A characteristic description of the Canadian gray spruce, planting and care. Canadian spruce Canadian spruce varieties and types


Canadian spruce Sanders Blue (Picea glauca Sanders Blue) - It has dwarf dimensions and a cone-shaped shape, thanks to which it has earned considerable popularity among landscape designers. The beautiful cone-shaped shape of the crown, together with the delicate blue coloring of the crown, ideally emphasizes almost any composition. This rather original appearance allows these plants to be quite versatile for the garden. This spruce grows relatively slowly, 5-7 cm per year. At 10 years of age, the height is within 0.7-0.8 m. Maximum size 2-3 m in height and up to 2 m in width. The crown has a conical shape with shoots that fit tightly to the column. Unlike other varieties of dwarf decorative fir trees, this one is least susceptible to spring burns, which reduces the amount of care required. Gray spruce Sanders Blue It will grow best in sunny locations with some shade. It is sensitive to soil moisture and does not like stagnant moisture and grows better in fertile soils With good drainage. During the dry period, the tree should be watered in the evening, on the crown. At proper care, this type spruce is wonderful decorative decoration with dense needles beautiful color. Such trees are used both in single and group compositions.

Form: Dwarf conical shape of spruce.
Size: At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.7 m in height. Later it grows up to 2-3 m tall and up to 2 m wide.
Needles: The color of the needles is blue.
The soil: Soil and moisture requirements are average. Grows in all fresh, moist, moderately nutrient-rich soils, from acidic to alkaline (see).
Light: Photophilous.
Features of the plant: Canadian spruce Sanders Blue recommended for rocky and heather gardens. Often during drought it is damaged by pine spider mites (see).
Characteristics of the variety: All species of spruce have very similar needle structures and are therefore often difficult to distinguish. As a rule, these are trees with a narrow cone-shaped crown and a straight trunk, which evenly thins towards the top. The needles when cut are not flat, but more or less tetrahedral, often very hard and pointedly prickly. Cones weigh, ripen and fall in one year.
Winter hardiness: USDA zone 3 (see).

Planting and caring for spruce Canadian Sanders Blue

Do not allow soil compaction and moisture stagnation. The landing site should be away from groundwater. It is imperative to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken bricks 15-20 cm thick. If spruce trees are planted in groups, then the distance for tall spruce trees should be from 2 to 3 m. The depth of the planting hole is 50-70 cm.

It is important that the root collar is at ground level. You can prepare a special soil mixture: leaf and turf land, peat, and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Immediately after planting, the tree must be watered generously with 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to apply fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammophosphate, 10 g of root per 10 l, etc.).

Spruce trees do not like dry, hot weather, so during the hot season they need to be watered once a week, approximately 10-12 liters per tree. Carry out shallow loosening (5cm). For the winter, sprinkle peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm; after winter, the peat is simply mixed with the ground, not removed. Spruces can also be planted in winter period.

Approximately 2 times a season you can apply fertilizer for coniferous plants.

Spruce trees usually do not need pruning, but if they form hedge pruning is allowed. As a rule, diseased and dry branches are removed. It is best to carry out pruning in late May - early June, when the period of active sap flow ends.

To protect the decorative forms of spruce from autumn and winter frosts, they can be covered with spruce branches. (cm.

Spruce - coniferous evergreen tree pine family. This is a riddle about her: “Winter and summer in the same color.” The message will take a closer look at these interesting tree, will tell you where it grows and how it is used in the national economy.


A Christmas tree is a slender tree that can grow up to 35 meters high. During the first 10 years it grows very slowly - a few cm per year, then the growth rate increases, but after 100-120 years it slows down again. It has a pyramidal (triangular) crown with a sharp tip. The branches are densely located throughout the trunk. It is often difficult to see behind the spruce feet.

In a young tree, the bark is smooth, gray-brown in color; in an old tree, the bark becomes gray and peels off in thin plates. The needles are dark green and shiny, sharp and prickly. The needles are much shorter than those of pine, up to 3 cm long.

They stay firmly on the branches for 7-10 years. But in urban conditions, with heavy smoke in the air, the lifespan of needles is greatly reduced: they fall off after only 3 years.

Root system The spruce tree is located close to the surface, so strong winds can knock down the tree.

Spruce is a long-liver, she lives 250-300 years.

Where does it grow

She grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in Central and Northern Europe. It is widespread in Russia: in Siberia, the Urals, Far East, in the Caucasus, in the steppe zone. Also grows in China and Japan.

In total there are 50 types oil. The most common: Siberian, European, Caucasian, Canadian, white, red, black.

The Christmas tree is the basis of the taiga. It grows in mixed forests, coexisting well with pine, oak, linden, aspen, and hazel. It also forms pure spruce forests, which have a number of features:

  • It's damp and dark here;
  • the soil is completely covered with moss;
  • under the spruce paws grow dense thickets of blueberries, lingonberries, wood sorrel, and cuckoo flax.

Growing conditions and reproduction

For a spruce to grow well, it needs the following conditions:

  • Shadow. This is a tree doesn't really like the sun young Christmas trees often get sunburn on open places.
  • Sufficient hydration. Christmas tree does not tolerate drought well.
  • Temperate climate. Cold-resistant tree not afraid of frost, but it grows poorly in the southern regions, where the summers are too hot and long,
  • The soil should not be too dense, but moderately fertile.

Spruce is a monoecious plant. This means that male spikelets and female cones grow on the same tree. Propagated by seeds the germination rate of which is very good. The cones open in late November - early December, the seeds fall out, are picked up by the wind and carried far around the surrounding area.

In early spring, the seed awakens and begins to grow. The main condition for the sprouts to take root and begin to develop well is a warm spring, because they die during spring frosts.

Use in the national economy

Spruce plantations can often be seen in sanatoriums. Because they pine needles release phytoncides that clean and disinfect the air. Also, spruce often becomes the basis of landscapes in personal plots.

This wood is used to make high quality musical instruments. Soft wood is used to make paper, rayon, and smokeless gunpowder. Resin, tar, rosin, and turpentine are obtained.

Fir cones are widely used in folk medicine. Healers believe that a Christmas tree is a donor tree; if you lean against it and stand there for a few minutes, it will give a person energy and strength.

forest guest waiting on New Year kids.

How much joy it brings, filling the house with a special forest smell and pleasing the eye with its beauty!

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

Among 50 types of all coniferous trees, growing on the globe, Canadian spruce is in a special position. The tree is loved by landscape designers and gardeners for the unusual color of the needles, the neat fluffiness of the branches and the ideal conical shape. It decorates city parks and public gardens, delighting the owners of country houses with its northern beauty. plots, and is often used for arranging hedges.

Popular varieties

Existing varieties of wood allow it to be used in various compositions and as a separate decorative element landscape. Let's look at the most popular varieties of Canadian spruce.

  • Konik spruce (“Conica”) is the undisputed leader. It is actively used in compositions, in parterres, grown in containers, decorated rocky gardens and terraces. The tree grows up to 4 meters, but reaches this size only by the age of 60.

It has an impeccable pyramidal crown, in which the branches fit tightly to each other. This variety tolerates shade well and grows slowly, which suits many. Refers to the dwarf forms of Canadian spruce.

  • Spruce echiniformis (“Echiniformis”) – This is the slowest growing tree variety. By the age of 30, its height is only 50 centimeters, with the average height of Canadian spruce being 25-35 meters.

Very compact, with shoots of 2 cm and a crown of 1 meter, it is often used in rocky gardens, allowing you to create amazing compositions without unnecessary shading of other flora. Photophilous, prefers slightly acidic and moist soils.

  • Canadian daisy spruce very similar to Konica. The variety is frost-resistant, but requires obligatory shading from the March sun. By the age of 10 it can grow up to 80 cm. In decorative terms, it is interesting in May-June, when it produces yellow-white growths.

Looks great as a tapeworm in a heather garden and goes well with a plant composition rock garden.

  • Alberta spruce attracts with its spherical shape. A small tree, with a height of up to 1 meter and the same crown diameter, fits organically into oriental compositions, used in rocky gardens and heather thickets. It exudes an amazing aroma, has soft light green needles, with needles 6-9 mm.
  • Spruce Pendula("Pendula") represents the weeping form of Canadian spruce varieties. It was discovered by A. Carrier in one of the parks of Versailles. Branched, with blue needles, it is of interest in the design of artificial ponds and swimming pools.

How to choose a tree

Obviously, it is better to buy seedlings in special nurseries. When purchasing Canadian spruce, pay attention to the root system of the tree and the condition of the crown. If you take a seedling in a container, touch the needles; they should be elastic and fragrant. In nurseries there is a risk of infestation of young shoots with the red spider, so carefully inspect the shoot for the presence of white growths on the woody part. They indicate that the plant was attacked by a red spider. Discard such a seedling.

Advice! Match the shape of the seedling with the variety declared in the documents. Take a closer look at the intensity of the color of the needles: in a healthy plant it is bright and vibrant.

Planting and propagation

Despite the fact that Canadian spruce tolerates shade quite well, it is better to plant it on open areas. The tree loves fertile, moist soils and grows especially successfully in well-drained loams.

Planting Canadian spruce. First of all, make sure that the root system of the seedling is not overdried. When planting, keep a distance between seedlings of 2-3 meters. The root collar of the plant should be located at ground level. The depth of the hole is 50-70 cm. Please note that in the first years, Canadian spruce grows poorly and does not tolerate frequent transplants. It reacts poorly to soil compaction and trampling, and does not like close proximity to groundwater.

Advice! To obtain a guaranteed positive result, add 100-150 g of nitroammophoska to the soil.

Reproduction. The main material for propagating Canadian spruce is seeds. Before planting in the ground, it is necessary to carry out stratification (keep the seed at a certain temperature) for 2-3 months. This procedure will increase the germination of Canadian spruce seeds. If you don’t want to waste time and want to plant the plant right away, soak the seeds for a day or buy ready-made seedlings. Garden forms Spruce trees are propagated by cuttings and the plant is very rarely grafted.

Advice! It is better to plant young Christmas trees under the protection of older trees. Under their canopy they will calmly carry and spring frosts, and the scorching rays of the sun.

Canadian spruce: care

The first thing you should take care of is to protect the plant from spring and winter burns. The frost-resistant tree does not react well to sunny days in February-March. At this time, the root system of the spruce is in the cold soil, and the branches are exposed to the hot rays of the sun. The roots do not absorb moisture, the needles get burned and the tree loses its color. Experts advise covering the spruce crown with burlap or agro-fabric during this period.

Advice! Light shade, which can be provided by planting the tree against the side of the house or next to taller trees, will help you create the ideal light regime for Canada spruce.

Watering. Conifers They are not fans of strong hydration, but they cannot do without water at all. Canadian spruce is planted in places with deep groundwater. During dry summers, the tree is watered once a week. The amount of water depends on the size of the plant: 10-12 liters are enough for young shoots, older individuals will need to pour 15-20 liters under one tree.

To prevent the spring “burning” of the needles, it is customary to wrap the Konica bushes with burlap or other material that scatters the sun’s rays but does not interfere with ventilation. A decorative mini-composition in a concrete pot with a Canadian Christmas tree in the lead role is an excellent decoration for your home

  • Rust appears on branches as orange growths. With significant damage, the needles turn yellow and fall off. For treatment, use Glyokladin or Vectra, treating the branches once a week for a month.

Spruce is good decision for landscaping the area. Throughout the year, such a tree will decorate the garden or courtyard, making it bright and beautiful. The evergreen beauty is a godsend for landscape designers. After all, it lends itself perfectly to crown formation, especially decorative forms. And this allows you to create real masterpieces of design art on the site. In this article we will look at the most popular spruce - Canadian spruce, which occupies a special position in the entire family due to its decorative properties.

Features and description of Canadian spruce

Canadian spruce belongs to the pine family and is one of its most common species. This spruce has several other names. It is often called blue spruce or white spruce, and is also known as glauka spruce. The birthplace of spruce is considered North America, namely Canada. This is where the name itself comes from coniferous tree. Spruce was brought to Europe in 1700, since then it has spread throughout the continent, including being cultivated in Russia.

This type of coniferous tree especially appealed to landscape designers, because Canadian spruce has many forms, including dwarf ones. And they are ideal option to decorate the area.

Description of Canadian spruce:

  • This type of conifer is a tall tree; its height can reach 25-30 meters. However, there are dwarf varieties that do not exceed half a meter.
  • Canadian spruce has a regular conical crown shape, which is of decorative value.
  • It grows especially quickly at a young age, in the first 10 years. And then the growth of the spruce slows down.
  • In young spruce trees the branches are raised and tightly adjacent to each other, in old ones they are slightly lowered.
  • The color of Canadian spruce needles is green with a bluish tint. Another name is associated with this - gray spruce.
  • The needles are very short and prickly.
  • Canadian spruce bears fruit after 10 years of growth. The cones have an oblong shape and are very decorative.
  • Canadian spruce is long-lived, average age its 300-500 years old.
  • Winter-hardy and drought-resistant.
  • Widely used in landscape design for landscaping, creating hedges and garden compositions.
  • To date, 20 are known decorative species Canadian spruce.

Photo of Canadian spruce in landscape design

Canadian spruce is valued for its decorative value and is a special decoration for any site. In the presented photos you can note the features of using spruce in the design of the site.

Canadian spruce in a landscape composition

Growing Canadian spruce in containers

Canadian spruce in rocky gardens

Main varieties of Canadian spruce

Landscape design uses both the natural form of Canadian spruce and many decorative species bred specifically for landscaping areas. There are 20 decorative forms of Canadian spruce, which differ in height, color of needles and their individual characteristics.

Canadian spruce Conica

Canadian spruce Konika is the most common and popular spruce. Such love for this coniferous tree is caused by its size - this spruce refers to dwarf forms and is ideal solution to decorate the area. It can reach a height of 1.5-2 meters, rarely growing up to 2.5 m. It is possible to plant Konica spruce in open ground in stone gardens or in containers.

Spruce has a dense cone-shaped crown, so the main care for Canadian Konica spruce consists of shaping the shape of the needles. It is its ideal shape of needles that is of particular value for landscape design. This spruce is planted in open sunny places or in partial shade. Due to its properties and frost resistance, it is ideal for growing in middle lane, but with the condition of shelter for the winter. It grows slowly, which is perfect for many gardeners.

Canadian spruce Alberta Globe

Canadian Alberta spruce is also a dwarf form, ideal for landscaping. It has a spherical crown shape. Escapes of this tree short with short needles on them. The needles are green. This variety of Canadian spruce grows slowly, with an annual growth of 2-4 cm. Excellent for growing in containers or for planting in rock gardens. The variety was bred in the Netherlands.

Canadian spruce Blue Planet

Such a Christmas tree is indeed a very small tree. Over 10 years, the diameter of the crown reaches only 20 cm. The crown has the shape of a ball, the needles are very short. It is distinguished by its silver-blue color. Represents good option for planting in containers, as well as for decoration alpine slides. It is imperative to plant it in sunny places, otherwise it may lose its bluish color in the shade.

Canadian spruce Daisy White

Canadian spruce Daisy white appearance It is very reminiscent of Konica, since it comes from this particular variety of spruce. Its crown is cone-shaped. By the age of 10, it reaches a height of 80 cm. Daisy spruce has its own peculiarity - the first shoots have a yellow-white color, which then fades in the sun. Already in the second year the branches become green.

Canadian spruce variety Echiniformis

This low-growing variety spruce, which grows very slowly. Mature plant Canadian spruce Echiniformis reaches only 50 cm in height, and can grow up to 1 meter wide. It has a spherical crown of bluish-green color. Suitable for rock gardens or containers.

Canadian spruce Laurin

Refers to dwarf varieties of needles. It grows very slowly, growing by only 2 cm per year. By 10 years, the height is about 40 cm. It is distinguished by a narrow conical crown and bright green needles.

Canadian spruce variety Sanders Blue

Sanders spruce very similar to the most popular variety - konica. It has the same regular cone-shaped crown and is a dwarf variety. Distinctive feature This variety is considered to have a blue tint to the needles. Looks great in small gardens.

The above varieties of Canadian spruce are only part of species diversity, which are used in garden landscaping.

Methods of propagation of Canadian spruce

There are two main ways to propagate Canadian spruce - propagation by seeds and cuttings. Any of these methods is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process, since growing a Canadian spruce seedling is very difficult. It takes a lot of time and requires constant attention and care.

Propagation by seeds

This method is very difficult to use at home, since you will have to wait a very long time for the results. First you need to prepare the seeds. You need to take fresh ones - they will take root better. Seeds are collected from unopened cones. Then the best ones are selected and stratified. To do this, planting material can be placed in a mixture of sand and peat and refrigerated for 4-6 weeks.

After cold hardening, the container with the seeds is placed in a warm and bright place and watered abundantly. The best time for germination is late winter or early spring. When watering, be sure to make sure that the sprouts are not flooded, otherwise they may begin to rot. Canadian spruce is planted in open ground only in the second year.

Reproduction by cuttings

Growing Canadian spruce from cuttings is also a lengthy process, but it is more reliable and gives good results. The best time to start rooting cuttings is June, as they have time to get stronger before winter. At this time, calluses appear on the cuttings, and the first roots appear from it only the next year.

  • For cuttings you need to choose the right branches. Usually the mature branches at the very bottom are torn off from the mother tree. Their height should be approximately 10-12 cm.
  • It is necessary to separate the cuttings correctly - make sure that the branch must have a “heel”, with a part of the mother tree. Without her young plant won't take root.
  • Next, you can treat the planting material with growth stimulants, for example “Kornevin”. To do this, pour the solution into a jar and lower the cuttings there by 2 cm. You can keep them in the solution for 2 hours. After this, this solution can be diluted in water and used to water the cuttings.
  • A mixture of peat and sand can be used as soil.
  • The cuttings are buried into the prepared substrate by about 2-2.5 cm and covered with film, having previously been sprinkled with water. This must be done to maintain the required humidity.
  • Be sure to monitor the soil moisture, it should not dry out.
  • It may take 4-5 years to obtain a finished seedling.

Preparations before landing

To obtain a beautiful and healthy coniferous tree in the future, it is imperative to carefully prepare before planting. Special attention pay attention to choosing quality seedlings and the place where you want to plant them.

Selection of seedlings

Most often, Canadian spruce seedlings are purchased from special nurseries or from professional gardeners who are engaged in breeding. When purchasing Canadian spruce seedlings, follow some rules:

  • The needles should be thick and shiny without dried needles.
  • Pay attention to the soil in the container - it should be moist.
  • The roots should not protrude from the pot and the container itself should be sufficiently big size for the full growth of the seedling.
  • If a seedling is dug out of the ground, pay attention to the roots. They must be safe and sound.
  • If you grew the seedlings yourself, carefully dig them up so as not to damage the root system.

Selecting a location

All varieties of Canadian spruce prefer to grow in sunny and open places. However, partial shade is also perfect. Shading is especially necessary for young spruce trees, which can get burned. Needles planted in the shade may grow slower and lose their natural needle color. The choice of planting location directly depends on the selected variety and your idea. Dwarf varieties great for decoration garden paths and for planting in containers. More tall trees will become an excellent element of a design composition.

Soil selection and preparation

Excellent soil for planting Canadian spruce would be loam and soil rich in humus. Be sure to ensure that the soil is not too full of lime. Canadian spruce prefers to grow in well-moistened soils, so you need soil that will retain moisture. Drainage will help with this.

The process of planting Canadian spruce

Landing time directly depends on planting material. If you purchased a seedling in a container, then best time for replanting it from spring to autumn. When digging seedlings from the ground in a nursery - from mid-April to mid-May. The main thing that young tree It managed to take root in the new place before the onset of cold weather.

Planting process:

  • It is necessary to prepare a landing hole. Usually the recess is made one and a half times larger than the earthen lump.
  • The root system must be watered abundantly.
  • A special one is being prepared soil mixture or you can purchase it at a specialty store. For Canadian spruce, a mixture of fertile soil, compost and garden soil is suitable.
  • Be sure to place a layer of drainage made of broken bricks or small stones at the bottom of the hole.
  • Next, a seedling is placed in the hole and gradually covered with earth. You can fill in some soil, compact it and water it. Then add soil again.
  • When pouring soil into the planting hole, remember that the root collar should not be buried.
  • The soil around the plant does not need to be compacted, since the root system of Canadian spruce is close to the surface.
  • After planting, the spruce needs to be watered abundantly.
  • Then the tree trunk circle is mulched with compost or peat.

Features of caring for Canadian spruce

With proper and constant care, you will be able to grow beautiful tree, which will decorate your site.


Canada spruce trees are considered drought-tolerant trees, but this refers to mature plants with a strong root system. Young trees need infrequent but abundant watering. Typically, 10-12 liters of water should be used per tree. Special attention watering should be given to autumn time, since this is what determines whether the tree will survive the winter. Most often, spruce dries out in winter not due to frost, but due to lack of moisture. Canadian spruce also likes to have its crown watered.


Mulching helps retain moisture and also helps maintain a certain temperature. In addition, the presence of mulch slows down the growth of weeds. They usually reproduce under a layer of mulch. earthworms, and they help loosen the soil. Therefore, you should not neglect this stage of care. You can use bark, sawdust, wood chips or peat as mulch. The mulch layer should be 4-5 cm.

Feeding Canadian spruce

Canadian spruce does not necessarily require fertilization, but you can feed it if desired. Fertilizers must be applied in the spring or not later than July. As a top dressing, you can use compost or complex mineral fertilizers. However, make sure that fertilizers do not contain a large number of nitrogen. It is contraindicated for Canadian spruce.

Spruce pruning and crown formation

Most varieties of Canada spruce are ornamental forms, so they need pruning to form a crown. The spruce itself has a dense and regular crown, but some correction is necessary. This pruning is carried out once a season. Most often, sanitary pruning is carried out, during which dry and damaged branches are removed.

Diseases of Canadian spruce and pests

  • Tracheomecosis. This is one of the most serious diseases of Canadian spruce. It is a fungal disease that affects the root system. Because of this, the plant does not receive the necessary nutrients. Young spruce trees are most often affected, causing the needles to turn red and fall off. The tree cannot be helped; it is dug up and burned.
  • Schutte's disease. With this fungal disease the needles turn black and fall off. You can cure a tree using a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Rust. With this disease, yellow growths appear on the branches and the needles fall off. Special medications are used that are used for a month.


  • Bark beetle This pest feeds on wood and lives under the bark of the tree. There it lays its larvae, which subsequently also feed on the tree. A tree damaged by it can rarely be saved.

Canadian spruce dries out when there is excess or lack of moisture, as well as wrong place landings. Especially when planted in a sunny place without shade. Therefore, it is important to properly care for the evergreen beauty to obtain a beautiful and healthy tree.

Canadian spruce is an ideal representative of conifers for landscaping. Thanks to the variety of forms and varieties, it can be grown in both open ground in the form of a hedge or joint landing, and in containers for decorating terraces. With a little effort and patience, you will get a wonderful tree that will delight you all year round.

They are very popular among gardeners: they are beautiful, neat and, of course, useful. Most representatives of evergreen flora are of considerable size, which does not allow growing all of their species, therefore landscape designers and gardeners are increasingly giving preference to dwarf conifers, which include Canadian spruce.

Her characteristic features What makes the fluffy, slow-growing Christmas tree stand out from other plants is its beautifully colored needles and low-slung compact crown with decorative outlines. It is these qualities that make Canadian spruce a desirable inhabitant of any site.

Canadian spruce. Description

Canadian spruce belongs to the category of low-growing trees: the average plant height is generally about one meter, with favorable conditions can reach three meters. The crown of the plant is dense and cone-shaped, the needles are short, thin and soft, and have a bluish-green color. The root system is mostly located near the surface and has a weak taproot.

Canadian spruce belongs to the category of slow-growing plants. The average growth at a young age is 3-4 centimeters per year, after 15 years - 2-3 centimeters. At the age of 5 years, the height of the Christmas tree reaches approximately 20 centimeters; it is during this period that the decorative qualities of the plant are visible, distinguishing it favorably from a number of seedlings of the same age.

By the age of 10, Canadian spruce reaches a height of 80 cm, and by 20 years it can reach 1.5 meters, with a crown circumference of approximately 1 meter. Under favorable conditions, a plant can delight more than one generation with its appearance, because it can live for 300 or even 500 years. Most popular variety Canadian spruce is called Konica.

Ease of care is the main quality of Canadian spruce

The advantage of this coniferous beauty is its minimal maintenance: for natural normal growth, natural precipitation and soil fertility are sufficient, which, of course, can be increased through various fertilizing. IN summer period It is recommended to add 5 kg of rotted water to the root zone of the tree. organic fertilizer mixed with soil. In October, it will be useful to mulch the soil with a layer of peat compost about 5 cm thick, which will make it easier for the plant to winter.

In early spring, mulch needs to be incorporated into the soil, and to protect it from burning in the sun (spring browning), the trees should be wrapped in burlap or other material that will protect from rays and preserve natural ventilation. Moreover, the possible browning of the needles is not considered a disease, it is only the plant’s reaction to the spring activity of the sun against the background of frozen soil. That is, the tree begins its growing season, and the unmelted soil is not yet able to provide the roots with the required nutrition, which causes external changes in the needles. With the start of the movement of juice and the required nutrition, the color of the plant is quickly restored.

Selecting a seat

The Christmas tree should be planted in partial shade, not on a hill and in a place protected from the winds. The tree does not need crown pruning, pleasing the eye with its natural forms. During dry periods, it is recommended to irrigate through the crown. Also, sometimes loosen the soil around the tree in order to saturate it with oxygen.

Canadian spruce, the care of which is quite simple and does not require the use of supernatural efforts, can be replanted throughout the growing season, preferably in cloudy weather. The plant tolerates replanting most easily at a young age. For two weeks after planting, the Christmas tree requires protection from direct sun rays, you should also maintain an optimally comfortable level of humidity in the soil.

Canadian spruce as decoration

Canadian spruce is very popular in landscape design. It looks harmonious both alone and in a group of plants. When a certain height is reached, the plant looks spectacular component mixborders and various compositions. At home, Canadian spruce is often found in a container on the roof (as a “green roof”), near houses, on terraces and in gardens. The decorative shape of the tree fits optimally into large rock gardens, harmoniously combines with other low-growing conifers, and looks great on background various flower arrangements. A beautiful green tree stands out as a bright spot against the background of an evenly trimmed lawn.

Canadian spruce in a pot: care

You can consider the coniferous beauty as indoor plant, but only in winter and with “balcony” content. A Canadian spruce tree in a pot looks very elegant; During the Christmas holidays, you can make her the queen of the celebration by decorating her with toys and putting gifts for her near and dear ones under her.

When keeping the plant in a heated room, the crown must be sprayed. You should also increase the humidity around the tree itself; to do this, you can place containers of water around the pot. In summer, it is recommended to place a pot or container with a plant outdoors, under trees and shrubs. Every year it is recommended to transplant the Christmas tree into a larger container.


Potted Canadian spruce, which is not particularly difficult to care for, can be grown in several ways. The easiest one is to buy a ready-made tree in a store and transplant it to another soil. It's quite expensive, but fast and without hassle. It’s a little more difficult, but more enjoyable (because you put in your own work) to grow curvaceous beauty itself from seeds or from a seedling obtained by cuttings. Cuttings, which are also the ripened lower branches of the mother Christmas tree (necessarily with a “stump” in the lower part), should be treated with growth and root formation stimulants before planting. For this, drugs such as Epin and Kornevin are suitable.

Transplanting a young rooted tree into a container should be done very carefully, making sure that the root neck of the Christmas tree is located at ground level. The root system should not be allowed to dry out.

The most suitable soil composition for all types of Christmas trees, in parts:

  • leaf soil - 2;
  • turf land - 2;
  • peat - 1;
  • sand - 1.

First, you need to lay drainage (coarse sand, expanded clay, gravel) in a 10-centimeter layer on the bottom of the container.

Diseases and pests

Canadian spruce may be susceptible to certain diseases:

Canadian spruce is highly popular due to its decorative and neat appearance, small sizes, so this wonderful plant can be found in many parts of the planet.

Moreover, breeders have developed a large number of varieties characterized by the color of the needles (from light green to bluish-blue) and the shape of the crown: conical, spherical, cushion-shaped.