How to properly flush or flush a toilet bowl. Features of the toilet bowl

It is impossible to imagine a home without a well-equipped bathroom. And the main thing in it is a toilet with a cistern.

A toilet cistern is an integral part of this plumbing device, without which it simply loses the meaning of its purpose. The interior of the toilet cistern allows you to remove human waste products by supplying a metered portion of water and refill the container.

You can fully appreciate the importance of this plumbing equipment in the toilet only if the toilet is broken and it is impossible to use it.

Drain tank - internal structure

In the process of improvement, many designs of these products have been developed and applied. By location, waste tanks can be classified as follows:

  1. Upper- located at a height of approximately one and a half meters above the toilet bowl, water is supplied through the pipe after exposure to the hanging handle. Pulling on it, the drain valve is opened, and a portion of water enters the bowl.

  1. Hidden... The capacity is placed in a niche, which is arranged in the wall of the room. With this option, the start button is located on the vertical plane of the partition (door). They are usually made of plastic.

  1. Compact the cistern is attached directly to the toilet bowl. For this, a special shelf with holes is provided on it. Fastening is done with screw parts; for earthenware products, they are made of plastic.

Toilet cisterns can be made from various materials:

  1. Cast iron... Castings made from this material are the original methods for the production of toilet cisterns. Currently, their use is not relevant, but the demand still remains, so they are still being produced. Cast iron products are often decorated with decorative castings. The material itself is durable and reliable. (See photo 2.)
  2. Ceramics... The most popular material for the production of sanitary ware at the present time. The products are durable enough with a clean, smooth surface that is easy to wash and clean. It is not recommended to use powders and pastes with abrasives for this.

  1. Plastic... These plumbing fixtures are made by stamping from various polymers. The advantage is high manufacturing accuracy, when mechanical reworking is practically not required.

Products made of polymer materials are used, as a rule, for hidden installation, so their width is smaller than that of products made of other materials.

Internal structure of the drain tank

When installing a new toilet with a cistern, the first thing to look out for is this is the completeness of the purchased equipment and its size... If the state of the bowl is determined purely visually in order to establish its integrity, then the drain device is worthy of closer attention. It not only needs to be installed correctly, but also needs to be tuned to work optimally. This can lead to substantial savings in water consumption.

Today the building materials market is filled with a mass of different products in terms of material and internal filling. If desired, you can find plumbing of outdated designs, if needed.

The design of the internal arrangement of the flushing cisterns is practically the same with a slight difference between different suppliers:

  1. Mechanisms that include a stop button. The water will be drained until it is pressed or the entire volume is drained out. If you release the button earlier as you clean the toilet bowl, the liquid stops flowing into it.
  2. Drainage devices with two buttons. When one of them is pressed, the entire volume of water is poured, and when using the second, part of the liquid is poured out, depending on the flow rate adjustment. The buttons cannot be confused - they are of different sizes. They appeared on the market relatively recently and this is due to the need to save water resources and, as a result, own money.
  3. Two-mode drain mechanisms.

The tanks also differ in the nature of the flush:

  • straight - while water flows into the bowl directly from the tank, in one direction;
  • the opposite - when flushed, water can change the direction of the inflow, which cleans the toilet bowl more efficiently, although this creates noise.

The typical layout of the toilet cistern resembles an ordinary water seal, which includes a float and a system of levers. When using a button or pull rod (for rod mechanisms), water flows from top to bottom, cleaning the toilet bowl.

In this case, the float goes down and, through a system of levers, opens the inlet valve, through which water from the water supply network enters the container, filling it for subsequent use.

The interior for the cistern includes:

  1. Inlet valve.
  2. Float.
  3. Siphon.
  4. A system of levers for moving parts and components of the mechanism.

Inlet valve

This assembly from various manufacturers is represented by many design solutions, but the essence is the same for all: it is a motorized valve on the water supply system, operating under the influence of force from a float.

When the float is lowered, the piston opens and water enters the tank through the pipe.

As it fills, the float rises up and levers the piston outward, gradually blocking the nozzle. In this case, the water flows more and more slowly and with a complete overlap of the section, its flow into the container stops.


This product is a rubber or plastic container, the purpose of which, as the name suggests, is to float. At the same time, through a metal lever it opens and closes the intake valve.


This is a device for the salvo discharge of water from the cistern into the toilet bowl. The siphon for the toilet cistern is activated by pressing the flush button, as a result of which a vacuum is created in the air chamber.

Under its influence, water is actively pumped out of the tank until it is completely empty.

Overflow device - common breakdowns and repairs

It is normal to fill the tank to 80% of the total capacity. This is achieved by adjusting the inlet valve, or rather the position of the float.

However, situations arise when a malfunction occurs in the operation of the locking device and the toilet tank overflows. In this case, the overflow of the container is inevitable and water spills onto the floor.

To avoid such a situation, an overflow pipe is installed in the tank, which goes into the drain. When the liquid level rises above the norm, it flows out through the pipe into the drain, preventing flooding of the room.

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However, such a situation, when water flows out of the tank without stopping, is a sign of a malfunction and a reason for immediate intervention to eliminate it. Given the current trends in the production of plumbing, most likely, it is not necessary to restore the functionality of a broken unit, but it is necessary to replace it completely.

But the replaced unit still has to be disassembled in order to understand why it failed and eliminate the cause. For example, install an internal fine (coarse) filter at the inlet to the tank.

Another reason for the constant spillage of water can be a violation of the tightness of the locking mechanism due to wear of the gasket. It just needs to be replaced.

In general, water leakage into the toilet is a typical breakdown of this device. One of the reasons may be damage or wear of the insides of the siphon membrane of the drain tank. With such a malfunction, it will be necessary to replace the siphon membrane, and this can be done in the following sequence:

  1. Empty the container. To prevent filling the container through the inlet valve, the float must be fixed in the upper position in some way, or it is better to shut off the ball valve on the water pipe outlet.
  2. Unscrew the nut securing the drain pipe.
  3. Loosen the siphon nut located at the base at the outlet from the container.
  4. Disconnect the siphon from the fluid drain lever and remove it.
  5. Remove the diaphragm and replace it with a similar one.

  1. Assemble the mechanism in the reverse order.

During work, it is necessary to inspect other insides for the toilet and fix it where necessary. At the end of the work, you need to fill the tank and make several test drains of water to make sure that the malfunction has been eliminated.

It is also necessary to check all joints in the system for leaks. If any are found, take measures to eliminate them. When this fails, it is necessary to invite a qualified plumber to fix the leaks.

What to do if the toilet tank does not fill up

Watch the video - what to do if water is not collected

This is one of the typical faults of the toilet flush system. If it occurs, you should not run to the store for a new tank. Let's try to figure out the situation on our own, using the following algorithm.

  • Remove the cover.
  • Check the position of the float. In some cases, the cause of the malfunction is its distortion, which prevents movement inside the container. It is necessary to restore the position, fill the tank and make a test drain of the fluid.
  • Check for water in the plumbing system on other consoles.
  • Turn off the tap at the inlet and unscrew the connection hose. Check to make sure it is not clogged.
  • Inspect the hole in the intake valve body, if necessary, clean it from contamination with a nail or elastic wire.
  • Check the piston stroke, if it is tight, it is necessary to remove and clean the surface of this part, achieving free movement in the housing.

At the end of these works, it is necessary to assemble the system back and make a test filling of the tank two or three times. Typically, these steps are sufficient to fix the problem. If the container still does not fill, you will have to visit a plumbing store and buy a new valve.

Installation is in the reverse order. At the same time, we advise you to buy and install filters for purifying tap water and install them immediately behind the water tap.

Establishing the fact that the toilet cistern has broken should not shock a person. Most faults can be corrected by hand. If this fails, call the emergency services - for a fee, they can easily fix any problem.

Installation and replacement of fittings

"Nothing lasts forever under the moon", this fully applies to flush devices for toilet bowls. Sooner or later, you have to start replacing the fittings, that is, the internal structure of the tank. When deciding to do the work with your own hands, you need to take into account a number of circumstances:

  1. The very need for replacement implies a significant service life of your device. Therefore, when going to buy internals, you need to at least roughly know the age of the device.
  2. There are many plumbing manufacturers and each of them brings its own design features to the device. Therefore, you also need to know the author of the product.
  3. The need to repair and do it yourself requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as the presence of a special tool.

Installing the insides of the cistern is a painstaking work, comparable to assembling a new product, so you need to treat it as carefully and responsibly as possible. Otherwise, leaks may form, the elimination of which is very troublesome.

Video - reinforcement replacement

It should be remembered that the insides of the tank can be quite complex and fragile structures, the breakdown of which, if incorrectly installed, is very likely.

The difference in the internals of fittings from different manufacturers may depend on the way the water is supplied. There are such features.

  • Lateral fluid supply provides for the location of the insides in the upper part of the tank, which is typical for domestic products. Such a system is the most economical, but the fluid supply is accompanied by noticeable noise. In the more prestigious models, water is supplied through a tube, the end of which is lowered to the bottom and the filling is done quietly.
  • A device for supplying water from below is most often found on models of foreign production, but recently it has also been found on domestic products.

Drainage devices are triggered by pulling the lever up or by pressing the button, of which there can be two for different dosage of water when flushing.

What principles should be adhered to when repairing

Watch the video - internal structure and principle of operation

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the equipment. This means the implementation of the following activities:
  1. It is necessary to turn off the tap on the water pipe in front of the inlet valve.
  2. Remove the cover. You may need to unscrew the button-shaped retainer for this, usually located on the left side of the container. Unscrew the fixing screw and remove the cover, gaining access to the inside of the tank.
  3. Inspect fittings for worn or broken parts.

Inside the filling fitting is a diaphragm valve or piston plug. Any of these designs are sensitive to finely dispersed contaminants that are always present in tap water.

Deposited on the walls of pipes and any surfaces with which it comes into contact, these contaminants impede the operation of the valve mechanisms. The structure of this deposit is very strong and can only be removed mechanically.

If no filtering devices are installed on the inlet pipe, periodic replacement of the fittings is inevitable. You can abandon the push-button drain mechanism in favor of a rod one.

To install a new mechanism in the tank, you must first remove the old one. This can be done by turning it clockwise until it is completely disengaged. At the same time, excessive efforts should not be used; if the attachment point breaks, it will be problematic to remove it.

New fittings must match the tank in size, you need to pay attention to this when buying.

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It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct installation of the sealing elements - gaskets. Their misalignment can lead to additional loads and, over time, to the formation of cracks in the case, which is detrimental to ceramic products.

When installing fasteners, excessive forces should not be applied to it, so as not to create additional loads.

Installing the inside of the tank does not seem like a complicated operation. It is quite possible to do it yourself.


The main requirement for the operation of such plumbing products is constant supervision of their work. Any deviation from the norm indicates certain changes in the filling of the device and you need to clearly understand the consequences of such changes.

The most dangerous phenomena are situations when water overflows above the permissible level. This is fraught with flooding of neighbors from below and real considerable expenses for eliminating the consequences.

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Currently, devices for connecting the toilet directly to the water supply have appeared on the plumbing market. This eliminates the need for a tank as such. One should think that the future belongs to products of this kind.

Cisterns became popular 200 years ago, when people began to use sewerage and plumbing. At first it was an ordinary valve-type cistern for the toilet. Then there was a tank equipped with a handle, and it became much easier to remove an unpleasant smell.

It is believed that the tank works on the principle of a water seal.

Nowadays, the classification of flush tanks is much more diverse, and it is useful to look at the toilet flush cistern in advance.

In order to be able to choose from the modern assortment exactly what will suit you best, it is better to get to know this sanitary fixture better.

Varieties of cisterns

Flush cistern scheme.

By the type of material, toilet cisterns are divided as follows:

  • metal (mostly cast iron) - they will last a very long time, but in appearance they are not particularly good;
  • ceramic - such a tank works quite reliably, installation is simple, you can choose from a huge number of shapes and colors;
  • plastic - they are lightweight and very easy to install, but they also have a significant drawback: they are easy to damage, break.

By the type of trigger mechanism:

  • manual type - the tank valve can be opened depending on the wishes of the user, and the amount of liquids used can be adjusted independently;
  • mechanical type - the adjustment is carried out correctly without any intervention.

Diagram of the device and the principle of operation of a floatless tank.

By the type of trigger, the tanks are subdivided as follows:

  1. Side - a chain is attached to the cistern, and the cistern itself is at a certain height from the toilet. The drain mechanism works like this: when the rope is pulled, the lever is activated - at the opposite end, a plug with a gasket rises, which allows water to enter the drain pipe.
  2. Top - on the top of the lid (usually in the center) there is a button or knob. Water enters the drain pipe after the button is pressed or the rod, that is, the rod, is raised up. The rubber bulb rises at the moment of pressing and allows water to pass through.

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By installation method:

  • the first option is when the tank is almost under the ceiling, and is connected to the toilet using a long armature. This option provides a high water pressure during descent, but in modern design it does not look very nice;
  • the second option - the tank is mounted on the toilet. It is very convenient for carrying out any repair work;
  • the third option is to build a drain tank into the wall. This saves a little space in the room and looks neat. The disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to carry out repair and installation work correctly.

Tank device - where does the water come from?

Flush tank with shelf, side start: 1 - tank cover, 2 - overflow, 3 - float, 4 - pull rod, 5 - lever, b - float valve, 7- drain lever, 8 - tank body, 9- overflow nut, THAT - shelf, 11 - stud, 12 - saddle gasket, 13 - pear, 14 - nut, 15 - gasket, 16 - shaped gasket, 17 - saddle, 18 - arc, 19 - bushing.

A toilet cistern is a ceramic, plastic or metal container that comes in a variety of shapes, and a variety of flush mechanisms can be used as equipment. But the purpose of the tank is to collect and drain water. This action is possible due to the fact that there is a structure inside the tank, which is a simple mechanism of two elements: a drain device and a water supply device.

Having examined the tank in more detail, you can see the float and float valve, bulb, levers and overflow. They can be made of different materials: the float, for example, can be made of brass or plastic, the pear can be made of plastic or rubber. They may differ in form or method of connection, but their principle of operation remains unchanged.

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The device for supplying water to the tank is quite simple: it operates with the help of fittings, which are responsible for the collection of water into the tank. The system of its filing can be performed in one of the following ways:

  1. The fittings are located at the top of the toilet cistern, the water intake goes through the side channel. In this embodiment, the float is located at the tip of the lever. When a certain level is reached, the opposite end of the lever begins to exert pressure on the stem, and the water supply is shut off with the help of the membrane. This system is quite noisy, but it is quite common among the domestic plumbing industry.
  2. Bottom feed - fittings are located at the bottom of the tank. In this system, the float moves along the vertical rod. Energy is transferred to the closing membrane when the float moves by means of a special rod that limits the level of liquid in the tank. Compared to the previous one, this version of the water intake is quieter.

The mechanism that supplies water, by its principle, is a simple design, which is based on all known physical laws. But any system, even the most elementary one, can fail. The following breakdowns may occur in the float mechanism:

  1. Slow water supply. The most common cause is clogging of the overlapping membrane. To fix this, it is enough to clear the debris from the water supply hole. The membrane mechanism must be carefully disassembled, and then assembled, taking care not to leave unnecessary parts. Tools in order to assemble the mechanism back, you will need the simplest: wire cutters, pliers.
  2. Excessive amount of water in the tank. Its level must be correctly adjusted - the solution depends on the type of float. With side feeding, the level is adjusted by unscrewing the lever nut, which lowers the float side. At the bottom feed, the level is set by rotating the plastic screw rod. Rotate so that the float goes down and the water level goes down.
  3. If the float levers are broken, then the entire float mechanism of the tank must be replaced.

How the drain mechanism works

Diagram of the design of the cistern.

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Toilet device

The design of the toilet bowl should be both comfortable (suitable for all family members in height) and easy to clean.

Ease of use of the toilet bowl and all its components depends on the type of structure: flush complex, bowl shape, and so on.

Each of these parameters will be described in more detail below.

Among the designs of toilet bowls, the following features can be conditionally distinguished:

  • toilet flush mechanism;
  • toilet flush complex;
  • release device;
  • toilet bowl decoration.

The mechanism of the flush cistern in the structure of the toilet: general information

Diagram of the structure and connection of the toilet.

The functioning of the toilet cistern directly depends on the shut-off valves that are located inside it. The various types of construction of this element in the cistern greatly affect the features of the toilet bowl.

Contains 2 main fittings:

  1. Responsible for the collection of water in the drain tank (a complex of water collection in the drain tank).
  2. Responsible for flushing water directly into the toilet (flush).

The fittings that are responsible for the collection of water into the tank can be of 2 types:

  1. For collecting water in the upper area of ​​the tank. A similar method of placing shut-off valves can be found in the cheapest domestic-style toilet bowls. This tank filling option creates a decent amount of noise.
  2. Fitting that draws water into the lower area of ​​the cistern in the toilet. This cistern filling complex can be found in the line of toilets, both imported and domestically made. This placement of valves creates much less noise.

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Materials for creating toilets

Today toilets are made from a variety of materials: in addition to standard porcelain and earthenware types, there are steel, plastic, glass, cast iron and even gold. The main variations of sanitary ceramics are presented in the form of porcelain and earthenware, which are made on the basis of the same raw materials. The main difference between them is the ratio of different raw materials and their processing technology, which leads to a variety of physical qualities of the manufactured materials.

Faience is familiar to many, since it was it that was often produced during the Soviet era. The disadvantages of this material include a large percentage of porosity and significant water absorption (in the region of 9-12%). In view of this substance, it is usually coated on top with a layer of glaze, which not only performs a decorative function, but also provides the walls of the sink with protection from aggressive cleaning solutions. The result is more efficient rinsing cleaning. The service life of toilet bowls made on the basis of earthenware is approximately 30 years.

Porcelain is created only from the best clay varieties. Thus, the material is denser and less porous. Moreover, it practically does not absorb water (0.8%). High-quality porcelain products keep the glaze smooth for an order of magnitude longer, so it is much easier to keep them clean. It is porcelain that is preferred today. In the case of sufficiently careful operation, porcelain products will be able to serve their owners for about 50 years.

Constructions created using other materials (glass, marble, wood, not to mention semi-precious and precious stones) are almost unrealistic to find on the world market in everyday sales. These things are specially made to order.

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Toilet flush device: features of work

The drain structure is activated by pressing a special button or pulling the stem. The latter is found only in inexpensive domestic toilets.

The most common drain mechanism is a push-button. This water flushing device is a button equipped with a lever that is located in the structure of the toilet bowl. The button can be placed either on the toilet cistern lid or on the wall (in the case of a hidden cistern design).

The toilet release device, which is activated by pressing a special button, can be of one- and two-mode types.

The second case involves draining absolutely all the water from the tank. The first type of device, in turn, removes only half of the tank, thereby saving water.

A dual-mode water drainage complex can also be represented by one button, where the amount of flushed water directly depends on the pressure on the button.

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Toilet flush complexes: classification

There are 2 toilet flush complexes: circular (shower) and horizontal (cascading).

The horizontal flush is a classic system for supplying water to the toilet bowl. In this case, the water washes the bowl in a continuous stream, but only on one side of it.

This system is less expensive than a shower flush and stands out among others for its long service life. Among the disadvantages of horizontal flushing, it is worth highlighting the low percentage of tightness, since the water flow does not cover the entire capacity of the bowl. As a result, it is necessary to perform more frequently. Among other things, the horizontal type of flush is wasteful of water.

Circular flush implies a uniform flow of water around the entire perimeter of the toilet structure. Moreover, the jets of water can be directed both at an angle to the rim of the toilet, and directly.

This toilet flush device differs from others in the minimum amount of noise, economical water consumption and excellent cleaning properties.

The disadvantage of such toilets is a rather high cost than similar structures with a horizontal descent. In addition, the small diameter of the holes through which the water is supplied increases the risk of deteriorating flush performance. This can happen due to the high degree of water hardness, which over time clogs these holes. Thus, if water of increased hardness is supplied to the apartment, you should choose either a large diameter of the holes in the toilet bowl with a circular flush complex, or a horizontal type of flush.

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Flushing the toilet down the drain

The flush of the toilet directly depends on the location of the sewer pipe at home.

The release of the toilet can be conditionally divided into 3 main types:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Oblique with a slope of 30-45 °.
  3. Horizontal release.

The latter can be found in houses of a modern layout (many houses of the post-perestroika period).

The sewer complex, equipped for toilets with vertical outlet, can be mostly found in apartments built in the first half of the twentieth century (Stalinist houses).

In houses, the structure of the second half of the twentieth century (brezhnevka and Khrushchev), the sewer complex is provided specifically for the oblique type of release.

Before purchasing a toilet, you should definitely clarify which outlet of the sewer pipe is present in the house.

Toilets with oblique and horizontal outlets are more versatile designs, since they make it possible to access the sewer risers in any position. To do this, you need to purchase specialized transition pipes. The vertical type of descent allows you to place the toilet tightly against the wall.

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Variations of toilet cisterns

The current classification of escapement cisterns is much more varied than it was 20 years ago. In order not to get lost in such a wide variety, it will not be superfluous to get a little familiar with such a plumbing fixture and its variations.

By the type of materials used, the tanks can be:

  • metal (more often - cast iron) - durable, but the external design is not very aesthetically pleasing;
  • plastic (plastic) - the lightest among all the others, very easy to install, but susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • ceramic - safe, easy to install, have a huge assortment of various colors and shapes.

By the type of mechanism for the descent:

  1. Side - are a chain (rope) equipped on a cistern, which, in turn, is located at a low height from the toilet; the principle of operation of the drain device in this case is as follows: the rope pulls the lever, and on the back shoulder the box with the gasket rises slightly, and the water flows into the drain pipe.
  2. Upper - a head or a button located on top of the lid on the central part; here, water flows into the drain pipe only after pressing the necessary button or lifting the rod (rod) up; at the moment of pressing, the rubber bulb rises from the so-called saddle and passes the water stream.

By the type of descent device:

  • mechanical - control over everything is carried out without the participation of the user;
  • manual - the valve of the barrel opens at the request of the owner; at the same time it is possible to control the volume of liquid that enters the tank.
  1. The cistern can be located almost under the stream itself, connecting to the toilet by means of long fittings. This option allows you to achieve the maximum water pressure during the descent, but outwardly it does not look very aesthetically pleasing with the current design realities.
  2. The tank is attached directly to the toilet. The option is quite compact, suitable for a variety of repair work.
  3. The drainage container is built into the wall structure. This method makes it possible to free up additional space in the toilet room, and it looks very diligent and quite aesthetically pleasing. A significant disadvantage, however, is the complexity of the installation and further repairs.

The presence of an equipped toilet room is the most important guarantee of a comfortable stay in any apartment and house. In fact, no one can imagine their everyday life without such a device as. But how many of us know how its main component is arranged and how it works -? Awareness of these issues is useful for two reasons: firstly, knowledge of the features of the device simplifies its choice and purchase, and secondly, having an idea of ​​the "insides" of the equipment, it is easier to determine which part of the mechanism was deformed in the event of a unit failure. That is why further we propose to study the drain tank in detail with a video: the device, the principles of operation of the fittings and the differences between the models.

Flush cistern design

A standard tank consists of two mechanisms: filling; plum and overflow. In old and modern models, the fittings are slightly different.

The filling mechanism includes two components:

  1. Valve - regulates the volume of water in the tank: timely provides its supply and shutdown. In older models, the valve is located on the side of the body, and in newer models, in its lower part.
  2. Float - controls the position of the valve: float down - valve open, float up - valve closed. Initially, the float functioned in a horizontal position, but in modern models it only moves in a vertical plane.

Thanks to the modernization of the design of the tanks, the filling mechanism began to work several times more efficiently: in the new models, the shut-off valves shut off the water not gradually, but completely at the very end of the set, which guarantees the promptness of water entering the container.

But the most significant improvement came with the drain and overflow mechanism. In old tanks, the drain system meant a rubber bulb that tightly closed the outlet. It functioned as simply as possible: pull the chain or lift the lever - and water begins to flow into the drain. But a modern mechanism is a complex reinforcement assembly that includes two main components:

  1. Overflow - protects the tank from overflow: when the volume exceeds the maximum mark, the liquid begins to go into the toilet bowl.
  2. Drain - provides direct drainage of water by pressing the release of the tank.

Advice. For ease of use and water saving, it is recommended to select a flush tank with two buttons: for full and for partial flushing.

The principles of the tank functioning

Most of both old and modern tanks are one-piece designs. They work according to the following scheme.

Water flush:

  • after pressing the trigger (button, lever, etc.), a special thrust is created, under the action of which the float stops exerting pressure on the valve and the latter opens;
  • the drain into the overflow system is closed;
  • water from the tank is fed into the toilet bowl for flushing.

Drain function

Filling the tank with water:

  • when the volume of water in the tank drops to the minimum mark, the valve closes, the inlet valve opens and water begins to flow;
  • as the tank is filled, the shut-off float rises and the water stream decreases;
  • when the container is completely filled, the float closes the inlet valve and the water supply stops.

Important! In order for the float to function effectively, after installing the tank, it must be adjusted and tested: the incorrect position of the float is fraught with the fact that the tank will not be able to fill with a sufficient volume of water.

  1. Pressing the trigger triggers the opening of the siphon: through its corrugated tube, water enters the toilet bowl, flushing.
  2. After emptying the siphon, the tank float lowers and opens the inlet valve, through which water begins to flow into the drain tank.
  3. When the tank is full, the float is lowered and the inlet valve closes.

Varieties of cisterns

Drainage devices may have certain differences in design, and in the principles of operation, and in appearance - in order to understand them, we will consider the main criteria for the classification of tanks.

Criterion # 1: trigger type. There are two types of descents:

  • Push-button is the most modern and reliable solution. It is used in almost all closed flushing cisterns of the new modification. The button can be located either on the lid or on the side of the drain device.
  • Suspended - chain or lever. It is mainly used in hanging cisterns. The trigger is usually located on the side of the device body.

Push-button trigger

Criterion # 2: location. Most often, the tank is installed in one piece with the toilet bowl - such traditional models are attractive in that they eliminate the need to bring a special outlet pipe from the tank to the toilet bowl. The second option - a wall-mounted hanging tank - is more complicated in design: you need to securely fix the device on the working surface and lay additional inlet and outlet pipes. But on the other hand, the hanging cistern wins in terms of aesthetics - it can be disguised as a wall niche.

Criterion # 3: material. Modern flush cisterns are made mainly in two variations: earthenware - devices of a wide variety of shapes and colors, which have gained popularity due to a favorable combination of relatively affordable prices and high quality; plastic - cheap models that are most often built into walls, which protects them from external influences.

As you can see, the flush cistern, familiar to everyone, is actually not such a simple device. Before you are the main elements of the equipment, the principles of its functioning and the distinctive features of different models - this information will help you both when choosing a tank and when diagnosing its malfunctions, so do not neglect them if you want nothing to threaten your everyday comfort.

How the toilet cistern works: video

Toilet cistern device: photo

In modern times, it is difficult to imagine an apartment or a private house without such an important element of plumbing as a toilet. Often it is required to carry out repair or maintenance work on the toilet. In order to perform work of this kind competently, it is necessary to understand the device and the principle of operation of such plumbing. This will be discussed in the article.

There are two options for making toilets:

  1. Suspended or wall-mounted when the cistern is hung on the wall or not at all.
  2. Floor standing- toilets complete with a cistern, separately located toilets, attached (full adherence to the wall), Turkish-type toilets or Genoa bowls (suggest squatting when using).

Toilets are made up of three main elements:

  1. Bowl;
  2. Cistern;
  3. Seat and cover (toilet seat).


The main component of the bowl is a siphon or hydraulic seal. The siphon is a curved channel that is filled with water, it ensures the discharge of wastewater into the sewer without blockages and blocks access to the room for gases with an unpleasant odor.

How the siphon works

The operation of the siphon is based on the principle of changing atmospheric pressure and air pressure in the riser and sewer network. When the value of atmospheric pressure is higher than the same indicator of air in the sewer and the riser, the volume of liquid in the hydraulic seal decreases, therefore, part of it enters the riser.

The opposite situation is also possible. Traditionally, the inlet of the siphon is made straight, and the outlet can be either straight or inclined. It is worth remembering that when the plumbing is not used for a long time, the liquid from the water seal can evaporate in whole or in part.


A cistern is needed to ensure that the amount of water required for cleaning is supplied to the toilet bowl. Most often, this component of the toilet is made from ordinary ceramics (as for compact toilets).

Along with ceramics, tanks are produced from plastic, cast iron, stainless steel and other materials.

We propose to consider the device of the cistern using the example of a plastic model with a side water supply.

For such structures, the main elements of the tank will be:

  1. Float valve
  2. Pear combined with overflow
  3. Float
  • The pear is made of rubber, the float is usually plastic, the rod is made of non-corrosive metals (copper or brass). When the water is drained, the pear will float, after all the water has been drained, the rubber element returns to its place, thereby blocking the drain hole.
  • Overflowing is a cylinder with a neck. It is necessary to flush excess water into the toilet bowl if the float valve is faulty. Moreover, it can be either a separate structural element or combined with a rubber bulb.
  • In old houses, a toilet was often installed with a highly suspended cistern, almost under the very ceiling. To ensure the drainage of water from such a tank, a siphon mechanism is used, which has a significant drawback in the form of noisy operation.
  • The tank is connected to the water pipes by means of a reinforced rubber hose, which is fastened with metal or brass nuts with O-rings.
  • Cheaper, but at the same time less reliable, is the option of connecting with a plastic hose and plastic nuts.
  • The branch pipe that connects the tank to the cold water pipeline can be located on the side of the tank (side water inlet) or at the bottom (bottom water inlet). It should be noted that the noise level is significantly lower with the lower water supply. In addition, the second option is preferable from an aesthetic point of view.

Compact type toilets have one hole on each side. During installation, one of them is used to connect the water supply, and the second is closed with a special plastic plug, which is fixed with a latch or union nut. If necessary, it is fashionable to easily change the plug and the float-type valve in places.

Important! The most crucial and difficult moment in the design of the flush tank is a float valve in combination with the float itself.

There are two options for this design:

  1. Adjustable
  2. Non-adjustable valves.

Regardless of the type of this element, the valve must perform its function without fail - in automatic mode, stop the water supply to the tank when the barrier level is reached.

To date, dual-mode flush mechanisms have become widespread, which allow you to adjust the volume of water drained into the toilet bowl. In order to remove the lid of the toilet cistern with such a mechanism, you first need to unscrew the flush button itself.

  • Pressure washer
  • pad
  • Saddle
  • Membrane
  • Kernel
  • Float arm
  • Lever axis


The stool is necessary, first of all, from the point of view of compliance with the rules of hygiene. Therefore, plastic toilet seats and lids are widely used.

At the same time, seat options with soft foam rubber do not lose their popularity. The toilet seat is attached to the toilet using special fasteners of various designs and made of different materials (plastic, metal).

Toilet cistern repair

Probably the most common problem associated with the operation of cisterns is leakage. Needless to say, such a situation is undesirable, especially if a water meter is installed in the apartment (a leak will lead to additional costs).

The main causes of leakage

Among the whole range of reasons that can cause a leak in the cistern, the most significant and common ones can be distinguished:

  • Violation of the tightness of the pear or gaskets (petals).
  • Violation of float adjustment. In this case, water will pass over the overflow level and flow out.
  • When flushing water, there is a leak between the cistern and the area of ​​the toilet itself.
  • Loss of tightness of the connection between the hose and the float valve.
  • Violation of tightness in the threaded connection of the tank and toilet bowl.

Troubleshooting methods

To carry out repair work aimed at correcting any malfunction, the first step is to remove the top cover of the drain tank.

Violation of the tightness of the pear or gaskets

In this case, there is a constant flow of water into the bowl. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to get the pear and carefully inspect it.

With prolonged operation, deformation of the pear and gaskets or the formation of plaque on them are possible. You will need to wipe these elements and try to dock them tightly. If the bulb and the gasket cannot be tightly joined, these elements must be replaced.

Violation of float adjustment

With this fault, water constantly flows through the overflow valve. Moreover, there are a number of reasons for such a violation:

  • The float arm is not enough to close the float valve. To solve the problem, you need to bend the lever.
  • Your float is designed according to the illustration on the left. Using a plastic pin, lower the float level. After that, the adjustment will be performed and the leak will disappear.
  • Water has entered the float. In this case, the float is removed, water is drained from it and installed in place.
  • The float cannot shut off the water, since the gasket inside its valve has worn out. In this case, the structure is disassembled, the gasket is turned over with the other side, or a new one is cut out.

If any of these reasons cannot be eliminated, then the float mechanism must be completely replaced with a new one.

The appearance of a leak between the cistern and the toilet when flushing water

The reason for such a malfunction may be:

  • Looseness in the thread between the cistern and the toilet. To solve the problem, it is necessary to tighten all the bolts and nuts, but without applying special efforts so as not to destroy the area between the cistern and the toilet.
  • Plumbing casting defects. In this case, it is necessary to treat the leaks with a sealant.

Loss of tightness between the hose and the float valve

Reasons for the malfunction:

  • Loose nuts, to solve the problem, you need to take a wrench and tighten the nuts.
  • The joint gasket is damaged. It is necessary to unscrew the nut, replace the gasket and screw the hose nut back.

Violation of tightness in the threaded connection of the tank and toilet bowl.

Most likely the reason is the weakening of the connection itself. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary, without applying special effort, to tighten the bolts and nuts. If the leak is not eliminated, then these elements must be completely unscrewed, lubricated with gaskets (treated with sealant) and screwed back.

Useful information! Malfunctions of this kind can be easily corrected by yourself. This will bring you experience and new skills, besides, it will help to significantly save family budget funds.

To illustrate the ways to troubleshoot the drain tank described in the article, we suggest watching a video.