Xenia's name day according to the church calendar. Angel Xenia Day

Xenia is a name of ancient Greek origin and translates as “hospitality” (xenia)
or - “stranger”, “foreign” (xenios)

Memorial Days:

Saints named Ksenia

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg (between 1719/1730 - around 1806)

Many of those who come to St. Petersburg today are in a hurry to visit a place that is strange for the tourist consciousness - the Smolensk cemetery. Passing museums and architectural monuments, graceful streets and majestic avenues, they, once inside the cemetery fence, quickly walk towards the chapel, near which it is almost always lively and crowded.

Here are the relics of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, one of the most revered saints in Russia. Even during the life of the righteous woman, there was not a person in St. Petersburg who did not know “Andrei Fedorovich,” as the holy fool called herself -

No reliable information has been preserved about her childhood and youth. It is only known that she married the court singer, Colonel Andrei Fedorovich Petrov, who suddenly died shortly after the wedding. This tragedy turned out to be decisive in the life of the future saint.

Ksenia appeared at the funeral in her husband’s clothes, so Andrei Fedorovich’s relatives thought that the grief-stricken widow had gone crazy. She consoled them, saying: “Don’t worry, Andrei Fedorovich is alive - here I am. And unfortunate Ksenia died.” Ksenia gave her husband’s house to a woman who had previously rented a room from them, began to distribute property to the poor, and took all the money she had to the church - in honor of the soul of “God’s servant Ksenia.”

This further confused the husband's relatives. Having learned about this, they immediately turned to Andrei Fedorovich’s place of service and asked to stop the “mad” widow, not to let her give away everything that had been accumulated by her husband. The authorities summoned Ksenia, but after talking with her, they did not find any signs of mental disorder in the woman. Thus began her feat holy fool of Christ for the sake of.

Ksenia’s strange men’s costume, which she wore both in winter and summer, her vagrancy, the incomprehensible words that she spoke to people, simply scared some townspeople away, while making others laugh. But the saint endured all the mockery, persecution and insults without complaint, so that over time some began to understand that the strange woman in a man’s suit was carrying out some special feat that they did not yet understand. She accepted alms only from kind-hearted people, and immediately distributed everything she received to the poor. At night, the saint left St. Petersburg and went out into the field, where she prayed until dawn.

Soon, St. Petersburg residents began to realize that the holy fool was perspicacious, that behind her words and actions were hidden hints about what would happen in the future. So, for example, if Ksenia asked a passerby for something, it meant that trouble would await this person, and if, on the contrary, she gave it, then something joyful would certainly happen to the gifted person.

The righteous woman spent about 45 years in the feat of foolishness. She was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, where during her lifetime she helped builders build a church in honor of the Smolensk icon Mother of God. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new chapel was built over her grave, and in 1988 she was canonized.

Until now, the mailbox in the chapel at the Smolensk cemetery, in which pilgrims from all over Russia leave notes with requests and thanks, is not empty: believers know how quickly Blessed Ksenia responds to their prayer requests.

“Thomas” wrote in more detail about the life of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.

Troparion of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, tone 7

Having loved the poverty of Christ,/ now enjoying immortal meals,/ having exposed the madness of the world through imaginary madness,/ through humility on the cross you have received the power of God./ Segora O you who have acquired the gift of miraculous help, / Blessed Xenia, pray to Christ God // to deliver us from all evil through repentance.

Kontakion of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, tone 3

Today the city of St. Peter rejoices brightly, / as many who mourn find consolation, / relying on your prayers, / All-Blessed Xenia, / for you are the praise and affirmation of this city.

Other saints named Ksenia

Venerable Xenia of Milas (mid-5th century)

Born into an aristocratic Christian family in Rome. She decided to devote her life to Christ. On the eve of the wedding, she, along with two slaves, left her parents' house. They boarded a ship and landed on the island of Kos. The saint asked her companions to call her Ksenia - that is, “foreigner.” Here Xenia built a church in honor of the first martyr Stephen. She later accepted monasticism and became a deaconess. Day of Remembrance February 6.

Venerable Martyr Xenia (Petrukhina) (1897–1938)

Born into a peasant family. At the age of 16 she became a novice at the Assumption Monastery in Kolomna. After the monastery was closed in 1919, Ksenia returned to her native village. In 1931 she was arrested and sent to prison. The OGPU troika sentenced the novice to three years of exile in Kazakhstan. Returning home, Ksenia got a job as a nurse, continuing to go to church. In 1938, she was arrested again and sentenced to death on charges of “counter-revolutionary activities.” The execution took place in the spring at the Butovo training ground. Remembrance Day is being celebrated 20th of March.

Venerable Martyr Xenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya)(1881–1937)

- in the world Evdokia, born in Kharkov. In 1917, she took monastic vows at the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. After the destruction of the monastery, the nun settled in the village of Aleksandro-Vorontsovskoye, where she continued to lead an ascetic life. In April 1933, the saint was arrested on charges of participation in a “counter-revolutionary monarchist organization.” She was sentenced to eight years in the camps. Already in prison, following a denunciation, she was again accused of anti-Soviet agitation. Ksenia did not admit guilt. She was sentenced to death.Remembrance Day takes place on September 15th.

Famous people with the name Ksenia:

Ksenia Godunova (1582–1622)

The daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov witnessed the murder of her mother and brother after False Dmitry I entered Moscow. The impostor forced her to take monastic vows and sent her to a monastery near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. She died at the age of 40 and was buried in the Godunov tomb in the Lavra.

Ksenia Alferova (born in 1974)

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin, website

Actress, TV presenter. She was the host of the “Wait for Me” program on Channel One. In 2012, Ksenia and her husband, actor Egor Beroev, became the founders of the “I am!” charitable foundation. to support children with special needs, which helps children get an education and find employment, and is engaged in publishing activities.

Xenophon(c. 430 BC - no earlier than 356)

Statue of Xenophon in Vienna

Ancient Greek historian, writer, friend of the philosopher Socrates, author of the famous work “Anabasis”. The name with which he went down in history was most likely a nickname that hinted at his origin (Greek “ξένος” - “stranger”, “guest”). After all, the historian participated in a military campaign against the ally of the Athenian polis of Thebes. After the incident, his property was confiscated - this amounted to deprivation of citizenship - and he was expelled from hometown. Subsequently, Xenophon traveled a lot and died in a foreign land - in Corinth.

Or name day is a special day of the year dedicated to a saint. At baptism, each person is given a name, and often it does not coincide with the real one (for example, Yuri becomes Georgiy at baptism). As a rule, Christians celebrate their name days on a larger scale than an ordinary birthday. This is explained by the fact that with the assignment of the name of a saint at baptism, a person is given the right to address him in complex life situations, count on help and support from him. In a word, a person has a Guardian Angel in the person of the saint whose name he bears. In this article we will talk in more detail about when Ksenia’s name day is celebrated and what it is connected with.

First of all, it should be noted that the name Ksenia itself belongs to Greek, and in translation means “foreigner” or “guest”. It should also be noted that in the most Ancient Greece The hosts often greeted their guests with “xenias” (sharp comic rhymes). Some of them, due to their absence, could even be offended.

Ksenia's birthday

Xenia has two patron saints. One of them is Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who lived back in the 18th century. After the death of her husband, Ksenia gave away all her acquired property and walked around the world in faith. The Lord glorified the woman during her lifetime for Ksenia’s patience and her exploits. Moreover, he endowed her with the wonderful gift of clairvoyance and insight. As soon as Ksenia took the sick child in her arms, he was immediately healed. Ksenia's name day is January 24.

The second patroness is Ksenia Milasskaya, who also renounced a carefree life and devoted herself to serving God. During her lifetime, Saint Xenia never refused anyone; she always helped the poor and weak, and instructed sinners. Her name day is August 13th.

Ksenia's name day church calendar are celebrated seven times, but this does not mean that the owners of this name should honor their saint so many times. It is important to note that many saints have same names, but absolutely different dates to celebrate. For example, there are more than a hundred St. Johns alone in the scriptures. Of course, each person should have only one patron saint, and name days should happen once a year. In this case, you should be guided by one simple rule: you need to find out all the dates for honoring the patron saints of your name and choose the one that will be next after your date of birth. This day will be considered the Day of your Angel.

Regardless of when Ksenia’s name day is celebrated, in the world girls with that name are known as quite stubborn and at the same time thorough. Ksenia will always bring any task to the end, so women with this name are suitable for positions associated with perseverance and responsibility (statistician, secretary, accountant, archivist). On the other hand, Ksenia can perfectly cope with the tasks of a teacher-tutor. She will “torture” her student until the last moment so that he finally understands everything. new material. In Ksenia’s household they often behave stingily and economically, but order will always reign in the house.

Ksenia belongs to a group of Greek names and means “foreigner” or “guest”. In addition, in Ancient Greece, hosts greeted guests who, lacking a sense of humor, could be seriously offended, with the so-called “xenias” - biting comic rhymes.

Ksenia has two patroness. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg , who lived in the mid-eighteenth century. Having declared herself a holy fool for Christ's sake, Ksenia Grigorievna, after the death of her beloved husband, renounced earthly joys, and, having distributed all her property, went around the world.

For her patience and great exploits, the Lord glorified his chosen one during her lifetime. He endowed Blessed Xenia with the gift of clairvoyance and insight. So, she predicted the date of death of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna, as well as young John Antonovich. Locals They knew that as soon as the blessed one took a sick child in her arms or blessed him, he would definitely recover.

The second patroness was the Venerable Xenia of Milas, the daughter of a noble Roman senator, who rejected a carefree life and took the path of serving God. During her life, the saint refused to help anyone: she helped the poor, consoled the mourning, and instructed sinners. She became the intercessor of all Oksanas (Ksenia and Oksana are related names).

Modern Ksenia - This is a persistent and thorough person. He will definitely bring any task to the end, so he will feel comfortable in a position that requires perseverance and responsibility. Statistician, methodologist, archivist or accountant - these are the places for Ksenia. He will cope perfectly with the tasks of a teacher-tutor: he will “torment” the student until he completely masters the material.
In her household, Ksenia is economical, one might even say a little stingy. Every item in her house has its place.

Most people have Ksyusha characteristic: They just hate getting up early. However, when they wake up, they are able to move mountains.

But they are too touchy and sensitive. This is a feature of their nature, so they always choose friends and fans with caution, giving preference to those who will not contradict and irritate the “subtle mental constitution.”

Due to excessive sensitivity sometimes suffers family life Ksenia. The first marriage usually ends in disappointment. A second, happier one may follow in a few years.

January 18- Martyr Xenia.
January 24- Deaconess Ksenia (in the world Eusebius) of Milass.
January 24– For Christ’s sake, holy fool Ksenia of Petersburg.
January 26- Martyr Xenia (Radun).
January 26, September 2– nun Ksenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya).
January 26, May 3, March 7- Martyr Ksenia (Petrukhina).
August 13- Reverend Queen Xenia.

To explore this topic more fully, let’s first understand what name days are and what Angel’s Day is. Name day is the day of remembrance of an Orthodox saint, whose name is given to a person at baptism. And the day of the Angel is the day when a person is baptized, and in some cases it may not coincide with the day of remembrance of the saint of the same name, but this day is also often called name day. Before answering the question of when is Xenia’s name day according to the church calendar, let’s first get acquainted with some special Orthodox rules.

Name days and baptism

Very old Orthodox tradition began to choose the child's name according to Orthodox calendar(saints), which contains the name of the saint, who becomes his guardian angel in life. Considering the topic of “Ksenia’s Name Day”, let’s dwell on one more very important aspect.

It is best to choose a name for your child on the day he is born. However, here are some tips for parents. First: on the day the child was born, you need to go to church and order special divine services so that his birth is sanctified by prayer to God and all the saints. Second: on the eighth day, they bring the baby himself to the temple to again perform special prayers and choose the name of his patron saint. And third: on the fortieth day, the baby is also brought to church so that the priest can perform the ritual of Churching. Only now, after such preparation, the child is ready for baptism.

Ksenia's name day

And now we finally come to the main question. Ksenia's name day is celebrated on February 6 (January 24, old style). This name has two patron saints. This is Ksenia Petersburgskaya and Ksenia Milasskaya. Let's plunge a little into the life history of these saints, because according to the great God's Grace they received the gift of helping people and healing them from illnesses. On this day Orthodox Church especially honors their memory.

Holy blessed Xenia. Orthodox name days

Ksenia was born in the first half of the 18th century, during the time of Elizabeth Petrovna. After the untimely death of her young husband Andrei (she was only 26 years old), she doomed herself to the feat of foolishness for the sake of Christ. She suddenly realized that he died completely unprepared for the Kingdom of Heaven, without Christian preparation and prayers of repentance. And then she wanted to use a feat of life to beg God’s forgiveness and atone for the earthly sins of God’s servant Andrei. Ksenia distributed all her property to the destitute and the poor, and even signed her house to her friend Paraskeva Antonova. Then she put on a uniform and began to call herself Andrei Fedorovich - the name of her husband. From that moment on, she assured everyone that Ksenia, his wife, had died.

Blessed Ksenia began to wander the streets of St. Petersburg, resignedly enduring people's mockery and ridicule. But over time, people got used to it. A little more time passed, and they began to notice that she only took alms from good people, but again gives it to the poor. At night she went into the field and prayed tirelessly. The mercy of God visited her, and she received the gift of clairvoyance: the people to whom she visited or took alms, things got better, and the sick were healed. It became a great honor to serve her. At the age of 71, the holy fool Ksenia rested in a righteous sleep. Her body was buried in a cemetery in Smolensk.

In June 1988, Blessed Xenia was canonized by the Cross Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Venerable Xenia (in the world of Eusebius)

Expanding the theme of “Xenia’s Name Day” in detail, you must also know the history of the Venerable Xenia, who lived in the 5th century and was the only daughter of a wealthy Roman nobleman. Having an extraordinary love for God, she wanted to become a nun, and when they wanted to marry her off, she ran away from her parents' house along with two maids to the city of Milass, in Caesarea. There they met the abbot of the local monastery, Andrei, and the girl begged him to take them in. In Milassa, the Monk Ksenia acquired a plot of land and erected a church of St. Stefan. Then she founded a convent there.

After some time, the city's bishop, Paul, ordained her as a deaconese. Saint Xenia became a great benefactor for the poor, a mentor for sinners, and a comforter for the grieving. She had deep humility, considering herself the most sinful of all, and attracted many souls to salvation. On the day of her death, all the people saw a sign over the monastery in the form of a light crown with a cross inside it, which accompanied her holy body until the very moment of burial. The sick who touched the relics of the saint received healing.

Now Xenia’s name day is celebrated by the entire Russian Orthodox people, believing that the saint will hear their prayers and intercede before God for the salvation of their souls.

The calendar date of commemoration is the day of the death or discovery of the relics of the saint. Every day, several saints of the same name can celebrate name days. Eat unknown stories righteous people and defenders of the faith.

Name day is determined according to church canons, assigning the name of a saint that falls on the birthday or close to it.

Name day is a day when people bow down and ask for intercession and guidance from the patron saint. In different life situations and every day you need to turn to your defender.

It's worth doing it without too much fuss. The day of spiritual birth when a person becomes close to his angel.

Orthodox believers first made birthday baked goods: rolls, cheesecakes, pies and loaves. On the name day we visited in the morning church service, served a prayer service for health, and venerated the icon of their saint. Then the relatives were treated to pies and had dinner with the family.

Name day gift

  • Book, prayer book
  • Set for hobbies, handicrafts
  • Cross, original candles or other souvenirs purchased at a souvenir shop.

How to learn to be worthy of your patron

You should definitely know the life, godly deeds and deeds of the saint, and truly love him. Turn to prayer as often as possible and remember that every person has a holy prayer book for his soul. Think about where you can sacrifice your principles and follow the example of the patron saint.

Church form of the name

Characteristics of the name: secular

A good-natured girl, friendly and extremely soft. Can't stand lies, very sensitive. Ksyusha’s psyche is not very balanced, she is quite conflicted, stubborn and touchy. Has a changeable character. He can easily break off relationships with people, does not tolerate contradictions, and easily goes into confrontation. Diplomatic relations are not her style; she loves leadership, is touchy and capricious.

This girl is very nice looking. He has excellent taste and dresses well. He likes to show himself in a favorable light and takes advantage of his popularity.

Due to his unstable behavior, he often has no friends. She will choose as a close friend the one who will obey her and agree in everything.

With age one acquires some poise and wisdom. She becomes an excellent housewife, an understanding and faithful wife. She has culinary talents and is a needlewoman. In the family, she deals with the main issues herself, decisive and reliable. She chooses equally strong and thorough men as husbands. The partner is often older than her, he can give fatherly care, surround her with warmth and understanding.

Ksenia does not leave unfinished business; this woman is a responsible worker. He carries out assigned tasks with zeal and will not refuse to take a leadership position. The boss will become strict and demanding. She is appreciated at work. Oksana does not like collective activities with strictly established boundaries and deadlines. She prefers solitary work, where the result depends only on her.

Professionally, there is a wide choice. She goes in for sports and can become an athlete, gymnast, or skier. Ksenia is a pediatrician or nurse, teacher and designer.

Ksenia is a selfless mother and often has many children. Places children in all sorts of circles, protects them, and does not give them offense.

Illustrious saints with the name Xenia

  1. Everyone knows Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. She was widowed very young, and she and her husband did not have time to have children. U loving girl spiritual devastation occurred. She parted with her acquired property and found herself on the street. To achieve God's happiness, she became a holy fool. Ksenia introduced herself as Andrei Fedorovich, which was the name of her late husband, and dressed in men's clothes. She began to wander the streets of St. Petersburg, mainly in poor areas. She humbly and unrequitedly accepted ridicule and bullying. She often labored at the church. She rejected gifts from the townspeople, preferring to wear the same clothes and shoes all her life. Over time, all the clothing turned into rags. Helped people by performing miracles. Where Ksenia appeared, trade improved, happy changes took place, and people recovered. They began to respect her and waited for her arrival. The blessed one lived for forty-five years and was buried in St. Petersburg. Canonized 200 years later. People stand in huge queues to visit the chapel with its relics, coming from different corners Russia. They pray to her for health, female happiness, protection from sorrows.
  2. Ksenia Milasskaya, Rev. Being the daughter of wealthy parents, she secretly left home, sailing on a ship to the city of Milass. She acquired a plot of land and built a temple. She founded a monastery at the temple and was appointed deaconess. Ksenia considered herself a great sinner and was humble. Charity, consolation, guidance and help are just a few of the virtues of Ksenia Milasskaya. When Xenia's earthly journey ended, there was a sign over the monastery. The shining cross, surrounded by a light crown, did not disappear from the sky until the burial. People come to the relics of Xenia for healing from illnesses.

At the first opportunity, you should say the following prayer daily:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Ksenia, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.”