How to make a staircase at your dacha with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for making a wooden staircase yourself

Any garden plot is characterized by a shortage of free space. The explanation is simple - the owners are trying to make the most of every piece of land for planting fruit bushes, fruit trees and cultivation different cultures, so most country houses are small.

Thrifty owners solve this problem by building a second floor or a small attic, which is basically the same in terms of functionality. How to build it yourself internal staircase to the second floor, so that it does not interfere with the house and does not create inconvenience when going upstairs - this article.

Stairs are divided into several types, each of which is represented by a number of modifications, depending on the features engineering solutions and materials used. The author does not set out to consider all the pros and cons of marching, propeller and other models. The task is to choose optimal design for the dacha.

If we take into account some points in relation to a garden house, it turns out that the requirements for the stairs to the second floor are more “strict”.

Typical country house building does not differ in large dimensions. Therefore, tightness is felt in everything.

Requirement 1 – the staircase should be as compact as possible and located so as not to be a hindrance in the country house.

Mainly working for garden plots older people are engaged. Also, the dacha is one of the vacation spots for kids, many of whom are summer period either they come to it with their parents, or they live there for a long time with their grandparents.

Requirement 2 - the stairs must be safe to move.

Since this involves building a staircase with your own hands, the tool used is usually a household one. That's all necessary calculations design parameters are made independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Requirement 3 – to build a staircase to the second floor of a house at the dacha, it is advisable to choose the model that is easiest to design and implement.

Screw structures are not suitable for summer cottages due to the complexity of calculations and installation. The “duck step” and “on the bolts” options, although they are compact, are unsafe. The first - because of the steepness, the second - because it does not have a fence. The author analyzed all possible schemes and came to the conclusion that for small dacha The best decision– a marching staircase with winder steps.

For example, this (as an option):

The reader may have a slightly different opinion, but hardly anyone will deny that it fully meets all the above requirements. Let's figure out how to build it with our own hands, without calculations using any particularly complex formulas. The size recommendations given below are quite sufficient to country house build a truly reliable and comfortable staircase.

Almost all calculations for the size of stairs of any kind are basically identical. The differences are only in some parameters, depending on the features of a particular design. If you understand the order and meaning of all arithmetic operations, then it is not difficult to independently draw up a drawing of any other staircase, based on the dimensions and layout of a particular house in the country.

Preparatory activities

Choosing a staircase scheme

The simplest solution for performing individual technological operations with your own hands is on stringers. It will not take much time to build such a structure.

Selection of materials

Definitely - all blanks must be made of wood. And not only because the construction is done with your own hands, and working with wood is much easier and more convenient. Install in a house metal staircase it is possible only after the structure shrinks, and completely. And this process does not last less than 5–6 years, although manufacturers of some lumber (such as laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs) deny this, reducing the time it takes for the house to be ready.

If the staircase turns out to be relatively small, then in a country house for the manufacture of its individual elements you can use sheet (slab) products - chipboard, FC, OSV and the like. For the same steps, for example.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of choosing the type of wood. What is typical for most country houses? The answer is simple - no one lives in them permanently, especially in winter period. Hence, significant differences humidity (or even excessive dampness inside) and temperature are a common phenomenon. Based on this, the author does not recommend purchasing deciduous ones for stairs, although they are cheaper. Even high-quality processing impregnations are unlikely to protect the material from rotting and fungus for a long time.

But here too you need to think. The cost of spruce is low, but its structure is characterized by increased porosity. And this parameter of any material is directly related to another characteristic - strength. Moreover, the relationship is inverse. Therefore, despite all the attractiveness of spruce, it is not suitable for stairs. All that remains is pine or larch, if you focus on an acceptable combination of indicators such as quality and price. When choosing sheet or slab products, it is also advisable to purchase products that are made from just such wood.

  • The board is “twenty”.
  • Beam for supports – section 10 x 10.

It’s not difficult to decide what to make the posts and railings of the fence from. For example, the same block with side 5, processed accordingly (rounding edges and the like). You can do whatever you want with your own hands, as long as the safety of movement is ensured.

Calculation of staircase parameters

It is produced individually, based on the dimensions of the country house, its layout and internal content (amount of furniture, its arrangement, and so on).

Distance overlap - march

When calculating the flight height, you need to focus on the average height of a person + a small margin. Consequently, between any step and the ceiling - at least 190. Therefore, it will be necessary to determine, based on the steepness of the flight and the number of steps, what size gap should be made in the ceiling.


  • The width of the winders should be the same. From the point of view of convenience and safety of movement optimal sizes: in the center – 20, narrow edge – 10, wide – 35±5.
  • All heights: 14 – 18. For stairs in private houses there are other recommended sizes, but for a dacha, taking into account the small dimensions of the building, this is quite enough.
  • Tread - its edge should not overhang the underlying step by more than 3 - 4.

General calculation formulas

a – step depth

b – riser height

  • For convenience: (a – b) = 12 – 15; 2b + a = 62±2.
  • For safety: (a + b) = 46.

The photos show some examples. There is no need to pay attention to the dimensions; they are mainly for residential buildings. But in order to make the calculation procedure more clear, they are suitable.

March length

For this parameter, you need to focus on the steepness of the stairs. Taking into account all the requirements for its modification for a summer house, it is recommended to choose a tilt angle in the range of 35 - 400. A flatter design simply may not fit in the house, and you will have to change the layout. For example, on a two-flight with a turning platform. If you choose an angle of more than 400, the staircase will turn out to be quite steep. For an elderly person this is not the best option.

The length itself is determined by the triangle rule. In fact, the span itself is its hypotenuse. It is enough to draw up a plan of the house (to scale), put a diagram of the stairs on it (taking into account the height and width of the room), and make arithmetic operations. Naturally, the marching span will not stretch literally from wall to wall. It is necessary to make the necessary indents both for its upper part and for the lower part, where the winder steps are located.

Stair width

The recommendation for a country house is clear - within 100±10, since we are talking about a design with winder steps. This will ensure both ease of movement and compactness of the stairs. It is unlikely that 2 or more people will go up/down the flight of stairs at the same time, which often happens in a private residential building. Therefore, it is advisable to rely on one person for the stairs at the dacha.

Number of steps

Initial data - the length of the marching span and the parameters of the tread. If the numerical expression of the number of steps is fractional, then rounding is to the whole value, upward. Accordingly, in order not to violate the geometry of the staircase, the height of the last riser will have to be lowered.

Installation features

Installation of stringers

The specifics of their fastening depend on what material the country house is built from. If the wall to which the staircase adjoins is load-bearing, then one central pillar and a small additional support for turning are sufficient. The winder steps are located on it. If it is impossible to fix the stringer on the base, they are mounted on supports.

Installation of steps

Nails should not be used for two reasons. Firstly, even with great experience, score every fastener It is unlikely that it will work strictly vertically with respect to the surface. And any misalignment of the part is fraught with sharp ends of the metal coming out. Secondly, any wood (especially dry wood) splinters easily. Therefore, only preliminary drilling and fixing parts of the stairs with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Installation of railings and posts (balusters)

Here it is at the discretion of the master. For example, like this.

It is worth recalling that the height of the fence should not be less than 80, and the distance between the posts is chosen so that the child cannot crawl through this opening. That is, the main thing here is safety, and not the attractiveness of the design, the aesthetic component, a tribute to fashion, and the like.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing means that the work is carried out not only independently, but also not according to a template. Basic recommendations for building a staircase to the second floor, especially at the dacha, have been given. Everything else is at your discretion, men.

Good luck in your work, reader, and excellent results!

A country house can be one-story or have 2-3 floors - a lot is determined here financial situation owners. Usually, if there are enough funds, people prefer to build two-storey houseusable area it comes out more, and it takes up as much space on the site as a one-story building or a little more. Construction of any two-story house can't do without a ladder. Wood is one of the most suitable materials for its manufacture. Staircase from wood will do to any interior and will become its decoration. Today, wooden stairs for a summer residence can be ordered from specialized companies or made independently.

The main types of stairs are, of course, marching and turning. Straight stairs are marching structures, they are the easiest to assemble, but they take up a lot of space, so this option is more suitable for a large home.

A flight of stairs with risers and interesting railings made of timber, mesh and metal rungs. There is little use of side supports; their deficiency is compensated by the use of a mesh. The hall on the first floor is spacious, the use of a flight of stairs is quite appropriate here

The rotary staircase is compact; it can be spiral or marching. Installing a turning staircase saves space, especially screw designs, but the downside is that it’s not easy to make them yourself.

Spiral staircases look much more original than marching staircases; such a staircase itself is a central detail of the interior, but for its manufacture you need to attract specialists

The main stages of staircase construction

Work on creating a staircase begins with the choice of material. Pine, beech, birch, ash, oak are the wood species that are best suited for this - they look beautiful in the interior and are durable in use. An oak staircase is the most expensive and durable, but pine is a relatively inexpensive material with good characteristics.

Stage #2 – carrying out calculations and drawing up drawings

Before you start designing, you will need to calculate the dimensions of the staircase and make a drawing of it. For your home, you can make a stringer staircase with risers, balusters and railings. We will look at how to build a staircase without turns with a single-flight climb.

First you need to prepare the installation site. If you neglect this point, the ladder may be installed incorrectly, and over time, creaking and gaps will appear. Uneven floors and walls lead to incorrect load distribution, which leads to deformation of the structure.

Knowledge of basic norms is necessary to do necessary calculations. The ideal angle of elevation of the march is 45 degrees, but if there is not enough space, it can be reduced to 30-40 degrees.

Scheme of construction of a wooden flight of stairs with risers. Simple design can be used both inside the house and outside when building a porch

Then you need to calculate the length of the stairs. Here you will have to remember the school geometry course. The formula for calculating the hypotenuse of a right triangle will help you: c = √(a2 + b2). Here c will be the length of the side bases, a will be the height from the floor to the second floor, b will be the distance between the point where it is planned to place the first step to the second floor level, which will need to be projected onto the floor.

Depending on the height and internal device At home, the staircase can be single-flight or double-flight. The height of the risers is 290 mm. The width of the steps is no more than 25 cm, 3 cm goes to the ledge. If the steps are high, or the number of steps in a march exceeds 18, you can make a small platform (700/1000mm). The width of the march should not be less than 80cm, ideally it should be a meter wide.

According to established standards, the height of the railing is from 90 cm to a meter. It will be much easier to work if you indicate all the necessary calculations on the drawing of the future staircase.

Stage #3 – preparation of tools and organization of work

Tools and materials that will be needed for the work: a meter, a pencil for marking, a hammer, a square for marking stringers, a hacksaw, boards for steps, risers, stringers, screws, nails, timber for railings and balusters.

First, the side bases are made. We measure the angle of contact with the floor from the bottom edge of the board, draw a horizontal line. From the line, use a square to measure the width and height for each step to the top, then measure the angle of contact with the 2nd base. We mark the second board in the same way. We cut out the patterns with a hacksaw and fix them in the right place with screws.

The next stage is cutting out and nailing the risers to the base. They should fit perfectly against the stringers without distortion. After the base is completed, the steps can be installed.

The steps can be made from a solid board or you can use two narrow boards 15 cm wide. What you choose is up to you, but the tree must lie firmly and evenly. The boards are fixed with screws and nails

Stage #4 (optional) – installation of railings and fences

Railings are an important part of any staircase; they make the ascent and descent safe, and serve a decorative function, adding completeness. staircase design. A simple option that will look good is a railing made of timber. We cut out meter-long balusters. Two balusters will be straight supports, the rest need to be sawed and shortened by 5-10 cm at an angle of 45 degrees. The side supports are nailed to the steps, and grooves can be cut into them. A beam is placed on top, serving as a handrail.

Options for summer cottage stairs: 1 – marching with risers, 2 – without risers, 3 – turning design, 4 – light wooden staircase, 5 – light spiral staircase made of wood and metal, 6 – spiral staircase with steps along the support pillar

If you want to create original staircase, the railings can be made from a different material - order wrought iron railings for a wooden staircase, metal or even tempered glass. Carved details will also give the staircase an attractive look.

Rotary staircase made of wood and metal. Forged railings and metal supports goes well with wooden steps

Marching staircase with a small platform. The site will be convenient for large quantities steps. A staircase without classic risers looks lighter. The design looks aesthetically pleasing, despite its simplicity

The staircase may not have railings, but this option is rare - it is dangerous for children to walk on such stairs or to carry bulky objects up.

If you wish, you can make a staircase without railings - for example, like this staircase-cabinet, where the space under the stairs is used for business purposes - in such a unique cabinet you can place dishes and other small things, and the design as a whole looks very original

This is the simple staircase you will get if you follow these instructions. The design is ready, and if you coat it with varnish and skillfully select the decor, then it will look attractive and aesthetically pleasing, despite its simplicity.

Modern cottages and private houses require the presence of 2 or more floors, and the topmost of them can be either residential or non-residential premises. In any case, a ladder is required.

Make your own reliable interfloor or attic staircase made of concrete or metal structures is quite heavy, which cannot be said about wood.

Even a novice master can assemble it.

From this article you will learn what types of wooden stairs there are, what are their differences, what material is used to make the spans. In addition, each of you will be able to make a wooden staircase to the second floor yourself - in the article we will give approximate calculations and photo.

Types and types of structures

There are several species wooden staircase designs:

  • Marching stairs. Easy to manufacture and convenient to use, but require large area premises. A flight of stairs can be placed along the wall or mounted in the middle of the room;
  • . Usually located in limited space. Because throughput The structure is very small, it is better to move through it one at a time. A spiral staircase (if you build it yourself) will cost much less than other structures, and will last about the same;
  • Combined stairs. Can be used in the construction of a private house, if the layout allows. Most often, flight stairs are made with a screw element.

Types of structures wooden stairs are the following:

  • Stairs on pain– the steps are attached to huge hanging bolts (balusters);
  • stairs on the bowstrings– the flight of stairs is mounted end-to-end to the beam with special cutouts on the inside;
  • stairs on stringers. Stringer is an inclined beam on top of which steps are attached.

What kind of wood can a staircase be made from?

Material selection for depends on the preferences of the owner of the house or apartment, the characteristics of the tree and the cost of it. Various breeds have their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Maple. A staircase made from this type will be the strongest and most durable. Color – light brown. The disadvantage of a maple staircase is its high price.
  2. Larch. The color of the structure is golden yellow or dark yellow with brown veins. Great tolerates impacts external factors. A larch staircase will be strong and solid.
  3. Oak. The peculiarity of oak stairs is that the older they are, the darker the shade.
  4. Spruce. The most popular material due to its low cost. Spruce wood has a uniform structure and light shade.
  5. Pine. Due to the low density of wood, it is very easy to process. An additional advantage of pine is low cost material. The disadvantage of a pine staircase is its short service life. It is best to install a pine staircase in the country house where it will be used seasonally.

Pros and cons of wooden stairs

Wooden stairs have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.

Positive sides:

  • Low cost of building materials;
  • environmental friendliness of wood;
  • ease of processing;
  • possibility of DIY installation;
  • light weight;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Disadvantages of wood:

  • Low strength compared to concrete or metal stairs;
  • tree - natural material and it tends to deteriorate and change. Therefore, after some time, preventative work may be necessary;
  • fire hazard of the material.

Materials for making stairs

For installation of stairs to the second floor You will need:

  • Bars for steps;
  • beams for risers (leg supports);
  • boards;
  • beams width 30 - 40 mm;
  • beam for stringer – 50*240 mm;
  • screws, self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • building level, square, tape measure;
  • handrails and, but it is better to purchase them at a hardware store.

Staircase calculations

If you decide to make a wooden staircase with your own hands, think over the nuances of the design: determine its dimensions, calculate the number of steps and supports. It is important to initially imagine what function the staircase will perform: connecting the floors or leading to the top of the attic. (Information about self-insulation attics can be read).

Draw diagram It’s also easy to do it yourself. Most often they make straight staircase. It connects the first floor with the second, and reaches a height of several meters. For convenience, the angle of inclination of the structure should be equal to the value in 30-40 degrees.

Note! Wooden houses give significant shrinkage in the first two years after construction, so the angle of inclination may change.

So, for your convenience, we will provide basic calculations elements of the staircase (using the example of a wooden one) standard designs:

  • Base length - 3.5-4 m;
  • flight of stairs - 2.5 m;
  • width of steps – 30 cm;
  • height of steps – 15-20 cm.

Necessary calculations

    1. We define height of the stairs. Average value from ceiling to floor – 250 cm. TO given value need to add thickness interfloor covering. Its average 35 cm. We get:
      250+35=285 cm
    1. calculate number of steps: divide the height of the stairs by the height of the steps. It is better to take the last value (i.e. the height of the steps) as average - 17 cm. We get:
      285 cm/17 cm =16.76

The value is rounded up. Total we get 17 steps.

    1. define step width. It is believed that the permissible tread width (flat facing part of the step) can range from 22-40 cm. IN Russian practice To calculate the width of the step and rise (risers), use the formula: a + b = 47 cm, Where A- riser height, b- step width. We get:
      47-16.67=30.3 cm

The value is rounded to 30 cm. - this is the width of the step.

    1. The width of the flight of stairs must be a multiple of the width of the step. In our case, this value can be equal to 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm. etc.
    2. calculate length of stairs. The length of the staircase is equal to the product of the number of steps and their width. We get:
      17*30= 480 cm
  • calculate stringer length. We make calculations according to the Pythagorean theorem: the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. That is A²+B²=C². In this formula:
    A– height of the stringer,
    IN- length flight of stairs,
    WITH– stringer length. We get:

230400 + 81225 = 311625
The root of this number is 558.23 cm. Can be rounded to 560 cm.

Advice! If it is difficult to make geometric calculations, you can draw a staircase on paper on an appropriate scale and measure the angle and length of the base.

Assembling the stairs

Before you begin assembling the stairs to the second floor, you need to decide place for installing stringers(supporting structure of a flight of stairs). Installation stairs (in our case, a marching structure) includes several stages:

    1. Installation of stringers. We fasten the lower part of the stringer with a support beam. From above we cut the stringer into the ceiling beam.
  1. grinding stairs, coating with a protective composition.
  2. varnishing And painting. To do this, use a roller or brush. Paint over need a ladder in 2-3 layers, each subsequent layer must be applied after some time so that the previous layer has time to dry.

Cost of a finished staircase

Those who decided to buy ready wooden staircase or make it order, should be aware that the cost will depend on the complexity of the design and the type of wood.

For example, the most common design of a flight of stairs with a turn 90 degrees pine will cost 60-80000 rub.., from birch – 100,000 rub..,made of oak – 150,000 rub..

You can order a wooden staircase in a specialized store or on company websites. Manufacturing On average it takes up stairs 5-10 working days.

It’s up to you to make a wooden staircase yourself or order it from specialists. Self-installation It's not a quick process, but it has its advantages. First of all, this saving Money and visual Quality control building materials.

This is how to make a wooden staircase with your own hands video.

Country houses and dachas are increasingly being built as one-story houses. This is understandable: home owners want everyone to be present in the house necessary premises and the territory of the site was not occupied by buildings. The optimal solution The issue of “comfort/saving space” becomes the construction of a house on two floors. And to make it convenient to climb to the second floor, you need to think through everything related to the stairs at the design stage of the future home.

Determining the purpose

Stairs are important structural elements For multi-storey building. To do good choice modifications and materials for stairs, The following factors should be taken into account:

  • location: internal or external;
  • functional purpose: main - interfloor and entrance, technological - roofing, auxiliary - in the attic or basement, emergency and fire;
  • method of operation: stationary, transformable, portable;
  • allowable space for stairs;
  • budget.

For example, for a small dacha with one residential floor and an attic for summer living, a retractable or folding staircase would be optimal.

For country house with a full residential second floor, it is worth taking a closer look at more comfortable types of stairs: on stringers with two flights.

And for small rooms in which it is planned to place a passage to another floor, a screw staircase on a casing pipe or a compact staircase on bolts are ideal.

Varieties and popular materials

Now let’s look at all the nuances of the types of stairs.

At the pace of a country march

Marching, often found in country houses, are staircases separated by a platform without steps. The more divided marches, the more comfortable it is to climb. However, for an ordinary interfloor staircase country house Two marches are enough.

The disadvantage of such stairs: the greater the number of flights, the more difficult it is to make the stairs yourself. But it should be borne in mind that a single-flight structure requires a large space.

Various materials are used for manufacturing:

  • completely wooden (from beams, logs) stairs are suitable for almost any style;
  • V classic interiors the combination fits perfectly forged metal with wood or porcelain stoneware with wood;
  • interiors in modern styles(modern, high-tech, fusion) can be complemented with a staircase made of metal and glass or metal and plastic.

"By screws!"

Design spiral staircase looks like wood or metal pole with steps attached to it. There are several types of spiral staircases, but the main thing is common to all: the steps are attached radially, each with a slight turn, while outwardly it looks like threaded connection screw, hence the name of the type of staircase.

The main advantages of spiral staircases:

  • space saving;
  • the whole structure looks light and uncluttered.

Their disadvantages are as follows:

  • their design is not suitable for the elderly and small children;
  • building on your own is more difficult than other types of stairs: the difficulty will be in calculations and making smooth bends of the railings.


Prefabricated staircase models come in various configurations:

  • on the bolts, which are the fastening elements of the steps to each other and to the wall;
  • on metal frame(a stringer is assembled from separate metal sections, which serves as the main support).

Prefabricated models can be with one or more flights, screw, or L-shaped. As a rule, the base is always metal, the steps are most often made of wood.

The advantages of prefabricated models are obvious:

  • ready-made prefabricated models are always cheaper than custom-made ones;
  • you can place a prefabricated model in a house that was built a long time ago, even in a small hallway;
  • a variety of modifications of prefabricated stairs allows you to plan any interior design;
  • installation of prefabricated structures can be easily carried out by one man;
  • Thanks to the completely disassembled design, transportation modular stairs possible in a passenger car.

Simple models

TO simple models include ladders in the form of stepladders. These are the most compact and budget-friendly of all those listed here. Build similar model any man can make from wood, having in his arsenal standard set tools: hammer, saw, jigsaw, screwdriver.

However, simple stairs are inconvenient for frequent use: as a rule, they are very steep and unsafe. They should be used only as temporary objects or for technological maintenance of construction projects on a garden plot.

Important design elements

When choosing a staircase for your home, it is useful to know which important elements There are designs in every type and what they are called. Despite the complexity and large assortment of stairs on the market, At the heart of any staircase there are three components:

  • fencing;
  • load-bearing element;
  • steps.

The function of barriers is to ensure traffic safety. Standard fencing consists of railings ( vertical elements, on which the human hand rests; run parallel to the slope of the stairs) and vertically installed racks (balusters).

Special attention Fences should be given attention in cases where there are children in the house.

The supporting function of balusters determines high strength requirements for the material of their manufacture. Balusters are most often made of metal, wood, concrete, and reinforced concrete. If the structure has supporting posts that have a decorative function, then they can be made of plaster or plastic. The intermediate distance between the support pillars can be filled with glass, forged elements, gratings, wooden or plastic panels. Handrails and railings can be made of wood, stainless steel, coated aluminum and other materials.

Elements of fencing structures (entry post, balusters, handrails, decorative panels, heads of intermediate posts) most often become objects for decorating wooden stairs. Balusters can be asymmetrical geometric shapes, with elements of natural themes(for example, entwined with a liana), and the support-entry pillars are designed in the form of animals (for example, in the form of a lion’s head or a whole figure of another majestic animal) or mythical heroes (angels, dragons). On decorative panels Entire scenes are cut out.

Modern designers fencing is often excluded from the design of stairs in order to achieve an unusual minimalistic appearance. This is especially true for interiors in the high-tech, loft, and minimalist styles.

But it’s better not to neglect safety and not choose models without railings. If you want to make the fences less noticeable, you can design them from transparent glass or plastic.

Load-bearing elements There are four types.

  • Bowstring. A bowstring is an inclined side part load-bearing frame. The shape can be straight, curved or spiral. Steps are mounted on the string.
  • Kosour. Essentially, a stringer is a bowstring, the upper surface of which has a carved shape similar to saw teeth. The steps are attached to these cutouts. There are stairs with one or two stringers.

  • Boltsy. This is a hidden fastening system of steps to each other or to the wall of the house. Fastening is carried out with special bolts. Stairs on girders are more often found without guardrails.
  • Rack. Spiral staircases are attached to the rack. And support posts manufactured for prefabricated modular stairs. Material of manufacture for this type load-bearing structures– metal. Even if you come across a wooden post for a spiral staircase, most likely it has a metal frame inside.

There are models of stairs with the combined use of load-bearing supports.

Steps also come in various shapes:

  • straight;
  • beveled;
  • winder (divided into rotary and screw);
  • arcuate;
  • "goose step"

The horizontal surface of the steps, where one steps, is called a tread, and the vertical surface, where the toe rests, is called a riser. There are models of stairs both with and without risers.

A straight section of stairs with steps that connects levels of a building or landings among themselves is called a march. At high level ceilings and a large number of floors, it is more advisable to install multi-flight stairs. In small country houses, it is enough to install a single-flight staircase. The first stage of the march is called the starting stage, after it there are intermediate ones, and the last is called the exit stage.

Ready-made, to order or do it yourself?

Depending on the manufacturing method, there are several types of stairs.

  • Ready(designed according to standard sizes, prepared for installation in the house). The advantage of ready-made stairs is the speed of receipt - no need to wait for production. But in ready-made options It’s not always possible to find what you need: the dimensions may not fit the given room, more standard materials, the design is usually simple.

  • Self-production. This is the most a budget option making a staircase, however, requires time, some skills in working with wood (and possibly other materials), and the availability of certain tools.
  • To order(production will be carried out according to individual project customer). When ordering the production of stairs from professionals, you can be sure of the quality of the product received.

But you should understand that the price in this case will be much higher finished products. The time it takes to produce a quality staircase can also be a disadvantage.

We design and calculate the load

Is it possible to design a staircase structure yourself? Of course, for this it is enough to know a school geometry course. In addition, there are special computer programs and online calculators.

To calculate the stairs, it is important to take into account the layout of the country house and the size of the rooms in it. The location and type of future structure will depend on this. In turn, you need to remember that for a comfortable and safe staircase it is important to provide a sufficient opening on the upper floor. It is also important to comply with everything technical standards and take into account the basic parameters for the elements: length, width, angle of inclination, depth and height of steps.

Calculations of the staircase structure should include the following points: steepness, size of steps, their number, width of the flight. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • Steepness (angle of inclination). The best tilt can be considered in the range from 25 to 37 degrees - it is both convenient and safe. However, a staircase with such a slope can take up quite a lot of space, so in small country houses steeper stairs with a slope of 40–45 degrees are often used.
  • The size of the steps and their number. In each flight, the number of steps should be no less than 3 and no more than 18 - for comfortable movement it is better to install an odd number of steps. The optimal parameters of the step are in the following ranges: width 27–28 cm, riser 17–18 cm, overhang of the step nose - no more than 4 cm. All steps must be the same in height and width, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move along the stairs.

  • March width. This parameter depends on the intensity of use of the staircase structure. The standards provide for a minimum width range of 100–140 cm for the movement of 1-2 people, but no more. For a country house, in order to save space, you can reduce the dimensions to 70–90 cm. For two-flight structures (or more), the width of the flights should be the same along the entire length.

For stairs with a rotation of 90–180 degrees, there are certain calculation nuances:

  • the length of the platform between the flights should not be less than 140 cm, the width should be equal to the width of the flight;
  • a staircase on winder steps with a 90-degree turn must contain at least three such steps;
  • optimal parameters winder steps: the width on the larger side should be at least 40 cm, in the middle - at least 20 cm, in a narrow place - at least 14 cm.

The staircase can be made of concrete or metal, but the most accessible, simple and economical staircase is made of tree species. All the details are below.

Better quality construction options are made from hardwood, as they are not only more durable, but also look very aesthetically pleasing, although their cost is higher than the price of economy-class staircases, for example, made from larch. Having decided on the material of the wooden staircase, choose its design. First of all, you need to make sure that the structure is safe for all family members.

Designs with a “golden step” meet these requirements:

  • The width of the steps of this staircase is 29 cm.
  • Riser height – 17 cm.
  • The shape of the staircase depends on the choice of the owner.
  • Its load-bearing parts are inclined beams - stringers or beams with grooves - bowstrings. They can be placed either in the middle of the structure or along its edges.

Another interesting option is the staircase on bolts, or metal rods. It does not require risers, since the load falls on the rod itself. The appearance of such a ladder is attractive; it seems very light and airy. Its steps can be made of glass or triplex, the thickness of which is from 8 to 12 mm.

This highly durable material is coated with an anti-slip layer.

For a small country house, a small spiral staircase consisting of 1-2 flights, between which there are intermediate platforms, is convenient. Usually such a ladder is installed in a corner. The steps are secured by stringing them onto a strong rod made of wood or metal, which is firmly fixed at both ends.

Another option is a folding ladder. It makes it possible to save room space and does not clutter it up, since when folded it is a hatch cover that opens and closes using special devices.

Original do-it-yourself staircase in a country house

Before designing and building a staircase, you need to choose a place that is ideal for it.

The most convenient room for her is the hall or hallway. If they are spacious, you can design a straight staircase. But most often, in country house It is preferable to install a wall structure that has narrow flights and is installed in the corner of the room.

A rotating structure with spans will save even more space. Having chosen a place for the staircase, prepare its drawings, taking into account the dimensions of all its parts. The most convenient angle of inclination of the spans is 23-37ᵒ. The width of the structure ranges from 0.8 m to 1.5 m. The best option– 1.2-1.4 m. When making a staircase with your own hands, you need to make sure that there is such a distance between the balusters that will not allow a child to stick his head between them.

And further:

  1. If the staircase consists of more than 3 steps, a railing must be installed on it, the height of which is 90 cm. The railing should be comfortable for hand resting on.
  2. In height, the steps should not have a deviation of more than 0.5 cm.
  3. The structure must withstand a weight of up to 220 kg, the railing - at least 100 kg, so that an adult can lean on it without fear.

Stairs designed with these requirements in mind will be easy to use and will last a long time.

Which staircase to choose for your dacha

There are two design models.


  • Marching;
  • Screw.

The first ones are easier and more convenient to move around, the second ones are more difficult, but they are still more acceptable.

Their advantages are:

  • Easy to install;
  • Compactness;
  • Sustainability;
  • Affordable price;
  • Variability;
  • Decorative.

Installation of a spiral staircase is carried out in a certain order. Installing and strengthening the support with anchors, welding metal plates to the ceiling and floor. Welding the profile - frame for the steps. Fastening screws to a metal frame. Installation of supports for handrails outside steps. To install such a staircase, you need patience and skill.

And you will need tools:

  • Drill;
  • Welding apparatus;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Roulette;
  • Wrench;
  • Level;
  • Sandpaper.

The supports are made of metal. The internal handrails are complemented by profile strips with curved wood.

Currently, ready-made prefabricated railing kits are used; their elements include parts made of plastic and stainless steel.

The disadvantage of wooden support posts is their fragility. Wood can rot (especially if there is a kitchen nearby), dry out, and its service life is limited. It is important that the ladder is not dangerous: there should be no burrs or rust on its parts.

Metal fences can be made from the following materials:

  1. Aluminum or stainless steel. These can be chrome-plated or nickel-plated sets of parts.
  2. Welded structures. Elements of such structures are connected to each other by welding.
  3. Forged stairs. They are constructed from shaped elements created by cold or hot forging.
  4. Combined products. In such fences it is permissible to combine different materials: wood, metal, glass, plastic, MDF.

It is quite easy to install stair railings using electric welding. It requires tubes or plates, material for railings. IN concrete base First, the racks are installed vertically, to which the horizontal elements are welded.

Chrome parts are more neat and easy to use. They are not subject to corrosion and have very smooth surface. The diameter of the tube is optimal for comfortable use. These fences can withstand both sudden temperature changes and heavy loads. To give stairs with such fencing a more sophisticated look, use glass or high-strength plastic. Chrome-plated pipes are connected with screws and clamps.

DIY garden staircase to the dacha

Decorate the interior of a country house with both forged openwork collections and simple curls from metal rods. They are securely fastened with screws and studs. Railings can be either aluminum or plastic.

All kinds of figures are made using the forging method:

  • Leaves;
  • Flowers;
  • Curls;
  • Various openwork details.

The combinations of these elements are interesting. The leading positions are at the combined railings. This, and original design stairs, and improved practical performance. The basis for this type of fencing is a metal frame. All load-bearing parts are made of durable alloys. In order for the structure to be especially durable, it is necessary to carefully work out the drawings. It is better to use cast iron and perforated steel as racks. Channels, pipes, and corners go to the frame. Corrugated sheets are used for steps.

It is best to fasten parts to a metal frame with bolts and nuts, combined with welding. At the same time, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and be well aware of the rules for making seams on metal. If there are small children in the house, to prevent the child from getting onto the stairs, use a protective net or a net constructed from ordinary rope.

If the cottage is located on a hilly area, there are horizontal bars and trampolines, it is advisable to build on it garden stairs. The material for the steps should be durable, non-slip, it is better if it is corrugated. For safe movement along them, railings should be installed. And in dark time days, stairs on a slope are usually clearly visible thanks to street lighting.

For going down to the cellar or garage, going up to the attic summer kitchen or in the attic, you can also make the descents and entrance treads for the stairs yourself. They can be internal or installed outside the house. Their installation is quite simple and does not require large expenses. You just need to carefully calculate the dimensions. Slides or low ladders are also necessary when a child needs to climb onto an inflatable trampoline or reach the horizontal bar.

Do-it-yourself staircase in the country (video)

So the stairs to summer cottage- an item that is in great demand. It can become a decoration for a country house and can significantly speed up your climb to the ceiling or descent to the basement. The main thing is that it is durable, easy to use, and safe, above all, for children and the elderly.