How to unravel a log using a circular saw. How to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw - an overview of the most effective devices

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In the process various works Often there is a need for longitudinal cutting of logs or beams. For this, a variety of types of equipment can be used - from stationary sawmills to small installations, but these options cost a lot, and if you need to do a small amount of work, then sawing logs with a chainsaw will be the simplest and most rational solution.

Advantages of using this option

First of all, let’s figure out what advantages this cutting method has:

Ability to work in any conditions Unlike electrical equipment, which is afraid high humidity, the chainsaw is capable of working in the most unfavorable conditions, without causing any damage to the structure, because all components in the chainsaw are adapted to work in the open air and even under precipitation
Performance If you are going to work long time, then you will need equipment with a power of about 7 horsepower or more, it can withstand significant loads, while the quality of work will be consistently high
Autonomy Since the device runs on gasoline, you do not depend on electricity and can build a structure for sawing in any convenient place. This is especially convenient when working in areas where there are no power lines
Convenience The inertial brake in chainsaws works faster than in electrical systems, and soft start and chain speed adjustment ensure high quality work, even if you do not have such experience

In addition to all the above factors, we should not forget the low cost of the structure; purchasing a stationary sawmill will cost several times more.

Overview of some options

We will talk about the two most popular designs that provide best quality when working, and you yourself will determine what is more convenient and preferable in your case.

Homemade option

First, let's look at how to make a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw with your own hands.

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • It is best to use a frame from an old one school desk or pipe square section with a side of 20x20 or a little more.
  • First of all, two clamps are made, these are elements 50-60 cm long, at one end of which a crossbar with two holes for tightening bolts and a small protrusion in the middle for clamping the tire is welded, an element of the same configuration is attached on top, the photo below shows ready-made elements, as you can see everything is quite simple, and having at hand welding machine, you can make them very quickly.

Centuries and millennia pass, new materials and technologies appear, but wood, stone and metal have been and remain the main materials used by humanity for its needs. Products made from them surround us everywhere, wherever we are, wherever we go.

Particularly noteworthy is the wood, which creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort everywhere. Metal and stone are colder and more laconic, but wood is even warm to the touch. Therefore, the first two materials are used more often in the form load-bearing structures, and wood in interior decoration, however, after being brought into the appropriate form.

Before you cut a log correctly, you need to inspect it. If on outside There are no significant flaws in the tree, then processing can be done quickly and with virtually no loss of wood.

Logs must be sawed in such a way that the resulting materials have equal density. And to do this, you need to remember that the wood on the north side of the trunk has a higher density than on the south. Cutting a log lengthwise begins with removing the slab; this part is removed from both sides of the tree to create a beam that will not roll.

We place the resulting timber on one cut side, and the other looks up, and the cutting will begin from there. Now you can cut the remaining log into appropriate lumber or boards of equal thickness. The result is a set of unedged boards, in which the raw edge (sometimes even with tree bark) must then be cut with a handsaw. Now we can consider the work completed.

How to saw a log lengthwise - disappointing realities

All these recommendations are good for ideal logs, but, as you know, ideal is quite rare. Basically, almost all logs have various shortcomings, and you have to adapt and invent cutting methods in order to avoid wood loss and get as much quality material as possible.

As in the previous case, Before sawing a log lengthwise, you need to remove the slab from it. For those who don’t know, a slab is a board that has one sawn surface, and the other either is partially processed or is not touched at all.

After removing the slab next step an unedged board is made, this has already been written above. Longitudinal cutting of a log produces boards, but with raw edges. In the process, because the log is not perfect, it is necessary to periodically turn it over and identify it best options further use. Sometimes, while cutting one log, you have to turn it 180 degrees several times to minimize defective boards.

If it is possible to obtain good quality material on the other side of the log, you need to continue the process from there and so on until full use wood

Very often, after cutting, timber remains; it can also be used on slats, boards, or used in its original form.

Features of mechanisms for processing logs

Many private developers have a question: how to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw? To perform this operation, experts recommend that you first secure the log and only then carry out processing. In addition, in order for the cut to be as even as possible, the chain of this saw must be well sharpened so that it does not move to the side, or buy a special chain designed for longitudinal cutting.

In addition, it is advisable that the logs are not long, because It is very difficult to make something high-quality by hand from a long workpiece. Also, construction stores sell special attachments for logs and saws, which are called mini-sawmills; they allow you to do work at home quickly and efficiently. The only drawback of such equipment is its high cost.

When using a hand saw, you need to proceed in the same way as when processing with a sawmill. The slab is cut off and the remaining log is cut into longitudinal boards, from which the raw side edges are then separated. Only the main difference when working with a saw is the increased complexity, because you need to maintain a uniform thickness of the board when working with a saw that is constantly tending to wobble, and it is also simply physically difficult to hold it in your hands all the time.

All experts agree that if possible, it is better to take the material to a sawmill, where professional equipment they will be processed with least losses and extremely smooth edges.

For processing logs band sawmill it is necessary to adhere to the accepted technology. In this way you can get the maximum amount quality materials- boards and timber. But first you should familiarize yourself with the basic cutting rules.

Types of wood cutting

At the first stage, a carriage is formed from a log. To do this, cuts are made on both sides of it. In some cases, processing is performed on four sides. A map is drawn up in advance band sawing blank on which the dimensions of the components are indicated.

The determining parameter when choosing a scheme is the direction of processing of the log. In particular, the movement of the cutting edge relative to the annual rings. According to this, lumber of various qualities is formed, with a unique appearance. Not only their aesthetic qualities, but also their price depend on this.

Distinguish following types cuts:

  • tangential. The cut is made tangentially to the annual rings. As a result, oblong patterns in the form of arches and rings are formed on the surface;
  • radial. To perform it, perpendicular processing along the annual rings is necessary. A special feature is the uniform pattern;
  • transverse. Processing occurs across the fibers, the cut pattern is an even cut of annual rings;
  • rustic. Can be made at any angle, contains a certain number of knots, sapwood or other similar defects.

The woodworking industry often uses waste from band sawing logs - slabs. On one side there is a flat plane, and the other remains unprocessed.

To create the most accurate cutting, it is recommended to use special programs. They take into account not only the dimensions of the source material, but also the type of wood.

Sawing on a sawmill with log rotation 180°

To form maximum quantity boards, it is recommended to use a technology in which some belt processing processes are rotated by 180°. This allows you to achieve the maximum amount of lumber with various types cuts.

The principle of processing is to make initial cuts along the edges of the log, located at an angle of 90° relative to each other. They will serve as the basis for further tape cutting. The work is carried out on equipment with a vertical arrangement of cutting elements. The diameter of the trunk must be at least 26 centimeters.

Step-by-step order of work.

  1. Processing the side with the cut-off edge. The result is two boards.
  2. Rotate the workpiece by 90°. The cut is made from the opposite part. The number of products varies from 3 to 4.
  3. Repeated turn 90°. The main part of the source material is processed. Depending on what you plan, you may end up with 7-8 pieces.

Despite all my positive traits, this method has one significant drawback- low production speed. It is recommended to use it on equipment that has a block for automatically changing the position of the log relative to the cutting part of the machine.

The detailed diagram is most often used for the production of rustic boards, which have lower quality requirements.

Sawing on a sawmill with log rotation 90°

For the manufacture of tangential and radial boards, it is recommended to use a different technique. It consists of systematic strip processing of logs with simultaneous analysis of defects. In this way, products of the required quality can be obtained.

After delimbing, the workpiece is placed on the feed bed of the sawing machine. Then you need to complete the following steps.

  1. Removing the primary slab. This is carried out until the width of the base is 110-115 mm.
  2. I'll eat unedged boards about 28 mm thick.
  3. If the number of defects on the surface exceeds the required level, the material is rotated 90°. When enough high quality The next board is cut.
  4. Repeating the operation.

A similar technique is applicable for processing units that have one cutting surface or have the function of temporarily dismantling the rest.

When enough large quantities defects, you can not put the workpiece aside, but rather process it by turning it 180°.

The above-described tape processing technique can be applied to create any configurations wooden products. Often the core area is used to form timber, and the remaining parts are used to make boards. But there may be exceptions - it all depends on the required shape of the blanks.

The quality of work is affected by the current state of the sawmill, the level of sharpening of the saws and the processing speed. These factors must be taken into account before starting production process. If necessary, preventive maintenance or repair of equipment is carried out.

The video shows the technique of sawing logs on a homemade band sawmill:

At any construction site, processed lumber is used in in various forms: beams, boards, slats. They are purchased in stores, in specialized markets and directly at wood processing enterprises (sawmills). But these materials cost several times more than the logs (from which they are cut), and this can significantly affect your budget. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase logs and cut them yourself.

Process theory

In order to understand how to properly cut a log (which is ideally a cylinder), let's turn to theory. There are only three ways to cut a cylinder:

  • across;
  • along;
  • obliquely.

The third method is used very rarely (in specialized projects and developments). Therefore, we will specify the first two methods, which are common and used everywhere.

Method 1. Cut across.

Performed to obtain parts in the form of disks and short cylinders.

Method 2. Cut along.

It is used to produce boards, beams, slats.

Logs are cut at logging enterprises, sawmills, furniture factories and in workshops using various units and devices:

At home this kind of sawing is done:

  1. Using saws
  2. Grinder with attachments for sawing wood (circular saws);
  3. On purchased and homemade mini-sawmills (sawing machines).

Be sure to follow safety precautions. Even regular saw, jumping off the cutting site can cut a finger, a vein or injure a leg.

When working with power tools, use rubber gloves and a mat. Don't work wet hands to avoid electric shock.

Exercise extreme caution when working with chain saws, circular saws, and especially with an angle grinder. A slipped chain or flying disc can cut a leg bone, arm bone, or throat.

Preliminary work

Many enterprises have mechanisms for removing bark (barking) from an entire log. It is advisable for you to split the log into pieces and remove the bark from each board. This operation is carried out:

  • skobel;
  • sharpened shovel;
  • electric planer.

When working with a scraper, they strengthen the log and begin to cut off the bark, moving the tool towards themselves. When cleaning with a shovel, the bark is peeled away from you.

The best results are obtained when cleaning with a scraper. It only removes the bark without affecting the tree itself.

How to cut a log into boards

This can be done in different ways. It all depends on your needs. The photos below show various ways, how to cut a log lengthwise and get a variety of lumber.

The sawing technology is as follows:

  1. The bark is removed (this operation can be performed at home later).
  2. The log is fixed on guides or a frame.
  3. One of the slabs is separated (sawed off) to obtain a flat surface.
  4. Place the workpiece with a flat surface on the guide (table, bed), fix it again and separate the second slab.
  5. Then the entire log is divided into boards.

To cut with a complex pattern (shown above), all the slabs are cut at once, and the workpiece is turned over and fixed several times.

Cutting a log crosswise

It is not particularly difficult even at home. The log is placed on ordinary sawhorses and, gradually moving it, the necessary pieces are sawed off. Or they are mounted on guides and, gradually moving from beginning to end, perform the same operation.

Cutting logs lengthwise

This operation is particularly difficult, since it is necessary to maintain a certain thickness throughout the cut, which can be 6 m, 8 m, and sometimes more. The easiest way to do this is to use a conductor ( special device) which is attached to a saw or log.

Sawing logs on a home sawmill

Many people purchase or make homemade sawmills.

1st view:

At the bottom of the frame, welded from metal angles and plates, is a motor with pulleys (electric or gasoline). A shaft with pulleys is placed at the top, on which one or more circular saws. A guide made of timber or a metal square is fixed on the table. To move it, cuts must be made (perpendicular to the feed axis)

The log is fed, pressing it against the guide, and moved forward. If there is only one saw, then rulers are strengthened on the surface of the table or markings are applied. After cutting one board, the guide is shifted to the width of the next board (towards the saw) and the operation is repeated.

If there are several saws, then the distance (width of the boards) is fixed between them by inserting the corresponding bushings.

2nd view:

If you don't know how to easily cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw, then this option is for you.

  1. Frame. Welded from channels or profile pipes.
  2. Saw. With electric or petrol drive. Mounted on a vertical feed carriage.
  3. Chain. It is advisable to purchase a special one - for cutting lengthwise. If there is none, then resharpen your chain.
  4. Vertical feed carriage (VPC). Designed to secure the tool and move it in vertical plane screw. To set the accuracy of side cutting on vertical rack the line is strengthened.
  5. Carriage guides. They are polished pipes or rods. Designed to move the carriage vertically.
  6. Screw (feed mechanism). Installed in bearings. When rotated, it moves the carriage vertically.
  7. Log clamps.
  8. Longitudinal feed carriage (PPC). Moves the KVP along the trunk.
  9. Rollers.

The procedure for working on this structure is as follows:

  • The log is strengthened with clamps on the frame.
  • The checkpoint is brought to the beginning of the lumber.
  • The KVP is lowered with a screw to the required height.
  • Turn on the instrument.
  • By moving the checkpoint along the log, the slab is cut off.
  • Having reached the end, the log is turned over, placed with the flat side on the frame and clamped.
  • Lower the carriage again.
  • The gearbox is moved back, cutting off the second slab.
  • Then the process is repeated, with the difference that you further cut the boards.

When using a reciprocating saw rather than a chain saw, the process is delayed. It can only work in one direction.


  • Steel profiles, pipes, angles, strips, plates;
  • Screws, bolts.


  • Saws
    • regular;
    • two-handed;
    • with electric drive;
    • with petrol drive;
  • Bulgarian
  • Mini sawmill
  • Skobel

Blogger Egorov decided to make a bench from trimmed birch logs. The idea is generally not new. The only novelty is in the method he used to make straight cut logs In this case, improvised means were used.

He created a simple sawmill from a chainsaw, two boards and 6 screws. Perhaps he is not the first who has already made such a device, but there is currently no material about it on the Internet. It is not clear why no one makes such devices, but uses complex attachments.

A small, low-power chainsaw with a short bar was used. It is impossible to cut lengthwise with such a saw. The solution is obvious: either saw by eye, which is unsuitable for carpentry work, or make an alternative design using the tire mounting cover, which is parallel to the plane of the tire.

For this, 2 boards were taken, using self-tapping screws, a corner was made from them, which was screwed to the log. A chainsaw was placed on the corner. A wonderful even cut of the log was made along this unique guide.

The main work is done. Now you need to prepare 4 platforms for holes for attaching the legs on the cylindrical part of the block, make holes and insert 4 legs. For greater stability, you need to drill these holes at an angle. Twist drill with a diameter of 52 mm.

To prevent the legs from drying out and falling out over time, they need to be dried for several days and placed in the holes extremely tightly.

The second block can be used as a backrest.

Homemade sawmill from a regular chainsaw

A simple device for cutting round timber yourself is a chainsaw sawmill. Any DIYer who knows how to use a welding machine can make such a device.

The resulting device is easy to use, but regular chain sharpening will not work. But more on that at the end of the article.

The sawmill consists of the following components:

As you can see, the device is simple - let's start making it!

First of all, we make a frame with guides. Its dimensions:

We cut out the bed platform from sheet material and make a hole for mounting on the saw

Guides are made from steel water pipes. We weld them to the frame strictly at right angles.

We boil everything thoroughly

Drilling holes for saw bar clamps

To fasten the frame, we replace the standard nuts (in the middle) with elongated ones with welded washers.

We twist and fix the frame

We make clamps for tires. All sizes in the photo below

The clamp is not difficult to make, it consists of profile pipe and pressure plate. Clamp assembly

This is how the clamp works

We make a carriage. It is necessary in order to smoothly slide along the guides and lock in a given position. It sets the thickness of the future board. This is what the carriage looks like

The carriage consists of a round and rectangular pipes. We saw the pipes in half

From the rectangular one we select grooves for the round one, and assemble it on the guides


This is how the clamp is attached to the guides. The bolts are relaxed, the distance is set and tightened.

We make a support platform. It slides along the log and creates a supporting plane.

Support pad dimensions

We make blanks according to size, place them on a flat surface, and try on the saw blade.

We weld and clean the seams

For ease of use homemade sawmill– you need to make a handle. We make a handle from a pipe. For easy bending, we burn the pipe at the bending point. blowtorch

We bend according to the template

This is what the support platform with a welded handle looks like

We weld the support platform to the carriage. It is necessary to maintain the same planes of the saw bar and the support platform. To do this, lay an even, tight gasket. Chipboard is ideal.

We weld the parts. To strengthen, it is necessary to weld the stiffening corners

Assembling the device

The device for a manual sawmill using a chainsaw is ready!