Fatinya name. Holy Martyr Photinia (Svetlana): the true light of faith

Lives of Saints Martinian, Zoe and Photinia (Svetlana)

From the age of 18, the venerable Mar-ti-ni-an lived in the desert, near the city of Ke-sa-ria Pa-le-stin-skaya, where about -was in motion and silently for 25 years, having been blessed with the blessing of curing the disease. However, the enemy did not leave the enemy, launching various personal attacks on him. Once upon a time, a woman had an argument with depraved people who were seducing the holy Marty. no, the fame of a good life has spread throughout the city. She came to him at night under the guise of a stranger, asking for the night. The saint let her in because the year was stormy. But then the sweet guest changed into nice clothes and began to seduce the movement. Then the saint came out of the cell, lit a fire and stood barefoot on the flaming coals. At the same time, he said to himself: “It’s hard for you, Mar-ti-ni-an, to endure this temporary fire, how will you endure it forever?” what kind of fire did you have in mind?" The woman, captivated by this sight, became excited and asked the saint to put her on the path to salvation. nia. At his direction, she went to Beth-le-em, to the monastery of St. Paul, where she lived in strict 12 years until his blessed death. The woman's name was Zoya.

Having suffered from burns, Saint Mar-ti-ni-an fled to an uninhabited rocky island and lived under the covered by the sky for several years, eating food that a ship's worker brought him from time to time, and he wove baskets for him in a special way.

Once upon a time, during a strong storm, a ship crashed, and to the island where Saint Mar-ti-ni-an was sleeping, -we brought a de-vi-tsu named Fo-ti-niya to the scrapyard. Saint Mar-ti-ni-an helped her get to the island. “Stay here,” he told her, “here’s bread and water, and in two months the ship’s man will come,” and the bro- I pushed myself into the sea and swam. Two del-fi-na you carried him to land. Since then, the blessed Mar-ti-ni-an began to lead the life of the countries. This continued for two years. One day, having arrived in Athens, the saint fell ill and, sensing the approach of his death, entered the temple, lay down on the floor, he called the bishop and asked him to offer his body for burial. This happened around 422.

The blessed girl Fo-ti-niya stayed to live on the island, where she spent 6 years in solitude, and then from la God-gu do-shu. Con-chi-well, it was opened by the same ship-builder, who greeted her, just like the most kindly Mar-ti-ni-a-nu, pi-shu. He transported the body of the blessed Fo-ti-nii to Ke-sa-ria Pa-le-stin-skaya, where it was honorably well-needed but episcopal and clergy. The memory of the dear Zoya and Fo-ti-nii is celebrated on the same day.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.

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Name day is considered old tradition V Orthodox Christianity. This is the day when the memory of the saint is revered, whose name was given at birth and the sacrament of baptism to a person. Each name has its own name day date, and it can be viewed in the Orthodox calendar.

The Slavic name Svetlana appeared in the 18th century in Russia. Thanks to its melody and pleasant sound, it quickly gained popularity. And it became especially famous after Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. The name Svetlana means “bright”. At baptism, Svetlana is given the name Photinia or Photina, as it sounds in Greek.

Character of the birthday girl

Svetlanas are very bright and active. They strive to always and everywhere be in time. At the same time, they try not to delve into specifics and are guided by global information. Sveta’s environment is very important. The right approach in upbringing and a favorable environment will motivate her to new achievements. If this is not provided, Svetlana will easily succumb to any negative influence.

IN family life Sveta is a very caring wife and mother. They know how to be diplomatic, so they support a good relationship with all relatives.

Often women with this name exaggerate their abilities and capabilities. They love to be flirtatious and attract the attention of the men around them.

Useful articles:

Svetlana's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

It will not be possible to find the name Svetlana in the calendar according to the calendar. Svetlana's Angel Day church calendar celebrated on the days of veneration of St. Photina. The table below shows the dates on which date all Svetlanas should celebrate Angel Day. There are only three such days throughout the year.

The closest name day date to Svetlana’s birthday is considered the day of the angel. The remaining days are usually called small name days. On such days, you should thank your patroness, pray to her and go to church.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about Svetlana’s Angel Day:

Brief lives of the martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan and others

This is that same-na-sa-ma-ryan-ka, with which the Lord came at the well of Eeyore (). Passion-da-la for Christ under the name of Nero in Rome, in 66. St. Fo-ti-na lived at that time in Carfa -gene. Having received information from the Lord about the suffering ahead of her, she went to Rome and, together with sons-no-vya-mi Yosi-ey and Fo-ti-nom (Vik-to-rom) and sisters-ra-mi Ana-to-li-ey, Pa-ras-ke-voy, Ki-ri-a -ki-ey, Fo-to and Fo-ti-doy freely came to Nero. After many torments, which did not harm her, the saint was from-ve-de-na in “Zolo-toi” Nero's house, where his daughter Dom-ni-nu and 100 of her slaves were converted to Christ.

Three years later, having again endured much torment and skin scraping, St. Mu-che-ni-tsa Fo-ti-na was thrown into the well, where she died. Together with her, both of her sons, sisters, mu-che-ni-tsa Dom-ni-na and mu-che-nick Se-va-sti- suffered for Christ. an.

Complete lives of the martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan and others

The holy mu-che-ni-tsa Fo-ti-na was the same-my-sa-ma-ryan-coy, with whom the Spa-si-tel was -boat Ia-to-left-va (). During the time of Nero (54-68), he showed extreme toughness in the fight against cancer. sti-an-stvo, the holy Fo-ti-na lived in Car-fa-gen with her youngest son Josiah and there without-bo-language-but-about -ve-do-va-la Evan-ge-lie. Her eldest son Viktor bravely fought in the Roman armies against the barbarians and was appointed to the military for his services -chal-ni-kom to the city of At-ta-liyu (Asia Minor).

Grad-do-chal-nik At-ta-lii Se-va-sti-an, when meeting with Saint Victor, told him: “I know very well, that you, your mother and your brother are following the teachings of Christ. But I am with you in a friendly way - obey in return for this you will receive the property of Christianity, which you provide to us. I write to ma-te-ri and brother, so that they do not pro-ve-to-wa-Christ from the open. "believe your faith." Saint Victor answered: “I myself want to be a pro-Christianity, like my mother and brother.” To this Se-va-sti-an replied: “Oh Viktor, we all know very well what kind of misfortunes await you for this, mother and your brother." After these words, Se-va-sti-an suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes, his face changed and he became numb.

For three days he lay there blind, without saying a word. On the fourth day, unexpectedly, he said loudly: “Only faith is Christian, there is no other true faith.” -ry!" On-ho-div-she-mu-sya near the house of St. Vic-to-ru Se-va-sti-an said: “Christ calls me.” . Soon he was baptized and immediately became mature. The servants of the holy Se-va-sti-a-na, sv-de-te-che-yes, were baptized according to the example of their lord -on the.

Rumors about what had happened reached Nero, and he ordered to bring Christians to him for trial at the time when the Lord Himself revealed He told us and said: “I will be with you, and Nero will be defeated, and everyone who serves him.” The Lord spoke to Saint Viktor: “From this day on, your name will be Fo-tin - “Light-of-the-war”, for many , enlightened ones, turn to Me." The Lord encouraged the Holy Se-va-sti-a-na: “Blessed is the woman who completes his feat to the end.” Holy Fo-ti-na, from the Spa-si-te-lem about the upcoming sufferings, in co-pro-gov-de-nii several -Khi-khri-sti-an came from Car-fa-ge-na to Rome and joined the s-scientists.

In Rome, the im-per-ra-tor invited the saints to his place and asked them whether they really believed in Christ - hundred. Everyone decided to renounce the Savior. That's when they-per-ra-tor, at the-ka-hall, beat-drop-the-hands of the holy mar-ties on the ko-valley. But during the test, it is not the feeling of pain, but the hands of the mu-che-ni-tsy Fo-ti-ny remain -we were unharmed. Nero ordered Saints Se-va-sti-a-na, Fo-ti-na and Josiah to be blinded and imprisoned, and Saint Fo-ti- well, with her five sisters - Ana-to-li-ey, Fo-to, Fo-ti-doy, Pa-ras-ke-voy and Ki-ri-a-ki-ey - from- go to the im-per-tor-palace under the supervision of do-che-ri Nero-on the House-ni-ny. But Saint Fo-ti-na converted to Christ the House-ni-nu and all her slaves who received Holy Baptism . She turned to Christ and the sorcerer, who brought poisoned drink to kill the priest.

Three years passed, and Nero sent for one of his servants who was in prison. The messages sent to him were that the saints Se-va-sti-an, Fo-tin and Josiah, who were blind, became co- you are absolutely healthy, and they are constantly visited by people who listen to them; she herself, however, turned into a bright and blissful place, where God is glorified. Then Nero ordered the five saints to hang their heads down and beat them on their bodies with belts for three days . On the fourth day, im-per-ra-tor sent servants to see if you were alive. But, having arrived at the place of torture, the sent ones immediately became blind. At this time, the Angel of the Gos-daily liberated the mu-che-niks and healed them. The saints took pity on the blind servants and their prayers to the Lord to restore their sight. They matured to believe in Christ and were soon baptized.

In a powerless rage, Nero ordered to tear off the skin from Saint Fo-ti-na and throw the mu-che-ni-tsu into the well. Mu-che-ni-kam Se-va-sti-a-nu, Fo-ti-nu and Josiah from-sek-li go-le-ni, bro-si-li so-ba-kam, then with They skinned them. The sisters of Saint Fo-ti-na endured terrible torment. Nero ordered to cut off their nipples and then rip off the skin. Sophisticated in his cruelty, he-per-ra-tor arranged the same execution of Saint Fo-ti-de: she was blamed by the legs to the top of two inclined trees, which, straightening out, tore apart the mu-che-ni-tsu. The rest of the im-per-ra-tor will be de-headed. Holy Fo-ti-well, you came out of the well and locked it in that place for 20 days.

After this, Nero called her to him and asked if she was still alive and would not sacrifice to idols. Saint Fo-ti-na sp-nu-la him-pe-ra-to-ru in the face and, laughing at him, said: “It’s ungodly.” Blind, lost and mad man! Do you really consider me so irrational that I would agree to -speech from the Lord of my Christ and made a sacrifice like you to blind idols?!"

Having heard such words, Nero again ordered to throw the mu-che-ni-tsu into the well, where she gave up her spirit to the Lord († approx. 66).

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Prayer to the Holy Martyr Photina

Oh, holy martyr Photino! Immensely inspired by love for Christ, you have shown courage, patience and great strength with your sisters, sons and those enlightened by you. She preached the Gospel of Christ with boldness, and by appearing to you and everyone who was with you, Christ strengthened and comforted everyone for the coming torment. Having come to Rome and fearlessly confessed Christ, you were imprisoned, and having endured much torment, you were thrown into a well, and you betrayed your soul to the Lord.

Hear us, Saint Photino, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin does not sprinkle them, but in health of soul and body, your life unflaggingly in good deeds will guide and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, throughout all ages. Amen.

A name is something that can affect not only the character, but also the fate of a person. Therefore, you need to choose it very carefully. In addition, it is worth considering its history, meaning and correspondence to a particular image. Today we will discuss the name Photinia. Its meaning will allow you to find answers to many questions when choosing a name.

What is the meaning?

The name Photinia (or Photina) has Greek origin. Translated from the Slavic language, it corresponds to the Russian name Svetlana. Moreover, both names mean something “bright”, “joyful” and “radiant” or “luminous”, like the sun. By the way, Svetlana was called Photinia during the baptismal ceremony.

Many years ago, these names were given to fair-faced, blue-eyed and fair-haired girls with pretty features. They were spoken of as angels who descended from heaven to earth. Today the name Photinia has a slightly different meaning. That is, when choosing a name, parents usually do not pay attention to the child’s appearance (his or the color of his eyes and hair do not play a role). However, it is generally accepted that Photinius is guarded by a very strong guardian angel.

Name days, patrons, elements and talismans

As it turned out, Photinia is not so rare name, as it might seem at first glance. So, her name day is February 13 and 26, March 11, 20 and 26, and April 2. The patron planet influencing these representatives of the fairer sex is Saturn.

As a rule, Photinia (the characteristics and mystery of her name go back to the distant past) belongs to the elements of Earth and Air. Its most auspicious day is Saturday, and the totems of the following animals, birds and insects are suitable to attract good luck:

  • mole;
  • camel;
  • turtle;
  • hoopoe;
  • ant.

Among the plants herbs and trees that served as a talisman for Svetlana and Photinia can be distinguished:

  • caraway;
  • blackthorn;
  • mandrake;
  • ivy;
  • fighter;
  • cypress;
  • belladonna and others.

What can the name Photinia tell about a person?

If you or any of your relatives and friends are Photinia, the meaning of the name will help you find out the whole truth about you or your surroundings. In particular, Svetlana or Photinia are usually called very kind, sympathetic and talented people. Moreover, such representatives of the fair sex can win first places and awards in sports, and succeed in art. At the same time, Photinia does not have much success at school and practically does not stand out from the peer group.

They are considered to have a cheerful disposition and a very contradictory character. Thus, Photinia can be kind at the same time and at the same time never miss the opportunity to strike back at their offender.

In addition, the secret of the name hides a lady with a perfectionist’s worldview, which is why she often suffers. This is due to her increased demands on others. In particular, she takes other people's shortcomings harshly. But not all the people around her can be ideal, so the girl is often disappointed and withdraws.

What negative character traits does Photinia have?

Despite her natural sociability, the sociable Photinia (the meaning of the name allows you to get to know each other in more detail) inner world its owner) often encounters dead-end situations when friends or colleagues do not understand her. In addition, she is subject to the influence of others, which sometimes simply leads her astray from the intended path.

In childhood she is influenced by her parents and friends, and in adulthood by colleagues and close people. It is because of this that Photinia often become toys in the hands of professional managers.

This behavior, experts believe, is associated with the number 3, which is the number of Photinia’s soul. This trio, like “Swan, Cancer and Pike,” stretches girls named Svetlana into different sides. That is why it is very difficult for them to make any decision. Consequently, they need a reliable and constant mentor, often fulfilled by a father, boss or spouse. This is what the name Photinia means.

What positive character traits do a girl with this name have?

Since Photinia has a reputation as a Good Samaritan, she is happy to help people in need. At the same time, she does this completely disinterestedly and is ready to break away from her main job. And although she is driven by certain good intentions, she often suffers and is not understood by senior management.

Name Photinia (meaning): attitude to work and career

Photinia is considered a workaholic. She knows how and loves to work. But the growth of her career directly depends on herself and her immediate circle. With a faithful and intelligent companion guiding Svetlana or Fotina, a girl can quickly change positions and become an excellent leader. But if one is not found, the owners of this name for a long time can remain in place without requiring promotion wages and a more profitable position.

What do the letters in the name mean?

As it turned out, both the mystery of the name Photinia and the letters themselves from which it consists are important. For example, the first letter “F” in the name is interpreted as “to shine” and “to attract attention.” “O” stands for financial literacy and an inquisitive mind. “T” is responsible for creativity and the tendency to think outside the box. “And” speaks of spirituality, peacefulness and kindness. “N” - balanced actions and a penchant for work. And finally, “A” - the desire for knowledge and self-development.

Ice and fire in the character of Photinia

Photins, Svetlanas or Photinias are considered to have a cheerful disposition, but a very contradictory character. So, they can be kind at the same time and at the same time never miss the opportunity to strike back at their offender.

In addition, Photinia women may outwardly appear cold, unfeeling and even distant, but in reality they are full of energy and passion. This character is usually described as “ice and fire.” This is the approximate interpretation and meaning of the name Photinia. It is this that allows you to create a certain image corresponding to the Photina or Svetlana women.

Does the name affect Photinia's health?

Since Photinia loves to help and sincerely empathizes with people, she often becomes a victim of stress and nervous disorders. According to experts, representatives of the name Fotin need to take care of themselves and try to curb their emotions.

Family life

Photinia’s family life will be successful if the chosen one is her like-minded person. In addition, according to the preferences of the owner of this name, future spouse must be a romantic. And most importantly, it should be for a girl or woman reliable support and guide her along the right path.

We looked at the name Photinia: meaning and origin. Now you know everything about him. But decide for yourself whether to call your daughter it or not. Just don’t forget that the name received at birth can have a huge impact on the character and destiny of your child.

They pray in front of the icon of the saint

Hear us, Saint Photinia, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin will not sprinkle them, but in mental and physical health they will spend their lives unremittingly in good deeds and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, in all ages. Amen.


Kontakion of Photinia of Palestine

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved in the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and in action you taught to despise the flesh: for it passes away, but be careful about the souls, things that are immortal. In the same way, the venerable mother Svetlana, your spirit will rejoice with Angela.

Prayer of Photinia of Palestine

Oh, holy martyr Photinia! Immensely inspired by love for Christ, you have shown courage, patience and great strength with your sisters, sons and those enlightened by you. She preached the Gospel of Christ with boldness, and by appearing to you and everyone who was with you, Christ strengthened and comforted everyone for the coming torment. Having come to Rome and fearlessly confessed Christ, you were imprisoned, and having endured much torment, you were thrown into a well, and you betrayed your soul to the Lord.
Hear us, Saint Photinia, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin will not sprinkle them, but in mental and physical health they will spend their lives unremittingly in good deeds and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, in all ages. Amen.