House made of timber finishing work. Turnkey finishing of wooden houses

Services Price
window frame prices from 4,000 rub.
Door frame prices from 4,500 rub.
Met. tiles (without insulation) prices from 1200 rub./m2
Met. tiles (with insulation) prices from 1300 rub./m2
Natural tiles(with insulation) prices from 1,600 rub./m2
Painting 90-100 rub./m2 layer
Log skin prices from 250 rub. /m2
Installation of platbands from 1,000 rubles side
Lining, imitation timber 350-400 rub./m2
Subfloor - plywood 250-300 rub./m2
Clean floor 300-400 rub./m2
Assembling a log house 2900-3200 RUR/m2
Sanding the exterior walls of a house from 250 rub./m2
Treating wood with antiseptic primer 70 rub./m2
Removing the pile manually using a sanding block 98x69 (to prevent moisture from entering through the pile) 80 RUR/m2
Grinding end cuts at home with application of face oil. cuts (calculation after the fact) from 350 rub./m2

If you think that by building a house, you get your dream ready-made, then this is not so. Important place in a wooden house, internal processing and finishing costs take place wooden house. Our company’s craftsmen have many years of experience in finishing wooden houses and related works with this direction, they can do a lot and are able to do a lot.

What does the home you've always dreamed of look like? Usually our consciousness displays some kind of abstract picture, in which there is definitely no place for the materials from which the facade of a wooden house will be finished, and you most likely have a very weak idea of ​​what your interior rooms in your wooden house. On the market building materials Currently there is a huge variety of products available. In order not to get confused in independent choice the required material, our company offers to do this for you, so as not to get confused in the order of prices, you can see the table above. And then we will execute high-quality finishing at a low price, naturally, taking into account all the wishes of customers. If you want to decorate your house professional level, then this work is divided into several parts. How much each work service will cost can be seen in the cost table.

Finish turnkey from the inside. How to create comfort with finishing?

The first thing that needs to be achieved when finishing a wooden house is to give it warmth and comfort. The interior decoration of a wooden house Moscow, buildings (houses, baths) is divided into the following parts:

  • Initially ready house subjected to grinding. This is the least expensive part of the work
  • Next install internal partitions wooden house, which will form a frame.
  • Afterwards, the house is insulated and the necessary waterproofing is carried out.
  • Ceiling finishing is usually done using lining.
  • The walls of a wooden house are also treated using clapboard or other material is used for this.
  • The floor finishes are made with laminate.

Lining is the most profitable and comfortable material to decorate the cottage. In addition, the lining is environmentally friendly; it has high thermal conductivity and sound insulation. With the help of lining you can decorate both a cottage and a bathhouse. Well, there is no doubt about the pleasant appearance of the lining. You will have a pleasant time in such a bathhouse!

Our company also provides services such as coating wooden log house special protection, and we also provide painting of the building; you can place an order or see prices for these services on our website.

Turnkey finishing of the outside of a wooden house. What appearance will the house have?

Decorating the outside of a house is not only about creating a beautiful and presentable appearance, but also about protecting the building from bad weather, which happens very often.

Exterior finishing wood panels consists of the following steps:

  • Installation of a wooden frame. It is necessary in order to prevent distortion of the door and window openings during the shrinkage of the entire house. Typically, this service can be arranged immediately after construction is completed. Prices can be viewed on the website.
  • Caulk at home. This is one of the options for its insulation. As many years of practice have shown, it is the most proven option. Caulking is not only reliable, but also quite affordable, which is important for many. If you wish, you can call our company to calculate more detailed prices.
  • Painting and sanding houses using antiseptic solutions. Grinding combines several tasks at once. First of all, it makes the house beautiful. And also with such wall decoration, you can subsequently apply paint or varnish in an even layer. To choose the right paint, you need to take into account that the house must “breathe”. Accordingly, the price of painting a house will directly depend on the price of materials and the amount of work.
  • Insulate the house inside by insulating all the walls in the house
  • Finishing a wooden house with outside siding. Internal treatment of the walls of a wooden house with clapboard or other materials. Finishing baths and saunas is also usually done using lining, which is convenient and practical and at a low cost.

How to determine finishing prices?

Our company trusts only reliable suppliers of materials for affordable prices, who, thanks to long-term cooperation, provide us with a 20% discount on the cost of materials. Therefore, we can afford to significantly reduce the cost of repair work so that you can place an order at affordable prices without losing the quality of the home’s finishing. You can find out the prices in the corresponding section of our portal; there is also the price at which they finish wooden structures and baths. The final cost can be made upon request from our managers. We will create comfort in your home!

Treatment wooden structure- no less important process than building a house as a whole. Therefore, it is recommended to pay no less attention to him. Only in this case the house will end up being priced at a price that suits you. In Moscow, finishing of a wooden house can be external or internal.

Of these two types, the cost of finishing is the external one, which is considered the most important, because... it not only fulfills its direct task - it provides beautiful view, but also carries out protective function. Therefore, it should be thought about at a time when the house exists only as a project.

Features and cost of finishing a wooden house from the outside on a turnkey basis inexpensively

The most popular finishing material is siding. The house can be made of polymer raw materials, as well as steel, copper or aluminum. The cost of finishing with siding is very low and is easy to do. Also this finish has a pleasant appearance. In addition, siding has several advantages: This finish has a long service life, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, as well as dust or bad weather. One more practical material The material used to decorate the house is lining. And in last days Special home finishings that imitate a log look are very popular among consumers. Insulation as a finish for a wooden house includes a layer of insulation, which increases its thermal insulation performance. Prices for this service can be found on the website.

It should be borne in mind that the external decoration of a wooden house not only changes the appearance of the house, but also completely protects it from the vagaries of nature and the impact environment. If you want a change, or the finish has become outdated or unsuitable, our finish can easily be replaced with a new one. What is definitely not advisable to use as a finishing material is plaster. In this case, the house simply will not “breathe,” which will lead to the fact that sooner or later the wood will begin to crack.

You may not use any materials at all for exterior finishing. But for this it is necessary to treat the timber with a special solution. And this needs to be done once every five years, at least. Otherwise, your home may be susceptible to infestation by insects, bacteria, or mold.

Turnkey interior finishing of a wooden house

Before you begin interior finishing work, you need to treat the wood from the inside. After the log house is finished, it is thoroughly cleaned and then sanded inside. After this, the wood is coated with protective solutions, in several layers. To give maximum smoothness to the walls, they can be coated with the appropriate composition. To make a house seem made of wooden walls and inside, it is necessary to achieve this effect using a special coating that gives the appearance of pure wood. You can also apply artificial cracks and scratches for even greater aesthetics, as happens on real wood.

And after that, you can use a flight of fancy on the topic of what my house will look like inside.

If you want to achieve absolute smoothness of the walls and tint them, then you need to take into account the fact that the toner will look different depending on the type of wood. To achieve the desired shade The paint should be applied with one brush, twice at a time and in one direction. First apply more light tone, and then switch to dark. At the same time, you should not completely smooth over the natural color of the wood. You just need to emphasize it effectively. But which color to choose - smooth glossy or matte - is at your discretion.

During the finishing of the house, it is advisable to keep general style and home trend. The natural shade of wood can be combined with other decorative materials that have different prices. It could be stone, ceramics, the same wood, but of a different species, etc. The flooring is usually covered with cedar or larch materials, which are the most practical in combination with a beautiful appearance.

At the same time, the floor finishing should be in harmony with the walls, otherwise a single composition will definitely not work. The floor can be tinted; this service also has its own cost. In this case, the color is usually darker than the one used for the walls. All together this will not greatly affect prices.

It should be noted that when carrying out work, no matter internal or external, we do not recommend saving on materials, or limiting ourselves to just one stage. This approach can not only disrupt the appearance, but also affect the durability of the entire house for the worse. High-quality works can be purchased at construction company"Century House", the price will pleasantly surprise you. Before placing an order with us at affordable prices, familiarize yourself with the price list of finishing costs, our consultants will tell you how our prices are formed, and you can easily make sure that with our finishing wooden houses can be made very cheaply.

Having completed a house made of timber, you should not think that all the most difficult work is finished. On the contrary, the most interesting things await you ahead! To create a comfortable atmosphere you will need interior decoration home, which requires more detailed attention. And below you will learn how to do the interior decoration of a house made of timber with your own hands, watch training videos and photos, which will allow you to become more familiar with the process.

If you have never encountered such work before, then be prepared for the fact that this is a whole range of activities, which includes:

  • laying communications (water supply, heating, electricity, sewerage);
  • impregnation of wooden walls with fire-resistant compounds and antiseptics;
  • waterproofing and thermal insulation of floors, walls and ceilings (if necessary);
  • subfloor installation;
  • installation of partitions and other structures;
  • preparation of ceilings, walls, floors decorative cladding(leveling, installation of a frame for fixing the sheathing material);
  • finishing of walls, ceilings, floors;
Attention! If you have not previously encountered any of the above work, we recommend entrusting this important task to specialists. Even though it takes you more money than originally planned, you can be sure of the quality. First of all, this concerns communications. You can basically handle the rest of the tasks yourself.

It should be noted that interior decoration of a house made of timber with your own hands is a very important task. For this reason, before taking on it, draw up a design project where all the nuances will be spelled out. For example, the location of the electrical network, heating pipes, sewerage, etc.

It is necessary to clearly define all the points discussed above: from rough materials to decorative coatings - their type, quantity, color, cost, texture, etc.
Another important point, which is worth knowing - everything wooden buildings shrink. This process should be divided into two main stages:

  1. Primary shrinkage - usually continues during the first two years as a result of drying of the wood. During this period, the gaps between the beams decrease under the weight of the roof, cracks may form inside and outside the room different sizes. Moreover, the walls and ceiling may shrink by two to three centimeters. As a result, experts do not recommend using rigid structures (for example, plastic panels, drywall) until the shrinkage is completely completed.
  2. Secondary – associated with fluctuations in temperature and humidity of wood. Usually it is insignificant and most likely will not affect the internal cladding coatings. What kind of interior decoration can a house made of timber look like in the first years after completion of construction? In this case, you should do the following:
  • make a two-layer subfloor;

In any case, we will consider the most popular methods of decorating the floor, ceiling and walls - both for houses that have already shrunk and for those that are in the process of shrinking.

Finish and rough floor

Installation of subfloor

First of all, a subfloor in a home is made from timber. We recommend choosing a double floor structure - it will better conserve heat indoors.

What is a double subfloor? Special logs are made, insulation with a waterproofing layer is laid between them (for example, mineral wool). Next, all this is covered with boards, and then the finishing process takes place. flooring. This is the most economical, simple and effective option in terms of sound insulation and heat conservation.

As a finishing floor covering in timber houses Typically, the following materials are used:

  1. Planed tongue and groove board, which has a lot of advantages, of which I would like to highlight the following:
  • environmentally friendly material, resistant to moisture and “breathes” (thanks to special impregnations and natural properties);
  • durability and strength are another advantage tongue and groove boards(this floor is easy and convenient to care for);
  • modern variations in tinting and surface treatment allow them to harmoniously fit into almost any interior;
  • If necessary, the floor covering can be updated by simply sanding the boards or scraping.
  1. If in role additional heating infrared or water system“warm floor”, then you can forget about floorboard. All because most of heat is spent to warm up the sheet pile. In this case, parquet boards or laminate are usually used to lay the finished floor.
Attention! When choosing laminate/parquet for floor heating Special attention It is worth paying attention to the marking, which should mean that this coating has good heat conductivity.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the walls of a timber house: video, photo

As noted above, the interior decoration of walls in such a house involves their careful preparation (insulation, puttying, vapor and moisture insulation), as well as subsequent covering with a finishing coating/material.

Before finishing the walls, answer yourself the following question: “For what purposes is the built house being used?”

If it was built to hold summer holidays and weekends, you can save on insulation. Otherwise, it will be impossible to live here in winter.

Well, if it’s the other way around, then it’s necessary to insulate the walls. If we talk about finishing the walls, then in this case it is proposed great amount interesting solutions. But when the house is shrinking (the first two years after completion of construction), limit yourself to varnishes, paints or simple stain.

This treatment is, first of all, notable for the fact that the natural texture of the wood is preserved. The tree itself has original patterns drawn by nature itself. What's the point of hiding all this beauty? This technique is especially effective if the walls of the house are built from valuable timber.

Attention! When choosing a good paint coating We recommend giving preference to those that contain less harmful substances. Modern paint comes in semi-gloss, matte and gloss, which is also important to consider when purchasing.

In this case, if shrinkage has already occurred, the interior decoration of a house made of timber can be done sheet materials. The most popular of them:

  • plasterboard - actively used for interior work. And this is not surprising, since it allows the creation of a wide variety of architectural creations. Moreover, it has a small specific gravity, easy to process and environmentally friendly material. Its cost is very reasonable, despite its many useful qualities. The instructions for its installation suggest mounting it on a wooden or metal carcass, which is being built on wall structures. This system is convenient in that the gypsum board and timber will not touch - this will preserve the skin and load-bearing walls from the formation of cracks. Behind such material you can hide plumbing, electrical wiring and other communications (not to mention the insulating layer).
  • Isotex wall panels. As a rule, they are made from wood without glue, so they are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Their advantages include sound-absorbing properties, good thermal insulation characteristics and easy installation. In the role outer covering linen fabrics appear or vinyl wallpapers. In construction stores you will definitely see a wide selection of such products, which are made in different textures and colors.
  • Interior wall decoration with imitation timber - lining, siding, MDF panels, block house. Many people like Russian log huts, but this is quite an expensive pleasure. For this reason, it is necessary to build from more budget material– glued or profiled timber with a rectangular cross-section.

With the help of interior decoration with imitation timber, you can give your home the missing nobility without a significant investment of time, money and effort. The application with this cladding is very difficult to distinguish from natural logs.

Among the main advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Wide range of applications - such panels can be used for both interior decoration of bathhouses and exterior cladding of buildings. Unique properties The material makes it possible to achieve high resistance to temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation and other harmful influences.
  • Environmental friendliness - a favorable microclimate is always maintained in the house. Well, if you use larch or pine panels, the air in the house will become healing.
  • Simplified installation - the groove fastening system facilitates cladding and also makes decorative coating durable and monolithic.

As you may have guessed, the interior decoration of a house made of timber can be original and varied and harmoniously combine with the chosen style of decoration of the room.

If you are planning a renovation, don’t forget about the ceiling.

In this case, you need to start from whether the shrinkage occurs on Finishing work or not. If not, you can implement any ideas using a variety of materials.

  • Do suspended ceiling, which will close the ceiling well and will not be afraid of shrinkage of the house.
  • Leave the ceiling as is. It’s good if the interior matches your approach. An unlined ceiling goes well with styles such as Provence or country.


Any interior decoration is a complex undertaking that solves several important problems. For this reason, it must be treated especially responsibly. Only in this case will the desired comfort, coziness and warmth reign in the house.

Qualitative timber house with finishingFull construction prefer to buy busy people who do not have time to do repairs themselves. In this case, for a relatively small additional payment, the client will receive a cottage with fully finished interior decoration. You will need to bring furniture, arrange it to your liking and you can start living in this wonderful house.

The company SK Domostroy offers its clients the construction of turnkey houses according to the most favorable prices. You can see photos of the interior decoration of the house on the website.

How is the interior finishing of houses made of timber carried out at SK Domostroy?

Interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber at SK Domostroy, construction begins only after the house has completely settled. Only then can you begin installing doors and windows and other types of finishing work.

For example, only environmentally friendly materials are used for repairs. clean materials, which will not harm the health and life of customers. All work carried out is agreed upon with the client, and he can independently monitor the progress of all operations performed.

Wood is a material that is very popular for the construction of private houses. Although stone and brick are also popular, many people prefer timber, which creates a unique look for the home. But after the construction of the building, it is important to take care of the interior decoration of the house. For it to be successful, it is important to take into account all the features of a material such as timber and choose the most suitable type finishing. All possible options and nuances interior design houses will be discussed further.


A house made of timber has a number of characteristics that are not typical for houses made of other materials. Among them there are both positive and negative qualities. The advantages of wood include:

  • The material is environmentally friendly.
  • A house built from timber has a very presentable appearance.
  • Constructing a building from wood elements takes less time than working with other materials.
  • There is no need to spend a lot of time laying an expensive foundation, since the timber will not create large loads.
  • Compared to other materials, wood has a lower price.

The following points are considered as nuances that cause difficulties:

When the building is erected, everything needs to be carefully planned interior work that need to be completed. To the main procedures interior design and finishes include:

  • Laying communication systems. These include heating, sewerage, electricity, and water supply systems.

  • Coating walls with special compounds and antiseptics that protect against fire.

  • If desired, you can carry out thermal insulation and waterproofing of the floor and walls.

  • Next, the subfloor is laid.

  • To make the work more organized, it is recommended to prepare in advance a project for the arrangement and finishing of all rooms.

  • Partitions and other additional structures are being installed.

  • Walls, ceilings and floors must be carefully prepared before decorative finishing.
  • After this, the finishing itself is carried out.

The interior decoration of a building made of timber as a whole is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is important to describe in detail all stages of the work, as well as to choose the right material for finishing various surfaces.

Types of materials

There are many materials that are used for the interior decoration of a private house made of wooden blocks. Each raw material has its own special characteristics and is primarily used for a specific type of coating. The most popular materials for finishing a wooden house are:

  • lining made of plastic and wood;
  • drywall;
  • block house;
  • decorative plaster;
  • decorative rock;
  • vinyl siding;
  • dye;
  • tinting compounds;
  • varnish coatings;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum.


Wooden lining laid on a special crate made of wood. Using nails, slats and grooves, the beams are connected to each other and attached to the sheathing. The lining is made from various types of wood, which include pine, spruce, linden, and alder. The material significantly affects appearance, strength and class to which the products belong. IN The following classification is distinguished:

  • Extra class. Lining that has no defects.
  • Class A. Implies high quality, and even the presence of small knots does not spoil general form coverings.
  • Class B. Average quality, knots in products are more common.
  • The lowest class is C. It implies the presence in the material not only of knots and irregularities, but also of color variations.

Vinyl siding or plastic lining Ideal for installation in rooms with for various purposes, since these coatings are resistant to various influences. In addition, they create an additional layer of heat due to the voids present in the structure. Installation plastic lining carried out on a metal frame. The material with a vinyl surface is resistant to moisture and sun rays. Plus, it comes in a variety of color options.

The special material is decorative fake diamond , which is made from various raw materials. This material mainly plays an accent role in the finishing of profiled timber. The stone is placed on the sheathing, imitating various rocks. Using this coating, zones are identified in large rooms, and also place accents in the interior.

Such material is quite difficult to lay on your own, so it is recommended to invite similar work professionals.

It is also worth paying attention to what kind of timber the structure of the house itself is made of. The beam can be made from different varieties wood. The most popular is pine. It has the following characteristics:

  • Due to the soft structure of wood fibers, the material is excellent for processing.
  • This wood is strong and forms quite reliable frame dwellings.
  • Pine beams are environmentally friendly; they do not emit substances harmful to human health.
  • The shade of pine beams is usually uniform. More often natural material painted in warm colors.
  • In front of everyone positive characteristics pine wood is sold at a price that is very affordable for most of the population.

Among other types of wood for construction timber house cedar, larch, spruce, and fir are popular. In many ways, their characteristics are similar to pine. Also, the beams can be laid according to various technologies, which determine the choice suitable material for interior decoration.

Drywall is a very flexible and plastic raw material for home decoration from ordinary bars. Before laying it, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the walls. The material is attached to a special frame structure. Most often it is used as wooden sheathing, a layer of insulation is laid in the space between the drywall and the wall. The GLK sheets are fastened using screws, and the seams between them are subsequently processed plaster compositions and become less noticeable.

Many compositions are suitable for the finishing coating. Drywall is popular not only for finishing walls, but also for ceilings.

An alternative material for the frame is rounded laminated veneer lumber. Its difference from the standard one is that the construction in this case practically does not shrink. Walls made from such beams turn out smooth and elegant, so their texture is most often left visible during interior decoration.

Such a timber surface is treated with a special primer composition, and then paint and varnish mixtures are applied in several layers, which serve not only as a decorative means, but also protect the surface from various influences. For the floor of such a home, laminate, ceramics or parquet boards. And the ceiling can be decorated using GLK or lining.

Some owners of private houses decorate their interiors using imitation timber relief. To create it use block house- a type of lining, which is planed board, one side of which perfectly imitates timber. The block house is installed on the sheathing, but it is not necessary to place it in all cases. It will be needed for laying a thermal insulation layer or masking communications. The sheathing is made from small bars or galvanized profiles.

The difference between a block house and an ordinary lining is that the latter can be laid both horizontally and vertically. The imitation timber is placed only in the horizontal direction.

Also, materials such as MDF or siding are used as imitation, but the block house has the greatest resemblance to natural bars.


To get a whole and organic interior, it is recommended to design each room in advance and choose the most suitable style directions. In the design country house will become a relevant option chalet or hunting style. It looks very brutal and involves a combination of materials such as wood and stone in the design of the walls. Most often, rooms are decorated with clapboards, the walls are decorated with various hunting attributes, for example, animal heads or hunting equipment.

Russian style looks good in decoration interior decoration private house. It assumes the presence of a structure of beams on the walls. It is permissible to decorate the floors with laminate, imitating large boards. There must be a massive stove in the center of the room.

House similar type can also be submitted to European, Scandinavian or provencal style . In these cases, a special feature will be the finishing of lining or siding light shades. Sometimes a small number is welcome bright accents. Windows are decorated with light screens or curtains.

In style minimalism As a rule, large features dominate. This applies not only to the surface texture itself, which can look like beams, but also to other details, for example, windows and furniture. Having decided on the features of styles, you can choose the most suitable option to decorate your home.

How to sheathe?

No less important than the choice of material and style is the process of covering various surfaces of a wooden house with your own hands. The features of this procedure depend on the selected area. The main surfaces for decoration include walls, floors, and ceilings.


It is better to start the process of decorating surfaces from the ceiling, especially if you prefer to paint the ceiling and walls, or varnish them. The ceiling can also be sheathed with plasterboard and tension structures can be created.

If the ceiling is painted, its surface must be thoroughly cleaned and coated with a primer. After 24 hours, when it is dry, you can begin the painting process. To do this, use a long-haired roller. The process itself must be carried out quite quickly, since the paint quickly hardens on the ceiling surface. In this case, it is advisable to have an assistant who could point out color unevenness during painting (they can only be seen from below).

Instead of paint, the ceiling can be finished with clear varnish to highlight the structure of the wood fibers.


The walls of the room can be decorated various materials. But regardless of the selected raw material, it is important to remember that the first stage of work involves cleaning and degreasing the surface. The process of preparing walls also includes laying insulation and a waterproofing layer, and treating with putty. Some people prefer to simply plaster the inside of the house. But in this case it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to apply plaster soon after the construction of the house.

When covering beams with varnish or paint, the material should be applied in the direction of the wood grain.

A roller can be used to apply coloring compounds, but for treating corners and hard-to-reach areas it is better to work with a brush. When choosing a varnish, pay attention to the content of harmful substances in it, as well as the texture itself, which can be glossy, semi-gloss or matte. Often, fabric wallpaper is even glued onto the leveled surfaces.


The arrangement of the floor is also very important point interior decoration of a house made of timber. In a private house there are two types of flooring – rough and finished.

The rough design represents the base. It consists of logs, between which a layer of waterproofing and insulation is placed. These layers are then covered with boards. For a private building it is recommended to make the floor with double design , since it is more capable of retaining heat. The finishing coat is applied directly to the boards.

Finishing is carried out in several stages.

  1. Laying a layer of waterproofing on the subfloor boards. The material can be used polymer membrane from film or roofing felt.
  2. Installation of timber installed on an edge rectangular section 5 x 10 cm. The design features of this layer depend on the specific finishing coating.
  3. Reliable fastening of the power set to the floor. To carry out this type of work, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws of the appropriate size.
  4. Laying insulation in free space. Mineral fiber, rolled glass wool or even polystyrene foam can be used as a heat insulator.
  5. Laying the finishing layer is the final stage.

We bring to your attention a catalog of houses made of timber. Various configurations and parameters of buildings will allow you to choose the project you like best and complete it turnkey in a short time.

Houses made of timber are different:


High strength and wood resistance to external influences make timber construction one of the most popular options. To provide effective thermal insulation and structural rigidity, during construction, a profiled beam is used, which has two longitudinal protrusions on the upper mounting plane and two symmetrical grooves on the lower one, and the application interventional insulation made from flax jute eliminates the formation of cracks.


Environmentally friendly materials used in construction residential cottages, make a house made of timber safe for health. For an additional fee, wood can be treated by impregnation with special anti-flammable and antibacterial compounds.

Speed ​​of construction

The average construction time for a house is 3 weeks (may vary depending on the complexity of the project). Thanks to modern technologies construction, in such a short time it is possible to install a full-fledged foundation and a two-story building with a finished roof.

No company can offer better and faster construction of residential buildings. The price of a house made of timber is determined by the thickness of the walls; we offer 3 options for the thickness of planed timber: 100mm, 150mm and 200mm. both in the form of a standard rectangular profile and with a semicircular outer surface, while the cost of the house is from of this material this doesn't change. Careful design of timber construction projects allows you to quickly adapt to the features of the landscape.