What formulas are needed for the OGE in geography. Preparing for the OGE in Geography

Speech by geography teacher L.N. Denisova 12/29/2017
at the Pedagogical Council of MBOU "School No. 70" on the topic
“Forms of work with students in preparation for the State Examination in the form of the OGE in Geography.”
Geography is the only school subject of an ideological nature,

forming in students a holistic, comprehensive, systemic understanding of the Earth
as a planet of people. The scope of this subject includes natural and
public objects and phenomena.
The general goal of geographical education of schoolchildren is to form a comprehensive
educated person, in a narrower sense, this goal is to master
students with a complete system of geographical knowledge and skills, as well as
the possibilities of their use in various life situations.
Final certification in 9th grade is aimed at identifying the level of knowledge
students of individual concepts and provisions included in the system of geography, skills
use this knowledge in the analysis and assessment of real social processes and
phenomena, socialization of the individual. Thus, speaking about preparing students for
state (final) certification should be in
not mechanical in appearance
coaching, but a good knowledge of the geography course in all its aspects.
Completion of 9th grade can be considered as a definite milestone in studying
subject. Schoolchildren have already studied a fairly wide range of issues that form the core
geographical knowledge. At the same time, they have to decide on the direction
specialized training in high school. The results obtained during certification can
become in this situation some guidelines for both the student and the teacher.
The volume of knowledge, the range of skills that students should possess by this moment,
is fixed in the mandatory minimum content of education and in the federal
component of the state educational standard. Adequately determine
to what extent are the universal parameters and requirements established by these
documents, allow uniform control measuring materials.
The results of state certification allow us to draw certain conclusions about
level of training of primary school graduates, develop uniform requirements for
educational achievements of students, create an effective system
training of ninth grade graduates. Thus, it increases responsibility
educational institution and subject teacher for the quality of preparation
students at the basic level general education.

I begin my work in preparing for the OGE by introducing students to
specification and CMM codifier. Students then do the input work (as
rule this is a trial OGE version).
This work makes it possible to determine the student’s level of knowledge. To understand that
the graduate knows what gaps in knowledge there are, what tasks to pay special attention to
attention. Great importance has diagnostics. The first and subsequent works allow
trace the dynamics of students’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Such diagnostics
makes it possible to work through problematic issues and see an objective picture
preparation for the OGE.

1. Thematic repetition of the material.
2.Completing test training tasks.
3.Working with OGE and Unified State Exam forms.
4.Psychological recommendations when passing the OGE and the Unified State Exam.
The entire process of preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam is divided into four stages:
Techniques for preparing for the State Examination

Group and individual consultations
Getting to know the work structure

 Solving demo options
 Analysis of theoretical material on the main sections of the work
 Practical work with the map
 Reading a topographic map, profile
 Synoptic map analysis
 Study of industrial location factors
 Repetition of motion theory lithospheric plates
 Drawing up systematizing tables:
a) “Natural areas”, “ Climate zones", "Soils", "Flora and fauna"
b) Slogans
c) Personalities
Didactic material
 Demo options
 Examination material (school GIA optional)
 Handouts: climatograms, topographic maps, profiles,
synoptic maps
 Texts of the trial OGE
 Statistical tables
Methods of preparing for exams
1. Working with text
Three groups of skills that make up the skill of semantic reading of geographical texts
1. General understanding of the text and orientation in it.
2. Deep understanding of the content and form of the text
3. Using information to solve problems without or with involvement
additional knowledge.
Where to begin?
Selection of popular science or informational texts. General requirements:
 educational value of the text;
 taking into account the life experience and cognitive experience of students;
sufficient quantity elements of information to develop 3 tasks,
aimed at assessing skills different groups;
 the content of the text should allow one to formulate geographical issues,
arising in a specific situation: “where?”, “why here?”, “why
Is this exactly how it is here and not otherwise?” and etc.
 the content of the text must have either personal or social significance.
Tasks 14, 20, 23, 25, 30
2. Techniques for working with cartographic sources in geography lessons:
orientation technique;
compiling descriptions of territories;
cartographic modeling;
drawing up characteristics of territories;
cartographic techniques (construction of profiles, drawing up contour maps,
cartographic techniques (reading and analyzing the content of maps, determining
coordinates, depths, etc.

Usage geographical maps atlas when performing exam paper
Task 2 – working with the administrative-political map of Russia (border
Task 3 – working with thematic maps of the “Nature of Russia” section (8th grade)
Task 5 – working with thematic maps of the section “Economy of Russia” (grade 9)
Task 7 – working with thematic maps of the section “Population of Russia” (grade 89)
Tasks 1011 – working with a synoptic map
Task 14 – definition geographical coordinates
Task 17 working with the map “Population Density of Russia”
Task 1821 – working with a topographic map
Task 22 work with the administrative-political map
Task 24 – working with a map of time zones
3. Techniques for working with statistical materials.
A statistical method is a set of techniques for collecting, processing, analyzing and
interpretation of quantitative data characterizing various natural and
socio-economic phenomena.
The method of work was first developed by N.N. Baransky.
Its order is as follows:
 read the title,
 read the unit of measurement,
 read the line headings and columns,
 read line by line and column by rounding numbers,
 draw a conclusion about what you learn.
Tasks 89, 16, 27, 2829
Statistical indicators in geography textbooks are presented as:
Absolute values have informative value, with their help they are given
the size of geographical phenomena, for example, the size of the territory, population
population. They are expressed in:
Natural units of measurement (tons, kg, m²).
Conditionally natural (tons of equivalent fuel).
Cost (give a monetary value).
Relative values ​​express the result of comparing absolute values
with each other, allow us to detect certain patterns in changes
geographical phenomena, such as average temperatures, population density, etc.
Methods and forms of training students in the classroom
The most effective forms of training
Forms of organization educational activities(individual, group,

Most effective form training in preparing students for the OGE is
group or individual.
The use of group forms of training, for example in pre-professional training or
in elective classes in geography, allows students to be subjects of educational
educational process: set a goal, plan its achievement,
independently acquire new knowledge, control comrades and themselves, evaluate
the results of the activities of their comrades and themselves.
A very important role is played by the ability of students to correctly ask questions and answer questions.
them, to express one’s opinion (even if erroneous), the ability to criticize and understand
criticize, persuade, explain, prove, evaluate, conduct dialogue and give a speech.

Forms of organization training sessions(traditional lesson, lecture, discussion,
All this is applicable to group learning and develops thinking and
memory, as well as cognitive skills (compare, analyze, synthesize).

conversation, training testing, etc.)
The traditional lesson is no longer suitable as a form of organizing an educational lesson.
More acceptable forms organization of training sessions are repetition lessons,
generalization and systematization of the material being studied, as well as a lesson in testing and evaluation
knowledge, abilities and skills (in the form of OGE tests).
Features of the teaching methodology (in what order are exam papers taken?
assignments: from the first question to the last, by topic, by section). Advantages
the chosen method.
The peculiarity of the teaching methodology is based on the results of the initial
At first school year, students taking the OGE write the test in the form of the OGE. On
based on their mistakes, topics that need to be worked on are compiled (in geography
each question corresponds to a specific topic). Each topic is discussed initially
separately. Then, in February, re-testing takes place, which shows
results of repetition, generalization and systematization of previously studied material. After
what students train to do is to consistently answer all testing questions (so,
as it will be in the exams).
The most effective teaching principles:
Of the most effective principles learning can be distinguished by consciousness,
activity, independence in learning and strength in mastering knowledge, skills and
Visualization of learning plays a very important role in geography, since 70% of all
exam questions can be answered using atlas maps. Therefore great
attention is paid to working with maps (grades 7,8,9).
Systematicity, consistency and complexity in training are characteristic of
Traditional lessons also become irrelevant in this case.
Methods of distance preparation of students for passing the State Examination Test.
One of the most actively developing in last years forms of training is training
using global network Internet or distance learning.
Distance learning is a form of education in which
the best traditional and innovative methods are used in the educational process,
means and forms of training based on computer and telecommunications
It is used to expand the educational space of the lesson, in particular:
for students to independently master certain sections and topics;
for ongoing quality control of knowledge, as well as for monitoring
educational process;
to practice skills when performing educational tasks of a certain type.
Students receive a list of Internet resources that they can use when
preparation for the OGE in geography:

The most common mistakes in assignments
At the stage of preparation for the OGE at the beginning of the year, the first work was carried out to identify
most typical mistakes in students. Analysis of these works showed these errors:
 Inability to work with maps and obtain the necessary information from them (62%)
 Ignorance of basic patterns in nature (63%)
 Problems with mathematical calculations (52%)
 Error handling system.
 Difficulties in using geographic maps when answering questions.
Indeed, it turned out to be very big problem for students it is to find a map,
which will help answer the question asked! In this regard, a few more are needed
view all atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9 once. Consider general geographical and
thematic maps that are contained in them. Explain to students once again what
questions can be answered and given using these cards specific examples from tasks
For example:
Determine the region of Russia by its brief description.
This region has a coastal location. Its administrative center is
at an equal distance from North Pole and the equator. Basic landforms -
mountains (over 3000 m high) and lowlands. Picturesque mountain landscapes, sea
the coast, healing mud and mineral springs attract a large number of people to the region
quality of tourists and vacationers.
Answer: ______________________ edge.
Difficulty solving mathematical calculations.
Many children taking geography have a humanitarian orientation and are not strong in
mathematics. It is necessary to talk to students again about how to round a number to the nearest hundredth.
or to tenths, how to solve a problem using an equation, etc. Here it is necessary
solution training various types geographical tasks.
For example:
Using the data from the table “Freight turnover by mode of transport in the Russian Federation in 2012”, we determine
List the share of pipeline transport in total freight turnover (in %). Received re
Round the result to the nearest centimeter
Freight turnover by mode of transport in the Russian Federation in 2012 (billion ton-kilometers)

Go dates.

Transport – total
including by type:
water (sea and inland water) 126
Elementary inattention leads to mistakes in the easiest tasks. Students
they confuse “more less”, “younger”, etc.
For example:

Soils: which of the following? natural areas Russia have the most
natural fertility?
1) taiga
2) desert
3) steppe
4) deciduous forests
In this case, we must teach children to find important words in questions and their
be sure to emphasize.
for some reason
more you

Creation of reminders, instructions, diagrams, algorithms for students.
The presence of ready-made reminders, instructions, diagrams and algorithms significantly reduces
the use of study time in repetition or learning new material is
wonderful visual aid for memorization educational material.
Psychological preparation of students for testing
(recommendations for students)
Tips for preparing for the test

Prepare systematically
 Maintain a daily routine
 Eat right
 During preparation, alternate between activities and rest.
On the eve of the test
 Stop preparing in the evening.
 Get as much sleep as possible so that you can wake up feeling rested and feeling your best.
health, strength, “fighting” spirit.
Tips during test work
 Follow the rules of conduct during the test!
 Listen to how to fill out the form correctly!
 Work independently!
 Make full use of your time!
 When working with tasks:
 Focus!
 Read the assignment to the end!
 Think only about the current task!
 Start easy!
 Skip!
 Eliminate!

 Check!
 Do not leave a task unanswered!
 Don't be upset!
Plan two laps!
Tips after the test
Sports activities;
 Ways to relieve stress, negative influence stress:

 Dancing;
 Yoga;
 Drawing;
 Singing

 And many other activities that are interesting for a person
General conclusions and recommendations for preparing for the OGE in geography:
To get the maximum result when preparing for the State Examination, start
You need to prepare in advance, which is often a significant problem.
A systematic approach to repeating the studied material is one of the main tasks when
preparation for the exam. Independent repetition and training in completing tasks,
systematic consultations on control and measuring materials (CMM)
contributes to the systematization of complex knowledge on the subject and the formation of skills
completing tasks on forms. Thus, students become familiar with the requirements
and the structure of examination materials in new form, gets used to the wording
tasks and types of tests used in CMM, they learn to answer briefly and logically
tasks with detailed answers
When preparing for the State Examination in Geography, the graduate must use
textbooks and manuals for preparing for the State Examination, which are recommended for use in
educational institutions, cartographic and statistical sources for searching
and information extraction.
To successfully prepare yourself, you need to train as often as possible. Tests
will help you get an idea of ​​the wording and difficulty level of the exam
geography. Significant results are achieved by work that does not require additional costs.
time, but giving the maximum score in the State Examination Assessment. Knowledge gained during
preparation and self-study,
allow the graduate to take the exam quickly
navigate the issues and complete the task efficiently.
To successfully prepare for the State Examination, it is necessary, first of all, to simply repeat the entire
school material that is included in the content of the program and necessary for passing
An excellent assistant in this matter are short student dictionaries,
which contain important information about certain aspects of each topic studied.
But due to the fact that all dictionaries serve not for explanation, but precisely for refreshment in
memory of memories, short dictionary student will be absolutely ineffective for
those whose knowledge tends to zero.
Application of new information technologies allows you to diversify and
combine means of pedagogical influence on students, strengthen
motivation for learning and improve the assimilation of new material, makes it possible to qualitatively
change self-control and control over the learning outcome, as well as in a timely manner
adjust both teaching and learning activities. Active work with
computer creates in students more high level self-educational
skills and abilities to analyze and structure the information received. Necessary
develop skills independent work child, including conducting training
And testing work on the Internet.
Using the Internet to conduct testing in the GIA format online
(close to the exam) allows you to assess the level of preparation
students. When preparing a graduate for the State Examination, you can use various training
programs that the teacher offers to students. The teacher has the opportunity
organize work with each student and make the necessary changes to their
preparation. Testing is carried out outside of school hours or at home, which
allows the student to concentrate as much as possible on completing tasks.
Participation in distance competitions and olympiads in the subject contributes to
development of the student’s competence and, as a consequence, his further implementation on

exam. Students taking the GIA must take Active participation V
olympiads, since the proposed tasks are close in structure to exam ones.
Currently, many multimedia teaching aids By
geography, which can be used in lessons, when doing homework, when
preparation for the Olympiads, with scientific - research work students, with
preparation for the State Examination. The use of information technology in preparation for the State Examination has
many advantages: the combination of sound, image and interactivity allows
promptly monitor and evaluate knowledge. Structures of electronic manuals
allow you to quickly make transitions within the course, navigate
contents of the manual. The undoubted advantage of using multimedia in
preparation for the State Examination in Geography allows you to intensify the activities of the teacher and
schoolchild; improve the quality of teaching the subject; reflect the essential aspects
geographical objects, visibly bringing to life the principle of visibility; push to
foreground the most important and frequently encountered characteristics of objects and
natural phenomena.
This system allows you to achieve positive results and increase productivity
participation of ninth grade students in the procedure of independent assessment of the quality of training
students in geography in the form of the State final certification.

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification - the main state exam (OGE) in geography. The publication includes standard tasks on all content lines of the examination work, as well as approximate options in the format of the OGE 2017.
The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

The world's tallest waterfall is on the mainland
1) Africa
2) Eurasia
3) North America
4) South America

In terms of reserves of which of the listed minerals does Russia rank first in the world?
1) iron ore
2) oil
3) coal
4) gold

The deepest river in the world is
1) Amazon
2) Congo
3) Mississippi
4) Neil

Task 1. The most important geographical facts
Task 2. Features geographical location Russia
Task 3. Nature of Russia
Task 4. Elemental natural phenomena. Geoecological problems
Task 5. Russian economy
Task 6. Cultural and everyday characteristics of the peoples of Russia. Reserves
Task 7. Population distribution by regions of Russia
Tasks 8 and 9. Analysis geographic information
Tasks 10 and 11. Weather maps
Task 12. Ecological problems. Protection of Nature
Task 13. Basic geographical concepts and terms
Task 14. Determining the geographic coordinates of an object
Task 15. Explanation of the features of geographical objects and phenomena
Task 16. Calculation of quantitative indicators characterizing geographical features and phenomena
Task 17. Largest cities Russia
Tasks 18-21. Topographic plans and area maps
Tasks 22 and 23. Selecting sources of geographic information. Explanation of the location of economic sectors
Task 24. Geological structure territories
Task 25. Natural and economic features of Russian regions
Task 26. Solving time difference problems
Task 27. Analysis of climatograms
Tasks 28 and 29. Identification of geographical dependencies and patterns. Geographical consequences of the Earth's movement
Task 30. Identification of geographical objects from a brief description
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE, Geography, A set of materials for preparing students, Barabanov V.V., 2017 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

Download pdf
You can buy this book below best price at a discount with delivery throughout Russia.

Task No. 21

The figures show variants of the terrain profile, built on the basis of a map along the line A-B different by students. Which profile is built correctly?





Algorithm for working on the task:

1. Find points A and B on the map. Connect them with a segment.

2. Determine the slope of the terrain on which the points are located. This can be done in different ways:

  1. using horizontal lines: if there are two signed horizontal lines, then you can easily understand where the rise is and where the fall is. In this case, there are two horizontal lines: 140 and 150. Point A is in the lowland;
  2. using additional objects: if there is only one horizontal line, then you should find the top, and from it there will be a downward slope. If there is no peak, then there is a river. It should be remembered that rivers always flow in depressions. In this case, there is a river, which clearly shows that point A is located in a depression;
  3. with the help of bergschrichs. (Bergstroke is an indicator (dash) of the direction of the slope on a map depicting the relief with contour lines). On this map, bergshades are marked on the contour lines near point B. It is clearly visible that point B is higher than point A.

3. Determine the exact height of the points. To do this, we will use the information in the map legend “horizontal lines are drawn through 2.5 meters.” Using simple calculations, remembering how the slope goes, we determine the height of the points. Point A is between the contour lines 132.5 m and 130 m. And point B is above 155 m.

Note: the cliff line is also horizontal.

4. Check the height of point A on the profiles:

  1. on profile No. 1 about 132 m;
  2. on profile No. 2 about 134 m;
  3. on profile No. 3 about 144 m;
  4. on profile No. 4 about 132 m.

Total: profiles No. 1 and 4 are suitable

5. Check the height of point B on the profiles:

  1. on profile No. 1 - 160 m;
  2. on profile No. 2 - 140 m;
  3. on profile No. 3 about 156 m;
  4. on profile No. 4 about 156 m.

Total: profiles No. 3 and 4 are suitable

6. We choose according to two indicators. Suitable profile number 4

7. Moving along the drawn segment, from point A to point B, studying the frequency of horizontal lines, we try to draw a profile. We compare the obtained result with profile No. 4. Let's make sure the answer is correct.

I, , a, , a, , , , (China), , (Korea), Abkhazia, I,

by sea - and

3. Questions about the climate of Russia.

Atlas 8th grade . Climate map.

In summer, the air temperature increases from north to south. In winter it decreases from west to east (the closer to the west, the warmer). Precipitation increases to the west, in the mountains, on the Pacific coast.

5. Questions on the Russian economy.

Atlas 9th grade. Cards, for example, “Mechanical Engineering”, “ Fuel industry" etc.

6. Questions about nature reserves.

Atlas 8th grade. Natural shrines of Russia

7. Which region has the highest population density?

Atlas 9th grade. Population Density Map. Correlate two maps: “Population density” and “Administrative map”. The population density is higher the closer to the south and to the European part. (The main zone of settlement: the European part of Russia, except for the north and south of Siberia).

8. Questions about graphics.

Determine the required value from the graph or table.

9. Questions: determine:

Natural increase = Fertility – Mortality

Mortality = Fertility – Natural increase

Migration increase = Immigration – Emigration

Migration increase = Those who arrived – Those who left

Total population growth = Migration increase + Natural increase

Migration increase = Total population growth - Natural increase

Natural increase = Total population growth - Migration growth

Population density =Population


Density of the railway network =Rail length

The area of ​​the land

Immigration – entry into the country

Emigration – leaving the country

10. Which city is located in the zone of action of a cyclone or anticyclone.

Question about the synoptic map.

IN – anticyclone (high pressure)N – cyclone (low pressure)

11. Question about the synoptic map .

In which city is cold snap possible? (Where the cold front goes)

In which city is warming possible? (Where the warm front goes)

Where precipitation will fall - where there is a cyclone or atmospheric front

12. Ecology questions

Acid rain is caused by coal combustion and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Greenhouse effect- increase carbon dioxide(transport, fuel combustion)

Smog is formed in the centers of iron and steel industry

Natural resources

Exhaustible inexhaustible (energy of the Sun, wind, tides

Non-renewable Renewable

(mineral resources) (forest, water, soil, living world)

13. Which statement talks about the process:

Urbanization – the increasing role of cities and urban lifestyles

Migration is the movement of people from one place of residence to another

Population reproduction is a process of continuous generational change

Natural population growth - the difference between the birth rate and death rate

River regime - changes in the water level in the river according to the seasons of the year (freezing of the river, breaking up of the ice cover)

Sectoral structure of the Russian economy - This a set of industries that satisfy the homogeneous needs of society and form a single economy of the country.

14. Determine coordinates .

If the city is Atlas 7th grade – political map peace. (Atlas 8th grade - cities of Russia)

If a mountain, a volcano – Atlas 7th grade – physical map world (Atlas 8th grade – Russia)

Coordinates: for example 40 0 N; 80 0 east

Latitude : northern and southernLongitude : western and eastern

north latitude

w.d. e.d.


16. Calculation problem

Problems to determine the share (%). Let's make a proportion. Integer (total) -100%, what needs to be found is x%.

20 – 100% x= 8 x100

8 - x% 20

Determine relative humidity (we make a proportion).

Determine the temperature at the top of the mountain.

Determine salinity (Measured in ppm% 0, if salinity is 15% 0, then 15 grams of salts are dissolved in a liter of water)

17. Arrange cities in order of increasing (decreasing) population .

Atlas 9th grade. Kata population density. We look at the cities in circles.

Millionaire cities in Russia:

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara,

Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh

18. Determine the distance using a topographic map.

1.Measure the distance between objects with a ruler 2.Multiply by the scale value (for example 100 m)

4 cm x 100 = 400 m

19. Determine the direction from one object to another. Topographic map



20. Determine which area is suitable for:

Sledding, alpine skiing(1. There is a slope 2. There are no bushes, holes)

Football field (1. Flat terrain 2. No holes, bushes, forests)

Orchard(1. Southern slope 2. Near the road)

21. Determine which profile is suitable

By the height of points, by lowering the relief, etc.)

22. Maps of which area should you choose in order to explore the territory….

Atlas 8th grade “Administrative map”, 9th grade “Economic zoning”

24. Arrange the regions in the order in which they occur New Year

Atlas 8th grade. Administrative map. Find the desired regions or cities. New Year starts oneast .

26. Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age.

(from youngest to oldest).

Howhigher layers of rocks - the younger

28. Tasks using tables. Analyzing tables

29. - In the capital of which of the listed republics does the Sun rise above the horizon the earliest according to Moscow time?The further east you go, the earlier it rises above the horizon.

- Where is the angle of incidence? sun rays will be the greatest.

The closer to the south, the greater the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.