How to make a drawer correctly. Practical recommendations

The kitchen is a special room in the apartment. It must combine ergonomics, design and high functionality.

These requirements are especially relevant for small apartments, in which the issue of free space is particularly acute.

On a small square you will need to fit both dishes and household appliances, as well as many useful and not so little things.

In order to ensure the greatest convenience in using the workspace, the kitchen should be equipped with a large number of places where you can hide various utensils that are needed often, sometimes and very rarely.

Of course, you can use wall cabinets and stack, for example, pots on top of each other, but this is very inconvenient and it’s worth thinking about a more thorough approach to the issue of placing dishes and household items.

Kitchen furniture is constantly updated with new ideas that bring more coziness, convenience and, most importantly, functionality and capacity to the outline of the kitchen.

One such way to unload space is pull-out shelves. This allows you to keep dishes and utensils out of sight. So the kitchen benefits significantly appearance and okay.

The advantage of pull-out shelves

The main idea of ​​this approach is to make the most efficient use of literally all the space that is at our disposal.

Such systems make it possible to greatly increase the capacity of the usual kitchen set, while being located in the same area.

Frees up a lot of space that can be used different ways and most importantly, you can easily move around the kitchen.

The most common option is built-in shelves in floor or wall cabinets. Their advantage is that they are easy and convenient to use.

As usual, the door opens, only we see not the usual 2-3 shelves, but a whole multi-level system that can be filled to capacity with the necessary items.

Such “boxes” can be completely removed from the closet, which means you don’t have to reach deep for the right thing. Everything can be laid out evenly and you can get to the right thing whenever necessary.

In addition, the pull-out shelves are equipped with a reliable mechanism. The shelves do not need to be held to prevent them from collapsing to the floor under the weight.

Types of retractable structures

There are several options that can be implemented in your kitchen, depending on the needs of the room.


Such simple designs can have different configurations of depth and width. Often they can be equipped with additional partitions or sections designed to store small items.

Drawers are equipped with the ability to pull out the entire structure at once. This way you can view all the contents of the cabinet at once.

It is very convenient if you need to carry out an “audit” on the shelves or quickly look at what you need to buy before going to the store.

It will be convenient to arrange such boxes depending on the purpose of their contents. For example, it is best to place a cabinet with pots and pans near the stove, and dishes near the sink.


Essentially it's the same drawer, however, it is designed for use under bottles and tall cans. It is quite narrow, its width does not exceed 20 cm.

The small dimensions allow such a cabinet to be placed in various openings where it can be handy. You can place spices in them, which will be convenient next to the stove.

It often happens that there is a free corner or some space left in the kitchen. This is where a cargo box fits perfectly.

Baskets for kitchen sets

Retractable baskets built into furniture look very beautiful and significantly unload the space due to their “light” appearance.

Depending on the size, they can be built into a cabinet or cabinet of any size. In this case, the guides will be installed in such a way that the basket slides out completely, which will ensure comfort when using it.

This product can perfectly complement the interior. Let's say, it would be perfect for Provence or country.

Photos of examples of retractable shelves in the kitchen

Hello, friends!

Today I want to offer you a review interesting topic. We will talk about drawers, often used for...

This is a very commonly designed element and can be found in almost any furniture.

Its advantage is that it is quite convenient to use.

For example, take the lower kitchen module.

If it contains hinged doors, then in order to get an item out of it, you need to squat down (or bend over very much), after which you need to find this item inside the box.

Another thing is retractable elements! It is enough to open them from any position - and immediately all its contents are visible.

Of course, the cost of such a box in comparison with the same one, but with hinged doors, is very different (due to the amount of material used and built-in fittings), but they also differ in ease of use.

The boxes themselves are assembled in a certain way (as shown in the figure). To calculate their sizes you need to know two things:

  1. Dimensions of the box in which they should be installed
  2. The gap on the guides by which they are attached to it

The size of the box affects all the parameters of the retractable element we are considering: its width, depth and height.

Knowing the overall width, we can find out the internal opening. And if so, then knowing the tolerances for installing pull-out fittings, you can determine the overall width of the drawer.

When purchasing accessories, you should, if possible, look at their instructions or in the manufacturer’s catalogs. But the standard gap on the guides is 13 millimeters.

Calculate the total width of the box

X=S-90(mm), where X is the size of the box part, S is the total width of the box.

Similarly, for chipboard with a thickness of 18 mm, the formula will look like this:


Now let's talk about the depth of the box

Typically, this size should match the size of the guide installed on it.

The box (for them) is designed based on the dimensions of the same guides (250mm-300mm-350mm-400mm-450mm-500mm-550mm-600mm).

To these dimensions are also added tolerances for the “travel” of the element itself (5-10 mm), and, if necessary, for the stiffeners (20 mm), if any.

The height is determined based on the height of all facades designed for this module

The parts are fastened to each other with confirmats (up to 150 mm - one confirmat per corner, over 150 mm - two).

The bottom is made of fiberboard, which is stuffed with nails (h=20mm), after which it is reinforced with self-tapping screws (16x4, 16x3.5).

Attaching the bottom is a crucial moment in the assembly process. The fact is that, in addition to its direct purpose, it also gives rigidity to the entire structure and fixes its dimensions. Therefore, having “nailed” the bottom of the box with nails, you need to make sure that its diagonals are the same (this is a very important point).

Sometimes the bottom is designed from chipboard, but then the structure turns out to be quite heavy. In this case, to give it the correct geometry, the bottom is made inset (enclosed between its parts).

It is better to make its dimensions 1 mm less than the internal width and depth (so when cutting a sheet, parts are made with a tolerance of +1 mm).

There are also almost ready-made solutions(to assemble them, it is enough to have one piece made of chipboard - the bottom), for example, samboxes or tandemboxes.

For information: samboxes are “nonsense” from the category of roller guides, and tandemboxes are quality system with a self-closer, not cheap and quite reliable.

The video below shows an example of assembling a drawer for telescopic e.

The bottom is made of fiberboard, made from leftovers left over from previous orders.

In “garage” conditions, all this is done quite simply, as shown in the video.

That's all, see you later.

It's no secret that various pull-out systems for the kitchen - drawers, shelves for spices and baskets for food - make the cooking process much easier. With them, there is no need to rummage through the dark and deep shelves of kitchen cabinets, looking for the right pan or pack of cereal. You just slide the box into the light and take out what you need!

But the modern capabilities of kitchen pullout systems go far beyond traditional drawers. In this article we have collected 23 photos of such functional elements, which greatly simplify the process of cleaning and organizing the kitchen.

Let's take a look and make a note!

Pull-out systems for the kitchen - drawers for storing dishes

Many modern kitchen drawers have very convenient dividers that greatly increase the convenience of storing dishes. Narrow vertical dividers work well for storing plates, lids, trays and other flat items. kitchen utensils, while deep drawers with adjustable pins keep pots and pans organized.

Not enough space in the kitchen? Then why don't you add some drawers at the very bottom kitchen cabinets— exactly above the floor? They can hold the same trays, baking tins, bags and much more.

Corner kitchen cabinets with drawers

The space in the corner of the kitchen, as a rule, is not very convenient for storing things. But corner kitchen drawers radically change things. Look following photos— such functionality cannot but rejoice! In addition, by purchasing special fittings, you can make such kitchen drawers with your own hands.

Vertical pull-out shelves and systems for spices, products and detergents in the kitchen

Perhaps this is the most interesting item on our list. Firstly, narrow drawers and shelves for the kitchen are not the most common fixtures in our region, although they have long been popular in the West. Secondly, they are distinguished by their amazing capacity, despite the fact that the vertical retractable systems themselves take up very little space in the kitchen.

Spices, cereals, tea, coffee and many other products, as well as detergents and various kitchen tools - all these small and always lost items can be conveniently stored only in such pull-out shelves and kitchen cabinets!

A pull-out bar turns your kitchen into a cute tasting room. All you need for this is a large shelf where a hanging retractable mechanism for storing glasses, wine racks and a pull-out board as a mini-table.

Finally, great option for cat and dog lovers! A drawer with bowls for food and water will not only allow you to move around the kitchen more freely and keep the floor clean, but will also help discipline your pet regarding food.

Do you think drawers are convenient in the kitchen? Which option would you urgently like to have in your kitchen?

Smart retractable systems for the kitchen - drawers and shelves that every housewife dreams of! updated: January 12, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko