How and with what to whitewash a ceiling: preparation of whitewash and application technology. How to whitewash a ceiling using old whitewash How to whitewash a ceiling using a whitewash roller

Producing interior decoration rooms in the apartment Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the design of the ceiling. By making it even and smooth, you will emphasize all the advantages of the room and fill the space with additional light and air.

Materials used for repairs ceiling surface, a lot, whitewashing is the leader among them, since this finishing method has many undeniable advantages.

Whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands is not difficult; it is a fairly easy creative process that even a person without any repair experience can do.

The main thing is to approach the finishing process carefully and follow the instructions below. As a result, you will get a smooth, glossy, freshly bleached surface.

Ceiling preparation

It is necessary to understand one detail: it is impossible to apply layers of whitewash on the previous ceiling covering, since it will peel off, which will undoubtedly interfere with the process. Therefore, the first step is to clean the surface to be treated of old plaster.

To do this, prepare the following items:

  • bucket or basin with water;
  • small metal spatula;
  • sponge;
  • a clean rag or towel;
  • stepladder

If you start scraping the ceiling “dry,” it will inevitably form. a large number of dust, and the work is delayed for for a long time. The best option would be to pre-wet the surface before removing unnecessary plaster.

You need to wet the ceiling as you move, from one area to another; by moistening the entire area at once, you risk that some pieces will dry out even before you start working with them.

After wetting the plaster, wait 3-5 minutes, during which time all layers will have time to become saturated with water, then carefully remove the coating with a spatula. Once you have finished dismantling the old whitewash, wipe off any remaining lime from the ceiling with a clean, damp towel or rag.

The next step will be sealing possible joints, cracks, crevices, and unnecessary holes. For these purposes you will need:

  • putty;
  • serpyanka;
  • soil mixture;
  • sanding paper;
  • brush or roller.

The existing ceiling slabs form joints between each other; in order to make them invisible, it is necessary to fill them with putty and cover them with sickle tape on top. The putty mixture is again placed on it, which is thoroughly rubbed with a spatula to give the surface a perfect smoothness.

In addition to the joints, the ceiling must be inspected for subtle defects: small cracks rubbed with a primer mixture, grooves, more significant chips, putty.

Upon completion of this work, it is necessary to make a final leveling of the ceiling. This is done using a laser or water level, which is applied to various places to determine the values ​​of differences in height.

Strong depressions and irregularities are puttied separately, and after complete drying, the surface is treated over the entire area finishing putty in several layers.

Selection of materials for whitewashing

An important part of the process will be determining the materials that will be used directly for whitewashing, these could be:

  • slaked lime;
  • water-based paint.

In order to figure out what is the best way to whitewash the ceiling, you need to learn about the features and properties of each material.

The chalk solution is perfectly applied to the surface and does not emit an unpleasant odor. Whitewash chalk is a very cheap construction raw material, so decorating the ceiling in this way will cost very little.

However, chalk gets very dirty, and the ceiling after whitewashing may acquire a yellowish tint. Therefore, before starting work, you need to remember to add a little blue to the chalk solution.

Limestone perfectly masks minor cracks on the surface, has bactericidal properties, lasts a long time on the ceiling, and has a low price.

However, keep in mind that lime has bad smell, which appears immediately after its dilution, and is also a very caustic material, so you must wear gloves when working with it.

Water-based paint is the most popular and the best option when whitewashing the ceiling. Of course, the cost of this material is higher than that of the first two, but it has the greatest covering ability and is characterized by a complete absence of a pungent odor.

You should have no questions about how to whitewash a ceiling with paint; the water-based emulsion is offered for sale in the form of a ready-made solution, which is very easily and simply applied to the surface to be treated and does not get dirty.

On the shelves you can find paint options that are easy to clean, they are suitable for rooms of any purpose and will retain their original appearance much longer appearance.

Whitewashing process

Let's try to figure out how to whitewash the ceiling, where to start. First, you need to prepare a whitewash solution. It will tell you how to do this correctly and in what proportions detailed instructions on the packaging with the material.

If you choose water-based paint for application, then you do not need to prepare anything; the composition in the container is completely ready for use.

Apply the first, base layer of the solution in the corner by the window. To begin with, carefully coat the joints of the ceiling and walls in the room with a brush, and then apply the solution directly to the ceiling with a roller.

You need to whiten with parallel strokes, perpendicular to the direction sunlight. After treating the entire ceiling area in this way, you must wait until the solution dries completely.

The second layer will eliminate the show-through and hide visible stripes and stains from the roller. The process of applying it begins from the same place from the window.

Make sure that your hand movements are as correct, measured and confident as possible, then high-quality whitewashing of the ceiling will be ensured.

Upon completion of the work, take care to exclude drafts from the room, do not dust or sweep in it, this can lead to contamination of the whitewashed ceiling and its crumbling.

Whitewashing is considered the most affordable, acceptable and in a simple way ceiling finishing. However, this a budget option decoration, looks great in any interior, you can be convinced of this by looking at numerous photos of whitewashed ceilings in rooms of various designs.

Therefore, if you are thinking about whitewashing the ceilings in your apartment, do not doubt that you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

There are many options for finishing the ceiling, but whitewashing is the most popular of them. It is inexpensive and looks very good if the paint was applied correctly. It is usually recommended to thoroughly clean the ceiling of the old layer of lime or chalk before applying a new one. However you can put the next layer of paint directly on top of the old one. The main thing is to know how to do this in order to be guaranteed to receive good result. There is nothing complicated here - having necessary knowledge, anyone can handle this on their own without spending on doing all necessary work a lot of time.

How to whitewash the ceiling?

Each of these options has its pros and cons.

Table. Materials for whitewashing the ceiling.


Chalk gives the ceiling an exceptional, shining whiteness, so the room will look very good.This material gradually crumbles, thus introducing additional dust into the room. In addition, it is not waterproof, so it is not suitable for painting a bathroom ceiling.

Lime whitewash kills fungus, so it should be used in rooms where it is present. In addition, lime is resistant to moisture and is well suited for painting the ceiling in any room, including the bathroom (and this is where fungus can be found most often). In addition, lime whitewash hides minor surface defects by sealing cracks and cracks.Lime quite often causes allergic reactions. It cannot be perfectly white, unlike chalk mortar.

This type of paint has an excellent appearance, while the water-based emulsion fits very well on the old coating, it adheres perfectly to the existing whitewash and does not begin to peel off over time.Water-based paint has only one drawback - work with its use must be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°C, but when painting the ceiling indoors, this does not matter.

If you do not want to wash off the old whitewash, you need to keep in mind that you cannot apply lime to the chalk and vice versa - otherwise the paint will not adhere well and dirty stains will form on the ceiling.

On top of the chalk you can put a new layer of chalk or water-based paint, and the lime can be covered with the same emulsion or lime. At the same time, it must be taken into account that enamel and oil paint are absolutely not suitable for painting over an old layer of lime or chalk.


There are three main methods of applying whitewash that you can use:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • spray.

If you do painting with a roller, the paint will lay down in an even layer, there will be no streaks or stains. In order to get a good whitewash using this tool, the coloring composition will need to be applied in two layers. In addition to the roller itself, you will need a container for the solution, something for mixing and a paint tray. You also need a small brush to apply paint to the areas of the ceiling at the junctions with the walls - you won’t be able to do this carefully with a roller without staining the walls.

Whitewash brush can be purchased in every store building materials. It's inexpensive. While working with a brush, the paint splashes heavily, so you need to carefully protect the furniture in the apartment, as well as your eyes.

Using a sprayer Whitewash can be easily applied in a very neat, even layer. If the paint will be applied by spray, you need to carefully ensure that it is free of lumps. Its consistency should be more liquid than that of whitewash, which is to be applied with a brush or roller.

How to choose water-based paint

If everything is more or less clear with chalk and lime, then choosing a suitable water-based emulsion is a more difficult task. There are many varieties of these paints, which differ in composition and properties.

  1. Polyvinyl acetate water-based emulsions are the most affordable.
  2. Paints with acrylic additives - Most Popular. They are suitable for any surface and are abrasion resistant (although in the case of ceiling paint this property is not so important).
  3. Silicone water-based paint fits well over old whitewash even without the use of a primer. It is highly vapor permeable and is perfect for painting the ceiling in the bathroom or kitchen. This type of coloring composition will reliably protect the surface from the appearance of fungus on it.
  4. Water-based latex paints They have very good water resistance and can be washed with detergents. In terms of price, they are superior to all other water-based emulsions.

In order to do the best choice Please read the label carefully before purchasing. It should indicate the purpose of the paint, the degree of its hiding power, consumption per square meter and other parameters that you need to pay attention to. A correctly selected water-based emulsion will allow you to create a snow-white and durable coating; it will not turn yellow over time and is guaranteed to protect the ceiling from the appearance of fungus.

Painting with water-based paint

In order to receive good paint job over lime, it is better to cover the old layer first acrylic primer. After this, you need to check the surface for strength by trying to scratch it. If it does not crumble, then you can apply paint.

But when painting over chalk, it is not necessary to do this - water-based paint will bind it well and will stick even without primer.

Before you start work, you need to prepare the room. It is necessary to remove or carefully cover all items with film so that they do not get dirty with paint.

If you are applying paint with a brush, place strokes first perpendicular to the windows, then parallel. If last layer will be placed parallel to the light source, the stripes will not be visible after drying.

Painting with a roller is a simpler and more convenient process in which you need to perform the following steps:

  • pour paint into the paint tray;
  • dip the roller into the bath, and then roll it along the slope, evenly distributing the paint over the surface and allowing the excess to drain;
  • lay the first layer of paint perpendicular to the windows;
  • wait for the composition to dry completely;
  • then add a second layer, which should be parallel to the window opening;
  • Carefully paint the sections of the ceiling at the junctions with the walls with a brush.

Applying paint from a sprayer is even easier - just apply three even layers, and you don’t need to watch the direction. The main thing is not to miss a single square centimeter of the surface when applying each of them.

Chalk painting

It is not difficult to prepare a chalk solution for painting the ceiling; for this:

  • For 10 liters of water you need to take 5 kg of chalk and 50 g of wood glue;
  • the consistency of the solution should be such that it does not flow from the knife; if the mixture flows from the blade, you need to add more chalk;
  • You can add blue to the composition, in which case the ceiling will be snow-white, without a yellow tint.

The technology of painting with chalk is fundamentally no different from the technology of applying water-based emulsion.. First, choose one of the options - application with a brush, roller or spray gun. Then, during the painting process, take your time and carefully ensure that the composition is applied in an even layer. In this case the new kind your ceiling will definitely please you.

Painting with lime mortar

In order to make a lime solution for painting the ceiling, you need:

  • take 2.5 kg of lime, add 100 g of salt soaked in water and a small amount of blue;
  • Having mixed all the components of the mixture, add water to them so that the final volume is about 10 liters.

The basic rules of application are the same as for chalk and water-based paint.

Important points

When whitewashing the ceiling, you must take into account the specifics of the room. For example, in the bathroom you need to use a special composition that will be resistant to moisture and protect the ceiling from the appearance of fungus. Otherwise, the paint will quickly lose its appearance and may even begin to crumble quite quickly.

It is also important to remember safety while painting. To avoid getting whitewash into your eyes, skin and Airways, you need to use safety glasses, rubber gloves and a respirator. If this is not done, the coloring composition can cause allergies or even chemical burns.

How to wash off old whitewash from a ceiling

Although the ceiling can be painted according to old whitewash, the best option for getting high-quality painting There will be preliminary cleaning and leveling of the surface. Old whitewash that does not adhere well and is peeling must be washed off. If you don't do this, you can't expect a good result. If the layer of lime or chalk that is already on the ceiling is thin, even and holds up well, painting directly on top of it would be a good option.

In order to wash off chalk whitewash, you need to:

  • take a foam sponge and soak it in water so that it is damp, but the drops do not flow off;
  • after this, you need to run a damp sponge over the ceiling over and over again, washing off one layer after another, and it needs to be moistened as often as possible;
  • then you need to thoroughly wipe the ceiling with a wet rag - you also need to dip it in water as often as possible.

Washing off the lime layer is a little more difficult because:

  • the first step is to moisten the entire ceiling; for this you can use a spray bottle;
  • using a spatula or scraper, you need to remove the soaked layer of lime;
  • and finally, you need to thoroughly wash the ceiling with a damp rag or sponge to remove any remaining lime and dust from it.

Removing old whitewash: a - moisten the ceiling, b - remove the soaked coating.

It is better to work in sections - while you are removing the soaked lime from one of them, the other will be saturated with moisture. This way you can go through the entire ceiling quite quickly.

In order to wash off old whitewash, you can also use special compounds.

  1. You can purchase a special remover at a hardware store. It must be applied to the ceiling using a sprayer. When it dries, a crust will appear on the ceiling, which must be removed with a scraper. After this, the surface will simply need to be washed with a cloth.
  2. Another option is to add vinegar to the water (one large spoon per 5 liters will be enough) and 50 ml of bath foam, mix thoroughly and apply to the ceiling surface. After waiting 20 minutes, you can clean it with a scraper and then rinse thoroughly with a wet cloth.
  3. Another way is to make a paste by mixing water with flour. It must be applied to the surface of the ceiling and allowed to dry, after which the whitewash can be easily removed.

Video - Removing old whitewash

Whitewashing the ceiling by the hands of professional craftsmen

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to whitewash the ceiling yourself, you should not discount the option of turning to a professional master.

This solution is good because:

  • it will help save time;
  • turning to good master, you can be sure that you will get an excellent result;
  • The master will need a minimum of paint to whitewash the ceiling.

Moreover, as mentioned above, whitewashing actually does not take much time. Therefore, contacting a specialist to save time makes sense primarily if you - busy man and are accustomed to always hiring professionals to perform certain jobs.

Due to the fact that the master uses a minimum of paint, contacting him may not cost much more than painting the ceiling yourself. The main thing in this matter is to really find good specialist, who will charge little for his work. The main thing is not to hire hacks who, working carelessly, can make the whitewash even worse than you could have done - such craftsmen also come across. They charge little for their labor, but such savings will ultimately cost a lot - you will either have to redo everything, or be left with a poorly painted ceiling.

Whitewashing a ceiling using old paint is a simple and inexpensive way improve the interior of the room. You can’t always use it, but if the previous layer is thin, even and holds well, chalk, lime or water-based emulsion applied directly to old paint, will hold up well. If you approach the matter correctly, your new ceiling It will become really beautiful, and this painting result will delight you for many years.

Video - Do-it-yourself whitewashing of the ceiling

The whitewashed ceiling is not just any outdated technology, but one of the classic ways to decorate the ceiling. At the same time, you can do everything yourself and quite quickly. So that the repair does not take too long, and you do not have to be distracted by correcting defects, you need to prepare the tools and the ceiling in the room itself.

It all starts with preparing the instrument. Preparation consists of choosing the tools with which you will whitewash the ceiling.

Work can be performed:

  • Brush;
  • Roller;
  • Spray gun;
  • A vacuum cleaner with an air blowing function.

It all starts with choosing a brush for whitewashing - what tool you use will determine the quality of the work. There are different types of brushes, but the best option is a brush made of natural bristles, 15-20 cm wide. Before using the brush, soak it in water for several hours. So it will swell wooden handle brushes, and the bristles will be fixed.

This is important because the bristles should not remain on the whitewashed ceiling surface.

They also use rollers, and the quality will be better and the process will go faster. When using a roller, do not forget about the special tray.

How to whitewash the ceiling in an apartment: composition

You can whitewash using lime or chalk - these are the most popular do-it-yourself whitewashing methods.

To dilute chalk whitewash you need:

  • Pour into warm water 30 g of PVA glue (adhesive base is required), as an alternative - finely shaved ordinary laundry soap;
  • While stirring the mixture, pour finely sifted chalk into it;
  • 20 g of blue in the solution is also required - this is the prevention of yellowness of the composition.

It is not necessary to use PVA glue; it would be correct to use both wood glue and bustilate.

Lime whitewashing is done like this: dilute 1.7 kilos of lime with 40 g of blue and water. It turns out ready mix, which can be applied to 10 squares of ceiling or walls.

Recipe for making lime whitewash (video)

Stages of whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands

If you decide to whiten with a brush, then the strokes are first applied perpendicular to the light source - that is, the windows. And the final layer is applied parallel to the windows. In this case, the bleached surfaces are monochromatic, without stripes.

Whitening the ceiling with a roller is even easier. The technology is as follows: pour the solution into the ditch, dip a roller into the solution, roll the roller along the slope of the pan. First the strokes go towards the windows, then parallel to the windows. The overlaps should be approximately 5 cm. Otherwise, unpainted areas will remain, and it will seem that the ceiling is either unpainted or painted different colors.

It is wiser to use a brush at the joints of walls and ceilings.

How to whitewash a ceiling using old whitewash and is it possible?

You can only renew the whitewash if the old layer is very thin and durable. But even in this case, experts still advise removing the old whitewash. This will ensure a good result - without streaks and other defects such as bubbles and streaks.

The old coating can be removed with a sponge, soap solution and paste. The chalk solution is removed very easily, so applying new whitewash without washing off the old one is stupid. But you will have to tinker with the lime composition. You can't do without a wide spatula.

Of course, if the ceiling has defects, you will have to repair the cracks.

Is putty suitable for whitewashing the ceiling?

Definitely yes! Moreover, whitewashing with putty is Painting works in complex. Putty "Shpakril" is both for sealing small defects and for gluing the ceiling. With this related functionality of the composition you save on materials.

Simply dilute this putty with water, approximately half a liter per kilo of material, and directly whiten the ceiling.

Application methods

You can do this:

  • Spraying, in Lately airless spraying is popular;
  • An ordinary roller (the tool should be either long synthetic fur or sheep wool);
  • With a brush.

By the way, at least it’s easier to work with a roller, but usually a ceiling painted with water-based emulsion is the merit of the roller. New methods are also emerging, usually involving paint guns and spray guns.

How to whitewash a ceiling with different colors (video)

Today, ceilings are whitewashed in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and toilet, and utility rooms. The method of decorating the ceiling is quite quick and cheap, so you shouldn’t dismiss it as outdated. This classic way, so he will still be in demand for a long time.

Good luck with the renovation!

It is recommended to whitewash or paint ceilings only after the old finish has been removed. However, this matter is quite complicated. Removing old chalk or lime from the ceiling is long and tedious. In addition, after this a lot of dirt remains in the house. Previously, glue was added to the chalk solution before whitewashing. If the surface is finished with just such a product, cleaning it becomes a pain. Therefore, many owners of houses and apartments would probably like to know whether it is possible to whitewash the ceiling using old whitewash, and how to correctly perform such an operation.

What you need to know

In principle, you can paint or whitewash ceilings without removing the old coating. But not in all cases. So, for example, it is extremely undesirable to use chalk over old whitewash if it is covered with lime (and, accordingly, vice versa). Otherwise, sloppy streaks will definitely appear on the ceiling. If you don’t want to clean off the old coating, you should whiten the ceiling with the same product that was used before. You should also not use lime or chalk if the surface was previously treated with water-based paint. The surface simply will not become white. The ceiling will remain yellow, no matter how many layers are applied.

Using paint - is it possible?

Many owners of houses and apartments are wondering, among other things, whether it is possible to whitewash the ceiling over old whitewash with water-based emulsion. It is considered acceptable to use this remedy. But only if the layer old decoration not too thick and sticks to the ceiling quite firmly. Oil paint or enamel should never be applied to whitewash. When using them, the old coating will still have to be removed.

Preparation for finishing

In the event that you decide to perform such an operation as whitewashing the ceiling using old whitewash, before starting processing you will have to carefully prepare old surface. Chalk on a layer of plaster usually lies flat. Lime may come off in chunks. Therefore, in the latter case, before whitewashing, you need to check the entire ceiling for the presence of such detachments. Of course, all loose pieces should be removed with a spatula. After performing this operation, there will, of course, be some unevenness on the ceiling. They need to be sealed with a special chalk putty or thick lime mortar with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue (depending on the type of old finish). Of course, you need to coat all the cracks and chips on the surface.

Before starting, it is advisable to go over it with a damp cloth in order to remove dust, cobwebs, etc. It often happens that the old chalk or lime coating has yellow. After application new finishes, this yellowness will most likely still show through. Therefore, before starting work, such a discolored surface should be bleached. Such a need, for example, will definitely arise when finishing the kitchen. Yellow ceilings They also happen if one of the owners smokes right in the apartment. It is not difficult to whiten such a surface. It is enough to simply add a little inexpensive “Belizna” product to the water in which the rag is dipped during cleaning. If the ceilings are very yellow, you should go over them with a roller soaked in the prepared solution. Next, you should wait until the surface dries.

Whitewashing the ceiling using old whitewash: technology

Chalk and lime usually do not adhere very well to concrete. Therefore, a ceiling previously finished with such a product should be treated using a spray bottle rather than a roller. In this case, the surface will be smooth and neat. A roller can also be used. But when using this tool during work, you will have to carefully ensure that no streaks remain on the surface. Of course, you need to whitewash ceilings over old lime or chalk layers not in one, but in at least two or three layers.

Using water emulsion

Having asked the question about the old whitewash, you should, of course, decide on the type of finish used. Chalk and lime are used extremely rarely today when decorating ceilings. In most cases, apartment and house owners use water-based paint. This product is applied to the ceiling surface much more evenly. In addition, the water-based emulsion does not peel off over time. But of course, such a finish will last a long time only if it is applied correctly.

Before staining whitewashed ceiling worth priming. In this case, you should use a special tool deep penetration. After the primer has dried, you need to test the old coating for strength. To do this, just try to scratch the ceiling with a spatula. If the old coating is easily removed, it is better not to risk it and remove it anyway. If the chalk or lime soaked in primer holds tightly, you can start painting.

Sometimes owners of apartments and houses finish whitewashed ceilings with water-based emulsion and without prior priming. This is also acceptable. But only if it is used very quality paint from a good manufacturer.

Basic rules for whitewashing

Of course, before starting such an operation as whitewashing the ceiling using old whitewash, the room needs to be prepared. Floors and furniture should be covered with technical plastic film. You need to wear rubber gloves on your hands. This is especially important if the treatment is used. As is known, it can severely corrode the skin.

All doors and windows must be closed before starting to whitewash the ceilings with water-based emulsion, lime or chalk. Otherwise, after drying, unsightly stains and stripes will appear on the ceiling.

Use of special tools

The sprinkler gives very thin layer finishing. Therefore, whitewashing the ceiling over old whitewash with water-based paint when using this tool should be done in at least three layers. This allows you to get a smooth, completely white and clean surface. Before applying each subsequent layer, be sure to wait until the previous one has completely dried. This rule, by the way, is observed both when using a spray gun and a roller.

Is it worth finishing the surface without pre-cleaning?

So, we found out whether it is possible to whitewash the ceiling using old whitewash. In principle, this is allowed. If all the recommendations listed above are followed, the owner of an apartment or house can ultimately obtain a fairly even and beautiful coating. However, unfortunately, such finishing will have to be corrected in the future earlier than if the ceiling had been previously cleaned.

Therefore, before deciding to whitewash without removing the old layer, you should think carefully. The lime sticks to the ceiling quite firmly. Therefore, if the surface is finished with exactly this, applying a new layer without removing the old ones still makes some sense. But chalk can be removed from the ceiling very easily - just with a rag and water. Therefore, in this case, it is more advisable to pre-clean the surface.