How to add dolomite flour in spring. Dolomite flour: application, application features

Dolomite flour used as magnesium fertilizer (20 g per 1 m2) when digging and for liming acidic soils (from 150 to 300 g per 1 m2). Dolomite flour is used for potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes when grown in greenhouses.

Dolomite flour It can be natural and obtained by crushing and grinding limestones and dolomites (limestone (dolomitized) flour).

Dolomite natural flour.With a humidity of no more than 12%, it contains 80% (or more) carbonates calculated as CaCO 3 and consists of calcium and magnesium carbonates with various impurities. In terms of granulometric composition, it usually represents a mass of 50-70%< 0,25 мм и не менее 85 % < 5 мм. Это очень ценное известковое удобрение, которое благодаря содержащемуся магнию может быть гораздо эффективнее известняковой муки на почвах легкого гранулометрического состава.

Limestone (dolomitized) and dolomite flour. It is obtained by grinding dolomite, which contains 25-32% CaO and 14-21% MgO, and in terms of CaCO 3 - 79.7-110.8%. In Russia (in accordance with GOST 14050-78), limestone flour is produced in two classes and two grades, and for each of them in dusty (humidity up to 1.5%) and low-dusty (4-6% moisture) forms. The varieties differ in their neutralizing ability - grade I is no less than 88%, grade II is no less than 85% CaCO 3, and granulometric composition - the first class has a finer grind than the second. The classes within the varieties differ only in their granulometric composition - the second class is more finely ground than the first, by fraction:< 0,25 мм на 5-10%, < 1 мм на 3-10%. Данные полевых опытов в среднем за пять лет, обобщенные в ВИУА, показали, что наиболее эффективна тонко размолотая (менее 0,25 мм) фракция известняковой муки. Снижение эффективности известняковой муки с изменением гранулометрического состава (увеличением содержания крупных частиц >0.25 mm) increases significantly during the transition from pure limestones to more dolomitized ones, i.e., with an increase in the hardness of the ground rocks.

Shelf-life Unlimited.

What does adding dolomite flour give?

  • neutralization of soil acidity;
  • enrichment of soil with calcium and magnesium;
  • improvement physical and chemical properties soils and their structure;
  • increasing the efficiency of organic and mineral fertilizers(the number of available forms increases);
  • the living conditions of microorganisms beneficial to plants are improved (by reducing acidity);
  • radionuclides are bound (the environmental situation improves);
  • negatively affects chitinous cover harmful insects.

Efficiency of using dolomite flour

Dolomite flour is especially effective on magnesium-poor sandy and sandy loam soils. When applying full doses dolomite flour The negative effect of liming on potatoes and flax is absent or significantly less than when applying full doses of other lime fertilizers. The quality of lime fertilizers is assessed not only by the content of compounds that neutralize soil acidity, it also depends on the fineness (fineness) of grinding. The finer the dolomite flour is ground, the faster and more completely it interacts with the soil and neutralizes acidity faster. The effectiveness of dolomite flour increases with the simultaneous application of boron and copper microfertilizers (boric acid and copper sulfate).

The application of dolomite flour significantly increases the effectiveness of organic and mineral fertilizers. On acidic soils, decomposition accelerates after liming. organic fertilizers, and the latter enhance the positive effect of lime on the properties of the soil. When applying lime and manure together, you can halve the dose of manure, but the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers will not decrease.

The effectiveness of liming is greatly influenced by the uniform distribution of lime fertilizers over the surface of the site and the quality of their mixing with the soil. When applying full and half doses, the method of incorporation of dolomite flour should ensure mixing of fertilizers at the depth of soil cultivation.

Timing and methods of adding dolomite flour

Dolomite flour is added as in open ground, and in greenhouses and greenhouses. The frequency of application is once every 3-4 years.

All lime fertilizers have a long-lasting effect. The greatest effect of liming appears 2-3 years after application, then the acidity of the soil begins to increase and the need for repeated liming arises. Accelerates the process of soil acidification by applying high doses physiologically acidic fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, etc.). Accordingly, the more often such fertilizers are used, the more often it is necessary to apply dolomite flour. But this should be done only after preliminary analysis soil acidity. The relationship of crops to soil acidity should also be taken into account, since some crops require more acidic soils, some less. Dolomite flour should be used especially carefully for indoor plants, since applying high doses without proper control is common mistake lovers.

  • Acidic soils (pH< 4,5) - 500-600 г/м 2
  • Medium acid (pH 4.5-5.2) - 450-500 g/m2
  • Slightly acidic (pH 5.2-5.6) - 350-450 g/m2

For potatoes and tomatoes, dolomite flour is added in the fall when digging the site. Under vegetable crops, especially cabbage, dolomite flour is added before planting.

For stone fruits It is necessary to annually apply 1-2 kg per tree over the area of ​​the trunk circle after harvesting. For black currants, apply 0.5-1 kg per bush once every 2 years. Dolomite flour is not used for gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, and sorrel.

Dolomite flour and lime cannot be mixed with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, simple superphosphate, granulated superphosphate, double superphosphate, manure.


  1. Yagodin B.A. and others. Agrochemistry/Under. ed. B.A. Yagodina. - M.: Kolos, 2002 - 584 p., ill. (Textbook)

Even if you don't exercise agriculture seriously, just keep a small garden plot, you’ve still heard about such a product as dolomite flour. It is regularly used to improve the composition of the soil, as it is recognized as the most effective, environmentally friendly and affordable. What is dolomite flour and what are the rules for its use, we will talk in this article.

Why use dolomite flour fertilizer?

The production of this product is based on the fine crushing of limestone rock called dolomite, rich in calcium (substance formula CaCO3 * MgCO3), which under normal conditions is displaced from the surface by hydrogen ions, which significantly increases the acidity of the earth and worsens its characteristics, both physical and chemical.

First, it is recommended to level out the acidity of the soil, and then adjust the ratio of the proportions of calcium and hydrogen in it. Otherwise, the development of cultivated crops will be significantly slowed down. This is the purpose of powdered dolomite as one of the most active substances, often in combination with other auxiliary agents.

Dolomite flour is one of the cheapest and most effective fertilizers

Dolomite flour consists of tiny crystals that have a luster similar to glass. The color of the powder can be:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • reddish;
  • brown.

In addition to the fact that the substance contains 8% more pure calcium than the usual lime, it also contains magnesium (40% of the total mass), which helps in the development garden crops and their resistance to many diseases, including brown spotting and chlorosis.

This fertilizer is a limestone rock, dolomite, crushed into flour.

Once the acidity level of the soil and its composition are determined, you may need to adjust these indicators. If you decide to use dolomite flour, you will need a calculation required quantity substances.

Table for calculating the amount of dolomite

Rules of application

If the garden has light soil sand type, reduce the amount of product by one and a half times. In the presence of heavy clay soil, on the contrary, you need to increase it by 10–15%.

Any season is suitable for working with dolomite powder, but it is recommended to carry out deoxidation activities in the autumn season, after harvesting. Over the winter, the soil will rest and be enriched with useful substances. Fertilizer can be applied to the greenhouse in the spring, during the first digging of the soil: in a greenhouse, the required temperature and humidity are established much faster.

Spread the product over the surface in an even layer and immediately loosen it to a depth of 10–15 cm, immediately mixing it with the soil. If you simply scatter the fertilizer, its effect will not appear until a year later, when rains and melted snow wash everything deep into the soil. The same applies to stationary greenhouses with artificial irrigation.

How dolomite powder combines with the main plants cultivated in the garden

The crops most commonly grown in the garden interact differently with soil types. Based on this, recommendations have been made that define the principles of applying dolomite for certain plants.

Nowadays, adjusting the soil condition according to Mittleider is very popular. Add 7–8 g of boric acid to 1 kg of powdered dolomite and use the mixture for digging each time you change crops in the beds. For peat bogs and heavy soils, 200 g of mixture per 1 m of bed will be required, for light soil - 100 g.

Deoxidizing the soil with dolomite flour is unlikely to immediately produce noticeable results. But by regularly cultivating your garden for 2-3 years, you will see the effect of a good harvest. Now you know the rules for using dolomite fertilizer to regulate and deoxidize the soil, and the work you put into the garden will bring long-awaited results.

Dolomite or limestone flour is currently one of the most popular fertilizers. Summer residents often use it to improve the condition of the soil. This mineral additive is used as a soil oxidizer. Its application ensures that the soil is enriched with microelements. Moreover, thanks to the use of this mineral composition owner summer cottage makes it easier to fight weeds and some insects.

This fertilizer of organic origin increases the yield, while the grown fruits are absolutely safe for humans.

Dolomite flour: what is it, what is it for?

Dolomite flour fertilizer is obtained by grinding dolomite rock, which belongs to the group of limestones. In its composition the main component is calcium. This one chemical element is displaced from the soil under the influence of hydrogen ions. As a result, a situation arises when the acidity of the soil increases, while its physical and chemical properties decrease.

Among all the fertilizers that are offered in gardening stores, dolomite flour is one of the most affordable, while is highly effective. If acidic soil predominates in your area, then you can easily level out the acidity using this additive, and after that, using this fertilizer, you can easily regulate the balance of hydrogen and calcium. The best effect can be achieved if other fertilizers are used along with dolomite flour.


Dolomite flour contains elements such as calcium and magnesium. Thanks to them, limestone flour introduced into the soil in a positive way affects the composition of the soil, as well as affects acidity, which returns to normal values.

In most cases, summer residents purchase a limestone mineral composition in order to deoxidize the soil. This is the main property that is inherent in this supplement. When applying fertilizer, the acidity reaches such values ​​that make it possible to ensure good conditions for plant growth. Note that this supplement has other positive properties. Important ones include the following:

  • the use of dolomite composition leads to improved soil structure;
  • By fertilizing the garden with this mineral supplement, colonies of microorganisms appear in the soil, which have a healing effect on it;
  • when dolomite flour is periodically added to the soil, the upper layer becomes saturated, in which a high concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium occurs;
  • the content of calcium and magnesium in the soil increases;
  • plants are better cleared of radionuclides.

When to deposit?

You can use dolomite flour on your site at any time of the year. It is usually applied directly before adding other fertilizers to the soil. This is due to the fact that this mineral composition does not organically interact with all additives.

Already in early spring Dolomite flour is sprinkled on a summer cottage used by the owner to grow vegetables. Experienced gardeners do this several weeks before planting. The application of such fertilizer improves the soil structure, and, in addition, allows you to sanitize the soil. For many cultures this is a very important point. In particular, for potatoes, which are quite often affected by various diseases.

Thanks to the dolomite additive, the occurrence of diseases of this crop and their spread are eliminated. An important advantage the use of this fertilizer for growing potatoes is that dolomite flour, when applied ensures the destruction of insects. As a result, this has a positive effect on the development of potatoes, as well as on the yield of this crop. Adding dolomite flour to the soil can effectively eliminate:

One of the properties of dolomite flour is that it sanitizes the soil. This is especially important in the spring. With the arrival of the first warmth, gardeners apply this fertilizer as a fertilizer for indoor plants. When soil cultivation in the garden is carried out using such a mineral component, then fungal diseases do not occur on plants grown in greenhouses. This has a positive effect on the harvest, and, in addition, provides better preservation of the resulting fruits and berries.

Note that dolomite flour is added to the soil in the garden not only in the spring, but also with the onset of autumn. During this period of the year, fertilizer is used for processing and feeding fruit plants and bushes. In such cases, experienced gardeners recommend adding about 2 kg of dolomite flour to each fruit tree. The bait is introduced along the edge of the tree trunk circle with a slight depth. For shrubs, the fertilizer application rate is 0.5 kg. The mineral composition is introduced according to the same scheme as for fruit trees.

Deadlines for depositing

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use a fertilizer such as limestone flour once every 3-4 years. The frequency of application of this fertilizer to the soil is largely depends on soil pH level. For example, if the site is dominated by heavy clay soils, then the gardener must add dolomite flour every year. If main goal The use of this fertilizer is to improve the quality of the soil near the trees, then once every 2 years it is necessary to sprinkle 1-2 kg of groundbait under them.

Dolomite flour should be added directly after harvest. To feed shrubs, lime flour is applied to each plant in an amount of 0.5-1 kg. With the onset of spring, it is recommended to water beets and clematis with a weak solution of dolomite flour.

Not for all plants you can use this fertilizer. In particular, such a mineral composition should not be used in relation to gooseberries and sorrel. When using this additive, the development of these plants slows down, which leads to a decrease in crop yields.

Dolomite flour must be added before planting plants in a greenhouse. It should also be applied before disembarkation. indoor plants. After application, the mineral component should be mixed with the substrate. Using this fertilizer as a top dressing can significantly improve the development of orchids, violets and hyacinths.

Method of application

The use of this fertilizer to improve plant growth and increase yield is advisable on all types of acidic soils. This mineral supplement can be used not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn. Some gardeners add it even in winter. Note that you can fertilize with a mineral composition from dolomite not only open, but also closed ground . An important point is correct execution liming procedures using dolomite flour. Only in this case can you bring maximum benefit plants. Backfilling is carried out using one of two methods:

  • Mittleider;
  • Makuni.

Mitlider technology

Having chosen this method, the gardener must follow all the recommendations contained in the instructions for applying fertilizers, which were developed by Mittleider. This method is suitable for small areas. The method itself involves diluting dolomite flour boric acid in the amount of 78 g per 1 kg of fertilizer. The resulting mixture is used to apply to the soil simultaneously with other mineral fertilizers.

If on site heavy soil prevails, then on narrow beds needed for 1 linear meter use 200 g flour. Into the soil light type, apply 100 g of fertilizer. This method of application involves simply scattering the fertilizer over the surface of the soil. This should be done as evenly as possible. Having completed this manipulation, the fertilizing is plowed to a slight depth.

B.M Makuni method

This method of feeding plants was developed by B.M Makuni. However, it is more focused on preparing soil mixtures for indoor plants. Using this method involves performing the following actions:

  • first you need to prepare the necessary components for preparing the fertilizer mixture: dolomite flour - 1 tablespoon; superphosphate - 1 tablespoon; charcoal in crushed form - 0.5 liters; Saintpaulia soil - half a packet;
  • Before starting the manipulation, you need to add 1 part of garden soil and sphagnum moss to the bucket in which the fertilizing mixture will be prepared. After this, you should add two parts of high-moor peat and add 0.5 parts river sand. Dolomite mixture should be poured on top, and then all parts should be mixed.

What fertilizers cannot be used with dolomite flour?

Every gardener will agree that limestone flour is good fertilizer. However, there are certain types of mineral supplements that share This feeding is not allowed. The list of such fertilizers includes:

  • ammonium sulfate;
  • superphosphate various types;
  • manure and compost.

Dolomite flour: how to use it in the garden

The acidity of the soil in your area largely determines the amount mineral fertilizing based on dolomite, which will need to be added to the soil. The mechanical composition of the soil also matters. Experienced gardeners recommend average rates for adding dolomite flour:

if on site acidic soils predominate(medium reaction less than 4.5), then it is recommended for one square meter apply fertilizing in an amount of 500-600 g;

for soil of medium acidity(medium reaction from 4.5 to 5.2) dolomite flour should be added per square meter in an amount of 450 to 500 g;

if the site is dominated slightly acidic soils(medium reaction 5.2-5.6) it is necessary to apply this fertilizer in an amount of 310-415 g.

If the area is dominated by clay soil heavy type, then the amount of fertilizer should be increased by 10-15%. If the soil is of a light type, then the amount of this fertilizing needs to be reduced by 50%.

Before deciding on the amount of fertilizer, you need to find out what type of soil is on your site. This is quite easy to do thanks to special tests and instruments, which can be purchased at gardening stores. It is worth noting that when adding dolomite flour, the effectiveness of this fertilizer increases markedly if copper sulfate and boric acid are added together with it.


Crops grown on your own plot will grow well and produce decent harvest only if they are fertilized and regularly watered. There are many mineral supplements available today. One of the most popular among gardeners is dolomite flour, the use of which is quite simple. The bait is shallowly buried under trees and bushes, and then plowed up. In order for the use of this mineral composition to bring maximum benefit to plants, you should know how to apply this fertilizer correctly. This fertilizer does not combine organically with all fertilizers. Knowing all the nuances of using this mineral composition, you can collect good harvest on your site.

Dolomite is a rock that is 95% composed of the mineral dolomite. The main features of such rocks were first described by the French geological engineer Dolomier, from whose surname the mineral got its name. At specialized enterprises large stones the rocks are ground into flour, dried, and stored packaged in bags and sacks. Gardeners interested in improving the soil use dolomite flour as a fertilizer and a means to reduce soil acidity in their gardens.

Why do you need to reduce soil acidity?

Chemical reactions occurring in the soil can negatively affect the ability of plants to absorb nutrients beneficial for their growth and development. nutrients. As a result of such reactions, free hydrogen ions accumulate in the soil, which block the access of necessary substances to the root system of the plant. Acidity is determined by the number of hydrogen compounds in the composition earthen soil(pH). This value can be determined in special laboratories.

Vegetables and fruit and berry crops prefer soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. A pH value of 7.0 is considered neutral, a figure below this value indicates increased acidity soil, if it is above this mark, then the soil is alkaline.

Attention! Even within one summer cottage, this indicator can differ significantly; soil samples for laboratory determination of pH must be taken from several small areas.

If it is determined that the soil composition has a pH value below 7.0, it should be neutralized using dolomite flour. The video explains in detail how to do this correctly, in addition, you can see with your own eyes the whole process of adding dolomite flour to the soil.

Apply the substance depending on the acidity of the soil

Useful properties and applications in gardening

Dolomite flour rocks has many beneficial properties, which have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and shrubs:

  • the use of flour reduces the number of weeds in the beds that grow in acidic soil;
  • it stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and insects living in the soil, which contributes to good growth and development of fruit crops;
  • the beneficial effects of other fertilizers become more noticeable due to a decrease in the blocking effect of hydrogen ions;
  • has a destructive effect on harmful insects, grinding their tissues and integuments like an abrasive material;
  • vegetables and fruits not damaged by pests are stored longer, their presentation is much better;
  • the high calcium content in dolomite promotes good survival and development of the plant’s root system, the roots become strong and absorb nutrients well, almost do not get sick, and are not affected by rot;
  • adding flour is a process that allows you to grow an environmentally friendly crop of vegetables, fruits and berry crops, flour neutralizes the effect of salts heavy metals, settling in the soil;
  • magnesium, which is part of dolomite, forms sufficient quantity chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.

Advice. If it is impossible to determine the acidity of the soil in the laboratory, you can use folk remedies: vinegar or grape juice, because the pH accuracy of small summer cottages not required.

When to Apply Fertilizer

The timing of adding flour is not regulated: in spring, summer or autumn you can use it for garden plots and in vegetable gardens:

  1. In the spring, usually April-May, flour is scattered onto the beds, then I dig them up and loosen them.
  2. From August to November, flour is applied around trees and shrubs in a circle of 2 meters. One trunk will require about 2 kg, a bush - half as much.
  3. Even in winter you can fill a certain area, the main thing is that it is level, and melt water, enriched with dolomite flour, were absorbed into the ground, rather than flowing down an inclined plane.
  4. In summer, dolomite is used as a top dressing that destroys pests.

Flour should be added only to acidified areas of soil; it is not recommended to do this in neutral and alkaline soils. Such uncontrolled use can negatively affect plant growth and bed productivity due to excess calcium.

Flour can be used in greenhouses, adding only 100 g per 1 square meter. There is no need to dig up the earth after this, since flour delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, which is very important for plants planted indoors.

All kinds of plants are grown in vegetable gardens and orchards, all of them prefer different composition soil: acidic, neutral or alkaline, so you need to have a specific approach to each crop. If necessary, apply dolomite only to areas where it is required.

The use of dolomite flour helps to increase productivity and excellent plant growth, be patient and use it constantly. In 2-3 years, after the quality of the soil has improved, you will notice this, and you will not regret the labor and time spent; your pets will only delight you with their fertility.

Dolomite flour: video

Almost every plant grower knows about the existence of limestone flour (dolomite flour). The phrase dolomite flour is constantly heard by all summer residents and gardeners. However, despite the wide popularity of this substance, few people know how to use it correctly and for what purposes. Let's look at what dolomite flour is made from and what it is.

Dolomite (limestone) flour: general characteristics

Many novice plant growers are concerned about the question of what dolomite flour is and when it should be added to achieve maximum results. Dolomite flour has been used in gardening and plant growing for a very long time. It is a coarse substance obtained by crushing and grinding carbonate minerals, most of of which are dolomites. Dolomite flour has a simple composition, chemical formula dolomite CaMg(CO2). The main thing is active substance– this is calcium.

The main reason for soil acidification is the displacement of calcium from the soil by hydrogen ions. To improve the quality of the soil and stabilize the pH, it is recommended to maintain the balance of hydrogen and calcium ions artificially using dolomite flour or other means.

Properties of dolomite flour: benefits of using it in the garden

Dolomite flour is most often used in crop production. Due to the fact that it contains a large number of calcium and magnesium, dolomite limestone flour is used to improve the composition of the soil and its deoxidation.

However, dolomite flour is used not only to bring soil parameters to optimal parameters for growing plants; its application provides the grower with a number of important advantages:

  • improvement of soil structure;
  • saturation upper layers soils with easily digestible forms of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus;
  • promoting the development of beneficial soil bacteria;
  • increasing the content of magnesium and calcium in the soil;
  • acceleration of the removal of radionuclides from plants;
  • improved absorption useful substances plants;
  • activation of photosynthesis processes.

Dolomite flour: how to apply lime fertilizer

To get the maximum result from adding dolomite flour, you need to know how to use it correctly. Before using dolomite flour in spring or autumn, you must first measure the acidity of the soil, since the amount of fertilizer applied depends on this parameter.

Important! When using dolomite flour to deoxidize the soil, try to strictly adhere to the dosage, since its excessive application can significantly change the soil parameters and make it unsuitable for growing plants.

The addition of dolomite flour will allow you to quickly optimize the basic soil biological processes, which has a positive effect on plant development.

Dolomite flour is actually safe, but in order to achieve maximum results from application, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.

It is best to apply dolomite flour in the fall, but if absolutely necessary, it can also be used in spring and summer.

Did you know? Fine dolomite flour can be used to spray plants as effective remedy to combat insect pests, as it has a destructive effect on their chitinous shell.

When applying the drug, it should be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the area to a depth of no more than 15 centimeters. If it is not possible to add the drug to the soil, you can scatter it over the surface of the beds. However, in this case, the effect of its use will become noticeable no earlier than after 12 months.

Dolomite flour is an absolutely safe substance for humans, birds and animals, and therefore even if it is scattered over a pasture, it will not cause any harm to the health of the herd.

Important! Remember: dolomite flour is not recommended to be added to the soil along with ammonium nitrate, urea and superphosphates.

Timing for adding dolomite flour

Limestone flour is applied once every three or four years, the frequency of application depends on the pH level of the soil. For example, to improve the performance of heavy clay soils Dolomite flour should be added annually.

If dolomite flour is used to improve the quality of soil near trees, 1 to 2 kilograms of the product are added to each tree once every two years after harvesting. If you are feeding the bushes, then you will need to add 0.5 to 1 kilogram of lime flour under each plant.

Did you know? It is not recommended to apply dolomite flour to plants that prefer acidic soils, such as sorrel or gooseberries, as this will affect the rate of their development and yield.

Dolomite flour should also be added before planting greenhouse or indoor plants; after adding it, it is thoroughly mixed with the substrate. Its application has a positive effect on the development of orchids, violets and hyacinths. Systematic application of dolomite flour to the soil can increase the yield of garden crops from 4 to 12 percent.

How to use dolomite flour correctly: consumption rates

Dolomite flour can be used at any time of the year, it is safe, and in addition, it does not interfere with the absorption of other nutrients by plants. However, most often the product is applied in the spring a few weeks before the plants begin to be planted in the ground. When using dolomite flour, it is not recommended to apply it simultaneously with other fertilizers, since it does not organically interact with all types of them.

Now let's look at how to deoxidize the soil with dolomite flour correctly:


Other soil deoxidizers: what else can you use to lime the soil?

After harvesting, gardeners put a lot of effort into obtaining good results and next year. Special attention require perennials, which delight plant growers with their fruits for many years. A good fertile plot with an optimal pH level is very rare, and therefore timely application of fertilizers and reduction of acidity is the key to annual excellent harvests.

Did you know? Acidic soils are characterized by a high content of salts of heavy metals such as aluminum or manganese, which reduce the rate of development of most garden crops.

If soils are highly acidic, they are deoxidized using dolomite flour, fluff lime or wood ash.

Fluff lime is a white powder that easily dissolves in water. When it is mixed with water, the grower receives slaked lime. This substance is very often used in the production of lime fertilizers and is one of important components in the production of bleach.

Fluff lime is used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of garden diseases and pests. Now let's look at what is better - dolomite flour or lime.

To deoxidize the soil, fluff lime will require virtually the same amount as dolomite flour. But the main disadvantage of fluff lime is that it can only be used once every 6 or 8 years, since it provokes the occurrence of specific processes in the soil that can negatively affect its quality. And besides, lime does not have this effect positive impact on the ground, like dolomite flour.

Wood ash

Many plant growers use wood ash not only as excellent fertilizer, but also as an excellent soil deoxidizer. It loosens the soil and improves its moisture and breathability. The use of wood ash is advisable on all types of acidic soils.