How to check your weight. How to quickly and accurately calculate your correct weight

Changes in body weight are immediately reflected in the limbs. Have you noticed that you will have to make another hole in the watch strap? Most likely, you have lost weight. Measure your height with a centimeter. Maybe you already know him. Grasp the big one and index finger one hand and the wrist of the other. If your fingers fit together into a ring freely, you are an asthenic person with a thin physique. In this case, find out the weight like this:

  • calculate 10% of your height. For example, if you are 170 cm tall, the required number will be 17;
  • subtract this number from the last two digits of the growth rate. Your result: 70-17=53 kg. This is your approximate weight.

If you can’t wrap your fingers around your wrist, you are hypersthenic. This is a man with a massive build. Find out the weight using another formula:

  • calculate 10% of growth;
  • add this number to the last two digits of the growth rate. For example, height – 160 cm. 60+16=76 kg. This is your weight.

There is one more interesting way. Measure your wrist with a centimeter and multiply the resulting number by four. The result will show your weight.

Find out your weight without scales - minus five centimeters from the waist

Without a scale, you will know your kilograms accurately using this method. Measure your waist with a measuring tape 2 cm above your navel. Subtract five from the result obtained, and the indicator will indicate your weight.

Find out weight without scales using Archimedes' law

To calculate body weight using this method you will have to work hard. But the result will be the most accurate. The human body is 80% water. It is believed that the density of the body is almost equal to the density of the liquid. Therefore, let's assume that 1 kg is equal to 1 liter. First way:

  • fill the bathtub with water;
  • you climb in and plunge headlong into the water;
  • Make a mark on the bathtub at the water level. Ask one of your relatives to do this, it will be inconvenient for you;
  • get out, take a liter jar and pour water into the bath until it reaches the line. Count how many cans you fill.

And the weight is calculated simply: it will be equal to the number of liter cans poured into the bath. If you poured 55 cans, that’s the weight.

Use the second method of calculating body weight by the pool at summer cottage. Prepare a large plastic barrel that will fit you inside. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • Place a barrel in a pool filled with water;
  • climb into the barrel and mark with a marker the level to which the container is immersed;
  • fill the barrel with water until it sinks into the water to the marked mark. Use a liter jar and count the amount of water poured.

The weight is equal to the number of liters poured into the barrel.

Find out weight without scales on a swing

This method is not particularly accurate, but simple. Invite two or three girlfriends to go on the swings with you on the playground. But they must know exactly how much they weigh. Without this, the method will not work. Sit down with each friend in turn on the swing, which the two of you can ride on. Whose side prevails is heavier. But you should also know at least approximately your weight.

All of the above methods of a kind of “weighing” will help you find out approximately body weight, with an error of 1-3 kg. Buy a scale for daily weighing. They will show the most accurate result.

Wrist and 10%

With the help of the easiest trick, you can easily find out your weight by height.

I started by clasping the thumb and index finger of my left hand around my right wrist. If your fingers fit together into a ring freely, it means you are asthenic, that is, a person with a thin physique. Surely you know your height in centimeters? Then you can follow these instructions on how to find out your weight without scales. Calculate 10% of the growth and subtract it from the last 2 figures of growth. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then 10% is 17. Now 70-17 = 53 kg. This will approximately be an indicator of how much you weigh. If your fingers could not clasp your wrist, then you are a hypersthenic person with a massive physique. In this case, add 10% of the growth to its last two digits. With a height of 180 cm, 10% will be the number 18; 80+18=96 kg is a healthy weight for a large man.

Minus 5 from the waist

“Minus 5 from the waist” is not only a simple, but also a fairly accurate way to find out your weight without a scale. To carry out this procedure, we will need a measuring tape and, in fact, your beautiful waist.
We measure the waist circumference, let’s say it is 65 cm, now we use the magic formula “minus 5 from the waist”, we get the number 60. This figure is an indicator of how much you weigh in kilograms. Also, if a person does not have obvious problems with obesity or excessive thinness, then a system that demonstrates the relationship between wrist circumference and weight will work perfectly. You will, of course, be surprised, but indeed the number of four times the volume of the wrist is equivalent to the mass of its owner. If there is a 15 cm mark on the tape, you weigh 60 kg.

Cubes in a barrel

This method of how to find out your weight without scales is more troublesome than the previous two. But it also has its advantages, namely incredible accuracy. For the experiment, use any empty container (barrel, for example) that you can fit in, and a bathtub filled with water. Place the barrel in the bathtub, climb inside and note the level of how high the water has risen. Now get out and pour water into the barrel until the water around rises to the mark you left. All that remains is to calculate the mass of water in the barrel, which will be equal to how much you weigh. This will be quite difficult to do, but you can use a little trick. Let's assume that 1 kg = 1 liter. Take a 1 liter measuring cup and gradually pour water from it into the barrel. Don't forget to count the circles. So, if after 48 such mugs the water has risen to the desired level, then a miracle has happened - you weigh 48 kg.

That's not all existing methods how to find out weight without scales. As a last resort, you can use a partner on a swing or contact an experienced farmer who can measure the weight of livestock by eye, or even better, a psychic.

Height to wrist ratio

The legs and arms are the first to react to quantitative changes. Their thickness and the ratio of muscle and fat components change. There are several body types, which can be determined by simply measuring the thickness of the wrist joint. For measurements use a centimeter or wool thread, which is then applied to a ruler to obtain a numerical value. In extreme cases, fingers - thumb and index - will do.

Body types:

  1. Length less than 16 cm or when gripping the index finger comes into contact with the thumb below the nail phalanx - asthenic.
  2. 16-18.5 cm, fingers closed easily - normosthenic.
  3. Over 18.5 cm, fingers stubbornly do not connect - hypersthenic.

Asthenics are thin, skin and bones. Normostenics need good exercise stress, restrictions on high-calorie foods. Hypersthenics with wide bones are usually regular patients of the nutritionist.

How to find out your weight? You will need to measure your wrist and multiply the result by 4. This indicator will be the person’s weight.

An ordinary rope will provide interesting data. First, height is determined by it. Then they are folded in half and belted. If its ends come together without effort, and a fist fits freely between the stomach and the rope, the person has an ideal weight, the fist fits in with difficulty - everything is within normal limits. If the rope at the waist does not meet, it’s sad, there is excess.

Indexes and formulas

  • 1) According to the Quettel index, the mass of asthenics is within 315 g for each cm of body length, for normosthenics this value is 360 g/cm, for hyperasthenics - 385 g/cm.
  • 2) According to the formula of the French anthropologist Paul Broca, the approximate weight is calculated based on height and physique parameters. The accuracy of the calculation is related to the amount of body fat.
  • 3) A certain part of people believe that it is possible to find out the amount of weight without resorting to instruments. The tools you will need are a tailor's centimeter. They act according to the algorithm:
  1. Measure your waist in cm.
  2. Write data.
  3. From given value subtract 5.

With a waist circumference of 85 cm, a person weighs 80 kg.

  • 4) For the next technique you will need a children's swing such as a pendulum and several people in an equal weight category. Swing with each of them and determine who is heavier by the outweighing side.
  • 5) Another option: on a swing, volunteers stand on the bar from opposite ends and begin to slowly approach the middle, towards each other. As soon as the board is balanced, stop. Then measure the distance from each person to the center of the board. Substitute the obtained values ​​into the formula m1 = m2 x (l2/l1), where m1 is the mass of the volunteer, m2 is the mass of the friend, l2 is the distance to the center from the subject, l1 is the distance from the friend to the center, and calculate the person’s weight.

Every second girl in the world is dissatisfied with her appearance, and in most cases the main problem seems to be the figure. Needless to say, young ladies often simply exaggerate and turn a couple of extra pounds gained over new year holidays, into a disaster. What's more, many of them don't realize that lavish dinners haven't actually impacted their waistlines! The easiest way to make sure of this is to weigh yourself. Well, what if there is no such possibility? How can you find out your weight without a scale?

Waist and weight

One of the most simple ways- refer to the measuring tape and your own waist. There is a formula that allows you to find out the approximate weight of a person. This is very simple to do: take a measurement of your waist 2 centimeters above the navel, and then simply subtract 5 from the resulting number and find out how many kilograms you are.

For example, your waist is 80 centimeters. According to the formula 80-5=75 kg. Of course, this indicator will not be absolutely accurate, but it is enough to determine the need for a diet.

Guessing by wrist

This method is also elementary, but unfortunately, even less accurate than the experiment with waist size. Still, if you are worried about how to quickly find out your weight without a scale, then your wrist and height will help you. By the way, you don’t even need a measuring tape here, which makes this calculation option even more convenient.

So, grab your wrist so that your thumb and index finger are loosely connected. If this trick was successful without difficulty, then you are one of the asthenics - people with a slender physique. In this case, the formula for calculation is as follows: (height - 100)—(height x 0.1) = your approximate weight.

For example, you were able to connect your fingers on your wrist, and your height is 168 centimeters. We count: (168 - 100)—(168 x 0.1)=51.2 kilograms. But this formula only works for this body type and only in the absence visible problems overweight.

People who cannot freely clasp their wrist need to calculate their weight a little differently: (height - 100) + (height x 0.1) = your approximate weight. In an example, it looks like this: (168 - 100)+(168 x 0.1)=84.8 kilograms. As you can see, the difference is noticeable, so it is important to approach the wrist measurement honestly and remember that the finger ring should be loose.

Archimedes' Law

This method is the most accurate of all the options for finding out your weight without a scale. But it is quite complex and is not suitable for everyone. The difficulty is that you will need to put in some effort and find the right tools.

So, according to Archimedes' law, any body that is immersed in a liquid will push it out exactly as much as the volume of the body itself. If we translate this to accessible language- place yourself in a full bathtub or barrel, collect the water that spills out, and you will find out your weight. Of course, this method is unlikely to be suitable for an adult, but if you are tormented by the question of how to find out the weight of a child without scales, then Archimedes will help you.

Fill the baby bathtub to the brim and place your baby in it. Some of the water will definitely spill out. All that remains is to find out its volume. There are two ways to do this. The first is to collect the liquid in liter jars (conditionally taking 1 liter for 1 kilogram). The second is, on the contrary, to fill the bath to the brim, counting how many liters are needed.

Baby swing

You can find many more ways to find out your weight without a scale. But the most fun is the ordinary children's swing, which you need to ride on together. You will need the help of a friend or girlfriend, or better yet two. It is important that he or she knows exactly his or her weight. And this is done simply: carefully stand on the swing and slowly walk towards each other. Once both sides are level, one of the assistants should record the distance from each “weight” to the center. Next, we calculate using the formula: friend’s weight x (friend’s distance/your distance) = your weight.

These simple methods will tell you how to find out your weight without scales. The BMI table will help determine whether this figure is normal. But it’s better to purchase the simplest mechanical scales and monitor your figure with an accuracy of grams.

February 26, 2014

Imagine that you find yourself in complete isolation from society, and you urgently need to weigh yourself. But there’s a problem: there are no scales at hand. “How can you find out your weight without a scale?” - this thought will torment you from morning to night. Until you dare try alternative method, which will effectively correct the situation.

Wrist and 10%

With the help of the easiest trick, you can easily find out your weight by height. First, you need to clasp the thumb and index finger of your left hand around the wrist of your right hand. If your fingers fit together into a ring freely, it means you are asthenic, that is, a person with a thin physique. Surely you know your height in centimeters? Then you can follow these instructions on how to find out your weight without scales. Calculate 10% of the growth and subtract it from the last 2 figures of growth. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then 10% is 17. Now 70-17 = 53 kg. This will approximately be an indicator of how much you weigh. If your fingers could not clasp your wrist, then you are a hypersthenic person with a massive physique. In this case, add 10% of the growth to its last two digits. With a height of 180 cm, 10% will be the number 18; 80+18=96 kg is a healthy weight for a large man.

Video on the topic

Minus 5 from the waist

“Minus 5 from the waist” is not only a simple, but also a fairly accurate way to find out your weight without a scale. To carry out this procedure, we will need a measuring tape and, in fact, your beautiful waist. We measure the waist circumference, let’s say it is 65 cm, now we use the magic formula “minus 5 from the waist”, we get the number 60. This figure is an indicator of how much you weigh in kilograms. Also, if a person does not have obvious problems with obesity or excessive thinness, then a system that demonstrates the relationship between wrist circumference and weight will work perfectly. You will, of course, be surprised, but indeed the number of four times the volume of the wrist is equivalent to the mass of its owner. If there is a 15 cm mark on the tape, you weigh 60 kg.

Cubes in a barrel

This method of how to find out your weight without scales is more troublesome than the previous two. But it also has its advantages, namely incredible accuracy. For the experiment, use any empty container (barrel, for example) that you can fit in, and a bathtub filled with water. Place the barrel in the bathtub, climb inside and note the level of how high the water has risen. Now get out and pour water into the barrel until the water around rises to the mark you left. All that remains is to calculate the mass of water in the barrel, which will be equal to how much you weigh. This will be quite difficult to do, but you can use a little trick. Let's assume that 1 kg = 1 liter. Take a 1 liter measuring cup and gradually pour water from it into the barrel. Don't forget to count the circles. So, if after 48 such mugs the water has risen to the desired level, then a miracle has happened - you weigh 48 kg.

These are not all existing methods of how to find out weight without scales. As a last resort, you can use a partner on a swing or contact an experienced farmer who can measure the weight of livestock by eye, or even better, a psychic.



If you are worried or doubt whether you are overweight, then these simple exercises will help you understand. However, do not forget that weight is a subjective concept. Your “extra” weight may be perceived by others as appetizing. Physiologists believe that neither volume in centimeters, nor weight in kilograms, nor even body mass index can accurately reflect this ephemeral concept of “excess weight.”

1. Tilt

The exercise must be performed in only underwear. Stand sideways to a large mirror and lean forward - slowly and smoothly, as low as you can. If you can get down to a 45-degree angle to your feet without any problems, you're good.

2. Clearance

Turn your face to the mirror, place your feet together. Count the number of gaps between your legs: if there are 3 of them (between the thighs, between the knees and calves, between the ankles) - everything is normal.

3. Abdominal retraction

Stand sideways to the mirror, bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor, and pull your stomach in with all your might. If it becomes sunken, then it is excellent result! If it's flat, that's good too. But if the stomach continues to protrude outward, it’s worth thinking about.

4. Right angle

The exercise must be performed in only underwear. Sit on the floor with your torso strictly vertical, at an angle of 90 degrees to your outstretched legs. Relax your stomach. If one fold has formed, everything is in order; if there are two, it’s a reason to be wary.

5. Neck grip

You need to keep your head straight. Try to grab the skin at the bottom of your neck with your fingers. It shouldn’t work out - in the absence excess weight your fingers will keep slipping.

6. Handmade

Move your arm to the side parallel to the floor, tense your muscles. Using the fingers of your other hand, try to pinch your triceps. You should get a crease of 1 cm, no more.

If you belong to the category of people who prefer to keep their body in good shape, then it would be appropriate to study today’s material. We tell you how to find out your weight without scales if they are out of order. A special calculation system has been developed for use at home.

How to find out your weight without scales - popular methods

There are several methods for determining weight without scales. Let's look at each option in more detail.

Method number 1. Measuring height and wrist circumference

First you need to arm yourself with a centimeter, measuring your height from your toes to the top of your head. Record the resulting value.

Now we measure your wrist, this indicator directly depends on whether you are asthenic or hypersthenic.

1. Asthenic – a person with a thin body structure. Wrap your hand around your wrist, if your fingers are connected, the calculation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • calculate a value that is equal to 10% of your total height. For example, with indicators of 168 cm, the required value is “16.8”;
  • then find out the last 2 digits of growth, subtract the value obtained above from this number. The approximate weight of your body is: 68-16.8 = 51.2 kg.

2. Hypersthenic – a person with a massive body build. You can determine this by wrapping your fingers around the wrist area. If the phalanges do not touch, then the calculation is carried out as follows:

  • get a value of 10% of the total growth. For example, at 170 cm, the number you need is “17”;
  • add the resulting figure to the two extreme growth figures. That is, the approximate weight of your body: 70+17=87 kg.

3. There is another method for finding out your weight without scales. You measure the circumference of the wrist area. Then this value must be multiplied by 4 times. This is the weight measured at home.

Method number 2. Waist measurement

An accurate method that allows you to determine body weight without unnecessary fuss. Arm yourself with a measuring tape, measure your waist, 2 fingers up from your navel. Subtract “5” from the value you received. That is, with a girth of 65 cm, your weight will be calculated as follows: 65-5 = 60 kg.

Method No. 3. Archimedes' Law

Before you find out your weight without scales, you have to work hard. In this case, the result at home will be accurate. Do not forget that a person is 80% liquid. Therefore, the density of water is almost equal to the density human body. From this we can conclude that 1 liter. equals 1 kg.

1. Fill the bathtub with water, climb into it and dive headfirst. Ask someone close to you to make a note of how much the fluid level has risen.

2. After this, get out of the bath. Use a 1 liter jar. Add water to the bath until you reach the line.

3. Count the number of cans that had to be refilled (60 cans = 60 kg). As a result, you will accurately know your own weight.

Method number 4. Swing

1. This method is simple, but is not considered accurate. Before you find out how much you weigh without scales, you need to invite your friends for a walk. Keep in mind that they must know their own weight accurately.

2. Play on the playground's counterbalance swings with each friend in turn. Pay attention to which side wins.

3. This will mean that the person on it weighs more. Please note that body weight will be approximate.

All of the methods described above will show your body weight with an error. To understand how to find out your weight without scales, resort to tricks at home. If you are not satisfied with the result, you should get some scales. In this case, you don’t have to be sophisticated.