How to cut wooden ceiling plinth correctly. Ceiling plinth, how to make a corner, how to correctly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, tools for trimming (cutting) the plinth, joining the ceiling plinth in the corners

Ceiling plinths are very often used for decorating rooms. They give the ceiling a complete look and allow you to convey a particular style in the interior. In addition, they serve to mask the joints between the walls and the ceiling, where the two join various materials. Although such elements are not always present in the premises, they make the interior more complete. In the following material we will describe in detail how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth, since in such places the joining of individual elements often poses a problem for inexperienced builders.

If the room has simple form, then only the internal corners will need to be cut. But in rooms of a more complex configuration, with columns, partitions and niches, there will also be external corners. In order for decorative elements to look beautiful, trimming must be done correctly and carefully, otherwise the appearance of the ceiling will be ruined.

To trim ceiling plinth in the corners as best as possible, you can use high-quality and sharp tools or other means. The type of tool that will be used to cut skirting boards depends on the type of material they are made from. Thus, ceiling plinths are made from PVC, polystyrene foam, polyurethane and wood.

Most cheap option– these are PVC skirting boards. They are soft, so it is easy to leave dents and creases on them that cannot be corrected in any way. In addition, this material has the property of attracting dust. For cutting such skirting boards will do hacksaw or sharp knife.

Another fairly cheap type of material is polystyrene foam skirting boards. They crumble easily, so to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth you should only use a sharp knife or a hacksaw. Movements should be soft, without pressure.

Cutting plinths to decorate the ceiling

Another type of ceiling plinths is made from extruded polystyrene foam. They are much denser than ordinary foam plastic products (therefore they do not crumble), they cost a little more, but they are also somewhat more difficult to cut. For work, you can use the same knife or hacksaw for metal.

The most expensive skirting boards are made from polyurethane. These are elastic, strong and moisture-resistant products that are very easy to cut construction knife. True, they cannot be used in all rooms, since polyurethane is sensitive to high temperatures– it becomes deformed, begins to crack or crack.

To work with wooden baseboards, only a hacksaw with fine teeth is suitable; you can use a metal tool.

However, many novice craftsmen are interested not so much in what, but in how to correctly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. This process requires careful calculations and accuracy from the performer. In some cases, if the interior of the room allows, you don’t have to think about how to cut a corner on the ceiling plinth, but use ready-made corner elements. They can be purchased at construction stores. In this case, the plinth is simply cut straight and inserted into the corner element. All irregularities and flaws will be hidden.

Using a miter box to cut baseboards

Often used in carpentry special device made of wood, metal or plastic - miter box. There are special slots made in it that allow you to straight cut at 90º, 45º, and in more complex devices – also at 60º. There are also professional miter boxes equipped rotating mechanism. In them, the cutting tool can be installed and fixed at any angle to the workpiece. Before you make a ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to understand the details.

To cut internal corner ceiling plinth using a miter box, you must:

  • First, you need to attach the baseboard blank to the ceiling surface and mark the length.
  • Now the piece of plinth is placed in the miter box in the same position as it should be placed on the ceiling.
  • The plinth is pressed tightly against the back wall of the miter box.
  • Hold the workpiece with one hand so that it does not move during cutting.
  • The hacksaw is installed at an angle of 45º to the workpiece.
  • Cut the plinth, controlling the degree of pressure of the hacksaw so as not to damage the product.
  • Then they move on to cutting the counter piece of plinth. It is also applied to the far wall of the miter box.
  • The workpiece is pressed and held by hand so that it does not move.
  • The hacksaw is installed at an angle of 45º to the workpiece so that the cutting direction is opposite to the first element of the plinth.
  • Cut off the corner of the plinth.

After trimming the ceiling plinths in the corners, they proceed to joining the resulting elements. If the cutting was done accurately, they will fit tightly together.

Let's look at how to cut the outer corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box:

  • It is best to start marking and measuring the ceiling plinth from the inner corner, and only after completing it begin cutting external corner. Otherwise, the plank may be short and not enough to fill the entire length of the ceiling.
  • The plinth is applied to the ceiling and its length is marked.
  • Then the workpiece is placed in a miter box and pressed against the front wall.
  • The hacksaw is placed at an angle of 45º and, holding the workpiece with your hand, the corner is sawed off.
  • Similarly, it is necessary to cut off the opposite part of the outer corner.
  • The workpiece is pressed to the front of the miter box.
  • The hacksaw is placed at an angle of 45º to the baseboard and the workpiece is sawed off.

Upon completion of the work, the pieces of plinth are joined together, checking that everything is done correctly and evenly.

Marking on the ceiling to make a corner on the plinth

There are different ways to properly make a corner on a ceiling plinth. Some are easier to do, others are more difficult. One of these methods is to mark the baseboard on the ceiling. True, cutting a plinth by weight is not very convenient, but it’s accurate this method not inferior to everyone else. Before cutting the plinth for the ceiling, it is applied to the surface, while all the imperfections and unevenness of the walls, as well as the size of the corners, are immediately taken into account.

Let's take a closer look at how to correctly make corners on ceiling plinths using this technique:

  • First, the two mating plinth strips must be cut at an angle of 90º;
  • One of the blanks is pressed against the wall, and its end is pressed against the opposite wall. Then the outline of the workpiece is drawn on the ceiling.
  • On next stage take the second plank and press its end against the wall in the same way. Draw a line.
  • At the intersection of the resulting lines, a point is placed at which further trimming of the skirting boards will be carried out.
  • Then each of the planks is applied to the ceiling in turn and the cutting point is transferred to the workpiece.
  • From this point, a diagonal cutting line is drawn into the corner of the plinth.

It is worth noting that this method More often used for internal corners.

Applying a miter box template

To cut the plinth in the corner of the ceiling as evenly as possible, you can use a paper, cardboard or wooden template instead of a regular miter box. Two parallel lines are drawn on it, then the central point is found and any necessary angle is laid off from it using a protractor. Before cutting the corner of the ceiling plinth without a miter box, it is worth double-checking the size of the internal or external angles between the walls of the room, using the same protractor.

The principle of cutting corners using a template is similar to using a standard miter box. In this case, the workpiece must be pressed against a parallel line and, setting the hacksaw at the desired angle, saw off the workpiece.

How to make a miter box yourself

Often, the only way to evenly cut the corner of a ceiling plinth is to use special devices so that the tool does not move to the side during the cutting process. In this case, you can make a miter box yourself.

Option 1. A box in the shape of the letter P is made from three boards. The required corners are marked on the walls of the box and slots are cut in the appropriate places. The result is a complete device.

Option 2. Sometimes it is quite difficult to make the corners on the skirting boards on the ceiling as even as possible, especially if you have to hold the workpiece in weight. In this case, you can use homemade device. Take two boards and knock them down into a corner shape. Then lines with the required angles are drawn on a sheet of paper or cardboard and the template is applied to the corner. Then press the plinth, place the template under the cutting area and saw off the corner along the lines.

Option 3. If you are still in doubt about how to properly cut the corner of the plinth, almost any household item whose shape allows you to form a corner can help with this. This could be a chair or a table, simply placed close to the wall.

To understand how to properly cut a ceiling plinth, you should also familiarize yourself with the rule for measuring workpieces. So, to make an internal corner, the length begins to be measured directly from the beginning of the corner. But to determine the external corner, it is worth considering that it will protrude into the space of the room by the width of the product.

There is no need to rush and fix the workpieces before the mating plinths in the corner have been completed. In order not to redo the work, you must first make sure that the joining surfaces fit tightly to each other and to the ceiling. Small defects can be corrected with a file, thin nail file or knife, depending on the material of the product.

If cutting the skirting boards in the corners did not work out perfectly, small cracks can simply be filled with putty. In general, the process of cutting skirting boards at the corners is not at all difficult. However, for practice, you can take several small pieces of baseboard and practice on them.

Foam ceiling skirting boards - great way design the joints of walls and ceilings, regardless of the choice of finishing materials. How to properly cut ceiling skirting boards in the corners of a room? How and what to glue it to the walls and ceiling? Let's figure it out.

Joining corners is the main problem in gluing skirting boards.

How the baseboard fits in the corners

In general, there are only two main scenarios.

Decorative corners

Special decorative corners- external and internal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method?

  • This method of docking is as simple as possible. The corner is glued to the wall; adjacent plinth strips are glued to it and to the adjacent section of the wall. No hassle with fitting.

Yes, the plinth is cut to length here too; however, cutting at right angles does not present any difficulties. It is enough to place the plinth on the corner of the table and cut it exactly along its edge (see).

Tip: The best tool for cutting baseboards is a utility knife. It, unlike all types of hacksaws, does not crumble material.

  • However, alas, it is often very difficult to find corners that are suitable in width and design. Simply due to the limited range of products from one manufacturer at a particular seller (see).
  • In addition, the corners allow you to join the plinth only at right angles. In rooms with complex shapes, the angles are often not equal to 90 degrees..

Decorative corners are the simplest solution. But it won't always help.

Trimming planks

This docking method is more universal: no Additional materials, in addition to the baseboard; docking is possible at any angle. The essence of the method comes down to trimming the plinth strips in the corners so that there is no gap between them or at least minimal.

With a knife in his hands

So, how to cut ceiling skirting boards correctly?

Scenario 1: Right Angle

Let's start with more simple case. How to cut ceiling skirting boards so that they meet at right angles?

Obviously, the joint will look best if the seam splits the corner exactly in half. Thus, we need to cut each of the planks that we connect at an angle of strictly 45 degrees (see).

Best tool for this operation - a miter box. This simple carpentry device is a tray, the walls of which are cut at several fixed angles. Including under the one we need.

  • We place the plinth in the miter box so that the areas for the sticker are flat against its bottom and wall.
  • We cut it off using the slot we need as a guide.

If you don’t have a miter box at hand, it’s easy to make it yourself, using smooth boards or strips of thick plywood as the material. The slots in the walls are marked with a square or protractor.

A miter box is a tool that is easy to make yourself.

Scenario 2: arbitrary angle or right angle in the absence of a miter box

How to cut the baseboard correctly in this case? A miter box will not help in case of an oblique or obtuse angle; and often there is no point in buying or making this instrument for the sake of a small room.

Let's take the fit of an internal corner as an example. The only tools we need are a pencil and the same stationery knife. The edge of the table will serve as a support for us when cutting the edge of the baseboard.

Then again we alternately apply both plinth strips to the ceiling and mark the intersection point on them.

All that remains to be done is to correctly draw a line from the outer lower corner to the inner upper corner and cut the plinth along it. The easiest way to do this is to place the plinth on the edge of the table and align both points connected by the cut with its edge. Then we cut the plank strictly vertically along the edge of the table.


The operation itself is extremely simple; however, as elsewhere, there are a number of subtleties.

Tip: acrylic putty will also hide the gaps between the baseboard strips and the wall, gaps in the corners and other flaws.

  • It is optimal to glue the plinth not on top of the wallpaper, but on a plastered surface. The plaster is primed with a primer: this way the baseboard will hold on much more reliably.
  • When using synthetic universal glue, the main problem is that before the glue hardens, the baseboard slips or falls.

The solution could be very simple. After applying glue to the edges of the baseboard, press it into place and immediately tear it off. After waiting about a minute, press again, this time completely. The thickened glue will hold the foam securely.

  • Be sure to glue the baseboard strips together.
  • Ceiling plinth can be used with a stretch ceiling; however, in this case it is glued only to the wall. There is a minimal gap between the top edge and the canvas. In this case, the joints of the plinth in the corners should be additionally reinforced with dowels made of matches.

  • Displacing the plinth from the ceiling surface by ten centimeters will allow you to install LED strips in it, providing the ceiling with hidden lighting.


If some aspects of how to cut a ceiling plinth remain unclear to you, the useful video at the end of the article may be able to answer your questions. Good luck with the renovation!

Today it is impossible to imagine the interior of a residential building or apartment without ceiling skirting boards. Skirting covers uneven areas suspended ceiling or wallpaper, cracks and imperfections in the walls, gives the interior completeness. But how to make sure that the plinth fits perfectly in the most important place - in the corner? There are several ways.

Using a miter box

A miter box will help you correctly cut the plinth for installation in a corner - a special device that is a tray for cutting boards, plastic, etc. at different angles. You can buy a miter box in a store or make it yourself. Usually a miter box sold in stores comes with a saw, but you can also use your own tool.

The miter box has a recess for the board or plinth to be cut and slots for the saw, located at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. You will need to cut the baseboard at a 45 degree angle.

To cut the baseboard using this device, you need to follow these steps.

  1. We apply the plinth to the future mounting location.
  2. We mark where we will cut.
  3. We place the plinth in the groove of the miter box so that the lower part is pressed against the surface of the device, and the part that will be lubricated with glue “looks” up.
  4. We cut off the section by inserting the saw into one of the 45-degree holes.
  5. We correct the cuts using a knife or the same saw (we remove irregularities).

After this, the plinth can be glued into place.

How to make a miter box yourself?

If desired, a miter box can be made at home. It can be made of wood or iron. The dimensions of the workpiece do not play a special role, but the wider it is, the more accurate your cuts will be. However, if the width is greater than the length of the hacksaw with which you will cut the baseboards or boards, then sawing will be extremely inconvenient, so you do not need to take a workpiece that is too wide.

First, a transverse straight line is marked in the center of the workpiece. Then, at a distance of 1/2 the width of the workpiece from the intersection of the straight line with the edges of the workpiece, marks are made. Then these marks are connected crosswise, as shown in the figure.

Next, the process of marking the side walls of the miter box begins. Attach them to the already marked base and make marks, focusing on the markings of the base. Then draw straight lines from these marks across the entire wall.

After this, the process of installing the miter box begins. The walls must be attached to the base using self-tapping screws if the device is made of wood or chipboard, or corners with bolts if it is made of steel. Only after installation, the slots for the saw are cut into the miter box.

After making the slits, the miter box is ready. If you have large volume work or you want to do repairs regularly (on a professional basis), this simple device can speed up the process of cutting skirting boards by 5-10 times.

How to cut a baseboard without a miter box?

The easiest way is to draw the future cutting line on paper (cardboard, wallpaper), and then, attaching a plinth blank to it, cut it off.

To do this, you first need to attach the baseboard blank to the paper and draw two parallel lines that will mark the sides of the baseboard. Then, using a protractor, you will have to measure 45 degrees and draw a line for the future cut. Then the drawing is used in the same way as a miter box: a workpiece is placed on it and the excess is sawed off along the line.

The disadvantage of this method is that the saw will have to be held suspended, focusing on the drawing, and not inserted into a pre-prepared slot.

If the angle is not right

Unfortunately, in some cases the angle between the walls in a room is not straight, but acute, or, conversely, obtuse. This is due to design defects that arose due to the fault of unprofessional builders, the architect’s idea, or the result of soil subsidence some time after the construction of the building. This is especially common in village houses and dachas.

No miter box or drawing replacing it will help in this case, and you will have to make markings in place.

  1. Place the workpiece against one of the walls so that its end rests against the other wall.
  2. Draw a line on the ceiling along the workpiece.
  3. Carry out the same operation against the other wall.
  4. At the intersection of the two lines, place a mark on the workpiece itself.
  5. Draw a line from the mark to the corner of the workpiece and cut along it.
  6. Do the same with the workpiece that you will attach to the other wall.
  7. Glue both blanks; they will fit tightly.

External corners

It happens that a room has not only internal, but also external corners, which also need to be covered with plinth (see photo). How to do it? There are several ways here too. The easiest way, as in the case of internal corners, is to trim them using a miter box. The external joints must be cut so that the side that will be glued to the ceiling is on the surface of the miter box, and the side pressed against the wall is facing the wall of the device.

As in the case of internal corners, you can also use markings “in place”, that is, draw lines on the ceiling. Here the technology exactly repeats that used for internal corners.

You can use markings on the wall by attaching a blank and drawing a line along its lower edge (see photo).

If the outer corner turns out to be too rounded, you can refine the joint using a knife.

To the point where they converge, a line is drawn directly along the future part of the connection. From the point on the ceiling to the second one. The resulting marking will be the line along which you need to saw off or cut off the connecting parts. Using these techniques, you no longer have to wonder how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth.

What tools can you use?

The feasibility of using certain tools is related to the materials from which the plinth will be made.

Table 1. Types of materials and features of their use.

Type of materialMaterial properties, requirementsTool
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)PVC skirting boards are distinguished by the fact that they are easily damaged when pressed and no longer restore their former appearance, since they lack elasticity. Therefore, such skirting boards cannot be pressed when cutting.Cut with a construction knife or a hacksaw. A blade or sharpened kitchen knife will also work.
StyrofoamFoam plinth is also not very durable, but it is better than its polyvinyl chloride counterparts. Easily crumbles.You can use the same tools as for PVC
TreeStronger and more aesthetically pleasing than their polymer counterparts, but more expensive.It is best to cut wood with a hacksaw; you can cut it with metal, although this way you risk clogging the teeth of the blade with sawdust. A wood saw with fine teeth is best.

Using factory corners is an alternative to cutting and sawing

Instead of cutting out skirting boards, you can use ready-made corners, which are sold in the same hardware stores. In this case, the main plinth can simply be measured and cut in the usual way, at a right angle, and then attach end-to-end with the corner element.

The disadvantage of corner elements is that they are actually and visually larger than the baseboard, which is why the corner will be noticeable. This can ruin the look of the room. It is also inconvenient to use corners where the walls do not meet strictly at an angle of ninety degrees. But in most cases they look great.


Thus, cutting corners when gluing skirting boards is one of the most complex and responsible procedures for which it is advisable to use special device, – miter box – which allows you to cut the baseboard at an angle of 45 degrees. If the angle between the walls is not straight, you have to use manual marking. The cutting tools used depend on the material from which the baseboard is made.

Video - How to properly join skirting boards

Ceiling plinth (fillet) is used for decorative finishing premises, giving the interior a complete look.

It is a linear profile with a porous structure and a shaped cross-section.

This material is very easy to use.

The only nuance when performing work may be the question: how to properly cut the ceiling plinth?

Two adjacent moldings are connected at a certain angle.

Angles are external and internal.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth so that their joining is of high quality?

There are several reliable and proven methods for cutting corners:

  • using a miter box;
  • using markings;
  • using a stencil.

Tools required for quality cutting:

  • miter box;
  • stationery knife or hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

About installation decorative beams read on the ceiling. What role do they play in the interior, what are they made from and how are they attached.

Read about illuminating a stretch ceiling with LED strip. Specifications LED strips and how to mount them for lighting.

The same must be done with the second workpiece.

The intersection point of the two resulting lines on the ceiling is transferred with extreme precision to both planks.

From the marks obtained on the blanks, lines are drawn to the opposite corners of both baguettes.

This will be the cutting line.

The marking method must be carried out with maximum accuracy.

The quality of the resulting joint will depend on this.

How to properly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth using the two methods listed above more accurately?

The main rule when performing these works is the order: first, the joining line of two workpieces is adjusted, then the required length of the plinth is determined.

This sequence guarantees the possibility of several attempts to design a high-quality joining of two fillets.

Cutting outside corners

Using a miter box

Sawing blanks for the outer corner of the room is no more difficult than for the inner one.

Two baguettes are also taken and applied to the wall.

By crossing two moldings, the starting point of the cut is determined.

The baguette left from the corner is inserted inside up to the near wall of the miter box.

The hacksaw will fit into the far right and near left holes of the miter box.

The plinth to the right from the corner is arranged in the miter box so that the hacksaw fits into the near right and far left holes.

Another method

When designing an external corner using markings, the intersection of the two planks will be the upper point of abutment of the two blanks.

In the place where the baguette is adjacent to the wall, the lowest point of the cut is marked.

The connection of the upper and lower points becomes the cutting point for the planks.

When designing an external corner point, you can also use a homemade stencil.

The template can be made from thick cardboard using a protractor.

Then both opposite baguettes are alternately applied to the stencil and an even and neat cut is made with a metal hacksaw.

Design of non-standard corner points of the room

Non-standard corner points are unusual cases.

But there is a way out here too!

The molding must be cut into several small pieces.

The length of the cut pieces depends on the curvature of the angle.

The angle will be better and the fold line smoother if the baguette is cut into very small parts.

To avoid confusion, the order of each detail must be marked with a pencil.

By the time the small parts are glued, the straight plinth should already be glued to the base of the corner.

In order for the non-standard corner point to have a decent appearance, after gluing small parts, they must be cleaned and treated with sealant.

Gluing the ceiling plinth

The completeness of any interior is achieved after high-quality and accurate gluing of the ceiling molding.

It can be glued in two ways:

  • using putty (this method is used before wallpapering);
  • on glue (the method is used after wallpapering).

Each method has its own advantages.

For example, with curved walls, gaps will certainly form between the baseboard and the wall.

In this case, it is better to glue the molding onto putty so that the cracks can be sealed with the same putty.

Installation must begin from the corners.

The glue is applied in a thin strip to two opposite sides of the baguette.

One side will be adjacent to the ceiling, the other to the wall.

The fillet with the glue applied must be left in place for some time and then pressed firmly to the gluing site.

High-quality glue sets very quickly.

In this way you need to stick this decorative element along the perimeter of the entire room.

Video on how to cut a ceiling plinth:

The joints are sealed with putty and leveled.

In contact with

Skirting boards for ceilings are cut different ways, but professionals use a miter box. This is a carpentry device that consists of a tray with slots on the sides. A hacksaw is inserted into them, and a board, lining, plinth and other materials that need to be sawed at a certain angle are placed on the bottom of the tray.

How to trim ceiling plinth?

When finishing finishing work in a house, many homeowners are faced with the problem of cutting ceiling skirting boards, especially their corners. After all, the attractiveness of the interior depends on them. Without these decorative elements, the rooms look unfinished. It’s not difficult to figure out how to cut a ceiling plinth using a square, a metal ruler or a straight strip, since here you only need to maintain a right angle.

But in finishing works It is also necessary to trim skirting boards at other angles, for example 40 degrees. Therefore, the installation of these plastic elements is fraught with certain difficulties. To get the appropriate angle, you need to be extremely careful. One of the problems is cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners with further joining.

The following materials are used in the production of skirting boards:

  • Wood. Wood is considered the most labor-intensive material to process. Wooden skirting boards sawed with a carpenter's hacksaw.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. Finishing material high density. Does not absorb moisture. When burning, it does not emit toxic substances. It is quite difficult to process, but easy to cut. To do this, you only need a carpenter's knife.
  • Styrofoam. It is fragile, the cheapest and easiest to process material. Its fragility is not a drawback, since the skirting boards are located right under the ceiling and are not afraid of mechanical stress. You can cut a ceiling plinth from polystyrene foam without any effort.
  • Polyurethane. It is characterized by plasticity and flexibility. Thanks to these qualities, it is used on uneven surfaces. It has water-repellent properties and is resistant to temperature changes.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. Difficult to fit material due to increased rigidity. Manufacturers offer from it different types finishing: imitation of stone, metal, wood and uniform coloring. In the cold it becomes brittle.

Decorative elements made of aluminum look no less attractive under the ceiling. True, processing and cutting metal is much more difficult than the materials from the proposed list. The increased demand for aluminum skirting boards is due to the fact that they are cable channels in which it is convenient to hide wiring and cables. Equally important is aesthetics, non-reaction to aggressive environments and chemical detergents.

Cut the aluminum ceiling plinth with a hacksaw. To avoid breaking the canvas, reciprocating movements must be smooth and uniform.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, ceiling plinths can be considered the best solution for creating unique interior. They are installed in the most difficult area, which is the junction of the wall and ceiling. Anyone who knows how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth will quickly complete the interior of the room, which will give it more attractiveness. Using these elements you can partially hide minor defects.

The cutting tool is selected depending on the material and the required angles. In rooms of standard shapes with ideal smooth walls and ceilings, a miter box is used to cut off the corners of the ceiling plinth. The wood is cut with a regular carpenter's hacksaw, but for other materials you should purchase a jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw. To adjust the angles manually, you will need additional tools: ruler, square, protractor, pencil.

Trimming ceiling plinth using a miter box

Work with this device as follows:

  • We fix the miter box on the workbench, put a decorative element into the tray and press it to the bottom and to one of the walls. Only in this case can you correctly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth.
  • The wood is cut with a regular hacksaw. Insert it into the slots that will give you the desired angle. Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the element being cut. Internal as well outside corner The ceiling plinth is also cut out using a miter box.
  • To cut polystyrene foam strips, it is better to use a carpenter's knife or jigsaw.
  • It is not recommended to use force during cutting. The blade must move smoothly, otherwise you can damage the decor or completely deform the product. Foam skirting boards are cut with a jigsaw with the finest teeth. A knife is not suitable for this work, as the material will wrinkle and crumble.

Correctly cut the ceiling plinth where required non-standard angles, pretty hard. After all, the miter box is not designed for this. If there are no skills, then dents may remain on the products. They are being sealed up finishing putty and then painted in the desired color.

The main difficulty is that when cutting it is necessary to maintain the required angle, otherwise when two skirting boards are closed, a clear gap will be visible between them. Many owners don’t even pay any attention to this and are not upset at all. They just putty all the cracks and paint over them. And since it is difficult to choose the exact shade of paint, the entire atmosphere in the room will be overshadowed by non-aesthetics appearance decorative elements.

We invite you to watch a video on how to cut corners on ceiling plinths. Cutting using a template allows you to make a clear end without the slightest deviation. Processing decorative elements without a miter box is also possible, but provided that the person has a certain skill and knows how to use others auxiliary tools: square and protractor. Using them, it will not be difficult to trim ceiling plinths with non-standard angles.

By the way, You can make a miter box yourself at home. To do this, you will need three identical planks, 15 cm wide, approximately 50 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The last two parameters special significance do not have, so they can be chosen arbitrarily. We put together a tray from these parts. It resembles a box without ends and a lid. Then, using a protractor, mark the required angles on the side boards with a pencil. Next, using a hacksaw, we make cuts along these marks all the way to the base. You should cut through two planks at the same time.

You should know at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth, so make exactly these angles in the miter boards.

If you cannot make such a device, then use another method. In this case you will need hard cardboard, from which you can cut a template with the required angles. For this work you will also need a protractor. If angles of 45 and 90 degrees are required, then you can use a regular square. This is much easier and faster than building a miter box. Take cardboard, mark and cut out a template of the desired shape. Now all that remains is to attach it to the plinth, leave a pencil strip on it and cut the ceiling plinth at 45 degrees.

Professional craftsmen begin installing decorative elements from the corners, and then begin installing skirting boards on straight sections. Here's a video on how to cut ceiling plinths in corners, as well as methods for installing them.

These products are the final finishing elements. They are used for cladding the joints of ceilings and walls. In addition to the fact that with their help they mask a crudely executed pairing, they are in perfect harmony with any style. The wider the baseboard, the more streamlined the interior looks. For suspended ceilings such decorative elements are mandatory. They ideally hide the installation gap between the wall and the frame.

Perhaps from this article you understood how to properly join the ceiling plinth in the corners and how to secure it on straight sections. When choosing such products, we are guided by simple rule: the higher the walls, the wider the baseboard should be. However, the wider, more heterogeneous and harder it is, the more difficult it is to cut. Therefore, for such work it is necessary to prepare absolutely sharp cutting tools. You can try them on scraps of decorative elements. This will be a kind of training that will help you avoid unnecessary pressure in your work. As you know, this leaves dents in polyurethane and PVC, chips peel off from the wood, and the foam crumbles.

Color schemes and decor depend on the style of the room. A huge variety of widths, textures and colors makes it possible to select optimal option For country house or apartments. When installing these elements, the main thing is to cut them correctly. See the photo on how to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth and you can handle this job yourself.

The product is cut and secured in the corners if a fragment of the strip for fastening, cut at the desired angle, has already been prepared, as well as a decorative element to be joined to it. If, when cutting the plinth, the internal angle is not accurate, then you can ignore this. The main thing that the front side was clearly joined. It is not recommended to attach joints to paint. For this would be better suited rough plaster.

To summarize, it can be noted that cutting ceiling skirting boards is possible without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to be attentive and do the work thoughtfully and without fuss.