What to make a bag for cream from. Decorating with cream without pastry attachments

A pastry bag is a very important attribute in the kitchen, which helps to decorate any dish with cream. With its help, you can serve ordinary vegetable puree or sauce in a more interesting way. In this article we will tell you how to do pastry bag with your own hands.

Such an important kitchen device as a pastry bag can be made independently from available materials. You don't need any craftsmanship skills for this. The only thing that is required is to know what a pastry bag looks like and for what purposes you will use it.

The easiest way creating a pastry bag with your own hands - from parchment cut out a triangle that needs to be rolled into a cone. Here it is extremely important to ensure that there are no gaps between the layers of baking paper, because cream or dough may leak through them.

This bag won't last long. It can be considered a disposable device for decorating a dessert or other dish. But this is not scary, because such a bag can be made in a matter of minutes without much difficulty.

DIY pastry bag from a bag

Probably every housewife always has a drawer in her kitchen in which she puts plastic bags left over after shopping. They can find useful application– make pastry bags out of them. To do this you need:

  • pour cream or dough directly into the bag;
  • the hole into which you poured, for example, cream, must be tied with an elastic band or tight thread;
  • On the other side of the bag, where the corners are, make a small cut through which you will squeeze the cream.

Instead of the usual plastic bag for creating do it yourself pastry bag, you can use a file, which has already lost its proper form to be used for its intended purpose.

DIY pastry bag made of fabric

If you bake quite often and constantly use a pastry bag, then all of the above methods for creating it will not suit you, since they are not very practical. You better try sew a pastry bag with your own hands from ordinary teak or any other dense fabric that will not quickly become saturated with cream or dough, and, accordingly, will not get wet. It is also important when choosing fabric to take into account its quality, so that when using a pastry bag made from it, it does not fade and thereby spoil the contents.

How to sew a fabric pastry bag:

  1. Cut two identical triangles from the selected fabric.
  2. Stack the triangles on top of each other and stitch using sewing machine(can be done manually) all sides except the hole through which the cream or dough will be squeezed out.

As we have already mentioned, this pastry bag can be used many times. But after each use it will need to be washed in ordinary water without the use of detergents.

DIY nozzles for a pastry bag

In order for the dishes to have an attractive and appetizing appearance, they must be beautifully decorated using a pastry bag from which cream roses or other patterns can be squeezed out.

It is not necessary to buy special attachments for this in company stores. Just like pastry bags, it’s quite possible to make them yourself. There are two main ways to do this:

  1. Use plastic bottle caps and necks:
  • Cut off the neck of the bottle;
  • Attach this neck to the pastry bag in any way convenient for you (you can sew it, glue it with quick-drying glue, or wrap it with tape or tape);
  • On the lid, draw the pattern you want (the easiest way is to draw snowflakes, stars or circles at the same distance from each other);
  • By using stationery knife, cut a hole along the created contour of the pattern through which you will squeeze the cream.

  1. Make special cuts on the material from which the pastry bag was made so that as a result you can get patterns:
  • To make small daisies, make a triangular cut at the tip of the piping bag (with the sharp angle facing up).
  • To make chrysanthemums, imagine that the tip of the pastry bag is an isosceles triangle. Divide it in half and cut off one half.

Using a homemade pastry bag: useful tips

  1. If you have never used a piping bag before, keep homemade device in your left hand, and with your right, squeeze the cream onto the surface of the dessert.
  2. Do simple patterns, until you fill your hand with cream using a pastry bag, otherwise you will get ridiculous strokes and the appearance of the cake will be ruined.
  3. If you want to make an inscription on the cake, then hold the pastry bag as close to the baked goods as possible, so that you get a high-quality and neat decoration.

DIY pastry bag: photo

Having learned how to skillfully apply decorative elements on cakes with a pastry bag, you can create real works of culinary art that will bring you not only aesthetic pleasure, but also a good profit.

Video: “Do-it-yourself pastry bag”

Making a cake is not an easy, painstaking task that requires certain skills and experience. It is important that the cake turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful. If the appearance of the cake is boring, unattractive and unappetizing, then it may happen that no one wants to appreciate its taste. That’s why cakes need delicate ornate patterns of cream, bows and curls, flowers and figures.

You can make a beautiful cake at home

If you decide to cook something yourself, then this article is for you. But sometimes it’s easier to order food at home. All you need to do is choose pizza, sushi, kebab or other dish. Delivery will occur in a short time.

To beautifully decorate a cake at home, the hostess only needs to have on hand kitchen knife and scissors, a pastry bag with tips, wooden sticks. The type of cream must be selected so that it holds its shape and does not spread. An excellent protein cream, it does not lose its shape due to temperature changes. Oil cream is also often used, but you need to work with it carefully, as it is sensitive to temperature changes. Using food coloring, you can give the cream any color. Fill the pastry bag with cream or icing, select the desired nozzle and, using gentle pressure, decorate the cake. By using wooden sticks cream or chocolate flowers form on the culinary masterpiece.

Instead of pastry bags, cooks often use pastry syringes to decorate cakes. It looks like an ordinary syringe, only it is very large and instead of a needle it has various attachments. The cream is placed in a syringe and, using a press, it is squeezed onto the confectionery product. Experienced housewives with experience, who for all holidays try to bake a new cake according to a recipe taken from a culinary site on the Internet or suggested by a colleague at work, always have both a pastry bag and a pastry bag. syringe with various nozzles.

Well, what if the aromas of baking are just beginning to soar in the kitchen of a young pastry chef? What if the housewife decided to bake the cake herself, rather than buy it in a store, and then suddenly realized that she didn’t have enough to decorate? special devices? It's OK. You can quickly make a pastry bag yourself at home. There are several ideas; it all depends on how much free time is left.

A plastic bag is always at hand

The fastest option is to use a plastic bag. A thick transparent bag with a zip fastener is best. You need to open the clasp, fill the bag with cream with a spoon, close the clasp (if the bag is a regular one, then instead of a clasp it is secured with a knot or rubber band). Next, use scissors to cut off a small corner of the bag and, pressing on the bag of cream, proceed through this cut to decorate your cake. If it suddenly turns out that you don’t even have a thick plastic bag at hand, then, as a last resort, you can use a milk carton or a file to store papers. Let’s make a reservation right away: you won’t be able to create culinary miracles with such a bag, the thickness of the squeezed out cream will not always be the same, and you can’t make shaped decorations here. But...Something is better than nothing at all.

Paper will come to the rescue

A self-made paper pastry bag gives you more options. To do this, you need to cut off a triangle and wrap it in a cone shape. It is very important that there are no gaps, otherwise the cream will begin to seep through them when pressed. If the paper is thick, then the corner can be cut figuratively (straight, oblique, jagged or wedge-shaped), this will create at least some semblance of a nozzle. And to get a beautiful figured ornament, you can use a plastic bottle. The neck is cut off, and first a pattern is drawn in the lid with a marker (snowflake or crown, diamond or star), now a shaped hole is cut out according to the design and the lid is screwed to a paper bag. Pastry parchment works well for this case. But you have to work very quickly with such a paper bag, as the cream gets the paper wet and can tear.

Sew a pastry bag

If you have enough time, then you can sew a pastry bag. Fabrics such as teak, linen or waterproof cotton work great. These fabrics are quite dense, do not fade and wash well. You need to cut a triangle out of the material, sew it into a cone, cut off the bottom corner, try it on and sew a nozzle into it. To prevent the seams from becoming clogged with cream, they should be left outside. Such a pastry bag can last a very long time if after each use you immediately wash it without detergents or cleaning agents and dry it well.

The video shows how to select and use a pastry bag with nozzles:

Some useful tips

Homemade plastic and paper pastry bags are very convenient when you need to use cream to decorate a cake different colors. Each bag is filled with cream of a certain color and they are used for drawings at the same time.
Housewives with a particularly wild imagination came up with the idea of ​​using empty and cleanly washed mayonnaise or ketchup packets for confectionery purposes. Very convenient and original.

You shouldn’t completely fill your homemade pastry bag; it’s best to fill it two-thirds full so that the cream doesn’t drip from the back side when squeezing out.

The pastry syringe can also be replaced if necessary. For liquid cream, hot black or white chocolate, a regular medical large syringe without a needle is perfect. They can be used to make openwork inscriptions and patterns on cakes. After all, how nice it is to receive as a gift not just a beautiful cake, but with a signature, name and wish.

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A pastry bag is indispensable assistant any housewife who loves to bake cookies, pastries and cakes, decorating them with patterns of creams. It is a narrow conical bag into which attachments for decoration are inserted. Of course, you can buy it in a store, but it’s easier and more interesting to make it yourself. Moreover, it is not so difficult. There are three manufacturing methods: from paper and bags and fabric. At our master class we will show you all the ways.

You can watch the video for more details:

You will need a plastic bag, paper and scissors. And, of course, the desire to create!

You can use any plastic container, for example, a milk or ketchup carton, an office file, etc.

  1. First you need to choose a fabric. Make sure it washes well and doesn't fade. It is best to give preference to teak.
  2. Cut out a triangle from the material. Sew it into a cone. Cut off the bottom corner.
  3. Now you need to sew in the nozzle and fold the seams. Just do not turn the work inside out, otherwise the cream may get stuck in the seams.

So our simple work is ready. Remember that after each use the bag must be washed and then dried thoroughly. Pastry bags made from paper and bags are usually used for a short time, but they can easily be remade.

Many people wonder: how to make decorations with cream? Well, let's find out.

First you need to put the nozzle on the made bag. Fill it with cream to the middle and close it.
You should make patterns with your left hand, and hold the bag with your right and lightly press on it.
You can draw any design on sweets, but stars and dots are especially popular. To make dots, use a round tip. Squeeze out the point and release the pressure on the bag by lifting it vertically. You need to work with stars in the same way. When excited, the hand may tremble, thereby making the drawings blurry. To prevent this from happening, just substitute left hand, as a support. To apply small patterns and inscriptions, keep the nozzle close to the cake.

That's all the secrets. All that remains is to wish the hostesses delicious baked goods and a creative flight of imagination.

Decoration, design of an aquarium with your own hands with photo examples

How to make a piping bag at home with your own hands to make delicious cakes and cakes? To do this, you only need a few available materials. Any housewife can find a plastic bag, a plastic bottle or oiled paper. These materials make a good temporary substitute for professional equipment.

DIY cellophane pastry bag

The simplest version of a homemade confectionery device. To make it, you only need a strong plastic bag and scissors. It is best to use a ziplock bag; it is easier to squeeze the cream out of it. First, fill the bag tightly with cream, then cut off the tip. After this, the homemade pastry bag is completely ready for use. Its main advantage is that it is cheap - you can use it and throw it away immediately.

Cellophane files are well suited because they are more durable than regular bags.

If you need to make an inscription on the cake or a subtle pattern, pierce the bag filled with cream with a needle.

Paper bag

To make it you will need parchment paper, which is used for baking. Plain paper is not suitable because it quickly gets wet and tears.

Cut a triangle out of paper and roll it into a cone. The edges of the paper should fit tightly to each other so that the cream does not penetrate between them. Bend the top edges down slightly so that the cone does not fall apart. There shouldn't be a hole at the bottom. First fill the cone with cream, and then cut off the tip.

Fabric bag

For production you need thick fabric so that cream does not penetrate into the small holes between the fibers. Cut a triangle out of it and sew a cone. The seam should be on the outside, then it will not get clogged with cream. Sew a nozzle into the bag from plastic bottle or purchased separately in a store.

A shaped nozzle can be made from a plastic cap. Just cut out a certain shape on it.

Homemade pastry bags can help out 1-2 times. But if you often prepare pastries, it is still better to buy a real bag in the store. It is much more convenient, and you can purchase a kit with different attachments for it.