How to attract travel using Feng Shui. Feng Shui zones in the apartment and their activation

The spiritual aspect of our life is our worldview, communication with others, religious views, culture and moral values. For each person it has a different framework and is assessed within the limits of his capabilities.

The philosophy of Feng Shui gives great importance to a person’s spiritual life and allocates a separate sector for its development - the zone of assistants and travel.

In fact, the zone of Feng Shui assistants is responsible for communication skills and personal development in the surrounding society. By activating this sector, we can achieve the appearance of active helpers in our lives - support from friends or business lobby, divine help, good luck thanks to the help of mentors. This is also a zone of travel, favorable trips, successful business trips according to Feng Shui.

Activation and arrangement of the assistants area

According to Feng Shui, the zone is the northwest of your apartment or house. The ideal solution for the zone would be to arrange your office, studio, or meeting room here. Install a telephone, computer, office equipment, and any other means of communication in it.

The Feng Shui assistant sector in your home is a zone of spiritual growth, so it would be good to place objects of a religious nature. Activation of the zone with the help of icons, spiritual books, consecrated objects suggests the appearance of a divine patron, guardian angel, the help of God or providence.

Activation of the sector for a travel lover implies various kinds of luck on trips and foreign tours. Qi energy sends a positive charge to the assistants’ zone, relieving travelers from unpleasant little things, protecting them from natural disasters during the trip, and giving confidence in the successful outcome of the trip.

If you are a dreamer and are just going on a trip, it is recommended to hang a picture of the place you would like to visit. These could be islands in the Pacific Ocean, a Greek island or the beaches of Malibu. The image must be positive, in good weather. You can make a series of images of travel destinations - this will only strengthen the travel sector and speed up your departure.

If you want to achieve the patronage of your superiors, find true friends, advance in business with the help of random people, place photographs and portraits of a person who is authoritative for you. Joint photographs with your superiors are also good, but only positive ones, without gloomy faces or scenes of conflict.


This zone is ruled by the metal element; any metal objects would be appropriate here. To enhance the energy flow, you can add the element of water by installing a small aquarium or decorative fountain. By adding the element of earth to the zone of helpers, you will thereby strengthen relationships with others and receive stable, constant support from others in resolving various issues. This can be done with the help of a globe or a world map, which, in principle, is a talisman for the helper zone.

Talismans for the zone of helpers are everything that concerns religion, the spiritual sphere, beliefs, teachings, and aspirations of a person.

For deeply religious people, it would be good to keep icons, books of spiritual development, images of angels and other heavenly patrons there. On the walls you can hang quotes, sayings of wise people and saints, canons of religious teaching in a frame.

In the assistants' area, things brought from long trips should be stored - souvenirs, Aboriginal crafts, various interesting things.

On the walls in the area you can hang pictures of interesting tourist places in the world, images of architectural monuments, landscapes of exotic islands, etc. It is advisable to post images of places you would like to visit in the future.

In addition to your objects of worship, the assistant area is well activated with the help of metal bells. Call the area often - help will follow immediately.

In this Feng Shui zone, helpers are figurines of the Indian deity Ganesha, whose help in difficult and intractable situations will be truly miraculous. This deity patronizes travelers and is the god of wisdom and the removal of obstacles.

To activate the zone, your inner peace, and self-confidence, affirmations are a good help - small instructions, read every day, before important events, to obtain positive results in business. Affirmations can be written on small pieces of paper and placed in the assistants' area. Read them every day, like a prayer, and success in business will not keep you waiting.

Here is an example of one affirmation - it was found during excavations of the Sumerian culture, written on a tablet, translated and used to attract good luck, good mood, as a talisman for every day.

Hello new day!
Bring good luck!
Stretch the minutes
in long, happy hours.
Be kind to me
new day, make my way

Read in the morning, getting out of bed and opening the curtains - this is a very positive attitude towards a successful and good day.


The most suitable colors for the assistants' area are metallic colors (golden, silver), white.

Choose gilded frames for portraits of your leaders and framing paintings - the shine of gold is always appropriate in this sector. Let the walls and ceiling be white, and the furniture be silver. It is acceptable to use the beige color of the earth element in the assistant sector. But you shouldn't get carried away.

Do not use fiery colors in the interior of the room - fire has a destructive effect on metal.

What not to use

  • do not clutter the area, remove unnecessary and broken things, do daily cleaning;
  • Weapons, bladed or firearms, cannot be used as talismans;
  • avoid posting paintings and images of an erotic nature;
  • avoid stagnant energy, ventilate the room often;
  • if there is a bedroom in the assistants’ area, remove mirrors and objects related to water – aquariums, fountains;
  • try not to use triangular and rectangular objects; oval-shaped objects are appropriate here;

According to Feng Shui, travel and movement are a component of your communication skills. Regular trips give you insight into the world, make new acquaintances, broaden your horizons and leave unforgettable impressions.

By activating the Feng Shui Helper Zone, you increase the influence and participation of other people in your life, but only in a positive context. By arranging the Feng Shui sector, you create the preconditions for finding invisible and earthly beneficial helpers, whose participation can be significant and fateful.

And organizing the space in your home in accordance with the canons of ancient Chinese philosophy can significantly improve your life. Let's talk about how to do this.

How to determine zones by cardinal directions

Zones are determined using a compass and a floor plan. You need to put the cardinal directions on it and draw out the space in accordance with them.

The fastest and easiest way to do this:

  1. Determine where north is in your apartment - this is the starting point for the subsequent division of space.
  2. Draw a schematic plan of the apartment and mark all cardinal directions on it. Then divide from the center into nine equal parts.
  3. Ready! You can begin to activate each zone of the apartment and organize the space in them.

What each sector of space is responsible for:

  1. Northeast is the zone of wisdom and knowledge. An office or work area should be located here. The spirit of education reigns in this space, so it is most suitable for study and self-development.
  2. The northwest is the zone of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space ensures that in any difficult moment of life you will have a strong patron who will help solve all problems and get out of the crisis.
  3. The East is the family zone. She is responsible for healthy relationships between household members, their well-being - physical and mental. Helps keep marriage bonds strong, live in happiness and harmony.
  4. The West is a zone of children and creativity. Ideal for placement. If you organize the space correctly, children will grow and develop harmoniously, love to learn and will always please their parents with their successes.
  5. Southeast - one of the most important parts of the apartment. How the space will be organized here directly affects financial wealth and material well-being. Money is also energy that needs to be activated.
  6. The south is the zone of glory, which is responsible for the social status and realization of a person in society. If you activate it, you will never have problems communicating with people, your opinion will be valued, and your authority will become unquestionable.
  7. The southwest is the zone of love and marriage. It is very important to pay attention to this area for people who are still single and have not met their soulmate. By organizing your space, you increase your chances of finding happy and harmonious relationships and activate the flow of sexual energy.
  8. The center of the apartment is the health zone. She is responsible for the well-being of everyone who lives in the house. Not only for health, but also for physical attractiveness. It is with the organization of space in this sector that you need to start first.

The layout of modern apartments is not always successful from the point of view. The money zone, for example, may be located in the location of the bathroom, which is extremely unfavorable. If you do not use special Chinese talismans, money will literally flow down the toilet.

Let's talk about how to use and activate all zones correctly.

Activation of sectors of space

In order for energy to circulate in space and fill the premises, it is important to correctly activate each sector and eliminate negative factors.

  1. To activate the career zone, place office equipment in it - here you can put a computer, a landline telephone, place photos with colleagues and superiors. Objects symbolizing the energy of water also have a beneficial effect on the sector.
  2. There should be sufficiently bright lighting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge. Make sure there is more than enough light in the space. If little daylight penetrates into the room, install additional lamps with powerful lamps.
  3. To activate the assistants and travel zone, place photos with your close friends in it. Hang pictures of people you consider to be your spiritual guides on your walls. You can also hang a wish map here, on which you have marked the places you dream of visiting.
  4. Remove all antiques, metal objects, and photographs of deceased relatives from the family area. Fill the space with vibrant indoor plants and colorful images of natural landscapes.
  5. Decorate the children's and creativity area with bright accents. Make sure there is bright lighting, place amulets everywhere, and hang your children’s drawings or some of their crafts on the walls.
  6. To activate the wealth zone, place special money talismans there. This sector is protected by the energy of water, so you can place objects that symbolize it. The ideal solution is an aquarium or indoor fountain.
  7. In the glory zone it is better to put all kinds of certificates, diplomas, awards and cups that you received. All kinds of figurines made of natural stone activate energy.
  8. In the love zone you need to place paired objects: figurines of animals, angels, candles, hearts, soft toys. Bird figurines have a very good effect on the energy situation.
  9. A bright crystal chandelier must be located in the center of the health zone. If this is a dining room or living room, place a table under a light source where the family will gather.

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According to Feng Shui practice, each house has special parts of space that are responsible for certain zones. Space zoning is the basics of Feng Shui. The entire space should be divided into special zones, and each of them will mean something different. Everyone understands that each person has his own home, and in order for all the zones in it to be correct, a compass is needed, and, of course, a person who understands this practice will be able to correctly divide and designate the zones. In addition, each person has his own zoning space, which can only be calculated by an experienced Feng Shui master.

Each zone is activated differently, it all depends on what capabilities you have in the desired zone. You can put a figurine in it, or paint it in the desired color... it all depends on you! It is known that the northwestern part of the house is responsible for the fulfillment of your desires, even the most cherished ones. In order for this zone to work for you, you must activate it, for this you need to paint it in a light color, and then it will become favorable for you, do not neglect red and black tones.

It is known that the Feng Shui travel zone is a very strong zone, compared to others, it is very easy to activate and difficult to spoil, unless you put a trash can in this zone, or if it is located in the toilet. In order to take the path of truth, you must hang up an image of a teacher, spiritual mentor, or just a family photo of your parents. And in order to activate good luck in terms of travel, you need to find an image of the place where you would like to go and hang it in the travel zone, or write the name of the country.

In addition, you can hang a picture, or write the name of what you dream of, this is very important, since this is a zone of fulfillment of desires, and even the most daring ones can be fulfilled. To activate, the following talismans will also help you:
. metal bells
. objects that identify your beliefs
. quotes and thoughts that can help you achieve what you want or travel
. miniatures of ships, yachts

Thanks to the activation of the travel zone, you can help yourself achieve what you want, and also attract good luck in travel, trips, and so on. This is a very strong zone, and if you have a strong desire, you will have an excellent opportunity to fulfill everything you want in a short time. Traveling in the life of every person is a very important part, since only through travel does a person broaden his horizons, fill himself with new strength, emotions and knowledge, getting to know other people, their culture, morals and customs. According to Feng Shui, traveling also means a lot; you can gain new experiences and improve your Qi energy. New countries give you new opportunities and add energy from all sources. Your location is also very important. You can draw energy from fire, water, air, trees, metal, and earth. To do this, you need to find out what kind of energy you need, and after that, choose a place to travel.

You must follow your path not only when traveling, but also in everyday life, listen to your inner self, your spiritual guide, and not deviate from this path. That is why the travel zone is also responsible for the cultural and spiritual life of a person, which is why to activate it you need images of your spiritual mentors, and if you are a Christian, then you can hang icons in this zone, so it will be well activated and will help you.

According to Feng Shui, any home has its own individual energy, which can be both good and bad. The main goal of the ancient teaching is to activate the flow of positive energy, turn it for the benefit of people and at the same time resist negative energy. Arranging an apartment according to the laws of Feng Shui will help increase its energy potential, reduce or completely neutralize the harmful effects of unfavorable zones and negative energy. To properly organize your living space, first of all, you need to establish Feng Shui zones in your apartment.

Determination of apartment zones

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in the life of every person can be divided into nine main areas. All of them are reflected by the octagon or Bagua grid. Feng Shui uses it as the main tool for assessing and analyzing the energy of any room. This octagon is an energy map divided into nine sectors, each of which corresponds to one of the main aspects of life and a specific area in the room. The well-being, well-being, success and other areas of a person’s life will depend on how well such zones are arranged.

To designate Feng Shui zones in an apartment, you will need a compass, a Bagua grid or its simplified version - a Lo Shu square (they can be printed on a printer), as well as an apartment plan. You can find the exact plan in the documents for your home. If for some reason this is impossible, try drawing it yourself.

First, use a compass to determine where north is in your home. Now mark it on the apartment plan, take the Bagua grid (you can also use the Lo Shu square) and attach it to the plan so that the north coincides with the north. Well, then set all other zones according to the markings.

If you don't have a compass, just remember where the sun rises from - it will be east. Mark it on the plan and apply the Bagua grid on it so that east coincides with east, and then determine all other zones.

Unfortunately, everything is simple only at first glance. In fact, you may encounter a lot of surprises. For example, your apartment may not be in the form of a regular rectangle, but a figure with missing or protruding corners, so you may simply not have enough of some areas. Or the most important sectors may coincide, for example, with the location of the hallway or toilet. In such situations, the Feng Shui of an apartment can be adjusted using special means and techniques.

So, if any area in your apartment is simply missing, the missing sector can be restored by hanging a mirror in this place on the wall. Or you can overlay the Bagua grid on the diagram of only the main room and designate and then activate the zones in it.

If the zone of influence does not correlate well with the functional purpose of the room, this can be corrected by placing talismans, elemental symbols, lighting, colors, etc. in it that correspond to the sector. For example, if the wealth zone coincides with the bathroom, so that money does not “flow away” from you, always closely monitor the serviceability of the plumbing and close the toilet lid. You can place bamboo mats, a money tree or another indoor plant with round leaves in it. In addition, the bathroom can be hidden behind a large mirror.

Feng Shui of an apartment - activation of zones

By activating a certain area of ​​the apartment, you can influence the corresponding area of ​​life. For Feng Shui to work in full force, several sectors should be activated at once. This is done by placing certain objects, colors, symbols, etc. in them that help enhance positive energy. All of them are selected individually for each zone.

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Feng Shui workplace

This zone is located in the east. Its main element is wood. Colors: blue, green, black, brown, talismans: flute,
dragon, bamboo, family photos.

According to Feng Shui, the family zone is responsible for relationships with parents, children and other relatives. To reduce disagreements between loved ones and improve relationships with them, you can place a family photo and objects that you associate with your family in this sector. Wooden things, especially those made with your own hands, indoor plants, images of forest landscapes and bamboo sticks will also help to activate it.

You cannot place photos of deceased animals, pets, any metal objects, dried flowers, thorny plants, sharp objects, stuffed animals, or herbariums in the family sector.

Helpers area

It is also a zone that is responsible for travel. Its main element is metal. Colors: silver, gold, metallic, white. Talismans: exotic landscapes, photos of parents, metal bell, horseshoe, crystals.

This zone determines the number of people who are selflessly ready to help you. Well-being in it is promised by the presence of patrons, timely help from relatives, friends and even strangers and authorities.

In order for a mentor or assistant to appear in your life at a difficult moment, increase the lighting in this sector, place in it photos of your mentors and figurines of guardian deities, for example, Ganesha or Guin.

If you want to increase the influence of this sector on your travels, place in it photos of places you dream of visiting, or images of people traveling, all kinds of vehicles.

Do not place firearms, broken items, or images of an erotic nature in the assistant area.

Its main element is wood. Colors: lilac, green, violet. Talismans: water (aquariums, fountains, etc.), Chinese coins, images of water, sailboat, money tree, money toad.

According to Feng Shui, the wealth sector is responsible for prosperity, wealth, material wealth, and gifts of fortune. To increase the lighting in this sector, you can place in it any symbol of money, a silver vessel filled with water, an aquarium (especially good if there are goldfish in it), a fat fish, items made of precious metals and stones. To ensure good luck in business, place a model of a sailboat, but so that its bow is directed into the room.

Health zone

Its main element is earth. Colors: orange, terracotta, yellow, beige. Talismans: bamboo, turtle, heron, monkeys, images of cranes against a background of pine trees.

This sector is responsible for general well-being and health. Also, the center of the apartment is considered a spiritual center or the center of luck. The health zone unites all other zones and influences them, so if it is not in order, other areas of life will suffer.

It should be well lit, this will unite all the inhabitants of the house and encourage them to spend interesting time together. It is here that it is recommended to place a crystal chandelier with many crystals, which will spread positive energy throughout the apartment. The health zone can be activated by clay jugs, wooden objects, live indoor plants, water landscapes, a crane figurine, an odd number of peaches, green objects, sea pebbles, bamboo branches.

For Feng Shui, the zone of travel and good patrons and helpers plays a very significant role, although it is in some sense intermediate. In the Bagua drawing, it occupies the direction to the northeast. It makes sense to devote time to this place when you need to get advice or help when making a complex and ambiguous decision or in a complex matter.

This includes good business lobbying, communication and social skills. Also, activation of the sector is important when there is a great desire to travel or see something in the world.

The dominant Element of the zone is Metal, which, as is known, is generated from the Earth, weakens its powers by the Element of Water and destroys Metal - Fire. According to Feng Shui, this area is activated with the help of the elements of Earth and Metal, which means that the colors white, silver, gold or yellow, brown, and terracotta will work well here.

You need to decorate this place in an apartment or house using porcelain and ceramics, crystal or metal objects.

You can use some symbols, such as “wind chimes”. This is a very energetic talisman of Metal - a series of metal hollow tubes of different sizes, which upon contact produce a thin and light, almost rustling ringing. You can purchase bells made of metal, which will have the same function of activating the Element of Metal and sounds.

Sector activation

The zone of good helpers and travel is activated in the science of Feng Shui, they say, when it is filled with strength and energy, when images and portraits of strong, authoritative, divine, and energetically powerful people are placed in it.

You can also store their recorded advice or sayings, strong motivating quotes or remarks here. In this sector it is good to place icons or other images, for example, guardian angels, saints and various heavenly helpers.

They will be here in the most favorable place, because all these spirit people act as helpers and advisers, guiding the soul of a person, and it is very important to have their support in the right place and in maximum strength.

The zone of assistants and travel is absolutely necessary for those who want to see the world and travel. You can and should post here photos of places you want to visit, cut out from magazines or other publications; you need to create a real map of desires, on which you can place images of all the places you want to see or touch with your own hands.

Also, each image can be supported by an affirmation that emphasizes the desire to go to this place and get to know it better. You must remember to mention in your affirmation your positive feelings, which you will certainly experience during the trip.

What prevents activation

The zone of assistants and wanderings does not suffer the weakening influence of the Elements of Water or Fire. Here you need to do without blue or black. It is recommended to remove mirror and glass objects from this area.

There should also be no fountains or aquariums or even images of water - despite the fact that many trips are made by sea.

It is better to place such desired pictures in those areas ruled by Water. Feng Shui of the desired trip will work in this case too. Avoid the presence of mirrors or glass in this area, as well as pointed objects that resemble fire, as well as the use of orange or red colors.

You should not install a fireplace in this room, and if possible, it is better to avoid candles, as well as images of sunset and sunrise, when the power of Fire is maximum, only in different phases. Even if this is a sunset on distant islands, to which you have been wanting to fly for many years to relax, it is better to place them in another room, where the dominant or positive element is Fire. Placing such images in the travel zone will rather have the opposite effect - travel will not happen, because their energy will be suppressed by Fire.

The disorder in this sector definitely contributes to poor Feng Shui. When there is no order here, then negative and passive Qi stagnates and accumulates, and for travel and proper advice and help, it must flow easily and be in an active state. Lumps of things and carelessness lead to the appearance of stagnant energy - xi qi; and also in their placement, conditions are created for the emergence of dangerous and aggressive “killer energy” of sha qi, which is reflected by sharp corners and leads to negative situations.

Therefore, parting with things that are no longer needed in order to throw them out of the apartment is very important, especially if you want to go on some kind of trip. Positive energy should spread freely and easily in a room and bring activity and positive changes to a person’s life.