Instructions for constructing an opening in a load-bearing brick wall. How to properly make a doorway in a load-bearing wall: recommendations from experts Make an opening in a panel wall

When it comes to redevelopment of an apartment, the owner of the house may think about carrying out large-scale work. You can make a doorway in load-bearing wall. However, to carry out such work, desire alone is not enough. Load-bearing walls are considered key elements any building. In order not to violate the integrity of the house, it is necessary to obtain permission and carry out construction work correctly.

Before creating a new doorway in a load-bearing wall panel house, you need to carefully prepare for your plan. First of all, you need to take into account some features:

  1. Talk to the residents of the lower and upper apartments. Ask them about availability of additional doorways in load-bearing walls - to maintain the integrity of the house, you need to try to make sure that they match.
  2. We must not forget that with the number of floors the load on the supporting structures increases. When creating a doorway in multi-storey buildings, you need to do additional reinforcement of the wall.
  3. Prepare a design for the future passage in advance. You can simply move the existing opening to the side, make a rectangular or arched passage.

However, before carrying out such full-scale work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the administration under whose control the panel or brick house is located.

Coordination of redevelopment

The question of whether it is possible to make a doorway in a load-bearing wall should be decided by the administration of the housing complex in which the apartment is located. There is a law that obliges any person who owns an apartment to coordinate major redevelopment with the administration. This applies to the addition of new heating units, plumbing work and capital construction.

Carrying out work without approval from higher authorities can lead not only to administrative liability, but also to the destruction of load-bearing structures.

The owner of the apartment must draw up a plan in which the process of creating a doorway will be described step by step, indicating its shape and. In addition to this, you need to indicate all the little things so as not to encounter serious problems in the future. And also we must not forget about the description of reinforcement with decorative columns or lintels, if they are planned.

People living on the upper floors have a better chance of obtaining permission to carry out work to create new openings in load-bearing structures.

Examples of openings in a load-bearing wall

Before a person finds out whether it is possible to cut a door in a load-bearing wall, it is necessary to create a design for the future opening. This applies to shape, location and size. In this case :

  1. Standard pass. Opening rectangular shape for installing a door with a frame. When creating a new opening, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the existing passage affects the distribution of the load. It can be left or bricked.
  2. Arch. Custom shape door passage, which is common in apartments with classic style interior When choosing this shape, it is necessary to take into account the features of the bends. If the house is brick, only a professional can do the work. This is due to the fact that you need to take into account the location of the seams in the masonry.
  3. Moving an existing passage a short distance to the left or right. It is considered the simplest and in a safe way works The existing opening is cut in the chosen direction, and its old part is covered with a brick partition.

After choosing a shape, you need to set the dimensions. The smaller the width of the passage, the greater the chance of obtaining permission to create it. This also applies to its height.

Necessary equipment and tools

If permission has been received from the administration, you need to prepare tools to create a passage. In this case, you can use power tools and specialized equipment. The second option includes:

  1. Diamond drilling. Special equipment is used, which is equipped with diamond drills. Their shape can be cone-shaped or square.
  2. Rope cutting. Special equipment, the essence of which is to move cutting ropes coated with diamond coating.
  3. Cutting load-bearing structure saw with diamond coating on the working disc. Additionally, a spray gun is installed in the cutters. The water cools the disc and attracts dust.
Advice! There is no point in purchasing expensive installations to create an opening. They can be rented from construction organizations or hired work crew, which will have similar equipment.

You can also make an opening using power tools. To carry out the work yourself you will need:

  1. A hammer drill, a large grinder or a jackhammer when working in a monolithic building.
  2. Chainsaw when working in aerated concrete or wooden house. It is good for sawing timber or cellular blocks.
  3. Measuring tools.
  4. Sledgehammer, hammer.
  5. A small grinder for cutting tie reinforcement.

Before using a power tool, it is advisable to use a sensor hidden wiring to avoid getting into wires, pipes or fittings.

Stages of moving a doorway in a load-bearing wall

There is a certain procedure, subject to which a doorway can be made by a person who does not have specific skills. It is important to prepare tools and materials in advance so as not to be distracted during the process.

Strengthening the future opening

Strengthening the future structure - the most important stage. It will protect a person from a sudden collapse of a wall or ceiling near the place of work. For this purpose, temporary supports are created. The support is made from metal support and two slabs that rest on the floor and ceiling.

Cutting load-bearing wall

To maintain the integrity of the walls, it is advisable to abandon the jackhammer and hammer drill. These power tools create powerful shock vibrations, which can cause the opening to be larger than necessary and cracks to appear in the walls.

It is better to use specialized equipment, a gas cutter or a large grinder. Before cutting begins, the contour of the future opening is outlined using a measuring tool. The markings need to be deepened with a grinder on both sides. Then, you can start cutting right through the wall.

Advice! Experienced finishers recommend dividing the opening into several zones, each of which must be cut separately. This way you can make your work easier.

Securing the opening

After creating the passage, it needs to be strengthened. Metal channels are used for this. If the house is brick, it is enough to install one channel at the top of the opening. If the house is panel, you need to fix 3 metal element- on top and sides.

Expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall

Many beautiful doors, manufactured at the present time, do not fit in size to standard Soviet aisles in apartments. Because of this, widening the opening will help solve the problem. To carry out the work you will need a large grinder with discs coated with diamond coating. is performed on the same principle as creating a new one.

Do not forget about the initial strengthening of the wall and ceiling so that collapse does not occur.

Before starting work, it is important to carefully listen to the recommendations of experienced finishers:

  1. You can start using a power tool only after checking the wall using a hidden wiring sensor.
  2. Work cannot begin without approval from the administration.
  3. If cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, stop work.
  4. Additional temporary reinforcement can be made from a jack, two wooden panels and a metal pipe. You need to fix the pipe on a jack, place one under its base wooden shield, and at the end of the pipe the second.
  5. In wooden or aerated concrete house You can make openings either during construction or after its completion. In the second case Construction Materials will be spent uneconomically.

If you need to make a passage of complex shape, then it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Finishing the appearance of the opening

After creating the opening. If installed door frame, it is necessary to prepare platbands and additional covers.

If the owner did arched passage or does not want to install a door, finishing must be done using plaster and putty. Step-by-step actions:

  1. Before finishing begins, the working surface is cleared of debris and dust.
  2. The areas where the plaster will be applied are coated with a primer.
  3. After the soil has dried, perforated corners are fixed to the corners of the opening, maintaining the level.
  4. The first layer of coarse plaster is applied.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is placed on the applied layer.
  6. A layer of fine-grained plaster is applied to the mesh.
  7. The prepared surface is cleaned before finishing works (decorative plaster, putty).

It is worth making every effort and carefully monitoring the application of each layer to ensure a decent result.


In conclusion, we can say that before making a doorway in a load-bearing wall, you need to weigh all the risks. If the idea is interesting, then you need to contact the administration for permission. Correct sequence actions and use specialized equipment will help avoid destruction of walls and ceilings.

If necessary, during the redevelopment process, arranging a new doorway in a load-bearing wall will have to go through more than one instance. Permission to construct openings in load-bearing walls is not given to everyone, both the house and new entrance must meet many requirements for the Housing Inspectorate to give the go-ahead for redevelopment.

A new opening in a load-bearing wall may be needed in several cases:

  • combining the room and kitchen;
  • expansion of the bathroom due to the corridor leading to the kitchen and, as a necessity, the creation of an opening between the kitchen and living room;
  • demolition of the window sill part of the wall to combine the loggia and the room;
  • association of adjacent apartments, etc.

IMPORTANT! It is prohibited to install a doorway in a load-bearing wall without prior approval. This can be fraught with accidents, fines and an order to bring the apartment into compliance with the plan at your own expense.

In what cases is it possible to obtain permission for redevelopment?

In the decision-making process, the housing inspectorate considers the following characteristics apartments and houses:

  • The floor on which the apartment is located and the total number of floors of the building - the higher the apartment is located, which means the less load on its floors, the higher the likelihood of obtaining permission.
  • Year of construction of the building - if the building is old, its structures have become dilapidated due to natural wear and tear, the installation of an opening in this case can be dangerous.
  • Opening size - the future opening should not be too large, standard width- 90 cm.
  • The condition of the walls in apartments above or below (can be seen on the floor plan of all apartments along the riser from the first to last floor) - if your neighbors in the riser have already made an opening in this wall, the likelihood of obtaining permission is reduced. There is a loophole - the construction of an opening exactly under the neighbor's opening.
  • The coincidence of the opening with the joints of the floors - the construction of openings in such parts of the wall is prohibited.
  • Availability of indentation from outer wall at least 1 meter.

Most of the situations presented are not hopeless. Our specialists will find an opportunity in a legal way coordinate the redevelopment in the city of Moscow.

The approval of the opening and its subsequent opening are carried out only if the owner has a project for future redevelopment in hand. Before looking for a design organization, you need to find out whether it is possible in principle to install an opening in your home.

Since 2007, in houses designed by the State Unitary Enterprise "MNIITEP", the construction of new openings in load-bearing walls has been prohibited. Exception - some three-room apartments with a transforming wall, which provides an opening between the room and the kitchen.

Reinforced opening in load-bearing wall

Approval procedure

Approval of an opening in a load-bearing wall is possible only after a technical examination and preparation of a future redevelopment project.

Actions upon approval:

  1. Obtain a technical passport of the premises.
  2. Contact the organization that designed the house and order technical inspection load-bearing structures, obtain a conclusion on the possibility of constructing openings. If the author of the project no longer exists, you must contact MosZhilNIIProekt or a design organization with permission to carry out such work.
  3. A design engineer will visit the site to take measurements and prepare a redevelopment project by the design organization.
  4. Coordination of the project with DEZ, Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor.
  5. Collecting the necessary package of documents and sending it for consideration to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (for residential premises) or to the Prefecture (for non-residential premises).
  6. Getting permission.

Subsequently, based on the design, the opening is constructed. Redevelopment can only be carried out by an organization that has permission to similar works. Upon completion of the repair, the company must provide a repair log construction work and Act for hidden work. The design organization carries out architectural supervision and ensures that the openings are strengthened.

Legalizing an opening in a load-bearing wall

If you have already completed the work at your own risk, it will be very, very difficult to legitimize the opening in the load-bearing wall.

First of all, it will be necessary to contact the organization that is the author of the project, or, if it no longer exists, to MosZhilNIIProekt, so that they, based on project documentation concluded that it was possible to construct an opening.

If possible, a specialist will visit the site and check the design of your opening and the feasibility of its installation in the location you have chosen. In most cases, strengthening an opening in a load-bearing wall is done incorrectly, which leads to the need for additional work.

One way or another, you cannot avoid having to pay a fine. If the construction of the opening, according to the results of the technical report, turns out to be impractical, it will have to be blocked.

So that you do not have problems with redevelopment, and with a high degree of probability, permission to construct an opening has been obtained, contact our company. We can take on all the work from coordination to preparing the design of the opening in the load-bearing wall and its installation.

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall and how to do it correctly, we will consider in detail. It's not such a simple matter, this type walls bear a heavy load and making an opening is not so safe.

How to make an opening in a load-bearing wall is described in detail below. You can also get additional necessary information from the video in this article and photos.

Thinking about how to make an opening in the load-bearing brick wall You should immediately take the documentation into account. After all, this is an important point.

According to current legislation, redevelopment with changes in load-bearing structures is prohibited. This will need to be approved.


  • Attached to the application detailed plan planned changes in the building plan.
  • The issued permit will allow you to contact the design bureau for development technical documentation according to the planned project. Ready project approved by a number of permitting commissions - fire, gas, housing and communal services.
  • The agreed project is finally approved by the controlling organization. Only after the last resolution can we begin to carry out the planned construction work for redevelopment - cutting an opening in the load-bearing wall of the building.

Examples of openings and their finishing

It could be an opening in a panel house, or a brick one, it doesn’t matter. He must fit in general interior premises. First of all, you need to choose the right option and only then will it be possible to begin work.

Let's look at what they are doing and it is quite likely this option Suitable for you too:

Redevelopment safety factors

Any work with the load-bearing structures of buildings must be thoroughly verified and calculated. The walls of buildings experience enormous loads, so the design of the opening must be approached thoroughly. Poor quality redevelopment in violation of technology can lead to partial or complete collapse of the house.

The calculation takes into account the most important factors influencing the final result:

  • Materials used in the construction of the building
  • Technical condition of the house, especially floors
  • Wall thickness
  • Load on the section of the structure in which the passage is planned to be made
  • Interior layout
  • The dimensions of the planned opening and its compliance with the dimensions of the wall.

A calculated project that takes into account all the necessary factors is agreed upon by the supervisory service. Work on moving doorways begins only after approval of the project.

Opening options

The complexity of calculations when designing the transfer of a doorway in a load-bearing wall depends on the configuration of the planned opening. The complexity of construction work and the order of its implementation directly depend on the chosen option.

Standard straight opening

Cut through in the partition with clean slate. The calculation takes into account the existing doorway, which takes part of the load of the supporting structure. According to the project, such an opening is left untouched or covered with bricks
Arch-shaped opening

They are more difficult to perform - the bending trajectory is taken into account in the calculation. Particularly difficult are the calculations of an arched opening in brick wall, taking into account the placement of masonry joints
Partial passage transfer

It involves shifting the lintel of the existing passage in the desired direction.
  • A new passage fragment of the required size is cut.
  • The unnecessary part of the opening is bricked.

Hole cutting equipment

Cutting openings in a load-bearing wall is performed with a special tool. Ordinary impact sledgehammers, hammer drills and grinders are not suitable for such a complex procedure - they create too much dust, replaceable parts quickly wear out and break, excessive vibration leads to the formation of cracks and chips on the walls.

Cutting openings in load-bearing walls is performed:

Rope cutting installation

As cutting tool A special rope is used, on which diamond-coated bushings are put on. The rope is designed to withstand enormous tensile loads. The installation practically pulls the rope through the structure being cut. Dry and wet cutting is used. The second option helps to avoid heavy dust.
Hand saw with cutting disc diamond coated

Water is supplied to the cutting site to cool the tool and prevent excessive dust formation
Wall cutting machine

Operating on the same principle as hand saw, but designed to work with thick walls. Uses running water for cooling
Tool with diamond drill

The cutting tool is a special cone-shaped drill with a diamond coating. This tool is also used for drilling holes in walls for laying various communications.

Making an opening

Preparatory stage: strengthening the future opening

Construction work to change the design of load-bearing walls is carried out strictly according to the approved project, taking into account design features building. The main objective of the project is to maintain the integrity of the structure after moving or creating a new passage.

Before starting work, the structure of the planned opening is strengthened in advance. To do this, using a wall chaser, grooves are cut along the perimeter of the passage, into which reinforcement (channels) is laid.

The grooves are not through - they are recesses for the reinforcing element. The channel section is calculated taking into account the various structural characteristics of the building.

Attention: The channels are placed in the recesses made with a wall chaser on both sides of the partition. To ensure that the laying location exactly matches, markings of the planned passage are made on the wall. They drill according to the markings through holes and transfer the drawing to the other side of the wall.

  • The channels used to strengthen the structure are pre-cut to the required length, taking into account the height and width of the planned opening. You will need two pairs for the sides of the opening and two pairs for the top and bottom. Holes are made in advance on each pair through which the channels will be fastened with pins or self-anchors. The distance between the holes is calculated by calculation.

  • The side pairs are installed alternately in the grooves. Through the holes made in the channel pairs, a partition is drilled for fastening hardware. The pairs are held together with fasteners. Important: The fasteners must be tightened well using a special power tool or available materials.

After installing the vertical channels, the operation is repeated with horizontal pairs. The joints of horizontal and vertical channels are fastened by welding on both sides of the future opening. The preliminary strengthening of the opening is ready.

Main stage: cutting the load-bearing wall

After finishing preparatory stage After strengthening the load-bearing wall, they begin to break through a new doorway. The complexity of the work depends on the material of the walls. Brickwork It is easiest to dismantle - it is removed row by row. WITH concrete wall There will be more problems during dismantling due to the presence of reinforcement in the structure.

  • To cut an opening in a wall, a hand saw with a diamond blade is most often used. At the site of the future opening, markings are applied dividing the passage into small blocks. Using the marking tool, cuts are made on both sides of the wall. The depth of the slot can reach 15 cm on each side. Next, the blocks are removed one by one from the opening, layer by layer. When dismantling, additional use of a hammer drill is often required.

  • When cutting an opening with a wall saw, the depth of the slot reaches 60 cm, but during operation access to running water for cooling tools and washing out concrete chips and dust.
  • Sometimes the thickness of the building wall turns out to be quite large, especially if an opening needs to be cut in the foundation or façade. In this case, a rope installation is used that can quickly cut through concrete or monolithic blocks any thickness.
  • There is a third way to make an opening in the wall. To do this, holes are drilled along the markings on the wall with a diamond drill. Next, you only need to saw the cut fragment into pieces and remove pieces of the wall from the opening.
  • Modern tools for cutting openings in load-bearing structures allow work to be completed in a short time with minimal noise and dust.

The final stage: strengthening the structure

An opening cut into a load-bearing wall requires final strengthening using welding and general construction work.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Those parts of the channels around the perimeter of the opening that were inaccessible before the dismantling of the wall are completed by welding. Important: the legs of the seams when welding must be at least 6 mm, according to established standards.
  • Pairs of channels with different sides the walls are connected by transverse steel plates, no more than 50 mm wide and no less than 4 mm thick. The plates are welded to the channels along the perimeter of the structure with a pitch of approximately 30-40 cm from each other.
  • It is welded onto the channel metal grid, on which the plaster is applied (see How to do plaster with your own hands). The integrity of the damaged is restored plaster coating walls - all potholes and depressions are sealed, channels are additionally strengthened with cement mortar.

Attention: Working with special tools cutting openings in load-bearing walls requires special professional skills. When operating the equipment, you must follow safety rules: work in protective clothing and keep your hands away from rotating parts of the mechanisms.

  • Upon completion of the redevelopment work - cutting a new passage in the supporting structure of the building - the changes made must be recorded and put into operation.
  • For this selection committee housing organization will draw up a corresponding act. The document must be certified by representatives of the design bureau that developed the project, the company that performed the work, and the organization that accepted the facility into operation. After approval by all authorities, the redevelopment will be officially legalized.

You now know how to make an opening in a load-bearing wall. Its price will depend on the size of the opening and finishing materials. You can do everything without any problems with your own hands, this will reduce costs. And the instructions will help you not to miss anything.

Everyone has their own reasons for “reformatting” their home - adding to the family, arranging a separate, additional room for an office, installing an arch or something else. As a rule, redevelopment does not cause any particular difficulties for owners; There are techniques that have been developed over the years. Another thing is an opening in a load-bearing wall. It is a loaded element of the building’s structure, and in this case, only the desire of the owner is clearly not enough.

general information

The owner of a private building decides independently whether to cut through the wall or not. He does not need to coordinate this issue with the supervisory authorities. But also responsibility for Negative consequences will fall entirely on his shoulders. If redevelopment is done in an apartment, then permission must be obtained. An opening in a load-bearing wall, constructed incorrectly, in violation of all norms and regulations, can lead to the appearance of cracks along the entire height of the building, displacement of floors, and the like. And it is unlikely that the matter will be limited to administrative penalties.

Any approval by the authorities is a long procedure; sometimes the issue takes months to resolve. This time can be spent rationally if you evaluate, check and analyze something. Perhaps the problem will disappear automatically, since quite often the opening where you want is impossible in principle or is technically extremely difficult. Which means it’s inappropriate.

What to consider:

  • Degree of deterioration of the building.
  • Wall material and thickness.
  • The number of floors of the house and the level on which the dwelling is located. The maximum load is on the walls of the lower floors. For this reason, for such apartments, even if cutting an opening is allowed, its dimensions are limited.
  • Whether it will be necessary to reinforce the wall in this place, by what method, with what - this question must be clarified in advance.
  • Layout of the room and the distance of the opening from external wall. And there is a limitation on this point. If the interval is less than 1 m, then work cannot be carried out, otherwise interior partition can "lead". This is mainly typical for a brick house.
  • Opening geometry. Simply put, what exactly do you want to do. Basically, 2 options are implemented: a simple passage (rectangular) or an arched one. If the opening only needs to be shifted without changing its geometry, then everything is much simpler; partial expansion on one side and sealing on the other.

Conclusion - before running around the authorities, coordinating various papers, paying for an audit and the like, you should consult with a professional. Perhaps it is impossible to make an opening in this particular room.

Operating procedure

The legal side of the issue is a separate issue. From a practical point of view, something more interesting is how a passage is cut in the wall depending on its material.

Preparation stage

Home redevelopment begins with this.

  • Drawing up a diagram. It is advisable to inquire whether openings were made in the apartments on the floor below/above. It is optimal if they are located equally. By the way, this will make obtaining permission somewhat easier. During the design process, the parameters of the door are also taken into account, and therefore the appropriate model should be looked at in advance. Otherwise, you will have to further expand/narrow the opening, and this is extra work.
  • Cleaning the base. Before you start cutting through the wall, you need to assess its condition. If signs of rot are visible, then you will have to do treatment, impregnation with special agents. In addition, it will become clear what will be needed during the work. Make an opening in a load-bearing wall, having only a set at hand household tools, it definitely won't work.

You should not use an impact-type electric tool (jackhammer, hammer drill with this function). His work initiates the appearance of cracks in the wall, and where they can “go” is unknown. And this means a decrease in the strength of the structure. To cut a passage in a residential building, the only acceptable option is cutting the material with a “grinder” (with a diamond blade).

  • Surface marking. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct geometry of the opening, without bevels or curvatures of its end parts. This is especially true for thick walls; It is in this case that significant errors are inevitable, since you will have to cut into the material alternately from both sides.

After drawing the contour along its perimeter, maintaining the exact direction of the cutting tool (perpendicular to the base), through holes are drilled (at what distance is decided on the spot). Focusing on them, with reverse side a similar outline is drawn on the wall.

Arrangement of the opening

  • Installation of supports. The feasibility of this is determined by local specifics. But logs (sleepers, beams) installed vertically in the area working area, unload the wall, and the load on it is reduced.
  • Protection flooring. Dust is not as bad as heavy fragments. When making a doorway in a panel house, you need to be prepared for large pieces of concrete with protruding reinforcement to fall off. Therefore, plastic film will not save the floor. It is advisable to cover it with rubber strips, thick fabric, etc. Chipboard slabs/sheets, plywood, boards will do.
  • Removing material. At the first stage, you should mark the contour with an insert of a disk on both sides of the opening. After that, break it into segments and cut them out one by one. If we are talking about masonry, then it is even simpler - it is dismantled in rows.

  • Processing the opening. In any case, the wall in this place must be strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to give the passage the correct geometry. If there is little work in a brick building, then in relation to a panel house its volume increases. You will have to cut off all protruding pieces of reinforcing bar and concrete the damaged areas. The result should be a rectangle of the calculated width and height.
  • Strengthening the passage. The technique is selected depending on the wall material.
  • Brick. In this case, a channel is sufficient. In the upper part of the opening, small niches are arranged on both sides, where the metal blank is placed. To ensure the reliability of the stop, its edges must extend into the masonry by at least 25 cm. It is somewhat more difficult with a thick wall. To strengthen it, you will need 2 channels installed on both sides of the opening. They are tightened with through studs, onto the ends of which bolts are screwed. The cavities formed in the wall are filled with solution.

  • Concrete products For concrete, a horizontal lintel alone is clearly not enough. To really strengthen the load-bearing wall, a U-shaped frame is installed in the opening. You can make it in advance (by size door block) or weld during operation from strip (thick) iron, I-beam, channel. This design is fixed with anchors; Reliability cannot be achieved simply by “landing” on the solution.

If the opening is large enough, then its additional reinforcement can be made in the form of supports for the floor, stylized as columns. Easiest to use steel pipes large section. There are enough options for decorating them, and the services of a specialist will not be needed.

Even at the stage of preparation for marking the wall, it is necessary to clarify how exactly it is organized this area In-house electrical wiring. Moreover, if it was not the owner who was doing it, but someone else. The most simple technique- by using cell phone in "FM" mode. By moving it along the surface of the wall, it is easy to determine the wiring layout based on the noise level.

To increase strength structural elements(pipes, channels) it is advisable to perform injection. That is, introduce a solution of good fluidity into the cavity. After hardening, it will not only improve the strength of the samples, but also increase the reliability of their bonding to the base material.

In principle, making an opening in the wall is not difficult. The technology is quite simple and powerful home handyman. But only subject to proper calculations and the right choice tools and materials. Therefore, it is at the preparation stage that one should pay attention Special attention. Everything else is a matter of time.

Let us immediately note that it is not recommended to carry out such work on your own, because interior walls V panel houses predominantly load-bearing, therefore unqualified intervention in the capital structures of the house can disrupt the stability and strength of the entire building and lead to collapse.

Therefore, if you are planning to make an opening in the wall of a panel house, then you should know that this event relates to redevelopment, which must be previously agreed upon with the supervisory authorities - with the authorities local government in the Moscow region and housing inspection in Moscow.

In order to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house according to the law, in the redevelopment project that will be submitted for approval, engineers will include a special section for strengthening the opening made with metal structures (opening drawings, diagram of metal structures, sections, sections, assemblies, bill of materials consumption, conditions and sequence of work ).

As we have already noted, most typical panel high-rise buildings have load-bearing internal walls made of reinforced concrete. Therefore, when planning to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, you need to take care of compensating for weakening loads by installing a reinforcement frame.

For reference: to make an opening in the non-load-bearing wall of a panel house, additional reinforcement wall panel not required.

Therefore, to make an opening in the wall of a panel house, it is necessary to invite specialists diamond cutting with SRO approval. Since after the work is completed, they will be required to provide certificates of hidden work to strengthen the opening in order to present them to the commission, which will accept the repairs. And these documents can only be drawn up and signed by a licensed contractor.

Now a few words about the progress of the work itself. You can make an opening in the wall of a panel house using diamond cutting. This technology for processing hard materials has many advantages compared to impact tools - a hammer drill, sledgehammer or jackhammer.

Firstly, When working with a diamond tool, a perfectly smooth cut is obtained along the entire contour of the opening, which subsequently simplifies the work of installing the U-shaped reinforcement frame.

Secondly, The technique of diamond cutting of an opening in the wall of a panel house significantly reduces the time of construction work - everything is done much faster.

Third, minimal vibration exerted on the surface being treated does not have a destructive effect on the entire wall panel.

Fourthly, when processing a panel wall diamond tool Much less construction dust and debris is produced.

In addition, the design documentation for redevelopment always indicates the method by which an opening can be made in the load-bearing wall of a panel house. And this method is diamond cutting.

Before proceeding directly to the construction of the opening, temporary racks are installed between the ceilings. This will allow you to correctly redistribute the loads exerted on the panel wall before the reinforcement frame takes them on.

The removed part of the slab is cut into segments convenient for transportation, which are removed one by one. However, depending on the situation, other dismantling methods may be used.

Alternatively, remove a large fragment of the wall at once, lay it on shock-absorbing material (for example, car tires) and break it into smaller blocks using an impact tool.

After the dismantling of the opening is completed, the builders begin work on strengthening the remaining part of the wall panel. For this purpose, a frame is mounted, consisting of metal profiles, selected in accordance with the dimensions of the opening and rigidly connected to each other and the wall panel.

To strengthen the opening in the wall of a panel house, use different types structures - it depends on the type of house and the thickness of the wall. And the method of strengthening, when an opening is made in the wall of a panel house, is determined by the author of the house project.

In Moscow, the authorship of most panel residential buildings belongs to JSC MNIITEP. This design institute strongly recommends strengthening the openings in the houses it has developed with a frame of unequal angles, which, compared to channels fit more tightly to the edges of the opening. Accordingly mint the design from corners is much simpler.

The corners are attached to the wall with reinforcing bars or anchors and welded together using transverse steel wedges. The vertical components of the frame are installed on steel sheets - support heels, attached with anchors to the ceiling.

All voids between the frame and panel wall are filled with a solution of cement and sand to ensure the joint operation of concrete and metal structures.

It would not be amiss to remind you once again that in order to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, you need a technical opinion from the author of the house project and redevelopment project from any design bureau with a license (SRO approval).