What is the best way to replant a rose that has already bloomed. Methods for planting a crop in a new place

Rose is the queen garden flowers. A well-groomed rose garden always looks luxurious, it is a real decoration summer cottage. However, this is quite demanding and capricious flower, so gardeners need to learn all the intricacies of care in order to get abundant and long-lasting flowering. One of the enough complex issues– how to replant roses, and what time of year is best to do it.

Transplanting a rose to another place in the spring may be necessary for several reasons:

  • Unsuitable soil on the site. Rosa does not like either too loose sandy loam or heavy clay soils, placement in such areas leads to squeezing out the roots and death of the bush.
  • Depletion of soil under bushes. The rose garden has to be replanted every few years in order for the flowering to remain as constant.
  • The layout of the site changed, and it was decided to move the rose bushes to another location.
  • The rose bush has grown too big. In this case, it is not necessary to completely replant the rose garden; it is enough to remove excess branches and replant part of the bush. An already developed root system will ensure its rapid establishment in a new place.

​If one of the bushes in the rose garden dies for some reason, a new plant must be transplanted in its place, and it is advisable to choose a similar variety.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to replant old rose. If the plant is more than 5 years old, the number of suction roots begins to decrease, so replanting will have to be done with extreme caution. To do this, you have to move them to a new place, always with an old clod of earth - this is a very labor-intensive job. Young plants take root much better, so for replanting it is still advisable to choose roses no older than 5 years.

When is the best time to replant a rose?

Many gardeners ask the question when is the best time to replant roses. Optimal time for transplantation - April or October. In the spring, transplantation is carried out until the plant has buds, in which case it quickly restores root system and grows luxuriantly over the summer. In autumn, replanting is carried out three weeks before the onset of frost, so that the bush has time to restore its roots.

In summer, it is better not to replant: during the growing season and flowering, plants get sick for a long time after moving to a new place, in some cases the bush may even die. As a rule, in autumn time adult plants with a powerful root system are replanted. At the same time, it is advisable to know whether it is a grafted or self-rooted bush: in the first case, it has a superficial root system with small roots, in the second, it has a powerful tap-type root located at great depths.

In all cases, it is advisable to replant the plant together with a lump of earth: after removing the bush from the hole, the roots along with the soil are tied with a cloth so that the soil does not crumble. If a small part of the roots is lost, the plant can restore it in a few weeks.

How to transplant a rose: sequence of actions

Before transplanting a rose, you need to choose optimal place to place the bush. Rose is a light-loving plant, and the bush should not be located in the shade. It is not advisable to place it between other shrubs and trees, as it will constantly suffer from a lack of sunlight. The best decision- an open space on the south side, it should be well lit by the morning sun. Rose loves lungs loamy soils, it is advisable to eliminate excess moisture using a drainage layer.

Before transplanting bush rose, it is necessary to prepare a hole three weeks before planting. Its diameter is usually 50-60 cm, the depth for fertile soils is 50 cm, for clay soils - 60-70 cm. The bottom of the hole must be well loosened, a layer of compost is placed in it and covered with a layer of soil so that the roots of the plants do not suffer from contact with fertilizer.

Immediately before moving, the branches of the bush are cut back by 20 cm; all weak and diseased shoots must be removed from the plant. The transplantation of the rose bush itself is carried out in several stages:

  • The bottom of the hole must be well shed with water; the soil must be loose and sufficiently moist.
  • The grafted rose is placed in a planting hole so that the root collar is located several centimeters below ground level. The root bush is placed so that the earthen lump is flush with the surface.
  • The bush is installed in a hole, after which the roots are sprinkled with the usual garden soil, it needs to be compacted.
  • The planted plant is watered abundantly, after which the complex is introduced at a distance of 15 cm around the bush. mineral fertilizers for roses, for autumn planting nitrogen fertilizers not required.
  • For the winter, when planting in autumn, the soil is mulched with rotted manure - this will protect the plant from freezing and supply it with nutrients in the spring.

It is advisable to carry out a repeat transplant no earlier than three years later; it reacts quite painfully to such a procedure.

How to replant climbing roses

Many difficulties arise with how to transplant a climbing rose. This plant is usually replanted in early fall to give it enough time to take root. However, in some cases it can be replanted in the spring before the leaves begin to bloom. Climbing roses are not recommended to be placed near the walls of buildings: in this case, water will flow onto them. rainwater from the roof, in addition, in winter they can be damaged by falling snow. It is also better not to plant them next to trees: the powerful root system of the tree will take up water and nutrients. However, you can use an old dead tree trunk as a support for a climbing rose.

To transplant a climbing rose, it must be removed from the support on which it was attached. The roots of the bush are dug in a circle, the diameter is two bayonets of a shovel. It is necessary to preserve the root system as much as possible: after extraction, the soil is carefully shaken off. It is advisable to treat the seedlings before planting to ensure their full development. To do this you need to do the following:

  • The roots of the seedling are soaked for 1 day for better survival in a new place.
  • Pruning shoots. Weak shoots can be removed completely, strong shoots are cut to a height of 15 cm. When replanting in autumn, this will allow the plant to quickly increase its green mass in the spring.
  • The cut areas should be powdered with charcoal to protect against diseases.

For the plant, it is necessary to prepare a spacious planting hole, its depth is at least 65 cm. If several plants are to be planted, the distance between the holes should be at least 1 m. When planting in a prepared hole, it is necessary to straighten the roots - they should not curl up. The root collar should be buried approximately 5 cm into the soil.

After planting, the roots of the bush are covered with garden soil and watered abundantly, while the soil must be compacted. In a few days the ground will settle, so you will need to add soil to the hole. After autumn planting The stems of the climbing rose do not need to be placed on the support again: it is enough to simply bend the stems to the ground and close them for the winter. In the spring it will be possible to straighten the shoots, place them on a support, and very soon the rose will give beautiful foliage and abundant flowering.

Transplanting a climbing rose in the spring to another place is carried out before the buds begin to bloom - this way the plant will have enough time to recover. Before transplanting, all old shoots are removed from it - after two years they no longer produce flowers.

A climbing rose bush can be shaped by tying up individual vines. It is usually used for vertical decoration of a support, but you cannot direct all the shoots only upward: this will lead to buds appearing only at the tops. Usually the main lashes are located in the horizontal direction, and already they give a large number of processes. This option can be used to decorate pergolas and garden gazebos.

Transplant climbing rose possible to create an original flower arrangement: with a fan-shaped arrangement of shoots, they will grow without interfering with each other, and each shoot will produce beautiful buds. In all cases climbing roses require regular pruning, watering and properly selected fertilizing. It is necessary to place such a plant in well-lit spaces.

Early spring and late autumn - best time

for transplanting adult plants. However, problems may arise with the wintering of roses, because for them the timing of autumn transplantation is from late August to mid-September.

Is it possible to replant a rose in the summer?

Unfortunately, it often happens that thoughts of redevelopment come to the gardener in the summer, when all the acquired “newbies” and seedlings have already been planted, and the hassle of preparing for winter is still ahead. Of course, summer is not the best time to transplant roses, but sometimes for some reason there is no other choice. In principle, you can replant a rose at an inopportune time, but then you need to help it take root in a new place: sacrifice flowering this year and prune the bush more heavily.

If the bush is large, then we leave the rose 40-50 cm, and if there are a lot of shoots, it is better to remove some of them completely, at the same time giving the rose a beautiful shape. If the bush is small and the roots were almost undamaged, you still need to trim young immature shoots, as well as remove flowers and buds.

In the first month after summer replanting, water the plant as often as possible. In addition, the rose needs to be shaded for a while. Daily spraying helps a lot. Of course, an unplanned summer transplant should be carried out not on sunny days, but in cloudy, preferably rainy, weather.

First, make sure that the new place will not differ from the previous ones, it will receive the usual amount of light and will be protected from the wind. First you need to prepare the planting hole, filling it according to the requirements of the rose. Weed roots must be removed from the future planting hole. After preparing the place for the rose (and ideally, let it “settle”, that is, wait for the ground to settle), you can start digging up the bush.

Of course, it is not always possible to dig up a plant according to the projection of the crown, but you should still try to do this with as large a lump of earth as possible. This is quite difficult, since the soil in rose gardens is usually loose and crumbles easily. The rose must first be watered well so that the soil holds on better, and the prickly one must also be tied. rose bush to make it easier to access. When we talk about “as large a lump of earth as possible,” we mean a lump of such size that it can be dragged. But it is still quite difficult to cope with an adult rose bush; it is better to attract an assistant.

First, dig a small trench around the perimeter of the rose, gradually deepening it. Having dug a deep enough groove, tie a ball of earth with cloth or polyethylene (cling film is best) and dig under the base of the bush. Long roots that interfere with digging can be cut off. There is nothing wrong with this if the bush has proper care further.

Then place something strong under the base of the bush (not a shovel, as it may break, but preferably a crowbar or similar tool). Using the lever, pull out the bush. If the transplant occurs within the same garden, the rose can be placed on a cloth or bag prepared nearby and dragged to the planting hole. If the rose has to travel long distances, the roots and earthen ball should be preserved until planting, wrapped in a damp cloth (make sure that the cloth does not dry out).

Place the rose with a lump in the prepared planting hole, check the height so that after planting the bush is covered with earth at the same level as before. If necessary, deepen the hole or, conversely, raise it a little.

Next, fill the soil up to half of the hole and begin to remove the coma strapping. Then pour water heavily, wait a little until the water is absorbed. After this, add soil to the top of the hole, remove the strapping and water again. Wait until the water goes away, add a little more soil and “trample” it well around the bush so that there are no air voids left around the roots of the rose.

If the soil is very loose and it was not possible to save the lump when digging, carefully inspect the roots of the rose and cut off the damaged ones. Then you need to place the rose bush in the planting hole (it is better to fill a mound and distribute the roots on it) and gradually cover it with soil, alternating with watering. If the bush is small, you will need about 1 bucket of water for watering, if it is large - 1.5-2 buckets.

Sometimes it happens that the rose does not seem to notice the transplant. But often, especially during transplantation late spring or in the summer, the rose then “sways” for a long time.

And yet roses are not such delicate creatures, they are quite tenacious. Replanting this plant, although undesirable, is quite possible, although it is a rather labor-intensive process.

Is it possible to replant a rose now so that the plant does not die in the cold? Don’t even doubt it, it’s possible! It's really best to do this in early spring or early autumn (until the end of September). And if you are late with specified deadlines, then the rose will not survive the winter well and its root system will not have time to adapt to new conditions.

However, sometimes not everything goes according to plan for amateur gardeners. And it happens that the rose has to be replanted in the summer. Do not despair! Even now you can get good result. True, you will have to sacrifice the flowering of this beauty and trim the bush harder.

Cut it or leave it alone?

If the bush is large, then the shoots should be left no more than 50 cm long, and if there are a lot of them, then thin out the vegetation, giving the bush a neat shape. If it is young and the shoots have not yet grown much, they still need to be trimmed and all buds and blooming flowers removed.

Prepare in advance

It is better to carry out such a transplant in cloudy weather, after which the plant will have to be well watered, sprayed and protected from the bright sun for a month.

You just need to take care of the planting hole in advance - fill it with fertilizers that roses love, wait a little for the soil to settle.

It is difficult to remove a bush with a large earthen lump from the ground, since the soil in rose gardens is most often loose, but try to keep the root system hidden in the ground as much as possible. Don't expose the roots.

To ensure that the soil sticks to the roots, water the bush generously before digging up the rose, and to make it easier to work and not prick yourself on the thorns, it is advisable to wrap the above-ground part with a rope or carefully place a bag over it.

Extracted from the soil

When digging a rose, you should start with a small groove around it, gradually making it deeper and deeper. When you can get to the base of the bush, the resulting earthen lump can be wrapped in cling film, so the earth will not crumble. If, when digging, long roots get in the way, you can carefully chop them off; this will not weaken the plant if you then carefully care for it.

Then, under the base of the bush, you need to insert a strong lever, for example, a crowbar, and, pressing on it, pull the rose out of the hole.

If in the future you plan to transport the rose over a long distance, then the roots need to be wrapped wet cloth. If you are replanting within your garden, then drag the rose to the planting site on a piece of thick polyethylene film and install it in the prepared hole.

Choosing a place

In a new place, the rose should be at the same level relative to the surface of the earth at which it grew before. If necessary, the hole should be deepened or, conversely, raised. After installing the bush, fill the hole halfway and then remove the tie on the root ball of the rose. Next, water generously and wait until the water is absorbed. Then fill the hole completely with soil and water well again. If the ground compacts a little, add a little more soil and trample it around the bush, so there will be no air voids around the roots.

Cut or break off?

Quite often, novice lovers of growing roses ask the same question: is it true that in the fall the buds should be broken off and not cut?

Not true. When pruning, the cut heals more easily than a lacerated wound. But it is not so important to cut or tear off. The main thing is to remove faded shoots in a timely manner. Pruning after the first wave of flowering usually means not just removing faded inflorescences, but also shortening the stem by 1/3 to a strong bud in order to stimulate the bush to bloom again. This cannot be done in the fall.

Rejuvenating the bushes

What to do with roses that have been growing in one place for more than 15 years, do they need to be updated and replanted? Varieties of roses such as hybrid tea, grandiflora, polyantha, miniature, floribunda are replaced after 10-15 years. But old bushes can be rejuvenated. This is done in the spring or early August.

What do you need? Here is the advice the specialist gives: “Dig up old bushes and free the roots from the ground. All stems are shortened, leaving 15-25 cm from the root collar. After this, you need to remove dry, diseased and old thin shoots. Trim all small and large branches growing inside the bush.

Then you should clean the root collar. Over the course of a decade, many dried up stumps from old stems have accumulated around it. They must be removed in any way: sawed off, cut or scraped off with a knife. Only healthy shoots that have at least two buds are left.

Then the roots are tidied up. Dry and clumsy ones are removed, and long ones are shortened to 20-25 cm. A clay mash is prepared from water, clay and compost (or rotted cow manure) with the addition of heteroauxin or root. Clay and compost are taken in equal quantities and diluted with water to form a liquid slurry, and a dissolved heteroauxin tablet is added to 25 ml of vodka. The roots and root collar are dipped in clay mash and the bush is planted in the soil.”


From home to garden

In the spring, I planted a miniature rose from a pot at the dacha. I want to know: won’t she die in the winter when it gets cold? Tatiana Korobko, Gantsevichi

Do not worry! Miniature roses very unpretentious and winter well in open ground. This is explained by the fact that the ancestor of this plant was brought from the mountains of Switzerland, where the climate is quite harsh. But now we have the opportunity to replenish our rosaries with this “indoor” culture. A mini rose will survive the winter without any problems if you follow a few rules. You need to plant the babies on sunny place, protected from northern winds. It is best if the sun is in the first half of the day: this prevents plant disease powdery mildew and rust. When watering, you should be guided by the rule: less often is better, but more abundantly. It is ideal to moisten the soil no more than once every 10 days, spending 3-5 liters per bush, depending on the weather. In addition to watering at the root, you can arrange rain for the roses, this is especially good to do in the heat. Immediately after watering, it is necessary to protect the soil from overheating and retain moisture. This is achieved by mulching. When to eat after a haircut lawn grass, use it, you can also take dry leaves, rotted sawdust, humus. Grass, of course, is better, since when it rots, it also provides extra food. But you still can’t do without fertilizing.

It is unlikely that anyone would want to dispute that roses are the most beautiful flowers, which attracts many. And giving one of these in a pot is a good alternative to giving a cut bouquet. After all, the bouquet will wither in a few days, losing all its attractiveness, and the indoor one, if it is properly transplanted and actively cared for, will long years please with your flowers.

Probably many people do not know that plants grown for sale and purchased in stores should not continue to grow in the same soil in which they grew. This is because For active growth, flowers were treated with special fertilizers for short term get a grown and flourishing example of a garden crop.

Once the plant gets home, it stops receiving the dose of stimulants it is accustomed to and begins to lose its attractive appearance. To avoid such a situation, transfer indoor rose must occur immediately after it enters permanent place growth and carrying out all preparatory procedures. We will figure out how to do this correctly.


Before you start replanting the plant, you need to prepare the flower by drawing a series of simple manipulations which are extremely necessary.

First of all, the entire plant must be thoroughly washed. soap solution. After this treatment, it is better for the flower to give it a contrast shower, which will wash away all the remaining soap. Main, to hot water temperature did not exceed forty degrees otherwise the leaves may be damaged. The pot of soil itself must be placed in a container filled with water and allowed to stand for at least thirty minutes.

After water procedures, experts advise treating the bush with solutions based on a drug called Epin. This assistant to flower growers and gardeners has many necessary qualities that stimulate plant growth, strengthen the flower’s immune system, which is what it needs for full growth at home.

From this drug you need to prepare a solution that contains a liter of water and five drops of Epin. The bush needs to be thoroughly sprayed with this mixture. Above the plant needs to be covered with a plastic bag, but in such a way that the bag comes into contact with the leaves of the flower as little as possible. This can be achieved by installing a simple structure of sticks around the greenery of the bush, and then stretching the bag over it.

When carrying out Epinom treatment procedures, you need to know that the bush cannot be left in a homemade greenhouse without ventilation. You need to start with five minutes of ventilation and increase this time every day. When the buds begin to fade, you need to remove them all and remove the polyethylene. This is where it all ends preparatory procedures, occurring before transplanting an indoor rose, and the transplant itself begins.

What materials are needed

To carry out a successful procedure, you need to prepare all the materials necessary for this manipulation.

What you need to have in stock:

When choosing a pot, you need to take into account that it should be several centimeters larger in size than the pot in which the flower was bought. This will allow the plant to grow freely, regularly increasing the root mass.

But you should not buy a pot that is too large, this will provoke the plant to actively grow, not thereby allowing new buds to form, but for a rose this is irrelevant, since this flower is purchased precisely because of its charming bloom.

Of course, it is better to purchase the substrate in a store where this particular flower is indicated on the packaging. Moreover the purchase must take place in a specialized flower shop or garden centers big supermarket. This guarantees that the package with soil will contain a mixture whose composition corresponds to the parameters stated on the package.

If such specialized soil is not available, then you can select the soil yourself, although this is not recommended. It should be loose and have both a neutral and slightly acidic reaction.

Buying a ceramic pot entails small procedures that need to be performed with it, before transplanting a flower into it. It must be completely immersed in water for several hours.

You need to make sure that the pot has drainage holes. If they are not there, then it is not a pot, but a flowerpot. In the case of a plastic product the problem is easy to fix, heating a screwdriver over a fire and making holes at the bottom. If the product is made of ceramics, then it is not suitable for planting and you need to purchase another container more suitable for replanting.

Instructions for replanting indoor roses

You need to start replanting a flower by carefully removing it from the old pot. Then you will need boiled warm water, in which the roots of the plant should be immersed. By ridding the flower of old soil from the roots, you can free the rose from the excess of chemicals that were fed to it for rapid growth.

The transplantation process itself occurs in two stages:

  • Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the bush in the pot and gradually add soil, periodically compacting it.

You need to pour the soil into the pot so that at least two centimeters remain to the edges.

You should not water the flower immediately after replanting. It is better to choose a place for it in the shade and leave it there for a day. Then he needs to be placed in a permanent place where it will be light and cool. Windows are best facing the southeast side, but if there are none, then you need to place the flower in the most illuminated place in the apartment. This plant needs to be watered from below, pouring settled water into a tray that stands under the pot.

When the adaptation process after replanting takes place, which usually takes about a month, the rose bush needs to be fed with fertilizers intended for flowering plants.

If the flower is comfortable in the created conditions, then soon he will reward you for your care with numerous buds, which will create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort. And such a period can last for a very long time, not excluding the winter months.

Over time, every gardener is faced with the need to transplant roses to another place. Moreover, these can be not only young seedlings, but also mature bushes. But before you begin relocation, you need to study the rules of the procedure and take into account the requirements of the culture, since ignoring them can lead to long-term adaptation of the rose, and sometimes to the death of the bush. It is important to carry out preliminary preparation site and get acquainted with the features further care so that the plant quickly recovers and grows.

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    Optimal timing

    Roses can be replanted in early spring and autumn. But depending on the region, this period may shift.

    In conditions middle zone and the Moscow region, it is best to replant roses in the fall, from the beginning of September to the beginning of October. The duration of this period depends on the air temperature; the higher it is, the later the transplant should be carried out. But so that there is at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost. This time is necessary so that the seedlings can fully take root before the arrival of winter. Autumn transplant makes it possible to get full-fledged rose bushes by spring, which will bloom next season.

    If frost occurs prematurely, the procedure must be postponed until spring, since the bushes will freeze out in winter without having time to take root.

    In Siberia and the Urals, this procedure should be carried out in early spring, when the air temperature warms up to 10–12 degrees during the day and does not drop below 5 degrees at night. In case of more early landing roses may suffer from returning frosts, as they will not be able to fully take root.

    When planted late, the plants will take a long time to adapt to the new location, since elevated temperature air stimulates active vegetation. This means that the bushes need to spend energy not only on rooting, but also on the development of new shoots and leaves. Sometimes this can cause the death of the bush.

    Features of the transplant

    Before you start transplanting roses, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the procedure. This will help the gardener avoid mistakes that will negatively affect the further development of the bushes.

    You should not ignore even minor recommendations, since when transplanting they are all of great importance.

    Selecting a location

    Roses prefer to grow in sunny open areas, especially in the first half of the day, when moisture intensively evaporates from the leaves. This will help reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases in the future.

    You should not place bushes near spreading trees and shrubs, as they will not only take all the nutrients from the soil, but will also create shading. In this case, the roses will not be able to fully develop and bloom, and will also be susceptible to black spot and powdery mildew.

    The optimal place for a rose garden is the southeast or southwest side of the garden.

    Site preparation

    Roses are undemanding to soil composition, but prefer loam with neutral acidity in the range of 6.5–7.0 pH. When landing in clay soil with an intensive mineralization process, a slightly acidic environment at 7.5 pH is allowed. sandy soil It is also suitable for growing a rose garden, but it should be understood that in winter it freezes quickly, and in summer it overheats greatly, in addition, nutrients are quickly washed out of it. Therefore, it is necessary to add humus and peat in advance so that the bushes can fully develop.

    Occurrence groundwater should not be closer than 1–1.2 m to the soil surface, since the root system of grafted bushes reaches 1 m in depth.

    Roses should not be planted in places where moisture stagnates, since such soil is unable to warm up sufficiently and limits air access to the roots.

    Preparation of a new place must be carried out 2–3 weeks before the procedure, or in the fall when spring transplant. The area should be dug to the depth of a shovel and the roots of perennial weeds should be carefully removed. Level the surface to eliminate any depressions or high spots.

    Proper preparation of the site will allow the soil to settle in a timely manner and help avoid excessive deepening of the root collar.

    Features of the landing pit

    Holes for transplantation should also be dug in advance. Their depth and width should be slightly larger than the root system of the seedling. They are often dug 30–40 cm in diameter and 50–70 cm in depth. When transplanting hybrid tea, polyanthus and floribunda varieties, planting holes must be made at a distance of 30–50 cm from each other. Standard, curly and climbing species are recommended to be placed at a distance of 1 meter, and miniature and border species - 20 cm.

    The holes for the bushes should be filled more than half with a special nutrient mixture, which will help provide the plant with necessary nutrition on initial stage.To prepare it you will need to mix the components in the following proportion:

    • 30% - garden land;
    • 30% - peat;
    • 20% - humus;
    • 20% - sand;
    • 20 g - superphosphate;
    • 10 g - potassium sulfate.

    The resulting mixture should fill the planting holes to 2/3 of the total volume at least 10 days before transplanting. This will allow the nutrient layer to settle and compact in time.

    Preparing bushes for transplantation

    One or two days before transplanting the bushes to a new location, they should be watered. This will help avoid unnecessary damage to the roots.

    Preparing a rose bush for replanting: pruning shoots and roots

    The shoots of the bushes must be shortened to 20 cm in height, and the roots should be trimmed based on the type of roses:

    • bush 20 cm long;
    • curly and climbing varieties- half the length;
    • standard - 1/3 of the length.

    You should know that grafted varieties form a tap root that goes deep, while roses form a superficial root system on their own roots. Therefore, when digging up bushes, this feature should be taken into account.

    In the future, the procedure for removing adult bushes is carried out as follows:

    • Use a shovel to mark a circle around the plant, taking into account the location of the root system;
    • dig the bush from all sides, gradually going deeper into the soil;
    • Having reached the required depth, place a crowbar under the root, which will act as a lever when uprooting;
    • Place the bush with a lump of earth on a cloth and move it to a new place.

    Main methods of transplantation

    There are two main ways to transplant roses in open ground: classic and wet.

    The first option is used if it was not possible to save the earthen lump. In this case, it is necessary to initially inspect the roots and trim off all damaged and broken areas with pruning shears. Then it is recommended to place the seedlings in water for 2 hours to activate biological processes.

    The classic way to transplant roses

    After this, you should start planting in the classic way:

    • make a hill in the center of the planting hole on which all the roots are evenly distributed;
    • the grafting site should be located 3–5 cm below the soil level;
    • water the bush generously and fill half the hole with soil;
    • compact the intermediate layer;
    • water the seedling again and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed;
    • cover completely with soil;
    • compact the soil to eliminate voids.

    Wet method of transplanting roses

    The second option is simpler and more convenient. For the wet method, it is necessary to preserve the earthen ball on the roots as much as possible. Subsequently, the transplant is carried out in the following order:

    • pour a bucket of water into the planting hole;
    • without waiting for absorption, place the bush in the middle so that the root collar is 5 cm below the soil level;
    • add another half bucket of water on top;
    • allow the moisture to be completely absorbed, dissolving the soil and deepening the roots of the rose;
    • Fill the hole with soil and compact the surface well.

    After transplantation, it is not recommended to disturb rose bushes for at least 4 years, as they need time to fully adapt to a new place. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately take into account all the cultural features and follow the rules of the procedure.

    Transplanting an indoor rose

    Indoor roses must be replanted annually in the spring at the end of February - beginning of March. It is best to rely on favorable periods waxing moon indicated in lunar calendar. This will help reduce the plant’s adaptation period after transplantation.

    For a flower, you should select a pot 2–3 cm larger than the previous one with drainage holes. Soil for roses can be purchased at the store or prepared in the following ratio: 2 parts turf, 1 part sand and 1 part peat or humus.

    Replanting an indoor rose should be carried out in the following sequence:

    1. 1. Pre-water the plant.
    2. 2. Trim shoots to 1/3 of their length.
    3. 3. Pour a 1 cm layer of drainage into the new pot and a 2 cm layer of soil on top.