How to insulate floors in an apartment on the first floor. Insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor

Few people have thought about how to insulate the floor in an apartment panel house. And why is this necessary? Usually there are no problems with cold in such buildings. However, the owners of apartments on the ground floor know firsthand what cold floors are. Basements do not always correspond technical requirements and often additional thermal insulation of the floor is required to maintain a positive microclimate.

Technical aspects of insulating the floor of the first floor

You need to start with the fact that it will be better if the thermal insulation of the floor of the first floors is laid from the outside. That is, from the basement. Remembering the experience of wall insulation in panel house, laying insulation on the floor in an apartment is fraught with loss of free space and a shift in the dew point into the concrete. Although the second minus is not very relevant in this case. The thermal insulation pad will mostly fight against cold air and will not be exposed to any other impacts such as snow and rain.

External floor insulation is often problematic because basement spaces are usually demarcated for private needs. But if the space is not occupied, then we can safely insulate the floor, having previously coordinated the actions with the management company.

But, nevertheless, often such manipulations are impossible. In this case, you need to know how to properly insulate the floor inside the room. Here the choice of material plays a fundamental role. Before laying insulation on the floor, you need to determine what thickness of the material will least affect the loss of space. The insulator must be selected as little as possible, but taking into account the fact that it can cope with heat loss.

Insulation diagram from the basement.

The need for a waterproofing layer

You can insulate the floor in an apartment with your own hands in various ways. There are many options regarding the use of materials. You can pour a concrete screed if heat losses are small. At lower rates, thermal insulation backfill with expanded clay can be carried out.

The best way to insulate the floor on the first floor is up to you to decide. But in any case, first you need to apply waterproofing coating. Why is it necessary? Indeed, unlike thermal insulation of the floor in a private house, insulation in an apartment is carried out differently. The concrete slab is already installed and there are usually pipes running through the basement hot water.

Here it is necessary to remember the law of physics. If you put insulation on the floor, you will thus create a thermal insulation layer, no matter how thick it is. And if insulation is required, it means there is cold in the basement. Heat and cold will condense moisture when in contact with each other. It may not be as intense as in other cases, but over time, without waterproofing, condensation will form under the insulation, and then mold or mildew.

Waterproofing the floor.

Therefore, making a waterproofing coating is simply necessary. The thickness of the films or mastics used for this is small, so the process will not affect the loss of space in any way.

On a note. You can do it another way, by using polymer insulators to insulate the floor of the first floor. They are resistant to moisture and will replace the waterproofing layer.


So, before putting the insulation on the floor, you need to cover the surface with waterproofing. At home, a regular one will do. polyethylene film at 200 microns. It is rolled out over the entire area. If there is no single piece, then you can lay it in strips, connecting the joints with reinforced tape.

Now let's decide on the choice of insulation. Bearing in mind the loss of height, it is necessary to select it so that the thickness of the insulating layer has a minimum effect on this. There really shouldn't be any problems. Because it is possible to properly insulate the floor in an apartment using materials that are not used in global insulation of the exterior walls of a house.

There are more on the market rational options. For example, the same polystyrene foam, the thickness of the sheets is 5 mm. This will be quite enough. In the line of floor insulation for concrete (89), there is also penoizol. This is a porous foil material that performs its tasks perfectly. Floors insulated with this material will also “breathe.”

Important! No matter how much you want to lose usable area, when using other insulators whose thickness exceeds 5 mm, narrowing will occur. Therefore, if the heat loss in the house on the ground floor is significant, you will have to come to terms with such a loss.

Laying insulators of small thickness, suitable for laying linoleum, or other finishing materials: laminate or parquet. Again, if the heat losses are not very high. For stronger temperature changes, there are other insulation options.

Insulating screed for heating

This option is not always applicable, and the thickness of the insulating layer is not pleasing to ordinary people. But it is used most often. Of course, the screed will take a long time to dry, and work must be planned so that movement in the insulated room is completely limited.

Anyone can handle installation work. The execution process is carried out in the following order:

  • Before pouring the screed, the entire floor surface is completely cleaned;
  • then inspection work is carried out aimed at eliminating cracks and depressions;
  • then beacons are installed;
  • The screed is poured at the last stage.

Depending on the thickness of the screed that will be poured, manipulations are carried out in several stages. First the rough layer, then the finishing layer. Special mixtures are used to fill the screed.

When insulating the floor in a bathhouse, slag or sawdust is often added to the solution. When working at home, you cannot make such impurities. The temperature of the first floor apartment in the house is not that low, so a regular leveling screed solution will be sufficient.

Insulation on joists with expanded clay

Insulation of the floor in a house using this type can only be done in old Stalinist buildings, where the ceiling height allows. Because the thickness of the insulation will be impressive.

Insulation with expanded clay.

The process begins with laying a vapor barrier. The technology is similar and described above. After this, the logs are installed. They are attached to the floor with self-tapping screws plastic stoppers. To do this, marks are first made and holes are drilled along them. The installation pitch of the logs must be calculated based on the thickness of the floorboard. Typically, timber with a thickness of at least 40 mm is used for these purposes. Therefore, the installation step of the logs must be at least 60 cm.

Thermal insulation is laid between the beams. In this case, polymers can be used. But still, it will be easier to install insulation by filling it with expanded clay. The entire space is covered with gravel. Then the waterproofing layer comes again, and the last stage is the flooring.

Important! Waterproofing over the insulation is necessary to protect it from moisture, which will penetrate through the floorboards when wet cleaning. And although expanded clay can be covered without regard to its fear of water, the very presence of moisture under the floorboards will be unclaimed.

You can also use expanded clay to make an individual backfill without floor joists. More precisely, the material will not work alone, but in a screed. Insulation with expanded clay without lags is carried out as follows:

  • the floor is cleaned;
  • the level of difference is measured;
  • a mixture of cement is prepared with expanded clay added to it;
  • Filling is carried out in one layer.

This will be a kind of rough coating. To make insulation with expanded clay, thus, a fill of 5–10 mm is sufficient. After the screed has hardened, the finishing filling of the leveling compound is carried out.

Electric heated floors

Modern systems help cope with many problems. Installing a heated floor system in the house is the most humane way. IN last years It is being used more and more often, despite rising energy costs. Warm floors on the balcony and in the room allow you not to think about the loss of height. Modern system will provide warmth in the house throughout the winter months.

Warm floor

You can consider any options, and production today offers infrared, water and electric floors. The second option in this case will be one of the most expensive, not only in terms of arrangement. Laying the pipe contour will still reduce some of the height, so if there are restrictions, then it is better to consider insulation with electrical systems.

Arrangement tips:

  • the surest and simplest option is to install heated floors on a screed;
  • plan the work in advance and pre-prepare the room by removing furniture from it;
  • installation of heated floor systems in the house is impossible in those places where a heavy chest of drawers or a sofa will be located.

Insulating the floor of the first floor from the cold is necessary. But drastic measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases. Weigh the pros and cons and work on humane methods first. It may be enough to put linoleum on the floors in the house, insulated with additional padding. If superficial intervention does not produce results, then it will be possible to make serious changes to the floor design.

The main methods of thermal insulation of the floor in the house

Publication date: 03-12-2015

  • How to insulate the floor on the first floor in a brick or panel house?
    • Some tips for insulating floors

Floor insulation is a procedure that most owners of their own apartments, houses or cottages resort to sooner or later. High-quality insulation is required both for warm wooden buildings and for reinforced concrete or stone structures. This can be achieved in several ways. For example, you can choose the labor-intensive job of providing insulation using granulated slag or more advanced materials that include spray polyurethane foam.

Floor insulation scheme.

In the presence of concrete slab As a foundation, it is necessary first of all to isolate the surface from below, inside the foundation. For this purpose, plates of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene glued with special glue (for tiles) are used. The gaps between the layers of thermal insulation material are filled with polyurethane foam. Insulation and insulation of a concrete floor in an apartment (in a panel house) is carried out in the following order:

  • lathing beams or slabs with a thick layer of polystyrene;
  • laying insulation slabs on the floor;
  • vapor barrier;
  • Reinforced concrete slabs that are too rough are finished with chipboard, plywood sheets or boards;
  • The final stage is to cover the floor with laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc.

Set wide polystyrene foam boards it is possible not only on concrete floor.

So, for example, if the apartment is located on the ground floor, then it is possible to insulate the floor below - from the basement of the house. In this case, you will have to insulate its ceiling.

Concrete floor insulation scheme.

If you live, for example, on the very first floor or on one of the lower floors in a panel house, then you probably have problems with heating. This concerns, first of all, the fact that the floor in the room is almost always cold. Accordingly, it is necessary to take some measures to warm it up. First of all, the floor must be level. For this, a concrete screed is used. When purchasing a dry mixture, pay attention to whether this mixture is suitable for organizing further underfloor heating. In panel houses, the floor can be so rough and untidy that quite a lot of material needs to be spent on leveling it. As a result, the floor can rise by as much as 20 cm.

In such cases it is much more effective technology there will be such an installation in which the floor can be adjusted. This technology is based on the use of joists with bolts or screws - floor regulators (in the right places it either lowers or rises. Insulating material can be placed between the beams for greater heat and sound insulation.

Wooden floor insulation scheme.

There it is best to attach it using tile adhesive to the entire surface of the ceiling. As for insulation from the inside of the apartment, it begins with the floor being cleared of previous finishing materials. You need to get to the concrete slab itself. A vapor barrier is laid on the exposed clean and flat surface, but you can also use ordinary plastic film, which should be stretched very tightly. It should be noted that misaligned joints between film or foil must be glued with tape or glue and a gap must be left around the perimeter of the room at a distance of 1 cm from the wall to allow ventilation. You can lay a subfloor on top of this layer from any material intended for this purpose - boards, chipboard, plywood and any other options that can be used to finish the floor. You shouldn’t be afraid that something will turn out sloppy, since all the unevenness or roughness can be hidden by the finish - decorative coating.

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Installation of heated floors and subsequent coverings.

In addition to the above general insulation materials(mineral wool, glass wool) and tiles (polystyrene) the most versatile are insulating fabrics, which not only retain heat and keep out cold, but are also able to resist the penetration of liquid into the room. This is a polyurethane foam designed for many types of insulation and can also insulate floors. Its use is possible in almost all types of insulation systems, it does not require additional vapor barrier, but it is somewhat more expensive than other means, and its use requires special equipment. It should also be noted that if there is a subfloor in a private house or basement, it is necessary to insulate it from the base.

If there are also reinforced concrete pillars under the floor, on which wooden beams were subsequently placed, then it is necessary to resort to insulating them too. In the space between the beams themselves and between the beams and posts, it is necessary to attach foil with a stapler. It spreads so that materials intended to insulate the floor (for example, mineral wool or polystyrene foam) do not get wet and do not let the cold into the room.

After this local vapor barrier, a layer of insulation is again applied (as in the previous version), but this time on the entire surface of the floor and insulation. Thus, you can insulate the floor in a panel house with your own hands quickly, reliably and easily.

Insulating the floor in an apartment on the first floor: options for installing a pie

One of the main sources of heat loss on the first floors of apartment buildings is the floor. The technical rooms located below are in most cases not heated. Therefore, to reduce their impact on the general microclimate, it is necessary to insulate the floor in the apartment on the first floor.

Technology requirements

At first glance, it seems that insulation technology does not present any particular difficulties. It is enough to choose the optimal heat insulator and the accepted method of its installation. In practice, you may encounter several problems.

The main condition is that the thermal insulation of the floor on the first floor should not affect the general specifications building. To fulfill the condition, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • The total mass of the floor pie. It should not exceed a critical value, after which there is a possibility of damage to the interfloor ceiling. If necessary, this indicator is agreed upon with housing office employees, who must have technical documentation building;
  • Calculation of heat losses. They will determine how to insulate the surface, as well as the optimal thickness of the material;
  • Changing ceiling heights. Should choose optimal technology, at which the thickness of the insulating layer will be minimal;
  • Compliance with safety regulations. First of all, it relates to the requirements fire safety;
  • Preservation of the original properties of the interfloor ceiling. To remove excess moisture, preliminary vapor barrier of the floor of the first floor is necessary. wooden house or in a panel building.

Taking these characteristics into account, selects optimal material insulation.

If you plan to install a heated floor system, it is necessary to ensure that there is no negative influence of external elements on the heat insulator.

The above conditions are met by a number of materials that are designed to reduce heat loss. To choose the best option, you need to analyze all the pros and cons of each of them.

One of the conditions is the minimum thickness of insulation concrete base first floor. In a private home, this is important, since changing the ceiling height can lead to a loss of comfort. The material must have a low thermal conductivity, i.e. To create calculated protection against heat loss, materials with minimum thickness.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Most often, the choice is made of extruded polystyrene foam or its cheaper analogue - polystyrene foam. The advantage of the first option is the high coating density. If a large load is not planned, then the main decorative coating can be immediately installed on top of the polystyrene foam.

Features of the use of polymers:

The latter fact does not allow the use of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam when installing underfloor heating on the ground floor. In this case, it is necessary to consider alternative options.

Basalt or mineral wool

They are made from natural components and consist of many hollow fibers that are connected to each other using special compounds.

The disadvantage of basalt wool is its low density. For the arrangement, it will be necessary to install logs, between which a heat insulator will then be laid. A flooring made of plywood, OSB or fiberboard is installed on top of the structure. You should take into account the fact that mineral wool absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is first necessary to do waterproofing.

However, along with these disadvantages, basalt sealant has the following positive qualities:

  • The material is completely non-flammable;
  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • During installation, it fits tightly to the joists, which ensures minimal heat loss at the joints.

When working with mineral wool, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - a respirator, work clothes with long sleeves. Which minimizes the likelihood of individual fibers getting into Airways.

One of the least effective options is the use of cement mixtures with various additives. However, in some cases, this is the only way to insulate a concrete floor on the ground floor with heating of its surface using a water system.

During the preparation of the cement mixture, a certain amount of expanded clay is added to its composition. It is best to use a fine fraction. Approximately, the volume of bulk materials should be no more than 15% of the total mass.

Alternative option is a backfill of expanded clay. Afterwards the concrete screed is poured. The main disadvantage of this method is the low insulation coefficient, a significant increase in pressure on interfloor ceilings.

Step-by-step instructions for arrangement

First you should choose the optimal insulation material. The general installation technology, as well as the list of additional components to carry out work. The most difficult is to lay the floor on wooden beams. It is its arrangement that will be discussed below.

The general technology consists of preparatory stage, installing layers of thermal insulation and sheet materials, as well as preparing the surface for installing decor. For each of them, a work plan should be developed in advance so that no difficulties arise during their implementation.

Preparing the subfloor

In most cases, it is a reinforced concrete base. It may have cracks or gouges. They should be removed using putty. Further steps are done only after the mixtures have completely dried.

Then you should adhere to this scheme.

  1. Drying the cement screed. Can be done with a heat gun in a few hours.
  2. Installation of waterproofing. It is a mandatory element in the installation of the floor of the first floor of a private house.
  3. Installation of logs. They should have a height adjustment function so that the optimal level can be set.
  4. Wooden components should not fit tightly against the walls - a thermal gap of 5-6 mm is left. The sheathing is fastened to cement surface using dowels.

Only after this can you begin the main stage of work - installation of the heat insulator.

Installation of insulation

Currently, manufacturers offer several options for basalt wool, which differ not only in the density of the material and its thickness, but also in shape. To insulate the floor on the first floor, it is recommended to use roll models.

The material should fit snugly against the beams. Therefore, the distance between them is calculated in advance, based on the actual width of the basalt wool. After installation, it is necessary to install a layer of fiber film.

A prerequisite is the formation of an air gap. To do this on top part The logs are filled with spacer slats. After flooring sheet material an air gap of at least 10 mm in height must be formed.

This completes the floor insulation in the apartment on the first floor. In the future, when using the surface, you should avoid getting moisture into the floor cake. Or pre-install an additional layer of waterproofing before installing the decor.

Insulation of the floor of the first floor of the floor slab from the basement

floor insulation with penoplex under screed

As you know, the floor is practically the only surface with which people are constantly in contact (walking barefoot or wearing shoes), so insulating the floor of the first floor will become task number one for owners of apartments located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building and private owners. In this regard, certain requirements are imposed on surfaces: for example, the difference in temperature values ​​on the floor surface and in the room should not exceed two degrees. If this value is not maintained, then you have to resort to insulation - this difference is especially “acutely” felt in the off-season and winter months.

Insulation methods

In order to insulate the floors, usually an additional layer of thermal insulation is laid in the ceilings between the first floor and the basement. According to the laws of heat transfer, heat loss flows from top to bottom through the floors into the underground (multi-story buildings with unheated basements are considered).

In this case, in addition to heat loss, there is also condensation of water vapor released from the warm air in the premises. This has a bad effect on the condition of the insulation material, which absorbs all the moisture. To prevent excessive moisture, you can either use moisture-resistant material as thermal insulation, or (and this is recommended in all cases) lay an additional vapor barrier layer before thermal insulation. As a vapor barrier layer, you can use ordinary polyethylene film with a thickness of 150 microns.

By the way, if different floor coverings have different heat absorption coefficients: a concrete floor is cooler than a parquet floor - and this is logical, since concrete “absorbs” heat more actively, unlike wood. That is why experts advise using as finishing those floor coverings that have a low rate of heat absorption - wood, parquet, chipboard, linoleum, polymer tiles - otherwise the floor will be cold all the time.

Insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor

When your apartment is located on the first floor of a multi-storey residential building, and below there is a technical underground (basement) with access there.

Insulation with mineral wool

In this case, you can insulate your floor from the basement side - with ordinary polystyrene foam, gluing it to a special adhesive solution or a cement solution with glue (like on tiles). The gaps between sheets of foam plastic can be foamed with construction foam.

The disadvantage of this method is the possible rejection on the part of your neighbors of your enthusiasm for floor insulation. And if insulating the entire floor of your section with foam plastic is as easy as shelling pears, then calculating the area of ​​your apartment and its location (“basement, bottom view”) will be much more difficult. In this case, you will have to arm yourself with a house plan and a tape measure in order to later mark “your” territory for insulation.

When it is not possible to insulate the floor from the underground side.

Here they usually proceed as follows: they install logs, lay plywood or boards between them, and then lay sheets of foam plastic on them. This is also a fairly simple method of insulation, but it has its drawbacks. One of them is reducing the height of ceilings (for panel houses, where insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor is required).

For apartments with wooden floors the situation is somewhat simpler: the floors are dismantled (if possible, old or rotten joist boards are replaced with new ones), foam sheets are laid between the joists. In this case, the room will not “lose” its size.

When it is not possible to insulate floors with foam plastic.

Then you have to use expanded clay insulation - here it is necessary to install a cement screed with a layer thickness of at least 9 cm. The disadvantage of this method is a significant reduction in the height of the ceiling in the room, since it will be necessary to take into account the thickness of the floor covering with hydro- and heat-insulating layers. However, there are also advantages here: for example, in a cement screed using expanded clay, you can install heated floors - electric or water.

Floor insulation using joists

If you have your own house, consisting of two floors, or even an ordinary one cottage, then floor insulation is still necessary - it doesn’t matter whether there is a basement or not. And here, since you are the owner of your home, you can install heated floors (of course, according to your financial capabilities).

In this case, insulation is carried out at the stage of installing the subfloor. And, according to many construction experts, the best modern thermal insulation material is extruded polystyrene foam, which has good thermal insulation characteristics, is moisture resistant and can withstand mechanical stress. In addition, expanded polystyrene will be the best thermal insulation material in areas where groundwater is located close to the base of the foundation.

Polystyrene insulation

Insulation of walls and floors

Expanded polystyrene is laid on a layer of sand and crushed stone with a layer thickness of at least 10 cm. The thickness of the insulation is selected depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. Waterproofing in this case is a polyethylene film, which is laid on the warm side of the insulating material, fixing it on regular glue, without the use of plastic substances. The laid waterproofing layer is filled with a screed solution consisting of sand and cement, or two layers of gypsum plasterboard. If you plan to install heated floors, then the heating elements must be laid on a screed.

If you plan to insulate the floors using “ordinary old-fashioned” materials, then you can use glass wool or mineral wool slabs. However, it should be remembered that such insulation materials are not sufficiently moisture resistant, so they will have to be carefully waterproofed.

For wooden houses, when the flooring occurs above the ground along joists, insulating materials are laid between the joists, with waterproofing, on boards hemmed underneath. And the steam itself waterproofing material laid over the insulation on the warm side of the thermal insulation.

And finally: floor insulation will be more effective the more insulated surfaces there are in the apartment (walls, windows and doors).

The apartment on the first floor is located above the basement, from which dampness and cold penetrate into the room through the concrete floor slab. High humidity bad smell, fungus and uncomfortable floor temperature - residents face these problems every day until they decide to insulate the concrete base.

We insulate the floor from the basement side

External thermal insulation of the base is always effective and does not take up space in the room. In the common basement, you need to determine and mark the area of ​​your apartment. In damp conditions, moisture-resistant insulation is used - expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. The layer thickness for warm regions is 10 cm, for cold regions - 15 cm. Thermal insulation occurs using the following technology:

  1. The foam boards are attached to the concrete basement ceiling using glue.
  2. To protect the material from rodents it is laid metal grid and is fixed with plastic dowels.
  3. The foam is covered with polyethylene film for waterproofing. As a replacement for moisture-resistant fabric, which can be damaged, bitumen coating insulation is used.

Mineral wool can be used as insulation, but you will need to apply more effort. It is necessary to secure the lathing under the material, lay waterproofing and cover everything with moisture-resistant plywood.

Thermal insulation of concrete subfloor

The fight against penetrating cold begins with sealing the cracks in the base. To seal them, polyurethane foam is used; it can be used to treat the joint between the floor and the wall. Thorough waterproofing will allow you to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the ground floor. At high humidity the entire floor area is covered with coating or penetrating insulation. After this, a polyethylene film 200 microns thick is spread. The edges of the canvas should extend onto the walls to a height of 15-20 cm. The film is laid with an overlap of adjacent strips of 10-15 cm, the joints are sealed with construction tape.

There are several ways to insulate the floor in an apartment:

  • concrete screed with insulating additives: sawdust, expanded clay, perlite;
  • laying thermal insulation material along the joists;
  • dry screed for gypsum fiber panels;
  • use of polystyrene foam boards under concrete;
  • heated floor system.

Arbolit or lightweight concrete made from a mixture of cement and wood fillers - affordable and quality option thermal insulation. It is environmentally friendly, durable, non-flammable and durable. The disadvantage of insulation is that the floor is raised by 10 cm and the drying time is up to 25 days.

Using joists for thermal insulation will also raise the base. The work is carried out in stages:

  1. Wooden blocks are laid on the waterproofing layer in increments of 50 cm.
  2. Insulation is placed between the guides - expanded clay with a layer of 10-12 cm or mineral wool 10 cm thick. The material is laid tightly, the gaps between it and the logs are filled with polyurethane foam.
  3. A polyethylene film is laid for vapor barrier. It is fastened with staples, the joints are taped with special tape.
  4. A subfloor made of boards or plywood is laid.

Insulate concrete floor short term A dry screed that does not require time to dry will allow. Fine expanded clay or sand is poured onto the spread waterproofing, the rock is distributed in an even layer of 5 cm and compacted. Moisture-resistant plasterboard in two rows or special KNAUF superfloor panels, 20 mm thick, are laid on top of the insulation. The sheets are glued together and treated with putty. The coating has low thermal conductivity, protects against noise and moisture, is safe and does not require wet processes. Parquet, linoleum, laminate are laid on gypsum fiber.

Expanded polystyrene has a high density and strength; it will become a reliable and warm base for the floor. The slabs are placed staggered so that the load is distributed evenly. The joints between them are covered with polyurethane foam. The material is covered with a metal reinforcing mesh and filled with a layer of cement screed 5 cm high.

Installation of a heated floor system - best option for an apartment on the ground floor, it will rid the room of dampness and at any time increase the temperature of the coating to a comfortable level.

Here you can install a water, electric or film floor. The system is laid on a base insulated with polystyrene foam. A foil material is laid under it, with the reflective side facing the room. Water and electric cable floors are laid under the screed, and infrared film is placed under the finishing coating.

How to insulate a wooden floor?

Wood has less thermal conductivity than concrete, but on the ground floor it also seems cold and damp. Before removing the covering boards, you need to select insulation. Usually taken basalt wool, it retains heat perfectly, absorbs noise, does not rot and does not attract rodents, and is safe in case of fire.

Expanded clay is a natural bulk material for thermal insulation; it is lightweight and affordable price, quick and easy to install. You can use expanded polystyrene, the material is durable, resistant to moisture and stress, but its cost is higher than other insulation materials.

The process of insulating a wooden base consists of several stages:

  1. The boards are removed and inspected; if they are in good condition, they are returned to their place after all work has been completed.
  2. Wooden logs are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. A waterproofing sheet is spread, extending up to 20 cm onto the walls. All joists are wrapped in film.
  4. Rolled basalt wool is tightly laid out between the bars or expanded clay is poured. The height of the insulation does not reach the top of the joists by 5 mm.
  5. The laid material is covered with a vapor barrier film to prevent moisture from the apartment from getting on it.
  6. The tongue and groove boards are nailed to the joists.

By correctly insulating the floor in your apartment, you will forget about moisture and cold for a long time.

We insulate the floors with our own hands in an apartment on the 1st floor

The floor surface is one of the coldest in the apartment, especially on the first floor of the house. This is due to the characteristics of concrete, the severity of cold air and the fact that there are cracks in the floor through which cold from the basement penetrates into the apartment.

Heat loss through the surface of floors can account for up to a third of all thermal energy. To avoid this, high-quality thermal insulation is necessary. It is quite possible to do it with your own hands.

Options for thermal insulation materials

Materials suitable for floor insulation must have sufficiently low thermal conductivity. Most of Such materials can at the same time insulate the room from noise.

The most popular options are:

  • Mineral wool- an inexpensive material, effective both as insulation and sound insulation. Cotton wool is very easy to install, fireproof, and resistant to biological contamination. However, it absorbs water very easily, which requires good waterproofing. In addition, this material can release glass particles into the air, which can cause allergies.
  • Expanded polystyrene and other types of foam - polymer materials that are resistant to moisture and fire. They do not deform, do not allow heat to pass through, and absorb noise.
  • Bulk materials– expanded clay or wood shavings. They have excellent thermal insulation properties and can form a leveling layer when constructing a dry screed.

All these materials are good in their own way; the choice is based on operating conditions. Whichever material is more convenient is the one worth using, there is not much difference between them.

Wood floor insulation

When insulating floors in an apartment on the first floor wooden house Thermal insulation material is usually placed in the spaces between the joists on which the decorative coating lies.

Insulation wooden floors This is what happens in the apartment:

  • Dismantled old material coverings.
  • A vapor barrier is laid - usually a simple polyethylene film. The film strips are laid overlapping and secured with tape. The film must be applied to the walls so that the edges eventually protrude above the surface of the finished floor. They can be trimmed later.
  • Insulation is being installed. If bulk material is used, it is poured between the joists, using them as beacons for leveling the insulation using the rule. Other types of thermal insulation are rolled out close to the joists, avoiding even the slightest cracks.
  • If absorbent cotton wool is used, it is additionally covered with another layer of film to protect it from moisture on all sides.
  • Leveling slabs of plywood or gypsum fiber sheet are attached to the joists on top of the insulation. You can skip this step and lay it straight away floorboard.
  • Any type of decorative covering can be installed.

Insulation of floors on concrete base

Most often, the floors of the first floor of a panel apartment building are structures made of reinforced concrete slabs. Concrete itself is a porous material that conducts heat well, which is why it remains cold in almost any conditions.

In addition, floor slabs are almost never joined tightly enough to prevent air from passing through the cracks. As a result, a lot of heat flows into the basement from the first floor.


One of the most common methods of thermal insulation is laying insulation under a cement screed with your own hands. The insulation of the screed is carried out in this way:

  • The old coating is removed down to the base. The old screed is also removed.
  • Floor slabs are repaired if necessary, and joints are sealed. Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and remnants of the old screed, and vacuumed with a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Waterproofing is being carried out. A thick film is laid over the base. The edges of the material need to be placed on the walls. The edges, overlapping each other by 10 cm, are secured with adhesive tape.
  • The selected insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. Sheets of expanded polystyrene and unwound rolls of glass wool should lie close to each other.
  • The insulation is covered with an additional layer of film.
  • A reinforcing mesh is placed on the insulation. It is needed in order to increase the strength of the screed.
  • The cement-sand mixture is poured. The thickness of the screed must be at least 50 mm at its highest point, otherwise during operation it may become covered with cracks and begin to crumble.
  • The surface of the dried screed is covered with two layers of primer to final leveling, strengthening and clogging pores in concrete.
  • The finishing coating is laid on the finished screed.

Dry insulation on joists

The process is similar to insulating floors in an apartment on the first floor of a wooden house, with the only difference being that in this option the logs will have to be installed on a reinforced concrete base with your own hands.

Insulation along the joists is carried out as follows:

  • The concrete base is cleaned of old coating, screed and debris.
  • The floor is waterproofed. To do this, you can use bitumen or polymer mixtures, applied with a brush or roller, like paint. A less effective, but cheaper and faster way is to lay plastic film.
  • Wooden logs are installed a meter apart from each other, no more, so that the floors do not sag. These logs can also be used as beacons for filling expanded clay. It is important to ensure that the upper edges of the joists are in the same plane.
  • The selected heat-insulating material is laid. The insulation should be installed close to the joists, avoiding any gaps.
  • The floor covering is formed from plywood, gypsum fiber sheets or fiberboard. The thickness of this layer should be about one and a half centimeters. To do this, the material can be laid in two layers, so that the slabs lie crosswise and the joints do not coincide. The sheets are fastened with glue and self-tapping screws.
  • Any type of finishing coating can be installed.

Spray insulation

Another way to ensure thermal insulation on the ground floor is professional insulation thin layer polyurethane foam. It forms a seamless polymer surface about 7 cm thick on the floor.

The polymer is applied using special equipment that delivers the material in the form of an aerosol under high pressure. In just a few seconds the substance hardens and turns into durable foam. In terms of its effectiveness, such insulation is superior to all other methods.

In addition, polyurethane foam does not need waterproofing. The service life of the material is estimated at tens of years.


If the heat loss in the apartment is insignificant, you can not lay an additional layer of insulation, but simply use a finishing coating with a fairly low thermal conductivity index. For example, carpet insulates the floor of the first floor quite well. Carpets with long pile have even better insulation properties.

Another option is to use linoleum on a thick base of jute or felt. In the same way, you can insulate the floor by laying parquet with your own hands. You just need to use a backing made of warm material– cork, polyethylene foam or polystyrene foam.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the first floor floor

A significant amount of heat can escape from the building through the ground floor floor. To minimize heat loss, and at the same time reduce the cost of heating a house, you need to perform high-quality and proper insulation of the surface.

Insulation of the first floor floor

There are several ways to implement the task under consideration. At the same time, to create a reliable thermal insulation layer, you can use different insulation materials. Familiarize yourself with the features of the most popular materials, choose the most suitable method and begin installing thermal insulation.

Comparison of insulation materials

Popular thermal insulation materials and their features

The modern construction market offers a large selection of materials, the characteristics and properties of which allow them to be used for insulating the floor of the first floor. Each insulator has both a number of advantages and a certain list of weak qualities.

Mineral wool

Types of mineral wool by density

The most popular material for insulation various designs is mineral wool. Among its main advantages are:

The main disadvantage is poor resistance to moisture, against which there is a need to install a high-quality waterproofing layer, otherwise the insulation will collapse very quickly.

Comparative characteristics of different types of mineral wool

Mineral wool is produced in the form of slabs and mats, which makes it possible to choose the most convenient option for a specific situation.


Physical characteristics of foam plastics

No less popular thermal insulation material. Advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • small thickness and relatively light weight;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam does not require such serious moisture protection.

Foam plastic PSB-S-15

If you have a sufficient budget, you can even buy foamed polyethylene. During the production process of this material, its surface is covered with aluminum foil, eliminating the need for additional waterproofing.

Foil foam


It is a cellulose-based insulation with various additives that help improve its fire-resistant and environmentally friendly characteristics. The structure is a bulk material. Ecowool is very easy to install - just pour it into a pre-assembled sheathing and cover it with flooring.

Comparative assessment of some types of insulation

A significant disadvantage of ecowool is its low resistance to moisture. Under its influence, the material very quickly loses its performance properties and collapses.

Ecowool does not burn

Ecowool floor insulation



This insulation is rapidly gaining popularity. Basic performance characteristics fiberglass is beyond praise. The material is excellent for insulating the floors of rooms located on the ground floor. Also among the advantages of fiberglass is its affordable price.

Choosing a method for arranging a thermal insulation layer

Before starting thermal insulation measures, you need to study not only the properties of the most popular insulation materials, but also become familiar with the features of their arrangement. Depending on the structure, materials are classified into:

  • bulk;
  • solid. This category includes roll insulation, as well as thermal insulation materials in the form of mats and slabs;
  • liquid.

Loose thermal insulation

Loose thermal insulation

It is performed using the already mentioned ecowool, as well as the following materials:

  • slag;
  • crushed foam;
  • sawdust

Bulk materials are convenient because they can be used to insulate even the most inaccessible places. The method is equally effective both in private houses and in apartments on the ground floor.

However, despite its effectiveness, loose thermal insulation has not become widespread because more modern and easier-to-install insulation materials are available on the market.

Solid thermal insulation

Types of mineral wool by density

Rolls, slabs and mats are most often used for insulation. Such materials have a relatively small thickness - on average up to 100 mm, so the living space when using them is reduced insignificantly.

Typical representatives of the category are mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Mats made from natural plant fibers are also gaining wide popularity.

Liquid thermal insulation

Not very common, but very effective method. The following materials are used:

The quality of such thermal insulation is in no way inferior to slabs, mats and rolled materials. However, to spray the compositions it is necessary to use special equipment, which is not in the best possible way is reflected in the cost of work.

Options for floor insulation and instructions for their implementation

Floor insulation options

The procedure for insulating the floor of the first floor will vary depending on whether there is a basement or basement below.

If there is a basement

Floor insulation

If available in the house ground floor or the basement, thermal insulation work must begin with them. First, you must insulate the walls and ceiling of the basement. Secondly, before insulation, surfaces must be properly waterproofed. Otherwise, groundwater will seep through the walls and destroy the insulation.

If you do not want to disassemble the floor or intend to create the most high-quality thermal insulation, use a method the essence of which is to insulate the basement ceiling.

First step. Lay out and secure the moisture-proof film. Lay strips of film with a 10-15 cm overlap. Be sure to seal the joints with tape.

Second step. Nail the sheathing strips to the waterproofed surface. Select the width of the slats and the spacing of their placement in accordance with the parameters of the insulation used.

Ceiling waterproofing

Third step. Place slab or roll insulation in the space between the slats. To fix the thermal insulation, use wire or stuff cross slats.

Fourth step. Nail the flooring elements (boards or OSB) to the slats.

Ceiling insulation

After insulating the basement, you can proceed directly to insulating the floor.

First step. Lay the joists and attach the skull blocks to them.

Lay the joists and attach the skull blocks to them

Lay wooden boards or OSB on the fixed bars. The flooring should be such that there are no even minor gaps at the joints of the elements.

Second step. Cover the flooring with waterproofing film.

Third step. Place the selected insulation on top of the film. Nail the support joists to the base.

Laying thermal and waterproofing

Fourth step. Make another deck from OSB or boards. The gap between the flooring and the insulation should be about 10 mm.

Floor insulation algorithm

If there is no basement

If there is no basement or plinth, the work of insulating the floor will be easier and faster. If there are no mentioned premises, then the floor, as a rule, is located directly on the ground or on the foundation.

In such a situation, the insulation sequence will be as follows.

First step. Remove flooring, if present, to gain access to the foundation or soil. If the floor is made on the ground, carefully level the ground.

Second step. Spread expanded clay onto the base in a 10-15 cm layer. This backfill will provide additional thermal insulation.

Place expanded clay on the base

Third step. We lay the reinforcing layer. An ordinary chain-link mesh will provide the necessary rigidity. Place it on the base.


Beacons under screed

Fourth step. Make a new tie.

Fifth step. Cover the hardened screed with moisture-proofing film.

Sixth step. Nail the sheathing battens to the base.

Seventh step. Place the selected thermal insulation material in the space between the slats.

Insulation of concrete floor

Eighth step. Install the deck boards and carry out finishing at your own discretion.

Insulation option using a floor heating system

This technique is not insulation in the literal sense of the word, but it allows you to make the room much warmer. The system can be electrical (film, cable) and water.

Types of underfloor heating systems

The easiest to install is a film infrared heated floor. To install it, you simply need to level the base, lay out the film in the required places and connect the system to electricity. The screed is not poured. The key advantages of such a system are the ability to install it under any finishing coating and ease of installation. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

Infrared heated floor, installation

Cable flooring is also relatively easy to install and can be combined with most varieties of existing finishes. floor coverings. There is no need to make a screed. The main disadvantage is the high cost of operation.

Cable heated floor

Water heated floors are the most popular. This system is the most economical. It requires preliminary arrangement of waterproofing of the base, laying special mats (it is best to use slabs with so-called bosses, since in this case you will not have to use additional fasteners) and subsequent pouring of the screed.

Technology for laying water heated floors

Warm water floor

How to make a warm water floor

Thus, a wide variety of materials and techniques can be used to insulate the floor of the first floor. Now you are aware of the features of each available option and can make the best choice.

Good luck!

Video - floor insulation above a cold basement

Video - Insulating the floor of the first floor

How to insulate the floor on the first floor? Various ways to insulate the floor in an apartment

As you know, warm air tends to rise, resulting in the floor remaining the coldest place in an apartment or house. This especially applies to the first floor, under which there is often a basement or subfloor. In our article we will talk about how to insulate the floor on the first floor and more.

The most reliable way to protect against the cold is to use insulation, which can be in the form of blocks, rolls or bulk materials. When deciding on the best way to insulate a floor, you must choose between cost, thermal insulation properties and durability of the material.

Insulation of the basement space

Builders don't really care about airtightness when laying floors. Gaps most often remain in the basement space. You can even see them from the basement. The first thing to do is to seal the cracks in the ceiling. Small holes can be filled with putty from below. In a private house, insulation boards can be glued to the floor from the bottom side.

Polystyrene foam assembly adhesive is suitable here. How to make an insulated floor from below so that the slabs do not lag behind? To do this, they are additionally secured with parachute dowels, and the joints are foamed.

The obvious advantage of this method is that there is no need to break anything. Everything will remain as it was, and the house will become warm.

Insulation of a wooden floor

The old floorboard can be replaced with a new one. If it is in good condition, then the floor is carefully disassembled. In this case, you need to mark the boards so that you don’t waste time and effort on adjustment later. This is especially true for half-floors. Disassembly is done in order, so that you can put it back together in the same way. The nails are removed carefully so as not to damage the boards. When assembling the floor, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws, which create more strong connections and are easily removed.

Before insulating the floor on the first floor, the cracks on top must be carefully sealed using polyurethane foam, putty and cement-sand mortar. The joists should be checked with a level and further strengthened. Otherwise, the floorboards will continue to creak as before. Construction stores sell racks that are screwed into joists and rest against the ceiling. They can also be made from steel studs.

The floor slabs are tightly laid with mineral wool, which should extend onto the walls. A budget solution is to use mats made of straw or sawdust, but they decompose over time. You can also use expanded clay, foam chips or slag. In principle, any insulation is suitable if it fulfills its functions. A layer of vapor barrier is laid underneath the ceiling to prevent moisture from accumulating, which will significantly deteriorate the properties of the insulation.

How to insulate a floor with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

If the floor is covered with ceramic tiles or cement screed, it can be insulated using thin sheets of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

Fiberboard and GVL plasterboard are also used. But their thermal insulation properties are much lower.

A layer of vapor barrier is placed on the concrete floor, and a layer of insulation and polyethylene film are placed on it. Then a screed made of cement or a special mixture is laid on top. It must be reinforced with mesh. To compensate for temperature fluctuations, it is laid around the perimeter of the wall. edge tape. A new floor covering is installed on top: tiles, parquet, laminate or linoleum.

Insulating underlay for linoleum

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor can be solved in the simplest way using linoleum with a backing. It is the most common, cheap, easy-to-install and maintain coating. It is enough to cut it correctly and insert it under the baseboards.

The material consists of layers of patterned PVC, fiberglass and a backing, which is often used as foamed PVC. The same material on both sides prevents the coating from deforming when the temperature changes.

There is also insulation for linoleum floors. It represents the bottom layer, which can be made of jute or fabric.

Additional backing for linoleum

If the coating does not have necessary protection from the cold from below, then additional substrates are used under the main coating: cork, linen and polystyrene foam. Cork is a good insulator, but it can also be used as an independent covering. Ordinary plywood or fiberboard also have heat-insulating properties, but the effect will be much greater if an additional layer of expanded polystyrene is placed underneath them. Insulation for floors under linoleum is best laid under plywood or fiberboard.

This is done as follows:

  • an insulating underlay is laid on a dry and level floor;
  • plywood is laid and secured to the floor with self-tapping screws;
  • Linoleum is covered on top and the edges are hidden under a plinth, which protects the substrate from water penetration.

This method is used in rooms with high ceilings.

How to connect a heated floor

Heated floors make it possible to create uniform heat in the room. It is a heating system located under the covering, which gives the most favorable temperature distribution in the room along the height.

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor using electric heating can be solved by one of following methods:

  1. Infrared film coated with polymer can be installed under any floor covering. It does not require pouring screed.
  2. A resistive cable whose power varies with temperature. It heats cold areas more, and warm areas less. It requires pouring a screed.
  3. Carbon fiber rods mounted on a fiberglass mesh can be filled with ordinary tile adhesive.

After installation, you need to know how to connect the heated floor. This requires a thermostat to which a heating cable is connected. All connections should be made according to the instructions, carefully following all steps.

Water heating is carried out using pipes with circulating hot water. They are laid under the floor or filled with screed. Heating is carried out through copper, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes, which are connected to the space heating system.

Floor heating can be distributed in such a way that individual areas are connected. To do this, a manifold with control valves is placed at the top.


Floors can be insulated by installing heat-insulating materials, used separately or as a backing for floor coverings. Thermal insulation panels at the bottom of the floors are especially effective. When installing them, there is no need to disassemble the floor above. In addition, you can install a heated floor system, which can be autonomous or part of the home heating system.

How to insulate the floor in an apartment on the first floor with your own hands

How to insulate the floor in an apartment on the ground floor is a question that faces not only owners of private houses, but also residents of the first floors of multi-apartment residential complexes.

After all, cold floors in an apartment mean not only discomfort and the possibility of frequent colds, but also additional costs for energy resources for heating rooms in which active heat loss occurs, because there is no floor insulation in the apartment on the first floor.

Types of thermal insulation materials

To understand how to insulate the floor on the first floor with your own hands, you need to choose the insulation with which this activity will be carried out. There is a huge amount of thermal insulation materials on the construction market, the use of which is possible and even necessary for insulating the floor of the first floor. These materials can be divided into the following types:

The choice of insulation for insulating the floor of the first floor is influenced by the design of the building, which is determined by the presence or absence of a basement and the type of ceiling of the first floor. It can be concrete or wood.

Thermal insulation of concrete floors

Start insulation by installing waterproofing

Concrete flooring is one of the most used types due to its strength, reliability and durability.

But concrete is a material that does not retain heat, and in the presence of cold temperatures outside the room it even contributes to the transfer of cold inside, therefore any structures made of this material require thermal insulation work.

Therefore, insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor in a building with a basement must begin with waterproofing. The process of insulating the floor of the first floor with your own hands involves performing the following operations:

  1. Work must begin with preparing the foundation. Disassemble the old floor structure. Inspect for cracks, chips and other damage to the concrete base. Identified defects must be repaired with a solution and then treated with a special impregnating composition intended for these purposes.
  2. Then a waterproofing device is made, which can be used as an ordinary polyethylene film.
  3. Logs are laid out according to the marks, which are then attached to the concrete base.
  4. Next, the insulation is installed. The bottom layer can be made of bulk materials, which then must be covered with any other type of insulation.
  5. The thermal insulation material is covered on top waterproofing film, which should prevent moisture from accessing the insulation.

Insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor at this stage moves into the stage of finishing work, the implementation of which will no longer be affected by the selected floor thermal insulation scheme.

Thermal insulation of floors over wooden floors

Insulation is placed between the joists

If there is a floor made of wooden flooring, insulation of the floor of the first floor is done with your own hands in the following sequence:

  • dismantling the existing coating with checking and assessing the condition of the load-bearing structural elements;
  • installation of new logs or partial replacement of old ones and laying insulation between them with a preliminary installation of a waterproofing layer;
  • Next, a covering of chipboard, plywood or floorboard is also placed over the waterproofing layer.

The wooden floor itself has good thermal insulation properties, but for better and more comfortable living in such a house it is necessary to insulate it.

External insulation

To save heat, external insulation of the house is of great importance. It can be done in the basement with your own hands, if such an opportunity is provided, that is, there is access to the ceiling.

The insulation can be glued to the ceiling by sealing the seams and joints with foam.

The table shows the thickness of insulation for thermal insulation of the floor of the first floor, depending on the structure of the building and the air temperature.

The basement door also needs to be insulated using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool and polyurethane foam. To learn how to insulate the floor of the first floor, watch this video:

Insulating the floor of the first floor will help create warmth and comfort in both a private and panel house, and will also eliminate heat loss through the underground and reduce the financial costs of heating the house.

A cold floor in an apartment is problem number one. Residents of the first floors suffer from constant blowing from below. Even by insulating the ceiling and walls, you will not improve the situation, since the main contact area is the floor covering. There is only one way out. High-quality insulation Flooring will not only create coziness in the rooms, but will also reduce material costs for heating.

Types of insulation, which one is better to choose

Types existing insulation materials allow you to make the choice that best suits each individual case. Bulk materials, slabs, roll version, as well as a liquid composition, each is suitable for insulating the floor on the first floor.

Bulk materials
Varieties of bulk insulating materials include expanded clay, foam chips, slag and some others. Their advantage is the ability to fill the space between the existing sheathing as much as possible. Expanded clay also has low thermal conductivity, high strength and durability.

Plate materials
This type of insulation is also divided depending on their main component. These are mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, basalt fiber, vermiculite and others. They are lightweight and have low thermal conductivity. To increase thermal insulation, they are used in combination with roll insulation.

Foam plastic - environmentally friendly finishing material, affordable, but fragile and melts when heated. More good option- this is expanded polystyrene, which has a high density, and besides, it is not flammable.

Vermiculite is also an environmentally friendly material, but expensive in slab form. An alternative may be its granular form, which is much cheaper.

Roll materials
Mineral wool, cork mats, and foil insulation with different numbers of layers are produced in this form.

Some species from this category are thin, so to preserve floor heat, it is better to combine them with thick varieties. As for mineral wool, which is an excellent thermal insulator, it copes with the task as an independent option. Add its low cost and you get an excellent solution to the problem.

Liquid insulation materials
This insulation is a mixture of cement mortar with expanded clay, foam chips or wood shavings.

Popular liquid insulation- penoizol. This is a polymer with a foamed structure. The entire space is filled with it using specialized equipment.

There is also an environmentally friendly material, but rejected by many. Plant fiber made of straw, pressed into mats, is an excellent alternative modern materials. The only negative point is that over time it decomposes, like any organic matter.

One of the factors influencing the choice of insulation is the type of floor base - concrete or wood. Also, the design features of the insulation process are influenced by the presence of a basement or its absence.

On the one hand, the concrete base is durable, which is why it is the main material for flooring in apartment buildings. But it holds the cold firmly. This is especially noticeable on the ground floor, regardless of whether there is a basement or the floors are located near the ground. In any case, a thermal insulation device is required.

If you have a basement, you must also provide waterproofing, since the dampness that forms below will be deposited on the walls in the form of mold.

  1. You need to start insulating the floor with preparatory work. Remove the clean coating, check the concrete base for cracks, crevices and other deformations. Eliminate existing defects by filling with cement mortar and leaving until completely dry. Then treat the surface with an impregnation specifically designed to strengthen cement and concrete.
  2. Next, a waterproofing layer is laid, for which polyethylene film is successfully used. Its edges should be placed 15 cm on the walls.
  3. Construction of a frame for insulating material. The logs are placed on the pre-laid bars, and the structure itself is attached to the concrete base.
  4. The next stage is laying insulation. The first layer can be loose. On top of it the space between structural elements filled with any other type of insulation product.
  5. To ensure moisture resistance, the structure is covered with a waterproofing film, fixing it to the joists using staples.

At this point the insulation process can be completed. But if the height of the room allows and family budget, you can enhance the thermal insulation properties of the floor base. Plywood or boards are suitable as a subfloor, it depends on the type of clean coating.

A wooden floor is practical, aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, and warmer than concrete. But this type of coating on the ground floor also needs to be insulated. The technological process follows a certain sequence.

  1. Dismantle the existing covering, checking its integrity.
  2. Fill the space between the joists with sheets of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. If expanded clay is used as insulation, choose fine granulation. Pour out the bulk and compact it so that the backfill is uniform and dense. But before you deal with expanded clay, lay waterproofing in the form of plastic film.
  3. The next layer is gypsum fiber sheets, which differ from plasterboard in their increased strength. The seams are filled with putty and the finished floor can be laid.

Insulation with expanded clay is the most reliable option to keep warm. It can also be laid on a concrete base. It has minimal thermal conductivity, low density, and is very lightweight.

External insulation options

External insulation, that is, a series of activities carried out in the basement, will play a huge role in insulating the floor on the first floor. This is not always realistic, and not every material is suitable for these purposes, but when conditions allow, this opportunity is worth using.

It is impossible not to take into account the presence of existing communications that interfere with the work. The use of mineral wool is unacceptable if the basement humidity is high. While complying with fire safety standards, foam insulation also has a certain risk, but in some cases it is possible. Glue insulation sheets to the basement ceiling ready-made composition, sold in specialized stores. Fill the joints with polyurethane foam.

The most optimal solution is to insulate the door to the basement. Even if it’s a little, you can keep the heat in this way. The access of cold air will stop if the basement is closed. winter period ventilation hole.

Insulated floors of the new type, in addition to maintaining the thermal regime of the floor covering, also increase the air temperature. Their varieties differ in the principle of operation and cost, both during installation and during operation.

  1. Infrared floors are a film special purpose. Placed directly under the finishing coating.
  2. Electric ones are mounted in the screed or on top of the rough flooring. Installation of such a floor is quite simple, but the negative point is its high energy consumption.
  3. Water pumps are a tube with circulating water. They are buried in the screed. This is the most economical option during installation and operation. First, one of the classic insulation materials is laid on the floor to reduce heat loss. Spreads over the top reinforcement mesh, designed for fastening pipes using clamps. The tubes themselves are arranged in a spiral, and water is poured into them. And only after special testing is carried out, the screed is performed. When it dries, you can begin installing a clean floor. The effect obtained from insulation in this way will meet all expectations.

Every person has a desire to save and comfortable conditions. To get both at the same time, it is enough to use one of the methods of insulating the floor in an apartment on the first floor. You will feel comfort instantly, but the economic effect will be your companion throughout the entire time you live in a warm room.

Video: insulating the floor above a cold basement

As you know, warm air tends to rise, resulting in the floor remaining the coldest place in an apartment or house. This especially applies to the first floor, under which there is often a basement or subfloor. In our article we will talk about how to insulate the floor on the first floor and more.

The most reliable way to protect against the cold is to use insulation, which can be in the form of blocks, rolls or bulk materials. When deciding on the best way to insulate a floor, you must choose between cost, thermal insulation properties and durability of the material.

Insulation of the basement space

Builders don't really care about airtightness when laying floors. Gaps most often remain in the basement space. You can even see them from the basement. The first thing to do is to seal the cracks in the ceiling. Small holes can be filled with putty from below. In a private house, insulation boards can be glued to the floor from the bottom side.

Polystyrene foam assembly adhesive is suitable here. How to make an insulated floor from below so that the slabs do not lag behind? To do this, they are additionally secured with parachute dowels, and the joints are foamed.

The obvious advantage of this method is that there is no need to break anything. Everything will remain as it was, and the house will become warm.

Insulation of a wooden floor

The old floorboard can be replaced with a new one. If it is in good condition, then the floor is carefully disassembled. In this case, you need to mark the boards so that you don’t waste time and effort on adjustment later. This is especially true for half-floors. Disassembly is done in order, so that you can put it back together in the same way. The nails are removed carefully so as not to damage the boards. When assembling the floor, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws, which create stronger connections and are easy to remove.

Before insulating the floor on the first floor, the cracks on top must be carefully sealed using polyurethane foam, putty and cement-sand mortar. The joists should be checked with a level and further strengthened. Otherwise, the floorboards will continue to creak as before. Construction stores sell racks that are screwed into joists and rest against the ceiling. They can also be made from steel studs.

The floor slabs are tightly laid with mineral wool, which should extend onto the walls. A budget solution is to use mats made of straw or sawdust, but they decompose over time. You can also use expanded clay, foam chips or slag. In principle, any insulation is suitable if it fulfills its functions. A layer of vapor barrier is laid underneath the ceiling to prevent moisture from accumulating, which will significantly deteriorate the properties of the insulation.

How to insulate a floor with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

If the floor is covered with ceramic tiles or cement screed, it can be insulated using thin sheets of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

Fiberboard and GVL plasterboard are also used. But their thermal insulation properties are much lower.

A layer of vapor barrier is placed on the concrete floor, and a layer of insulation and polyethylene film are placed on it. Then a screed made of cement or a special mixture is laid on top. It must be reinforced with mesh. To compensate for temperature fluctuations, an edge strip is laid around the perimeter of the wall. A new floor covering is installed on top: tiles, parquet, laminate or linoleum.

Insulating underlay for linoleum

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor can be solved in the simplest way using linoleum with a backing. It is the most common, cheap, easy-to-install and maintain coating. It is enough to cut it correctly and insert it under the baseboards.

The material consists of layers of PVC with a pattern, fiberglass and a substrate, which is often used as the same material on both sides, which prevents the coating from deforming when the temperature changes.

There is also insulation for linoleum floors. It represents the bottom layer, which can be made of jute or fabric.

Additional backing for linoleum

If the coating does not have the necessary protection from the cold from below, then additional substrates are used under the main coating: cork, linen and polystyrene foam. Cork is a good insulator, but it can also be used as an independent covering. Ordinary plywood or fiberboard also have heat-insulating properties, but the effect will be much greater if an additional layer of expanded polystyrene is placed underneath them. Insulation for floors under linoleum is best laid under plywood or fiberboard.

This is done as follows:

  • an insulating underlay is laid on a dry and level floor;
  • plywood is laid and secured to the floor with self-tapping screws;
  • Linoleum is covered on top and the edges are hidden under a plinth, which protects the substrate from water penetration.

This method is used in rooms with high ceilings.

How to connect a heated floor

Makes it possible to create uniform heat in the room. It is a heating system located under the covering, which gives the most favorable temperature distribution in the room along the height.

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor using electric heating can be solved in one of the following ways:

  1. with applied polymer it fits under any floor covering. It does not require pouring screed.
  2. the power of which varies depending on the temperature. It heats cold areas more, and warm areas less. It requires pouring a screed.
  3. Carbon fiber rods mounted on a fiberglass mesh can be filled with ordinary tile adhesive.

After installation, you need to know how to connect the heated floor. This requires a thermostat to which a heating cable is connected. All connections should be made according to the instructions, carefully following all steps.

Water heating is carried out using pipes with circulating hot water. They are laid under the floor or filled with screed. Heating is carried out through copper, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes, which are connected to the space heating system.

Floor heating can be distributed in such a way that individual areas are connected. To do this, a manifold with control valves is placed at the top.


Floors can be insulated by installing heat-insulating materials, used separately or as a backing for floor coverings. Thermal insulation panels at the bottom of the floors are especially effective. When installing them, there is no need to disassemble the floor above. In addition, you can install a heated floor system, which can be autonomous or part of the home heating system.

The most common option for constructing a foundation for small private houses, when a non-buried strip foundation(there is no basement), and the base of the floor is created directly on the existing soil. This is done where there is no threat of high standing groundwater, and the relief of the area is homogeneous, lying at approximately the same horizon level. If the soil is located at a large slope and the soil moisture is excessive throughout the year, it makes sense to make the base of the floor of the first floor of the house at a distance from the ground, leaving a ventilated space between them. We will look at the features of both flooring options in private homes in this article.

Features of the foundation structure

The advantage of floors that rest directly on the underlying soil layers is that they do not carry additional load on the foundation of a private house. The floors of the first floor, which are not in contact with the soil, provide for the construction of a kind of floor slab that rests on the foundation. Therefore, the second option requires taking these features into account when designing and calculating the required width of the base.

If the base of the ground floor floor is reinforced concrete slab, you should definitely take care of waterproofing the foundation itself and the place of its contact with the overlapping structure, especially if this option is chosen due to high humidity soil. A slab that is not insulated with a water barrier will draw moisture from the foundation, which will lead to its premature destruction and loss of strength, as well as the penetration of dampness into the house. In addition, care should be taken to ventilate the space between the ceiling and the soil, thereby reducing the level of humidity here.

Construction of the first floor floor on the ground

This method of arranging floors in a private house where there is no basement is considered the simplest in terms of execution and inexpensive in terms of materials costs. There are two main options that apply in this case:

  • installation of a concrete floor base (screed);
  • installation of wooden floors on joists.

Each of the presented options has its own characteristics, both in terms of the complex of necessary works and in terms of the final result. The choice often depends on which building material is the main one when constructing the house itself. If the walls are made of logs or timber, a wooden floor will be more organic. In a stone or brick building would be better suited screed But this is not an absolute pattern, so there may be other combinations.

Insulated concrete screed

A concrete base that is poured over the ground has long been used in all kinds of utility and technical buildings, such as garages, sheds, and warehouses. On the first floors of private houses without a basement, concrete screeds began to be used as a basis for the finishing floor covering relatively recently. Several factors influenced the popularization of this method, such as:

  • the need to create smooth horizontal surfaces, which is required by some types of modern floor coverings;
  • the emergence of accessible materials for effective thermal insulation;
  • installation of water heated floor systems for heating.

Now we will step by step consider how to properly create a concrete screed on the ground on the first floor of private houses.

Preparation and rough filling

Preparatory work begin with compacting the soil and adding a cushion for the rough screed. You can compact the soil either manually, using a simple device in the form of a piece of log with an attached double-sided handle, or using mechanical devices that exist for these purposes. In order for the compaction process to be most effective, the soil surface is abundantly moistened with water.

The initial layer of bedding is selected based on its total thickness. If the distance from the soil to the level of the intended floor is significant (more than 25-30 cm), the most accessible material is used first. It could be construction garbage or clay.

Next, the pillow is formed by a layer of coarse crushed stone, the thickness of which should be about 10 cm. The gravel creates a rigid base, roughly levels the surface and prevents possible capillary rise of moisture from the underlying layers. A sand (or small crushed stone) cushion about 5-7 cm thick is formed on top of the gravel. The quality of the sand does not play a role here, so a clay-rich quarry option is quite suitable. The sand cushion is leveled as much as possible, after which a durable polyethylene film is laid. The latter performs two functions:

  • first layer of waterproofing;
  • an obstacle to water contained in concrete.

The film is laid completely, extending up to 15 cm onto the walls. Now you can pour the rough layer of concrete. For these purposes, a lean solution is usually prepared, where the ratio of fillers (sand and crushed stone) and cement is approximately 9:1. Here, instead of crushed stone, if possible, you can use expanded clay. A cushion made of expanded clay concrete will provide additional insulation for the base of the floor. The rough screed is formed in a layer of about 10 cm. Despite the fact that the initial filling should not have an ideal surface, it is advisable to level it more thoroughly. This will facilitate further waterproofing and installation of insulation.

Important! Sand of any kind is not suitable for preparing concrete. The quarry material contains a lot of clay, which will sharply reduce the strength of the concrete slab and lead to its cracking. For these purposes you need river sand or washed, including for the preparation of expanded clay concrete composition.

The rough layer is usually not reinforced, since the load on it is small. After pouring, a break in work is necessary to allow the concrete to gain strength. Although the material completely crystallizes within 26-28 days, it is enough to wait a week. During this time, concrete with sufficient moisture gains about 70% strength. During this period, you need to ensure proper hydration. concrete surface, especially if the work is carried out during the hot season. To do this, you should generously wet the maturing concrete 1-2 times a day.

How to waterproof and insulate a floor?

For the main waterproofing layer, it is better to use not a polyethylene fabric, but a full-fledged one, reliable material. Here it will be sufficient to treat the rough concrete base with bitumen followed by laying the rolled material. Roofing felt or hydroglass insulation will do. The rolls are rolled out, overlapping adjacent strips by 10-15 cm. In this case, hot gluing may not be used, but it is necessary to treat the joints with bituminous material. Roll material laid with an approach to the wall surface above the level of the intended finishing screed.

You can insulate the floor with dense polystyrene foam (it is cheaper) or extruded polystyrene foam. The second is preferable for these purposes, since it is much stronger, absolutely hydrophobic, and its slabs usually have tongue/groove joining elements at the edges, which greatly simplifies its installation. The seams between the insulation sheets can be filled with polyurethane foam or treated with special glue. Foam also needs to go through the gaps around the perimeter of the room between the wall and polystyrene foam.

Finishing fill

For these purposes, a solution is prepared with a normal ratio of 4:2:1, or 3:3:1, where crushed stone, sand, and cement are respectively. Before final pouring of concrete, it is necessary to lay a mesh for reinforcement and install beacons, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve a strictly horizontal surface.

Reinforcing mesh can be used metal with a cell of 100 mm, or rigid plastic. The reinforcing elements are laid with an overlap (1-2 cells), not reaching the wall by about 1.5 cm. Here, a damper tape is glued around the perimeter, which is designed to compensate for temperature changes linear dimensions screeds. The mesh should not lie on the insulation, but should be located approximately in the center of the concrete layer. To do this, use special stands or improvised means (bottle caps, brick fragments, etc.).

After installing the final subfloor and carefully leveling it (grinding or self-leveling solutions), all that remains is to wait for it to fully mature and begin laying the final floor covering.

Installation of wooden floors

Despite the wide variety of modern floor coverings, wooden floors have a lot of adherents among consumers. This can be understood taking into account the fact that wood is the most environmentally friendly material, which can create a favorable microclimate in a residential area. Moreover, modern boards, which are used for flooring, make it possible to create an ideal surface without cracks, which in appearance is in no way inferior to parquet.

The classic method of laying floor boards involves the presence of logs - wooden beams that are arranged in parallel with a certain step, which depends on the thickness of the floor wooden layer. On the ground floor of a private house, when the installation of floors is carried out on the underlying soil, the preparatory and intermediate work before creating a rough foundation and its waterproofing is no different from that described above. That is, to install a high-quality wooden floor, you also need a reliable, leveled concrete base.

After installation load-bearing beams the floor should be insulated. The use of expanded polystyrene here is undesirable, since these materials do not allow steam to pass through, which can cause water condensation to form, which will adversely affect the wood. In addition, foam plastic, for example, can be favored by rodents, which will lead to some discomfort.

For a wooden floor on the joists of the first floor of a private house, it is better to use mineral wool, or rather one of its varieties. However, when laying mineral wool, you should take care of the moisture insulation of the insulation. If a hydraulic barrier has already been created from below (on top of the rough screed), then all that remains is to arrange upper layer hydrobarrier film.