Aerated concrete blocks and brick comparison. What is warmer: brick or aerated concrete? What is better to choose

Many builders and self-builders are concerned about the question: which house will be cheaper to build, from aerated concrete or brick? For the impatient, we note that the final price comparison table is at the bottom of the article. Well, we will analyze in detail all the stages of wall construction.

In this article we will look at prices for bricks, gas blocks, glue, mortar, fittings, labor, etc. The tables will indicate approximate prices in both hryvnia and rubles.

Calculations of the cost of materials and work on bricks

We looked at all prices for materials and work in Ukraine, and to convert to Russian prices , we multiplied the prices by three.

Calculation of the cost of mortar for bricks

Name Values ​​and cost UAH. Cost rubles
Composition of the solution 1 part cement and 3 parts sand.
Cubic meter of solution
250 kg of cement + 750 kg of sand.
Price of cement for a cube of mortar 10 bags of cement, 25 kg each = 550 UAH.
Price of sand for a cube of mortar 750 kg = 100 UAH. 250 rub.
Total cost of a cube of solution 650 UAH 1700 rub.
Volume of mortar for laying a brick cube 0.25m3.
Cost of mortar per cubic meter of masonry 650*0.25=140 UAH. 400 rub.

Calculation of the number of bricks

Name Values ​​and cost UAH. Cost rubles
Cost of one brick 3.3 UAH 10 rub.
Brick cube (512 pcs.)
1600 UAH 4800 RUR
The cost of a brick per cube of masonry excluding the cost of mortar (400 pcs.) – 1300 UAH. 4320 RUR
Cost of a cube of brickwork, taking into account the cost of mortar (400 pcs.) 1440 UAH 4320 RUR
A square of brickwork one and a half bricks thick (380 mm) 153 pcs. = 505 UAH. 1515 RUR
Square masonry of one and a half bricks (153 pcs.) + mortar (380 mm) 505+50 = 555 UAH. 1665 RUR
Brick laying per cube 400 UAH 1200 RUR
Cost of work for laying bricks per square, the thickness of the brickwork is one and a half bricks 160 UAH 480 RUR
The total cost of a square of brickwork of one and a half bricks (brick + mortar + work) 555+160=715 UAH. 2145 RUR
Total cost of a square of brickwork of two bricks (brick + mortar + labor) 700+200=900 UAH. 2700 RUR

Calculations of the cost of work and materials for aerated concrete

Name Values ​​or cost UAH. Cost rubles
Aerated concrete size 600*250*200 33 pcs. cubed
Aerated concrete size 600*250*300 22 pcs. cubed
Aerated concrete size 600*250*400 16 pcs. cubed
Cube of aerated concrete (m3) 1300 UAH 3900 rub.
Cost of laying aerated concrete per cubic meter 300 UAH 900 rub.

Cost of masonry square meter aerated concrete excluding work and glue

Calculation of reinforcement and glue for reinforcing every third row of masonry

Calculation of adhesive for aerated concrete masonry

Calculation of the cost of adhesive for laying a square of aerated concrete

Total cost per square of masonry (all materials + work)

As can be seen from the tables, Construction of walls made of aerated concrete is cheaper, but do not forget that for a house made of aerated concrete it is necessary need an armored belt, the cost of which is approximately 500 UAH. (1500 rub.) per linear meter.

An example of calculating the cost of the walls of a house 10 by 10 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters.

The cost of an armored belt for 50 linear meters ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 UAH (60-90 thousand rubles)

Cost of walls (80 m2) made of aerated concrete and brick

Cost of walls including armored belt (for aerated concrete)

We took average prices for materials and work, and as you can see, aerated concrete walls with a thickness of 300 mm cost about the same as brick walls of one and a half bricks.

Calculations on the cost of insulation would be helpful, but that’s a completely different story)

Choosing materials for building a house is a responsible matter. It is important to take into account all the features of the components used so that the house is warm, dry and comfortable. Next, we will compare brick and aerated concrete and identify the main features of these materials in order to understand which material is better suited for building walls.

Production and sizes

The first indicator by which we will compare is the size of the building elements and the material used to make them.


Ceramic bricks are made from natural clay by molding and firing. To make a silicate element, up to 90% quartz sand, 10% a mixture of lime and water are used.

Ceramics has high strength and frost resistance, especially if the product contains pores and voids. The characteristics are affected by the type of clay, firing time and temperature. Sand-lime brick- a popular material for the construction of residential buildings up to 5 floors; it is similar to ceramic in terms of performance, but is less presentable in appearance and does not particularly like moisture.

Aerated concrete block

For the production of aerated concrete blocks they take quartz sand, cement, water, lime and aluminum powder. After mixing the components, aluminum, interacting with water and alkali, begins to release hydrogen, which forms pores in the body of the block.


The next most important parameter is performance indicators. They are taken into account when designing a future home. Should you choose porous brick or aerated concrete for construction? Let's compare the characteristics:

The characteristics of materials may vary depending on the size of the elements: aerated concrete blocks have different shapes and a wide range of sizes. Bricks are full and hollow, single, one and a half, double. This affects the dimensions and weight of products.

What is warmer: brick or aerated concrete?

This is an important parameter on which the thickness of the wall and the need for additional insulation depend. As can be seen from the table, the lowest thermal conductivity of an aerated concrete block is 0.1 W/m*C. This means that the element almost does not conduct heat, the losses are extremely insignificant. This makes the material a leader among the components of load-bearing external walls. Ceramic brick has an average thermal conductivity value of up to 0.4. This figure depends on the structure of the block: a solid one retains heat worse than a porous and hollow one. Self wall without additional insulation must have a thickness of at least 510 or 640 mm.


The third, but decisive parameter for comparison is the price of materials.

Average cost of 1 m³ ceramic bricks- from 3500 rub.

An aerated concrete block can be purchased from 2,500 rubles.

The question arises: why is it cheaper to build a house from aerated concrete than from brick?

The price is determined by several factors:

  • Brick is a small piece material compared to large blocks. Its production requires high firing costs, and molding bricks takes longer.
  • The thermal conductivity of aerated concrete and brick is determined by the second factor - concrete blocks less heated air passes through, therefore, the thickness of the walls is less than brick, less material is required;
  • Labor costs. Building a house from small blocks requires more time, masonry mortar, effort and inspection. Therefore, the cost of laying a cubic meter of wall reaches 100% of the price of a cubic meter of brick. It’s easier with an aerated block - the structures are put together faster, less mortar is needed, and the cost of installation is an order of magnitude lower.


What to choose: a house made of brick or aerated concrete - which is better?

Better not, yes different features. Both materials have the right to exist, they consist of environmentally friendly components and are safe to use. It should be taken into account that the thickness of a ceramic wall without additional thermal insulation is 510...640 mm, and this is a large load. The foundation must be solid; this will increase the cost of construction. On the other hand, aerated concrete without finishing looks sloppy and breaks down over time. It is rational to combine both of these materials in tandem: the block serves as the base, which retains heat, and the brick covers the facade.

When undertaking the construction of a permanent house, each developer tries to determine for himself the economic component of the construction and choose the most suitable building material. After all, you want the house to stand, and at the same time fairly new ones were used Construction Materials. Today, aerated concrete or brick are most often chosen for construction. Materials are block type, but have different technical characteristics in most parameters. Therefore, in this material we will try to figure out what is better and more profitable to build - houses made of brick or aerated concrete. Let's evaluate the properties of materials and consider all the nuances of construction from one type of block or another.

Gas block and brick: definition and production technology

Brick is a block building material made from clay with the addition of plasticizing substances. As a result, the resulting clay mass goes through a firing stage, which strengthens the finished brick hundreds of times. Brick blocks have been used in construction for more than 3 hundred years and therefore the result of durability, durability and load-bearing capacity can be determined today by buildings built of brick more than 100 years ago. That is, brick is a fairly predictable building material.

Important: while aerated concrete was first used in construction a little over 80 years ago. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately determine the durability of the material. Nobody knows how he will behave in 100-150 years.

Aerated concrete is made from a mixture of cement, sand, lime and gas-forming substances with the addition of water. As a result of the reaction cement mixture foams and pours into molds. Then the workpieces are dried at a certain temperature. As a result, the formed gas pores are preserved, which makes aerated concrete blocks relatively light.

Having understood the production technology of both types of materials, one can have an idea of ​​the formation technical characteristics blocks. And by understanding them, you can determine for yourself what is best in construction.

Comparative characteristics of both types of blocks

You can compare building materials in the form of brick and aerated concrete according to numerous parameters, such as moisture resistance, strength to mechanical stress, frost resistance and thermal insulation, weight, etc. Let’s try to sort everything out to form our attitude towards aerated concrete and brick as building materials.

Block mass

First of all, the weight of the building material is of great importance. After all, laid out in a box, it will form a sufficient mass, and that, in turn, will put pressure on the foundation. From here it is necessary to lay bearing capacity basis at the stage of designing a house. So, aerated concrete is lighter because it has a porous structure. It is worth noting that 1 m3 of aerated concrete wall will weigh 400-900 kg, depending on the thickness of the masonry. Thus, when building a house, it is possible to install a lightweight type of foundation - a shallow strip or columnar foundation, which will save the construction budget. And the labor costs for making walls from aerated concrete will be less. Here the box at home can be driven out within a month.

Brick has more mass, unlike aerated concrete, due to its dense structure. So, the mass of 1m3 of a brick wall is 1300-2000 kg, also depending on the thickness of the masonry. Thus, it becomes clear that under brick house requires the installation of a strong, recessed strip foundation or slab monolithic. Because light bases will not withstand the load of such a house. Hence the construction costs.

Important: the volume of material also matters. So, in 1 m3 of aerated concrete there are 28 pieces, while bricks with the same volume are already 513 pieces. Accordingly, the labor costs for laying a brick wall will be large. Such a box is built within 3-4 months.

Thermal conductivity of blocks

An important factor that influences the role of choosing a developer. After all, you want to build not just a house, but warm house at lower costs. Therefore, when choosing, keep in mind that the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete is much lower than that of brick. That is aerated concrete blocks They perfectly retain heat in the house and do not conduct it outside. Brick more cold material and therefore there is enough for construction warm walls it will be necessary to make masonry at least 50 cm thick, which increases material consumption. An aerated concrete wall, with the same thermal conductivity as a 50 cm brick wall, can have a thickness of 35-40 cm. That is, the economical consumption of building material in the form of aerated concrete is obvious.

Water permeability of the material

But here we also pay attention to the water absorption of the blocks. Thus, brick is a more moisture-resistant material due to the lack of a porous structure. Note that brick absorbs moisture only by 6-16%, while aerated concrete absorbs water by 100%. That is, aerated concrete blocks must be additionally protected from the outside with facade finishing, which means additional construction costs. Brickwork does not need external cladding, since brick blocks are not afraid of water. By the way, the ability of aerated concrete to absorb water makes its own adjustments to construction. Thus, work can be carried out only in dry and relatively warm weather, or the construction site can be reliably protected from rain by a canopy.

Important: if aerated concrete is not protected from moisture, then over time mold and mildew will begin to grow in the blocks, which will lead to the destruction of the house in the future.

Frost resistance of blocks

Based on the water absorption of the blocks, we can talk about their frost resistance, that is, the number of freezing/freezing cycles. This factor also affects the durability of the building. Note that brick can survive up to 50 cycles without loss to the structure, while aerated concrete blocks will survive only 25-35 cycles without any problems. Therefore, if your goal is to build a house for several generations, then you should choose brick as a building material. Or reliably insulate aerated concrete walls from the outside, which again will require additional investments in construction.

Strength of block masonry

Even a novice master understands and knows that the strength of porous aerated concrete blocks is significantly lower than that of brick ones. Thus, brickwork has a strength of 50-150 kg/cm2, and the strength of foam concrete is only 5-20kg/cm2. That's why build high buildings from concrete blocks is prohibited by SNiP regulations. Such building material simply will not withstand the load of the walls of a house above two or three floors during cottage construction, although the regulations say a maximum of 14 floors. A brick house can be built with at least 30 floors, this will not affect the strength of the building in any way. By the way, even during construction two-story house With basement, with the height of the walls of each floor being 2.5 meters and in the presence of slabs reinforced concrete floors walls made of aerated concrete most likely will not withstand such a load and will crack. In this case, it is better to choose brick.

Advice: if you want to save on construction, you can make the ground floor out of brick, and the second floor out of blocks.

Fire safety of brick and foam concrete

Here both types of building materials have high degree fire safety and comply with building codes and requirements. A house made of brick or aerated concrete will be equally non-flammable. Both types of blocks can easily withstand direct flame for 2-2.5 hours.

Shrinkage of building material

An important factor is the percentage of shrinkage of the house after construction. Thus, porous foam concrete tends to shrink within two years after completion of construction by approximately 0.3 mm per meter of height. This indicator can lead to the formation of cracks in the walls. Foam concrete located in dry and warm places, such as chimneys, etc., is especially susceptible to shrinkage. The brick does not shrink at all even for for long years operation of the house.

Mechanical stability of the material

It is also worth paying attention to the susceptibility of blocks to mechanical stress. Here, brick is a more complex and unyielding material, while aerated concrete is similar to wood (it is easy to cut and saw). But it is worth considering that mounting fastenings for shelves, cabinets or brackets under the foam concrete wall household appliances it will be more difficult. IN aerated concrete wall you will have to arrange additional fixation. In this regard, brick is much more reliable and convenient.

Environmental friendliness of the material

If you want the walls of your house to breathe and provide microcirculation of air, then both types of building materials are equally good. Both clay bricks and porous concrete are equally breathable, preventing rotting of the walls inside and outside the house. Moreover, neither one nor the other type of material evaporates harmful compounds into the air.

Material cost

In order to finally have an idea of ​​the economic component of construction, it is necessary to check the price of the material. So, in the Moscow region, prices for brick and aerated concrete will be approximately as follows:

  • Ceramic brick - about 80 USD/m3.
  • Foam concrete - 45-50 USD/m3.

That is, taking into account the volume of material of 1 m3 and its cost, we can safely say that a box made of foam concrete blocks will be cheaper. But in any case, the house will have to be additionally lined to protect the blocks from water. And in general, to determine which is better - a house made of aerated concrete or brick, you can only fully calculate all the construction parameters and the features of the future operation of the house. It's not always good house- this is an expensive house. You can successfully use new generation building materials, but at the same time take a competent approach to the choice of finishing and construction calculations. Remember construction technologies do not stand still and once upon a time brick was a newcomer among materials.

The material from which the walls are made has a decisive effect on the progress of construction and further operation of the building. Choice in favor artificial stone, which includes brick, ceramic and lightweight concrete blocks, requires further specification and clarification of the basic material. It is not always clear what is better - aerated concrete or brick, and by what criteria to compare them.

Evaluation principle

Approaching the issue abstractly, we can only say one thing - brick better aerated concrete oh, very good brick- without competition and that’s the end of the topic. In relation to a situation in which the customer is limited by funds, qualifications of performers, and construction deadlines, the situation changes. There may be more arguments in favor of brick or, conversely, aerated concrete.

The choice depends on the ability to correlate the characteristics of the material with the parameters of the planned construction and the result expected to be obtained. The most important criterion is the construction budget.

Price parameters

A brick building is expensive, the cost level for it is maximum. The price of brick is higher than the same volume of aerated concrete. Road work on brickwork, especially facial or High Quality. The volumetric weight of brick increases transportation costs, including construction site. A significant amount of masonry mortar is required, prepared on site.

Aerated concrete is cheaper. To transport the same volume, fewer resources are needed, and moving wall blocks on a construction site does not require equipment. Laying blocks is less labor-intensive and does not require high qualifications. Knowledge of technology and the ability to withstand it are required, but otherwise diligence and conscientiousness are sufficient. Instead of mortar about a centimeter thick, ready-made is used adhesive composition, applied in a layer of two to five millimeters.

Examples of aerated concrete house projects -

If construction is carried out within strict financial limits, then choosing aerated concrete is the right decision.

Consumption of materials

The use of brick increases the consumption of materials for walls and foundations compared to aerated concrete, since ceramic stone has greater thermal conductivity. Minimum thickness red brick walls middle lane Russia is 0.64 meters, and aerated concrete can have a cross-section of forty centimeters, with comparable thermal insulation properties.

A brick wall is heavier because the volumetric weight of the brick is higher and more of it will be required. A heavy and thick wall needs a foundation of appropriate width with larger area grounds. Foundation costs increase in direct proportion to the weight of the wall.

By erecting brick walls with a thickness dictated by thermal considerations during the construction of a low-rise building, the developer receives excess strength and load-bearing capacity. From a design point of view, this is an unjustified waste of resources.


With the same heat loss through a wall made of brick and aerated block, having different thickness, the thermal regime of buildings will be different. For some, this is a fundamentally important argument in favor of brick walls. In the discussion about whether aerated concrete or brick is better in terms of the thermal comfort of a building, the advantage of brick is recognized.

A brick wall has significant thermal inertia due to its massiveness and high thermal conductivity of the material. It warms up slowly, but also cools down slowly. Therefore, a stable temperature is maintained inside. IN winter period freezing of the premises is prevented even during interruptions in heating, the interior space does not overheat on the hottest summer day. Brick has the ability to absorb water vapor, stabilizing the humidity inside the building.

Unlike a brick wall, aerated concrete conducts heat poorly, which is its advantage. The thermal inertia of aerated concrete is low, and it has nothing to compensate for temperature fluctuations in the room. The quality of the masonry of aerated concrete walls, especially those folded into one block, is important. The appearance of cold bridges due to incorrectly made horizontal or vertical seams depreciates the high thermal characteristics of the material and negatively affects the internal microclimate.


The facade of brick walls is usually made from facing bricks during the masonry process, while the external finishing of the aerated concrete box is carried out in a separate stage. The cost of facing bricks and masonry made from it are so high that they make the use of almost any design option for the façade of a building made of aerated concrete competitive.

In interior decoration, a well-laid wall made of aerated concrete blocks will keep costs to a minimum. The accuracy and stability of the geometric characteristics of the blocks ensures the smoothness of the wall surface and reduces the alignment of planes before finishing. The quality of the masonry of the walls and the reliability of the foundations matter. A thin leveling layer will easily crack due to slight uneven settlement of the base.

Finish by brick walls is associated with a large volume of “wet processes”, for example, plastering works. They are quite complex, expensive and require the involvement of qualified personnel. Well-executed plaster gives the premises expressiveness and aesthetics. If the plaster is made with lime-cement mortar, this will have a positive effect on the microclimate of the building, since lime absorbs excess moisture from the environment.


Brick structures have shown themselves to be champions in durability, sometimes even surpassing natural stone. A brick house will last a very long time if it is on a properly made foundation and is maintained properly. There is no answer yet to the question of which resists the effects of time better, aerated concrete or brick, due to the lack of comparable observation statistics.

Aerated concrete is mineral material, not destroyed due to internal processes. It is less resistant to external influences and is demanding regarding operating conditions. A danger to walls made of aerated concrete is uneven settlement of the foundation, leading to cracks and destruction of the walls.

However, there is no reason to unequivocally state that a building made of aerated concrete will last less. It may require more careful maintenance, timely repairs and renovations, and somewhat higher operating costs. He will not forgive what a brick wall will endure.

Ceramic blocks or warm ceramics are essentially large bricks with similar characteristics, so when choosing wall material you can be guided by the qualities of any of these materials. The only difference will be in the speed of masonry and the fact that walls made of warm ceramics will require less masonry mortar.

Ten years ago, the question of whether to choose porous brick or aerated concrete was not relevant. Aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete were the only representatives at Russian market. But today, warm ceramics are just as widely represented on the market as the above-mentioned materials. Therefore, there is a choice and you can make it correctly only by becoming more closely acquainted with the characteristics of each of the materials.

We compare characteristics important for Russian conditions

  • Heat loss. Naturally, none of the homeowners wants to heat the street, so the task of reducing heating costs during long seasons with negative temperatures is more than relevant. Air is a unique heat insulator and as the percentage of porosity of the material increases, its heat-shielding properties increase. It is thanks to the large porosity and the presence of voids in the body of the block that warm ceramics have a minimal thermal conductivity coefficient, only 0.16 W/(M×°C). The coefficient value of aerated concrete is slightly lower, about 0.12 W/(M×°C), which makes it possible to make the walls thinner. But today some Porotherm ceramic blocks already have a coefficient of 0.12. Therefore, in terms of maintaining heat in your home, the chances are almost equal.
  • Frost resistance. Warm ceramics have an F50 rating, which means that ceramic blocks suitable for construction in northern regions. Aerated concrete has the same high level of frost resistance.
  • Durability. Warm ceramics are the same well-known brick made of baked clay, only with improved characteristics. The surviving red brick buildings from centuries ago speak for themselves. It is still too early to judge the durability of aerated concrete, since its appearance has not yet crossed the century mark. The oldest buildings are no more than 70 years old.
  • Environmental friendliness. Warm ceramics is clay, the most environmentally friendly natural material and nothing more. Aerated concrete is a material created artificially, but based on natural materials. Sand, water, cement and aluminum powder are used to make it. Therefore, a big plus for this indicator is in favor of porous bricks and ceramic blocks.

Why, with many almost equal indicators, when asked whether to choose porous brick or aerated concrete, do experts answer in favor of the first material?

Under equal operating conditions under the influence high temperatures, high humidity etc. There are guaranteed to be no harmful emissions from the ceramics. Aerated concrete adsorbs moisture well, so there is a risk of reducing its thermal characteristics; additional protection from moisture is required. With high humidity, deformation may occur, in which the restoration of internal and exterior finishing you will have to pay an additional, sometimes considerable amount. That is why we also recommend and offer you warm ceramics.