Ancient Slavic alphabet or a message to modern humanity. "language is the confession of the people, their soul and way of life is native"

Essay “Business game. My success future profession»

Melkaeva Kristina

Essay: “There is a language confession of the people, his soul and way of life is dear"

Why confession? In the Old Russian language there was a word “vidati” - to know, to have. From him the word “tell” arose - to inform, to tell. And here is confession - a frank story about everything that exists, including the most intimate. Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky used this word in this meaning in the combination “confession of the people.” He wanted to emphasize that language reveals all the secrets, reflects everything that happened in the life of the people...

Indeed, in language the people preserve and through language convey not only the facts of history, but also the character, system moral values. And this is what is called mentality. A person’s belonging to a certain culture determines his mentality. Mentality is most fully manifested in the dictionary, in the lexicon. IN " Encyclopedic Dictionary culture” the definition is given: “Mentality is the deep level of mass consciousness, collective ideas of people, their image of the world, dominant in the thickness of society...”

« Every word is a “living witness” of history. All aspects of the life of the people are reflected - and expressed! - in the language,” these words belong to the famous Russian publicist K. D. Ushinsky. Indeed, language necessary condition the existence of man and nation, a universal system of means of communication of the human collective. Without language it would be impossible to exchange information and work together.Have you ever wondered what language is? One person speaks, the other listens and understands him. You read a book, magazine, newspaper and also understand what is written. With the help of words, a person expresses his thoughts and conveys them to others. And this happens thanks to language, so we can safely say that language is the confession of the people.

An example is the biblical legend of Tower of Babel, the meaning of which is that the loss of a common language did not allow people to realize their common plan. Language is a social phenomenon on which the existence of our civilization is based.

The history of a language is inseparable from the history of a people; it, like a mirror, reflects all stages of the development of society. With the help of language, knowledge, experience, and cultural traditions are preserved and transmitted to subsequent generations. This is reflected in the preservation of ancient dialects in the language, geographical names, names - thus, the connection between ancestors and descendants is carried out.

Language is the most important means of transmitting and storing information. It gives us the opportunity to think, construct sentences, and make judgments. It is impossible to think without words, that is, not silently, but in the literal sense - without the participation of familiar means. But language and our speech can not only influence human behavior and thinking. They give a person the opportunity to experience aesthetic pleasure, pleasure in a beautiful word, its euphony.




Fedoryuk Lydia Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 31",


The article reveals the primary importance of language culture in the spiritual and moral development and education of students. Familiarity with the original cultural values ​​of the peoples inhabiting Russia contributes to the formation of not only moral values, but also to the development of students’ linguistic culture.

Spiritual and moral development, linguistic culture.

The spiritual and moral development and education of students is the primary task of the modern educational system and represents important component social order for education. Education plays a key role in spiritual and moral consolidation Russian society. « Motherland“, its history,” wrote academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, “is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can take place.” Society is only capable of setting and solving large-scale national problems when it has general system moral guidelines. And there are these guidelines where respect for the original culture and original cultural values, to the memory of our ancestors, to every page of our national history, to the native language. Back in the 12th century, Prince Vladimir Monomakh compiled and called “Teachings” the first written rules of behavior, which in particular said: “Do not pass by a person without greeting him, but say a kind word to everyone when you meet...”.

“Language is the soul of the people. Language is living flesh... feelings, thoughts.” These words belong to the great poet-educator, reformer Kazakh language Abai. And the Russian poet Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky defined the role of language in the spiritual life of the people:

Language is the confession of the people,

His nature is heard in him,

His soul and life are dear...

Language is an integral part general culture people. Speech serves as a vivid and, as a rule, unmistakable characteristic of the cultural and spiritual level of everyone. Students unmistakably confirm what has been said about language with proverbs: The tongue feeds the head. Without a tongue and the bell is mute. A lame word is a lame speech. He who speaks sows; He who listens collects. A word hits like an arrow.

“The language of a people is the best, never fading and ever-blooming flower of its entire spiritual life... The entire people and their entire homeland are spiritualized in the language; in it the creative power of the people's spirit transforms into thought, into picture and sound the sky of the motherland, its air..., its fields, mountains and valleys... But in the bright, transparent depths of the people's language not only the nature of the native country is reflected, but also the entire history of the spiritual life of the people “- these words belong to Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. Let's read the statement of Erasmus of Rotterdam, a Renaissance humanist, theologian, and Dutch writer: “Language is the best mediator for establishing friendship and harmony.” And here are the words of the great Leo Tolstoy: “The word is a great thing. Great, because with a word you can unite people, with a word you can separate them... Beware of the word that separates people.” “What do you think all these sayings of great people have in common? What irrefutable conclusion does the wisdom accumulated over centuries by the best minds of mankind lead us to?” - I ask these questions to my students. All the answers boil down to one thing: at all times, language has been considered the most important spiritual treasure of any people.

The nature of the country and the history of the people, reflected in the human soul, were expressed in words. The man disappeared, but the word he created remained an immortal and inexhaustible treasury of the folk language...

Language is both old and eternally new!

Words can prevent death

Words can bring the dead to life...

Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection, connecting the outdated, living and future generations of a people into one great, historical, living whole. Working on proverbs and sayings, I offer the 6th grade the following task: draw a portrait of the people, but not with paints, but with proverbs, i.e. indicate which qualities are valued by the people and which are condemned. Introducing Kazakh proverbs to classmates: a diamond blade is a comrade in war, a kind word is a comrade in both war and feast; kindness comes from the heart, meanness comes from strength; tables, poverty will redeem souls with generosity - students note the kindness, nobility, and spiritual generosity of the Kazakh people. Azerbaijanis teach to be hospitable, to treat children with kindness, to have spiritual purity: a house without a guest is a mill without water; the desire of the child is stronger than the order of the padishah; all a person’s troubles come from his tongue; a friend looks in the face, and an enemy looks at his feet. Ingush and Kyrgyz proverbs call for respect for elders: a house in which there are old people is a rich house; If you honor your father and mother, you will receive honor from your son. The Tatars talk about the importance of patience and kindness: the bottom of patience is pure gold; gem does not lie on the ground; there is a soul - there is hope. Each nation speaks its own language, but the wisdom is the same - we come to this conclusion at the end of the conversation.

Active activities in the 5th grade: “Heart words”, “Honest words”, “We are friends with kind words”, “Give a good deed and a good word”, “We know how to communicate” - gave the opportunity to talk about the tradition of a kind word. Students talked about how many kind words, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, are capable of healing and reconciling, comforting and warming, instructing and saving. The children with great pride named the words that their parents tell them, noting their significance - they give a person confidence and calm their conscience. Word in everyday life has its own rules. Our contemporary, Moscow priest Father Artemy Vladimirov, wrote very accurately about them in the book “Textbook of Life”.

“Rule one: think what you say. In other words, weigh in your mind the word that is on the tip of your tongue. Think carefully, and then just speak. And sometimes you won't regret it.

Rule two: don't say what you don't mean. Don't be deceitful, don't be deceitful. It is better to remain silent than to tell a lie.

Rule three: don’t say everything you think. This rule advises correctly assessing the interlocutor and his state of mind. Will what you have to say benefit him? Does he need to hear your opinion on this issue? Won't you give away someone else's secret with your careless word? In a word, don’t say everything you think.”

When studying the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the 8th grade, students successfully explored the spiritual sources of inspiration of the poet, and also with examples from the works of the great poet were able to prove that Alexander Sergeevich spoke Russian as a unique tool. The legacy of Genius teaches schoolchildren correct Russian speech (both oral and written), promotes the manifestation of its bright expressiveness, and replenishes lexicon, making the student more confident when communicating with adults, instills a taste for good, correct speech, because a person’s speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual life.

“Take care of our language! Our beautiful Russian language!.. It is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!” - this is the testament of the brilliant expert on the Russian language, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The writer seemed to have foreseen our time, when the issue of preserving the Russian language is acquiring such a large-scale character. The younger generation is already finding it difficult to perceive the works of the classics of Russian literature, blurring the line between Akunin and Chekhov, Dontsova and Pushkin. That is why writers and poets, publicists and linguists in their works not only call for purity of speech, but also give practical advice to your readers. Students of the 10th grade share their thoughts on how S.Ya. Marshak in the article “Thoughts about words” says that it is necessary to protect the language from clogging, to remember that the words that we now use will serve for many centuries after us to express more ideas and thoughts unknown to us, to create new poetic creations that are beyond our prediction. The famous “Letters to Youth” by Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev deserve special admiration. Tenth graders share their impressions. A Russian literary critic speaks with deep pain about the Russian language, noting that people do not monitor the purity of their speech and litter it with unnecessary words. And language, according to the academician, unites the people, the nation. “...You need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive thing a person has, and if he stops paying attention to his language and begins to think that he has mastered it already sufficiently, he will begin to retreat. You must constantly monitor your language – oral and written.” Thus, our language is a critical part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul and mind.

“Once a certain noble person visited the monastery and found that its inhabitants lived very poorly, denying themselves even the necessary things. The noble visitor spoke with regret about this in a conversation with the abbess and offered a large donation to improve the material life of the sisters. But the abbess objected:

The sisters of this monastery, thank God, do not need your treasures, since each of them has enough treasures of their own.

Where are these treasures?

They keep these treasures in their hearts.

The visitor thought for a moment and then asked:

What is the most valuable treasure of the sisters of your monastery?

The abbess answered, also thinking:

Every person’s most precious treasure is the gift of speech. This is the imprint of divinity; this is a sign that the one who has this gift is not an earthly being, but a heavenly one.

But I noticed that nuns use this gift very little.

Yes,” continued Elizabeth, “because it is a treasure.” Tell me, what would happen to your wealth if you began to indiscriminately and thoughtlessly scatter it left and right? What would happen to your expensive dress, which you began to wear carelessly and carelessly to every job and in every weather? So is the gift of speech. If we use it carelessly and unreasonably, it will soon lose its meaning and all meaning. On the contrary, when each pearl is taken out of the treasury with due attention and care, and when these pearls, these beads are distributed to the needy with proper prudence, then this treasure is of great importance and never runs out.”

And literature

Teykovo, 2013

“Language is the confession of the people...”

Language is the confession of the people,

His nature is heard in him,

His soul and life are dear...

P. Vyazemsky

Our world is full of miracles. Isn't it a miracle that we can talk to people who are far from us, for example, on space station? Or watch live broadcasts of concerts of your favorite singers that take place hundreds of thousands of kilometers from us? Is this just a miracle? Among various miracles and temptations modern world we forgot about one more thing - the most amazing thing - our native language...

What does language mean to a person? This is an amazing, unique phenomenon! The native language is a whole world of words that opens up surrounding life in all its diversity.

“Language is the confession of the people...” Let us think, why confession? There was a word “vedati” in the Old Russian language, and it meant “to know, to have.” From him came the word narodat - “to tell.” And here is a confession for you - “a frank story about everything that exists, including the most secret things.” I think that it was in this meaning that Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, the famous Russian poet of the 19th century, used this word. Language reveals its secrets to us, reflects everything that was in the fate of the people who created it. “A people reflects itself most fully in its language. A people and a language cannot be represented without the other,” said another a famous person 19th century, historian and philologist Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevsky. Perhaps we will be convinced of these truths ourselves...

Everyone knows that language is the most important means communication. But to become this indispensable means of communication, language must have a certain set of qualities. First of all, everyone who speaks it must know the language. There is an agreement between people that they call the house home, and the sky - the sky.

But it happens that not all words are known to speakers of a given language. They are used only in certain areas. These are dialect words. In appropriate quantities, they add color to speech and do not interfere with perception. I believe that dialect words are a miracle, a storehouse of language, its memory...

Visiting my grandmother's niece, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Evdokia Ivanovna Semyonova, I spent the first vacation in my life. The village of Studenets, which many of my friends and classmates had never heard of, stands on the banks of the ancient Nerl River. There were several houses in this village; almost only old people lived in them. In the evenings, they gathered at someone’s house over a samovar, sang songs and had conversations.

I had never seen such samovars - huge, pot-bellied, polished to a shine by the caring hands of Evdokia Ivanovna, it reflected my face with distortions, which aroused my genuine interest. But everything was interesting, especially the conversations and songs. That summer I heard many amazing words unfamiliar to me and, perhaps, then for the first time in my life I felt an inextricable connection with my homeland, the land of my ancestors.

To make it more convenient to talk about my little discoveries in the field of my native language and more, I propose to take a short trip into village life.

There is such a word, I think, known to many - five-walled. “He has a big house - five walls!” – I heard and became interested: four walls are visible, but where is the fifth? The old people then explained to me that this wall was chopped, it was located in the middle of the house and you couldn’t see it from the outside, that there were usually five windows along the façade of such a house. I started looking closely at village houses and I saw that they were all different, although they were similar to each other.

And the Russian stove! Around her, the life of a peasant family went on as usual. The stove warmed, fed, treated, and served as a place to rest. And how many words associated with it did I learn then... For example, hog(stove wall) pole(the area in front of the mouth of the stove, a pot of dough was placed here, and then baked bread), stove(a small depression in the oven, where mittens and socks were dried in winter), grip(a tool in the form of a spear for removing pots from the stove). And one day my attention was attracted round hole in the oven, covered with a lid. They explained to me what it is called samovar, and serves to avoid taking the samovar out of the house in winter; it was connected to the stove through an L-shaped pipe.

In Studenets I heard the word for the first time "whorl", and then I saw the object itself. This is a kind of hand mixer or something, as they would call it now. The whorl is placed vertically and quickly rotated between the palms. A whorl was made from a piece of a dry pine trunk with diverging branches (they are located whorled - at the same level). In ancient times, a good housewife had up to 5 whorls: a large one for bread dough, a smaller one for stiff white dough or mashed potatoes, and even less for batter. And the smallest one with seven branches was used only for whipping egg whites, and was not used for anything else. There is a saying: “Goodbye, the kneading pot and the whorl, the old devil has gone on a spree”...

Many similar words have left active use due to the fact that there are few such houses and such stoves left, the way of life of people has changed, now many natural gas, electric samovars, mixers, multicookers. And it’s a pity for these ancient words, they are beautiful, truly Russian, they smell of something ancient, dear...

I heard the word tub, it was clear that this was a bucket, but since they use a different word, it means that this bucket is unusual... And indeed, my guess was correct, there is a subtlety here - this is a wide, low wooden bucket, they use it to get water from the well.

“I’ll go get some water,” I said one day. And Evdokia Ivanovna and my grandmother almost unanimously: “If you go for water, you won’t come back!” To walk on water – that’s how it should be said.” In fact, in the word water you can hear that it “leads” somewhere, that is, it serves as a path, a road, as it was for our ancestors, because then they moved mainly along rivers.

And with the word bridge It was actually a funny incident! about some person of a violent disposition: “He was such a character, he got offended, left and slept all night on the bridge!” "Wow! – I thought, “how come his cars didn’t run over him?” And then I found out that in this area they call a bridge a cold corridor in a house, a vestibule.

How many new words I learned that summer from the field of cooking!

I still remember delicious pies with rhubarb, fresh air, baked by our skillful housewife. The filling tasted like sweet and sour apples, but more tender and a hundred times tastier.

It’s early morning, I wake up from the melodious clinking of dishes in the kitchen (grandmother and Evdokia Ivanovna got up early) and the unusually subtle smell of dough and village cottage cheese... They call me for breakfast: “Drink milk with kuzhenki.” Oh, the day begins with a new word, what kind of culinary masterpiece is this? Kuzhenka!? I look at the table and see: these are cheesecakes. It’s a little annoying that the word was solved so easily, but the taste of these cookies left no trace of this disappointment.

I, who hated cabbage in all forms, gobbled it up on both cheeks. Of course, I cut a head of cabbage in the garden myself early cabbage, which, however, local residents called maggot. And many people cook from the top leaves of cabbage in the fall shchanitsa, that is, a preparation for winter cabbage soup, which is then boiled with meat, or rather, simmered in the bowels of a Russian stove in a cast iron pot.

Chatterbox here they call an egg without an embryo, not a talkative person...

Gonobobel- a word that is quite common in our area, but residents of other regions do not know it. “Gonobobel pies are good,” my grandmother used to say. This mysterious berry turned out to be an ordinary blueberry, but the pies with it were truly extraordinary...

Prikutka- another fairly transparent word in which its meaning is clearly heard. A small shed attached to solid outbuildings, used to store a small amount of firewood and household equipment.

Grandmother called the small fire that we lit one evening to bake potatoes hothouse. And this word gave off such warmth and tenderness, a light smoke that even now carries me back to distant childhood.

Many natural phenomena also had their own names. Here are just a few of them.

Bucket– clear, calm, dry weather. “The thunderstorm breaks away, and the bucket comes out,” my grandmother said.

Furious– the weather is improving and clearing up. But there is a village called Yaryshevo in these parts! So this is what its name means, it means that from the side where this village is located and good weather came, in that direction the bucket started walking and starting.

Blizzard-crazy– this is how my grandmother often characterized inclement winter weather. I remember this word, it’s somehow precise and apt. I hear it, and images of Pushkin’s “Demons” appear before my eyes, a chill runs through my body...

frost And drizzle- the local residents distinguished these words. Izmoro h b - this is such a frost-like snowball, and the frost With b – very fine and cold autumn rain.

There were many words to describe a person, his condition and actions. Worthwhile- a correct, intelligent, business person. Rogue- a rogue, a sneaky person. Obotur– a stubborn, rude, persistent and secretive person. Balakhryst- lazy person. Kulema- a slow person. Prosecutor- a prankster. Bololo- a talkative, dispensable person, a deceiver. Reluctantly- tired. Subsection- I took care, I tried. Babble- to excite, alarm, disturb. Slöndet- walks around idle.

Dialect words serve as an addition to the main vocabulary of the language, to well-known words. This is a kind of local “seasoning” to commonly used vocabulary. However, nowadays, under the influence of the media, young people forget local words and are embarrassed to use them in their speech. Is it good or bad? What if dialect words, imagery, and stylistic coloring disappear from our speech, and our speech becomes the same everywhere? In my opinion, what we will get in return is a refined, standard and tasteless language...

200 years ago he sadly wrote:

Treasures of the native word -

Important minds will notice -

For someone else's babble

We neglected it madly.

We love the Muses of other people's toys,

Rattles of foreign dialects,

And we don’t read our books...

When I suddenly hear one of those words that I was talking about, I involuntarily shudder, because they are like greetings from that distant time... I remember the village, our songs and conversations. I didn’t sing such songs with anyone else, I didn’t sit at the samovar. And I have never seen huts like those in that village - with lace trim on the windows... My grandmother, Maria Vasilievna Petrova, is no longer in the world, nor is her niece, Evdokia Ivanovna Semyonova, but I consider it my pleasant duty to thank them for what they , albeit unwittingly, awakened in me an interest in my native language, the living word, and instilled in me respect and reverence for apt folk words. For some, these words will seem nothing more than funny, but for me they are my home, my land... That’s why I say them without a smile, thoughtfully and, I hope, to the point.

“The Russian people express themselves strongly... What is pronounced accurately is the same as what is written, it cannot be cut down with an axe. And how accurate is everything that came out of the outback of Rus' ... " These words of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol very accurately notice the peculiarity of the everyday speech of the people. Every word is a pearl!

“Honor the old as fathers, and the young as brothers. Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and body will perish. What is good, do not forget, and what you do not know how to learn” (From the Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh) TRADITIONS OF EDUCATION IN Rus'

CONTINUE THE PROVERB 1. From polite words…… 2. To a kind word…. 3. Kind words…. 4. How will it come back to haunt you….. 5. What is the voice…. 6. From an empty word….. 8. The wound from the saber heals…. 9. Kind word... By the way, keep silent,... 11. The word is greater…. 12. Empty speeches...... a blade of grass does not turn green. so the tongue will respond sweeter than honey, the tongue will not dry out, so is the echo of the wound from the word - no matter big word you say the arrows strike, there is nothing to listen to, but the bickering gnaws and the cat is happy. lowers his saber

1. The tongue will not wither from polite words. 2. The cat is happy about a kind word. 3. Kind words are sweeter than honey 4. As it comes around, so it will respond 5. As the voice, so the echo. 6. An empty word does not make a blade of grass green. 7. A wound from a saber heals, a wound from a word does not. 8. Slander is toothless, but squabbling gnaws. 9. By the way, if you remain silent, you say a big word. 10. A kind word lowers a saber, a kind word cuts steel. 11. A word strikes like an arrow. 12. And you’ll say it’s bad, but you won’t say it’s bad. 13. Empty speeches and nothing to listen to.

It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person. He who guards his mouth guards his soul; but whoever opens his mouth wide will be in trouble. Nice speech- honeycomb honey is sweet for the soul and healing for the bones. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up rage. The tongue of the wise communicates good knowledge, but the lips of fools spew out foolishness. Joy to a man is in the answer of his mouth, and how good is the word at the right time! Some idle talkers wound like a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals. Longing in a person’s heart depresses him, but a kind word cheers him up. When you talk too much, sin cannot be avoided, but he who restrains his lips is wise. Kisses on the lips who respond with true words Language of Wisdom

Human qualities Their presence: + / - Description of character 1. Independence 2. Responsibility 3. The ability to think not only about oneself 4. Kindness 5. Courage 6. Self-confidence dependent irresponsible selfish embittered cowardly insecure

By acting with words, we can control life and destiny. Take care of the feelings of loved ones, be attentive to your words. 1st place – “I” 2nd place – “Name” 3rd place – “I Want” - desires and interests of a person 4th place – “Good” - awareness and presentation of one’s strengths 5th place – “Gender” - recognition from representatives of the opposite sex 6th place – “Was-Am-Will” - respect for the past, acceptance of the present, hope for the future. 7th place – “I have the right” - awareness and declaration of one’s rights 8th place – “Must” - awareness

Hit parade of offensive words 12th place: “Sharomyzhniki” - cher ami (dear friend). 11th place: “Freak” - in Polish Beauty. 10th place: “Idiot” - Greek “Idiotes” is not a fool, but a “private person”. In the language of Byzantium - a layman. 9th place: “Olukh” comes from “volokh” ( shepherd). Polish language meant "simple, humble person." 6th place: “Bastard” (came from Latin) – peasant. Villager. 5th place: “Cretin” (from Latin) - Christian. 4th place: “Cattle” comes from the German “Skat”, meaning “money”, “wealth”, “treasure”. “Bastards” in ancient Russian were people who gathered (that is, dragged themselves) to a specific place. This word has the same root as the word “volost”. 3rd place: “Scoundrel” - meant “recruit unfit for military service.” 2nd place: “Infection.” If they had called a girl that way 250 years ago, she would not have been offended, but would have thanked her for the compliment. In those days, the phrase “What an infection you are!” meant “What a charm you are, charm itself!” 1st place: “Ryakh” had nothing to do with the face. This was the definition of a neat, orderly person. Now all that's left is "slob".

TIPS FOR REFUSING RUDE AND HURTING WORDS 1. Don’t stoop to the level of a boor. 2. The first way to stop the verbal flow of a rude person is by changing the pace of your speech and the timbre of your voice. 3. Look your interlocutor straight in the eyes. Pronounce all words slowly and smoothly, in a sing-song manner. 4. Surprise your opponent with your behavior. 5. Amaze the boor by asking him an unexpected question. 6. By causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed person may not know that he is causing the greatest harm to himself and his offspring. Stop using foul language! 7. The more often you train yourself to speak politely and not descend into vulgar language, the more you and the people around you will respect you.

How to avoid becoming an object of aggression Do not allow yourself to be offended! 1. Don’t be afraid of the aggressor, stay confident. 2. Try to remain calm, speak slowly, clearly and firmly. 3. Don’t be rude or fight back. 4. Use (choose) the following behavioral strategies: firmly and confidently say that you do not like this treatment; joke back; go away calmly (don't run away); turn to friends or elders for help if you cannot cope on your own.

Class Rules We maintain good relationships. We do not support the aggressor (offender). When they say: “Let's tease together!” - each of us answers: “No!” We do not respond to aggression with aggression. Evil always begets new evil. We discuss cases of aggression. Report cases aggressive behavior– does not mean lying. We always take the side of the victim. Parents, teachers, classmates are ready to help every student when he is offended. We are not excluding anyone from the game, which is great! We call each other by name. We respect each other!

Speak the words, speak. Say beautiful words, Say kind words, And so that your head doesn’t spin, But it’s so warm and joyful And on weekdays and on holidays The word hurts, and the word heals Let’s perpetuate the world From kind words, beautiful words Faces light up.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This development intended for students in grades 5-6.

Target: to introduce students to the holiday - International Language Day, to introduce them to the study of the Russian language, its features and diversity.


  • develop students’ cognitive interest in the Russian language;
  • form a careful conscious attitude to your native language and other languages ​​of the world;
  • develop moral qualities of the individual;
  • develop monologue and dialogic speech of students;
  • cultivate a patriotic attitude towards the language and one’s homeland.


  • Wall newspaper “The Russian language is the most interesting”
  • Statements about language
  • Colorful office design
  • Music

Forms of organization extracurricular activities : group form. (Students of grades 5-6 are seated according to the numbers they received upon entering the office, and a division into 3 teams is obtained)

Progress of the event

Presenter 1: Good afternoon friends! Every year since 2000 February 21 noted . He is only 18 years old. This holiday is very important and necessary. Without language the world would not exist. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without language. With the help of language we think, convey our thoughts and feelings, and show our creativity.

Presenter 2: On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each one serves the individual and each represents a living heritage that we should take seriously and cherish. Let's look at the name of our event. How do you understand it? (students' answers)

Presenter 1: Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture and, of course, language. All this distinguishes one people from another. This is what makes you proud of belonging to a particular language. And the language conveys the peculiarities of the way of life of the people themselves. Therefore, many of them, even the smallest ones, try by all means and forces to protect their language, their pride.

Presenter 2: Today you and I, guys, will plunge into the treasures of our language, let's see how interesting, amazing and unique the Russian language is in its composition, form, and diversity.

Presenter 1: We are starting the event with statements about the Russian language, without which it is impossible to do: today is celebrated International Mother Language Day. There are statements about the Russian language on your tables. Your task is to prepare an expressive reading of the statements and explain what they mean. (application)

Presenter 2: It’s great that we started the event with a conversation about the role of the Russian language and its significance. Don’t forget about this, take care of our language, express your thoughts beautifully and thoughtfully.

Presenter 1: So, the event continues competition "LINGUISTIC RECORDS".

Not only people, but also words have their own records, if we approach the vocabulary of a language from a quantitative point of view. We will now turn to them.

Presenter 2: Each team receives interesting questions, the answers to which will require ingenuity and ingenuity.

Name a word that has three letters “e” in a row. (long-necked)

Name a word with seven letters “o”, not in a row. (explanatory - word-formative)

Name words with six letters “e”, not in a row. (redistribution)

Find two words with four vowels following each other. (radio audience)

Find words with three soft signs. (seductiveness)

What is the longest three syllable Russian word? (moral)

Presenter 1: The task turned out to be difficult, but surprisingly educational, and you tried to cope with it. Let's move on to the next competition - competition “PROBERKS AND SAYINGS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE”.

From the point of view of folklore, the Russian language is incredibly rich in proverbs and sayings. These are the well-known “Measure twice - cut once”, “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.” You guys need to complete the proverb or saying, while some will probably be unknown to you. Your task is to think logically and name the correct ending to the proverb.

Presenter 2: In front of you are cards with tasks, try to cope with them.

1 team:

Behind someone else's cheek... (tooth hurts)

I’m driving - I’m not whistling, but I’m going to run into... (I’m not going to let go)

Don’t use someone else’s mind... (build a house)

Every vegetable... (its time)

They are looking for mushrooms - in ... (they are scouring the forest)

Team 2:

Don’t worry about the rye, just... (hold the bag)

Get the job done, but don’t... (don’t rush)

Living with a book is a century... (don’t bother)

It really hurts my eyes, it really does... (it hurts my ears)

The puppy barks - from ... (from the big ones he hears)

Team 3:

May crowns spring, summer... (welcomes)

The tongue is small, but a great man... (tosses and turns)

Smart head... (notice from a young age)

The dough saturates, and the place... (enlightens)

They treat with bitter, but with sweet... (they cripple)

Presenter 1: Well done! We completed this task too. Let's move on to the next competition - "LEXICAL WEALTH OF THE LANGUAGE - SYNONYMS".

Presenter 2: What a great variety of synonyms we can choose for the words of our language. Let's take the word "step", which can be used as walk, trudge, step, step over. The general meaning of the phrase will not change: only its tone of sound will change, but at the same time we master the lexical richness of our language.

Presenter 1: Guys, you need to find synonyms for the words in the first column of the table, knowing how many letters are contained in the word you are looking for.


Number of letters









Locker room





Presenter 2: Are you convinced that Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world? Its wealth consists not only of synonyms, but also phraseological units. Our next competition "PHRASEOLOGISM".

Presenter 1: Give an interpretation of phraseological units, show excellent command of our language.

1 team:

Prodigal son -

The titmouse has made a name for itself -

Rest on your laurels -

The lucky planid fell out -

Team 2:

And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe -

Ode to the swallow does not make spring -

Horn of plenty -

Filka's certificate -

Team 3:

Apple of discord -

The truism is

Galloping across Europe

Achilles' heel -

Presenter 2: Well done! Do you know what these phraseological units mean? This suggests that you are interested in the development of our language, the wise sayings of people that have become stable. Replenish your vocabulary, expand your horizons, and then learning and living will become more interesting and joyful.

Presenter 1: My colleague encouraged you, and now let's move on to the riddles. Competition "RIDDLES". Now we will read out the riddles, and you name the correct answer.

  1. Even if they lie in the cold,
    But they don’t shiver from the cold.
    Let the winds and water be fresh,
    Cover the beach...(walruses).
  2. The tail lies in place,
    My head is running around. (clock hand)
  3. Black Ivashka,
    Wooden shirt,
    Where will he run?
    There is a trace there. (pencil)
  4. Once I went to the market
    And I bought a red ball there.
    Not cheerful - light, fast,
    And heavy and fragrant. (orange)
  5. I don't receive a salary
    And I teach day and night. (book)
  6. He writes on the blackboard with chalk,
    He hears a hint from the back desk,
    Sometimes he gets a bad mark.
    So who upsets mom? (student)
  7. He cleans the air,
    Protects nature. (ozone)
  8. He is not a fan of silence,
    You might even get bored
    If they keep it tight-lipped.
    Who is he, guess for yourself. (language)
  9. A small slice for tea
    He treats us at the table. (lemon)
  10. I will visit everyone in a day,
    I will destroy everything I know. (magpie)
  11. Tell me, what kind of weirdo is this?
    He always wears a black tailcoat. (penguin)
  12. Worn by a boy
    Green fountain,
    Became a gentleman -
    Got a caftan. (tomato)

Presenter 2: Well done everyone, they remembered the riddles and plunged into childhood. Riddles also speak about the diversity of the Russian language, its origins, which can go back to ancient times.

Presenter 1: Now let's play translator. The competition is called " TRANSLATORS».

Presenter 2: You know that the Russian language has many words from other languages ​​of the world. In addition, you are studying foreign languages, so without much difficulty you can determine from which language the words came into our language.

Presenter 1: I name the words, and you determine the borrowing language.

Roulette ( French); anatomy ( German); video clip (English + Latin); shrimp (French); radio (English); taxi (French); sweater (English); pizza (Italian); interior (French); evolution (French); chips (English); freestyle (English); toaster (English); pickup (English).

Presenter 2: This educational competition was interesting, entertaining for everyone, and now the last test at today's event. In front of you is a Whatman paper with pencils, felt-tip pens, and gel pens. Draw a beautiful sketch on paper dedicated to today's theme - International Mother Language Day. Don’t forget to write the name of the event, of course, picture yourself and express your attitude towards your native language.

Presenter 1: You guys turned out great posters. Today we looked at your talents and were convinced once again that holidays about the native language should and should be held annually.

Presenter 2: We express our gratitude to everyone who came to the event and who took part in it. I would like to conclude with the words of the poet P.A. Vyazemsky (which were spoken at the beginning):

Language is the confession of the people,
His soul and life are dear.