What's the best way to start learning? Material on the topic: Tips on how to study better at school


Have your say. Try to lean on. At the same time, respect the other point of view and be willing to accept it if it is acceptable. Maintain a calm tone and never become aggressive.

Accept the teacher as he is. Don't try to remake it. This is that you need to respect the method that the teacher has chosen for his classes. In addition, everyone, without exception, loves when their subject is visited. Also turn off the sound on your mobile phone during class.

Answer confidently. Teachers sometimes perceive anxiety as a consequence of poor preparation. Therefore, do not show your excitement if you have it. Even your gestures and postures should indicate that you paid a lot of attention to this subject.

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  • “Record books on the table! Or a three-step session", Sacker Green, 2008.

From early childhood, mothers and fathers promise their children that when they turn seven, they will go to school on September 1st, where they will be taught to read, write, count and be told many more interesting things. However, just take baby who has reached the age of seven years, for the first time Class won't be enough. This is preceded by a long period of careful preparation.


Take tests with your child to determine psychological and physical readiness for school. During the tests, the general level of development is assessed baby, the presence of basic knowledge and skills, the level of development of logical and creative thinking, physical readiness for school. The last point is very important, because when a child moves from kindergarten to school, he is forced to withstand enormous stress, both mental and physical, which has never happened before. Therefore, if during the examination you were told that it is too early for your child to go to school and still needs to stay at home, then in no case should you neglect this instruction. Health from overload baby may suffer greatly.

Take part in preparing your own baby. The basic preparation for school should be carried out by kindergarten staff - this is part of their direct responsibilities. However, educators and teachers are not always able to pay sufficient attention to each of the children. Therefore, parents should not neglect this either. In modern primary schools, it is no longer customary to teach children to read and write - they should already be able to do this well when entering the first one.

Give it back baby to Sunday school. There he will get acquainted with the very concept of “school”, find out what they look like Class s, lesson, will be taught to discipline. In addition, Sunday schools are aimed specifically at preparing baby for admission to the first Class. Often from Class ov Sunday schools and the first ones are formed Class s.

Collect baby at first Class. If all the tests have shown that your child is completely ready for school, you should start purchasing everything you need. You will be given a complete set of everything you need at school, although the kit is first Class nik is usually about the same: notebooks with a slanted narrow ruler and in a cage of 12 sheets, a diary, pens, pencils, rulers, erasers and sharpeners, materials for creativity, etc. Don't forget about your school uniform. Some educational institutions have adopted a single one, which means they will order it for the entire Class, but the child will still need (for), blouses and tights () and replacement shoes.

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The human learning process lasts a lifetime. If at the beginning of our journey we are pushed by our parents and teachers, after graduating from school, college, or institute we need to continue our development on our own. To create sufficient motivation at each stage, you need to determine why you need to study.

At the first stage of systematic education, the child acquires basic knowledge and skills. They become the minimum without which full adaptation in the modern world is impossible. Even in order to obtain the simplest information - for example, to read the name of a street, you need to learn to read. To communicate with the world, a little person needs to master the art of writing and the basics of rhetoric.

The knowledge that schoolchildren receive in high school should also not settle as a dead weight in the back of their minds. Geography, physics, literature - all these sciences, if you approach the study thoroughly and thoughtfully, significantly expand human consciousness. In addition to applied knowledge that is useful in life, they also perform a larger task - they form an idea of ​​the world. Of course, this sense of space, time and society in which a person lives will be incomplete.

To make this picture clearer in a person’s mind - to enlarge it, to add details, the next stage of training is necessary. Having entered a special institution or university, a person develops in two directions at once. First, it delves into areas of science and science that have previously been touched upon only slightly. In the process, the student not only accumulates facts, but also analyzes them, compares them, and understands cause-and-effect relationships. As a result, the skill of independent thinking is formed, which is simply necessary in life.

Secondly, the student learns a trade. He acquires skills that will allow him to become a completely independent person, provide for himself from a financial point of view, and realize himself as a specialist. The interaction between the individual and the surrounding world will become full-fledged, mutual - by receiving resources from the outside, a person will bring certain benefits and will be able to participate in the life of his state.

For each subject there are several programs (traditional or developmental education). By law, the teacher is free to choose the curriculum and textbooks for work, although only from the list recommended by the Ministry of Education. In practice, the choice of programs is usually made in accordance with the educational vector of the educational institution and in collaboration with other teachers. The wishes of the parents are also taken into account.

Each class is assigned one of the teachers - the class teacher. He organizes academic and extracurricular activities.

In grades 5-9, children are given basic basic knowledge in the field of various sciences. Many schools are already introducing specialized training. That is, all students receive a basic minimum of knowledge in all subjects, but in some they receive deeper knowledge, depending on their profile.

Afterwards, all schoolchildren take the GIA (State Final Attestation) - exams according to the basic school curriculum. Exams in Russian and literature are mandatory, others are optional.

After finishing 9th grade, many students have the opportunity to enter secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges, technical schools, etc. But according to the law, a child cannot stop studying at all after 9th grade.

High school

Grades 10-11 are considered senior grades. Most schools transfer students to specialized education - students, together with their parents, choose subjects that may be useful for them to enter universities in order to study them in depth.

According to the new Education Standard, all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums should soon switch to specialized education.

After graduation, graduates take the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) in Russian, mathematics and selected subjects. Certificates with USE results are also documents that allow you to enter universities.

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One of the main social institutions - school - is indispensable for both younger children and adolescents. And while many send their children to school because it is an early stage of education, school actually has a much wider range of hidden functions. Which of them are key in the process of becoming an individual?

The importance of school for children

In the process of education and personality development, a person’s environment plays a huge role, which has a constant influence of one kind or another on him. The school, like the family, has a huge influence on the child's mind, and sometimes the influence of the school and its associated institutions is much greater than the influence of the parents themselves.

Why can't school be replaced by anything else?

Because only at school can social “educational” functions be realized, which are represented by socializing, integrating and behavioral-orienting mechanisms.

Already in kindergarten, a person begins to adapt to the team and make contacts, but at school this process of socialization is more serious - children spend a lot of time alone, without being under the supervision of adults.

If in kindergarten an individual does not yet understand the processes and emotions occurring in his brain, then at school he can specifically say why he doesn’t like someone, why he likes this teacher and not another, why he condemns something, but does not condemn the other - a child’s value orientation begins to form in elementary school.

In addition to the formation of the psychological foundation and the child’s adaptation to society, primary school performs a huge number of intellectual functions - it is in primary school that the child develops the basic skills of writing, reading and counting. Also, in the elementary grades, the child begins to adapt to working in a team, which is also an important socialization process.

If you isolate a child from interaction with his peers, then he may grow up to be a person with low self-esteem, completely unadapted to real life and adequate interaction with people.

School attendance requirement for teenagers

In Russia, the first four grades of a school are considered an elementary school, and the further 7 grades are divided into middle (4 to 8) and high (9 to 11) schools. Although writing and reading skills are developed in the first four grades, it is obvious that they will not be enough for further functioning in society and, especially, in a professional environment.

In addition, the process of socialization of the individual continues almost until the age of 25: the school is subsequently replaced by the university team, and then the work environment, which are an irreplaceable part of the same process - socialization.

Why is it important to get at least 9 years of education?

It is in high school that a person gradually enters a conscious age: the process of value orientation comes to an end, the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions arises, and many even begin to earn their first money, thereby gradually breaking the shackles of parental care.

It is in middle and high school that a person’s basic interests and life guidelines are formed. If in elementary school all the children are friends with each other, then in middle and high school the team is often divided into groups of two to four people.

School teaches a person adaptability, school teaches a person contact with other people, both adults and peers. We should not forget that it is at school that a person develops an interest in a particular area of ​​activity - most people already in grades 9-11 know what they want to devote their lives to, so interrupting the process of learning and knowing the world until that moment What a child does at 9 can result in different, not always disastrous, but unpleasant consequences.

For a long time, education meant the automatic transfer of knowledge and experience accumulated by previous generations. Considering the fact that over the entire existence of mankind, gigantic amounts of knowledge have been accumulated, and, since the middle of the last century, the volume has doubled every 20 years. That is, it is unrealistic to master all the information available in the world, and that’s putting it mildly.

In addition, information dissemination channels do not have spatial dimensions, which allows us to talk about cyberspace.

Transition to new educational standards in secondary school

The basis of any educational process is knowledge of the basics, so the alphabet and multiplication will remain in the educational system for an indefinitely long time. Another question is that studying the fundamental principles according to modern educational standards is not an end in itself, but serves only as a tool for achieving personal results.

The Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), adopted in 2009, completely changed the basic paradigm of education towards a system-activity orientation. Before the adoption of standards, the main training formula was the ZUN formula - “knowledge, abilities, skills.” According to the new standards, the goal of education is an integrated approach to the outcome of education.

What should a modern student be taught?

Any education fulfills a social and state order. Modern society is characterized as information society, hence the requirements for a modern high school graduate - the ability to work with information.

In modern cyberspace, information is in a chaotic state. We have to admit that the Internet space is not regulated by any laws, while access to it is practically unlimited. A citizen of modern society must be able to work with information. The skill involves searching for information and its analytical and synthetic processing, on the basis of which the student appropriates the acquired knowledge and creates his own information product.

During project activities as the main methodological tool, the child learns to work in a team, which increases the possibility of social adaptation of the graduate in society.

The ability to rationally handle information will make it possible to specify its place in the life of a student, which will allow him to devote time to physical and moral education. Modern children lack communication with nature, which should be taught to the child during class and extracurricular activities.

Whoever owns the information owns the world. Free circulation of information gives the child access to conflicting information regarding the history of the country. Not every adult can determine his position in relation to certain historical events; it is even more difficult for a child to understand them and draw conclusions. Therefore, the educational process is integrated with the educational process, and the education of patriotism is a fundamental direction.

How to study better at school: tips

  • Find purpose and meaning in studying well.First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important specifically for you: to go where you want, but where there is a lot of competition; become the best in class, attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make your teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to study.
  • Write down specific tasks- what you need to do to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 homework in mathematics, write a literature test for 5, learn to calculate integral equations” and so on. The smaller and more specific the task, the easier it is to complete it and the easier it is for you to understand how best to study at school and what to do for it.
  • Go to all classes- At school, truancy is treated very strictly. But even if you miss classes for a good reason, ask your classmates what happened in class; Ask your teacher what you can read on this topic and go through the missed material yourself.
  • Don't get distracted during lessons- being distracted, you miss important material and comments on it. You can be distracted by a friend who sits next to you and always strives to quickly tell you the latest joke; on a phone with games, SMS, ICQ, or free Internet access; player; console and much more. Knowing what things distract you, it is better not to take them with you to school, not to bother them in class, and to sit away from your friend, if possible explaining what you are doing and why. If there is nothing interesting around you, nothing that can distract you, perhaps the lesson itself will become interesting to you.
  • Another way to do well in school islisten carefully to the teacher- listen not only to the rules and tasks, but also to what he says about them. Often students' attention is focused only at the words "test", "homework" or "grade for the quarter", but the teacher usually has a good understanding of his material, he may mention a way in which the problem can be solved more easily or talk about small details of the author's life. Such little things may go unnoticed, or they may be remembered and useful to you in the exam.
  • Ask questions - not all teachers like questions; some may react sharply to a request to repeat or explain again. If something is not clear to you, try to soften the question, make it clarifying, ask about something specific. If something is unclear, not only the teacher can help you, you can ask your classmates for help; a classmate who understands the topic can sometimes tell it to you better than the teacher, because he will explain it in your language, and not in terms from a textbook.
  • Complete tasks- do not copy them from others or from textbooks, decide for yourself. Homework is given for a reason, their task is to consolidate your knowledge, so it is best if you complete the task on the very day when it is assigned. Firstly, it will be easier, because you have just covered the material, and you remember it well, and you know how to solve things. Secondly, you will actually be able to consolidate new material in your memory, and not painfully remember and learn to do everything again later. Thirdly, by repeating, you develop skills, “get your hands on”, the more problems of a certain type you solve, the easier it will be to solve such problems after some time.
  • Structure your time- if during the day after school you need to go to the sports section, language courses, do homework and meet with friends, do homework first. The number of things that still need to be done will spur you on, and you will work faster. Knowing how much you have to do, you won’t be so lazy anymore.
  • These tips will help you do better in school only if you want it yourself. Good luck!

For most students, studying is extremely difficult: a complex curriculum, lack of desire to do homework, strict teachers. Of course, in the presence of all these factors, no one will want to study. But what to do if secondary education is necessary, and it is also desirable to get higher education for free? How to do well at school? Let's tell you important rules for students!
First of all, you need to talk about doing homework and everything related to its effectiveness. Good self-study is the main rule for those who want to study well.
Rule #1
First, put your workspace in order, because the cleanliness around you determines how well you will complete and concentrate on your homework. This will take you no more than 20 minutes, so feel free to start cleaning.
Rule #2
Set priorities and make a plan for your work. For example:
1. Write an essay on literature
2. Do 10 numbers in mathematics
3. Complete 2 exercises in the Russian language
4. Prepare for a physics test
Try to do the hardest work first and the easiest one last. After all, then you simply won’t have enough strength for the difficult ones :)
A well-constructed plan will not only improve the quality of homework, but also reduce the time it takes to complete it!
Rule #3
Do not be distracted! If you decide that at 15:00 you start doing your homework, then it is at this time that you sit down to do it, and not a minute later. This rule will help you become more punctual!
Also, do not forget that you need to set an approximate completion time for the work. Believe me, if you don’t get distracted and focus only on homework, instead of 3 hours on homework, you can spend less than two! :)
Rule #4
If the task is too difficult and you don’t have time to complete it on time, don’t be upset. Turn on the music for 5 minutes, relax, eat a piece of chocolate, look out the window. Only then continue doing your homework.
Studying at school
High-quality homework is only a 50% guarantee of good study. How to do well at school?
Rule #5
In every lesson, always listen carefully to the teachers and try to answer. This way, you will get more good grades and it will be easier for you to complete your homework!
Rule #6
If suddenly teachers offer to write an essay, agree without hesitation. Nowadays, almost everyone has the Internet or a lot of educational literature. So why not get a good grade almost for nothing? :)
Rule #7
Be on good terms with teachers: don’t be rude to them, help them if necessary. Believe me, this will not only benefit them, but will also improve your academic performance!

If you are a school student or a student at an institute or other educational institution, then you know from your own experience that studying is a difficult task, and that forcing yourself to study is very difficult. It is doubly difficult to sit down with textbooks and notebooks if the weather outside is wonderful, friends are inviting you to join them in their games, and in general, there are a lot of things to do that are much more fun and interesting. Meanwhile, there are ways in which you can motivate even the most careless students to study well.

How to start studying well? There are several answers to this question. One of the methods of motivation is motivation with money. Invite your parents to introduce a reward system for you. To do this, you can propose the following scheme: in the first and second weeks you do not receive any money from them. If during this period all your assessments turn out to be positive, you will begin to be paid the previously agreed upon amount of pocket money. If your performance does not drop over the next two weeks, your pocket money will increase. Two more successful weeks means another promotion, but if you get at least one “C”, everything starts from scratch.

Another An option on how to start studying well is to argue with your classmates. Choose a partner who has approximately the same level of knowledge and also wants to improve his situation. Argue about which of you can improve your performance the most. According to the terms of the bet, the one whose average score for the specified period is lower will have to respond to some offensive nickname invented by the winner for a certain time.

Very good results in your studies can be achieved when you learn to find pleasant moments in this process. It’s quite simple to turn a routine sitting at textbooks into an exciting process, the main thing is to be able to use your imagination and ingenuity for this.

A powerful argument in favor of good study can be the desire to become a specialist in any profession. As a rule, everyone wants to become a lawyer, manager or financier after graduating from school and college, but in order to master these professions, you must have a certain amount of knowledge. Knowing clearly what you want to become in the future, it will be easier for you to prioritize and pay more attention to those sciences that are more important to achieving your goal.

Try to develop a daily routine for yourself and learn to strictly follow it.

The schedule should be designed in such a way that it takes into account your classes at school, a short rest after them, doing homework and preparing for lessons, visiting clubs and sections, as well as time for walks. By strictly following the points of your routine, you will begin to manage everything, and all your activities will not seem so difficult to you. Once you get used to living at this pace, you will begin to learn better, putting in much less effort.

The following statement may seem contradictory, but, nevertheless, in order to study well, you need to get more rest. Each person has his own limit of endurance and perception. A person in a state of fatigue is practically unable to perceive new information, which means he needs to rest, and the best form of rest is healthy sleep. If sleep does not help you cope with overwork, then find time to take walks in the fresh air or do some distracting and relaxing activities.

A very good way to improve your academic performance is to try to imitate someone. Find someone you would really like to be like. Study all the available information about him, especially about how he studied at school, and try to study as well as or even better than your idol. It is important that the candidate for the title of your idol is correct and positive, otherwise you may turn into an antisocial person, and your grades will become even worse.

Another recommendation to anyone who is thinking about how to start studying better, is to never put off doing homework. This will not only allow you to start studying well, but will also give you more free time for all your other activities.

Armed with our tips and starting to implement at least some of them, you will be able to see from your own experience that studying can be interesting, the main thing is to find the right approach to it.

The question of how to do well at school is relevant for many schoolchildren. After all, successful education often determines a higher status among peers and is important when choosing a future path in life. Some students, who were rather indifferent to the learning process, come to their senses by the end of school: how to start studying well?

What to do to study well?
  1. First, you need to decide on your priorities. Why is it important for you to study well: maybe for admission to a higher educational institution, where there is a lot of competition; or to increase your authority among your classmates, or maybe it is important for you to get the approval of your parents and teachers?
  2. Next, you need to decide on specific tasks. It’s easier when you fail in only one or two academic subjects; it’s more difficult if there is a lag in knowledge in several subjects. For example, you set the task of writing a “4” essay on literature, or learning English vocabulary on a work topic with a “5”.
  3. To ensure there are no gaps in knowledge, you should attend all lessons. If for some good reason you have to miss classes, then it is important to ask your classmates or teacher about the topic of the lesson and the main issues discussed in class in order to study the material covered on your own.
  4. Attendance at lessons will be useless if you do not comprehend the educational material. Of course, many topics are quite difficult, but if you listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, delve into the diagrams, tables, graphs illustrating the material being studied, then it is possible to understand the essence of the issue even with a low level of ability.
  5. If some part of the material is not entirely clear, then do not hesitate to ask a question on the topic. It happens that a teacher is annoyed by students’ clarifying questions, or natural shyness does not allow him to ask the teacher about something he doesn’t understand. Then you should seek help from a classmate who is successful in this subject. When explained “in your own words,” it is sometimes easier to understand complex material than when studying from a textbook.
  6. When deciding for yourself how best to study at school, make a commitment to do your homework regularly and, if possible, on your own. By doing the assigned work at home, you reinforce the material and develop the necessary skills.
  7. It is very important to organize your time, especially if you attend a sports section, music school, art studio, etc. By the way, it has been reliably established that children who receive additional education structure their time better, accurately determining the time frames spent on completing homework, attending extra classes, helping parents around the house, and even meeting with friends.
How to help your child study well?

Without the caring attitude of parents and their unobtrusive attention, it is sometimes difficult for a child to organize himself. Reasonable help from adults is simply necessary!