How to cleanse a talisman. How to cleanse an amulet and amulet from negative foreign energy after purchase

Which you wear is designed to protect you from evil feelings, thoughts, intentions and actions of living beings of the world of Reveal and the undead of the world of Navi, as well as life circumstances that are dangerous for you. Let's consider the conditions under which the amulet works and does not hang around the neck as a simple “trinket”.

A real amulet is a lasso that attracts into your aura the Heavenly Power of one of (or several) of yours, and, perhaps, the Power of your Parent God. It depends on how consciously you live and what kind of spiritual help you provide to your family line, while observing the Will of the Ancestor, i.e. how valuable you are to the earthly race and the Heavenly race.

Ideally, the amulet should be charged with the help of praises, mantras and praises By Heavenly Power all the Gods-Managers of the 5 Primary Elements of the World of Revealing: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, after which he is co-tuned with you and your Ancestor on the Ancestral Altar. Naturally, the symbolism of the amulet must correspond to the energies of the Patron God with whom the amulet is aligned.

Sometimes a person is given a talisman by those who love him so much that, with the Power of their Love, they align him with the gifted talisman and the Progenitor Family. Usually close relatives or lovers do this - from the bottom of their hearts. In this case, the amulet also works, and is not a “trinket.”

When something happens (evil eye, damage, curse, fight, accident), the amulet “works” and, being a kind of relay, conducting the attention and Power of the Patron Gods through itself, brings together dangerous consequences to zero or to a minimum (depending on the owner’s karma).

Perhaps someone noticed that in cases dangerous to life and health, the amulet “burned” or “iced” the skin, “pulled” to roll or stop, “warned not to get involved,” or vice versa, “pulled forward,” “instilled confidence.” achieve victory." Of course, it was not the amulet that did all this, but the Patron God, but at the same time, the amulet, as a relay, allowed you to better feel the “Advice from Above.”

Sometimes the amulet becomes “energetically empty”, or even completely darkens. This means that after once again protecting you from danger, it “discharged”, i.e. the co-tuning with the God-Managers of the 5 Primary Elements of the World of Reveal and your Parent (Patron God) has been disrupted. This can be compared to the fact that, for example, you had a cartridge, but after the shot there was only one cartridge left. In order to be able to count on another protective “shot”, the “cartridge” must be “charged” again.

This is done like this: on the night from the 29th to the 1st lunar day, the amulet must be frozen (along with the ribbon or chain). To make the water freeze faster, you need to pour a little of it, for example, into a plastic lid from glass jars, put a charm with a chain there so that the water covers them and keep it in the freezer from evening until morning. Freezing water will draw out all the negativity from the amulet and chain.

In the morning, melt the ice in which the amulet with the chain is frozen in running water. Then, it must be put in salt or buried shallowly in the ground, if you are sure that this piece of land has not been desecrated by anything (spitting, cigarette butts, etc.). Having turned to the Gods-Managers of the Earth Element, take Their blessing for your co-tuning with Them and this Element to saturate your amulet with the Power of the Earth.

After 2-3 hours, place the amulet in running water or under a stream of falling running water. Having turned to the Gods-Managers of the Element of Water, take Their blessing for your co-attunement with Them and this Element to saturate your amulet with the Power of Water.

After 2-3 hours, hang the amulet in the breeze under the rays of the Sun. Having turned to the Gods-Managers of the Elements of Air and Fire, take Their blessing for your co-tuning with Them and these Elements to saturate your amulet with the Powers of Fire and Air. If the Sun is not visible due to dense clouds, use Living Fire (bonfire, wax candle, oil lamp).

Avoid unconscious attempts to desecrate Fire by lighting it with matches (ignition of sulfur is accompanied by the appearance of demons and demons). It is impossible to defile Fire, for He is the destroyer of defilement, but ignorant actions towards Him are unlikely to help establish a favorable relationship with Him.

After 2-3 hours, place the amulet on the Ancestral Altar. Having turned to the Gods-Managers of the Element of Ether, take Their blessing for your co-tuning with Them and with the Element of Ether to saturate your amulet with the Power of Ether. It is useful, holding the amulet on the Ancestral Altar, to consolidate its co-attunement with you, and yours - with all the Gods-Managers of the 5 Primary Elements of the World of Reveal. At the same time, it must be taken into account that, in accordance with the worldview of Rodobozhiy, one must turn to the Native Gods as manifestations of a plurality in a single Almighty - the Progenitor Rod.

It is advisable to realize that you are turning to the Almighty, who manifests himself in the images of your Native God-Ancestors, because, in accordance with the rules of Genealogy, it is necessary to “water” the roots of the Family Tree, and not the branches and leaves, i.e. turn to the one Almighty, realizing that He manifests Himself in many Native Gods. This is the whole essence of Rodotheism, Vedic Culture, Old Faith, Native Faith - to realize simultaneous unity in plurality and plurality in unity.

For a more complete understanding of the information presented, I provide an excerpt from chapter 5 “Slavic-Aryan Genealogy” of Vedaman Vedagor’s book “Blames of Finist - Yasny Sokol Russia":

The Grandfathers of the Race (Slavic-Aryan peoples) are the Gods-Managers of the 5 Elements of Nature - Ether, Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Ether contains:

- Time - controlled by Chislobog, Kolyada and Kupala;

- Fate - controlled by Mokosh, with assistants Dolya-Srech and Nedolya-Nezrech; Lelei, with assistants Urdzets and Rozhana; as well as Karna, with her assistants Valkyrie and Zhelya;

— Leadership – controlled on a spiritual level by Ladom, Odin and Vesta; in the energy sector - Belobog, Kryshen and Tarkh; on the physical – Rodomyslom, Spehom and Churom.

Fire contains:

— Light of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions controlled by Dazhdbog, Yarila and Khors;

— The light of electricity, controlled by Perun, Indra and Yarovit;

— Light of oxidation, controlled by Agni, Fire God and Semargl.

The air is controlled by Smoke, Stribog and Khmel.

Water is ruled by Neem, Diva-Dodola and Vodyany.

The Earth is ruled by Mother Raw Earth, Ozem and Sumerla.

Thus, turning to the God-Managers of the 5 Elements of Nature - Ether, Fire, Air, Water and Earth, you tune in with your Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the world of Glory.

By turning to the Patron Gods Ramkhat, Lada and Veles, you align yourself with your Great-Grandfathers and Great-Grandmothers of the world of Glory.

By turning to Triglav: Svarog, Dazhdbog and Perun, you tune in with your Shchurs of the world of Slavi.

By turning to Ramha, Inglia and Vyshen, you align yourself with your Ancestors of the world of Pravi.

Because for ordinary person The most achievable co-tuning is with those Gods whose Powers are manifested in the world of Revealing in the form of the 5 Elements of Nature - Ether, Fire, Air, Water and Earth, and you were given advice to start co-tuning, first of all, with your Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the world Slavi.

If you are experienced in co-tuning and interacting with the Native Gods more high levels Glory to the world, establish interaction with the Great-Grandfathers, and with the Shchurs and with the Ancestors.

If, on the contrary, you have little experience, use short mantras in Sanskrit - a simplified form of the Old Slovenian language. In this case, for co-tuning with the Goddess-Manager of the Earth Element, the mantra sounds like this: “Aoum, Prithivi - namah.” In this mantra, “Aoum” is one of the main names of the Almighty, Prithivi is the name of the Goddess of the Mother of the Raw Earth, “namah” means to (accept) my “bow to the ground” - mah. All together in modern Russian it sounds like this: “Oh, the Most High Progenitor, manifesting Himself in the image of the Goddess Prithivi - the Mother of the Raw Earth, accept my respectful bow.”

We must remember that when chanting mantras, in addition to the meaning of their content, great importance for co-tuning with the Gods, they have vibrations of space (Ether), which you create with your singing.

For co-tuning with the God-Managers of the Element of Water, whose name in Sanskrit is Varuna, there is a mantra: “Aoum, Varuna - namah.”

For co-tuning with the God-Managers of the Element of Fire, whose name in Sanskrit is Agni, there is a mantra: “Aoum, Agni - namah.”

For co-tuning with the God-Governors of the Elements of Air, whose name in Sanskrit is Vayu, there is a mantra: “Aoum, Vayu - namah.”

For co-tuning with the God-Governors of the Ether Element, whose name in Sanskrit is Akasha, there is a mantra: “Aoum, Akasha - namah.”

For simultaneous co-tuning with the Ruler Gods of all 5 Elements of Nature, there is a mantra: “Aoum, Pancha Tatva - namah.” In this case, "Pancha" means "Five Deities" and "Tatva" means "Those who are Gods."

In addition to mantras, to charge the “amulet” you need to use praises and hymns to the Native Gods. Details about the ascension of hymns and praises are set out in the article by Vedaman Vedagora “The Praise of the Native Gods.”

When the amulet is charged by you again, it can be used for protection again!

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Very often, various things are passed on to us from other people: we buy something, find something, inherit something. If the item has been used, it is necessary to cleanse it of foreign energy.

The energy of the previous owner can be either positive or negative, but in any case it is better to clean the item from traces of the previous owner. This applies to absolutely everything - from the apartment to the shoehorn. This way you will once and for all get rid of possible troubles associated with the thing, because negative energy can be transmitted through it.

Why things need cleaning

It happens that with the purchase of some thing a bad streak begins: health problems, mood problems, troubles in personal life. This may be a simple coincidence, or it may not happen by chance.

Cleaning should be done because the item may be damaged, which passes from owner to owner. It could be a vampire thing that sucks energy, which is no less dangerous. If you do not promptly clean the things you buy or, moreover, find, you can endanger yourself and your family.

It happens that the subject has a powerful negative program, set by a professional in his field. Much more often, the item was simply charged with the negativity of the owner, who was experiencing difficulties in life. Some things are sold after accidents and other incidents. Objects imbued with fear have a strong negative component.

It is not always the case that someone deliberately damages an item that they give or sell to you. It's enough just to try some negative emotions, so that an item of clothing is charged with sorrow or anger. This doesn’t go away until you remove this negativity yourself.

Items that cannot be cleaned

Not all things can be removed from the negative. Don't even try to clear the following:

Minerals, talisman stones. If you find or someone gave you a talisman stone, then make sure that it is new, and the person who gave you the gift does not wish you harm. If the stone is new and was given to you by a person you trust, then you can keep it. It's better to ask where it was purchased just in case. It is better not to accept such gifts from the hands of strangers, as well as not to pick up such finds from the ground.

If a close friend or girlfriend gives you their talisman, it cannot be cleaned either, but with very strong desire You can try to "adapt". Let him lie in your house for a week. Wash it every day cold water, saying: “Forget the past and get used to the new”. This is a simple ritual, but very effective. The site's experts advise to avoid such gifts, even if the person's intentions are pure.

Crosses. Catholic and orthodox crosses, received or found, as well as other religious paraphernalia should “go” to the church. It is advisable to do this even if the cross is golden. You can try to melt it down, but it’s better to do it as soon as possible. It is better to accept donated crosses only from relatives. A cross should only be purchased in a church. If these two conditions are met, then everything is fine - such a gift can be accepted.

Mirrors. If you have moved into a new apartment, it is better to throw away the mirrors. Firstly, this is a kind of portal into the world of illusions and negativity, which can be open due to the problems that the previous residents had to endure. A mirror in the bathroom and in the hallway can only be left if they are relatively new. Old and dilapidated, and even more so broken mirrors should always be thrown away. They cannot be cleaned in any way.

Old furniture. Old, dilapidated furniture is a source big problems for your mood and health. Old furniture should be thrown out first if you move to new house where other people used to live. But relatively new and durable furniture can simply be cleaned using the methods below.

Methods for cleaning things

You can clean almost everything - from your apartment to your shoes. There are three methods in total: cleaning with fire, air and water.

Cleaning by fire. This cleaning is done using a church candle or a simple candle. Be sure to do this either early in the morning, or in the evening, at night. If you are cleaning an item that cannot catch fire, you can run the flame directly over the item. It is best to clean with fire some hard elements of the interior of an apartment or house, decorations made of precious metals, as well as dishes. You can clean your apartment or car with a candle. In an apartment or house you need to go through all the corners, saying: “With fire and the power of thought, slowly and quickly. I’m driving out the old fear and anger. So that nothing gets into my house. Let it be so". It is advisable to let the candle burn out.

The car must be cleaned with fire inside and out. It is better not to touch the paint or interior with flames. Sit inside and read the plot three times: “Danger goes away, and with it the echoes of trouble. Both on a bright day and on a dark night I will find the leading tracks home.”.

Cleaning with water. It is better to use holy water. If there is no such thing or you are not a religious person, then dial clean water in the source. Do not buy water from the store or take it from the tap. Only need natural water. It is best to clean with water negative energy the previous owner of the dishes - to do this you just need to wash them. You can sprinkle the entire room with holy water to rid it of negative energy. The same can be done with clothes, furniture, cars. Pairs perfectly with clean natural water salt. Small items and jewelry can be cleaned by rinsing them in water and salt. If you use holy water, then you can and even need to read prayers: for example, “Our Father” or “Living Help”.

Air cleaning. This is cleansing with incense. By saturating a thing with incense, you will drive out all the worst things from it. Best to use this method when cleaning purchased clothes, cars, as well as bathrooms and hallways in new apartment or home. Incense is a very powerful cleaning agent, but it will not work on jewelry, dishes, or furniture. It is desirable that the item or object to be cleaned is saturated with smell. Best helper- cinnamon, citrus. These smells are the most powerful in terms of rejecting negative energy flows.

If you do not clean the things you buy or find, then problems may come into your life spontaneously, or slowly and unnoticeably. Sometimes it's better to play it safe and just throw away something you don't need. Even those things that have belonged to you for a long time accumulate negativity.

A happy life is a life without problems that drag you down and constantly remind you of yourself. Negativity can come from people and from things around us. Choose the right environment so that life gives you only pleasant emotions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is known - as a way of life included widespread use.Protective amuletsin the old days they surrounded a person in the form of an ornament on clothes, on window frames, in the form of body amulets. Slavic paganism preserves the times when the Slavs miraculously communicated with nature and the Gods, simply using amulets as a reliable connection between the everyday world and other worlds. Nature was deified, the elements were deities. Hot-tempered Semargl, God of fire, impetuous Stribog, God of wind, generous Mother of cheese Earth, bright Danu, Goddess of water. Questionhow to clean the amulet was clear! Protective amulets, having undergone purification and charging with the help of natural elements, have always been close to the Slavs. Is ourbased on this.

Cleansing the amulet has long been

Protective amulet were subjected to special cleaning and charging rituals. They cleansed sacred things with the help of the four elements and calls to the Gods. Holderprotective amuletcharged him, giving him part of his power, filling him with his dreams.

How to clean a Slavic amulet?

One powerful way -cleansing the amuletrunning water. Protective amulet They dipped into the water and said the words: “The river will take away the misfortunes and adversities taken by the amulet upon yourself, protecting me!” The amulet, which cannot be cleaned with water, was simply sprayed with running water, spring water, drops of rain, quickly wiped dry.

Protective amuletsmetal was purified with the energy of fire.Cleansing the amulet: they carried the amulet over the candle flame from left to right, back, and said the words: “Burn the evil flame, carry it away with smoke, let all adversity disappear.” The candle was thrown away. The amulet that could not be cleaned by fire was cleaned sunlight. They presented the amulet to the rays of the Sun - living energy was absorbed.

Believed to be buried in the ground overnight protective amulet will be completely cleared. A jar of salt helped with severe energy damage to the amulet. They threw away the salt, the earth where he lay protective amulet , dug up. They believed that the earth, like salt, washes away the negative, the negative, the dark.

The air element cleaned the amulets more often.Cleansing the amulet: protective amulet , which had accumulated negative energy, were fumigated with herbs of wormwood and thistle. The method was practical, the room itself was fumigated in this way, they were scared away evil forces, the paths and passages of human energy were protected.

The protective amulets of the Northern Fairytale are already clear!

So pure Slavic protective amulet freezes in anticipation of meeting a new friend.

Perhaps it will be you.

Feel the power of pureprotective amulet, taking it in your hands!

Read our next article about: how to charge a talisman, how to charge an amulet and talisman.

It is known - has thin, visible edges with protective symbolism, used by a person for protection.Protective amuletsin the old days they helped people, because they felt powerless in front of the elements of nature and asked for natural help. An example of this is Slavic patterns,protective amulets, depicting natural elements - earth, water, fire.Slavic paganism preserves the times when the Slavic ancestors miraculously communicated with the natural world - interacted with natural elements, allowing them to help and protect themselves - thanked Mother Nature, brought gifts.">

People, like thousands of years ago, continue to believe in the protective properties of talismans. Whether we bought it or made it ourselves, we still believe that it will bring us good luck in achieving our plans and relieve us of negative energy. Therefore, talismans have to be cleaned regularly. How to clean the talisman? This procedure is not labor-intensive, uncomplicated, and will not take a long time. Follow our rules:

Important! The talisman cannot be given to anyone, much less allowed to be worn. If it falls into the wrong hands, it will draw someone else's energy onto itself. If you find yourself in a situation where it is impossible to refuse, then do not give the talisman from hand to hand, be sure to put it on the table. When the stranger has satisfied his curiosity, he should put the talisman on the table.

How to clean talismans

  • When your talisman is in the hands of a stranger, you will feel the influence of this person on your talisman. To clear the talisman of unnecessary information, it should be placed in sea salt for about 3 days. The salt will absorb energy, after which it is necessary to get rid of the salt.
  • The talisman must be cleaned with fire. Procedure time - last days solar year, period March 16-21. The talisman must be cleansed when the Sun is in the first decade of Aries. We light a white candle, take the talisman left hand, and move it over the candle flame clockwise, describing a circle. We say the following: “All my troubles turn into smoke,” the effect of cleansing will be more real. Next, we place the talisman in the light for several days, it will absorb new energy.
  • There are talismans that can be cleaned with water. Place it under running water. Saying an affirmation. Such as: “Water washes away all the misfortunes and troubles that the talisman took upon itself, protecting me.” Then the talisman should be blotted with a linen rag and placed in the Sun for 30 minutes.
  • You can easily figure out how to cleanse the talisman by placing it in a glass container filled with water and placing it in the Sun for a few hours.
  • You can fumigate the talisman with incense; this will clean not only the talisman, but also the room in which the procedure takes place.

Do not forget that talismans that protect us from negative energy must be cleaned regularly. Talismans used for frequent wear and protection should be frequently charged as Solar energy, and Lunar. To do this, regularly place the talisman on the windowsill.

The traditions of the ancient Slavs include the production of many jewelry that have sacred meaning. Jewelry made of gold, silver, stone, bone and wood served not just as a symbol of status, but also protected the owner from various troubles and misfortunes, and gave strength, wisdom and the protection of the Gods.

Which every person who knows how to make amulets does in his own way. In order for the amulet to effectively protect the owner, it is necessary to cleanse amulet and charge it. The Slavs had their own traditions and rituals with which they protected themselves and their loved ones, and some of them have survived to this day. For example, you can entrust only knowledgeable people to make an amulet for yourself, give an amulet to a loved one- This The best way protect him from misfortune. Also, rituals for cleaning and charging amulets came to us from distant ancestors, who understood the magical effects of the elements and knew how to cleanse ourselves and cleanse amulets.

Cleansing the amulet.

How to cleanse and recharge them with new strength? This is accessible to everyone, and it must be done regularly so that new forces have a beneficial effect on energy.

The simplest method, known since ancient times, is cleaning in running water. You need to place the Slavic amulet under running water, and water from a stream works best. It has long been known that water has the ability to absorb bad energy, and running water has a particularly positive effect. The only requirement for such purification is the absence of negative thoughts. The only thing you should think about while cleaning the amulet is that water washes away the troubles and misfortunes absorbed by your amulet. Mentally or out loud ask the water to carry everything away negative influences, which were absorbed into the amulet. If the material from which the amulet is made does not like water (for example,), you can sprinkle it with drops of melt or rain water, since such water has pure energy. After you have cleaned the amulet, you need to wipe it with a cloth and leave it in the sun - this will help charge the amulet.

The ancient Slavs knew the power of fire and often used it in their rituals. Everyone knows about jumping over the fire on Ivan Kupala, when the flames helped to cleanse. Those who quickly jumped over the fire were provided with good health, and lovers - a strong union. In order to cleanse the amulet with a flame, you need to carry it over the candle flame from right to left, and then in the opposite direction. At this time, you need to imagine how bad energy burns in a flame and turns into smoke. You can mentally say the words that all troubles and misfortunes turn into smoke and disappear. Remember that it is not the wording that is important here, but the attitude. Only sincere faith and a serious attitude will help you clear the amulet. After you have cleaned the amulet, the candle must be thrown away. After cleaning, it is recommended to charge the Slavic amulet made of silver, gold or other materials in the sun.

In order to cleanse the amulet with earth, you need to bury it in dry soil and leave it there for one night. The earth will absorb bad energy your amulet, and after that you can charge it with any in a convenient way. You can also simply leave the item on the surface of the earth, and if you surround the area with stones, the cleansing will be even more effective. Also, salt is often used to clean amulets, which perfectly absorbs bad energy. The amulet should lie in salt for three days, after which it must be thrown away. If you prefer incense, you should choose sage or cedar - they perfectly cleanse the energy of the room and can serve as additional help in cleaning the amulet, and in preparation for the cleansing ritual. How do you know when the amulet is cleared? No one can tell you this except your feelings. When the magical item is cleansed, you will feel the power and confidence that the metal gives. If sensations do not arise, the amulet needs to be cleaned again.

How to charge a Slavic amulet?

Once the magical protection item is cleared, I begin charging it. The best time for this is the waxing moon. The charging ritual contains all the elements: fire, air, water, earth and ether. You need to choose a place in nature, where you are guaranteed not to be disturbed by other people. The best place to be is the bank of a river or other natural body of water where you can build a fire. You need to take off your shoes, remove all metal objects, and let your hair down. Slavic amulet made of gold is charged with the help of hymns to the gods (ether), then sprinkled with a handful native land, immersed in running water and dried over a flame. Every time a certain element touches the amulet, ask it to endow the magical thing with the necessary qualities. If you can’t get out into nature, you can charge the amulet at home, but then you need to try to ensure that all the elements are present. In any case, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the ritual, to be honest with yourself and with the world, then the amulet will give you strength, wisdom and happiness.