Buffet at work: a holiday in the office at home. A colorful variety of buffet appetizers: we prepare it ourselves

As you know, children are not big on sitting at a table laden with pickles and chatting leisurely while drinking tea and eating cutlets. Most of all, the kids love “something” interesting; dinner gatherings are not part of their plans, which means that dishes for a children’s buffet table are just what they need. With them, little guests and owners will be fed, and you will be calm that they got something other than fruit or store-bought dry food.

In this article we will tell you which dishes are best suited for a children's buffet and why, as well as the easiest way to prepare them.

The word "buffet" comes from French word“fork” is not accidental! This type of meal involves small space, reserved for a table with refreshments, but with plenty of space for running around and socializing - just what children need! In addition, the advantage of a buffet table is that it allows the children to eat not only cookies and chocolates, but something more substantial.

If you advocate for “serious” dishes in the diet, you think that caramel is not food, and everyone is already tired of sandwiches and “in general, this is dry food,” then recipes that contain meat will appeal to you, and your child will like it. taste.

The round golden pieces decorate the table with their ruddy, appetizing appearance and immediately intrigue the kids - they just want to try them and find out what’s inside. You don’t have to adjust for a long time, take aim, to grab them from the plate and run about your children’s business. And mothers can rest assured that there will be no extra crumbs on the floor!


Minced pork, in a ratio of 50 to 50 - 500 g

Puff pastry, package (2 sheets) – 1 pc.

Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp

Spices - optional


  1. Salt the minced meat and form it into balls the size of small meatballs. From half a kilogram of minced meat you will get about 22 - 24 pieces.
  2. Roll out the defrosted dough, divide each sheet into 10 - 12 strips according to the number of meatballs. There is no need to defrost the dough too much so that it does not become soggy and tear in your hands. Let's keep it a little frozen and elastic.
  3. Wrap each meat ball with a strip of dough and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 180 – 200 degrees (everyone’s oven is different!) until the balls are browned. Depending on the size, 20 – 30 minutes.

Appetizing meat balls go great both cold and hot. You can sprinkle them with herbs, or you can leave them as ruddy koloboks and present them to the children that way.

This dish is similar to the previous one, but is a crispier version because the croquettes are fried in oil. It cannot be called completely dietary, but it is quite suitable for children 5–6 years old. It will be appreciated at the buffet!


  • Chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • White bread – 2 slices
  • Milk – 3 tbsp
  • Breadcrumbs – 2 tbsp
  • Oil for frying


  1. Simmer or lightly fry the chicken breast covered for about 15 minutes on each side. Then, we pass it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender.
  2. Add the yolk, bread soaked in milk, salt and form into balls. Roll them in flour, then dip them in the egg, and then in breadcrumbs. Fry in boiling oil until golden brown. We remember that the filling inside is already ready, so we don’t keep it for long. The main thing is a crispy crust!
  3. Blot the finished croquettes with napkins so that excess oil is absorbed. Place them on lettuce leaves or just on a large platter. Bon appetit!

Replace boring sandwiches

Another interesting thing meat dish For a children's buffet, you can prepare it without frying at all! A stuffed loaf will replace the usual, already boring sandwiches. By keeping the “format”, we get something original that will certainly interest little fidgets.

To do this, we just need to cut off the ends of the loaf and make a long cut along it to pull out the crumb. Then finely chop the ham or sausage, cucumbers (fresh or salted), and boiled eggs. Mix everything with crumb, soft cream cheese, sprinkle with herbs and fill the “loaf” tube. The filling can be put in layers, then in the cut we will get a real hot dog.

Then we wrap the stuffed loaf in foil and put it in the refrigerator for several (4 – 5) hours.

The most interesting thing will be when we cut it into pieces. The result will be a real mosaic, especially if instead of ham you add salmon or bright smoked sausage to the minced meat.

As you understand, there can be a myriad of filling options. By adding garlic, black pepper and salami, we get a dish for adults, and boiled chicken breast with canned corn and processed cheese will be good company meat balls at a children's buffet.

An excellent option for such snacks would be pita bread with various fillings and miniature toasts. Usually at children's buffets such a salty treat goes off with a bang.

You can also make stuffed eggs. It's enough to boil a dozen chicken eggs, cut them and mix the yolk, for example, with cod liver or boiled chicken liver, add salted non-acidic cottage cheese and grated cheese. Fill with egg whites and place in the refrigerator for an hour. The result is a very mild taste and a completely dietary product, suitable even for 2- and 3-year-old children, provided that they are not allergic to egg whites.

There are as many options for decorating stuffed eggs as there are fillings. It all depends on your imagination and the theme of the buffet table.

Sweet dishes for children's buffet

Among the guys, of course, there are sweet tooths! They are also worth remembering, because a child disappointed by the lack of “something sweet” is always a sad sight.

Very fast and even healthy recipe- These are cookies with cream and dried fruits. On regular dry low-sweet cookies, squeeze the cream out of a can, if you have absolutely no time, or pipette it from pastry bag freshly whipped cream with powdered sugar. And on top we place fresh berries or pre-soaked and dried prunes and dried apricots. You can put a nut inside the dried fruit. It will be surprise! For 30 cookies you will need a glass of cream with 35% fat content.

The same recipe can be changed by thickly spreading sweet curd onto the shortbread cookies and sprinkling everything with grated chocolate - white or black, depending on the children’s tolerance.

Ice cream in portioned glasses, decorated with fruit, is another treat for those with a sweet tooth.

Dishes for a children's buffet provide no less room for imagination than adults! Try cooking and treating your girls and boys!

How to set the tables in the office yourself so that it is not only delicious, but also aesthetically pleasing to a restaurant? How to treat a large group if the apartment area is more than modest? What snacks and aperitif should you offer guests at a wedding so that they don’t get bored while the newlyweds are busy with a photo shoot? Finally, how to uniquely set the table in New Year's Eve so that all guests can not only have a hearty meal, but also dance, sing, have quizzes and play games? The answer suggests itself - you need to arrange a festive buffet.

The main thing in the article

Buffet: when is it appropriate and irreplaceable?

It was the practical and sophisticated French who coined the term “buffet,” which means “fork.” That is, all the food served at the buffet must fit on one fork. Distinctive feature buffet is that people are not seated at tables, but move freely around the hall with a glass and a small plate in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other. Before organizing a buffet, you need to familiarize yourself with its first rules, one might say, commandments:

  • the number of dishes that will be on the tables (plates, glasses, spoons, forks and napkins) should be two or even three times more than the invited guests;

  • sometimes it makes sense to purchase disposable tableware, but only of the same type and decent quality, stylized and aesthetic;
  • at the entrance it would be nice to place a “hospitality table” with an aperitif: champagne, cognac, liqueurs or liqueurs;

  • tables with refreshments should be located so that they are easy and simple to get to;
  • buffet tables should be slightly higher than ordinary kitchen tables: usually their height is a little more than a meter.

Traditional buffet dishes: what appetizers are suitable?

Hugely popular on buffet table They use all kinds of cold snacks: small sandwiches, multi-layered canapés, stuffed vegetables, and especially rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings.

No buffet is complete without exquisitely decorated meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, and assorted fruits.

Beautifully decorated tartlets with different fillings, various sandwiches, snacks on skewers, slices or chips - all this will become not only part of wonderful menu for any holiday, but also great for any corporate event, business buffet or friendly party.

If you want to have a fun holiday, be sure to take care of alcoholic beverages in advance. Basically, guests at the buffet table are offered champagne, table wines, and a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

What should you not serve at a buffet?

According to the rules of the buffet, all dishes and snacks served at it must be “one bite”, that is, they are decorated very laconically, but capaciously and compactly. The following are not at all welcome at the buffet table:

  • various first courses, in particular soups, at least in their usual serving;
  • traditional hot dishes - potatoes, meat, roasts, all kinds of stews and casseroles - are strictly not welcome. It should be convenient for the guest to put snacks on a plate and eat them with just a fork;

  • the fish must be thoroughly cleaned of bones and thinly sliced: guests should not experience discomfort when picking their hands in the plate in order to separate the bones from the pulp;
  • Layered salads in traditional salad bowls are not allowed at a buffet table: there are many other ways to serve your favorite dishes dressed with sauces at such an event.

Cold appetizers for the holiday: a tribute to the classics

Basically, the buffet table consists of cold appetizers, which should be light, unobtrusive, for every taste. At the same time, they should be portioned so that guests do not have to cut or share the dish, trying to take a piece for themselves.

Before the buffet, you should carefully consider the menu and serve universal snacks that will be good both cold and hot, since it is not customary to reheat food at such an event. Food should be in harmony with the drinks offered to guests. So, we offer you several popular and proven options for buffet dishes.

Nslices and rolls for the holiday table

Traditionally, at a buffet table it is customary to serve a variety of cuts: meat, vegetable, cheese and fruit platters. Dishes with slices look very beautiful, especially if you don’t just put meat and sausages on the dish, but combine them with other products, such as olives, wrap them in rolls, and string them on skewers.

A cheese plate looks very advantageous: several types of cheese are cut in a variety of ways: hard cheese is cut into plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes.

Along with the cheese, it is customary to place grapes, honey and nuts on the dish: these products are in perfect harmony with each other.

Cold appetizers for the festive table in the form of rolls are not only nutritious, but also very beautiful dishes that diversify and add originality to the menu of any feast. You can make such rolls from almost any product: pita bread, cheese, fish, zucchini, pieces of meat or ham, as well as wrap all kinds of fillings in pancakes, omelettes and crab sticks.

The most popular rolls at buffets are:

  • cheese rolls with meat or mushroom filling;
  • ham rolls with “Jewish” salad and herbs;
  • rolled lavash or puff pastry (meat, red fish, caviar, processed cheese with salmon or mushrooms are suitable fillings);

  • zucchini or cucumber rolls filled with spreadable cream cheese;

  • herring rolls with chopped gherkins or Korean carrots as filling. This option for serving herring looks much more original and festive than a banal fillet cut into pieces, and is eaten by guests in a matter of minutes.

A very unusual dish is a cheese roll with chicken and mushrooms. To make it you need:

  • boil chicken fillet and one chicken egg;
  • chop and fry mushrooms;
  • chop all the ingredients, mix them and season with mayonnaise, adding a little herbs;
  • grate 500-700 grams of hard cheese, put it in the microwave or oven for a couple of minutes: the cheese should melt and acquire a viscous, pasty consistency;
  • Place cling film or baking parchment on the table and “pour” the cheese onto it, smoothing the edges with a spoon;
  • After waiting for the cheese to dry a little, spread the filling evenly on it;\
  • roll the cheese into a tight roll;
  • wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  • beautifully cut into slices and serve.

Lavash or omelette rolls are made in the same way. You can wrap any products in them that are in harmony with each other to taste.

Don’t forget about fruit slices: fruits and berries must decorate the buffet table, and they can be served in an original and elegant way:

Sandwiches and canapés

The simplest snack at a buffet table is sandwiches. You can prepare countless quantities of them and they will all be completely and irrevocably eaten, the main thing is to serve them beautifully and effectively, using a variety of products for cooking. It is convenient to use different breads as a basis for them:

  • white toast - for club sandwiches, sandwiches with caviar, red and white fish;

  • black - for sandwiches with herring, bacon and pickles;

  • crackers - used to serve canapés: on savory ones, cheese with olives and herbs are served, on sweet ones, sweet cream with berries.

Potato pancakes are suitable as a base for sandwiches: any salted fish goes well with them. Even from simple products such as black bread, lettuce, cream cheese, small tomatoes and olives, you can make very impressive and appetizing sandwiches.

Take note of a few more extraordinary ways to prepare canapés.

Appetizers on skewers and tartlets

The simplest, but no less tasty, are cold appetizers served in tartlets. You can bake them yourself, or you can buy them ready-made at any store. These small baskets can be filled with any salad, garnished with a sprig of parsley or a few eggs, and an original, delicious appetizer is ready.

The following combinations are great as fillings for tartlets:

  • processed cheese and seafood;
  • liver, carrots and pickled cucumbers;
  • chicken, prunes and fresh cucumber;
  • cheese with garlic and olives;
  • smoked meat or chicken and pickled mushrooms.

These same snacks can be served in another way by placing them on large potato chips of the same size or, alternatively, on unsweetened crackers.

The most popular food for a buffet table is appetizers on skewers, as they are very convenient to eat and very easy to prepare.

You can put any food that goes well together on the skewers. On them you can string cubes of meat, thin slices of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, as well as various seafood - mussels, shrimp and others.

This appetizer is very original and tasty. "Taste of Italy", and it is very easy to prepare. For this you will need:

  • 200 g mozzarella in small balls;
  • 2 sprigs of cherry tomatoes;
  • a bunch of green basil;
  • a handful of dried basil.

Remove the mozzarella from the brine, dry it and roll it in dried herbs. Thread a tomato, a green basil leaf and a ball of mozzarella onto a skewer.

Stuffed dishes at a buffet table

A great option cold snack are stuffed dishes, because many products can be stuffed, the contents of which can be taken out and filled with something tasty, resulting in a snack with a harmonious, refined taste. An excellent option for a cold holiday snack would be:

  • eggs stuffed with canned salmon and decorated with red caviar;

  • tomatoes stuffed with crab salad;
  • sweet halves bell pepper with the core removed, filled with any salad.

An original and elegant appetizer that will decorate any table is “Fly Agaric”. To prepare it you will need:

  • several cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 200 g ham;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Steps for preparing the snack:

  • in a separate dish, mix diced ham, grated cheese and eggs;
  • season the salad with sauce;
  • cut the cucumber into medium-sized rings;
  • We collect fly agaric mushrooms: first we place cucumber rings on a flat dish, on them we put balls that we “roll” from the ham and cheese salad, and on the balls we place halves of tomatoes - the caps of our mushrooms.

In order for the appetizer to acquire a finished, believable look, you need to put mayonnaise dots on the caps of the fly agarics.

Mini pastries: what to serve at a buffet?

Baked goods are very welcome at the buffet table, but all of them should be in mini format: if they are pies, then miniature ones, if they are pies, then they should be cut into tiny portions. Eclairs with cheese and liver filling and small puff pastries, which can be stuffed with any salad, are very popular.

At a buffet table, it is customary to serve pancakes stuffed with everything you like, in several serving options:

  • roll the pancake greased with filling into a roll, cut into small pieces, decorate with herbs and caviar;
  • roll up the filled pancake into a neat envelope;
  • Place the minced meat in the middle of the pancake, gather the edges to form a bag, and connect the ends with a feather of green onion.

Today, muffins are very popular at buffet tables - miniature cupcakes with or without filling. This snack successfully replaces even a cake, because you can serve several options for muffins and guests will try them all.

Hot dishes for buffet

Although the format of such a holiday as a buffet does not imply heating food, hot food is required at such an event. The following would be ideal as hot dishes:

  • kebabs on bamboo sticks made from chicken or pork;

  • mini-kebabs of mussels, shrimp or chicken hearts;
  • chicken or seafood julienne in portioned bowls or tartlets;

  • meat rolls with various fillings (mushrooms, ham, cheese, bacon);
  • As a side dish at a buffet table, you can serve boiled new potatoes, sprinkled with herbs and strung on skewers.

Fondue is perfect for a buffet table: hard or processed cheese is heated in a sauce container and brought to a liquid consistency, to which you can add herbs and spices. Anything can be dipped into this sauce: small sausages, cubes of sausage and cheese, croutons, miniature potatoes, pastries.

Recipes for “fashionable” appetizers for buffets: modern ways of serving dishes

Over time, not only new recipes for buffet dishes become popular, but also the ways of serving them are improved.

Snacks in transparent glasses : a very fashionable type of treat for even the most sophisticated buffets. You can put everything in a glass: from thick sauces (guacamole, sour cream, to which garlic and dill are added, eggplant pulp, mashed with herbs, garlic and cheese in puree, to soups with a creamy consistency).

In these glasses you can dip skewers with lightly salted herring strung on them, boiled or baked meat, ham, croutons with vegetables.

Surprise your guests with an original presentation of simple products, prepare an appetizer "Chinese chopsticks". To prepare it, you will need a package of regular straws and 300 g of lightly salted red salmon. The fish is cut into the thinnest slices and overlapped onto each straw. If necessary, the base of the straw can be tied with a feather of green onion.

You can serve thinly sliced ​​ham and salami in the same way, and use cheese sticks instead of straws. These sticks are served by placing them in glasses.

Club sandwiches - unusual sandwiches made from familiar products. They are prepared from toast bread and any ingredients (ham, meat, fresh cucumbers, processed cheese and others). It is noteworthy that such a sandwich is “multi-story”, covered with bread on top, and cut into several small triangles. Sometimes tiny buns are used to prepare them.

And, of course, rolls are an incredibly popular snack that has simply become a trend at modern buffets.

Buffet table design options

To make your buffet unforgettable, you need to be creative not only in preparing dishes, but also in decorating festive table. So, we offer you some tips to help you create an unusual, original holiday:

  • to save space on the holiday table and to create the effect of abundance, use special multi-tiered dishes, that is, arrange snacks in tiers so that they are easy to take;

  • For a buffet table, white or light linen tablecloths decorated with lace or classic cotton tablecloths with or without delicate embroidery are relevant: such a tablecloth is the easiest to choose tableware for, and besides, it will suit any format of celebration;
  • Actively use glasses and shot glasses for table setting: not only for drinks, but also for snacks, in particular salads and desserts. Glasses can successfully replace plates and salad bowls, and it looks very impressive;

  • Serve dishes in special ceramic spoons. This technique is used at the most sophisticated buffets; “snacks” are usually served in such spoons - beautifully decorated balls rolled from a variety of salads.

We invite you to consider other options original design dishes on the buffet table:

For more details on how to decorate buffet dishes, watch our video:

In certain situations, there is nothing better than a buffet to celebrate significant events. Your guests will arrange their own food and drinks, serve themselves, and the host of the party will be free to accept congratulations and communicate with his friends in a relaxed and easy atmosphere.

Buffets are popular nowadays due to their main advantages: the possibility of free communication, movement, their originality and colorfulness. In addition, the buffet per person is minimum costs than, for example, a banquet table for one guest.

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The buffet table is distinguished by its diversity and originality. Buffet dishes are served in small portions. To prepare them, a combination of various products is used. Therefore they have excellent taste qualities. Buffet dishes are prepared quickly, and the main advantage is their presentation.

For a buffet for 300 people, the menu must include light appetizers, cold cuts, canapés, and tartlets. They take minimal cooking time and are also appetizing and tasty.

Light snacks

An important advantage of such dishes is ease of preparation. You can prepare them yourself without any problems, but you must take into account the taste compatibility of the products. For appetizers on skewers, the following products are used:

  • vegetables (cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper);
  • meat cut into cubes or slices (chicken, turkey, pork, veal are suitable);
  • olives and black olives;
  • grape;
  • cheese ( durum varieties);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits.

Approximate appetizers on skewers:

Skewers are an excellent substitute for the main one. cutlery at the buffet table - a fork.

  1. Cold cuts

For it you need to cut it thinly and beautifully:

The main thing when serving cuts is to arrange the cuts beautifully. Then decorate it with herbs, salad, and fresh vegetables.

  1. Canapes

An excellent dish for buffets are canapés - small sandwiches. The basis for them is a piece of fresh or toasted bread. There is another way to decorate it - canapés on skewers, which does not require a bread base.

When preparing such mini sandwiches, keep in mind that they should be of such a size that you can eat the whole thing at once. Canapés are prepared from a wide variety of unusual products:

  • herring, boiled potatoes based on rye bread, oiled;
  • salami and cheese;
  • ham, cheese and herbs;
  • prunes and boiled pork;
  • sausage and pepper;
  • boiled pork, greens and tomato;
  • salmon and olives;
  • cheese cream;
  • red fish;
  • smoked chicken and cucumber.

You can prepare canapés with caviar, any pate and butter. You can easily prepare them yourself, using your imagination to diversify the ingredients and decorate the canapés.

  1. Vegetable mix

Vegetables can be fresh or salted, raw or cooked. For assorted vegetables use: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, peppers, onions, carrots, potatoes. There may also be mushrooms.

  1. Assorted cheeses

Of course, good for preparing a buffet for a large number of guests will turn to specialists for help in order to hold such an event at the highest level.

Buffet for 20 people

To create such a buffet table, you can completely rely on your own strength. The above dishes are suitable for it. But, in addition, you can prepare others that require a little more time for preparation and decoration.

  1. Tartlets

These are small, baked baskets that you can put a salad or other snack inside. You can cook them yourself, but it will take more time. Or you can buy ready-made ones in the store. You can show your originality by using an unusual salad to fill them. The most common fillings are:

  • grated cheese with garlic or lemon juice;
  • "Crab salad;
  • "Olivier" or "Caesar";
  • cheese salad, chicken breast and tomato;
  • tartlets with “Tenderness” salad.

The main requirement for such a dish is that the salad should not be very liquid so that the dough does not get soggy.

Tartlets can also be filled with red caviar.

  1. Mini salads

A buffet for 20 people is exactly the event for which such portioned salads are suitable.

  1. Rolls

They look beautiful on the table and are very nutritious. The basis for them can be bread, pita bread, or the main ingredient (ham, sausage, cheese, salmon). The filling can be very varied depending on desire and imagination.

  1. Stuffed eggs or vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini)

Suitable for filling:

  1. Pancakes

Any filling - meat or vegetable. These pancakes will be an excellent treat on a buffet table. There are also different options for decorating the dish:

  • envelopes;
  • tubes;
  • bags.

These dishes are perfect for a table for 15 people.

For a buffet for 15 people you can also prepare:

  1. Hot dishes

  1. Mini pies

The range of products for filling is varied:

  • meat;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • pate;
  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • fruits.

They can be snack or sweet.

The festive buffet is complemented by an abundance of desserts. In addition to fruit baskets and slices, mini cakes, chocolate-covered fruits, and dessert tartlets can be served on the table.

According to the advice of http://svadbagolik.ru

It is important to remember about drinks:

They must be chilled. Red wine should be opened a few minutes before guests arrive. You can include tea or coffee in the menu.

You can organize a small feast on your own for any occasion and quite often (anniversaries, New Year, February 23 (I advise you to look at ideas), March 8, successful completion of affairs, and so on).

Before you dive into preparing the buffet, let me remind you that the website “Again Holiday” contains the most interesting proposals for holding small corporate events. If you decide to celebrate in the office or in a cafe...

We are ready to organize an interesting holiday in the office, call us!

If you don't plan to cook yourself, don't read any further in this article :-). Just call, we have it ready-made offers with a price per person (Moscow and Moscow Region). We will select for you the best option! We will create a menu specifically for your holiday, your guests will be delighted.

Read on if your team loves and knows how to cook...

I tried to choose proven and easy-to-make snacks, so bookmark the article so that this cheat sheet is at hand at the right time! My ideas will help you organize a holiday quickly and inexpensively.

What to cook for a buffet at work?

I'm not advocating making all these snacks! Choose!

“For one tooth” - collection “100 canapés”

The first thing that comes to mind is small, elegant snacks (canapés). I’ve been collecting all these ideas in pictures for quite a long time and add them regularly, so you’ll definitely find them suitable options(evaluate time and financial costs).

Attention! All words in red

Consistently study my articles:

I liked the idea of ​​serving canapés on a shaped mirror. An unusual tray, it looks festive, and there are twice as many snacks :-). Take note!

The sandwich will taste better if...

...if you butter the bread prepared at home mustard oil(for 200 g of softened butter - 1 tablespoon of ready-made mustard from a jar)

prepare cheese cream(in a blender, beat 150 g of hard cheese, 150 g of soft cream cheese, 2 cloves of garlic and several sprigs of herbs, 1/2 cup of cream 20-22%)

... put a piece of sausage or boiled pork for tartar sauce(add 30 g of finely chopped pickled cucumbers, 1 tablespoon each of chopped capers and green onions to 150 grams of mayonnaise, cool for 30 minutes, pour in 2 tablespoons lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste).

As a rule, more than one person prepares a buffet at work, so you can distribute in advance among colleagues who can do what at home in advance. Approximate design of sandwiches on the picture:

Sandwich meat It's better to do it yourself. Believe me, your colleagues will highly appreciate natural home product, it's worth a little effort! The meat is prepared simply.

... just decorate with a sprig of greenery:

Herring oil(beat one herring fillet in a blender with 200 g butter) or minced meat(scroll one herring fillet through a meat grinder, green apple without peel, a small onion, a boiled egg, 70-100 g of butter, season with black pepper) will only require a small decoration of a slice of cucumber and a sprig of dill. Figured bread can be made using cookie cutters.

Homemade chicken liver pate on a slice of bread with thin strips of bell pepper - a great appetizer for a buffet table at work. Recipe: Put carrots and onions in a saucepan with water, boil until tender, add 500 g of chicken liver to boiling vegetables. Boil everything together for 15 minutes, remove from the water and beat with a blender while hot, gradually adding the broth in which the products were cooked until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar in thickness to sour cream. Let cool slightly, add 150 g of softened butter, salt to taste. This is a very cheap but festive snack!

Cheese cream with garlic on bread toast. I already wrote about how to make it in this article a little higher (it can be used as a “pillow” for boiled pork and sausage). But the cream itself is incomparably tasty and beautiful if you put it on a lettuce leaf using a pastry syringe.

Pies and pancakes

Small pies made from yeast or puff pastry with the most traditional fillings (meat, cabbage with egg, potatoes with mushrooms) are a constant success. They fly apart first! I won’t describe it in detail, for now I’m just throwing out an idea for a holiday in the office. The most important - small size, also “one bite”.

Another good appetizer for an office buffet, which you can prepare at home and eat cold - spring rolls. Also tiny, of course. With red caviar or lightly salted salmon, for example. Look for a skilled person in the team, someone will definitely be able to handle it :-)!

Buffet at work: are salads appropriate?

Yes, I say boldly, since there are several ways to present them in an original way!

If you chop your usual salad (Olivier salad, crab salad, etc.) a little smaller than you are used to cutting for a regular feast, you can put it on a slice of bread or in a basket. Sometimes for salads they use disposable glasses or the most ordinary glass glasses (Martini glasses, bowls). Here's what it looks like:

By the way, you can put it in cups and I decided to throw in a very cute idea here! I saw it in a magazine and immediately scanned it for you :-). It will look very original (if your buffet at work was organized on New Year’s Eve) or just a “tree of happiness” made from candies if you are celebrating something else.

Appetizers for a buffet are always selected very carefully. All snacks and sandwiches should be well matched to each other. The table should be one whole picture, which means each snack should be a work of art.

Snacks can be different, sandwiches, canapés, tartlets - all this and much more can become excellent option for the festive table. In any case, no matter what the snack is, the taste is not very important. At a buffet table, appearance is key.

The main secret delicious snack for a buffet table is a small size and long term storage Try to make snacks for one tooth so that you can put the whole thing in your mouth. After all, a buffet does not require a table and a plate, which means snacking should be convenient.

How to prepare snacks for a buffet table - 15 varieties

An original snack that beckons with its appearance.


  • Boiled sausage - 300 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shallots - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream


Cut the boiled sausage into tonic slices. Three cheese on a fine grater. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix cheese, mayonnaise and garlic. Cut the onion into rings. The rings should be narrow. Place one teaspoon of cheese mixture on boiled sausage, fold it overlapping and put on the onion ring. You can put an olive berry in the base for beauty.

Bon appetit.

This is quick and easy to prepare, perfect for a festive table and buffet table.


  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Roasted peanuts


Finely chop the mushrooms and place them in a frying pan. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry the vegetables until cooked. Season to taste. Three cheeses on a fine grater. Three processed cheese on a fine grater.

In order for the processed cheese to grate well, it must be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Grind the peanuts. Mix the cheeses well and add the mushrooms. Form the mixture into balls. Roll the balls in peanuts or sesame seeds and place on a plate.

A very tasty and simple option for a buffet table.


  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Caviar - 100 g
  • Butter


Three cheese on a fine grater. Mix the cheese with flour and eggs. Place baking paper on the mold. Now add the cheese mixture. Place the molds in the oven. After complete cooking, add butter and caviar to each cheese basket.

Very interesting, and most importantly tasty dish, which is sure to please all guests and family.


  • Hard cheese - 500 g
  • Walnut- 100 g
  • Raw smoked sausage - 250 g
  • Dill - 70 g
  • Creamy processed cheese - 250 g


Cut the cheese into large pieces. Place the cheese in boiling water. Finely chop the dill. Finely chop the sausage. Chop the nuts. Cook the cheese for 20 minutes. Then roll it out into a flat cake. Spread each flatbread with melted cheese. Place sausage on top. Roll the flatbread into a roll. Let the rolls cool. You can make a roll with dill. Or just sprinkle dill on the rolls. After cooling, cut the rolls into pieces.

Bon appetit.

A very tasty and popular appetizer for any buffet and holiday tables.


  • Flour - 100 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Starch - 5 g
  • Hot pepper - 10 g
  • Breadcrumbs - 50 g
  • Vegetable oil for frying.


Mix all the dry ingredients, stir and add water. Mix everything until smooth.

The mixture should be as thick as sour cream. Cut the onion into rings. Now we lower the ring first into the batter, then into the breaded crackers. We fry the rings on vegetable oil until golden brown.

An interesting appetizer salad for a buffet table and a festive table. It's easy to prepare.


  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar


This snack can be made on a base, for example, from Borodino cheese.

Cut the eggplant into ovals. Sprinkle them with salt and leave for a couple of minutes so that all the bitterness goes away.

Eggplants are often found to be bitter, so be sure to remove all the bitterness.

Cut the cucumbers into round pieces diagonally. Cut the olives in half. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix with garlic.

Wash the eggplant well and roll in flour. Fry the eggplants in a little oil.

Cut the tomatoes into thin pieces. Coat the eggplant with cheese sauce. Then add tomato, cucumber and olive. We lay out the appetizer in the shape of a peacock's tail.

This plate can be served on children's party, at the buffet, she will not go unnoticed.


  • Blue cheese - 100 g
  • Red grapes - 50 g
  • Green grapes - 50 g
  • Papaya - 100 g
  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Walnut


Cut the cheese into small pieces. Cut the papaya to the size of the cheese. Place 5 pieces of papaya or berries and cheese on a skewer. Place the skewers in a corner. Place a bowl of nuts in the middle of the dish.

As a rule, small sandwiches or snacks are prepared for the buffet. Here's another great option for preparing a snack.


  • Ham - 100 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Boiled eggs- 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cherry - 10 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Salad
  • Mayonnaise


Boil eggs, peel. Cut the ham on a fine grater. Three cheese on a fine grater. Three eggs on a fine grater. Mix everything well with mayonnaise. Cut the cucumber into 5 ml rings.

Place lettuce leaves on a plate. Then lay out the cucumber rings. Place the cheese mixture onto the cucumber using a suitable mold. We cut the cherry into halves. Place the cherry halves on the legs. Decorate fly agarics with dots of mayonnaise.

Bon appetit.

Popular snack with nuts. It's very easy to prepare and it goes very quickly, so make a lot, a lot at once.


  • Cheese - 300 g
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Peanuts - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garlic


Three cheese on a fine grater. Add garlic and mayonnaise to it. Mix well. Three crab sticks on a fine grater. Now we form balls from the cheese mass. Place a nut in the middle of the ball. We envelop the balls in shavings of crab sticks.

Cover the dishes with lettuce leaves and place the balls on them.

Bon appetit.

A spectacular appetizer for a spring buffet.


  • Cream or cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.


Boil and peel the eggs. On the tomatoes we make an incision crosswise. We take it out with a spoon. Three cheeses on a coarse grater. Finely chop the crab sticks. Three eggs on a fine grater. Mix cheese, crab sticks, garlic, eggs and mix with mayonnaise. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture.

Lay out green onions on a dish in the form of stems. We place the tomatoes on the stems like flowers.

Bon appetit.

Very juicy, filling and bright rolls that will certainly please all guests.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Mayonnaise - 50 ml
  • Flour - 20 g
  • Red fish fillet - 200 g
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Greenery
  • Curd cheese Philodelphia - 1 pack


Mix eggs, flour, milk, mayonnaise. Mix everything well and fry the pancakes. We coat the pancakes well with cheese. Place the fish pieces on the pancakes. Peel the cucumber and cut into strips. Place cucumber strips on the fish. Wrap the pancake in a roll.

Place the roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then cut into rolls and place on a skewer.

Bon appetit.

A very original appetizer for a buffet table.


  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Granulated sugar - 20 g
  • Apple vinegar- 1 s. l.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Curd cheese - 1 pack
  • Cream - 250 ml
  • Gelatin - 30 g


Cut the cucumber into large pieces and place it in a blender bowl. Finely chop the dill and add to the cucumber. Add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and vinegar to the bowl. Let's add cottage cheese there. Add salt to taste. Beat everything well with a blender and pour in cream and gelatin. Pour the mousse into molds and place in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit.

Original presentation classic dish. Delicious, simple and original.


  • Chicken breast -200 g
  • Tartlets - 12 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 40 g
  • Cream 20% - 200 ml
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Champignons - 300 g


Finely chop the chicken breast and place in a frying pan with heated oil. Finely chop the onion. Finely chop the mushrooms. Add onions and mushrooms to the chicken. Fry until done. Then pour in cream and add seasonings. Simmer for a few minutes. Finely three cheese. Fill each tartlet with julienne, cover with grated cheese and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Bon appetit.

An original snack that has a fresh and pleasant taste, and at the same time is an excellent decoration for any table.


  • Olives - 15 pcs.
  • Soft cheese - 50 ml
  • Carrots - 1 pc.


Half of total number Cut the olives lengthwise and half crosswise. Cut carrots into slices. Then cut out a triangle from each circle. Add cheese to the olives, which are cut lengthwise. Let's collect our penguin. Insert a triangle of carrots into the olives, which are cut crosswise. First we put an olive with carrots on a toothpick, then an olive with cheese and finally carrots.

Bon appetit.