Fortune telling for Christmas and New Year. New Year and Christmas fortune telling

Celebrated on January 7, as well as Epiphany Night, is the best time to look into the future: see your betrothed, find out whether there will be happiness this year and whether you can expect a promotion at work. For fortune telling, anything that is at hand is suitable: matches, dishes, candles, water... has collected the most popular methods of fortune telling for the New Year and Christmas.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling by dreams

Method 1.
Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but under no circumstances drink anything after that. Lying in bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me a drink!” Whoever gets you drunk in a dream is your destiny.

Method 2.

Before going to bed, four kings from a deck of cards are placed under the pillow, saying: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, then the groom will be an old man and a jealous person. If the king is of hearts, then the groom will be young and rich. Cross - reliable and strict. And the king of diamonds symbolizes a creative person - a musician or artist.

Fortune telling by candles
Candle fortune telling will tell you which of your friends will get married sooner than others. Small lighted candles are placed in walnut shells and placed in a bowl of water. Make sure in advance that the candles you choose are the same size. Whose candle burns out faster will get married earlier than others. If the candle burns for a long time, there will be no marriage this year. And if the shell with the candle sinks, then the girl will most likely not see family life at all.

Fortune telling by cups
You will need several cups - according to the number of fortune tellers. We place symbolic objects in cups: ring, coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt, pour a little water into one of the cups. We quickly move the cups, changing places like in a game of thimbles. Afterwards, the blindfolded girls take turns choosing their fate. The one who gets the ring will be the first to get married. Bread means a prosperous life with a rich man, sugar means a short romance, onions means a romance that will bring tears. Salt - to break. But water symbolizes constancy: there will be no changes in life this year.

Fortune telling by ring
Attach a gold ring to a thread and lower it into a glass. How many times does the ring hit the edge of the glass, so many years still wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling for family happiness

Fortune telling on spruce branches

On the night of January 13-14, take a spruce branch and, having set it on fire, say the following words: “Spruce-queen, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death, wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity?” This spell is recited twelve times, and the burnt branch is placed under the pillow and goes to bed. The dream that you have this night is considered prophetic. In the morning, look at the branch: fallen needles predict illness and troubles, and a whole spruce branch promises happiness and longevity.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring.
Traditionally, fortune telling is done on the eighth day of Christmastide - in the evening of January 15th. Unmarried people take the wedding ring of their mother, sister or friend. Holding the ring in their palms, they shake it, saying: “Run, run ring, tell your fortune, girl. Turn from winter to summer, the clear sun will light up. Go out onto the heavenly road, help me, the red maiden, find out the fate of my relatives.” Repeat three times. Then they look into other people's illuminated windows. If the person in the window is visible with his head on, everything in the house will be fine, and family and friends will be healthy. If only the body is visible in the window and the head is hidden, then the year will be difficult for the family.

Fortune telling on bread.

Take a container of water and cut pieces of bread. There are as many pieces as there are family members. The largest piece symbolizes the oldest member of the family, then the pieces become smaller as the age decreases. The smallest piece belongs to the youngest child. Bread pieces are placed in water, stirring with the finger of the left hand and saying a spell: “Bread and water - here is my family, tell me, show me, there will be peace or trouble.” In the morning they look at the result. If all the pieces of bread are close to each other, there will be peace, tranquility and love in the house. If you scatter in different directions, expect discord. If one piece moves to the side, this family member will leave his home.

Fortune telling for the unborn child

Place the pie in the center of the table. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and asked to cut it. Make sure that the knife has a wooden handle. If the fortuneteller touches the middle of the pie with a knife, you can expect the birth of a boy in the coming year; if the edges, the child will not appear soon and most likely it will be a girl. If the knife lands on the tablecloth, you should not expect children in the coming years.

Career fortune telling

Pour water into a bowl and, carefully looking at your reflection in it, mentally ask the question: “Will my career work out in such and such a place?” Then look at the water a little more, thinking about your work, and put the bowl out in the cold overnight. Look at the ice in the morning. If he is frozen out by a hole, a career in this place will not work out, no matter how hard you try. If the ice has risen unevenly—hillocks and depressions are visible—then your career ups and downs will be small. If the water freezes evenly, then the career will be gradual. But if the ice has gone hump, then a rapid takeoff awaits you.

Money fortune telling

For this fortune telling you will need three plates and one coin. Ask a family member or friend to hide a coin under one of the plates. If you guess which plate the coin is under the first time, your financial situation will improve noticeably this year. If from the second, you will also be in money.

Fortune telling in questions and answers

Method 1.
Rice grains will help you find answers to all your questions. We ask a question, take a handful of rice (or beans) and count the grains. If the number of grains is even, then the answer is positive, if the number is odd, then the answer is negative.

Method 2.
Make a wish and call a cat to your place. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true. If it's right, it's not meant to be.

Method 3.
Place a knife in the center of a round cutting board, and place pieces of paper with “yes” and “no” answers on the edges. Say the questions out loud, and then spin the knife three times. Which piece of paper the tip of the knife points to is the answer to your question.

Method 4.
Go outside in the evening. Turning your back to the house, mentally ask the question that interests you. Then turn around and count the illuminated windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

Some fortune telling dates back many centuries ago, while others appeared quite recently. So, for example, using a little imagination, you can tell fortunes using a TV, mobile phone and even the Internet. But the main thing that unites all these fortune-telling is a person’s desire to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy over his future.

The best time for fortune telling is traditionally considered to be the time of Christmastide; rituals are also carried out on New Year's Eve. But due to the existence of the new and old chronology, a little confusion has arisen. Therefore, now fortune telling usually begins on December 25, and ends on January 19. Most often, of course, doing this on Christmas Day, on the night of January 6-7.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to formulate a question in your head or think about a problem. Then sit at a table in front of a light, flat wall, place a plate turned upside down on the table, put a crumpled paper sheet on it and set it on fire with a wax candle. After this, observe the shadows that appear while the paper burns. By the form they take, you can get answers and know the future. Your imagination will help you interpret the meaning of the figures.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: take a book, think about what worries you, then open the page at random and, without looking, point your finger at the line. This phrase will become a clue, advice or a description of what lies ahead. If there is someone else with you, you can ask this person to name the page and line number at the top or bottom in advance. Fortune telling can become excitingly interesting, the main thing is to choose the right printed publication!

If a furry or not so furry animal lives in your house, then you are in luck - with its help you can find out whether what you dream about will come true. So, you need to make a wish or ask a question and place your cat in different rooms. Then call the animal and wait with which paw it will cross the threshold when it enters: with the left - the answer is “yes”, the wish will come true, with the right - no. They say that such a ritual is valid only on New Year's Eve, or during Christmastide.

One of the most common fortune telling, with the help of which one finds out what events to expect in the coming year. The process is not complicated: the wax is placed in a spoon and melted over a candle, and then poured into a container with cold water and the resulting figures are examined. It is the interpretation of the result that usually causes the greatest difficulties. If your intuition and imagination do not suggest anything, you can turn to the Internet, where a huge amount of information on this matter is stored.

Unmarried girls perform this ritual on Christmastide: before going to bed, you need to pour water into a bowl and put a twig on top - a kind of bridge. Then put it all under the bed, saying “the betrothed-mummer, take me across the bridge.” On this night, you should dream about the one with whom you are destined to connect your fate. Similarly, you can place a comb under your pillow, asking your potential groom to “come comb me.”

After your betrothed appears in a dream, it would be nice to find out his name. And this can be done on Christmas night by leaving the house exactly at midnight and asking the first man you come across what his name is. The future groom's name will be exactly the same.

The following ritual will help you make this or that decision. You need to hold your hand, palm down, over a jar of rice, while asking your question loudly. Then grab a handful of cereals and count their number: if you have an even number of grains in your fist, the answer is positive, if there is an odd number, the answer is negative.

On New Year's Eve you should take several cups. Fill one of them with water, put in the others: sugar, salt, ring, coin, onion and bread. After which each of the fortune tellers chooses a cup with their eyes closed and looks at what is in it. Water - a calm life, sugar - something very good will happen this year, salt - misfortune will happen, bread - prosperity and well-being in the family, onions - there will be a lot of tears, a coin - to wealth, and the ring, of course, foreshadows a quick marriage.

Pour water into a basin, and hang strips of paper with wishes or predictions along its edges. The leaves should not reach the water a little. After which, lit floating candles are lowered into the container; their number is equal to the number of those participating in fortune-telling. Next, you need to carefully monitor your candle - if it sets fire to a piece of paper, then what is written on it will come true.

You can predict what the coming year will be like using ice. On a frosty New Year's night, you need to take a spoon with water outside or onto the balcony, and examine it the next morning. If there are bumps on the surface of the frozen water, then good luck and prosperity await you in the new year, if there are holes - bad luck and losses.

This fortune telling is suitable for a group of unmarried girls. It is necessary to take threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster will get married first. But if the fire goes out, but more than half of the thread remains intact, then marriage will not happen in the near future.

They say that fortune telling for the New Year always comes true. It was not for nothing that our ancestors believed that on the night before Christmas, the mysterious flickering of a candle reflected in the mirror, or a vague whisper heard under the window, could tell what the coming year would be like - will marriage await it, will your most cherished wish come true? And even today, little has changed: today, despite all our enlightenment, we sincerely believe that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

Traditionally, such fortune-telling was carried out during the weeks of Christmas (Yuletide), which according to the Orthodox calendar last from the evening of January 6 to January 19. However, you can start guessing as early as December 25, which corresponds to Christmas according to the old style. Well, you can easily check for yourself how accurate these fortune-telling are.

Wax fortune telling - what year it will be

Fortune telling with wax usually takes place on Christmas Eve. In the past, beeswax was melted for wax divination, but these days it is easier to use a regular candle. When the lit candle flares up, it is tilted over a bowl of water, allowing the wax to drain. This is repeated 2-3 times so that a sufficient number of frozen wax drops form in the water.

Then predictions of fate are made based on figures and signs reflected in the water. These interpretations are based not so much on clear rules, but on simple and understandable associations (“a ring for a wedding”, etc.). To understand the logic of wax fortune telling, it is enough to remember only a few basic examples.
Large drops of frozen wax symbolize big events awaiting the fortuneteller in the new year.
If wax hardened in water forms stripes, this is for the road, i.e. for travel, travel.
Wax stars are your finest hour and symbolize good luck in all matters.
A clearly marked cross means that in the coming year the fortuneteller can expect troubles and illnesses.
A fuzzy, blurry wax cross is a sign of minor problems and financial difficulties.
If the wax settles to the bottom like a pancake, marriage will not happen soon.
The figure of an animal warns of the appearance of an enemy or rival, the figure of a man foreshadows new friends and patrons.
The pit is an unfavorable sign and can portend serious illnesses.
Bell - news from afar.
House - for early marriage and starting a household.
Ball, circle - stability and prosperity in life.
A ring or candle foreshadows an imminent wedding.
A flower made of frozen wax - for mutual love and early marriage.

Christmas fortune telling with a cat based on a wish

Having made a wish, you need to call the cat and see: if she crossed the threshold of the room with her right paw, the wish will not come true, but if she crossed the threshold with her left paw, it will come true in the coming year.

Christmas fortune telling in the mirror for the groom

Getting ready to tell fortunes, the girl takes two mirrors: one large, the other smaller. Fortune telling begins exactly at midnight. A large mirror is placed on the table and a small one is placed opposite it. The fortuneteller sits in front of a mirror furnished with candles and calls on her future groom with the words: “Betrothed, mummer! Show yourself in the mirror!” The mirrors reflect a gallery of 12 mirrors. When the mirrors are “aimed”, the image of the groom should be reflected in the last of them.

Christmas fortune telling by ring for the groom

At midnight on Christmastide, a small piece of white paper is placed on the table, sprinkled with ashes and a transparent glass jar with clean water is placed on top. Then you need to throw the ring into the jar and look at it until the betrothed one appears in it.

Christmas fortune telling on paper - what year it will be

A variety of sayings or different answers to one question are written on a lined piece of paper, after which on Christmas night fortune tellers throw grain up above the sheet. Whatever words the seed lands on will come true.

Christmas fortune telling from a book - the answer to any question

For this fortune-telling, they take a book - the Bible is best, but any other is possible. The fortuneteller asks a question that interests him. Then the book should be opened at random on any page and the first phrase that catches your eye should be read - this is the answer to the question.

Christmas fortune telling with a needle on the floor of a child

They take a needle, pierce the woolen fabric with it, then hang the needle on a thread and slowly bring it to the fortuneteller’s hand. If the needle swings like a pendulum, back and forth, a boy will be born; if it walks in a circle, a girl will be born; if the needle does not move, there will be no children yet.

Christmas fortune telling by voices - will there be a marriage?

A fortune teller in the evening on Christmastide stands under the neighbor's windows or under the door of a neighbor's apartment and listens to the conversation: if it contains more words such as “it’s time,” “good,” “go,” etc., it means she’s getting married soon. If you hear the words “no need”, “wait”, “sit” more often, then marriage is still far away.

Christmas fortune telling with matches for love

They make a wish for a specific guy and girl - are they destined to be together? Then take a matchbox, insert two matches into it on the sides and set it on fire. When the matches burn out, they look at their heads: if they are facing each other, it means that the love of those for whom they are guessing is mutual.

Christmas fortune telling on cards - what kind of husband will be

Before going to bed, the fortuneteller places 4 card kings under her pillow with the words: “My betrothed, my mummer, dream of me in a dream!” In the dream, the groom will come in the form of one of the kings. If you dream about the king of spades, your husband will be jealous and old; crusade king - a military man or official; king of diamonds - a young and rich husband; The King of Hearts is a beloved and desired husband.

Christmas fortune telling under the window - what life will be like in marriage

For this fortune-telling, girls go to listen under the windows of other people's houses and, listening to the nature of the conversation, whether cheerful or boring, predict the same life for themselves in marriage. It is interesting that in our time in cities this type of Christmas fortune-telling has been transformed according to the location of the action, and now girls eavesdrop not under the windows of houses, but under the doors of neighboring apartments.

Christmas fortune telling with a shoe - where the future groom lives

In the evening on Christmastide, girls throw their shoes through the gate into the street, then run out and look: in which direction the shoe is pointed, there they will be married. It is considered a bad sign for a fortuneteller if her shoe is lying with its toe facing her own house - this means that there will be no marriage this year.

Christmas fortune telling with a ring - how many children there will be

In the evening on Christmastide, the fortuneteller pours a glass of water, puts a ring in it and exposes it to the cold. Before going to bed, he brings a glass into the house and looks: how many tubercles on the ice, so many sons will be born, and how many dimples, so many daughters.

Christmas fortune telling by steps for your future husband

For Christmas fortune-telling on the steps in the dark, the girl on the stairs counts the steps, saying: “Widower, well done,” and, having reached the last one, looks: which word she stopped at, that will be her husband.

Christmas fortune telling “for dinner” on the groom’s appearance

During this midnight fortune-telling, a desperate, brave girl covers a table in an empty room with a tablecloth, puts down cutlery, except for a knife and fork, and calls: “Mummer, betrothed!” Come and have dinner with me.” There should be no one in the room except the fortuneteller; all the doors and windows are locked, and the girl sits down at the table, waiting for her betrothed. The following are considered signs of the groom's approach: the wind begins to whistle under the windows, knocks on the door are heard, and an unusual smell is heard throughout the room.
Fortune telling continues until at dusk the fortune teller sees the groom sitting at the table. The girl should sit in her place, saying nothing and not answering questions; her task is only to remember in detail the groom’s facial features and clothes.
If the betrothed begins to talk to her, the girl, instead of answering, should ask: “What’s your name?” He calls the name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should say: “Out of my place! Mind my riddle!”, and the betrothed will disappear. It is believed that in this case, after the ghost disappears, the thing he brought will remain on the table.

Christmas fortune telling by nutshell - who will get married faster

Fortune telling girls at midnight take walnut shells, cut wax candles into pieces, insert them into the shells and let them float in a cup of water. Each one lights a candle in its own shell.
Whose shell sinks will die unmarried.
The one whose candle burns out quickly will get married the fastest.
The one whose candle burns the longest will not be married for a long time.

Christmas fortune telling by the window - what life will be like in marriage

During this midnight Christmas fortune-telling, the girls sit by the window, and each one says: “Betrothed, mummer! Drive past the window!”
If one of the girls hears a train (a passing sleigh or carriage) screaming and whistling, it means that her married life will be fun and good.
If the train is quiet, then married life will be spent in poverty.

Christmas hair fortune telling for love and reciprocity

Exactly at midnight, the fortuneteller pours water into a bowl and throws into it one by one a pinch of ash, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Then you need to mix the water in the bowl, and when the water has completely calmed down, throw two hairs into it: the hair of the fortuneteller and the one for whom she is telling fortunes.
Then the fortuneteller goes to bed, and the next morning she looks:
If the hair is intertwined with each other, it means mutual love and an imminent wedding.
If the hairs are far from each other, it means a quick separation.
A drowned hair foreshadows the illness of the one to whom it belongs.

Christmas fortune telling using keys for the groom's name

During this fortune-telling, girls hang out their keys and brush outside the window at midnight on Christmastide. If one of the passersby moves them, he is immediately asked: “What is your name?” It is believed that the given name is the name of the fortune teller’s betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling using a wedding ring for the image of the groom

The fortuneteller lights a candle, turns off all the other lights, pours more than half of the water into a glass and lowers a wedding ring taken from someone into the bottom. Then he looks carefully at the center of the ring, saying: “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself!” After some time, the face of her future husband should appear in the ring.

Christmas fortune telling on the tablecloth about the age of the groom

To perform this fortune-telling, girls go out into the yard at night (not earlier than midnight), take the edges of the tablecloth, into which the old woman pours snow. Swinging the tablecloth by the edges, they say: “Field, field, white snow in the middle of the field.” Bark, bark, little dog; find out, find out, betrothed!” At this time, every girl listens to the barking of a dog. A hoarse dog bark means an old husband, a ringing bark means a young man, a fat, deep-voiced bark means a widower.

Christmas fortune telling with wax swans for love and harmony

For this fortune-telling, in the evening, a flock of swans made of wax is prepared, twice as many in number as the girls taking part in the fortune-telling. The winch is painted with blush, but the swan remains white. Fortune tellers choose a swan with a winch, lower it into a cup of water and cover it with a scarf. Before going to bed, they open the scarf and look: how is the swan with the winch? If they swim together, then married life will be in peace and harmony, but if they go separate ways, there will be enmity.

Christmas fortune telling over an ice hole for marriage

Only a very few brave girls dare to do this Christmas fortune-telling. On a moonlit night they go out to the river to listen in the ice hole. The fortune tellers lay a cowhide for them near the hole in advance, the girl comes at 12 o'clock at night, sits on the skin and begins to listen and look at the water.
It is believed that whoever is destined to get married this year will see the reflection of her betrothed in the water in the same outfit that he will wear at the wedding.
If there is no wedding this year, the fortuneteller will only hear a dull thud from under the water.

Christmas fortune telling with shoe for wealth

During this fortune-telling, in the evening, girlfriends or relatives sprinkle ash on the girls’ shoes and hide them under the bed, as if secretly (in fact, this is agreed upon in advance). Girls get up at night and look: on whose shoes there is more ash, great wealth is predicted.

Christmas fortune telling by yarn - what kind of hair the groom will have

In the evening, in the dark, fortune-telling girls take yarn from the tow, comb it onto a comb and lower it out the window. Before going to bed, take out a comb and look: what kind of hair is on the comb, the same will be the case with the betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling by porridge - what year it will be

This fortune telling is performed on January 1, and the porridge jam itself must take place before dawn. The eldest woman in the house brings cereal from the barn exactly at two o’clock in the morning. The eldest of the men brings water from a river or well. Cereals and water stand on the table until the stove heats up, and no one should touch them - this is considered an unkind sign.
When the time comes to mash the porridge, the whole family sits down at the table, and the eldest woman, stirring the porridge, laments: “We sowed and grew buckwheat all summer; Our buckwheat is grown both large and rosy; they called and invited our buckwheat to visit Constantinople and feast at the prince’s feast; The Greek woman went to Constantinople to visit the princes, the boyars, honest oats, golden barley; they planted buckwheat and waited at the stone gates; The princes and boyars greeted the buckwheat, sat the buckwheat at the oak table to feast; Our buckwheat has come to visit us.” After these words, everyone gets up from the table, and the hostess bows and puts the porridge in the oven. Then everyone sits down at the table again, waiting for the porridge. When the porridge is ready, it is taken out of the oven, and the hostess says: “You are welcome to come into our yard with your goods.”
If the porridge comes out of the pot, it is considered a great misfortune, a disaster for the whole house.
It also portends bad things if the pot is cracked.
After the first inspection, fortune tellers skim off the foam with a knife: if the porridge is red and full, happiness for the whole house, a good harvest and talented children.
Small, white porridge - future troubles.
The porridge carrying good news is eaten; If the signs are bad, the porridge is thrown into the river.


Perhaps that is why before the New Year, starting from December 25 and until Epiphany on January 19, it is customary to guess. Most people do this not so much in order to find out the future, but rather in order to have fun with the company.
After all, some New Year's fortune-telling for your betrothed or for love is really so entertaining that just the process itself lifts your spirits.

It’s so interesting when you get involved in the “game” and look forward to what will happen, what fate is in store for you in the coming year. Some even write down their predictions so that after a year they can check whether everything came together.

Some people believe in New Year's fortune-telling, others consider it a whim, nevertheless, there is something in it. It’s not for nothing that in ancient times girls really looked forward to these days so that on New Year’s and baptism they could tell fortunes for their betrothed and, as many say, everything came true exactly. By the way, you can look at similar fortune-telling in the article “Christmas fortune-telling: “My betrothed, the mummer...” on our website .

In our modern times, you can guess both according to ancient traditions and in a fashionable manner using technology.

But first things first, I present to your attention several scenarios for New Year’s fortune-telling:

Very popular New Year's fortune telling with wax.

The interesting thing is that here you have to use fantasy and imagination in order to decipher the resulting drawing. But before you rack your brains over this, you need to take a candle or wax. Melt it in a metal cup or bowl and quickly pour it into a bowl of cold water, which we have already prepared. The wax hardens quickly, and let's see what we've got.

Peering at a wax figurine, you can see a lot, for example:

- angel: you should wait for good news;

- arch: a change in life, work or some kind of journey;

- car: the appearance of a new lover, as well as a change in everyday life with the emergence of completely new opportunities:

- shark: you have an enemy who wants to annoy you in some way;

- butterfly: changes that bring joy, as well as good luck;

- drum: receive good, good news;

- banana: intrigues are being woven behind your back by your colleagues or your loved one is cheating on you, but seeing several bananas means the emergence of unexpected difficulties or problems;

- boomerang: everything in life comes back. What you have done before will all reflect on you;

- bow: it is necessary to make peace with the one with whom you are in a quarrel, since in the near future their help may be required;

- tower: for a wedding;

- bottle: you should monitor moderation in all your affairs;

- fan: you will have the opportunity to show your flirting and coquetry;

- fork: there is a traitor in your environment, and it is better not to trust him;

- grapes: you just need to show your skills and talent in practice, this can turn out to be a profitable business;

- balloon: the occurrence of problems that are temporary in nature;

- question mark: in certain situations you are not sure, you have a feeling of doubt;

- oar: your business, which you are doing, is correct, don’t even experience any doubts;

- dove: harmony in relationships;

- pear: new love relationships ahead;

- lips: strong passion, but not love;

- home: happiness in the current house or in a new one;

- acorn: you will have a successful idea;

- star: your dream will come true;

- castle: in the near future you will have a new relationship;

— bunny: fear of something or someone;

- square: stability in life;

- dagger: evil from some friend;

- key: change;

- ring: special event (engagement, marriage);

- boat: get ready for the trip;

- crown: your personal success or achieving the goal that you have set for yourself;

- cross: loss of someone close to you;

- ladder: changing your life for the better;

- face with a smile: fortunately;

- jellyfish: you keep the secrets of many people, and this makes it very difficult for you;

- mask: self-doubt, and unjustified;

— handcuffs: addiction or existing problems with the law;

- scissors: there is some kind of misunderstanding;

- glasses: in the near future, change your opinion about a person or events;

- cloud: you will have problems;

- spider: the appearance of money;

— hourglass: you shouldn’t put off important things;

- pyramid: a secret that does not allow you to live in peace;

- pistol: a quarrel will arise or you will be in danger;

- horseshoe: happiness;

- bird: good news;

- plane: traveling somewhere;

- heart: serious love relationships and love;

- crescent moon: a new beginning;

- dog: you have a friend who is devoted to you;

— spiral: you need to be wary of fraud;

- arrow: letters with sad news;

- chair: in the near future you will be promoted, moving up the career ladder;

- bagel, drying: you are wasting your time on a person unworthy of you; - axe: misunderstandings, disputes and future problems;

- snail: you should weigh everything thoroughly before making any decision;

- egg: pregnancy and success in new endeavors;

- apple: temptation;

- tree branches up: a favorable time is coming for new beginnings, down - sadness;

- snake: danger;

- fish: betrayal.

By the way, in the old days, if a pattern appeared on the wax that did not bode well, the wax figure was buried in the ground. And if the design on the figurine is good, it should be saved until next year.

New Year's fortune telling with a bird cherry branch

There is one fortune telling that can only be performed on the only day of the year - December 25th. What is its essence: this fortune telling will help answer an exciting question that concerns any sphere, be it love or professional. By the way, fortune telling is a great idea for a bachelorette party. If you are planning an event soon, consider this option for spending your time. Find other ideas in the article “Scenario for a bachelorette party before the wedding” on the “Sunny Hands” website .

So, mentally imagine a situation with a positive outcome. We find a bird cherry tree and break a small twig from it. At home, we put it in a glass of water and put it on the window. Now, for 12 days, we perform the following manipulations: hold a glass with a twig with both hands, mentally imagining that the situation in your issue is being resolved exactly the way you want. We think about it for about five minutes. If by January 6 (after 12 days) the bird cherry branch blooms and produces small flowers, then we can safely assume that your issue will be resolved in your favor, it will be as intended.

Desire for the chimes

Many people have probably heard about this fortune telling. However, I would like to remind you about it again, since the reviews about it are only positive!

Its essence is that on New Year's Eve we sit down at the table, having prepared a saucer, matches (lighter), a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). As soon as the chimes begin to strike, we quickly write our wish on a piece of paper. We burn the leaf, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom! If you manage to do all this before the last chime, your wish will certainly come true! But, it’s clear that you need to wish for real things. Probably everyone watched the New Year's film "Christmas Trees", as the heroine of Maria Poroshina even went to another city in order to have time to make a wish during the chimes. By the way, if you don’t know what to watch, I recommend you pay attention to the article “I want to recommend you good films with meaning” on the “Sunny Hands” website . You are sure to find a painting you like!

Pouring water

You can find out whether your wish will come true with the help of two glasses. Moreover, one should be filled with water almost to the brim. Make a wish and pour water from one glass to another. This only needs to be done once, without prior training. If you spill no more than three drops of water on the table, your wish will come true. If a whole puddle forms, alas, nothing will work.

This fortune telling is suitable for the New Year.

Four Aces

Fortune telling on a wish for the New Year. We take a regular deck of 36 cards and shuffle them thoroughly. Place the cards face down into 4 equal piles. Now we remove cards from the first one until you see an ace. We put it aside. We look at which card comes after it, if it is an ace again, we connect it with the first one and to the side. We look at the next card: ace is to the side, another card is not suitable. Our task is to collect aces that come one after another. We look at the other three piles in the same way.

Your wish will come true, and very soon, if you manage to collect all 4 aces. If 3, then the wish will also come true. Not soon, but there is a chance for your wish to come true if you have collected two aces. Well, one ace – no chance.

Through the water in the mirror

New Year's wish fortune telling

A very simple fortune telling that can be done on January 13, for the old New Year. To do this, just take a glass and fill it with water up to halfway. Looking at the water, make a wish. Leave the glass overnight and go to bed. In the morning we look: if the amount of water in the glass is greater than yesterday, the wish will come true; if less - no.

New Year's fortune telling for the betrothed

Also very popular in the old days, fortune telling, when the betrothed can be seen in a dream. But to do this, you need to place a bridge made of broom twigs under your pillow before going to bed. Saying at the same time: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.” The man who is destined for you by fate must come to you in a dream.

You can also put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, comb my head.” Just don’t comb your own hair before going to bed.

They say that you will dream about the groom if you perform the following ritual: take a decanter of water and a glass. With good thoughts, we slowly pour water from a decanter into a glass, saying: “You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.” We say it three times.

Ice fortune telling

Ice will help you find out what year is expected. On New Year's Eve, take a spoon and fill it with water. We put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we look at how the water has frozen.

If it is with a depression, then there will be troubles in the coming year, but if it is smooth or with a tubercle, the year will be successful. The main thing is to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. If you cannot yet call yourself a confident person, I recommend ordering book by Rashid Kirranov “How to become confident in yourself in 3 months” .

According to the patterns on the mirror

An interesting New Year's fortune telling, which is also associated with ice. We will need a mirror, which must be doused with water and taken out into the cold at midnight. Wait until it is covered with a crust of ice. Now you can decipher the pattern.

If circles are visible on the mirror, it means that you will live in abundance all next year; if you see a spruce branch, you will work a lot. Squares foreshadow various life difficulties, and triangles predict great success and luck in any business.

New Year's fortune telling by objects for the betrothed

With the help of various objects that we put in a bowl, you can tell your fortune what kind of life you and your future husband expect. Without looking, we take the thing out of the bowl. If you get: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - you will get married, an onion - for tears, a glass - a cheerful life, a golden ring - a rich life.

Fortune telling "Talking snowflake"

Fun and unusual fortune telling. First, cut out a snowflake from paper, depending on your ability, the pattern is not so important. Now, if you have a tall tree, stand on a chair so as to reach the top, and lower our snowflake into free flight. Let's see what Christmas tree decorations she touches. If a snowflake fell on:

beads: perseverance and perseverance will lead to career growth; (success in work will also be ensured by the article “Career Growth” on the “Sunny Hands” website)

- bare branch: in the new year there will be many happy, but fleeting moments;

- rain: waste a lot of time;

- star: meet your love;

- garland light: you can rely on the help of friends in any matter;

- ball: wait for a fateful meeting;

- cone: no health problems, good cash income;

— cracker: unexpected changes in life;

- some other not listed toy: It is better to follow the advice of family and loved ones.

If a snowflake flies past all the toys, then be more tolerant of others.

If during the flight a snowflake remains on the floor, then future events will be fleeting, and if on a Christmas tree, then the coming year will give you a good mood and a sense of confidence in the future.

Fortune telling "Magic Snow"

A very easy fortune telling that determines whether your plans will come true. You just need to bring a handful of snow from the street and put it in a bowl. When the snowball melts, we look at what is left after it.

straw or twig: matters will not be resolved soon;

- pebbles, rubbish: your plans will come true;

- lumps of earth, feathers, glass: wishes will come true, but you will have to wait a little.

New Year's fortune telling "Christmas tree answer"

This fortune telling will shed some light on your personal life. But there is a condition: do not tell anyone about it.

So, approach the still undecorated tree and mentally determine its top, bottom, right and left sides. On each side, select three branches and number them from 1 to 12.

Next, we take 22 Christmas tree decorations, among which there should be one special one for us, for which we ask a question. Now we ask someone to decorate the Christmas tree, using any 12 of the 22 toys. If your assistant chose the hidden toy and hung it on an unnumbered branch or did not choose a toy at all, this means that nothing is clear in the question asked. And if the desired toy is hung on a numbered branch, well, you can start deciphering it.

Branch 1- listen to the advice of your loved one, even if they seem ridiculous;

Branch 2- your loved one will re-educate you. For his sake you will have to change;

Branch 3- meeting a person during a business trip or trip indicates that he is your destiny;

Branch 4- this person will always lend you money, at any time, irrevocably;

Line 5- a secretive person. Will hide his thoughts from you;

Line 6- in the new year, your loved one will experience changes for the better, which will also affect you;

Line 7- he will be a good business partner, but nothing more;

Line 8- your loved one will offer you something very important. But before you agree, think carefully;

Line 9- this is the wrong person, don’t waste your time;

Line 10
- no matter what he says, he will be just your friend;

Line 11- you will have to live in the interests of this person, if you can;

Line 12- he will be your good friend, who will need your help in the coming year.

Fortune telling on glowing windows
You can tell fortunes both on the street and at home.

When it gets dark, we ask a question. If we are still on the street, we spin around several times and, opening our eyes, count all the luminous windows in the house that will be in front of our face. An even number is a positive answer, an odd number is a negative answer.
If we are in the house: everything is the same, just no need to spin around. It is enough to make a wish while standing with your back to the house visible from your window.

Fortune telling on the phone

The easiest way to find out the name of your betrothed is to call an arbitrary number and ask the name of the interlocutor.

And there is also an option for fortune telling using the phone. We call a fictitious number, if a man answers the phone, the answer to the question is positive, if a woman answers the question, negative, and if no one picks up, then the decision on this issue should be postponed for now.

Fortune telling on TV

Let's ask a question. Turn off the lights in the room and light the candles. Then we turn on the TV and listen to the first line they say. It could be a song, news, anything, the main thing is to grasp the essence of these words for yourself.

Fortune telling in Word
First, we write in a Word file in random order all the male names that come to mind. Then we close our eyes and move the mouse across the mat for a few seconds. Stop the cursor. We open our eyes and look at what name the cursor stopped at. That's what the betrothed will be called.

Using a chicken egg

This fortune telling should be carried out on the night of January 6-7. Take a transparent glass of water and one chicken egg. At midnight, pierce the egg with a needle and carefully pour the white into the glass, only so that not a drop of yolk gets into the water. Place the glass in a cool place for 30-40 minutes.

A protein figure should form in the water. This is how we will decipher what to expect in the future.

The meaning of the figures:

- angel: happiness, joy, peace of mind;
- watermelon: happiness in love and family life;
- bracelet: a sign of imminent marriage, and if the bracelet is torn, then you and your fiancé will be separated;
- butterfly: joyful life, well-being;
- bottle: a feast awaits you soon. You will spend time with a fun company;

- fork: a bad sign that means humiliation, melancholy, poverty and fear;
- fan: falsehood, hypocrisy and betrayal await you. Be very careful and don't trust your friends;
— mountains: high aspirations and success in achieving goals;
- dove: peace, love and bliss;
- pear - betrayal, family troubles;
- home: you will achieve success in your endeavors;
- toad: be careful, beware of flattering and mean people;
- star: dizzying success and glory await you;
- cage: deprivation of freedom, property, power;
- ship: an interesting journey;
- crown: a very good sign that foreshadows happiness and the fulfillment of your deepest desires. If the crown is inverted, then this means various obstacles to the intended goal;
- swan: wealth and good fame;
- spoon: contagious disease;
- sword: danger and successful self-defense;
— bridge: a very dangerous and grueling road with various obstacles awaits you;
- knife: quarrels, troubles and discord, divorce is also possible;
- circle: a safe way out of a dangerous situation;
— clouds: change for the better;
- spider: beware of a cunning and insidious person;
- fish: a good sign in all matters, great luck;
- arrow: financial difficulties;
- ax: your labors will be in vain;
- watch: excellent health and success in business;
- flower: sincere love;
- chain: happy family life.

Fortune telling with a thimble

This fortune telling allows you to find out whether you will get married this year. B
We take three cups, under each we put a flower, a ribbon and a ring. Mix the cups and choose one of them. Turn it over. If there is a ribbon under the cup, you will remain free this year. If it’s a flower, you’ll become a bride, but if it’s a ring, you’ll get married this year.

Fortune telling on burning paper

We write the name of our lover on a piece of paper and set it on fire on a plate. If the paper is not completely burned, then the wish associated with this person will come true.

Fortune telling with a cat

This method can be used by owners of furry creatures - cats. We make wishes and call our “Murka”. If the cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, the wish will come true; if it crosses the threshold with its right paw, it will not.

There are many ways to predict your fate. In any case, the most important thing is faith. No matter what scenario you have. It’s not for nothing that they say that on New Year’s Eve even the wildest dreams come true. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine for you in the coming year!

Have a great New Year and may your wishes come true!

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova.

During the New Year holidays, when everything is shrouded in the expectation of a miracle, you really want to look into the future to make sure that everything will certainly be great! The best New Year and Christmas fortune telling has come down to us from the depths of centuries. Time-tested, they still remain popular.

Today, many people have ambivalent attitudes towards fortune telling and specialists who have decided to turn this type of activity into a profession, to put it mildly, with distrust. But, nevertheless, fortune tellers, psychics, healers and mediums are incredibly popular and do not remain without work.

It would seem that all kinds of fortune telling and predictions are for wild people, for people from the past who do not yet know what science and civilization are. But isn’t it because science has not gone far from the Middle Ages and nowadays it turns out to be unable to solve many of the problems of humanity, people, just like in time immemorial, often contacted to fortune tellers and magicians?

But not only because they stop believing politicians, doctors, lawyers, economists and others, people go to fortune tellers. Many people do not believe in themselves, in their ability on one's own build your life path and determine your own destiny! A person who is confident in himself and recognizes himself as the creator of his own destiny will not go to a fortune teller. Just out of curiosity.

The desire to tell fortunes and find out the future is often people experience young, inexperienced, soft, anxious, unsure of themselves and their abilities and, of course, those who are interested in everything unknown, mysterious, supernatural.

Also, people who find themselves in a critical situation often ask fortune tellers for help, in a situation where they say: “This is beyond my strength!”

They mostly guess women, even more precisely – young, unmarried girls. It just so happens that most New Year and Christmas fortune-telling is fortune-telling for the betrothed. All of them are not only mystical, but also funny.

Before we begin to describe fortune telling, I would like to “justify” them a little and explain them from a scientific point of view, namely from the point of view of science psychology.

We also invite you to read the articles and.

How often does what someone else or you yourself predicted come true?