Interesting facts from the life of Alexander Blok briefly. Interesting facts about A.A. Blok

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg. His father was a lawyer, in addition to this he was a teacher at the University of Warsaw. Mother - Alexandra Beketova, was the daughter of the rector of one of the St. Petersburg universities. Soon after Alexander's birth, the parents broke off their relationship and the son began to live with his mother. Soon the mother remarried officer F.F. Kublitsky-Piottukha, the family began to live in the guards barracks.

In 1889 he began studying at the Vvedenskaya Gymnasium. When he went abroad in 1897 to one of the German resort towns, he experienced his first love for Ksenia Sadovskaya. A year later, after graduating from high school, he fell in love with Lyubov Mendeleeva, who later became his wife. Blok entered the Faculty of Law, but later changed his mind and began studying at the Faculty of History and Philology, from which he graduated in 1906.

The poet's literary path began in childhood. At the age of 10, young Blok began publishing his own handwritten magazines. From the age of 16 he attended a theater group, but he was practically not given roles. In 1901 he published his first collection of poems, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which was written in the genre of symbolism. Over the years, his work evolved, and he began to raise such topics as human social life (“City” 1904-1908), religiosity (“Snow Mask” 1907), philosophy of life (“Scary World” 1908-1916), patriotism (“Motherland” ” 1907-1916)

After receiving higher education, Alexander Blok traveled abroad a lot, sometimes living there for months. It is characteristic that he spoke negatively about France and other European countries. The poet did not like the culture and customs of these countries.

The February and October revolutions had a significant impact on Blok's work and life. He had ambiguous thoughts about these events, but unlike other artists, he not only did not oppose the new government, but also supported it in every possible way, although later it seemed to him a mistake. The difficult financial situation and constant exhaustion negatively affected Blok’s health and he began to get sick. The new government, represented by the Politburo, refused to give permission to travel to Finland in order to begin treatment there. On August 7, 1921, Alexander Blok died from prolonged inflammation of the heart. Many famous personalities in Petrograd attended his funeral. In 1941, his ashes were again buried on the Literatorskie Mostki at the Volkovskoye cemetery.

Biography and creativity

In 1880, on November 28 (16), a son was born into the cultured St. Petersburg family of nobles Alexander Blok and Alexandra Beketova. The boy was named Sasha. Family happiness did not last long; the parents soon separated. Sasha's mother remarried and Blok grew up with his stepfather.

The family of the future poet spent the winter in his native St. Petersburg, and went to Shakhmatovo for the summer. The estate of Andrei Nikolaevich Beketov, Blok’s maternal grandfather, became for Sasha a window into the wonderful world of Russian nature.

The boy rode horseback, spent hours in the garden and happily tinkered with various domestic animals. Thus, from early childhood, Sasha learned to feel and love his native land.

The first experience of versification took place at the age of five. And at the age of nine, Blok entered the gymnasium. From an early age, Sasha, who was partial to reading, became interested in publishing. Ten-year-old Blok published a couple of issues of the handwritten magazine “Ship”, and at the age of 14, together with his brothers, he published “Vestnik”.

In 1898, after finishing his studies at the gymnasium, Alexander decides to devote his life to the study of law. But, after studying law for three years at St. Petersburg University, he became interested in ancient philosophy and moved to the Faculty of History and Philology.

Blok met the beginning of the twentieth century in the creative circle of the brightest writers of our time. Fet, Solovyov, Merezhkovsky, Gippius, Bryusov accepted the twenty-year-old talented young man into the arms of cultural St. Petersburg.

Blok became passionately interested in Russian symbolism. The first poems were published by the publishing house “New Way”; later the poet’s works were published in the almanac “Northern Flowers”.

The Beketovs' neighbors were the Mendeleevs. The daughter of the great chemist, Lyubov Dmitrievna, became for the poet not only his beloved girl, but also his muse. In 1903, Mendeleeva became his wife.

Blok is at the very beginning of his amazing creativity. In the same year, his poetic cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, dedicated to his wife, was published. The poet, filled with love, imagines a woman as a wonderful spring of light and purity, admiring the great power of true love, capable of uniting the whole world in one person.

The events of 1905-1907 and the First World War pressed the poet’s lyrical mood. Blok thought about the problems of society; he was concerned about the embodiment of the theme of the creator against the backdrop of existing reality. In the poet’s work, the homeland is like a loving wife, which is why patriotism acquired individuality and depth.

The year 1909 became tragic for the Blok family. The father and newborn child of Alexander Alexandrovich and Lyubov Dmitrievna died. At the same time, the poet conceived the poem “Retribution,” the work on which was never completed.

What was happening in Russia gloomily echoed the poet’s personal experiences, but Blok sincerely believed in the bright future of his native country.

1916 became the year of military service for the poet. He did not take part in hostilities; he served as a timekeeper.

Blok met the 1917 revolution with hope for changes for the better. The inspiration lasted for at most a year, presenting the public in 1918 with the controversial poem “The Twelve,” the article “Intellectuals and Revolution” and the poem “Scythians.”

With these works, the poet showed that he accepted Bolshevik Russia and was ready to live and work in a renewed country.

This allowed the new government to fully exploit the name of the famous poet. The poet no longer belonged to himself.

Heart pain, asthma, and nervous disorders became constant companions of the poet, who was loaded with everyday hardships, financial problems and constant work.

Blok tried to obtain permission to travel to Finland to rest and improve his health, especially since in 1920 he fell ill with scurvy.

Gorky, Lunacharsky and Kamenev asked for the poet. But the application was approved too late. On August 7, 1921, Alexander Blok passed away.

Very briefly by date

On November 16, 1880, the writer was born in the city of St. Petersburg. Born into a cultured family of a professor and writer.

In 1889 he was sent to a gymnasium and graduated in 1898.

Blok also graduated from the Institute of Law and History and Philology.

Blok began writing his first poems at the age of five. As a teenager, he was involved in acting.

At the age of 23 he married the daughter of the scientist Mendeleev, L.D. Mendeleeva. There was a quarrel with Andrei Bely over Mrs. Mendeleeva.

In 1904, a collection of poems by Alexander Blok was published and it was called “poems about a beautiful lady.”

A few years later, Blok and his wife managed to relax in Spain and Germany.

During the period of his creative activity, he was accepted by the “academy” society. Where were the wealthy, future famous creative figures?

Blok’s most famous work is “Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy.”

The dawn of the writer came in 1912-1914. The block mostly did not travel. During this time he worked in a publishing house.

The block was very sick. He was not allowed to go abroad for treatment. So in the end, in poverty and hunger, the writer died in 1921 from heart disease.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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The brilliant poet of the Silver Age, an adherent of symbolism, Alexander Blok lived a short but full of creativity life. The whole world knows his poems, poems and dramas. He is the herald of “unheard-of changes in Russia”, who saw them at the beginning of the last century.

All the shocks of the first years of the twentieth century passed through the poet’s soul, brought confusion, changed his worldview, but could not destroy his desire for the Ideal. “Neither need, nor censorship, nor friendship, nor even love broke him; he remained what he wanted to be" , wrote Alexander Alexandrovich’s wife Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok.

He madly loved Russia, its great history and culture, looked for the Beautiful Lady, dedicating his work to her.

On November 28, the 133rd anniversary of the poet’s birth, I offer an interesting selection of facts from his biography.

1. Alexander Blok was born in 1880, a significant event. The population of St. Petersburg was approaching a million. The magazines “Electricity” and “Aeronaut” began to be published. An electrical engineering exhibition opened in Salt Town, where the intelligentsia could marvel at the newly discovered wonders of the 19th century: telegraph and telephone devices, a phonograph, and an “electric gun.” Artillery officer Pirotsky launched the first current-based transport. Another officer, Mozhaisky, developed a design for an airplane; the revolutionary Kibalchich drew up a diagram of a jet aircraft. A year later, Kibalchich was executed for participation in the regicide, and his project was buried in the gendarmerie archive. The building of a new university was laid in Tomsk.

Everyone was heatedly discussing the upcoming expedition to the North Pole, the newspapers wrote about the Holodomor, and the general atmosphere was heating up and saturated with an anxious spirit. And back in 1880, the Pushkin holiday was celebrated for the first time in Russia.

The brilliant poet of the Golden Age of Russian literature was the measure of the creativity of his colleagues at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

2. Alexander Alexandrovich spoke about his family like this: “The hospitality of the old nobility, the thoughts are bright, the feelings are simple and strict” . It was in such traditions of humanism, respect for the culture of “ancestors”, high concepts of duty, honor, service and contempt for everything petty, vulgar, insignificant, mercantile that the future poet was raised. The atmosphere of the Beketov house (A.A. Blok’s maternal grandfather was the rector of St. Petersburg University), imbued with the ideas of humanism and liberalism, the spirit of poetry and art, was where Sasha was brought up.

His parents divorced early, but the son bore the name of his father - Alexander Lvovich Blok, lawyer, professor at the University of Warsaw. As a small child, he grew up surrounded by a caring mother and adoring grandmothers and aunts. “Golden childhood, Christmas tree, noble pampering, nanny, Pushkin...” – A.A. would write later. Blok in the poem "Retribution".

3. In his autobiography he writes: “From early childhood, I remember the lyrical waves constantly rushing over me, barely associated with anyone else’s name.” . Most of all, Blok loved Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Polonsky. And his first literary experiments were imitative.

4. At the age of 11, Sasha went to the gymnasium and was accepted straight into the second grade. This educational institution made a depressing impression on him. When his family at home asked him what impressed him most about school, he answered: “People.” And in the diary he kept from the age of 14, you can read a detailed description of dull walls and poor teachers.

5. A relative of A.A. Blok was a famous poet and translator M.L. Lozinsky, who not only watched with interest the literary development of his nephew, but also often helped him with advice. Young Sasha even published his own “Vestnik” - a handwritten magazine, where he placed his poems, translations, essays, interviews with family, simple humor, and he himself decorated it with “funny pictures” from other publications. A total of 37 issues were published (from 1894–1897).

6. In 1897, Sasha first fell in love, while vacationing with his mother in the German resort town of Bad Nauheim, with Ksenia Mikhailovna Sadovskaya. She was a married woman, the same age as his mother (38 years old), an excellent pianist, and a passionate admirer of Wagner’s work.

The mother wrote in letters to her relatives: “Sashura courted us here with great success, captivated a lady, the mother of three children and an actual state councilor... It’s funny to look at Sashura in this role... I don’t know whether this courtship will be of any use to Sashura in terms of his adulthood and whether he will become a looks more like a young man. Hardly" . Nevertheless, after breaking up, they corresponded for some time.

A.A. Blok dedicated a cycle of poems to her (the reader can see the initials K.M.S.). Moreover, the woman herself did not even suspect that in Blok’s lyrics she became the first Beautiful Lady. The secret of Ksenia Mikhailovna was discovered by a doctor who treated her for mental illness when she was already old. It seems that nervous disorders are diseases of a transitional time, full of turmoil.

Blok’s mother, Anna Andreevna, was also subject to them: she was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital, showing suicidal tendencies (she tried to commit suicide 3 times) and suffering from melancholic attacks. Despite the bad heredity, she had a great influence on the formation of her son’s tastes and character, and her sometimes excessive guardianship played a negative role.

Alexander was not ready for the emotional turmoil that fate had in store for him. He entered adulthood as a refined and infantile young man, thinking about lofty matters and inclined to idealize those around him.

7. In 1898, Blok graduated from high school and received a certificate, which included only one in mathematical geography, six fours and five threes.

At this time, Alexander indulges in his passion - theater. Back in 1896, in the Beketov estate Shakhmatovo, a private theater was organized through his efforts, where the young talent himself performed the roles. This hobby consumed him completely.

He recited with pleasure the monologues of Hamlet, the Miserly Knight, Don Juan, poems by Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Apukhtin, Maykov, Tyutchev, Polonsky, Mitskevich, Goethe. Those around him predicted an acting future for him.

However, in the same year, Blok entered the university, like his own father, he chose the legal field. And in 1901 he transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology.

By 1898, Blok was experiencing a new hobby. Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, the daughter of a famous chemist, struck his imagination. She was also interested in theater and often took part in chess performances. In the role of Ophelia from Hamlet, she won the poet’s heart:

When in a silent, gloomy, dark hall
The shadow of my Ophelia appeared.
And, poor Hamlet, was I enchanted?
I was waiting for the desired sweet answer...

We will find a whole cycle of “Hamlet” poems and lyrics about the beautiful Ophelia in the works of Alexander Alexandrovich.

8. 1901 is a turning point in his literary destiny. He became interested in the poetry of Vladimir Solovyov, and mystical phenomena take on conscious outlines in Blok’s lyrics: “Until now, the mysticism with which the air of the last years of the old and the first years of the new century was saturated was incomprehensible to me; I was alarmed by the signs that I saw in nature, but I considered all this “subjective” and carefully protected it from everyone.” . Now he compares the events of his personal destiny with what is sent from above.

At this time, Blok is studying ancient philosophy and comprehending Plato.

Vl. Soloviev

Idealistic perception completely takes possession of him, and such an earthly Ophelia receives other characteristics, turning into a symbol of Eternal Femininity - a Beautiful Lady, carrying the mysterious light of new knowledge, feeling, insight.

The young poet expressed his feelings in a poem

I have a feeling about you. Years pass by -
All in one guise, anticipating You
The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,
And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

9. In 1903, the wedding of Blok and Lyubov Mendeleeva took place. The relationship between lovers makes up a large cycle of lyrics: “Visions”, “Divination”, “Witchcraft” (1901), “Accomplishments” (1902). However, a happy family life did not work out.

Blok preferred an open relationship: he madly loved his wife and experienced hobbies with other women, for example, actress N.N. Volokhova, to whom the series “Snow Mask” (1907) is dedicated, and then L. Delmas, who played Carmen superbly.

The reader will find a cycle of poems dedicated to this heroine in his literary heritage.

How the ocean changes color
When in a heaped cloud
Suddenly a flashing light blazes, -
So the heart sings under a dream
Changes the system, afraid to breathe,
And the blood rushes to the cheeks,
And tears of happiness choke my chest
Before the appearance of Carmencita.

N. Volokhova and L. Delmas

And Lyubov Dmitrievna herself has strange feelings for Andrei Bely, friend and colleague in the poetry workshop of A.A. Blok.

10. In 1907, Blok was experiencing a mental crisis, which was reflected in his work: “Beyond the Coffin,” “Mary,” “To Friends,” “Poets,” “She, as she wanted before...” He feels his loneliness - his mother lives far away, the wife indulged in free love (after all, he himself let her go!), and upon returning to her native abode she turns out to be pregnant. Alexander accepts this child, deciding: “Let there be a child. Since we don’t have it, it will be ours.” .

In 1909, Lyubov gave birth to a baby who lived only 8 days. And Russia is going through difficult times. During this period, the couple travel around Italy, touching the beauty that lived in the realities of the modern. And more and more often the poet is visited by thoughts about his great destiny.

Then there was France, where the poet rethinks Russian history and reality. “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?..” – the poet asks such questions more and more often.

11. In 1913, on the eve of the First World War, disturbing feelings did not leave the poet: the Black Hundreds became embittered, Rasputin was rampaging, the high-profile Beilis case stirred up the public, the dark forces of obscurantism took possession of minds. The inevitability of change was reflected by the poet:

It is brought up - this iron rod -
Over our heads. And we
We fly, we fly over the menacing abyss
In the midst of the gathering darkness.

And only then comes the theme of retribution - this is the name of the poem that Blok wrote over 10 years.

12. Oddly enough, Blok accepted the October Revolution with all his heart, hearing the revolutionary element in the symphony of winds. The previous cycle of reflections on the fate of Russia during the years of rebellion was reflected in the poet’s new lyrics.

His “Poems about Russia” were enthusiastically received by the public. It is difficult to say whether the poet’s aspirations were justified. His famous poem "The Twelve" (1918) still evokes different interpretations.

13. In the last years of life, the family hearth is renewed. Blok becomes a faithful husband. He is trying to find himself in the new life of the Soviet state under construction. From 1918 to 1920 He works in various commissions, organizations and departments. However, he barely makes ends meet. The damp, dank rooms undermined his health.

By 1920, many ailments had affected his body: asthma, cardiovascular failure, nervous disorders, and the last blow of fate was scurvy. The block was simply starving, and its immunity weakened, which could not cope with the onset of pneumonia. In 1921, the brilliant poet died.

14. Blok’s almost mystical death gave rise to many rumors. There were versions that he was poisoned, doctors claimed that the poet was killed by endocarditis, there was an assumption that venereal diseases led to his death. And Blok’s own diagnosis was, of course, prophetic: “The poet dies because he can no longer breathe.”

15. Blok was buried at the Smolensk Cemetery in Petrograd (St. Petersburg); in 1944, the poet’s ashes were reburied at the Literatorskie Mostki (Volkovskoe Cemetery).

Blok's work, like his biography, is unique. The poet's fate was intertwined with historical events that took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Historical trends are clearly reflected in his lyrics. In place of light symbolism filled with romance, through Blok, realism comes with its heavy tread into poetry.

Brief biography of Blok. Early years

Before we begin to analyze the poems of Alexander Blok and the features of his work, it is useful to pay attention to the biography of the poet. Blok was born on November 16, 1880. The mother of the poet Alexander Beketov left the family immediately after the birth of her son due to a difficult relationship with her husband, Alexander Lvovich Blok. In 1889, she married a guards officer and settled with the baby on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka in the vicinity of what was then St. Petersburg.

Blok himself began writing poetry at the age of five. At the age of 9 he was sent to study at a gymnasium, where he remained until 1898. In 1897, the future poet experienced his first love. The object of young Bok’s passion turned out to be Ksenia Sadovskaya. His feelings did not fade for several years, which gave rise to several lyrical poems. At the age of 17, Blok became interested in theater. The poet seriously intended to become an actor. In 1989, he meets Lyubov Mendeleeva, the granddaughter of the great scientist, whom he then takes as his wife.

In 1901, the poet was transferred to the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University. At this time, he creates a large number of poems - about nature, love, and the Motherland. In the spring of 1903, his works were published for the first time in the magazine “New Way”.

The events of 1905 had a great influence on him. The poet recognizes himself as a citizen and takes part in demonstrations. Revolutionary sentiments are reflected in the creativity of this stage.

Mature age

Blok graduated from the university in 1906. After this, a new page opens in his life - success as a writer comes, his growth as a poet begins. Blok gains fame, fans of his work appear all over the country. In 1907, the poetry collection “Unexpected Joy” was published, in 1908 - “Earth in the Snow”. In 1909, a drama called “Song of Fate” was released. However, it was never staged in the theater.

In 1907-1908, Blok moved away from symbolism. Anxiety and difficulties lead the poet to his own path. In 1909, Blok traveled to the cities of Germany and Italy, which inspired him to write a series of works called “Italian Poems.”

During the First World War, the poet served in an engineering and construction squad engaged in the construction of fortifications in the Pinsk swamps. During this period, the poet received the news of the end of the era of autocracy in Russia.

In May 1917, the poet took an active part in the investigative commission, the purpose of which was to investigate the activities of tsarist officials. Based on interrogation materials, Alexander Alexandrovich writes the book “The Last Days of Imperial Power.” He perceives the 1917 revolution with enthusiasm and hope. But gradually the new government brings disappointment to the poet.

The poet made his last performances in 1921 in Petrograd and Moscow. However, a hungry existence full of difficulties leads Blok to depression and illness. In May 1921, he began to have heart problems. In August of the same year, Blok died. In 1944, the poet’s ashes were transferred from Smolensk to Volkovo cemetery.

Direction of creativity

Literary scholars attribute the poems of Alexander Blok, among other things, to the movement of modernism. After all, one of the poet’s main missions was to translate the culture of the bygone past into a more modern way. Despite the aesthetics and spirituality of his poetry, Blok focuses on the echoes of melancholy, despair, loss of life value, and a feeling of inevitable tragedy. Perhaps it was these trends that gave Anna Akhmatova the reason to call Blok “the tragic tenor of the era.” However, the poet still remained a romantic.

Main themes

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok wrote poems mainly on the following topics:

  • The fate of an individual person and the Motherland in important historical eras.
  • The revolutionary process and the role played in it by the stratum of the intelligentsia.
  • Loyalty in love and friendship.
  • Fate, fate, feelings of anxiety before impending hopelessness.
  • The poet's place in society.
  • The connection between nature and its offspring - man.
  • Belief in a higher power, the universe.

The poet’s ability to convey the subtle nuances of inner experiences is embodied in the genre diversity of his work. He wrote poems and poems, songs, spells, romances, sketches.

Genuine universal human values ​​are revealed in the poems of Alexander Blok only in relation to the indissoluble unity of the reality of the world. A bright future can only be realized as a result of the harsh daily routine, a person’s readiness for heroism in the name of the prosperity of the Motherland. This was Blok’s worldview, reflected in his work.

Image of the Motherland

One of the main lyrical themes in Alexander Blok's poems is Russia. In his homeland he finds inspiration and strength to continue his life. She appears before him at the same time in the form of a mother and a beloved woman.

Literary scholars emphasize: in the poems of Alexander Blok, the image of the Motherland undergoes a kind of evolution. At first, the reader sees Russia as mysterious, shrouded in a mysterious veil. The native country is perceived through the prism of a beautiful and elusive dream: extraordinary, dense, magical.

In the future, the poet accepts and loves his tormented country unconditionally, with all its ulcers. After all, he knows that in front of him is the same dear Motherland. Only now she is dressed in different clothes - dark, repulsive. The poet sincerely believes that sooner or later his Motherland will appear before him in the bright robes of dignity, spirituality, and morality.

In Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok’s poem “To sin shamelessly, endlessly...” the line dividing love and hatred is very accurately outlined. The work presents the image of a soulless shopkeeper, who in his life has become accustomed to the undisturbed sleep of the mind. This image repels the reader. His repentance in the temple is just hypocrisy. At the end of the work, the poet’s “cry from the soul” is heard that even in this image he will not stop loving his dear and dear homeland.

Blok sees Russia in dynamic movement. For example, in the works of the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” she appears before him in the proud, majestic image of a “steppe mare” who rushes forward. The path to a happy future for the country is not easy and filled with difficulties.

In the work “On the Railway,” the poet compares the difficult fate of the country with the tragic fate of women:

“How long should the mother push?

How long will the kite circle?”

The flame of revolution illuminates the poet's work and scorches his secret dreams. The passions in Blok’s soul never cease to boil: every now and then they unruly spill out from under his poetic pen, denouncing the enemies of the fatherland, the oppressors of the common people.

Alexander Blok. Poems about Russia

In the poet’s work, love for his native country was fully embodied in the cycle called “Motherland”. The very beginning of one of the most revealing poems in the cycle - “Motherland” - echoes the famous Gogol digression about the “Rus-troika” in “Dead Souls”. In this retreat, the horses race into the distance, but where exactly there is no answer. Literary scholars suggest that it is in connection with this analogy that Alexander Blok’s verse “Russia” opens with the word “again”:

Again, like in the golden years,

Three worn out flapping harnesses,

And the painted knitting needles knit

Into loose ruts...

The image of Gogol's troika furiously rushing forward appears in the reader's imagination. Following him, a piercing confession of feelings for his Motherland, “poor Russia”, its “gray huts” is heard. The reader rightly asks: why love this country, which cannot give anything?

Why does the poet love his homeland?

Blok has an answer to this question. This work once contained more stanzas. In the first publication there were twice as many of them as in subsequent ones. The poet decided to remove a number of stanzas from his work. Others were remade by him.

What was removed from Alexander Alexandrovich Blok’s poem “Russia” by the poet himself? Firstly, it is worth paying attention to two stanzas that talk about minerals:

“You promise mountains of gold,

You tease with the wondrous darkness of the depths.

Russia, poor Russia,

Your promised land is generous!”

At first glance, this is an irrefutable truth. After all, Nekrasov wrote about the Motherland: “You are both poor and abundant.” However, for Blok it turned out to be more important not to connect love for his native country with its riches. He decides to accept her in humiliation and poverty, demonstrating true love in his work:

“Yes, and so, my Russia,

You are dearer to me from all over the world.”

It is easy to love a country for its inexhaustible riches. But Blok’s lyrical hero is noble. His love was not born of mercantile motives. For him, feelings for the Motherland are like “the first tears of love.”

The motive of Christian asceticism

An analysis of Alexander Blok's verse shows the connection of his work with another tradition of Russian classics, which consists in association with Christ's feat. This is shown by the lines:

“I don’t know how to feel sorry for you

And I carefully carry my cross...

Which sorcerer do you want?

Give me back your robber beauty!”

To obediently bear your cross means to resign yourself to your fate. A person lives everything that is destined for him from above. And whoever was destined to appear in Russia, Blok believes, should connect his fate with this beautiful country.

The image of a woman in works

Traditionally, the image of the native country is associated in poetry with the image of the mother, which is why they say: “Motherland”. But Blok went further and created a new image: the Motherland-wife. And therefore, in his loving work there is a recognition of feelings for his native land from precisely this perspective: the poet loves his “Motherland-wife” as she is - obstinate and wayward.

Here the reader has the opportunity to come into contact with a purely Blok miracle: the image of a woman is transformed into the face of the Motherland and vice versa. Blok's Russia is a beauty, but here it is not sleeping, as it was in the work “Rus”. The poet characterizes her beauty with the word “robbery.” That is why, even being under the yoke of the “sorcerer”, she will not be lost.

At the end of the work, the motif of the road that rushes into the future sounds again. The poet believes in good things, in the fact that “the impossible is possible.”

Short poems by Alexander Blok

Harsh, as if chopped off lines tell sparingly about the life of an ordinary person. Some of Blok’s works, despite their brevity, are quite difficult to learn and difficult to understand. However, the short poems of Alexander Blok clearly express the worldview that the poet laid down in them, and they will certainly appeal to many readers. For example, the following work tells about the spiritual tossing of the lyrical hero.

Ascending to the first steps,

I looked at the lines of the earth.

Days faded - gusts of frenzy

They faded and faded into the pink distance.

But we are still tormented by the desire for grief,

The spirit cried, and in the depths of the stars

The fiery sea parted,

Someone's dream was whispering about me...

These lines reflect the poet’s desire to return the past, although it was filled with grief. And the next poem talks about the unbearable suffering that the grief of the “darling spirit” causes to the lyrical hero.

Every sound cuts my heart.

Oh, if only the suffering would end,

Oh, if only I could escape these torments

Gone to the land of memories!

Nothing gives mercy

When the dear spirit suffers,

And the passing sound will die away

There is an unbearable sadness in my soul...

Those looking for light poems by Alexander Blok for children will like the following work, which describes nature after a thunderstorm:

The thunderstorm has passed, and a branch of white roses

The aroma breathes through the window...

The grass is still full of transparent tears,

And thunder rumbles in the distance.

Schoolchildren who need to find a work for a literature lesson will also enjoy the poet’s poem about a raven:

Here is a crow on a sloping roof

So it has remained shaggy since winter...

And there are spring bells in the air,

Even the crow's spirit took over...

Suddenly she jumped to the side with a stupid leap,

She looks down at the ground sideways:

What is white under the tender grass?

Here they turn yellow under the gray bench

Last year's wet shavings...

These are all the crow's toys.

And the crow is so happy,

It’s spring, and it’s easy to breathe!..

The theme of love in the poet’s work

Alexander Blok's first poems about love are full of delight. They are dedicated to L. Mendeleeva, who inspired him for many years. These are works such as “Virgin”, “Dawn”, “Incomprehensible”.

In his youth, before his marriage to Mendeleeva, Blok dedicated works to Ksenia Sadovskaya, who was much older than him. These are poems such as “Amethyst”, “Your image is involuntarily imagined...” and others. In 1905, Alexander Blok’s collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” was published. It is believed that the works of this cycle are dedicated to L. Mendeleeva. But in the works of this collection there is no real image - only the idea that such a woman can exist in a romantic world filled with dreams and dreams.

Transformation of the female image in the poet’s work

The theme of love was developed in the collection “Snow Mask,” which was dedicated to the actress N. Volokhova. Now this is no longer deifying worship - the Beautiful Lady has changed, becoming the Snow Maiden. And consequently, the feeling of the lyrical hero was transformed. They have lost their light power, becoming like a snowstorm, carrying the hero of the works into dark, unknown distances.

Let's look at a few interesting facts from the biography of Alexander Alexandrovich:

  • Blok died at 41.
  • The poet's wife was the granddaughter of the chemist Mendeleev.
  • The poet is credited with an affair with A. Akhmatova.
  • Before his death, Blok was delirious.
  • At the age of 11, the young poet dedicated a series of his works to his mother.
  • Blok's works gained worldwide fame.
  • Since 1920, the poet began to suffer from depression.
  • After his death, the poet's body was cremated.

Blok's lyrics have not lost their meaning even now. After all, by becoming familiar with a high culture of feelings, learning examples of the emotional experiences of poets, a person learns inner subtlety and sensitivity, which is so necessary in the modern world.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921) - Russian poet, publicist, writer and even literary critic. Studying Russian literature, one cannot help but remember this man. That is why we have prepared for you the most interesting facts from the life of Alexander Blok.

1. Alexander's father (Alexander Lvovich Blok) was a Lawyer, and his Mother (Anna Andreevna Beketova) was the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov. After the birth of their son, their marriage lasted only a year and they separated. The mother married another man, but nevertheless left her father’s surname to her son Sasha.

2. At the age of 16, he fell madly in love with a woman who was 21 years older than him. But in the end nothing came of it.

3. In 1898, Blok entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, but three years later he transferred to the Slavic-Russian department of the Faculty of History and Philology.

4. Alexander Blok wrote his first poems while still a five-year-old boy.

5. Alexander Blok's grandfather (rector Beketov) was a close friend of the outstanding scientist. And what’s most interesting is that in 1903 the poet married the daughter of a scientist, i.e. Lyubov Mendeleeva. In his first book of poems, “Poems for a Beautiful Lady,” he dedicated them specifically to her.

6. And despite the fact that the couple had strong loving feelings for themselves, Blok still walked on the side and did not sleep with his wife. He believed that Lyuba was the ideal of beauty, and therefore he could not treat her as some kind of “mean girl.” Therefore, their relationship was only spiritual, without bodily animal pleasures. This is probably why Lyubov fell into the arms of Alexander Bely. But after the First World War there were no more such sprees, and Alexander was a faithful husband until the end of his days.

7. At one time, Lyuba Mendeleeva toured with Meyerhold's troupe. And despite her great love for Blok and the break in relations with her lover Andrei Bely, she starts a new romance with an artist named Dagobert. Their romance did not last long, but left a huge imprint, namely pregnancy. When Lyubov came to her husband, she confessed everything and wanted to get rid of the child. But Blok himself said that there was no need to do this and that they would raise them together as common people.

8. In 1909, a misfortune occurs that temporarily unsettles Alexander. namely, Blok's father and Lyubov Dmitrievna's child (at the age of eight days old) dies from her previous affair with Dagobert. Oddly enough, Alexander himself experienced this death even more than his wife. The poet wrote the poem “On the Death of a Baby.”

9. There were rumors about Blok's vicious relationship with Anna Akhmatova, but after the poet's death they were refuted.

10. The block could have died 9 years ahead of schedule. One of his friends (the artist Sapunov) invited him to go on vacation to a fishing village. To his regret, the poet was forced to refuse due to the impossibility of going. Later he learned that the boat on which Sapunov was sailing capsized and he drowned, since he did not know how to swim at all. Alexander also did not know how to swim, so he could also go to the bottom.

11. Blok did not like Soviet power and simply did not accept it, but despite this, the Soviet government itself constantly appointed Alexander to some positions in various committees and commissions. Blok simply ran away, saying that “I was drunk.”

12. Due to the high stress, he developed cardiovascular disease and asthma, and in 1920, scurvy began. It would be possible to go to Finland to undergo treatment in a special sanatorium. But travel abroad was denied. In the end, when we finally managed to get permission, it was already too late. The disease progressed greatly and soon the poet died.

13. There were many different rumors about the cause of the poet’s death, including that he was poisoned or that he died from a venereal disease due to promiscuity.

Alexander Blok is a great writer whose work we could have become acquainted with since our school years. But at school, not everyone talked about this incredible man. This person was able to become a great poet of the Silver Age, and all thanks to the perseverance, hard work and efforts of Alexander Blok.

2.Blok died at the age of 41.

3. In the winter of 1919, Blok was arrested for 1.5 days.

4. Alexander Blok’s wife was the daughter of the chemist Mendeleev.

5.Alexander Blok was credited with a love affair with the writer Anna Akhmatova.

6. At the age of 9, Blok was able to enter the Vedeno gymnasium.

7. Before he died, Blok was delirious.

8. The asteroid, which was found in 1971, was named after Blok.

9. Alexander Blok was very fond of ice cream and beer.

10. Alexander Blok’s father was associated with jurisprudence.

11.Blok was able to write his first verse at the age of 5.

12. Alexander Blok was born in St. Petersburg.

13.From an early age, the little poet began to get involved in poetry.

14. Alexander Blok became interested in theater from an early age.

15. For almost a year after the wedding, Alexander Blok did not want to touch his wife.

16. Alexander Blok is a vulnerable and impressionable person.

17. Alexander Blok had to cheat on his own wife with actresses and opera singers, because he was not squeamish about prostitutes.

18.Blok lived with his wife for 18 years.

19. Blok and his wife had no children.

20. Alexander Blok’s wife and his mother could not get along with each other.

21.When there was a revolution, Alexander Blok did not emigrate.

22. Alexander Blok is a recognized poet of the Silver Age.

23. At the age of 11, Blok dedicated a series of his creations to his mother.

24. Young Blok fell ill with romanticism and fell in love at the age of 17.

25.In 1916, the poet was called to serve the Motherland.

26. Alexander Blok served in the engineering and construction troops.

27. Alexander Blok first fell in love while traveling with his mother in Germany.

28. Alexander Blok also received his education at St. Petersburg University.

29. First, Blok studied at the Faculty of Law, and then at the Faculty of History and Philology.

30. The rector of the university where Blok studied was his grandfather, A.N. Becket.

31.At the age of 16, Alexander Blok had to take up acting because he wanted to conquer the audience.

32.In 1909, Alexander Blok vacationed with his wife in Italy and Germany.

33.Blok’s creative path contained several directions.

34. Alexander Blok was interested in children's literature, and therefore he wrote a lot of poems specifically for children.

35.Blok had heart disease.

36. At the age of 9, Alexander Blok published a magazine called “Ship”.

37. Since childhood, the Beketov family tried to protect Blok from everything bad.

38.Blok was a well-mannered and neat boy.

39. Blok’s mother, Alexandra Andreevna, was the daughter of the university rector.

40.At the age of 9, Blok’s mother left his father.

41. Alexander Blok’s mother chose the guards officer Kublits-Piottukha instead of his father.

42. Alexander Blok accepted the revolution with particular enthusiasm.

43. The poet’s childhood years were spent in the Grenada barracks, which are located near St. Petersburg.

44. In 1912, Blok wrote a drama called “The Rose and the Cross.”

45. The poet died of inflammation of the heart valve.

46.Blok served in Belarus during the 1st World War.

47.In 1918, Blok published a rather mysterious work, “The Twelve.”

48.The final touch of Alexander Blok was the cycle of poems “Scythians”.

49.Blok was suspected of an anti-Soviet conspiracy.

50.In 1920, Alexander Blok’s stepfather died.

51.Before his death, Blok tried to destroy his own manuscripts.

52.In the early 20s, Alexander Blok suffered from insufficient funds and hunger.

53.The poet rests at the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

54.Alexander Blok developed asthma and mental illness shortly before his death.

55. Alexander Blok was a supporter of symbolism.

56.In the early spring of the 20s, Alexander Blok applied for a visa.

57.Blok’s dramas and poems are known all over the world.

58. Alexander Blok was crazy about Russia.

59. In addition to his wife, Alexander Blok was associated with 2 more women: opera singer Andreeva-Delmas and actress Natalya Volokhova.

60.Alexander Blok died in his own apartment.

61. In 1889, a stepfather appeared in Blok’s life.

62.Despite the fact that Blok’s parents were divorced, he bears his father’s last name.

63.Blok traveled to France in 1913.

64.In 1911, Blok traveled around France.

65. Alexander Blok valued Zhukovsky, Polonsky and Pushkin above all else.

66.Blok developed such a concept as symbolism.

67.The first woman of Blok was Ksenia Mikhailovna.

68.Blok’s wife was not faithful to her own husband because she cheated on him.

69. Alexander Blok tried to challenge his wife’s lover to a duel.

70.Blok’s wife gave birth to a child from another man. A few days after birth, the baby died.

71.The works of this poet to this day cause ambiguous reactions and disputes among writers.

72.The last book that Blok published was “Ramses”.

73. Alexander Blok had to perform at the Bolshoi Drama Theater.

74.In 1920, Alexander began to develop signs of depression.

75. Alexander Blok was rescued from prison by Anatoly Lunacharsky.

76.In the spring of 1912, Alexander Blok was invited to go fishing, but he did not go there, thereby saving his own life. Blok’s comrades, who were on the boat at the time, capsized.

77. Having visited Italy in 1909, Alexander wrote unique poems, which became a pass to the “Academy” society of writers.

78. In the Beketovs’ house, where Blok spent his childhood, they loved poetry.

79. Blok had an affair with Ksenia Sadovskaya for 4 years.

80.Blok and Ksenia met at the resort.

81.Blok received the revolutionary events with particular enthusiasm.

82.Blok met his future wife Lyuba Mendeleeva during his university years.

83.During the revolutionary years, Blok moved away from symbolism.

84.Blok’s poetic creations are characterized by mysticism.

85.The works of Alexander Blok were distinguished by their organic nature, deep unity and intense dynamics of events.

86.Blok’s name is perceived by people as a symbol of modernity.

87.The works of Alexander Blok are included in the literature curriculum of every school.

88.Blok and his wife lived separately from each other for a long time.

89.During the fatal illness of Alexander Blok, the spouses were reunited.

90.1906-1907 for Blok was a period of revaluation of values.

91.When Alexander Blok lived in post-revolutionary St. Petersburg, he learned about the death of his first love, Ksenia Sadovskaya.

92. Ksenia Sadovskaya, who was Blok’s woman, is twice his age.

93. Alexander Blok’s friends thought that it was out of hopelessness and grief that the poet took the path of death.

94. Alexander Blok’s first book is “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.”

95. Blok’s service in the army prompted him to write a book called “The Last Days of Imperial Power.”

96. Before his death, the poet consciously refused to drink and eat.

97. The poet was cremated.

98. Alexander Blok was passionate about socialism.

99.Blok had no luck with women.

100.Blok’s father died in 1909.

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