How to make architectural concrete with your own hands. Archconcrete is a new generation building material

Plastic and durable architectural concrete was created as a material to solve aesthetic problems. Interior decoration, industrial and handmade elements and items of interior and exterior - the main purpose of archstone is also called architectural concrete, the composition of which differs in many respects from the composition of the usual mortar. Architectural concrete is resistant to deep temperature fluctuations and tolerates high humidity and is not subject to weathering, therefore, as a material for finishing facades and architectural elements of buildings, it perfectly performs its functions.

In terms of plasticity properties, architectural concrete is similar to plasticine - it can be used to form any volumetric geometric figure complex shapes for decorating a construction site. Stucco or columns are a great example. exterior finishing facades. Archstone perfectly imitates natural wildstone, and such a replacement saves costs on decorative finishing and visual design of the building. The plastering and finishing composition of architectural concrete is sold in specialized construction stores or prepared independently according to the recipe given in the article.

The components of any decorative concrete solution indicate it functional goals and nature of application. The basis of concrete is cement as a binder, crushed stone, sand, granite or marble gravel as fillers, stabilizing additives and other plasticizers. Mixing components in the required proportion gives different results to the use of concrete for various purposes. One of the types of concrete is architectural concrete mixture.

Concrete for decorating facades and architectural elements of buildings is constantly used to decorate construction sites or the adjacent area. This is a variety artificial stone, consisting of cement-sand mortar and improving additives.

Shades of archstone are white or light gray, but by adding coloring components, any colors can be generated. The texture of the material can also be changed by adding fillers such as crushed stone, pebbles, gravel or shells. Other distinctive properties of architectural materials from conventional concrete:

  1. Flat, fine-grained structure that can be sanded to perfection;
  2. The hygroscopicity of architectural concrete is very low, which means... That the material does not undergo carbonization processes, therefore the integrity and strength of concrete is guaranteed throughout the entire period of operation;
  3. Does not fade under the influence of UV radiation, does not change external qualities and physical properties under the influence of atmospheric processes;
  4. High strength and resistance to low temperatures;
  5. The technology for working with architectural stone is simpler, and the material itself is more plastic than ordinary concrete, which allows you to create decorative elements and highly artistic products different forms and sizes.

The ratio of parts of sand (P), cement M-400 and M-500 (C) and crushed stone (SH) for preparing concrete mortar is reflected in the tables:

Advantages and negative properties of archstone


  1. Strength, ductility, immunity to weather conditions;
  2. Low cost of manufacturing elements and preparing the solution;
  3. Inorganic additives increase service life and protect against destruction.


  1. The use of decorative elements of heavy decorative concrete requires additional strengthening of walls and ceilings;
  2. On houses made of wood and lightweight concrete, creating decorations from archstone is not recommended due to the large weight of the decorations;
  3. Installation of decor on facades requires significant labor costs and the use of special equipment;
  4. It is difficult to form small decorative details and elements, which affects the overall artistic expressiveness of the building;
  5. Slow operating speed – hardening cement-sand mixture in a special form occurs on days 1–2;
  6. The complex geometry of the decor requires precise dimensions and careful adjustment of parts.

Architectural artificial stone is divided into groups according to their functional purpose:

  1. Decorative concrete white used to decorate the front of buildings, spacious rooms with high ceilings, decorated elements of architectural facades that do not experience significant weight and mechanical loads;
  2. Lightweight white concrete is used to create decorative forms of light weight - panels, tiles, stairs, elements with imitation natural stone.

Often decorative surface does not so much replicate the texture of natural stone, but is used as a material with characteristics much better than those of stone. Thanks to the composition decorative stone Concrete can be used to create decor that is close in texture to natural materials:

  1. Acts as a filler quartz sand of natural origin, giving the surface the texture of a stone surface. Decorative items made from concrete with this filler are called “reclaimed sandstone.”
  2. The binder in the mixture is premium quality Portland cement (for example, PC500) of gray or white color, without impurities.
  3. Dyes are added to ensure that the product replicates the texture and shades of natural wild stone as accurately as possible. Coloring pigments are added when mixing the solution so that the future product is evenly colored in the total mass. There is no need to additionally paint such parts; such decor does not fade under the sun, does not peel off during use, and microcracks do not appear on the surface. The closest possible texture of natural stone involves the use of dyes that provide natural shades.
  4. Only purified water is added to architectural concrete so that the quality of the products is not subject to temporary changes. It is important to correctly calculate the required volume of water.
  5. Modifiers and plasticizers, antifoaming agents, adhesives (adhesives), frost-resistant substances. Quantitative and high-quality composition additives will be different for each specific batch, and depends on the shape and physical and operational characteristics of the product, on the technology for molding architectural elements. The addition of plasticizers and stabilizers ensures an increase in the strength of the product, resistance to mechanical and shock loads, and contrasting changes in humidity and temperature.


Architectural concrete products are formed in several ways:

  1. Tamping, or stuffing, is the process of creating rigid decorative elements by hand. The solution is poured and compacted with a special tamper. Stuffing is used to form geometrically complex decorations. The disadvantages of this method are a high percentage of defects and low strength of products.
  2. Using a vibropress or molds. This method of forming architectural elements is suitable for manufacturing paving slabs, stones for paving stones, simple decorative forms. If the technology is followed, the output will be high-strength products.
  3. Pressing is the formation of thin-walled, high-strength decorative elements using hydraulic presses and molds.

How to prepare architectural concrete yourself

To properly prepare a high-quality working solution, you need to mix quartz sand and Portland cement, add coloring matter and modifiers in a certain proportion indicated above. Portland cement should be white or light gray in color and High Quality– these are brands M500 or DO400. It is not recommended to use gray cement, as the output will be dull, unsaturated shades.

The filler is purified quartz sand, crushed granite or fine marble. In order for concrete to have a specific shade, colored coloring components are added to the solution in the form of liquid or dry powdery substances. Pigment dye is added in a ratio of 3/100 to obtain more saturated colors, the ratio is maintained at 5/100 or more.

The technology for preparing decorative artificial stone is as follows:

  1. Dry ingredients must be sifted through a fine metal sieve with a mesh size of 1.5 x 1.5 mm;
  2. Portland cement and quartz sand are mixed dry;
  3. Fine marble (granite) chips or dust are added to the dry mixture;
  4. Coloring pigments of the desired colors are added;
  5. The dry mixture is mixed until smooth;
  6. A depression is made in the dry composition, into which purified water is added.

The volumetric quantity of the working composition is determined by the brand of Portland cement. So, for one volumetric part of M500 cement, three parts of sand and two parts of water are added. The quality of the resulting solution is also determined manually: you need to strongly squeeze a little solution in your hand. If water flows between your fingers after squeezing, add sand. If, when you unclench your fist, the composition appears loose and crumbles, add water.

In addition to the main components of the solution for archstone, plasticizers and modifying substances must be added to its composition. Plasticizers give plasticity to fresh, uncured mortar, increase frost resistance and resistance to any weather conditions, adhesives and antifoaming agents improve the quality of the product. The proportions in which modifiers and plasticizers should be added are determined functional purpose product and its manufacturing technology.

Architectural concrete updated: April 28, 2018 by: Artyom

Concrete is one of the most versatile building materials; it is used in a variety of areas of construction, from the construction of houses to the manufacture of various decorative products. In the latter case, special concrete is used, which is called architectural concrete. Next, we will take a closer look at what architectural concrete is, what properties it has, and how you can prepare it yourself.

Features of architectural concrete

Architectural (or as it is also called decorative) concrete differs from ordinary concrete in its resistance to various negative impacts such as sudden temperature changes, increased moisture, etc. Architectural concrete products can be incredibly attractive, imitating a natural stone. With their help, you can decorate any building from the outside or decorate the room from the inside.

The photo shows the structure of decorative concrete

Types of material

Decorative concrete mortar conditionally divided into two main types, each of which is intended for different types works:

  • White decorative concrete – used for decoration of facades, interior decoration premises, as well as when creating various decorative elements that will be subject to heavy loads.
  • Lightweight white concrete– used to create various lightweight structures with decorative elements, in the manufacture of tiles, imitation of natural stone, etc.

In general, architectural concrete is designed to solve two important problems:

  • Imitation of the surface of natural stone;
  • Ensuring the strength and reliability of the product.

As a rule, this material imitates the surface of sandstone. Moreover, in many respects it even surpasses him.


The composition of architectural concrete consists of the following ingredients:

Filler Most often, natural quartz sand is used as a filler. It is this that gives the material the structure of natural stone. Sometimes they add marble chips or finely ground glass, which also allows you to achieve an interesting effect.
Binder Portland cement is used as a binder, preferably white. The quality of cement must be of the highest quality; any impurities in it are strictly prohibited.
Coloring pigments This component is intended to color the material and make it even more similar to natural stone. Pigments are added at the stage of mixing the solution, so the product is colored throughout the mass. It must be said that pigments come in the most different colors, including very bright ones, however, for realistic imitation, natural shades should be used.
Water Must be clean, without any impurities. The quality of the material depends on this.
Modifying additives Such additives include plasticizers, antifoams, antifreeze additives, adhesives, etc. With their help, you can improve the properties of the material and give it certain properties.
Crushed stone In some cases, the composition of certain breeds required color range. This allows you to give it strength and at the same time achieve a certain decorative effect.

Note! The proportions depend on the specifics of the products that will be made from of this material, as well as the type of molding and some other factors.

Molding Methods

Decorative concrete can be molded different methods, so let’s take a closer look at them:

  • Tamping or stuffing– is a manual method with which you can obtain a product in rigid forms. It consists of pouring mortar and tamping using a metal rod or wooden stick. To improve the properties of the material, vibration installations can also be used.

This technology makes it possible to create products of medium and even high level complexity of forms. As for the disadvantages, these include a high percentage of defects, as well as low strength of the products.

  • Vibrocompression method– at the core this method vibration pressure up to 1 kg/cm2 is used. For molding, a special vibropress and molds are used.

This technology is used to produce Various types paving stones, paving slabs, and simple architectural forms. Polyurethane substrates have recently been used as forms, which make it possible to obtain more high-quality surface. The advantages of this method include high strength of products, good productivity and ease of manufacturing products.

Using pigments, this method can produce attractive colored tiles that can decorate any area or any courtyard.

  • Pressure pressing– when pouring using this technology, hydraulic presses and molds are used. In this case, molding is performed under a pressure of 50-500 kg/cm2. This technology architectural concrete is used in the manufacture thin-walled structures who have high strength and resistance to low temperatures.

The solution can also be poured into formwork or applied by spraying when performing various construction works.

Production of decorative concrete

Manufacturing decorative concrete will save a significant amount, since the price of natural stone or paving slabs is much higher than the cost of self-made material.

The instructions look like this:

  • The production of architectural concrete begins with mixing cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Next, water is added to the composition. In addition, at this stage the mass is colored with dye, and additives are also poured into it. The amount of additives in each individual case may vary; detailed instructions for their use are available on the packaging.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, crushed stone is added to the solution. As a rule, its content is 40% of the total mass. After thorough mixing, the composition will be ready for use.

After preparing the solution, it is poured into formwork, which is pre-reinforced, or into special forms. During the pouring process, concrete is periodically compacted.

Advice! After hardening, concrete turns out to be very strong, so power tools with diamond attachments are used for mechanical processing. In particular, procedures such as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels can be performed, diamond drilling holes in concrete or grinding with diamond core bits.


The scope of application of decorative concrete is quite extensive, which is due to its many advantages. In particular, it will always find application in private households. As we found out, making architectural concrete with your own hands is quite simple ().

From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

Concrete is versatile construction material, which finds its application in the most various areas, starting from the construction of roads, houses and ending with the production of a wide variety of decorative products. In the latter case, architectural concrete is used. You can prepare it yourself at home, and then use it to create unusual, attractive shapes, including thin-walled ones.

The concrete contains ingredients such as: Portland cement D0-400 M-500, purified quartz sand, slaked ground lime.

This composition differs from the usual one in its resistance to sudden temperature changes, high moisture, and other influences. With its help, you can create amazingly attractive forms that imitate natural stone, which can be an excellent decoration for any structure.

Types of architectural concrete and its composition

Architectural concrete is divided into several separate groups, each of which is intended for certain types of work:

Concrete classification scheme by grade.

  • white decorative concrete is used in the design of facades, halls, and when creating a wide variety of decorative elements that will not be subject to heavy loads;
  • white lightweight concrete used to create lightweight structures with decorative elements such as stairs, tiles, to imitate natural stone, etc.

Architectural concrete is designed to solve two important problems:

  • imitate the surface of natural stone;
  • maintain the strength and stability of concrete.

Most often, the surface of natural sandstone is imitated, since this option is the simplest. Often the surface not only imitates stone, but also exceeds it in many characteristics. Such qualities are given to concrete by its composition. Among the decorative ingredients concrete mixture the following apply:

  1. Natural quartz sand is most often used as a filler, which gives the structure of the stone. Therefore, many types of concrete products are called reclaimed sandstone.

    When ordering any decorative products, if you are offered sandstone for finishing, check whether it will be natural stone or its imitation, since the cost varies greatly.

  2. The binder is Portland cement, which must be grayish or white (which is preferable) in color. The quality of cement must be of the highest quality; its composition must not contain any impurities.
  3. Coloring pigments are necessary to make the product even more similar to natural stone. Pigments are introduced at the mixing stage, as a result it will be possible to paint the product completely over the entire mass. That is, additional coloring is no longer necessary, and the product itself will not fade or peel during use. Modern production offers a wide variety of shades, including very bright ones, but to obtain maximum imitation it is better to use natural ones.
  4. In any case, the composition of concrete should include pure water without impurities, since the quality of the resulting products will depend on this. It is important to add the correct amount of water.
  5. Modifying additives, which include plasticizers, antifoams, adhesives, and frost-resistant additives. The composition and volume of such additives should be different in each individual case. It depends on what product will be produced, what molding technology is used to obtain architectural products. In addition, such additives provide additional strength, resistance to mechanical damage, shock, sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

The selection of proportions to prepare will depend on the specifics of the products that you want to make from it.

Methods for forming architectural concrete products

Architectural concrete can be subjected to various methods moldings, let's look at them in more detail.

Diagram of the ratio of components in a concrete mixture.

Stuffing, or tamping, is a manual method that produces the desired product in rigid shapes. It is used to create DIY products of medium and high complexity. Among the advantages of this method, it is necessary to note the possibility of obtaining quite complex geometry and the rapid turnover of architectural forms.

Concrete contains ingredients such as:

  • Portland cement D0-400 M-500;
  • purified quartz sand;
  • slaked ground lime.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted low strength and frost resistance, a high percentage of defects, the inability to transfer a very fine structure, and high labor intensity. In addition, all ingredients used must be of high quality.

The vibration pressing method is based on vibration with a pressure of up to 1 kg/ For molding, molds and vibrating presses are used. In this way, various types of paving slabs, paving stones, and the simplest architectural forms are made. Lately Polyurethane substrates are used as forms, which allows us to obtain a higher quality surface. Among the advantages, it is necessary to note the high productivity and ease of manufacture, the durability of the tiles. Using special pigments and plasticizers, you can get attractive colored tiles that can decorate any patio or area.

Pressing under pressure of 50-500 kg/sq.m. cm through the use of hydraulic presses and molds. This method is used for the manufacture of thin-walled products that are characterized by the highest strength and resistance to frost.

We prepare architectural forms using vibration casting and vibration rolling

Diagram of concrete macrostructures.

Vibratory casting is a method when architectural concrete is poured into special molds on vibrating platforms with your own hands; it is possible to use deep vibrators. It is used for the manufacture of most types of building and architectural forms. Let's apply this method at home.

The advantages of the method include: decorativeness, high quality, resistance to frost, reproduction of any architectural form and surface, low costs, low requirements for ingredients, adherence to technology, since the process itself is extremely simple. The disadvantages include high production costs, rather limited productivity, and very slow turnover of the molds used.

Vibratory rolling is a rather exotic type of forming products from architectural concrete. It is produced using not only vibration, but also extrusion and centrifugation. Using this method, you can quickly obtain round products such as columns and balusters.

Architectural concrete is a special type of concrete mixture that is used for the manufacture of various decorative and finishing products. The composition of such concrete is somewhat different from traditional one, as are the methods for molding products of the required shape.

Archconcrete (architectural concrete) is a new generation building material. It is also often called artificial granite, it is so beautiful, and also has all the qualities and advantages that are characteristic of this natural stone. Another common name is archstone, which immortalizes the name of the company that invented this unique building material more than 100 years ago.

Arch concrete composition

Arch concrete is produced using the technology for the production of conventional concrete - from sand, water and gray or more often white Portland cement, but with the use of special fillers and binding elements. The initial color of arch concrete is white and shades of gray depending on the brand of cement.

The following materials can be used as filler:

  • crushed stone;
  • granite and marble chips;
  • colored sand;
  • glass and quartz chips;
  • shells, other types of decorative inclusions;
  • coloring pigments (there are 20 standard shades: white, all shades of gray, beige-brown, pink-lilac, blue-green tones, etc.).

Thanks to this and the peculiarities of manufacturing technology, architectural concrete products can be given any color and texture, imitating any natural material: natural stone, brick, fireclay and ceramics, wood, goldite, gypsum and others.

Additionally, various modifiers and plasticizers are introduced into the composition, which significantly increase the hardening and strength characteristics in comparison with conventional concrete.

Another important component arch concrete – binding inclusions that ensure maximum contact of the mixture with the aggregate. Most often it is fiberglass, then it is fiber-reinforced concrete. An even more attractive material is glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), which contains fiberglass. Thanks to this, SFRC is the most durable of concrete, and its service life is almost unlimited.

Architectural concrete manufacturing technology

Arch concrete is produced using vibroforming method finished products in molds or by casting. Forms can be rigid (plastic) or flexible (polyurethane rubber, elastosil). This makes it possible to produce three-dimensional products of any shape, complexity and size from arch concrete.

Material Specifications

  • resistance to temperature changes from – 50°С to + 80°С;
  • very durable, does not crack, resistant to mechanical damage, abrasion, pressure and shock;
  • frost resistance more than 100 cycles;
  • does not fade, since the UV-resistant pigment colors the entire volume of the material;
  • non-slippery (for pedestrians and cars);

Our offers

The Ricam company will custom-make from architectural concrete:

  • facing tiles, decorative facade panels;
  • paving slabs;
  • architectural facade and interior decor;
  • elements of fencing and balustrades;
  • small architectural landscape forms, benches, garden sculptures etc.

We have been working with arch concrete for more than 7 years and know all the possibilities of this unique material. View our portfolio finished works– and you will be convinced that it is worth ordering the production of architectural concrete products from us!

Most people believe that concrete mixture is a shapeless gray mass that is used exclusively for the construction of foundations and rough foundations. However today on suburban areas Products made from architectural concrete (white and colored cement) have begun to appear, which force us to look at the usual building material from a new angle.

Raw materials of this type have good performance characteristics And beautiful color, due to which it is widely used not only in construction, but also in the design of suburban areas (sculptures, birdbaths, paths, hedges and much more). Let's take a closer look at the features of decorative concrete.

Characteristics and benefits of architectural cement

Architectural concrete is composite material, which consists of:

  • fine and coarse aggregate;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • dyes;
  • additives

If we talk about the properties of ready-made (purchased) cement produced in production, then it is worth highlighting the following characteristics:

  • degree of whiteness – from 68 to 85%;
  • hardening speed - 15 hours (during this time the composition hardens by 65%);
  • compressive strength – 38 MPa (after 3 days), 59 MPa (after 4 weeks);
  • sediment does not exceed 0.12%;
  • frost resistance – F 100 and more;

If we compare architectural concrete with its “gray brother”, white and colored cement differ not only in the speed of hardening, but also in higher strength. The maximum grade of ordinary Portland cement is M500, while white cement M500, as well as decorative cement M600 and M700 are on sale.

In addition, colored and white architectural Portland cement has the following advantages:

  • high weather resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • sulfate resistance;
  • increased dispersibility and water resistance;
  • high resistance to abrasion.

From this material you can make the most complex designs any shape and size. However, these positive properties directly depend on compliance with the technology for preparing such a solution.

Architectural concrete manufacturing technology

In the production of decorative building materials, only the highest quality Portland cement is used (not lower than M400). Also, reinforcing fiberglass is often added to the composition, which increases the strength of finished structures.

If we talk about the features of making the mixture, then everything depends on the future concrete product:

  • Small architectural forms of concrete (MAFs) are made from material obtained by vibration compaction. Fine filler is used.
  • To obtain textured surface vibratory casting is used and marble or granite chips are used.
  • To strengthen decorative effect light or dark sand is used.
  • To obtain a pronounced structure, ceramic, glass, marble, basalt and granite particles are added to the mixture.
  • To enhance the texture of the material, special plasticizing additives are used, which slow down the hardening of the mixture.

If you want to make decorative concrete with your own hands, the video will help you in this matter.

Composition of the mixture, at self-production, as follows:

  • 3 parts sifted sand;
  • 3 parts of crushed stone (fraction no more than 5-20 mm);
  • plasticizing additive for dry matter (for example, C-3 0.5%);
  • Portland cement M400;
  • fiber fiber (preferably polypropylene) 0.6 kg/m 3.

To obtain high quality architectural concrete, it is very important to pay attention to surface finishing. At high-quality processing using adhesive chemical compositions you will get an original pattern and structure.

The design of concrete is carried out in several ways during its laying.


This method should be used for vertical surfaces. Requires a spray bottle and acid dye. The paint is applied layer by layer to the concrete solution until the surface acquires the desired color.

If we are talking not about small textured shapes, but about large flat surfaces, then it is most convenient to use special stencils for applying the coloring composition. They can be purchased ready-made (plastic ones are suitable for reusable use) or made yourself (even from paper).

You can “paint” brickwork using the same method.


Polyurethane dies are most often used for architectural concrete. Stamped or printed concrete done with your own hands using rubber or silicone matrices. These stamps are pre-coated with pigment and moisture-resistant additives and pressed into a soft concrete mixture.

After the decorative printed concrete has hardened, the matrices are removed and the surface is covered protective impregnations. This method is suitable for both vertical and horizontal bases.

This architectural concrete can be used to make a wide variety of products.

Application areas of decorative concrete

If we talk about the use of white cement, today it is used for:

  • finishing of facades and interior walls premises;
  • production of paving slabs imitating natural stone;
  • preparation of adhesives, cement-lime mixtures and grouts;
  • manufacturing decorative elements, columns, steps, fences, borders and much more.

Let's consider what products from white cement can be made on your country plot.


Most often, architectural concrete is used for garden paths. To do this, you can go two ways:

  1. Make from decorative material slabs and lay them as finished products.
  2. Fill cement mortar into a solid formwork and use stamps.

The second option is more popular.

To make a track, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Mark the area.
  2. Remove upper layer soil, up to 10 cm deep.
  3. Install the formwork (if you plan to build reinforced concrete paths, then lay the reinforcing mesh).
  4. Fill with crushed stone.
  5. Pour in the cement mortar, smooth and compact it.

To obtain relief surface, it is better to use the stamping method of decorating concrete. To do this, wait until the surface of the track dries and lay the prepared matrices on it.

Additionally, the path can be decorated with pieces of colored glass or marble.


This durable material is often made from decorative fences made of concrete, which will enclose the entire area or a separate area within the yard. Such style solutions are very popular today.

For such a construction, you will need to make decorative fence posts and other elements (sectional slabs and caps) of the desired shape and size. Sectional panels can be made either single-sided or double-sided. Also decorative concrete pillars can be prefabricated or solid, with or without patterns.

To apply to decorative concrete fence pattern or design, it is most convenient to use the stamping method, according to the same principle as for a garden path.


In suburban areas you can often find unusual figures, mushrooms, flowers and animals. Such decorative items made of concrete require a lot of patience and modeling skills.

To make such figures you need:

  • Form the frame of the future sculpture using reinforcement and a welding machine.
  • Wrap the "skeleton" metal mesh overlap (if the sculpture remains hollow inside).
  • Sculpt small parts from concrete.
  • Apply matrices or mosaic elements to the drying solution.
  • Paint the product by spraying pigment.

Wall decoration

Cement plaster walls are another option for using white concrete. Thanks to this coating you will protect the building from frost and increase the thermal conductivity of the wall panels.

To do the work yourself:

  1. Clean the surface of the walls from dust and dirt (if necessary, rinse and dry them).
  2. Cover the walls with primer several times and wait until it is completely dry.
  3. Apply decorative plaster with a spatula.
  4. Carry out artistic carving if necessary.
  5. Treat the walls with a paint composition using stamps or spraying.

As you can see, decorative cement can be used for a variety of purposes, from wall decoration to amazing colorful sculptures.