Hyacinth flower meaning for a girl. PR in Ancient mythology

The name of the flower “hyacinth” in Greek means “flower of rains”, but the Greeks simultaneously called it the flower of sadness and also the flower of memory of Hyacinth...

There is a Greek legend associated with the name of this plant. IN Ancient Sparta Hyacinth was for some time one of the most significant gods, but gradually his glory faded and his place in mythology was taken by the god of beauty and sun Phoebus, or Apollo. For thousands of years, the legend of Hyacinth and Apollo remains one of the most famous stories about the origin of flowers.

The favorite of the god Apollo was a young man named Hyacinth. Hyacinth and Apollo often organized sports competitions. One day, during a sports competition, Apollo was throwing a discus and accidentally threw a heavy discus directly at Hyacinth. Drops of blood splashed onto the green grass and after a while fragrant purple-red flowers grew in it. It was as if many miniature lilies were collected into one inflorescence (sultan), and Apollo’s sorrowful exclamation was inscribed on their petals. This flower is tall and slender, and the ancient Greeks called it hyacinth. Apollo immortalized the memory of his favorite with this flower, which grew from the blood of a young man.

In the same Ancient Greece Hyacinth was considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature. On the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amykli, the procession of Hyacinth to Olympus was depicted; According to legend, the base of the statue of Apollo seated on the throne represents the altar in which the deceased young man was buried.

According to a later legend, during the Trojan War, Ajax and Odysseus simultaneously claimed ownership of Achilles' weapons after his death. When the council of elders unfairly awarded weapons to Odysseus, Ajax was so shocked that the hero pierced himself with a sword. From the drops of his blood a hyacinth grew, the petals of which are shaped like the first letters of Ajax's name - alpha and upsilon.

Guria curls. This is what hyacinth was called in Eastern countries. “The tangle of black curls will only be scattered by the comb - And hyacinths will fall in a stream on the roses of the cheeks,” these lines belong to the 15th century Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi. True, the claim that beauties learned to curl their hair from hyacinths appeared in Ancient Greece. About three thousand years ago, Hellenic girls decorated their hair with “wild” hyacinths on their friends’ wedding days.

The Persian poet Ferdowsi constantly compared the hair of beauties with the curling petals of hyacinth and highly praised the aroma of the flower: Her lips smelled better than a light breeze, and her hyacinth-like hair was more pleasant than Scythian musk.

For a long time, hyacinths were cultivated in gardens only in Eastern countries. There they were no less popular than tulips. Hyacinth lives in Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. He was popular in Ottoman Empire, from where it penetrated into Austria, Holland and spread throughout Europe. IN Western Europe The charming hyacinth came to Vienna in the second half of the 17th century.

In Holland, hyacinth turned up by chance from a shipwrecked ship that had boxes of bulbs on it; broken and thrown ashore by a storm, the bulbs sprouted, bloomed and became a sensation. It was in 1734, when the fever for tulip cultivation began to cool down and the need for a new flower was felt. So it became a source of great income, especially when it was possible to accidentally breed double hyacinth.

The efforts of the Dutch were aimed first at breeding and then at developing new varieties of hyacinths. Flower growers tried different ways, to quickly propagate hyacinths, but nothing worked. Chance helped. One day a mouse ruined a valuable onion - it gnawed the bottom out. But unexpectedly for the upset owner, children appeared around the “crippled” place, and how many more! Since then, the Dutch began to specially cut the bottom or cut the onion crosswise. Tiny onions formed in places of damage. True, they were small and took 3-4 years to grow. But flower growers have a lot of patience, and good care behind the bulbs accelerates their development. In short, more and more commercial bulbs began to be grown, and soon Holland was trading them with other countries.

We are very interested in hyacinths in Germany. A descendant of the Huguenots, gardener David Boucher, who had an excellent collection of primroses, began growing hyacinths. In the second half of the 18th century, he organized the first exhibition of these flowers in Berlin. Hyacinths captured the imagination of Berliners so much that many became interested in growing them, taking up the task thoroughly and on a grand scale. This was a fashionable entertainment, especially since King Frederick William III himself visited Boucher more than once. The demand for hyacinths was so great that they were grown in huge quantities.

In France in the 18th century, hyacinth was used to stupefy and poison those people they were trying to get rid of. Usually the bouquet intended for this purpose was sprayed with something poisonous, and the flowers intended for poisoning were placed in the boudoir or bedroom of the victim.

A hundred years after the “tulip madness”, off the coast of the same Holland, a Genoese merchant ship was wrecked during a storm. One of the boxes from a sunken ship washed ashore, where it opened, I don’t understand how. Bulbs spilled out from there, which soon took root and sprouted.

What does the word hyacinth mean?

This is how a wonderful, unprecedented flower appeared on the Dutch lands. Thus began the European history of hyacinth. Although biologists claim that this plant comes from the Balkans, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. It's there in wildlife A wonderful flower grew, which was transferred to the gardens for its beauty and fragrance and cultivated.

Word " hyacinth"appeared in our language only at the beginning of the 18th century. Until then, this was the name of this flower in Germany. Interestingly, the Germans learned this word from the Romans, where it was called hyacinthus.

But you don’t even need to look for the first name of the plant in Latin. It was the Greeks who named the flower “purple cinquefoil” for its natural (and then only, color) and the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of this military weapon.

In India, the word hyacinth means “flower of rains,” because it bloomed just at this time. Until now, local beauties decorate their black braids with such fragrant arrows on special days. According to Indian tradition, this wreath is also woven into the groom's wreath. fragrant flower, and only white.

In Eastern countries, the word hyacinth means “Guria curls.” The great Uzbek poet of the 15th century, Alisher Navoi, wrote:

“The tangle of black curls will only be scattered by a comb,
And the hyacinths will fall in a stream onto the roses of the cheeks.”

Although even ancient Greek girls wove these flowers into their hair, and the hair had to be carefully chosen. Three thousand years ago, ancient Hellenic women wove wild hyacinths into their hair when they married off their friends. Therefore, the word hyacinth also meant “the pleasure of love” among the Hellenes.

Legends about hyacinth

Ancient Greek the legend of hyacinth says that Apollo’s favorite was the young man Hyacinth. One day, during a competition, God habitually threw a disc and accidentally hit the guy. He fell dead to the ground, and a fragrant and delicate violet-lilac flower soon grew on the drops of his blood. The ancient Greeks named it hyacinth, in memory of the favorite of the handsome Apollo.

This is where it came from that hyacinth symbolizes the resurrection of dead nature. And on the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amikli the ascent of Hyacinth to Olympus is depicted. Tradition says that the base of the statue of Apollo sitting on the throne is actually an altar with the remains of an innocently murdered young man.

The Mouse Myth and Dutch Achievements

Usually the plant produced 5 arrows, which, as they grew, were decorated with delicate tiny lily-like flower stalks. But today breeders have developed varieties that produce... up to 100 branches of flowers!

And the struggle for such “family” began also in Holland. After the “tulip” lull, the inhabitants of this country apparently lacked a new flower favorite. This is what hyacinth became. That's where they took me out terry variety, which also brought fabulous income to flower growers. Although, in fairness, we note that they did not give away houses and all their fortunes for his onions.

The most incredible myths about hyacinth Flora lovers are telling us today. How do you like, for example, the story about the mouse that helped the descendant of the Huguenots, the gardener Boucher, in breeding a plant? They say that no matter what this florist came up with, he could not quickly propagate hyacinth. But the little mouse got to the onion and... gnawed the bottom out of it.

And lo and behold! Children appeared on the “disabled onion”, which accidentally lay there until planting. And not just one, but a great many. Since then, they began to cut out the bottom or crosswise planting material. True, it takes 3-4 years to raise the children, because they are very small. But still, “the ice has broken” - the myth claims that it is thanks to the gray rodent that today we are able to propagate hyacinth.

What does hyacinth mean?

Each nation has its own meaning of the hyacinth flower. And this name has long become a household name. Suffice it to remember that only in Greek mythology There were 3 known Hyacinths, besides the favorite of the god Apollo:

  • Hyacinth from Amycles is a handsome young man, the son of the Spartan king Amycles;
  • Hyacinth from Athens - hero-migrant from the Peloponnese to Athens;
  • Hyacinth Dolion is a hero mentioned by Apollonius of Rhodes.

Nowadays meaning of hyacinth flowers also diverse. Depending on the color, it means jealousy, recognition of the girl as the most beautiful, a promise to pray for someone, and even a call to oblivion.

A gift of a bouquet of these flowers promises victory and achievement. It is a symbol of rebirth and incredible joy. You will be able to purchase hyacinths wholesale in our florist salon or please someone with a small bouquet. Flower girls will select the appropriate color for the occasion and create a charming, fragrant composition.

All you have to do is present your beloved with a mono-bouquet of hyacinth or mixed with other flowers once in the spring, and joy and tenderness will settle in the heart of the most discreet girl.

With us you can arrange hyacinths with delivery in Rostov-on-Don or buy fresh cut flowers directly in the store. And if you want to give a gift to a person whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, then feel free to complement our bouquet with a precious stone - hyacinth, invigorating, cheerful and giving patience and determination.

Stop your choice on the magical gift of spring - hyacinth flowers.
After all, you simply won’t find them at any other time!

The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word hyacinth

hyacinth in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. Hyacinthus plant.

Gemstone, zircon rocks; yellow yacht Hyacinth, characteristic of hyacinth, related to it.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


hyacinth, m.

    A bulbous flower with a strong aroma.

    Gemstone red, orange or yellow color(min.). (On behalf of the young man, from whose blood, according to ancient Greek myth, Apollo produced a flower.)

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Bulbous garden plant family lilies with oblong leaves and fragrant flowers collected in inflorescences.

    The mineral is red or golden-orange in color.

    adj. hyacinth, -aya, -oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. Lukovichnoe ornamental plant lily family with long leaves and fragrant flowers of various colors, collected in a brush.

    m. Mineral, gemstone, transparent variety of zircon of yellowish-brown and reddish-brown color.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in Greek mythology, a beautiful young man, the favorite of Apollo; From the body or blood of the dead Hyacinth, Apollo grew a flower - hyacinth.


mineral, a transparent reddish-brown manganese-containing gemstone variety of zircon.


genus of perennials bulbous plants Liliaceae family. 4 species, often combined into one, in the Mediterranean. Numerous varieties with flowers of various colors and shapes, collected in inflorescences, are used in ornamental gardening.

Mythological dictionary


(Greek) - a beautiful young man, the son of King Amycles, the favorite of Apollo. The wind god Zephyr fell in love with G. and, out of jealousy, directed the discus thrown by Apollo at G.'s head when the god was teaching the young man how to throw the discus. Hyacinth flowers grew from G.'s blood.


(Hyacinthus), a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the lily family. Flower arrow up to 40 in height. The leaves are grooved, bright green, collected in the form of a rosette. Flowers are bell-shaped, with pleasant aroma, collected in a spicate brush. There is 1 known species of G. orientalis (N. orientalis), which grows wild in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ancestor of all varieties of G. It has been known in culture since the beginning of the 15th century. G. varieties are characterized different colors flowers, size, shape and density of the flower brush; There are varieties with double and simple flowers. In the south of the USSR in open ground G. blooms in March - April, in the central region of the European part of the USSR - in May. G. is grown in well-lit areas with light sandy loam soil, permeable to water and air. When preparing the soil, humus (10≈15 kg/m2) and bone meal (80 g/m2) are added. G. is propagated by bulbs and less often by seeds. In the south, bulbs are planted in October - early November, in the central region in September at a depth of 8 - 10. In the central region and northern. In areas during the winter, plantings are covered with dry tree leaves and straw; in the spring, the cover is removed. Plant care consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. After the plants have flowered and their leaves have died, the bulbs are dug up, dried in a shaded, ventilated room, cleared of soil and old scales and stored until planting in a dry place at a temperature of 20≈22 °C. G. is also used for winter flowering.

The name of the flower G. is associated with ancient Greek myth about Apollo’s favorite, the beautiful young man Hyacinth (from the body or blood of G., killed out of jealousy by the wind god Zephyr, Apollo grew a beautiful flower).

Lit.: Alferov V. A. and Zaitseva E. N., Giatsinty, M., 1963; Kiselev G. E., Floriculture, 3rd ed., M., 1964.


Hyacinth (disambiguation)

Hyacinth, Hyakinthos:

  • in Greek mythology:
    • Hyakinthos is the son of the Spartan king Amycles, a young man of extraordinary beauty.
    • Hyacinth is a hero who moved to Athens from the Peloponnese.
    • Hyacinth is a hero mentioned by Apollonius of Rhodes (I 1034).
  • Saint Hyacinth, or Jacek Odrowąż (; 1183 or 1185-1257) - Catholic saint.
  • Hyacinth- a genus of perennial bulbous plants from the Hyacinth family.
    • Mouse hyacinth, or Viper Bow- garden plant.
    • Water hyacinth- the common name for Eichornia excellenta, a tropical aquatic plant.
  • Hyacinth is a gemstone, a type of zircon.
  • 2S5 "Gyacinth-S" - self-propelled artillery unit of 152 mm caliber.
  • 2A36 "Gyacinth-B" - 152 mm towed gun.

Hyacinth (mineral)

Hyacinth(- name of the flower, from Hyacinth) - mineral, gemstone, transparent reddish-brown manganese-containing jewelry variety of zircon with a strong diamond luster. Hyacinth is named after the plant of the same name, the color of the flowers of the wild variety of which resembles the color of these stones.

Examples of the use of the word hyacinth in literature.

Zephyr and Augustine, Adonis and Zelmir, Hyacinth and Fanny, Celadon and Sophie belong—each pair—to the same master.

Ebe on the 10th - one of the lowest louts, on the 11th - Colomb, on the 12th - the last of the lowest louts, on the 13th - Zelamir, on the 14th - Cupid, on the 15th - Zephyr, 16 - Adonis, 17th - Hyacinth.

Month 3 Zodiac sign Gems January Capricorn Garnet, almandine, hyacinth.

The assistants, graduate students and laboratory assistants who filled the basement on the opening day did not, of course, need encouraging speeches, and Anton Petrovich just walked around the laboratory, surrounded by Lapin and Golubinsky, short and hasty in his movements, completely bald from the forehead and with a whimsical, like hyacinths, curling curls at the back, and spread his chubby arms, almost frightenedly asking Lapin: “Where will this one stand here?”

Around the eyes rounded yellowish, sweet-smelling hyacinth faces: every face is Anna's face.

No less common flowers in Japan are also numerous varieties of peonies - tuberous and stem ones, decorative azaleas from the heather family, bulbous daffodils with fragrant flowers, tulips, fragrant hyacinths from the lily family, asters, decorative dahlias, reaching thirty centimeters in diameter, cactus-type dahlias, an endless variety of roses, hydrangeas - semi-shrub plants of the saxifrage family with round leaves and umbrella-shaped flowers, saffron, etc.

But the real surprise was the living corals, they look, how can I describe it, like underwater flowers, like anemones, hyacinths, cornflowers, buttercups, bells, no, this doesn’t convey anything, these are living curls, curls, buds, bulges, bubbles, buds, acorns, ovaries, pimples, nodes, stalks, veins, stalks, but no, we need to tell it differently, they are mobile, they are multi-colored, like the gardens of Babylon, they recreate all the grains of the fields and gardens, from turnips to thistles and to cabbage.

Amaryllias, crinums, pelargoniums, intricate fuchsias, several tulips and juicy, delicious hyacinths, between the flowers of which the glass of aquariums gleamed.

Here is Narcissus, and the mourned Adonis, and Clytia, beloved by the Sun, - all in magnificent abundance, and the unfortunate Hyacinth, and the transformed Ajax, and many others, pleasing to the eye, which is why the whole path is so multicolored that Turkish carpets or the colorful fabrics of Minerva can hardly compare with it.

This is real english garden with gushing springs, lush flower beds in all the splendor of spring bloom, thickets of bushes where the most diverse varieties of plants are mixed - giant geraniums, as in Monte Carlo, oranges, lemons, olives, laurels, mastic trees, aloe, camellias, dalias, Alexandrian whites roses, hydrangeas, white and pink lotuses, South American passion flowers, lush combinations of fuchsias, salvias, begonias, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, daffodils, anemones, Persian ranunculas, irises, cyclamen, orchids, calceolaria, tree ferns, as well as plants of the tropical zone: Indian cane, coconut and date palms, fig trees, eucalyptus, mimosas, bananas, guavas, bottle gourds - in a word, there is everything that lovers could ask for from the richest botanical garden.

And when the level of literacy in the newly formed state of Kerala became the highest in India - Prince Henry himself had proven himself to be an intelligent student - Carmen da Gama began publishing a daily newspaper designed for the general public: fishermen in seaside villages, rice farmers in villages near the overgrown hyacinths creeks.

Under the myrtle bushes hyacinths their buds, like magenta candies, were gathering, and the bluish haze of wildly blooming irises spread through the oak thickets.

Rose Chapotel, wife and widow Hyacinth Chabert, Count of the Empire, holder of the Grand Officer's Cross of the Legion of Honour, entered into a marriage with him without a contract - therefore, on the basis of community of property.

Pierre, having reached this place, spoke about other miracles, about brilliant healings that glorified the Grotto, but then sister Hyacinth, shaking off the spell that had entangled her fairy tale, quickly jumped up from her seat.

But now, now, daughter, no one is in bondage to you - not even the lovely ones. hyacinths that stand before you, fan you, ask you to touch them, to breathe in the bitter freshness.

Elizarova Svetlana


Summary of the myth

A. A. Ivanov. "Apollo, Hyacinth and Cypress"

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus) - son of the Spartan king Amycles and great-grandson of Zeus. According to another version of the myth, his parents are the muse Clio and Pierre.

The young son of the king of Sparta was so handsome that even the Olympian gods considered him worthy of their company.

Hyacinth was the favorite of the god Apollo. And one day, when both were competing in discus throwing, the god of the west wind, Zephyr, watched them from heaven. He had tender feelings for Apollo, so he changed the flight of his disk and Hyacinth was mortally wounded in the head.

Apollo held his dying friend tightly in his arms and his tears fell on Hyacinth’s bloody curls. Hyacinth died and his soul flew off to the kingdom of Hades. Standing over the body of the deceased, Apollo quietly whispered: “You will always live in my heart, beautiful Hyacinth. May the memory of you live forever among people.” And at his word, from the blood of Hyacinth a scarlet, fragrant flower grew, as if stained with blood, and on its petals the groan of grief of the god Apollo was imprinted.

Images and symbols of myth

Wind represents something intangible, transitory. Because of this, Apollo accidentally killed Hyacinth.

Image of Hyacinth associated with sacrifice because of love. He fell as a result of jealousy. But at the same time, we can say that this is also a payment for traction ordinary person to the divine.

Flower (flourishing)- a symbol of young life widespread throughout the world, indicating the impermanence of any earthly beauty, which can only be durable in heavenly gardens.

The symbolism of flowers emphasizes their connection with the cycle of life and death, as a symbol of transience, brevity of life, spring, beauty, perfection, innocence, youth, soul.

Hyacinth- a flower that, according to myth, was previously a person or could grow only due to the death of a person.

The name of the flower in Greek means “flower of rains,” but the Greeks simultaneously called it the “flower of sadness” and also the “flower of memory” of Hyacinth. The Greeks believed that on the petals of wild hyacinth one could read the word “ay-ay”, which means “woe, woe!”

Also in Ancient Greece, it was considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature. A flower emerging from blood represents the resurrection in spring, greenery scorched by the heat of the sun.

Flower of love, happiness, fidelity and sorrow.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Death of Hyacinth. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1752-53

At the burial site of Hyacinth, in Amykla, hyacinthia (hyacinthia) were held annually - festivals in honor of Hyacinth, the largest holiday of the Spartans, which was celebrated in July in the Peloponnese, Asia Minor, southern Italy, Sicily, and Syracuse.

Over time, the cult of Hyacinth was supplanted by the cult of Apollo, and the festival of Hyacinthia began to be celebrated as the festival of Apollo.

On the throne of Apollo the ascension of Hyacinth to Olympus was depicted; According to legend, the base of the statue of Apollo seated on the throne represented the altar in which Hyacinth was buried.

The myth of Hyacinth in painting served as the subject of several works, including the frescoes “Apollo and Hyacinthus” by Annibale Carracci and Domenichino, the painting “Hyacinth” by G. B. Tiepolo, etc.

The marble composition by B. Cellini “Apollo mourns Hyacinth” has not survived to this day. However, this plot attracted Mozart; his musical work “Apollo and Hyakinthos” is dedicated to this episode.

But besides works and celebrations in memory of Hyacinth, in our present there is a flower named after him and a hyacinth stone, of a reddish hue.

Social significance of the myth

Myths about the transformation of people into plants are known to all peoples of the globe. And the myth of Hyacinth is one of them. But he was remembered not only for the image of spiritual love. The myth has remained one of the most famous and beautiful legends about the origin of flowers.

The name of Hyacinth is imprinted in the history of religions, where he is considered to be a pre-Greek plant god, who was revered as a deity of shepherds or one of the deities of Ancient Greece, personifying the dying and resurrecting nature, whose importance was subsequently eclipsed by Apollo, and it was reduced only to the role of the hero of tragic-lyrical legends .

But the memory of Hyacinth is alive among people. This is confirmed by the festivities in which this hero was honored and by the fact that today, as an echo from a beautiful legend, there is hyacinth - a flower of love, fidelity and sorrow. And not to forget about this truly sadly beautiful story is given by hyacinth - a stone of sadness and sorrow, crimson or reddish in color, shimmering like dewdrops of Apollo’s tears falling on Hyacinth’s blood-soaked wound.

Hyacinth, like many gems, has its own magical properties. Thus, this stone guarantees its owner an increase in the level of mental activity and the development of a craving for various kinds of sciences.

Hyacinth is also credited with calming effects: it is believed that it relieves melancholy, softens sadness and grief, gives hope, and can be worn during periods of depression. But, despite all the advantages, hyacinth brings loneliness and unhappiness in love. Therefore, it is believed that it can only be worn temporarily - during periods of depression.

As decorative culture hyacinth has been known since early antiquity. The homeland of this flower is considered to be the Mediterranean and the Middle East, where it was domesticated. Hyacinths were grown in the luxurious gardens of Byzantine rulers, where the intoxicating aroma of thousands of inflorescences made them forget about the burden of power.

Hyacinth, interesting plant in every sense, but is it possible to keep it at home, what are the signs related to the flower, what does it symbolize and what does it mean?

Let's start with what the flower means in translation from ancient Greek: “hyacinth” - hyacinth or iakinth, literally - “flower of rain”. In their homeland, in the countries of Asia Minor and the Balkans, hyacinths bloom with the beginning of the spring rainy season.

Why was hyacinth called hyacinth? According to ancient legend, this flower grew at the site of the death of the beautiful young man Hyacinthus (Hyacinth), the favorite of the god Apollo. His tragically cut short young life seemed to be reborn in the fragrant flowers that bloomed in the spring, which became a symbol of grief, sadness and immortality.

IN Ancient Rome On the contrary, hyacinth was considered a flower of joy, fun and youth. This was associated with celebrations in honor of the goddess of spring Flora, when everyone had fun and praised the annual renewal of nature. Miniature statues of Flora in every home were decorated with primroses, the brightest and most fragrant among which was hyacinth. Young girls and women wove hyacinth flowers into their hairstyles, using their intoxicating aroma to attract male attention. Floralia was also a time when lovers could express their feelings to each other, so hyacinth was also considered a symbol of love and fidelity.

In the Middle Ages, when hyacinth from the Ottoman Empire gradually began to spread throughout Europe, this flower was associated with wealth, luxury and power. Only noble and wealthy people could afford to grow hyacinths that cost fabulous amounts of money. This state of affairs continued until the 18th century. In Holland, the “second homeland” of this flower, which made it famous and popular all over the world, hyacinth flowers on ladies’ clothes spoke of high social status and prosperity.

Hyacinth: what does it mean in the language of flowers

The “language of flowers” ​​that emerged in the era of romanticism actively used the significantly expanded color of hyacinths as a code for love messages. White hyacinth testified to admiration for the purity and beauty of the woman he liked, and could also be presented as a sign of recognition or signify the joy of meeting. Pink or red hyacinth served to express a bright palette of love feelings - from nascent passion to farewell tenderness. Yellow hyacinths meant jealousy, resentment or bewilderment. Blue hyacinths as a sign of respect, devotion and gratitude for life happy years spouses gave to each other. In addition, the number of flowers on a hyacinth cluster could indicate a date.

Nowadays, hyacinths are becoming increasingly popular as a gift for March 8, displacing mimosa and the usual roses from the first positions. Many women associate hyacinths with spring, freshness, new discoveries and, of course, love.

The magical properties of hyacinth

Hyacinth is a plant that has often been used in various potions, due to the fact that it carries certain magical properties. In the Middle Ages, girls were used to make love potions to permanently bind the heart of a lover. It was believed that dried hyacinth flowers relieve bad dreams and unkind people.

Women whose bedrooms and boudoirs were decorated with blooming hyacinths became subtly attractive, their movements were filled with dignity and grace, and their mood was always good. The aroma of hyacinths has aphrodisiac properties, which were skillfully used by sophisticated lovers to reveal the sensuality of their partner.

Hyacinth flowers are also used by individuals seeking spiritual growth and self-improvement. Inhaling the aroma of hyacinth promotes self-knowledge and the search for answers to questions about the meaning of life and one’s purpose in life.

The hyacinth flower especially patronizes writers, poets, artists and people of creative professions in general, since inhaling its aroma helps to reveal creative potential. The aroma of hyacinth can cleanse a person’s energy, give strength for creative activity and protect against ill-wishers.

Nowadays, science has proven that the energy of a flower is positive in every sense, which is due not only to its magical properties, but also to its biochemical composition. Hyacinth is an essential oil plant that, when flowering, releases many phytoncides and hormone-like substances, which explains its truly magical effect, which has not lost its power today. By harmonizing a person’s psycho-emotional state, hyacinth makes him open to joy and creativity and invulnerable to negativity.

Hyacinth: the meaning of a flower for the home

In all countries where this flower is cultivated, it symbolizes happiness and joy. In addition, there are other meanings and signs attributed to hyacinth:

  • Growing hyacinths at home means peace and harmony. There is a belief that in a house where hyacinth blooms there will be no quarrels or disagreements.
  • It is recommended to purchase hyacinth before starting any new activity - its presence will inspire and give strength.
  • If the purchased hyacinth produces a double peduncle, this promises joyful events or unforeseen expenses and hassles that will later turn into joy.
  • Dried hyacinth brushes or bulbs give you confidence in your abilities and help you resist aggressive third-party energy.

Why do you dream about hyacinths?

Each dream book interprets dreams about hyacinths in its own way. Sometimes these interpretations are similar, sometimes they completely contradict each other, so you shouldn’t take them too seriously. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • Seeing hyacinth in a dream means the imminent betrayal of a close friend. (French dream book).
  • If you dreamed of gorgeous, fragrant hyacinths, your spouse is cheating on you. (Family dream book).
  • Hyacinth dreams of unforeseen expenses. (Tirps Dream Book).
  • Collecting a bouquet of hyacinths, cutting it, or, conversely, planting it means separation from loved ones. (Adams' Dream Book).
  • Hyacinths in a dream portend an unexpected large purchase, which will entail unaffordable debts and regret about spending. (Big dream book).

Hyacinth: interesting facts

There are three main types of hyacinth: eastern, Litvinova and Transcaspian, but all decorative varieties derived from the eastern species.

The natural color of hyacinth is blue and white.

If hyacinth bulbs different colors cut and fold in half, flowers of both colors will appear on the peduncle.

In Europe, hyacinths appeared thanks to... a shipwreck. A box of hyacinth bulbs was washed ashore by the waves, where they sprouted and were noticed by local residents.

Hyacinth is the favorite flower of Peter I, who was generally a fan of everything connected with Holland.

IN industrial scale Hyacinths in the USSR began to be grown on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus at the state farm "Southern Cultures" near Adler.

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