Making a country staircase with your own hands. How to make a staircase to the second floor

Some people believe that making stairs is a very complex and time-consuming process and is best left to professionals. They may be right, but in fact, with a little free time, desire, and a small set of tools, you can install the stairs yourself. Well, so that you don’t get confused and lose your way when building a staircase in your private home, we have prepared this article.

Types of stairs

According to their design, stairs are divided into many types and subspecies. Before you start building a staircase to the second floor, you need to decide on its type, because they are classified according to many criteria:

  • according to their intended purpose, they are divided into basic ones, which are used regularly in Everyday life; auxiliary (these include roof ladders, service and emergency ladders). There are also front, garden and park staircases, moving staircases (escalator);
  • depending on location distinguish between internal staircases, street stairs, intra-apartment and intra-house;
  • according to the material used distinguished: wooden (oak, pine, beech, larch, ash, cedar), concrete (staircases are mainly made from this material in most residential and production premises), reinforced concrete, brick, metal, forged, rope, glass and plastic, natural and artificial stones; There are also various combination options;
  • stairs are divided by type of construction: kosour, bowstring, on bolts, cantilever stairs(floating staircase), modular;
  • by presence of riser there are open, closed and semi-closed staircases;
  • by number and configuration of marches staircases are divided into single-flight, multi-flight, rotary (U-shaped, L-shaped stairs and screw interfloor);

  • depending on the shape There are straight steps, winder steps and steps called “goose step”.

A DIY staircase can become a home decoration and a source of pride. Its creation is a very exciting process, and determining the type of staircase you want to make is the most initial and very important stage of construction, which will help you most fully form an idea of ​​​​what the entire structure should look like as a whole.

The main components of the stairs

The main details of the staircase will largely depend on what type of structure you have chosen for the construction.

A very interesting and quite budget-friendly option for a staircase can be a staircase made of logs in a country house or in a private house in the village. Using this example, we will try to analyze all possible combinations and options. necessary elements stairs.

List of required elements:

  • staircase frame - a do-it-yourself log staircase can be made on a metal frame (not quite a budget option due to the high cost of metal), but this option is rarely used due to the fact that a staircase made of logs will look most harmonious when using wooden stringers; in addition, a construction option on rails using railing posts and steps as a supporting structure is also possible;
  • steps - for the steps of the stairs themselves, logs will be used, they must first be sawed in half, it will be more convenient to do this with a circular saw;
  • marching spans and turning platforms separating them;
  • railings – possible various options, both wooden, forged, metal, and combined, it all depends on your design decisions;
  • balusters - racks for railings;
  • riser - using a riser in this option stairs are not advisable.

Requirements for the design of stairs

When constructing stairs, it is necessary to adhere to the standards developed and specified in GOST and SNiP. You should pay special attention to the following indicators:

  • flight of stairs, if it is not followed, the staircase may be too steep;

  • necessary for comfortable ascent or descent, the most optimal width steps (tread) are considered to be wide enough to fully accommodate the foot;
  • (riser) is a very important parameter, by observing which you can reduce the load on many muscle groups and make ascent/descent easier;

  • Also, a very important parameter is the size of the opening in the ceiling, because it also determines how comfortable it will be to climb the stairs, especially for tall people. If the opening is insufficient, when going up or down the stairs, a person will be forced to bend over so as not to hit his head.

Assembly and installation instructions

Probably the most important thing when installing a ladder with your own hands is step-by-step instruction, because in order not to miss even the slightest detail, you must have an accurate action plan. There are many various examples, in which people, believing that “I can do it this way” or “it should stay that way, where will it go”, ultimately face the fact that the constructed staircase is simply not suitable for use and, in order to correct the mistake, most often you have to redo a lot or even start all over again.

Your task is not just to make a staircase so that it exists, you need to make an integral part of the house that will serve for a long time, reliably and become part of the interior, so speed is not an assistant in these matters.

Below we will discuss the main points that you need to pay attention to:

  • preparatory stage (to determine the materials used, shape and location);
  • calculations (the most important stage in technical terms, without completing which you risk making many mistakes that will lead to the impossibility of using the ladder in the future);
  • installation and assembly;
  • stage of processing, design, finishing.

How to make a staircase to the second floor from glass

The glass staircase to the second floor is probably one of the most unusual and interesting staircase options. Such a staircase looks very easy in the interior, a huge plus is that it can either be completely unnoticeable or be a key element of the interior when correct design and backlighting.

A glass staircase is probably almost the only type of staircase that is difficult to make yourself without the help of professionals.

Most of the stairs can still be made independently, depending on the type of design chosen:

  • on a metal frame;
  • on pain;
  • cantilever staircase.

More detailed information You can find information about each type of design on our website.

The most difficult and crucial moment is the preparation of glass steps and railings. The thing is that in order for the glass to be strong enough and withstand the required load, it must go through the stages of hardening and gluing to ensure maximum resistance to possible loads. In terms of reliability, such a staircase is not inferior to its analogues made of wood and metal.

The thickness of glass steps may vary depending on the project, but it should not be less than 19 mm.

At first glance, it may seem that the glass will be slippery and such a staircase can be dangerous; for this, the steps must undergo special treatment, the surface is made a little rough and a special coating is applied to it, which prevents slipping.

It is dangerous to use glass stairs outdoors. Moisture or frost will make the glass very slippery and this can lead to falls and injuries. It is also not recommended to use such a ladder during interior spaces with high humidity.

How to make a wrought iron staircase at home

Forging is the most beautiful and elegant material for stairs. Wrought iron staircases quite often attract attention, creating the feeling of a truly royal interior.

Forged stairs are used not only in interior spaces; very often they are installed on the veranda or terrace.

Creating a forged staircase with your own hands in most cases is only possible using the “cold forging” technology. For hot forging, you will need a special forge (furnace) to heat the metal. IN financially hot forging is a more expensive method and is not practical for small-scale production at home for your own needs.

Let's consider the technology cold forging. Although it is cheaper than hot, it also requires additional tools. In the simplest version, you need a vice, a gas wrench, and a hammer, but with such a set of tools it is difficult to create many similar parts for a ladder. To do this you need to use a specialized tool:

  • snail - with its help, it is possible to make a spiral from a rod with a diameter of up to 12 mm;

  • bender - allows you to bend the rod both into an arc and at a certain angle;

  • flashlight - with its help it is possible to make artistic elements, such as lighting lanterns and baskets from rods (up to 16 mm for a square section and up to 30 mm for a round one);

  • wave - by passing a round or square rod, you can get a sinusoidal element. Sizes are set individually;
  • twister - a rod for equipment can be bent around an axis several times. Outwardly it resembles a flashlight; it works with the same diameter of workpieces.

After all the elements have been given the necessary pattern and bend, a welding machine will be required to connect all the elements. At each point where the elements connect to each other and to the frame, it is necessary to make small spot seams so that, if necessary, they can be torn off and changes made. After the railings are assembled, all joints should be thoroughly welded, cleaned and processed.

How to make a wooden staircase in a country house?

The most warm material for stairs is wood, it brings additional warmth to cozy atmosphere Houses. Wood is probably the most malleable material with which you can make staircase elements in the most different forms and styles, from classic rectangular and strict, to carved, with various curves and shapes.

Before starting to manufacture the stairs, it is necessary to carry out complete calculations of all parameters, the width of the stairs, the height of the steps, the angle of inclination of the stairs and, of course, determine the type of structure. The type of wood that will be used for the stairs is also selected.

When making a log house in a house, you will have to go through the following stages of installing a log staircase:

  • The stringers in this staircase will be rounded logs. First, it is necessary to prepare semicircular recesses in the logs of the same diameter as the logs used for the steps.
  • The steps are available in two versions. By sawing the log into two identical parts in half, we get two steps. Or you can make a hole in the middle of the log so that the log remains round at the edges and flat in the middle. It is necessary to ensure that this flat part is of such width that two people can pass each other on the stairs.

  • The final stage in the installation of any wooden staircase is wood processing. Wood is susceptible to rotting, destruction is possible due to the formation of mold or insects, and wood fire is also a very dangerous moment. To eliminate all of the above points, it is necessary to treat the wood with antiseptics and fire retardants. Please note that some elements need to be processed before you completely assemble the staircase, because some parts will then be inaccessible, as they will overlap each other, for example, notches on the stringers.

We have presented a version of the simplest single-flight log staircase. Depending on the characteristics of the building, the height of the ceilings, and the space for the stairs, there are many options for stairs, with turning platforms, and spiral ones. Wooden stairs also do not have to be log or carved. Depending on the design there are many modern options wooden stairs, which in their uniqueness can compete with glass stairs.

How to build a concrete staircase in a house

If you decide to build, then this structure will be the most durable, reliable and will last longer than its counterparts made from other materials. Durability and strength are achieved subject to compliance with all construction standards, both in terms of the size of the stairs (so that the spans are not too long, sagging, without proper reinforcement), and in terms of the use of high-quality materials in the right proportions.

With a properly built structure (stair formwork), it is possible to build a wide variety of stairs - from classic straight single-flight or corner stairs to round (spiral) ones. It is also possible to build custom stairs design project with the craziest shapes.

Let's look at the step-by-step construction of a staircase in a private house with our own hands:

  • As we wrote earlier on initial stage(at the design stage), to achieve the required structural strength, it is necessary to perform all calculations according to the selected type of staircase. The main thing to remember is that any non-standard staircase requires careful attention to calculations.
  • On next stage it is necessary to prepare the formwork, the formwork structure must be strong, so special attention should be paid to the materials used. Boards or plywood from 20 mm are best suited, beams for supports are at least 50x100 mm. If there are semicircular elements of the staircase, it is better to use a thin sheet of metal; it is strong enough, will not break under the weight of concrete and is quite elastic to give the steps a rounded shape. The weight of 1 m 3 of concrete is 2-2.5 tons. This must be remembered when selecting materials for formwork. It is better to connect the formwork elements using self-tapping screws.

  • The reinforced frame provides additional reliability to the staircase, the presence of which is mandatory in order to avoid the appearance of cracks in the concrete, the presence of which can lead to the collapse of the entire structure. The metal frame is formed from reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm. At the stage of pouring the floor and ceilings, it is important to leave protruding reinforcement at the junction with the stairs to connect it with the metal structure of the stairs.
  • Finally, the pouring stage. The quality of concrete must be at least B 15 (cement quality is at least 400); the use of special stabilizers and water repellents is allowed, which increase the strength of concrete. It is necessary to fill the entire staircase at once. If there are a large number of flights, the pouring should be divided into spans.
  • After pouring, it is necessary to remove all air bubbles from the concrete. To do this you will need a special vibration tool. It is immersed in already poured concrete, under the influence of vibration the air will come to the surface, this increases the strength of the concrete, eliminating porosity.
  • Finally, the concrete must harden and become more durable; for this, it is necessary to periodically moisten the concrete; in hot weather, the stairs must be covered with film to slow down the evaporation of moisture. If this is not done, cracks will form due to the fact that the concrete dried out faster than it hardened. After 20-30 days, the concrete will gain the necessary strength, after which you can remove the film and formwork.

DIY metal staircase in a cottage

We have already considered one type of metal staircase above (forged staircase), in this section we will consider a simpler option for constructing a staircase to the second floor from metal.

Of course, from of this material It is possible to build not only a simple staircase, but also the most unique one, it all depends on your project and your abilities. We, in turn, will try to describe as clearly as possible all the actions that you will need to perform so that you get exactly the staircase that you have in mind.

As with the construction of any staircase, at the initial stage you need to make all the calculations according to the chosen staircase option. Depending on the type of structure, dimensions and calculations, you should select materials for your future staircase.

In this article we will tell you about a simple one-flight metal staircase.

  • The stringer for the stairs will be made of channel or rectangular pipe 80x100 mm. Two channels must be placed on edge at a distance according to the designed width of your stairs.

  • If the flight of stairs needs to be made long, then it is necessary to install supporting pillars.
  • Next, fillets must be welded to the channel, which can be made from a channel of the same size; the fillies must be mirror welded to the channel.
  • In the future, steps will be laid on the previously made fillies, which can be made from different material depending on your interior and where the stairs will be used.

Painting and decorating stairs

After you have completed the construction of the staircase, you are faced with the task of decorating the staircase according to the interior of your home.

You can begin finishing the concrete staircase without any intermediate steps. There are many variations in the design of concrete stairs, the most common options are:

  • Decorating the stairs with wood– it can be either laminate or solid wood. Using wood to finish a concrete staircase, you can achieve such results that upon completion of the work it will be difficult to understand that the staircase was originally concrete.

  • Painting the stairs– it will be necessary to putty the entire staircase for painting in order to achieve smooth surface, in this option it is better not to putty the steps themselves, but to paint them right away, because under the load of walking the putty will fly off the steps along with the paint.

  • Tiling the stairs– there are many options for tiles: ceramic, porcelain stoneware, clinker. The choice of tiles largely depends on the location of the stairs and on environment(should the tiles be frost-resistant, anti-slip, etc.).

Homemade forged stairs And staircases made by yourself, made of metal, must be additionally treated with a primer coating before you start painting them, this is due to the fact that the metal is susceptible to corrosion and it is necessary to prevent the formation of rust and destruction of the metal.

Wood and log stairs are most often treated with a clear varnish to preserve the grain of the wood, but whatever you choose to paint your wood stairs with, it should also be treated to prevent mold, mildew, or insects from forming.

A glass staircase requires minimal processing, although a lot depends on the design of such a staircase. If the staircase is made on metal frame, then it also needs to be processed as described earlier.

Create a unique and very comfortable staircase at the dacha you can do it yourself if you know the principles of implementation installation work for one type of structure or another. Today, the home craftsman has a wide variety of materials and tools in his arsenal, and therefore you can create a lot of staircase options. Nevertheless, for the dacha, we can distinguish several basic varieties and consider their manufacturing technologies in more detail.

Main types of designs

Having your own country house with a plot or a dacha allows you to experiment with shapes and materials when creating individual details for the arrangement of external and internal space. This is especially true for stairs. To build a lift to the second floor, you can use familiar structural models or combine individual elements into a completely new product.

For your home, you can take two types of stairs as a basis:

  1. Marching. Straight march is basic model for all types of interfloor stairs. When using winder steps to climb to a floor, it becomes rotary, and if several sections are connected using intermediate platforms, it becomes multi-flight.
  2. Screw. They are more compact and unusual in appearance, but at the same time they do not allow you to move with the same ease as on marches due to a decrease in comfort indicators.

Types of stairs in country house depending on the type of construction

Separately, it is worth highlighting such a product as a garden ladder. It is used for landscaping the area adjacent to the house. With the help of steps and platforms, you can compensate for differences in ground levels on a slope or when arranging terraces.

Garden stairs are designed for areas located on a slope

A combination of metal and wood is often used as materials for creating country stairs in a house. The frame can be made from profile pipes or steel channels. For treads, use corners or profiles of a different shape, and place them on top wooden boards. Since in this case most people try to reduce the final cost of the structure, they use cheap but short-lived pine for the work.

On the street it is better to give preference concrete stairs. They are not afraid of influence external environment and can withstand frost. However, wood and metal are also often used due to their availability.

Ascent to the second floor

For those who are just thinking about equipping a country house, it will be useful to learn how to make a compact staircase in the country with your own hands. Ideal option For a small rise to the second floor, of course, there is a spiral staircase. It is not for nothing that it is considered the most popular dacha design.

Advantages spiral staircase:

  • compactness;
  • decorativeness;
  • sustainability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost of materials;
  • variety of design.

The main advantages of spiral staircases are their compactness and attractive appearance.

The DIY process begins with determining the basic parameters. First you need to calculate the height of the support, for which it is best to use a thick round pipe. Its size should correspond to the distance from the floor to ceilings. The width of the stairs to the second floor should not be less than 70-80 cm. As for the dimensions of the steps, taking into account the use of winders, their width should be 25-29 cm along the center line. The distance between them is set at 15-20 cm with such an interval that the slope of the line of movement to the floor is within 30-40 degrees.

Schematic representation of the staircase and formula for calculation

DIY installation can be done as follows:

  1. The support is attached using anchors and a welded metal plate to the ceiling and floor slabs.
  2. Next, at a distance determined by the design, profiles are welded to act as a frame for the steps. These can be horizontal stops with plates or corners in the form of a frame for a winder step.
  3. The treads themselves are mounted on top of a metal frame and screwed with bolts for greater reliability.
  4. Along the outer edge of the steps to the floor, that is, where they widen, supports for the railings are installed. They can also be made of metal, and the handrails themselves can be supplemented with wooden profiled strips with curves. For more modern models, prefabricated fencing kits are used of stainless steel and plastic.

To give the stairs more interesting view, it can be painted or the steps can be covered from MDF panels. Also an excellent solution would be to use openwork forging and bent balusters.

Garden models

The greatest space for imagination is provided when designing and making it yourself garden stairs for the dacha. In this case, you can use a wide variety of materials, sometimes in unexpected combinations, and not be particularly tied to strict standards when drawing up a design.

So, in order to make a beautiful and reliable garden ladder with your own hands, you can use the following materials:

  • wood - any variety, for example, boards, beams, logs and sections of trunks, etc.;
  • metal - mainly to strengthen the frame and decor;
  • concrete is simple and quick way create steps;
  • stone - used as a natural stone, and tiles, you can also fill the steps with pebbles and other similar materials.

Options for garden stairs made of various materials

Depending on the landscape and the goals pursued, you can make a project of garden structures that are completely different in appearance and design. The varieties of garden stairs are difficult to cover. It can only be noted that the designs can be as follows:

  • Frame. This is a standard type of stairs, when the position of the stringers and steps is initially determined, the frame is mounted, and then the final finishing is carried out.
  • Mortise. Such models are more decorative, as they essentially become part of the landscape. Their steps literally cut into the ground, but this is only possible with appropriate soil preparation, otherwise the embankment may collapse.

Let's consider both types in order. For the simplest frame staircase First of all, supports are installed at the beginning and end of the lift. Their role can be played wooden beams. Additionally, intermediate posts are attached that will support the stringers. Boards or halves of rounded timber are attached to the nailed stringers. They will act as steps. Additionally, you can install railings if the height of the stairs requires a fence.

Schematic representation of the structure of a frame garden staircase on wooden supports

The second option involves arranging the mortise steps yourself. To do this, it is necessary that the height and slope of the embankment be comfortable for movement. The density of the soil is also important. Before starting work, it should be thoroughly wetted and compacted. The steps are cut directly into the ground using a shovel and additional tools. Stones or tiles are then placed on top to strengthen the tread and remove dirt. You can use a sand-cement substrate. For decoration, you can sow grass at the joints.

Three options for installing a mortise garden staircase

In order to extend the life of any model of stairs, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance and correct any defects that appear. This applies to both internal and external structures. In this case, they will delight you with their appearance long years. If desired, you can change the design of the staircase and make some amendments regarding the design of the structure.

Country houses can have 1, 2 or 3 floors, it all depends on financial situation owners. If there are enough funds, a two-story house is built - the area increases, but the space on the site is still the same. Any two-story house cannot be built without stairs. Typically, cottage stairs are made of wood, like suitable material for its manufacture. Such a staircase will fit into any interior and even decorate it.

The finished staircase meets everything high standards quality. A huge number of modifications on the market allows you to choose an option for every home, even those with a non-standard layout.

The advantage of ready-made stairs:

  1. Low price. Large-scale production allows us to significantly reduce the cost of models.
  2. Quality straight from the factory. High-quality raw materials are processed, and the entire production process does not involve human participation. This is a guarantee highest quality all products.
  3. Suitable for anyone. Exists great amount types of wooden stairs, from which you can choose the right one.
  4. Always available in warehouses. In branded stores you can always look at live samples and get advice from a professional who will help you choose the right model.
  5. Convenient transportation. Finished products Packed in cardboard boxes, making transportation possible in your own car.
  6. Easy installation. You can assemble the stairs yourself, without requiring the help of specialists. All designs are designed according to a special principle, which makes installation easy.

When choosing a staircase, you need to look at the available space in the house. Simple measurements will be required: determining the height from floor to ceiling, the size of the opening on the second floor.

A spiral staircase will look more original than a marching staircase. She will appear on her own central part the entire interior.

When calculating the layout of the stairs, it is necessary to choose the average “parameters” of a person, the basis will be the height of the step. The most convenient step when descending and ascending in depth should be about 24-26 cm.

You can decorate the staircase and make it interesting by finishing the steps with wood. We'll tell you how to do this in the article: .

Country staircase designs

The modern staircase market is filled with abundance and a huge range of choices. Depending on your desire, you can purchase a staircase made of metal, wood, stone or glass. The main element of the staircase structure is the base; the main load falls on it.

According to the design features of the stairs, they can be divided into:

  • Screw;
  • Direct (marching);
  • Rotary;
  • On stringers;
  • On pain;
  • On the bowstrings.

Country stairs: types

Stairs are a serious engineering structure that must ensure comfortable and safe movement of every resident and guest of the premises to the second floor. There are different options for stairs (simple and complex), different sizes and price category(from economy class to premium).

There are three types:

  1. March. The most common and easy to make type. Usually consists of one or more marches, each of which is a rectilinear fragment with steps. A single-flight staircase will fit perfectly in a small country house.
  2. Screw. A small area of ​​the room implies a spiral staircase, which is the supporting rod. There are steps spiraling up around it. In terms of area, a classic spiral staircase is only rarely larger than 1 square meter. m.
  3. Combined. Is curvilinear architectural structure in the form of an arc. It contains elements of a marching and screw type.

Combined options are usually built due to the ambitions of the designer or homeowners.

It should be remembered that screw design not suitable for a home where there are elderly people or children. It could be dangerous for them.

Single-flight versions of pine stairs are the most budget-friendly solution for small dachas, and complex structures containing more than one type of wood are suitable for a mansion.

Children's country horizontal bars and stairs

Country sports complexes containing a ladder and a horizontal bar are an excellent opportunity to interest a child in sports. They are easy to place in small areas: a courtyard near a house or a summer cottage will do.

Advantages of such a complex:

  1. You can teach your child to do pull-ups and learn various exercises using a horizontal bar;
  2. Development of strength and agility, shaping the figure;
  3. Ease and speed of installation of the complex itself;
  4. Safe training thanks to a durable and reliable frame made of pipe profiles.

At first, until the child masters the complex and becomes stronger enough to practice independently, parents should monitor his training.

The best covering for the complex will be powder paint. It will prevent fading and reduce negative impacts on the structure itself.

The construction of the complex can be carried out independently at summer cottage, you just need to make drawings. Such kits may contain trampolines with nets, punching bags with ropes, and even swings.

Suitable staircase to a country house

Country houses are usually empty in winter. There high humidity, it’s cold, the house is without heating. To build a staircase, you need to take these factors into account when thinking about the design and finishing.

For country houses Ventilation is not so important, so owners usually choose a closed staircase that has a riser.

To ensure better ventilation of the staircase, it is made open and there is no riser. The structure itself is installed slightly away from the wall.

When choosing a type of wood for a structure, you should consider:

  1. Pine;
  2. Larch;

You should not choose ash or beech: they will absorb moisture abundantly. You should refrain from using stairs made of these materials at your dacha.

Design: how to make a staircase yourself at the dacha

It doesn’t matter whether you have construction experience or not, getting started involves calculations and design. The project should focus on being safe and creating best conditions for moving.

There are a few general requirements project:

  1. The structure must withstand a weight greater than the average weight of a person;
  2. The staircase must have railings; their location is taken into account at the design stage;
  3. Fences must have handrails and balusters;
  4. The height of the structure must be calculated according to finished floors two floors;
  5. The height of the passage should be 1.9-2 m;
  6. Internal stairs should be 0.9-1 m wide.

If there are children in the house, the staircase is fenced not with balusters, but with the help of a solid “canvas”, the material of which is plexiglass or mesh.

For a three-story cottage, you need to install a staircase made of concrete or metal. This will ensure evacuation in the event of a fire.

If mistakes are made during the design process, the entire construction process will become a waste of money and time.

Do-it-yourself staircase in the country (video)

Stairs are an integral part of any multi-storey building, as well as interior decoration. Entrance stairs are both an element of the building and a decorative object. Staircase structures are placed in houses and country houses, on slopes and in courtyards country house, a kitchen-living room with a staircase is also very popular now. Everyone can choose the best option for themselves.

Details: staircase to the dacha (photo examples)

Any garden plot is characterized by a shortage of free space. The explanation is simple - the owners are trying to make the most of every piece of land for planting fruit bushes, fruit trees and cultivation different cultures, so most country houses are small.

Thrifty owners solve this problem by building a second floor or small attic, which is basically the same in terms of functionality. How to build it yourself internal staircase to the second floor, so that it does not interfere with the house and does not create inconvenience when going upstairs - this article.

Stairs are divided into several types, each of which is represented by a number of modifications, depending on the features engineering solutions and materials used. The author does not set out to consider all the pros and cons of marching, propeller and other models. The task is to choose optimal design for the dacha.

If we take into account some points in relation to garden house, it turns out that the requirements for the stairs to the second floor are more “strict”.

Typical country house building does not differ in large dimensions. Therefore, tightness is felt in everything.

Requirement 1 – the staircase should be as compact as possible and located so as not to be a hindrance in the country house.

Mainly working for garden plots older people are engaged. Also, the dacha is one of the vacation spots for kids, many of whom are summer period either they come to it with their parents, or they live there for a long time with their grandparents.

Requirement 2 - the stairs must be safe to move.

Since this involves building a staircase with your own hands, the tool used is usually a household one. And all the necessary calculations of design parameters are done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Requirement 3 – to build a staircase to the second floor of a house at the dacha, it is advisable to choose the model that is easiest to design and implement.

Screw structures are not suitable for summer cottages due to the complexity of calculations and installation. The “duck step” and “on the bolts” options, although they are compact, are unsafe. The first - because of the steepness, the second - because it does not have a fence. The author analyzed all possible schemes and came to the conclusion that for small dacha The best decision– a marching staircase with winder steps.

For example, this (as an option):

The reader may have a slightly different opinion, but hardly anyone will deny that it fully meets all the above requirements. Let's figure out how to build it with our own hands, without calculations using any particularly complex formulas. The recommendations on standard sizes given below are quite enough to build a truly reliable and comfortable staircase in a country house.

Almost all calculations for the size of stairs of any kind are basically identical. The differences are only in some parameters, depending on the features of a particular design. If you understand the order and meaning of all arithmetic operations, then it is not difficult to independently draw up a drawing of any other staircase, based on the dimensions and layout of a particular house in the country.

Preparatory activities

Choosing a staircase scheme

The simplest solution for performing individual technological operations with your own hands is on stringers. It will not take much time to build such a structure.

Selection of materials

Definitely - all blanks must be made of wood. And not only because the construction is done with your own hands, and working with wood is much easier and more convenient. It is possible to install a metal staircase in a house only after the structure has shrunk, and completely. And this process does not last less than 5–6 years, although manufacturers of some lumber (such as laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs) deny this, reducing the time it takes for the house to be ready.

If the staircase turns out to be relatively small, then in a country house for the manufacture of its individual elements you can use sheet (slab) products - chipboard, FC, OSV and the like. For the same steps, for example.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of choosing the type of wood. What is typical for most country houses? The answer is simple - no one lives in them permanently, especially in winter period. Hence, significant differences humidity (or even excessive dampness inside) and temperature are a common phenomenon. Based on this, the author does not recommend purchasing deciduous ones for stairs, although they are cheaper. Even high-quality processing impregnations are unlikely to protect the material from rotting and fungus for a long time.

But here too you need to think. The cost of spruce is low, but its structure is characterized by increased porosity. And this parameter of any material is directly related to another characteristic - strength. Moreover, the relationship is inverse. Therefore, despite all the attractiveness of spruce, it is not suitable for stairs. All that remains is pine or larch, if you focus on an acceptable combination of indicators such as quality and price. When choosing sheet or slab products, it is also advisable to purchase products that are made from just such wood.

  • The board is “twenty”.
  • Beam for supports – section 10 x 10.

It’s not difficult to decide what to make the posts and railings of the fence from. For example, the same block with side 5, processed accordingly (rounding edges and the like). You can do whatever you want with your own hands, as long as the safety of movement is ensured.

Calculation of staircase parameters

It is produced individually, based on the dimensions of the country house, its layout and internal content (amount of furniture, its arrangement, and so on).

Distance overlap - march

When calculating the flight height, you need to focus on the average height of a person + a small margin. Consequently, between any step and the ceiling - at least 190. Therefore, it will be necessary to determine, based on the steepness of the flight and the number of steps, what size gap should be made in the ceiling.


  • The width of the winders should be the same. From the point of view of convenience and safety of movement optimal sizes: in the center – 20, narrow edge – 10, wide – 35±5.
  • All heights: 14 – 18. For stairs in private houses there are other recommended sizes, but for a dacha, taking into account the small dimensions of the building, this is quite enough.
  • Tread - its edge should not overhang the underlying step by more than 3 - 4.

General calculation formulas

a – step depth

b – riser height

  • For convenience: (a – b) = 12 – 15; 2b + a = 62±2.
  • For safety: (a + b) = 46.

The photos show some examples. There is no need to pay attention to the dimensions; they are mainly for residential buildings. But in order to make the calculation procedure more clear, they are suitable.

March length

For this parameter, you need to focus on the steepness of the stairs. Taking into account all the requirements for its modification for a summer house, it is recommended to choose a tilt angle in the range of 35 - 400. A flatter design simply may not fit in the house, and you will have to change the layout. For example, on a two-flight with a turning platform. If you choose an angle of more than 400, the staircase will turn out to be quite steep. For an elderly person this is not the best option.

The length itself is determined by the triangle rule. In fact, the span itself is its hypotenuse. It is enough to draw up a plan of the house (to scale), put a diagram of the stairs on it (taking into account the height and width of the room), and make arithmetic operations. Naturally, the marching span will not stretch literally from wall to wall. It is necessary to make the necessary indents both for its upper part and for the lower part, where the winder steps are located.

Stair width

The recommendation for a country house is clear - within 100±10, since we are talking about a design with winder steps. This will ensure both ease of movement and compactness of the stairs. It is unlikely that 2 or more people will go up/down the flight of stairs at the same time, which often happens in a private residential building. Therefore, it is advisable to rely on one person for the stairs at the dacha.

Number of steps

Initial data - the length of the marching span and the parameters of the tread. If the numerical expression of the number of steps is fractional, then rounding is to the whole value, upward. Accordingly, in order not to violate the geometry of the staircase, the height of the last riser will have to be lowered.

Installation features

Installation of stringers

The specifics of their fastening depend on what material the country house is built from. If the wall to which the staircase adjoins is load-bearing, then one central pillar and a small additional support for turning are sufficient. The winder steps are located on it. If it is impossible to fix the stringer on the base, they are mounted on supports.

Installation of steps

Nails should not be used for two reasons. Firstly, even with great experience, score every fastener It is unlikely that it will work strictly vertically with respect to the surface. And any misalignment of the part is fraught with sharp ends of the metal coming out. Secondly, any wood (especially dry wood) splinters easily. Therefore, only preliminary drilling and fixing parts of the stairs with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Installation of railings and posts (balusters)

Here it is at the discretion of the master. For example, like this.

It is worth recalling that the height of the fence should not be less than 80, and the distance between the posts is chosen so that the child cannot crawl through this opening. That is, the main thing here is safety, and not the attractiveness of the design, the aesthetic component, a tribute to fashion, and the like.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing means that the work is carried out not only independently, but also not according to a template. Basic recommendations for building a staircase to the second floor, especially at the dacha, have been given. Everything else is at your discretion, men.

Good luck in your work, reader, and excellent results!

Country houses and dachas are increasingly being built as one-story houses. This is understandable: home owners want everyone to be present in the house necessary premises and the territory of the site was not occupied by buildings. The optimal solution The issue of “comfort/saving space” becomes the construction of a house on two floors. And to make it convenient to climb to the second floor, you need to think through everything related to the stairs at the design stage of the future home.

Determining the purpose

Stairs are important structural elements for a multi-storey building. To do good choice modifications and materials for stairs, The following factors should be taken into account:

  • location: internal or external;
  • functional purpose: main - interfloor and entrance, technological - roofing, auxiliary - in the attic or basement, emergency and fire;
  • method of operation: stationary, transformable, portable;
  • allowable space for stairs;
  • budget.

For example, for a dacha small size with one residential floor and an attic, a retractable or folding staircase would be optimal for summer living.

For a country house with a full-fledged residential second floor, it is worth taking a closer look at more comfortable types of stairs: on stringers with two flights.

And for small rooms in which it is planned to place a passage to another floor, a screw on casing pipe or a compact staircase on rails.

Varieties and popular materials

Now let’s look at all the nuances of the types of stairs.

At the pace of a country march

Marching stairs, often found in country houses, are staircases separated by a platform without steps. The more divided marches, the more comfortable it is to climb. However, for an ordinary interfloor staircase country house Two marches are enough.

The disadvantage of such stairs: the greater the number of flights, the more difficult it is to make the stairs yourself. But it should be borne in mind that a single-flight structure requires a large space.

Various materials are used for manufacturing:

  • completely wooden (from beams, logs) stairs are suitable for almost any style;
  • The combination fits perfectly into classic interiors forged metal with wood or porcelain stoneware with wood;
  • interiors in modern styles (modern, high-tech, fusion) can be complemented with a staircase made of metal and glass or metal and plastic.

"By screws!"

The design of the spiral staircase looks like a wooden or metal pole with steps attached to it. There are several types of spiral staircases, but the main thing is common to all: the steps are attached radially, each with a slight turn, while outwardly it looks like threaded connection screw, hence the name of the type of staircase.

The main advantages of spiral staircases:

  • space saving;
  • the whole structure looks light and uncluttered.

Their disadvantages are as follows:

  • their design is not suitable for the elderly and small children;
  • building on your own is more difficult than other types of stairs: the difficulty will be in calculations and making smooth bends of the railings.


Prefabricated staircase models come in various configurations:

  • on the bolts, which are the fastening elements of the steps to each other and to the wall;
  • on a metal frame (a stringer is assembled from separate metal sections, which serves as the main support).

Prefabricated models can be with one or more flights, screw, or L-shaped. As a rule, the base is always metal, the steps are most often made of wood.

The advantages of prefabricated models are obvious:

  • ready-made prefabricated models are always cheaper than custom-made ones;
  • you can place a prefabricated model in a house that was built a long time ago, even in a small hallway;
  • a variety of modifications of prefabricated stairs allows you to plan any interior design;
  • installation of prefabricated structures can be easily carried out by one man;
  • Thanks to the completely disassembled design, transportation modular stairs possible in a passenger car.

Simple models

TO simple models include ladders in the form of stepladders. These are the most compact and budget-friendly of all those listed here. Any man can build such a model from wood, having in his arsenal standard set tools: hammer, saw, jigsaw, screwdriver.

However, simple stairs are inconvenient for frequent use: as a rule, they are very steep and unsafe. They should be used only as temporary objects or for technological maintenance of construction projects on a garden plot.

Important design elements

When choosing a staircase for your home, it is useful to know which important elements There are designs in every type and what they are called. Despite the complexity and a large assortment presented stairs on the market, At the heart of any staircase there are three components:

  • fencing;
  • load-bearing element;
  • steps.

The function of barriers is to ensure traffic safety. Standard fencing consists of railings ( vertical elements, on which the human hand rests; run parallel to the slope of the stairs) and vertically installed racks (balusters).

Special attention Fences should be given attention in cases where there are children in the house.

The supporting function of balusters determines high strength requirements for the material of their manufacture. Balusters are most often made of metal, wood, concrete, and reinforced concrete. If the structure has supporting posts that have a decorative function, then they can be made of plaster or plastic. Intermediate distance between support pillars can be filled with glass, forged elements, gratings, wooden or plastic panels. Handrails and railings can be made of wood, stainless steel, coated aluminum and other materials.

Elements of fencing structures (entry post, balusters, handrails, decorative panels, heads of intermediate posts) most often become objects for decorating wooden stairs. Balusters can be asymmetrical geometric shapes, with elements of natural themes(for example, entwined with a liana), and the support-entry pillars are designed in the form of animals (for example, in the form of a lion’s head or a whole figure of another majestic animal) or mythical heroes (angels, dragons). Entire subject pictures are carved onto decorative panels.

Modern designers fencing is often excluded from the design of stairs in order to achieve an unusual minimalistic appearance. This is especially true for interiors in the high-tech, loft, and minimalist styles.

But it’s better not to neglect safety and not choose models without railings. If you want to make the fences less noticeable, you can design them from transparent glass or plastic.

There are four types of load-bearing elements.

  • Bowstring. A bowstring is an inclined side part load-bearing frame. The shape can be straight, curved or spiral. Steps are mounted on the string.
  • Kosour. Essentially, a stringer is a bowstring, the upper surface of which has a carved shape similar to saw teeth. The steps are attached to these cutouts. There are stairs with one or two stringers.

  • Boltsy. This is a hidden fastening system of steps to each other or to the wall of the house. Fastening is carried out with special bolts. Stairs on girders are more often found without guardrails.
  • Rack. Spiral staircases are attached to the rack. Support posts are also made for prefabricated modular stairs. Material of manufacture for this type load-bearing structures– metal. Even if you come across a wooden post for a spiral staircase, most likely it has a metal frame inside.

There are models of stairs with the combined use of load-bearing supports.

Steps also come in various shapes:

  • straight;
  • beveled;
  • winder (divided into rotary and screw);
  • arcuate;
  • "goose step"

The horizontal surface of the steps, where one steps, is called a tread, and the vertical surface, where the toe rests, is called a riser. There are models of stairs both with and without risers.

A straight section of stairs with steps that connects building levels or landings to each other is called a flight. At high level ceilings and large quantities floors, it is more advisable to install multi-flight stairs. In small country houses, it is enough to install a single-flight staircase. The first stage of the march is called the starting stage, after it there are intermediate ones, and the last is called the exit stage.

Ready-made, to order or do it yourself?

Depending on the manufacturing method, there are several types of stairs.

  • Ready(designed according to standard sizes, prepared for installation in the house). The advantage of ready-made stairs is the speed of receipt - no need to wait for production. But in ready-made options It’s not always possible to find what you need: the dimensions may not fit the given room, more standard materials, the design is usually simple.

  • Self-production. This is the most budget-friendly option for making stairs, but it requires time, some skills in working with wood (and possibly other materials), and the availability of certain tools.
  • To order(production will be carried out according to individual project customer). When ordering the production of stairs from professionals, you can be sure of the quality of the product received.

But you should understand that the price in this case will be significantly higher than finished products. Production time quality stairs can also be a disadvantage.

We design and calculate the load

Is it possible to design a staircase structure yourself? Of course, for this it is enough to know school course geometry. In addition, there are special computer programs and online calculators.

To calculate the stairs, it is important to take into account the layout of the country house and the size of the rooms in it. The location and type of future structure will depend on this. In turn, you need to remember that for a comfortable and safe staircase it is important to provide a sufficient opening on the upper floor. It is also important to comply with everything technical standards and take into account the basic parameters for the elements: length, width, angle of inclination, depth and height of steps.

Calculations of the staircase structure should include the following points: steepness, size of steps, their number, width of the flight. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • Steepness (angle of inclination). The best tilt can be considered in the range from 25 to 37 degrees - it is both convenient and safe. However, a staircase with such an inclination can take up quite a lot of space, so in small country houses Steeper stairs with a slope of 40–45 degrees are often used.
  • The size of the steps and their number. In each flight, the number of steps should be no less than 3 and no more than 18 - for comfortable movement it is better to install an odd number of steps. The optimal parameters of the step are in the following ranges: width 27–28 cm, riser 17–18 cm, overhang of the step nose - no more than 4 cm. All steps must be the same in height and width, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move along the stairs.

  • March width. This parameter depends on the intensity of use of the staircase structure. The standards provide for a minimum width range of 100–140 cm for the movement of 1-2 people, but no more. For a country house, in order to save space, you can reduce the dimensions to 70–90 cm. For two-flight structures (or more), the width of the flights should be the same along the entire length.

For stairs with a rotation of 90–180 degrees, there are certain calculation nuances:

  • the length of the platform between the flights should not be less than 140 cm, the width should be equal to the width of the flight;
  • a staircase on winder steps with a 90-degree turn must contain at least three such steps;
  • optimal parameters of the winder steps: the width on the larger side should be at least 40 cm, in the middle - at least 20 cm, in the narrow place - at least 14 cm.