How to get a cable out of a well. How can you remove a stuck or fallen pump from a well? Reverse siltation effect

Alexei 07.12.2014 Pumping stations

Those who use pumps sometimes encounter emergency situations. One of them is that the unit is stuck in the well.

The trouble is that if removed incorrectly, the equipment can remain in the ground forever. And this already threatens considerable losses.

How to remove the pump from the well without breaking anything or destroying the entire water supply system? To do this, it is necessary to observe certain safety measures when arranging it and know some rules for removing the device.

Main reasons and their solutions

What to do if trouble has already happened and all attempts to do something fail? The first step is to find out why this happened. And then decide on a way to resolve the situation.

There may be several factors that caused the breakdown. The most common reasons are the following:

  • Sagging wire;
  • Silting of the well;
  • Mechanical damage to the pipe walls;
  • Presence of foreign objects in the channel;
  • Wrong choice of equipment.

Depending on this, the method for resolving the issue is chosen.

The electrical cable is sagging

We take the pump out of the well

In this case, a loop forms and overlaps around the device, which leads to jamming. How now to get the pump out of the well and what to use? Special tools are not needed here. The use of brute force can cause a cable or wire to break.

When raising the pump, the mount will have to be cut off each time, and then, when lowered, installed again. The procedure is labor-intensive, but the safety of the equipment largely depends on it, so it’s worth a little effort.

If the pump is stuck and you have to lift it not by the cable, but by a hose or cable, which is generally undesirable to do, then you need to make sure that there is no slackness on any of the pulling elements.

Do not connect the cable and hose together with the cable attached to it. When lifting, a break may occur, and this will cause the unit to skew.

If the pump is stuck for this reason, you should first move it back into the pipe and then continue to lift it. Everything must be done slowly, without jerking.

Siltation of the well

This happens when the water intake is idle for a long time. You can pull the device out, but it will require a lot of patience. Since there is only one way to get the pump out of a silted well: by uniformly pulling and loosening the cable, as if by rocking. Moreover, even the appearance of a small gap guarantees a positive final result.

Water will begin to flow into the resulting space, it will erode the sludge, and it will begin to flow down, freeing the device. The main thing is not to make sudden jerks to prevent the cable from breaking.

Reverse siltation

Cleaning the pump

If a well is drilled in limestone rocks, then the water in it will contain a lot of salts and iron. Dissolved chemical compounds, reacting with oxygen, form a deposit covering the walls of the pipes. This happens especially quickly at great depths and with slow water renewal.

Accumulating on the pipes and the upper part of the mechanism, the sediment forms a plug, reducing the cross-section of the channel. Even powerful units with high productivity cannot cope with the accumulation of plaque.

Reverse siltation is usually detected only when trying to lift the device, after it is no longer possible to correctly pull the equipment out of the well.

To prevent such cases, you should follow two simple recommendations:

  • Once every few years, remove the equipment to the surface;
  • Select the correct level for placing equipment in the well.

But if this has already happened, then in this case the method of stretching into a swing is the most appropriate. And this should be done while the device is running - the collapsing sludge plug will be immediately pumped out, freeing the pump.

Casing tabs

It often happens that the pump in the pipe, when lifted, moves easily and suddenly rests against some obstacle. You can lower the device down, but moving it up becomes difficult. What prevents this and how to correctly remove the pump from the hole in such a situation?

The reason may be a protrusion on casing pipe. The equipment must be lifted gradually, turning it around its axis. This rotational movement will help overcome the existing obstacle.

Foreign objects

They fall into wells most often due to the fault of people. An example would be using a plastic bottle scrap instead of a real rubber anti-vibration ring. And then an object falling inside the channel can cause jamming.

It is better to prevent such a situation than to later solve the problem of how to pull the pump out of the well. In this case the best option special services will be contacted. Trying to do everything yourself most often ends in a broken cable. It is better to pay for the service, even if its cost is high, than to lose all the equipment.

Precautionary measures

All these troubles can be avoided if you follow some rules when constructing a well. You should not skimp when choosing a cable. It must be stainless; all other types and ropes cannot be used. And the fasteners must also be made of stainless steel, otherwise problems with how to pull the pump out of the well cannot be avoided.

The use of multiple pieces of hose is not permitted. If there are connections, it may break during lifting; even a small break can lead to jamming.

Of course, you should be careful when choosing equipment. Its dimensions should be smaller than the diameter of the pipe. By purchasing a device required sizes, you reduce the risk of it jamming.

To avoid having to think about how to lift a stuck pump, you should not neglect installing the head. This will prevent debris from entering the water intake system.

There are situations when everything seems to be necessary measures were undertaken, but the device is still stuck and attempts to pull it out do not give any result. How to get the pump out of the well in such a situation?

It's not worth experimenting. If you can’t pull it out yourself, seek help from special services. Using video cameras and other equipment, specialists will determine the cause, and using various devices and tools will eliminate it.


The costs of eliminating accidents caused by pump jamming and destruction of the well walls can be quite significant. To avoid them, first of all, you should take the installation of equipment and its timely replacement very seriously. Important role careful plays into this preventive care. And then you will not have to put into practice all the information that you gleaned from this article.

Water is extracted from a well using pumping units. Sometimes such equipment needs to be raised to the surface for repair or maintenance purposes. But what to do if the pump gets stuck when pulling it out and how to deal with the problem yourself?

To remove the hydraulic device without damaging it, you must determine the cause of the problem. The pump can get stuck in the well in the following situations:

  1. Sagging electrical cable. In this case, during the lifting process, the pump suddenly becomes fixed in a certain area. This happens as a result of the sagging power wire, which wrapped around the body of the device and blocked the passage in the charge.
  2. There is a lot of sediment in the well. The pump does not move, but the cable stretches without problems. Such a traffic stop hydraulic device when it is pulled out, it may indicate that the well is clogged with sediment, which is most often formed from sand during infrequent use of the water source. Moreover, sand deposits can accumulate in a layer several meters thick.
  3. There is damage in the walls of the sediment pipe. The pump stops at one point and sounds of blows are heard. The reason for this may be the appearance of dents, violation of the integrity of the joints, or damage to the edge of the sediment pipe.
  4. Equipment misalignment. This problem occurs due to sagging electrical cable or when the lifting cable jerks strongly. Also, sometimes the pump warps if it is lifted using a hose or power cord. Such actions lead to incorrect placement of the structure in the pipe. In this case, there is no impact sound, and the device simply suddenly gets stuck in a certain place in the well.
  5. Foreign objects have entered the water source. The hydraulic device can be jammed by various fasteners of the device or by debris caught in the opening between the shaft wall and the pump.

Sometimes a more complex breakdown occurs - a rupture of the lifting cable. This emergency situation occurs mainly when the cord wears out.


Having determined the reason for the pump stopping when lifting inside the well, you can try to fix the problem yourself.

When the cable sag

This situation is not among the most difficult, but still requires careful and fairly clear actions:

  • the pump should be carefully lowered to the bottom of the well;
  • the cable, which becomes loose during such actions, must be carefully pulled up;
  • When the electrical wire reaches almost the same tension as the lifting cord, you can begin to remove the pump from the water source.

When considering a pump, it is necessary to use not only a cable, but also a cable with a hose. All elements should be pulled together, tightening them every one and a half meters with special connecting parts - clamps or clips. The device must be taken out without sudden movements, smoothly and gradually.

silted pump

When a well becomes silted

If sediment has formed during regular use of a water source, then the problem can be eliminated quite simply. The pump must be carefully swung while simultaneously tightening and loosening the lifting cable. From such movements, water will gradually penetrate into the gap formed under the device, helping to erode sand accumulations.

In such a situation, 20 minutes is enough to raise the pump. But it should be borne in mind that the entire process of freeing the pump from the sludge must take place without sudden movements that could damage the equipment.

Sometimes deposits in wells harden. This process usually occurs if the source long time not used. Solid sediments are quite difficult to wash away, but quite possible. For these purposes use:

  1. Water under pressure. This method is used when there is a small layer of silty hardened deposits. Washing should be carried out with water under sufficiently high pressure. To remove strong formations at the bottom of the well, a long flexible hose, which easily reaches the bottom of the source.
  2. Chemicals intended for descaling. For these purposes, suitable means that are used in everyday life to decompose deposits. But it is necessary to take into account that in order to wash away solid accumulations at the bottom of the well, a large amount of such substances will be needed, and this will lead to quite considerable costs.
  3. Lemon or acetic acid. The products are diluted with water and poured into the pipe. This method is used in rare cases, since acids can damage pump parts. But if you plan to replace the device, then this option Perfect for removing formed deposits.

If you have a metal cable, you can use a hammer to try to create vibration. To do this, pull the lifting cord and tap on it. Such actions can quickly destroy the hardened small layers inside the water source.

Large volumes of hardened sediments in the well require repeated procedures. The erosion process may take more than one day. You can speed it up by periodically turning on the equipment for pumping water, as well as making attempts to pump the pump.

In case of damage to the settling pipe

In such a situation, you can remove the pump by moving the pump using a cable:

  • rotate around its axis;
  • slightly change the vertical position of the device.

Small tilts must be done carefully, without excessive force, otherwise the lifting cord may break.

If the sediment pipe is damaged, do not use sudden movements to pull the device through the problematic structural element. These actions will lead to even greater fixation of the device inside the well.

The option of removal through an opening in the pipe is possible if it is internal section much larger diameter pump But only if there are no serious dents on the walls of the sedimentary structure, which significantly narrow the passage. If the pump jams at a short distance from the surface, you can try to remove the pipe to the point of damage.

Strong displacement of the sedimentary device requires the involvement of professionals with special equipment. In rare cases, it is necessary to crush the stuck structure and remove it in small parts. But such a process takes a lot of time and requires considerable expenses. Therefore, in such a situation, problematic wells are often mothballed and new ones created.

If the pump is misaligned

To remove a pump that has become stuck due to incorrect positioning, you must:

  • loosen the cable;
  • lower the device down so that it is in its original position;
  • lift the pump up.

Such manipulations should be carried out with the same tension on all outgoing cables - electric wire, cord and hose. The incorrect position of at least one element will cause subsequent distortion of the device.

If the pump does not move and it is not possible to lower it at all, then it is better to contact specialists who can special tools get the equipment without damage.

If foreign objects enter

Often the pump gets stuck in the well due to various parts falling into it. There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Gently move the equipment inside the source. An object that prevents the pump from lifting may fall.
  2. Push the part. This can be done using a crowbar or a long stick. Care must be taken when doing this, as you may accidentally damage the device itself.
  3. Lower the pump down. If you can’t lift the equipment to the top, you can try to lower it a little. When this is successful, you need to pull out the element preventing the rise. To remove debris, use hooks, ropes, nets or sticks.

If all methods fail, it is better to contact a specialist. Incorrect independent actions may damage the design of the equipment.

If the lifting cord breaks

It is much more difficult to pull out the pump if the lifting cable breaks. In this case, all methods depend on the complexity of the situation:

  1. Lift the device using an electrical wire and hose. If, when the cable breaks, the remaining cables remain intact, then sometimes it is possible to carefully pull them together to remove the pump from the well. But it should be borne in mind that these elements are not strong enough and can break at any time.
  2. Hook it with a hook. This method is used if the pump has a rather heavy structure and removal by pulling the cable and hose is impossible. A hook is firmly tied to the end of a strong cable or rope. It is lowered into the well to hook and then pull out the pump. For safety reasons, the remaining intact cables are used.

If all the elements holding the pump break and the device falls into the well, it is recommended to use this option. A corkscrew-shaped device is attached to a metal rod, which is lowered into the well and screwed directly into the body of the stuck device. It is quite difficult to get the pump in this way and after removing it, its structure will be damaged.

To avoid problems with removing the pump from the well, it is necessary to take into account the following points when arranging the mine:

  • drilling of the source must be carried out in compliance with all technological requirements;
  • pipes for wells should be selected based on the characteristics of the soil and the possibility of its displacement when weather conditions change;
  • to prevent cable breaks or sagging, it is recommended to connect all three elements coming from the pump with special clamps;
  • the cable for lifting the pump must be solid, durable, and also resistant to corrosion;
  • to avoid foreign objects entering the water source, a head should be installed in the upper part of the shaft;
  • When installing the pump, you need to take into account that its diameter should be slightly smaller than the cross-section of the sediment pipe.

To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to periodically clean the filters and the well itself. Regular use of the source will help prevent the formation of various deposits. If this is not necessary, it is recommended to occasionally crank the pump in idle mode. It is also required to check the condition of tension and fastening elements at least once every six months.

The correct approach to well construction will help to avoid unpleasant moments associated with lifting the pump. But still, if such a problem arises, you can try to pull out the device yourself. In this case, the main thing is to be careful and avoid excessive force, which can aggravate the situation and cause pump malfunction.

Submersible pumps used in autonomous systems water supply, sooner or later even with correct operation must be removed from the source for routine inspection or repair. Sometimes the unit completely fails and the pump in the well needs to be replaced. But you should know that performing this operation in some cases can be quite difficult.

The most common situations in which it is necessary to remove the pump from the well in order to replace or repair it are the following:

  • the engine of the unit, which drives its blades in motion, has burned out (in the case of a membrane submersible apparatus, the electromagnetic coil may fail);
  • a pump that is incorrectly selected in terms of power and performance for a specific well;
  • damage or burnout of the cable supplying the equipment;
  • silting or sanding of the well;
  • break of the cable holding the pump in the well;
  • failure of the pressure pipe connected to the unit’s branch pipe;
  • failure of the device due to improper installation;
  • equipment productivity has decreased;
  • jamming of the unit in the well due to the electric cable being wrapped around it, etc.

Removing the old pump

Replacing a well pump, namely, removing it from a well, is a rather complicated procedure, despite the apparent simplicity of the process. The difficulty of dismantling equipment is affected by the depth at which it is installed. Experts usually distinguish between 3 levels of difficulty in lifting pumping equipment.

  1. Raising the device from a depth of up to 30 m. This is the easiest option for dismantling the pump. In this case, the weight of the unit with the pipe connected to it is negligible. Even 1 person can cope with removing such equipment from the well.
  2. Dismantling the unit located at a depth of 30 to 100 m. Artesian pumps, for example, the ECV brand, already operate at such depths. It is more difficult to lift the unit from such a depth, since the length of the pipe connected to it is longer than in the first case, and accordingly, the entire structure is heavier. In addition, you should take into account the mass of water in the pressure pipe. Therefore, you will not be able to remove the equipment alone. You will have to resort to the help of several people. Also, to lift the entire structure, you will need to use lifting devices, such as a winch or a manipulator.
  3. Removing equipment from depths more than 100 m. As a rule, galvanized or stainless steel pipes. Sometimes instead metal pipes they use HDPE pipes that can withstand a pressure of 16 atmospheres. Ultimately, the weight of all the equipment is very high. To extract it from an artesian well, you cannot do without a crane or winch.

The extraction procedure itself is quite simple in theory:

  • disconnect the equipment from the power supply;
  • disconnect the pressure pipe from the water supply system of the house;
  • pull out the pump (by the cable) slowly and carefully, disconnecting sections of the removed pipe (if it is metal).

Problems during dismantling

But sometimes it becomes impossible to remove equipment due to various problems.

The pump is silted

Silting of the unit body in the casing pipe is a fairly common problem when removing the unit. Siltation occurs if the apparatus for supplying water from the source is rarely used. It is the layer of silt that has accumulated in the casing that interferes with the removal of the device from the well.

In this case, to remove the equipment from the casing, it is used rocking method. The essence of the method is forced up and down movements of the pump, thanks to which the space around the unit will be washed with water and freed from accumulated sludge.

It is very important to carry out the rocking process slowly so that the washing occurs evenly. The cable should also be pulled without excessive force. Otherwise, the device will jam in the pipe even more, or the cable will simply break.

If rocking fails to free the equipment, you will have to resort to the help of firefighters. They lower the fire hose into the well closer to the pump and wash away the accumulated layer of silt with strong water pressure.

If the well in which the unit is stuck is drilled in limestone, then possible reason equipment jamming may occur limescale on casing.

Advice! In this case, to remove the unit, the rocking method is used with the engine turned on, so that the casing is cleaned more intensively.

The unit got stuck in the well while being lifted

Often when lifting equipment from a well due to sagging electrical cable or sagging cable, it becomes firmly stuck in the casing. In this case, the cable (cable) wraps around the body of the unit and does not allow it to move freely. The pump is “released” according to the following algorithm.

  1. Try lowering the device to the bottom. After this, you should unwind the loop formed around the device by slowly swinging the cable in different sides with simultaneous tightening of the cable (cable).
  2. When lifting the unit, do not forget to synchronously tighten all elements connected to the pump: hose, cable and cable.
  3. Secure all elements with clamps every meter.
  4. Lift equipment slowly and with utmost care.

The pump fell into the well

If, when removing the unit, it falls into the well, it is not always possible to get it out. But it's certainly worth a try.

  1. Make from steel wire grappling hook.
  2. Weld steel wire to the hook. Its length should be equal to the depth of the well plus another 50 cm.
  3. Lower the hook into the well and, when it reaches the fallen pump, begin to rotate the wire to try to hook the hose.
  4. If you manage to hook the hose, try to slowly and carefully pull the device out of the well. You can use a winch or other lifting equipment to remove it.

When it is not possible to remove the pump, it can be left in the well, provided that it does not interfere with its filling with water. Sometimes a non-removable unit destroyed with a bailer(see picture below)

The unit is broken into small pieces and either removed in parts or left in the well.

You can also call drillers who, using a special drill, will make the well usable again. You should know that this operation is not cheap, but it will cost much less than the cost of drilling and construction new well. In addition, after cleaning the well, the deep-well pump will need to be replaced with a new one.

Rules for installing a new pump

Before installing the pump in the well with your own hands, you need to prepare the casing pipe.

It is important to know that checking equipment “dry”, that is, without immersion in water, is prohibited. Even if turned on for a short time, it will fail.

Then connect the cable to the unit. It is needed in order to lower the device into the well or, if necessary, remove the pump from it. Usually a cable made of of stainless steel or covered with plastic. You can also use a nylon cord as a safety rope. The tensile strength of the cable must exceed the weight of the equipment by at least 5 times. The cable is threaded through special holes located in the upper part of the unit, after which the loop is fixed with metal clamps.

Connect the pressure pipe to the device using a fitting.

Tie the power cable and cable to the pressure pipe (without tension) using plastic clamps. Next, begin lowering the unit into the well, holding it by the safety rope. This operation will require the assistance of at least 1 person.

Advice! The device should be lowered slowly, making sure that the electrical cable does not stretch or sag.

After immersing the equipment to the required depth (calculated in advance), the casing should be put on top part head, having previously connected a safety rope to it.

Connect to the electrical cable coming from the unit, capacitor box.

Turn on the unit and check its operation for 30 minutes. At the very beginning of starting the device, the water may be cloudy. But after a short period of time it should come out clean. If no problems are found when testing the pump, you can continue installing the unit.

Cut the pressure pipe coming out of the well head to required sizes(with a small margin), put a fitting on it and connect it to the above-ground (underground) pipeline system. The final stage of installing the device is seal power cable in the hermovvod.

This completes the installation of the deep unit. Next, you can connect a storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator with a pressure switch to the pipeline. In the latter case, you will have a complete pumping station , which can uninterruptedly provide water supply to the water supply system of private housing construction.

Ecology of consumption. Lifehack: Submersible pumps used to supply water from wells drilled on site require periodic lifting...

Submersible pumps used to supply water from wells drilled on site require periodic lifting for preventative maintenance and minor repairs. Also, the rise of pumping equipment is also associated with the replacement of an outdated unit with a more powerful device.

However, the extraction operation is not always submersible pump from the well pipe passes successfully. It also happens that the pump gets stuck tightly in the pipe. Well owners who are faced with such a problem for the first time do not know how to remove the pump from the well without breaking the cable.

Reasons for pump jamming in the well body

Basically, all the reasons leading to the occurrence of this unpleasant problem are due to human factor. When, during pump installation, the technological requirements for fastening elements of pumping equipment are violated, and due attention is not paid to their workmanship, it is difficult to expect a favorable outcome during pump dismantling.

1. Sagging electrical cable

For this reason it happens greatest number cases of equipment jamming. This happens by biting a slack electrical cable in a loop that is tightened around the pump body.

In this situation, you should not pull the device with all your might, as this will not lead to success. But what you pull on may break. Then it will be difficult to do anything on your own.

Experts who have lifted pumps from wells more than once advise in this case to try pushing the device back. Repeating the attempts, try to feel the slack and at this moment continue to slowly rise.

In general, “it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.” In order to avoid encountering sagging electric cables in your practice, it is necessary to fasten it with special clamps to a pipe or hose at the installation stage of the system. Moreover, it is not recommended to attach an electric cable to the cable, since when it is tensioned, the clamps may fly off.

When lifting the pump, you must also ensure that the cable and hose exit simultaneously to the surface. There should be no slack in either the cable, the cable, or the hose.

2. Siltation of the well as a result of long-term downtime

There are often cases in practice when a long-term shutdown of a well leads to severe siltation. The resulting layer of sludge becomes an insurmountable obstacle to the pump. When a pump is stuck in a well for this reason, experts recommend starting to rock it, during which the device is either raised or lowered.

What does this lead to? Water may gradually begin to erode silt deposits. In the end, it is possible that the path up will become clear, allowing the pump to be removed outside. The main thing is not to rush things and do not be overly active in order to prevent the pump from jamming.

There are also non-standard way combating silted wells. It is necessary to involve firefighters in solving the problem, who, with the help of a hose lowered into the well, will be able to wash away the silt deposits. The released pump will move smoothly upward.

To prevent the process of silting of a well, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning, the frequency of which should be once every three years.

3. Solid obstacle - complex barrier

There may be a solid obstacle in the path of the pump movement, which will act as a wedge. Such a barrier could be:

  • a dent in the pipe caused by soil movement;
  • flattened edge of the pipe;
  • burrs from a sloppy weld;
  • a defect in the assembly of the sedimentary column, in which instead of threaded connection pipes, they are welded, allowing axial displacement.

Meeting such an obstacle is accompanied by a characteristic hard knock, while the downward movement of the pump occurs freely.

Is it possible and how to pull the pump out of the well in this situation? There are known cases when rotation of the pump with the help of a pipe around its axis helps to go around an obstacle that stands in the way. However, a 100% probability of freeing the movement of the device is not guaranteed. This could be a one-time success. But it’s worth a try, maybe in a specific situation the problem will be solved this way.

A tool, fastener part, or other foreign object that accidentally falls into the well can also become a solid obstacle. In this case, the pump stops abruptly and unexpectedly during ascent. This happens when a solid object gets into the gap between the well wall and the pump, which leads to jamming. In this case, the downward movement is free, and the upward jamming intervals vary depending on the selection of the cable. The object will not be able to slip through, the gap is too narrow. Therefore, experts advise stopping and calling specialists. The special equipment they have is capable of removing the interference from the well.

4. Reverse siltation effect

This effect is observed in wells drilled in limestone soils. As a result of long-term operation, a sedimentary layer forms above the pump location, turning into a “plug”. To stop this process, clean the well every three years.

  • A stuck pump in a well with a cable broken as a result of the applied efforts can be pulled out with a metal device with pins, popularly called a “cat”. Hooking the pump directly is considered a great success. Most likely, you can grab the end of a cable or hose while trying to pull the equipment up.
  • To push down a stuck pump, some inventors manage to use a crowbar tied to a cable. The main thing is to tie the crowbar tightly so that when you throw it into the well, you don’t leave it there. Of course, this can be done if the old pump is no longer intended to be used, because the probability of its damage is very high. It may work at a shallow depth of the pump.
  • Weld an “ear” to a meter-long section of pipe. After passing the cable, hose and cable through the pipe, lower the pipe on a separate cable into the well. Under the pressure of its weight, the pump can slide down and hang freely on the cable. Next, the pipe and pump are simultaneously pulled out of the well. Since the weight of the structure can reach 50 kg, the work must be carried out with an assistant.
  • If the pump suspension has not yet been torn off when trying to forcefully remove the equipment from the well, you can fix it taut and periodically tap it. If any slack occurs in the cable, re-tension it and tap again. These actions can be carried out over several days. This is a method for those who are especially patient, but in some cases it is crowned with success.

What pushes people to invent in various ways solutions to the problem with a stuck pump? The answer is simple: the high cost of services from companies specializing in this area.In some cases, their cost reaches the cost of installing a new well. Therefore, in order to save your budget, you need to do everything possible in advance to prevent the pump from jamming.

1. Do not skimp on the quality of the cable used to suspend the submersible pump. It is advisable to purchase a cable and fastenings for it made of stainless steel.

2. Try not to use pieces of hoses and cables spliced ​​together inside the well. After all, when rising these weak spots may come apart, the pieces will bend and jam the rising device.

3. It is advisable to buy pumps with a minimum diameter in order to increase the gap between the walls of the well and the equipment casing. It is clear that pumps with a small thickness are more expensive than their larger counterparts. However, if you compare the difference in the price of pumping equipment with the cost of a new well, then buying a thinner device becomes not so unprofitable. Replacing the pump in the well will reduce the likelihood of the device jamming again.

4. Install a factory-made head on the well that fits tightly to the walls of the well pipe. This part will prevent debris and various random objects from getting inside the well.

And do not forget to carry out preventive cleaning of the well. published

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How to independently remove a pump from a well if the cable breaks or the device gets stuck in the casing. In both cases, you first need to correctly determine the cause, eliminate it, and only then raise the device to the surface. To ensure that the water pumping device does not remain in the well forever, it must be lifted correctly. Haste and unprofessional actions can damage the entire well, which will require serious repairs or the installation of a new water intake.

It may be necessary to remove the pump from the depths for repair or replacement. Also pump equipment need to be dismantled before cleaning the well. If the device comes out of the pipe with difficulty or does not move at all, there may be several reasons:

  • Overgrowing of the inner walls of the pipe with lime deposits or sludge sticking to them. The latter settles on the walls during prolonged downtime of the hydraulic structure.
  • Foreign objects entering the water source that can get stuck between the device and the inner walls of the pipe, stopping the upward movement of the pump;
  • Sagging electrical cable. Ideally, the electrical cable and the cable should have the same tension - for this, when lowered deeper, they are connected to each other using special clamps. If the cable is lowered without this fixation, it may sag and form a loop below the pump or wrap around it. It is these loops that will interfere with the free exit of the device from the well.

In the above situations, the integrity of the main safety rope is preserved. With its help, you will have to lift the pump, having first eliminated the cause of the jamming.

Pulling out a well pump using a cable

How to remove a pump from a well with a working cable

This situation can only arise in shallow sand wells. If inner part is overgrown with silt, which, when dried, turns into a solid substance, then it must first be soaked. To do this, pour in small portions water (1-2 buckets), and the pump is swung to the sides using a cable. After a while, the softened sludge will flow from the side walls of the device to the bottom and the device can be pulled out. Soaking the sludge can take from several hours to a day, depending on the degree of overgrowth of the well.

When overgrown with limestone

This situation occurs in “limestone” wells, which themselves are very deep, plus limestone dissolves much worse than silt. You can remove the pump from the well yourself by acting on the deposits with special household products for descaling kettles, dishwashers or washing machines. Dry powder must be dissolved in the amount indicated on the pack. hot water and pour the solution into the well head. At the same time as pouring the solution, turn on the pump so that the water around it begins to bubble. If you pour in quite a lot of solution, and this will require 10-20 packs of descaling agent, then the limestone will begin to dissolve, and the device can be pulled to the surface without any problems. If the experiment is not successful the first time, it should be repeated several times every 5-6 hours.

Descaling agent

If foreign objects enter

How to get the pump out of the well in this case? Only by rocking the pump in the hope that a stone or other obstacle will slide down and stop preventing the pump from being pulled out. You can try lowering a separate long rigid cable into the well with a metal rod attached to the end. You need to try to push the obstacle down with this rod. To avoid foreign objects getting into the well neck, it must be securely closed.

When the electrical cable sag

If the cable sag, you must proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Using a safety rope, lower the device to the very bottom and very carefully try to align the loop. To do this, you need to swing the cable in different directions, while simultaneously pulling it up.
  2. Equalize the tension of the cable, cable and water hose. It is better to do this with an assistant who will pull all three elements away from the mouth.
  3. In the place farthest from the neck, fix three long components together. Fixation should be carried out in other places of their parallel location. Fasten the cable, cable and hose with clamps every 1-1.5 m.
  4. Pull out the pump and connect together those parts of the cable, cable and hose that were located in the depths.

Pulling the pump out of the depths and equalizing the tension of the cable, cable and hose using clamps

How to get a broken pump out of a well

A cable break is the most difficult case. If in the situations described above the device is pulled out using a cable, then if it breaks, you will have to pull the water supply hose or the electrical cable. They are also attached to the device, but are not intended to require significant physical force. You can use this method if the pump in the well “moves” freely and is light in weight. If it is heavy, then it is better not to risk it, lower a strong rope with a metal hook tied to it into the pipe. Use this hook to hook the pump and pull it up. In this case, the hose and cable can be used as insurance if the hook comes loose.

You can get a well pump yourself if you know exactly the reason for the jamming. Since the device is located at depth, it is almost impossible to carry out diagnostics yourself. Incorrect actions when lifting the device are also fraught with serious consequences. To prevent this from happening, you should turn to professionals - they have special video equipment for diagnostics. Having determined the cause of the stuck pump, specialists will remove it from the depths using professional tools.