direct rays of the sun are more harmful than beneficial for small children, so the play area must be covered.

There are a number standard projects for children's sandboxes. As a rule, they are based on a square with sides of 2.5–3 m. To fill it, about 3 m 3 of well-sifted river sand is required. When assembling the structure, you should use environmental materials, and pine boards 25–30 mm thick are best suited here.

Having chosen a place for construction, mark the perimeter. For good foundation upper layer It is preferable to remove the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to dig a shallow pit, about 25 cm. This could be limited, however, the sand, in contact with the ground, will quickly become contaminated and will have to be changed. The working volume of sand must be isolated from the ground, and geotextiles or agrofibre are perfect for this.

A sand cushion is poured into the bottom of our pit, which is carefully compacted, and a cloth is spread over it. Its structure is capable of transmitting atmospheric moisture into the ground. This compares favorably with, for example, polyethylene, which will not allow water to escape and the sandbox will be constantly wet. Geotextiles can be replaced with ordinary plywood, only drainage holes must be drilled in it.

To build the sides of the sandbox you will need bars measuring 450x50x50 mm. They must be treated with an antiseptic and placed in the corners of the structure. The bars are driven into the ground at the corners by about 15 cm. These will be the support posts.

A shield of pine boards is assembled for each side of the structure. The width of such a side should be about 30 cm. All surfaces should be sanded well so that there are no protruding chips or nicks left.

You can also assemble benches around the perimeter of the structure where children can sit down and place buckets or other toys. Of course, they must also be carefully aligned and even covered with paint or varnish, so that the child does not risk getting a splinter.


The design can and should be improved by adding a lid to it. It will protect the sand from rain, leaves and other debris, and also will not allow animals to relieve themselves in clean sand.

The lid will be a removable wooden panel equipped with handles for easy lifting. Can be made in the form of doors mounted on hinges.

In the very simple case you can use an awning or film. Such a canvas needs to be secured with an elastic band or with bricks; it will protect the sandbox.

Canopy or fungus

Fungus over the sandbox is great decorative element, which also serves as protection from bad weather. Under it you can wait out the rain or protect yourself from the sun's rays. Often a table is attached to the fungus column that can perform various functions, including serving as a storage place for toys.

For the stem of the fungus you will need a beam with a cross section of 100x100 mm. In order for the canopy to be stable, part of the beam, at least 1 m, must go deep into the ground. The wood should be pre-treated with an antiseptic to protect against rot and insects.

In order to make a mushroom cap, you need to build triangles from boards. WITH inside they should be nailed to the support, and on the outside they should be covered with thin plywood. The span of the cap is desirable about 2.5 m.

Choosing the right sand

Usually used for children's games river sand. The edges of its granules are polished with water and are not capable of injuring, moreover, there are almost no foreign impurities in it. If you decide to buy quartz sand, this can be done at shopping centers specializing in building materials. Any sand must first be sifted before pouring into the sandbox bowl.

Note! There is a special mixture for the playground; it is well suited for sculpting figures, since it additionally contains clay. Special fragrances are added to it to repel animals and insects from the sandbox.

There are many different ways, allowing you to decorate the sandbox and increase its attractiveness for young children. The main thing in this case is the ability to show your imagination and not be afraid to embody ideas. And then your playground will become your child’s favorite place to play.



Options for children's sandboxes:

Making a sandbox with a lid:

At first glance, a home children's sandbox is a simple and unpretentious structure. However, in order for the kids to have fun playing, and for parents not to worry about their safety, it is worth taking the arrangement of the playground with full responsibility. Before you make your own sandbox with a lid or a regular open one, you need to carefully study all the construction recommendations.

How to build a sandbox with a lid in one day

During landscaping children's corner At the dacha, many questions arise - what type of sandbox is better, where to place it, what dimensions should the sides have. All sandboxes are divided into two types - open and closed. The latter, in turn, are divided into sandboxes with a canopy, with a lid, and with temporary protection, such as a tarpaulin.

The sand under the lid always remains clean

The advantage of sandboxes with a tight lid is that they are not only protected from the ingress of leaves from trees and debris, but also from the invasion of cats. Thanks to the lid, children will always play in clean sand. This structure can be closed for the winter; it will easily survive bad weather and remain unharmed.

Better place for children to play on the site

When choosing a place for children's games, you need to consider the following points:

  • the corner should be shady, because children can play in the sand for several hours, and playing in the sun is unacceptable. At the same time, you should not place the sandbox in deep shade, without glimpses sunlight, in such a place the sand will dry for a long time after rain;
  • if children will play not only in the hot season, but also in spring or autumn, it is worth choosing a place protected from the wind;
  • the playground should be clearly visible so that parents can see at any time what is happening there and what the kids are doing;
  • The best place is slightly elevated or level. Placing in lowlands is undesirable, because water will accumulate there and the sand will always be damp;
  • For safety reasons, placement near water bodies, open wells, or planting near a children's facility is unacceptable. poisonous plants such as wolfberry, datura, castor bean.

The place for children's games should be clearly visible

Selection and preparation of materials

Traditionally, children's sandboxes are made of wood. Iron in this case is not too good option, because in the summer it gets hot in the sun, and in the spring or autumn it is very cold to sit on it. However, you can make a combined sandbox with a metal lid and wooden benches, combining comfort with reliability.

Tree - best material

For the sides, use smooth logs without bark, boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm and bars. The cover can be made from thinner boards, OSB sheet or roofing sheet. All wooden parts carefully plan and check for protruding chips. If the lid is made of iron, the sharp edges are protected with linings made of wooden slats or folded inward.

The sides are made no more than 25-30 cm high so that children can climb over them freely. High walls can become an insurmountable barrier for children. The sandbox can be any size, depending on how many children will play in it. On average, a structure of 1.8 by 1.8 meters is sufficient for 3-5 children preschool age.

A sandbox can be made from scrap materials

To make a children's sandbox with a lid measuring 1.8 by 1.8 m you will need:

  • four boards 180 cm long, 30 cm wide and at least 3 cm thick for the sides;
  • four bars 5 by 5 cm and 30 cm long each;
  • two sheets of OSB 180 by 90 cm for the cover;
  • two pieces of board 180 by 30 cm and two bars 180 cm each for fixing the lid flaps;
  • four door hinges;
  • wood screws 3.5x45 mm;
  • geotextiles, crushed stone for drainage;
  • hacksaw, Phillips screwdriver, building level, tape measure, shovel.

Step-by-step installation instructions

To make a children's sandbox with a lid and a bench with your own hands, it is advisable to first study the photo ready-made models and draw up your own blueprint for your future creation. The diagram must indicate the dimensions of all parts. This approach will greatly simplify subsequent work.

Drawing of a sandbox with a lid

The entire installation process is divided into the following stages:

  • drawing up a drawing;
  • preparation of material and tools;
  • clearing the site and arranging drainage;
  • installation of the base;
  • installation of the cover.

Installation and installation steps:

  1. On the leveled ground, mark a square 1.8 by 1.8 m and remove a layer of soil of 5-10 cm. Make a deeper hole in the center - approximately 45 by 45 cm.
  2. The central recess is filled with crushed stone, after which the entire square area is covered with geotextiles in several layers. In this case, crushed stone plays the role of drainage to drain excess water after rains, and geotextiles protect clean sand from mixing with the ground.
  3. A sandbox box is constructed from boards, placing a block in the corners to give rigidity to the structure. The boards and bars are connected using self-tapping screws. To make the structure strong, at least four screws are screwed in on each side. During work, be sure to check that the angles are 90 degrees.
  4. Start making the lid. To begin with, racks are attached to each of the doors, on which the lid will rest in open form. Stepping back from the long edge of the OSB by 5 cm, screw a block parallel to it along its entire length. A board 180 by 30 cm is attached to the block, perpendicular to the lid. Proceed in the same way with the second leaf.
  5. Attach two at a time door hinges on opposite walls of the box. Place the sashes on the frame so that support posts ended up in the middle and screwed to the hinges.
  6. Fill the resulting container with sand. It is preferable to take river sand, it is much cleaner than quarry sand, which often contains admixtures of clay and pebbles. For children's games, a layer of 15-20 cm will be enough.
  7. The closing sandbox is ready! During games, the folded doors serve as a seat, and when closed, they reliably protect the sand from debris and moisture.

Interesting ideas for creative parents

A square or rectangular box with sand is the most common option for a place for children to play. But you can show your imagination and do something interesting and non-standard. A sandbox in the shape of a pirate ship, train or car will undoubtedly cause great delight among kids. All you need for this is skillful hands, some material and time.

Idea for dads “with hands”

How to make a fun sandbox boat

A do-it-yourself sandbox-ship will not only decorate a children's playground, but also a favorite place for young sailors to play. It's not difficult to make. The simplest option is rectangular base with two posts 1.7 m high in the center, on which the tent-sail is stretched.

It is very easy to make such a boat

To build a sandbox ship with an awning, you will need:

  • two boards 170 cm long, 30 cm wide and 3 cm thick for the sides of the box;
  • four boards 70-80 cm long, 30 cm wide and 3 cm thick for the ends and seats on them;
  • two bars 5 by 5 cm and 200 cm long, as well as one 70-80 cm long (across the width of the box) for the mast posts;
  • 3 meters of dense awning fabric;
  • twine for attaching the sail;
  • four threaded hooks, wood screws;
  • fastening metal corners.

Sequence of work:

  1. A rectangular box is assembled from boards and mounting angles.
  2. At the ends of the structure they are screwed onto the seat.
  3. The future boat is installed in the prepared place.
  4. For the mast, all three bars are connected with self-tapping screws in the shape of the letter P and dug into the center of the box, deepening it 30 cm into the ground. For greater strength, you can additionally screw the bars to the boards of the box.
  5. The awning fabric is folded in half and thrown over the horizontal crossbar of the mast.
  6. A hook is screwed into the corners of the box. Tie the awning to the hooks using pieces of twine.

The second option is designed for experienced craftsmen, because only true craftsmen can make a sandbox in the shape of a real ship with their own hands. The basis of the structure is made up of boards and beams. However, you can build something similar using sheets of thick plywood or OSB, from which the outline of the ship is cut out and attached to a standard box.

A real ship

Decoration of the site and joy for children

Sandbox car for little racers

Making a sandbox in the shape of a car with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is that the structure has wheels and a steering wheel, and other details such as headlights and bumpers can simply be painted on. The machine is based on a traditional rectangular box. If there are unnecessary tires on the farm, this greatly simplifies the work. They are simply dug in a third on the sides of the box, imitating wheels. You can also take a real steering wheel or cut it from a piece of plywood.

If there are no old tires, you can use cuts of thick logs, pieces of OSB, cut and painted to fit the wheels. As with the boat, the structure can be completely cut out of plywood. For such a machine you will need:

  • standard OSB sheet 1.22 by 2.44 m 1.0 cm thick or several sheets of plywood;
  • metal mounting angles;
  • wood screws;
  • door hinges, if you plan to make an opening hood;
  • jigsaw, sandpaper, tape measure, screwdriver.

Parts that need to be cut for assembly:

  • body side panels – 2 parts;
  • body ends – 2 parts;
  • cab side panels – 2 parts;
  • hood – 1 piece;
  • bumper – 1 piece;
  • roof - 1 piece;
  • dashboard for the cabin – 1 piece;
  • seat – 1 piece.

Stages of work:

  1. A drawing of the machine parts is marked on the sheet, and then cut out with a jigsaw. All edges are carefully processed with coarse-grained sandpaper so that children do not get hurt by protruding wood chips.
  2. All parts are connected using fastening angles.
  3. The seat in the booth is additionally reinforced with a piece of thick timber so that it does not become loose.
  4. The hood lid is screwed with self-tapping screws or attached to two door hinges so that it can be opened.
  5. A steering wheel is installed in the cabin.
  6. The finished car is painted, adding small details along the way.

A beautiful and solid sandbox will undoubtedly become the center of a children's corner in the country. Its installation does not require any special construction skills and does not take much time.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


All children love to play in the sand in the summer. To provide the child with the joy of playing, as well as to take care of his safety, every parent thinks about how to build a sandbox with their own hands, especially if they plan to go to their summer cottage.

How to make a sandbox at your dacha with your own hands

When going to the dacha with your child, you should think in advance about all the entertainment that he will do. The most common and budget option construction of a homemade sandbox is considered. Many confident dads think that they can simply add sand to the area and fence it off with boards. But it's not that simple. A DIY sandbox for children at the dacha has a lot of nuances.

It is necessary to take into account the basic rules for placing a sand pad:

  • for the safety of the child, the structure must be positioned correctly and always be in sight of the parents;
  • the top layer of soil must be removed to create good foundation;
  • According to hygiene rules, the site cannot be located under a tree to avoid foreign objects (sticks, bird droppings, leaves);
  • it is better when there is a canopy or roof to protect the baby from the sun;
  • for building a sandbox for children at the dacha with your own hands ideal material is wood (timber, small diameter logs, block house);
  • a sand area in the garden can be of any shape (circle, hexagon, rectangle), but often it is a square, measuring 3 by 3 meters, with a board 3 cm thick.

Wooden children's sandbox with a lid for the garden

A playground with sand is a favorite place for kids. Therefore, a do-it-yourself sandbox for a summer cottage can be made with a lid. This is necessary for the protection of the child, the convenience and cleanliness of the filler, so that garbage and food waste do not get into the sand. You can take a regular awning for the roof, but you will have to pull it over the sandbox every evening. It is better to make the lid from boards, which is more convenient to use. You can make such a playground as follows:

  • we outline a preliminary drawing of the future structure;
  • We mark a place measuring 2 by 2 meters on the site with pegs;
  • dig a hole 25 cm deep in the resulting square;
  • cover the hole special material(or install a tray) that allows moisture to pass through so that soil and sand do not mix;
  • prepare the bars (45×5×5 cm), having previously treated them with an antiseptic, drive them into each corner;
  • we assemble a square from the boards and place it so that each corner falls on the beam;
  • we attach the structure to the bars using self-tapping screws;
  • we construct two wooden panels from boards (30 cm wide, 2.5 cm thick);
  • We clean and process all parts so that there are no splinters;
  • we fasten the shields with hinges and provide them with handles;
  • when unfolded, such a roof turns into comfortable benches;
  • fill the pit with sand.

DIY round children's sandbox

The big wheel can be a playground in itself. You just need to find a place for it at the dacha and fill it with sand. In this case, the structure must be deepened into the ground. The disadvantage is that the space is cramped; more than 3 children cannot fit in it. Therefore, the best option is a do-it-yourself sandbox for children made from tires. Tires are often used trucks and tractors. To do this you need:

  • on the drawing we note how many tires there will be and where they will be located;
  • we mark the area and pour sand;
  • We place the tires around the perimeter of the area with sand, not very close to each other (about 20 cm);
  • we get a comfortable seat support;
  • we deepen the tires a little into the ground;
  • The playground with sand is ready.

DIY sandbox with canopy

It doesn’t matter at all what shape the sand playground will be, the main thing is that it has a roof. A canopy is needed to protect children from any weather (rain, Sun rays etc.). As a basis, you can take the creation of a simple wooden platform for sand. A DIY sandbox lid can look like a fungus or an umbrella. To create it you will need:

  • a log with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 3 meters - this will be the leg for the lid, which must be buried a meter deep in the center of the sandbox;
  • fix the block with stones;
  • the hat should be put together from boards; to do this, we connect four triangles together and nail them to the leg with an overlap;
  • the canopy on top should be covered with clapboard;
  • you can make a transforming roof that folds like an umbrella;
  • the size of the canopy is arbitrary, but, as a rule, the width of the cap is 2 m;
  • the tree must be treated with an antiseptic.

Wooden children's sandbox with benches

The design with benches is convenient for children and parents. To create it you will need:

  • mark the location of the future site on the site drawing;
  • assemble the box, as for a simple playground, and treat it with a primer;
  • we make benches and a canopy;
  • the lid, as a rule, consists of two wings: one fixed and the other movable;
  • we sew the fixed part (the base for the bench), which is made up of two boards, to the frame with self-tapping screws;
  • Next, we connect the movable part of the bench with the fixed one;
  • we lay it out on the box and fasten the canopies with screws;
  • it is necessary that there is a small gap between the doors being connected to ensure optimal rotation;
  • the result should be a wooden folding accordion, which can easily be transformed into a comfortable bench.

How to make a children's sandbox in the shape of a boat

There may be ideas for creating a sandbox great amount. It all depends on the parents' imagination. For example, a play structure with sand for children can be made in the form of a car, an excavator, or a boat. The most popular option for little pirates is a ship filled with sand. How to build a sandbox for children at the dacha with your own hands:

  • we construct a square base with small sides;
  • near one side of the hull, two blanks must be driven into the ground, to which we will then attach boards for the stern of the ship;
  • we make the nose in the form of a triangle and attach it to the base;
  • we make a ladder with 3 steps so that the baby can independently move from the sandbox to the bow of the ship;
  • we sew up the top of the triangle with boards;
  • the arrangement of the resulting vessel can be varied: marine pictures, diagrams, mast, pirate attributes, etc.;
  • the design can be supplemented with an extension if desired;
  • In such a closed house it is interesting to play and it is convenient to store toys.

A sandbox is a reservoir filled with sand, equipped with a variety of elements that promote comfortable play for the baby. Dimensions finished design depend on the number of children who will use it, the age and individual preferences of the owner.

  • Sandbox table.

In such a structure, a child can build sand towers and castles at his workplace.

  • Sandpiper swallowtail (mushroom).

In the center of this structure there is usually a wooden post with a roof.

  • Mobile sandbox.

This sandbox can be dismantled and rearranged if necessary.

  • Sandbox with lid.

The sand in this design will always be clean.

In addition to the above types of sandboxes, there are other types of structures, including the presence of a slide, swing, etc., and also differing in the material of manufacture.

Rules for the construction of children's sandboxes

Children's sandboxes with a lid: choosing a location

Sandbox location rules:

  • the structure must be in the field of view of adults;
  • it is important to place the sandbox with one part in the sun and the other in the shade;
  • install the structure on playground next to children's swings and other buildings;
  • When installing a sandbox, make sure there is a cover that will “protect” the sand from the accumulation of leaves, debris, stray and domestic animals.

Principles of construction of children's sandboxes

  • use environmentally friendly building materials;
  • the ideal option for this design is plastic, wood;
  • the children's sandbox should be bright;
  • take care of the absence of “burrs” and sharp corners;
  • the sandbox must correspond to the surrounding landscape;
  • to facilitate installation work- use a screwdriver and a jigsaw;
  • use screws and nails to secure the boards;
  • After installing the structure, treat it with a special antiseptic impregnation, coat with varnish, paint;
  • during construction, use planed boards.

Do-it-yourself sandbox with a lid

Construction of a wooden sandbox

1. The first thing you need to do is decide on the dimensions of the structure. So the area of ​​the sandbox should correspond to the number of children who will play in it. For 2-3 children, it is recommended to allocate an area measuring 1.7x1.7 m, if there is one child - 1.0x1.0 m.

2. We mark the area using a cord and pegs. Inside the future structure we dig the soil to a depth of 25 cm.

3. Prepare the base of the sandbox.


If the base of the sandbox is left earthen, it will get dirty faster. That is why experts recommend using geotextiles or agrofibre. These building materials have excellent moisture permeability and provide a mechanical barrier. You can also place plywood or plastic film by making holes for drainage.


  • pour sand onto the bottom of the hole, tamp it down and level the surface;
  • Next we lay the selected building material.

4. Construction of walls:

  • prepare 4 bars measuring 45x5x5 cm;
  • we treat the base of the pegs with bitumen (it will prevent the material from rotting);
  • We drive each element into the ground to a depth of 15 cm (in the corners);
  • we nail 4 boards measuring 150x30x2.5 cm to the bars (these will be the walls of the structure);
  • We lay 4 boards around the perimeter of the sandbox (these will be bench sides).

5. Construction of the cover.


  • The role of a lid for the sandbox can be played by an awning stretched around the perimeter of the structure, a thick film. However, the most practical option is wooden shield, made from boards;
  • one more good option is the door cover. It consists of 2 shields. They are mounted on hinges and equipped with handles.


  • we take measurements of the sandbox;
  • cut out a rectangle from plywood (or knock together from several boards);
  • We make fastenings in the corners of the cover on 2-3 bars.

6. Processing of the structure.

In order for the sandbox to last as long as possible, it must be treated antiseptic, and then varnish (or paint).

You can decorate the sandbox with various paintings: letters, animals, flowers, fairy-tale characters.

8. Filling the structure.

The ideal material for filling the sandbox is river sand, quarry sand and sea sand. It does not contain foreign impurities and is considered the purest. In addition, in a hardware store you can purchase special quartz sand, which is created for children's structures.


Today there are quartz sands containing clay and special aromatic additives that repel animals.


  • after purchasing sand, it should be sifted;
  • then pour it onto the bottom of the structure without compacting it.

Plastic sandbox with lid

This type of sandbox can be purchased at a specialized store. The features of the location and installation of the structure are similar to those of a wooden structure.

Advantages of plastic sandboxes:

  • attract children's attention with bright design;
  • do not have sharp corners or “burrs”;
  • are a ready-made structure;
  • are environmentally friendly;
  • will cost about the same as wooden building, created with your own hands.