Datura in autumn. A cute flower with mysterious properties - Datura

Datura flowers add a tropical touch to any garden. Their long funnels open at dusk and fill the air. And although each flower lives only one night, from August until frost, Datura blooms very profusely.

Do not forget that, like some others, Datura is deadly poisonous. All parts of the plant contain the toxins scopolamine, atropine and hyoscyamine. Datura is intoxicating, that is, it has hallucinogenic properties. Some of its types are used in pharmacology and homeopathy.

Decorative qualities

A loose bush grows in width rather than in height. Shoots can reach one and a half meters in length. They are covered with large bluish-green leaves. If you rub the leaf, it emits a rather unusual smell, which cannot be called pleasant, and it is difficult to call it repulsive. Young plants look like - this, by the way, is one of the closest relatives of Datura.

The first powerful shoot bifurcates when it reaches a height of about 30 cm to give way to a conical bud, which opens to reveal a tightly coiled nascent flower. It gradually increases to a length of 20-25 cm and, finally, at dusk it unfolds (right before the eyes of a sufficiently patient observer) into a huge single funnel with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Its color varies from pure white to white with lavender, cream and yellow tones. They say that varieties with red tints have appeared.

The flowers of many varieties emit an intense aroma, similar to the smell. The flower lives for one night (slightly capturing the cool morning of the coming day), and by noon it turns into a hanging “rag”. At the same time, flowers that are cut in full opening, but not yet pollinated, can stand in a vase with water for two or even three days. After the first flower you will have to wait a week or two for the next ones. They are most likely, like twins, to appear at second-order branching nodes. By August there will be so many of these branches (and with them the buds) that several open flowers will become a nightly occurrence.


Datura metel often appears in catalogs as a collective name for all, which misleads inexperienced gardeners. First of all, let's learn to distinguish Brugmansia and Datura by one sure sign. In the former, the flowers always point downwards, in the latter - upwards. Datura stramonium - a weed in the southern states of the USA, Mexico, Mediterranean and other warm countries. It differs from the Indian datura in its smaller flower size (5-13 cm long) and sharp-needle-shaped seed pods. Due to its less decorative value, it is usually not grown in gardens. Most often with Indian datura (Datura metel) confused Datura meteloides . Not surprising, since the suffix “-oides” in Latin means “very similar.” The difference is only more obvious in the lavender hue of the edges of the funnel of the latter. And Datura metheloides itself, in turn, is often confused with Indian datura , or harmless (Datura inoxia) and its two subspecies. In general, the classification is complicated. One thing you can be sure of: the Datura seeds sold in stores will produce plants with beautiful, fragrant flowers.


Very popular variety series Ballerina with dense flowers, often with a purple funnel. The most common hybrids in this series:

"Ballerina White" - pure white semi-double variety;

"Ballerina Purple" - with semi-double purple flowers, the edges of the funnel are white;

"Ballerina Yellow" - with yellow flowers.

Often on sale you can find a mixture of hybrids called "Ballerina Tutu" ("Ballerina Tutu") .


Seeds can be various shapes. 10-11 weeks before the last spring frosts(in the Moscow region in mid-late March) they are sown as seedlings in boxes with steamed soil and sprinkled with a little sifted soil. In general, almost in the same time frame as seeds and. Crops are kept at a temperature of about 15 degrees, seedlings appear within two weeks. seedlings are grown in a well-lit place. By the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings should reach 15 cm in height. When transplanting into open ground, you need to try not to damage the roots. During the season, Datura is fed several times with granulated complex fertilizer (the same as for vegetables).

In design

Datura spreads rather than grows in height, sagging under its own weight. This loose, spreading plant with flowers hovering above the ground can be used in flower beds, covering the “holes” left after the oriental poppy or other early flowers fade. flowering perennials, of which there is nothing left in July. You can raise the dope almost to eye level (to make it easier to look at the flowers) by building a simple support for it from three or four long branches. With such a support you can grow on the veranda or in those parts of the garden where it is most common.

Watering, fertilizing with granular complex fertilizer.

Datura terry - unusual plant originally from Asia, which is popularly called Datura. Since ancient times it has been used as a medicine, despite the fact that it is considered poisonous, and its magical properties shrouded in mystical legends. Gardeners value datura for its decorative effect, intoxicating and intoxicating aroma. As a rule, the plant is grown using seeds.

Datura: growing from seeds at home

  1. The first step is to check the seeds for quality. This can be done as follows: fill the seeds with water and observe them. High-quality grains will sink to the bottom, while low-quality grains will appear on the surface of the water. Catch the low-quality ones and throw them away; you won’t need them. By the way, datura seeds do not lose their viability for 10 years.
  2. Soak selected quality seeds again in warm water for 1-2 days, place them on a windowsill with good lighting- this promotes faster growth. Instead of water, you can use growth stimulant liquid - this also speeds up the germination of seedlings. Seeds are planted in mid-spring in fertile, loose soil. The following substrate is ideal - a mixture of humus, ordinary garden soil and fine sand (preferably sea sand). Suitable as a container for seedlings deep drawer, where the substrate is poured and the grains are sown deep enough. After planting the seedlings, moisten the soil with a spray bottle. The container with seeds is covered with glass or polyethylene and placed in a room with a temperature of at least 17 degrees.
  3. The first shoots will appear after a few weeks, after which you can place the box with seedlings in a well-lit place. Do not overdo it with watering; the soil should not be very moist. When the first leaves appear, take the seedlings out to the balcony or garden for 2-3 hours. Gradually increase the time for hardening the datura. The sprouts should get stronger after a month and can be put outside for the whole night (if temperature regime does not fall below 12 degrees).

Datura: planting and care in open ground

When all manipulations with growing seedlings have been successful, you can transplant the datura to permanent place in the garden. Ideally, choose a well-lit, windless place. You can transplant datura seedlings into open ground only when it gets warmer (around the end of May - beginning of June). Before planting, be sure to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. During the period of frost, the daturas are covered with polypropylene fiber (it transmits light well and protects from the cold).

Datura is quite undemanding plant, so it’s quite easy to care for it. IN summer period Provide the flower with abundant watering (preferably every other day, and in severe drought - daily). During the flowering period, Datura needs fertilizers (alternate organic and mineral supplements), which are applied every day and stop applied in the winter.

The plant also needs pruning. After flowering stops (this happens in autumn), shape the crown of the datura by trimming the branches.

If you provide the plant necessary care and fertile soil, the Datura bush will grow lush, beautiful and spreading, it will need support. Most often, the plant bush reaches a height of about a meter and a width of 70 cm. At the same time, up to 15 flowers can bloom on one bush, each of which reaches a length of up to 15 cm. To ensure long-lasting flowering, do not forget to remove faded flowers. To get seeds, pick the seed cones from the datura (when ripe they begin to burst, the grains are well separated from the boxes and dried on paper).

Datura terry: flower photo

Datura - beautiful plant, which is considered a weed in most countries. With us this flower commonly grown for landscaping summer cottages and city flower beds. Datura flowers have a delicate white color with various shades and exude a pleasant, intoxicating aroma. Datura is considered poisonous plant, so it is not recommended to grow it for people who have small children and animals.

It has long been considered dope. His real name is Datura. This is a spreading plant with large leaves and huge funnel-shaped flowers belongs to the Solanaceae family. Originally from South and Central America, it spread throughout the world many centuries ago. People attributed supernatural powers to it, and its hallucinogenic properties were used by priests, shamans and healers of various nations.

This one is undoubtedly beautiful annual It can grow up to one and a half meters in height, and its powerful stems often look like a spreading crown. Truly fairy flowers Datura with the arrival of dusk begins to exude a subtle sweetish aroma, attracting insects and delighting those relaxing in the garden. It reproduces well by seeds, and growing such splendor on your own plot is not at all difficult.

Datura seeds are located inside a rather large prickly fruit, which forms in place of a faded flower. Despite the fact that Datura seeds can often remain viable for up to 10 years, it is advisable to check them before planting. To do this, you just need to lower them into cold water - the seeds suitable for planting will sink to the bottom, and the spoiled ones will float to the surface. Seeds Datura are hard, and in order for them to germinate faster, it is recommended to pre-soak them in cold water or in a solution of a growth stimulator. In a couple of days they will be ready to plant.

Datura grows best in soil rich in organic matter, which must be taken into account already at the stage of planting seeds. If you decide to purchase ready-made soil for seedlings, then it is advisable to add a little humus to it, and if garden soil is used, then you should choose the highest quality substrate, also adding humus, leaf and turf soil to it.

Grows quite quickly and has a powerful root system, which must be taken into account when choosing a container for planting seeds. You can plant seeds one or two at a time to avoid the process of picking seedlings after some time. Datura seeds are planted shallowly - 0.5 - 1 cm. After planting, the substrate is watered and the containers are placed in a dark place with an air temperature of 18 - 20 °C. The soil is regularly watered, preventing the top layer from drying out, and after 10 - 12 days the long-awaited green shoots appear from the ground. At this point, the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place and continue to be watered regularly.

When the first true leaves form, you can begin to harden the seedlings. First, the seedlings are taken out to Fresh air in the daytime for a couple of hours, and then gradually increase the time the plants stay outside. A month after the start of hardening, you can leave the seedlings outdoors or in a cool room even overnight, but only if the temperature there does not drop below +10 °C.

Sometimes due to lack of sunlight seedlings become very elongated and their leaves become smaller. If such a problem does occur with the seedlings, you should cut off the weak top of the plant and move it to a more illuminated place. Soon the seedlings will begin to be produced side shoots, and will soon acquire a healthy and attractive appearance.

When the time of frost has finally passed, the grown seedlings can be planted in the garden. When choosing a place to plant dope, you need to consider several important points. Firstly, the plant needs enough space to grow fully; secondly, this area should be sunny or slightly shaded - the duration of flowering depends on this, and thirdly, the planting site should be protected from the wind, otherwise full growth will not be achieved.

Not many people know that dope demanding not only to the quantity, but also to the quality of water. It is recommended to use exclusively soft water for watering - the quality of flowering of this plant directly depends on this. It should be remembered that Datura is not as demanding on lighting as most flowering plants. It can bloom well not only in bright sun, but also in light shade. For him it is much more important fertile soil and quality watering.

Datura grows most actively in spring and summer, so at this time you should water the plants more often, remove fading flowers and feed them regularly. It is best to use organic matter as fertilizer - compost, manure or litter. Datura blooms until frost, delighting with its huge flowers. Gather Datura seeds should not be in autumn period, and during the beginning of flowering. Seeds from the first flowers are the most viable and allow you to obtain the strongest and longest-flowering specimens. Datura- an unusual plant for the garden, which once again gives reason to be amazed at how nature creates such a beautiful creation from a tiny seed in a matter of months.

Do you want to surprise your friends? Plant datura - a large, monumental annual with huge (up to 25 cm in diameter) bell-shaped flowers. Datura hybrid, despite its original appearance, is quite unpretentious, although it will not refuse good care. It can be grown by planting seedlings directly into the ground, or as a container plant, placing it on open terrace or patio.

Growing Datura

Datura is not difficult to grow, in general it has a long flowering period, although individual flowers fade quite quickly, but this is compensated by the abundance of buds on one plant. Since Datura produces abundant self-seeding, the process of seed formation must be carefully monitored by cutting off faded heads. If you want to leave seeds for planting, then for this purpose choose the fruits that formed in place of the very first flowers. And put gauze bags on the heads with seeds so that they do not fall off. However, any online seed store has in its assortment planting material for every taste.

The splendor of Datura flowering is affected by the hardness of the irrigation water; it is recommended to spill the plant with lime solution (1 g/1 liter) at least once a season.

A powerful plant needs abundant feeding. You can use any complex mineral fertilizer(20 g/10 l) and water the datura with it every week during the summer.

Reproduction of Datura

Seed propagation method of datura Planting is done in early March in shallow plastic containers. Peat is poured onto the bottom thin layer, and then any fertile loose soil. The seeds are “covered” on top with a layer of compost no more than 5 mm thick, and it would also be nice to dust the top with ash and cover the container with glass. The seeds germinate unevenly, the first ones appear on the 10-12th day, and the remaining ones can germinate for about another month. The soil should be constantly moderately moist. Day and night temperature changes are beneficial for seedlings; with their help, plants are hardened. Seedlings are planted once, deepening them to the level of cotyledon leaves. The plant is planted in the garden in late spring - early summer.

Propagation of Datura by cuttings is not difficult. They take root both in the ground and in water, after which they are planted in separate pots.

Soil mixture for container culture datura

Harvesting in autumn soil mixture for planting datura in containers. To do this, take humus, well-sifted garden soil and large river sand(2:2:1). Store the mixture in plastic bags under a canopy.

In the garden, it is better to plant datura in solitary plantings, where it will appear in all its glory. Do not forget that datura is known by another name - Datura, which means that it has no place on the playground, or indeed anywhere where there are young children, since all parts of the plant are very poisonous.

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An annual plant of the Solanaceae family.

It is found on loose, moist soils near homes, in fields, along slopes and ravines. It grows in Ukraine, in particular Crimea, the Caucasus, and western Siberia.

Popularly, there are other names for the herb such as: drunken cucumbers, kings, stupefying grass, thistle, bad drunk, etc.

The plant sometimes causes very strong hallucinations. Since ancient times in India, shamans have used it for their ritual. In ancient times, in some countries, grass was used as a narcotic substance.

Description: Although Datura is native to Asia, it is well adapted to the climate of Central and of Eastern Europe. Grown in gardens as ornamental plant. It has a highly developed root system. Powerful taproot white. The height of the flower reaches 120 cm. The straight stem and large leaves with unpleasant smell. The flower itself is considered poisonous.

The leaves of Datura are pointed at the end, ovoid in shape, narrowed at the petiole, dark green on the front side, lighter on the underside.

Datura has large single flowers of white, or purple, funnel shape. Flowers appear from June to September and have an unpleasant odor (especially at night). Flowers reach 12 mm in length.

The fruit is in the form of a round, erect capsule, which is covered with sharp spines up to 1 cm long. One box contains more than 500 seeds.

Black seeds matte color, slightly flattened, large.

Datura is propagated by seeds.

Sowing period - early spring, the seed ripening period is from June to October.

The common datura blooms: June - September.

Datura common: planting and care

Datura - (another name for the flower) is easily grown from seeds. In any garden store you can find seeds. Germination is almost 100%, but the first shoots appear no earlier than a month later.

Seed preparation: First, for several days, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant, or in ordinary cold water, this will soften the hard, dense skin that covers the seeds.

You can use zip bags. Pour some water, place the seeds and wait for them to pierce, then you can safely plant them in the ground.

Seeds are sown in the ground in mid-May. But for quick flowering, seedlings are used.

Growing seedlings: The seeds are sown in bowls, after 3 weeks, the first shoots should appear, after some time they are planted in separate containers.

The seeds are sown on the surface, lightly sprinkled with soil up to 1 cm on top. It is necessary to water abundantly through a sprayer.

After sowing, cover the containers glass flask and maintain the temperature at 20 degrees, periodically removing the flask for ventilation.

With the emergence of seedlings, the sprouts are provided with sufficiently strong diffused light and abundant watering.

To avoid diving, only one seed is planted in one pot.

Pinning: With the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, young shoots need to be pinned. First they are taken out for 1 hour for open air, but after a few days, the time is gradually increased.

After a month, if the night temperature does not drop below +10 degrees, the seedlings can be left outside all night.

Once they reach 15-20 cm in height and the air temperature is 15-20 degrees, the seedlings are transferred to open ground and planted in 30 cm increments, but the root collar cannot be buried in the ground.

Soil: Choose nutritious, loose soil; it should conduct air and water well and be rich in organic matter.

Location: On open ground choose a sunny area without drafts and wind, otherwise the branches of the dope tree will break, bend, and the buds will fall off.

Watering: Be especially careful about watering. It should be generous, but don't overdo it. Use soft, settled water.

If the watering regime is violated, the dope will shed its leaves and buds.

Feeding: During the period of active growth (flowering), it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers: manure, compost 2 times a month.

Medicinal properties of Datura ordinary

The plant is used in pharmacology, for the preparation of herbal preparations. The content of levorotatory alkanoid - hyoscyamine, the medicine affects the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces pain in the respiratory tract.

Datura reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs, reduces sweating, reduces the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands, and reduces the vagal effect on the heart.

The powder is used to prevent respiratory infections, for bronchitis, as an antispasmodic, for wound healing, in cosmetology, and for hemorrhoids.

By chemical composition, the herb contains alkaloids: gustamine, atropine, daturin. From leaves and seeds, obtained essential oil and various tannins.

The composition of tobacco products includes dope as one of the means of causing hallucinations.

Independent use is strictly prohibited, the plant is poisonous and should only be used under medical supervision.

The plant is used in folk and traditional medicine for:

  • depression,
  • nervous attacks (mental breakdowns),
  • disorders nervous system
  • rheumatism
  • whooping cough
  • bronchitis (bronchial asthma)
  • conjunctivitis
  • nymphomania
  • bradycardia
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • spastic constipation
  • colitis

The essence of freshly squeezed leaves is used for manic states and triple neuralgia.

The collection of leaves is part of the preparations “Astmatin”, “Astmatol”, which are used for bronchial asthma.

The oil is used for external treatment, and is part of “Saliniment”, “Complex liniment” for neuralgia, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints and muscular rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis.

From the collection of flowers, decoctions are prepared for epilepsy, cough, and bronchial asthma.

Datura vulgare: use in folk medicine

Alcohol tinctures, decoctions and powder are prepared on the basis of Datura vulgare.
From dried leaves make powder for the treatment of cough and shortness of breath.
On the tip of a spoon (very small dose) 3 times a day, consume the powder orally.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

  • With an advanced chronic disease, the patient needs to breathe smoke from burnt leaves.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves, pour a glass of water, place on water bath for 5 minutes, then inhale the vapor through your nose for 20 minutes.

Treatment of mental illness, seizures, epilepsy

Preparation of the infusion: 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds, pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover and let steep for 20 minutes. Take 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

For stomach cancer, the infusion helps reduce pain.

For external use

Preparation of the decoction: per glass of water, add 1 tsp. crushed leaves, bring to a boil, let it brew for 30 minutes, then 1 teaspoon of the prepared decoction, diluted with 100 mm of water and used as a lotion for external use for arthritis, arthrosis, eye inflammation, as a rinse for toothache.

A decoction of Datura flowers is taken for epilepsy and angina pectoris.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse

It is necessary to prepare a warm sitz bath. Chopped dry raw materials 1 tbsp. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Dilute the concentrate into 10 l hot water and take a warm sitz bath 2-3 times a day for up to 10 minutes until the water cools down.

How to get rid of unnecessary hair

Often women develop hair that is unwanted and needs to be removed. To prepare, you need 200 grams of crushed dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on low heat and stir constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then let the paste cool and apply a thin layer to the desired areas of the skin.

Decoction for enemas and douching

Recipe: 1 teaspoon. dry powder pour 0.5 liters. water, put on low heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove and let sit for 30 minutes, then strain. Use the decoction once a day for 2 weeks. But consult your doctor first.

Datura oil

The oil is prepared from the seeds of the plant. Used to get rid of unwanted hair. The oil is applied to the surface of the skin, penetrating deep into the hair follicle and destroying it. Before application, it is necessary to epilate when the pores are still open, apply to the surface, otherwise the oil will not get inside the skin.

Superficially used for radiculitis, arthritis, eczema.

Use Datura vulgaris oil internally to remove stones from the gall bladder and intestines (fecal stones). It also acts as a sedative nervous stress and seizures.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Datura seeds and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

From the moment of flowering until mid-autumn, the leaves are plucked and dried in dry weather. Wet leaves after rain or with dew, they quickly darken. In one year you can collect up to 3 or 4 fees.

First, the lower petals are plucked. Dry in a well-ventilated area without direct contact sun rays, or use an electric dryer. The temperature during drying should not exceed 40-50 degrees. As soon as the main vein has dried out and breaks down well, the grass is collected and kept in glass jars, or tightly closed bags.

After touching the leaves, be sure to wash your hands well. Shelf life 2 years.

Seeds are collected starting in autumn, from ripe fruits. Like the leaves, they are dried and placed in jars for storage.


Due to the toxicity of the flower, any self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Some people deliberately smoke or inhale smoke from burning leaves to achieve hallucinations; this is extremely dangerous and leads to poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Dry mouth
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disturbance of the central nervous system
  • Coordination of movements is impaired
  • Disorientation
  • Pupils are dilated
  • Partial memory loss
  • Hyperreflexia
  • Partial paralysis

If you have any of the above symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.