What kind of business is there in America? New business ideas from abroad

If you are looking for new business ideas in Russia, and you yourself want to get ahead of the market for goods and services in Russia, then you need to look for new business ideas that do not yet exist in Russia. The best foreign unusual business ideas from Europe, America, China, Japan and other countries.

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7 foreign business ideas that are not yet in Russia

There are quite a few variations of international and local business that are taking root well in all corners of the planet. It is quite difficult to determine their source, since the process began in many states at once. Below will be listed best business ideas that do not exist in Russia.

Idea #1. Server water heating

Company Nerdalize implements ideas for small businesses in Russia. She proposed heating water in the house using servers, which allows the homeowners and the owner of the data servers to benefit. The essence of the innovation is as follows:

  • A special heater receives energy from the server (computer) cooling system;
  • This approach allows you to save about 40% of energy and reduce costs (in Holland they voice a savings figure of 300 euros per year for an average home);
  • Environmental benefits by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

On this moment the startup Nedalize became quite successful and received impressive investment in 320,000 euros.

Something similar was offered in Germany by the company Cloud&Heat, but for the installation and purchase of the server they asked for at least $15,000. Nerdalize installs servers for free, charging only a subscription fee, which is actually more profitable than a simple monthly electricity fee.

Idea #2. Car service aggregator

A foreign business idea with a car service aggregator got a good start. In most regions of Russia this type there is no business yet, so there are great prospects for its implementation. There can be two options:

  1. Creating your own website and concluding agreements with services;
  2. Search for a suitable franchise operating within the brand throughout the country ( for example, “V-AUTO SERVICE”).

According to the above franchise, the cost of entry will be about 135,000 rubles for assistance in organizing, providing access to a large project and other nuances, while the potential income is stated to be over 100,000 rubles monthly. The only task on the part of the entrepreneur will be to conclude contracts with local car services.

Thus, this foreign business idea is quite fresh for Russia, and given the number of car owners, it is also relevant.

Idea #3. Automatic key making machine

Automation of manual labor is increasingly taking over the world, gradually moving to the Russian space. Today, artisans who specialize in making keys may lose their jobs, since you can now make a copy of a key simply using a machine in a shopping center or other place.

This idea is being used very actively abroad, but in Russia so far the process is moving slowly, especially in regions where income levels are lower. Special machines are available from various brands, such as: MinuteKey, KeyMe and others.

The cost of the service is not much different from the masters (from 100 to 250 rubles, depending on the complexity of the key). The required investment is 200,000 – 300,000 rubles to purchase a machine, so due to low popularity, the idea may take a long time to pay off.

However, progress is inevitable; sooner or later Russia will be filled with these machines. If you want to participate in the new trend, then don’t hesitate.

Idea #4. VR broadcasts of sporting events

An excellent and modern business idea with minimal investment. Virtual reality is a fairly new phenomenon for the whole world, but unlike Russia, most countries are trying to actively introduce innovations into their lives. In particular, this affected sports matches, which can now be watched using virtual reality glasses, gaining the feeling of being in a real stadium.

In the future, in the next 5 years, 360-degree video and broadcasts of matches in this format will become widespread, but the implementation of the idea will require a lot of effort and consideration of hundreds of legal nuances.

Idea #5. Esports children's camp

E-sports has firmly established itself throughout the world, gaining particular popularity in Asian countries, where the training of e-sports players is treated as a state project. In Russia, such hobbies are treated with caution, but this does not prevent the industry from developing extremely quickly.

Organizing a camp will require taking into account many factors that are not much different from a regular child care facility (food, entertainment programs, accommodation). E-sports will be one of the entertainments here, but we must not forget about a full life. On a smaller scale, the camp can be turned into a simple eSports section.

To organize and build your own similar camp, you will need a fairly large sum; as a rule, it is easier to agree on a partnership with already open children’s camps. Investments will only be required for equipment and hiring counselors; the rest depends on the agreement with the camp.

Idea #6. Electronic coffee subscription system

Morning coffee in the office or before work is a popular way to tone up. Many people drink coffee this way every day, spending considerable sums in total. Special coffee subscriptions have long been popular abroad, which are valid in various restaurants and cafes. In Russia, only recently one similar system appeared - “ Coffee Cup».

The benefits of the subscription are that:

  • Its owner can save up to 60% on the cost of coffee; just show your subscription in the application to the seller or waiter in a cafe participating in the program, and also provide a special code;
  • The distributor of the subscription will receive about 25 rubles from each cup and more if coffee is ordered in bulk by corporate clients;
  • Restaurants and cafes also benefit, because they receive additional advertising and customers.

It is also interesting that virtually no investment is required if you work together with Coffee Cup. It is enough to become a partner and agree on cooperation with local cafes, after which you will make a profit ( net profit on the network is about 240,000 rubles monthly). Otherwise, if you have capital, you can try to create your own subscription system and compete with Coffee Cup. It is enough to recruit a team of partners, develop a website and mobile app.

Idea #7. Wedding gift aggregator

Quite an interesting idea that they invested in Social Capital amounting to more than 40 million dollars. The application was called " Zola" This is a wedding gift service that has the following features:

  • Newlyweds select a list of things on the app that they really need;
  • Guests pay for the selected items if possible.

The service has a high level of usability, is very easy to manage and convenient.

Russia is currently far from such ideas, but it is possible to try something similar. This will definitely require considerable capital investment, in the absence of which it is possible to come up with a lightweight analogue with less potential that does not require complex development.

American business ideas that do not exist in Russia

New ones that do not exist in Russia are born every day, but only some of them really work. America has great financial capabilities due to cheap lending, so American unusual and new business ideas that do not exist in Russia are quickly brought to life.

Idea #1. Aggregator of cafes and restaurants with delivery

This niche is already gaining momentum in our country, but some cities do not yet have worthy competitors. A striking example is Delivery Club with food delivery from many restaurants, which is often included in ratings of the best business ideas in Russia. It is difficult to find a worthy replacement for them, and in some cities there is no Delivery service, but there is someone to deliver.

The idea is simple:

  1. A website and application is created with menus of various restaurants and cafes (McDonalds, KFC, Subway, etc.);
  2. People are asked to order products at a certain price;
  3. Service employees buy food from a cafe and deliver it to the customer.

The profit comes from the markup on food, plus delivery fees. The idea clearly came from America, but perhaps the train in this niche is already leaving. However, if you have capital, you can compete with Delivery Club, or work in small cities where they have not yet reached.

Idea #2. Salad designer

An interesting idea from the USA, similar to Subway, which allows you to create salads in high-traffic areas and cafes. In America, one of these cafes is Chop't, in Russia there are no similar analogues yet.

As customers of such cafes note, the cost of a salad ranges from $8 and above; some people bought ingredients for $15.

A lot of investments will be required, over 500,000 rubles, to implement such an idea, because you need your own cafe, various permits and compliance with sanitary requirements.

The income from a decent restaurant or cafe can be unlimited, and can be scaled within a franchise throughout the country. Thus, the salad designer is an interesting analogue Subway, which appeared in the USA. It can be adapted to many variations of network cafes.

Idea #3. Street phone charging

Recharging the battery on the street or on a bus has long gained popularity in other countries. Many note that it all started in the USA. In New York, there are similar chargers almost everywhere.

In Russia, it will be quite difficult to implement such an idea, because it is more likely social project, requiring government permits and support.

Monetization is usually carried out by promoting your own brand; there are no paid charges, so income can only come from profits from a government contract during installation.

In conclusion, the idea of ​​street charging is interesting, but a business can only be made from it if you have connections in government agencies. In addition, it will take time for Russia to come to the conclusion that most cities on a federal scale need to be equipped with such innovations.

Idea #4. Interactive Lunch and Grill

Such restaurants have actually existed for a long time in the USA and in many other countries; you can probably find them in Russia too, but in very, very rare cases.

The idea is that the client is provided with raw meat and seafood, which he grills on coals for himself right at the table and eats.

People are primarily interested in the emotions they receive, when everyone can fry meat the way they want, feel the smell, and so on.

To implement interactive cooking, you will need to have a cafe-restaurant, plus considerable investment in equipment ( at least 5,000 USD by US standards). Profit is unlimited.

Idea #5. Flower Hostel

In care during long vacation Not only pets need it, but plants too. In the USA, the so-called “ hotels for flowers" In Russia, similar establishments already exist, especially in the capital, where progress is being made full swing. The regions, as usual, lag behind in this regard, which opens up great opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Today there are already many successful cases in this niche, let’s highlight the main nuances:

  • For storing flowers of various sizes they usually charge from 2 to 5 rubles per day;
  • More than 40 small pots can be placed on one square meter, which will bring in over 80 rubles per day and 2,400 rubles per month, which is not bad for a business idea with minimal investment;
  • Volume growth depends on the region and opportunities, business advertising;
  • Although in most cases there is practically no need for investments for such a business, the income is not great.

A flower hostel is a great overseas business experience, as many people need to take care of flowers while on vacation. It is difficult to predict income; it all depends on the scale of the city and the degree of advertising activity; of course, all this can only be classified as a small business.

Idea #6. Sale of bags with speaker

The next option is to sell briefcases and bags with a built-in Bluetooth speaker. Modern teenagers Such devices are very often used in Everyday life, so the device will fit well into the trend taken from the USA.

The price of the portfolio depends on the quality of the speakers and varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. The main option for starting a business is the wholesale purchase of briefcases and bags, and then the resale of bags in your own outlets and online stores. To start, you will need a capital of about 100,000 rubles or more, depending on offline or online sales.

potential profit in the region of 30,000 - 50,000 rubles per month and above.

Reselling trendy products like backpacks with speakers is interesting option business. A lot of different new products are appearing in the financial center of the world - the USA.

Idea #7. Phytowalls made from plants

A narrow and innovative niche - the design of phytowalls from plants in offices and residential buildings. Another name is “ vertical gardening" There are very few companies in Russia in this direction; basically everything is concentrated in Moscow, so in large regions the path is free, with practically no competitors.


  • Phytowalls and phytomodules will require initial investments; now there are manufacturers in Russia (price per 1 square meter from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • Profit from 50,000 rubles per month and is not limited, depends on the scale of the city, region;
  • The gold mine will be large customers - shopping centers and corporate offices.

In general, phytowalls are a trend recent years, since many participants are actively breaking into the niche, so you should hurry when choosing this direction.

Idea #8. Holiday car rental service

A striking example of an interesting business idea from the USA is the FlightCar car rental service. The idea is to rent out the cars of those who leave them at the airport while on vacation. The owner of the car receives a profit and the founder of the service provides some legal guarantees.

In the USA, the owner of a car is paid 15 USD per day, and if it is rented, then an additional 10 USD per day.

The American business idea of ​​renting a car is a pretty good way to earn extra money while on vacation, but there are also a number of problems associated with the timely return of the car and other aspects.

European business ideas that have not yet come to Russia

Following in the footsteps of the United States, we present to your attention a new business in Russia, taken as an example from European countries, which are no less developed and open to innovation.

Idea #1. Bicycle cafe

This type of cafe is still developing in Europe under the Velokafi brand, but has already managed to make a splash and gain a reputation. The idea is that visitors to the cafe enter it on a bicycle and can have a snack or drink coffee without getting off.

This approach relieves congestion in bike parking areas and prevents potential bike thefts.

To open in Russia, an investment of at least 500,000 rubles and approval from the municipality will be required, the potential profit is about 15,000 - 30,000 rubles per month.

A considerable number of cyclists travel around Russia, but parking for them is rare, so this business idea from Europe can attract a lot of attention and visitors.

Idea #2. A store with selections of products based on recipes

All over the world and in Europe, the use of non-standard solutions is always valued. One of these was a store selling ready-made selections of products according to various recipes.

The point is to provide absolutely all the products needed to prepare a particular dish. For example, all products for preparing Greek salad or Caesar, for various soups, etc. It’s convenient for a person to not have to look for different products in different stores and buy them in excess. It is profitable for the store because it can make a markup.

As is known, retail products requires considerable investment and business registration, so you need capital from 1,000,000 rubles. Potential income depends on the size of the city and the chain of stores; at one point it can vary from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

As a result, a selection of products is original solution for a grocery store, which can bring novelty and add convenience to people. Such an unusual business idea may well take root in Russia.

Idea #3. Chocolate designer

This idea was first implemented in France by designer Elsa Lambine and her chocolate brand “ Sweet Play" The idea is that a person is given the opportunity to create his own modification of chocolate online, both in terms of fillings and appearance.

Process self-creation of your chocolate gives pleasant emotions and allows you to create ideal gifts for loved ones. It is not surprising that the service quickly gained popularity.

Today there are already companies producing handmade chocolate, so in the first stages you can start working on a service with minimal investments in a similar style, and later open a full-fledged production.

Thus, the chocolate designer is again a non-standard solution for the usual purchase of chocolate, which appeared in France. In Russia, such an idea can be successful with a competent approach to marketing.

Idea #4. Vending with goods for travelers

Unusual vending is a fairly common phenomenon in Europe. Of course, there are vending machines with absolutely useless goods that are easier to buy in a store. You need to focus on urgency and speed. One of these areas is the sale of goods for travelers directly at airports.


  • The machine contains chargers, headphones, shoes, clothes and other things for long trips that a person might forget.
  • The cost of the machine depends on the model and ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  • Also, you will have to negotiate and pay for rent at the airport, which is not always possible. In this case, prices are completely individual.

In general, vending is a very popular area; people find it convenient to buy goods quickly and without consultants. Non-standard solutions from Europe will work very well in Russia.

Idea #5. Vending with the sale of rolls

The next option for unusual vending is the sale of rolls. There are a lot of such machines in Europe, and they are in good demand. In Russia, they are already trying to implement similar ideas; for example, they often sell sets of rolls in supermarkets, but branded vending can work well.

Automatic food storage machines are more expensive than regular ones, their cost is in the region of 250,000 - 300,000 rubles. Additional investments will be required to purchase rolls from trusted suppliers.

Approximate income depends on the location of the machine and can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles per month. The machine will require daily maintenance.

As a result, unusual vending with rolls is a great idea from Europe, which can be easily adapted in Russia. In the vastness of the capital, such machines are already found, but more often they still try to open the delivery of rolls, so there will be practically no competitors.

Idea #6. Healthy food restaurant with calorie counting

Let's continue original ideas who arrived from Europe. The next interesting solution is a restaurant healthy eating, where calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are calculated, and dietary recommendations are given depending on the goal. A healthy lifestyle, losing weight and gaining weight have become very fashion trend recent years, which opens up excellent opportunities for the restaurant business.

Organizing a unique restaurant business is not an easy task; it will require significant investments of 1,000,000 million rubles or more. Much depends on the scale of the city; in small settlements there will not be an audience capable of perceiving fashionable trends in a healthy lifestyle. Potential profit - over 100,000 rubles per month.

A restaurant with calorie counting is a unique idea from Europe that can be well implemented in major cities Russia. At the moment, the niche is poorly developed; there are only a few establishments of this kind.

Idea #7. Construction of non-standard houses

Any niche has many narrow directions, and construction is no exception. Europe took advantage of this fact, which led to the popularity of highly specialized construction companies, building original houses V non-standard design. By non-standard we mean trendy designs in minimalist and other styles with panoramic windows and other attributes.

The company will need an impressive portfolio to win new customers.

Setting up a construction business is always a major investment and considerable risks associated with hiring experienced workers and foremen. To organize a worthy company you will need at least 2,000,000 rubles. Potential profit over 300,000 rubles per month. In larger cities the profit will be higher; in small regions it makes no sense to open such a company.

Thus, the construction business is still relevant, especially if you choose trendy areas and narrow specialization. There are very few such companies in Russia; for the most part, organizations are focused on churning out monotonous cottages with a minimum of extravagant solutions.

Idea #8. Taxi passes

Many people know what a revolution Uber and similar services have made in the world of taxis. In Europe, they went further, knowing that many people and businessmen travel by taxi, and created special subscriptions for almost unlimited trips.

To sell subscriptions, it is not necessary to organize your own taxi agency; sometimes it is enough to enter into partnership agreements, but not all companies make such concessions. When opening your own taxi, you need to have a budget of at least 1,500,000 rubles.

Season tickets are rarely found in Russia today; the approximate price in Moscow is 26,000 rubles per month for 60 minutes of travel per day, which, when calculated, allows the subscription holder to save about 10,000 rubles.

Such taxi passes are beneficial provided that you need to travel up to 50 km per day. They will sell well in large cities of Russia, where the level wages significantly higher than in the regions.

5 business ideas from China

It's not just Western countries that are different interesting solutions and business ideas, but also oriental ones. The current section will present business ideas from China that do not yet exist in Russia.

Idea #1. Paid 3D printing

A real innovation for the whole world was the production of 3D printers, which make it possible to print any shapes and products. Today, it is not difficult to obtain a 3D printer; as a result, enterprising citizens have appeared who sell various products printed on such devices, and also carry out custom printing. The whole trend started in China, where the trend gained particular popularity.

A good 3D printer will cost the owner around 500,000 rubles. Everything that costs less is low-quality and amateur level.

3D printing can be organized as an analogue of a modern copy center with enormous capabilities. In this case, you will need to rent an office, as well as additional investments in components and Consumables to the printer.

Printing on 3D printers is something new that is still very little widespread in Russia. Using a solution from China such as paid 3D printing and selling various products made using a 3D printer could become a real trend in the next decades.

Idea #2. Esports business

As you know, Asian countries are famous for their serious attitude and love for e-sports. We already mentioned the creation of an eSports camp for children at the beginning of the article, now we will talk about a more serious direction - sponsorship and cooperation with eSports teams, promotion of eSports brands, etc.

The business model of an esports organization is based on advertising contracts with other companies. Before full-scale work, you should at least secure good partners. You need to have connections both among professional players and among potential sponsors. Initial capital - at least 500,000 rubles.

Another option is to make money through special services for e-sportsmen, selling gaming equipment and organizing large tournaments. Here the scale is completely different and larger investments are required.

In theory, the esports business looks very attractive and has great prospects, but in practice in Russia it is still lagging behind in terms of development. Most teams have foreign sponsors, and Russian corporations are just beginning to take their first steps in advertising and brand promotion through e-sports.

Idea #3. Restaurant with robots

D another interesting destination in China and others eastern countries are robots that have already begun to participate in business. For example, there are restaurants and cafes where special robots act as waiters; they bring food and can take orders. One of these robots has already been installed as an experiment at Domodedovo Airport.

Today, similar robots are already sold in Russia, the price starts from 500,000 rubles per piece.

Robots in a restaurant are interesting and new, but in terms of return on investment they are far from ideal. Considering that one robot costs as much as opening a separate cafe in the region, such ideas are not accessible to everyone in Russia, but in China they are par for the course.

Idea #4. Roll chips

Eastern countries are also famous for their unique dishes and cuisine, which quickly gain popularity when introduced into the business of another country. At one time, Japanese rolls received such success, but China has its own rolls in the form of potato chips. They are often sold on the streets and are a kind of fast food.

To open a business you will need an amount of 200,000 rubles. This includes the purchase of a special device for spiral chips, as well as a deep fryer and other equipment. Depending on the place of sale and distribution, income can be in the region of 20,000 - 50,000 rubles per month.

In general, roll chips are an analogue of French fries and any variations of fast food, but since they are not widely distributed, they will act as a “novelty” for many people.

Idea #5. Game account promotion company

As already mentioned, computer and online games are simply super popular in China, so there is a huge demand for upgraded accounts for various games. Of course, such a business will not reach a large scale in the post-Soviet space, but as an idea for a small business in Russia it is quite suitable. We already offer such services for Dota 2 and CS: GO, and in China they even earn simple games Farm type.

Promotion of gaming accounts is not entirely serious, but rather a small business, vaguely reminiscent of e-sports areas. In theory, such an idea can “take off” and bring in good income against the backdrop of the popularity of a game, but all this will only be a temporary phenomenon.

5 Japanese business ideas

No less amazing business ideas from Japan that are not yet in Russia. The Japanese have a completely unique mentality and ways of doing business. Let's pay attention to some Japanese species business.

Idea #1. Alcohol second-hand

Similar stores began to open in Japan back in 2013 under the Liquor Off brand. The idea is to resell used alcohol that is at home but has not yet been opened.

The key advantage of second-hand alcohol is its affordable prices. The Russian mentality could accept this kind of establishment, but decide legal issues It won’t be easy, so it’s not possible to predict profits yet.

Idea #2. Capsule hotel

Japan has always been distinguished by its special traditions and approach to life. A capsule hotel has become a kind of analogue of a kind of hostel, which essentially provides a kind of solitary space, but at the same time is a hostel.

To open a capsule hotel you will need to purchase premises with large area, as well as its repair and arrangement, which will cost at least 10,000,000 rubles. Capsules are sold separately from special manufacturers, for example, “ KOTOBUKI" The cost of one capsule costs approximately 100,000 rubles, 6 capsules will occupy approximately 15 square meters. meters.

Idea #3. Cafe with surprises

The essence of a cafe with a surprise is that here you can order a dish for yourself or the next guest, or taste a surprise prepared for you. Similar cafes have existed in Japan for a long time, but in Russia they began to appear in isolated cases only recently.

By appearance- this is an ordinary cafe, the business plan is not much different from restaurants and cafes, you just need to position yourself differently. In Russia, cafes with surprises are still a novelty, they are difficult to find, so this is a free niche in Russia.

Idea #4. Cocktail designer for a bar

We have already mentioned websites that create chocolate and salads, but in Japan we went further and started designing drinks in a bar through an app. The activity is quite fun and allows you to get special emotions. Of course, a bartender is still needed to control the process and make cocktails ordered through the designer.

A special terminal or several of them will be required so that customers can place an order, like at McDonalds. Can be used in large clubs and concerts. This approach can relieve the queue and speed up the process of preparing drinks.

Such a constructor is well suited as an idea for improving an existing business in the form of a club with a bar, where there is a large number of of people.

Idea #5. Cafe for singles

An interesting discovery was a cafe where lonely people come, but instead of leaving such guests alone, they sit down with human-sized characters from a fairy tale called “The Moomins.” In Japan there is already a whole network of such cafes under the brand Moomin House Cafe. You can choose other characters as neighbor toys; investing in soft toys for each table will cost approximately 5,000 - 10,000 rubles apiece.

There are no establishments of this kind in Russia yet. Due to its specifics, this business idea, which does not yet exist in Russia, can only work successfully in large cities.


Foreign business ideas that do not exist in Russia are found all the time. Unique options there are some of the most different countries: USA, Japan, Europe and China. It can be non-standard options cafes, vending machines and shops.

Typically, all categories of entrepreneurship require significant investments, because innovative ideas for small businesses are rare in Russia. In addition, in most cases, a non-standard business is difficult to adapt to the Russian mentality; it may take a long time for the product or service to be accepted by the local audience, and often it may not turn out to be a profitable business at all.

Wisdom has also been added to the main personality traits of a successful businessman. Work experience allows us to understand the essence of the laws of development and prosperity of certain market segments. However, there comes a point when competition in the main areas of business is so high that you have to borrow ideas from other countries.

The desire for European standards and the American way of life, the flooding of the Russian market with Chinese products are pushing people to look for ideas for implementing new areas of business in their country. Innovative products and services make it possible to occupy niches that are still free, in which only a few work today.

Options for ideas from America

  • Selling unique cases for stylish and ordinary car models. This device protects against ultraviolet rays, precipitation and mechanical damage. Buying such a cover will cost a number of car enthusiasts less than repairing the hood or changing headlights. Russian entrepreneurs can try to purchase such cases in the USA and resell them at home.
  • Construction of unique garages is unlikely to be as popular as in America. This niche is on Russian market busy, and the buildings are of great variety. There are also enough companies involved individual design and design.
  • Food truck moving around the city, very popular in the United States. The variety of food and accompanying performances by artists to brighten up customers' expectations attracts the attention of Americans. These vans are very popular in Washington. Whether anyone will be able to organize such a “nutritional and entertainment” business in Russia is a moot point. Strict sanitary and hygienic rules and huge competition in the catering industry have made the demand for such services minimal.
  • Idea "taxi for animals" suitable for wealthy residents major cities, more precisely, for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The task is to accompany the animals to a specified location, in particular to a veterinary clinic.
  • Personal consultations, popular in the USA, are unlikely to be in demand among Russians. Our people are more confident in themselves and usually don’t need anyone’s advice. The exception is lawyers, but this niche is so densely occupied that inexperienced beginners have nothing to do here at all.

You can learn some more interesting methods of earning money from the following video:

Options for ideas from China

  • Work according to requests— resale of goods at low cost if you make purchases via the Internet. The cost of products in China is 50-60% lower than analogues in our markets. The advantage of a resale business is that in China you can find any product that is in demand in Russia - from ballpoint pens to medical and industrial equipment.
    Nowadays, small businesses are actively developing in Russia, which requires new types of equipment for their own production of construction goods, clothing, and household items. China is the most mobile country in introducing any new products.
  • Opening of a salon selling chassis Chinese goods with the placement of the store’s website on the Internet. It is necessary to organize a courier service and postal delivery. Many citizens of the Russian Federation are embarrassed to go to cheap Chinese eateries. Selling small items online can bring good income to the store owner. Purchasing can also be done online. There is no need for large investments in this business.
  • Organization of sales of piece goods. The essence of the idea is to purchase wholesale quantities of goods and package them in separate containers. The price will depend solely on the recognition of the product. If you manage to create a brand, then the initial cost can increase 2-5 times.
  • Sale of gadgets is already being actively implemented in Russia, but the market niche is still not tightly filled, there is always room for innovation. New phones and software versions appear every day, replacing each other. Car recorders are popular. Their independent purchase in China will cost half the price of analogues offered by local wholesalers. With phones, the percentage of sales will be less, but they are often replaced.
    There is good demand for seasonal new items - sunglasses, sports and leisure equipment, as well as various electronic trinkets. All these devices are good for inexpensive gift friends and acquaintances. There are many options here. The main thing is not to overdo it with purchasing large batches goods, since the demand for these products is spontaneous.

Options for ideas from Europe

  • Production of rubber paving slabs opens up considerable prospects. The ability to find clients is important. There is no high level of competition in this segment yet. The business profitability level is approximately 40%. Rubber tiles have many advantages over analogues:
    • long service life - up to 20 years;
    • high resistance to fading and cracking;
    • no slip;
    • low cost (crumb rubber for the base can be obtained from old, disused car tires).

    Equipment required to start production: molds, vulcan press, dryer and dyes.

  • Restaurant with calorie counting. This idea, with the number of calories indicated next to each dish on the menu, can be supplemented and developed further. For example, a person who has broken a calorie record can be given a bottle of champagne or a glass of wine.
  • Snow advertising, which has found application in England, is unlikely to be appropriate in Russia, where there are posters and posters on every corner. It’s worth a try if winter next year pleases Russians with snow. Law enforcement officials can ban this business in its infancy.
  • Unlimited taxi rides for a monthly fee. The high cost of gasoline and the insatiable desires of Russians will ruin a businessman who ventures into such a business in the first month. The investment is unlikely to pay off. Increasing taxi rental fees will scare away rare customers. The downside of the service is that it only operates within the city and is provided exclusively on an advance payment basis.
  • Pizza in cup shape. The Russians liked the national Italian dish. And if you prepare dishes that have become one of your favorite snacks in edible cups, filling them with various fillings, this can turn out to be very convenient and popular.
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables who have lost their external attractiveness. Appeared in Russia great amount supermarkets, where customers themselves choose the products they like. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits of the correct shape, without cracks or spots. All others go to bottom drawers, where they continue to rot. If you conclude a lucrative contract with the directors of hypermarkets, you can open profitable business for processing fruits and vegetables into juices, dried fruits, soups and salads. Sales can be organized with the permission of the administration at the places where raw materials are purchased.

Variants of ideas from Japan

The Land of the Rising Sun offers many original ways of investing, but not all of them are applicable or appropriate in Russian conditions:

  • Divorce ceremony for a nominal fee. There is nothing like this in Russia. Is it worth organizing such a business? You can try the idea as other services of banquet halls and restaurants. Perhaps decent people will want to part ways gracefully and find out all the pressing problems among their loved ones. Perhaps such an event will serve both spouses as a good lesson for the future. And friends and acquaintances will have no basis for gossip.
  • Manufacturing of coolers. Applying them to the skin in hot weather reduces body temperature, making stuffiness easier to bear. Considering the hot summer in Russia, this idea is worth trying. The price of a can will be approximately $60. This cost may not be affordable for the average population, but clients vacationing in hot countries and own dacha, there will definitely be.
  • Making 3-D masks– production is expensive, but if a distribution channel is found, it is very profitable and profitable. The mask, made of high-quality material, fits on the face and is completely invisible. The business has been partially implemented in the Russian Federation, but the quality of the products leaves much to be desired.
  • Practiced in Japan hotels intended for unmarried girls . In a limited and calm environment, they prepare themselves for married life. Such an idea is inappropriate and somewhat outlandish for Russia. However, you can use the idea to organize a version for couples who want to get married in the near future. Most likely, such a service will be in great demand if the price of a room for lovers is lower than the daily rental of apartments in Russian cities.
  • One book store. There is no such practice of selling one printed publication for a certain period of time in Russia yet. Often, buyers visit bookstores simply out of nothing to do, without even expecting to see the long-awaited book there. The new Japanese trend is not to overwhelm the reader with a large sentence, but to introduce him to a specific publication or topic. Perhaps this method of sales will be of interest to certain circles of book consumers. The most important thing is timely, targeted advertising. You can work according to requests.

1.Dr. Pepper, Ginger Ale, Root Beer

I think many of you remember this taste of Dr. Pepper, cans of which disappeared from store shelves a certain amount ago.
Of course, now you can buy it at ABC of Taste, for example, but there is no such thing that you will come to the question “What will you drink?” replied "Dr. Pepper." In the States, it is still one of the most popular carbonated drinks and has younger brother- dietary version.

Many people have also only heard about ginger ale in films. Ginger ale is a carbonated drink flavored with ginger. Almost no color.
To my taste, it is not at all cloying and the most harmless of all sodas, if the word “harmless” can be applied to sodas in principle).

Root beer (root beer) can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. I haven’t tried alcohol, so I won’t say anything. I tried this soda a couple of times and tried to get into it somehow. But the taste is very strange. I don’t even know what I can compare it to, but it’s not for everyone.

2. Cigarettes 100’s 120’s

I think it’s no secret that tobacco products in the States are expensive (on average 6 - 10 dollars per pack). The government regularly raises prices and tightens laws.
But not everyone knows that cigarettes in the USA come in three sizes: standard (60’s), 100’s (hundred’s) and 120’s (one twenty’s). The price for standard, 100 and 120 is the same.
The picture below shows how the packs differ in height and markings.

3. Bagels with cream cheese

Almost a traditional American breakfast. Bagel is something similar to our bagel, but a little softer and fluffier. The bagel is cut in half and generously spread with cream cheese. You can first put both halves in the toaster. Needless to say, in terms of calorie content, such a breakfast will be almost half of the daily requirement?

Bagels come in almost every taste: from plain to orange and cranberry ( most of this bagel is orange-red). There are also a lot of “substitutes” for cottage cheese. For example, salmon or butter and jam. Here everything is limited only by your imagination.

4. Laundry

In the States, not everyone has washing machines in their apartments. In order to wash things, people take them to separate buildings - laundries.

As a rule, there is only one laundry for several blocks. About once a week, Americans fill their baskets, special bags or carts with dirty clothes, take powders and bleaches and go “do laundry.”

Inside, there are several rows of washing machines, and dryers hang on the side walls. Washing machines the simplest ones - with a vertical drum and three washing modes: cold, warm, hot. On the side there is a coin receptacle: 6 or 7 coins of 25 cents - you insert it, push the receptacle in and pull it out without any money. The machine starts working :).

Trick the machine by inserting a 2 ruble receiver. or other modern coins will fail.

The washing cycle lasts 40-50 minutes. During this time, you have time to go to the grocery store for groceries, for example, or have lunch at a nearby cafe, having previously put on the lid washing machine containers with liquid detergent - the powder that we are all accustomed to is not in use in the States.

By the way, it is absolutely not a fact that during your absence some unlucky American will not steal your bag for things (or, alternatively, the things themselves) or “borrow” some liquid powder.

After you have taken out the washed clothes, you need to load them into the dryer. Throwing heavy items after washing into the second tier of dryers is still a pleasure :)

The principle “25 cents - 5 minutes drying” applies here. 6 modes to choose from - from very hot to cold.

I noticed that not all Americans have an iron at home. A little trick is to take very warm laundry out of the dryer, lay it out on a special table, smooth it out a little with your hands and fold it neatly.

Improved laundries are available in apartment buildings(apartment buildings).

When you check in, you are given a special card on which you need to put money and pay with it instead of throwing quarters into the coin acceptor.

Only residents of the house can access such laundries and the chance that your clothes will be stolen by someone tends to zero.

5.Toll roads

Such roads are found on highways when traveling from one state to another.

There are constantly signs on the roads that say how much is left to the toll and how much you need to pay.

Typically this amount ranges from $2 to $10. At the entrance to the toll, drivers slow down, choose the appropriate passage (depending on whether you have a truck, bus or car and whether you will pay with a card or cash) and stand in line, if there is one.

They drive up to the machine and pay with a credit card, or to a booth where a worker sits, who presses the button to raise the barrier after you have given him the required amount in cash.

A trip from state to state or across several states can cost anywhere from $30 to $100.

I heard that free roads also exist, but they are an order of magnitude worse (I suspect that the American “worse” is very different from the Russian one in terms of roads) and the journey is longer.

Therefore, few people use them.

6. Plastic cards in the “key” format

Almost every store has its own discount, savings, bonus cards, which they rush to hand over to you after the purchase.

As a rule, they present a whole set at once: a plastic card of a standard format, a brochure with detailed description capabilities of this product and a mini version of a plastic card with a hole for a ring.

Americans hang these mini-versions on their keys, which look like a three-dimensional colored plastic ball.

On average, from 15 to 30 such cards accumulate on keys. This could be either a library card or a card from your favorite clothing store.

If you wish, you can also order a mini version of your credit card at the bank that serves you.

7. Giant packaging

Have you ever seen a package of Lay's chips that weighs half a kilo? So know that such people exist. What about 5-liter cans of milk or juice? also no?

Personally, they have always caused me some confusion. But in fact, such packaging is very popular for several reasons:

— Americans eat a lot and constantly. Everywhere.

— Many people go to the store once a week, once every two weeks.

— price for a package of 12 bottles mineral water slightly higher than the price for the same package of 6 bottles.

— ongoing promotions “Buy 4, get 1 free”

So, if you ever come across a 5-liter bottle of wine or a liter package of concentrated cream, don’t be surprised - you’re in America :)

We remind you that BigPiccha is in

When looking for business ideas that work, aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to the experiences of others. One of the most popular ways to find a business idea is to look at what is happening abroad.

It’s just worth considering that the markets of different countries are still very different from each other. It’s one thing to have developed economies like the USA and Singapore, which are head and shoulders above other countries in terms of development, and quite another to have Iran and Bangladesh, which are developing at a rapid pace, but only follow global trends, and do not set them.

Already today on the Russian market you can find a lot of ideas that have been picked up abroad. They differ only in the degree of borrowing. You can simply copy someone else’s idea and expect it to “take off” due to the lack of competitors. “Success abroad does not always mean success in Russia. Couponers and some sharing services were so unlucky,” says Mark Kapchits, founder of the courier delivery management service Bringo.

This once again demonstrates that even the most fashionable and creative foreign idea may not be in demand in Russia. The whole point is that she's just not interesting. to the local population. In addition, you need to understand that a Western startup and a Russian startup are two different things, and take into account the specifics of your country: a different level of bureaucracy, state support, legislation and even the mentality of the population.

There is no point in blindly copying a foreign idea. But it still makes sense to be inspired by examples from other countries, and then adapt them to the Russian market. We invite you to familiarize yourself with business ideas from abroad that promise to become especially popular in 2016.

Booking Platforms

We are all somehow familiar with the Airbnb service, which allows you to rent an apartment in another city or country while sitting at your computer at home. However, when it first appeared in 2008, the service itself was new. Now this market is actively developing, and analogues of Airbnb are appearing in other industries.

Services like Airbnb, aimed at vacationers and travelers, are already successfully developing the market, but services aimed at business owners and allowing people to rent a short time space for work is just beginning to appear.

At the same time, the workspace refers not only to the usual offices and conference rooms, but also, for example, places for yoga classes.

At the same time, there are many other areas where online booking platforms could be created. Currently, the most attractive and unoccupied niche in terms of profit is platforms for booking venues for events (birthdays, corporate events, weddings). Such a service can generate good income if you manage to attract a sufficiently large number of site owners and potential clients to cooperate.

This is proven by the example of the Russian service for booking venues for parties BASH!Today, which in just 7 months of operation carried out transactions worth more than 11 million rubles.

It is worth mentioning right away that the service was not copied from abroad.

Mikael Sahakyants

Founder of BASH!Today

The idea for the business was born after deciding to hold a party one Sunday evening. The desire to gather guests and have a lot of fun ran into one obstacle: the lack of a suitable venue. Ultimately, we managed to find it, but in the process of searching, I realized that I was far from the only one who was faced with the problem of the absence suitable place for events.

I didn’t search for similar services in Russia or abroad until last fall. But in our country, until recently, there were no such services.

I can say that the world does not yet have a strong player in this area, such as Airbnb. The niche has not yet been occupied, especially in Russia.

Today the BASH!Today service works only in Moscow, but it is planned to expand it throughout the country in the near future.

However, you still have time to open something similar in your city. Or master a slightly narrower niche, for example, selecting venues for weddings. Projects with a broad focus only partially cover the theme of wedding events, but a service aimed strictly at places where you can have a wedding can become very popular.

"Smart" technology

For decades, people have dreamed of a future in which refrigerators would automatically order food that was about to run out. But for now, most of us, in the old fashioned way, take a piece of paper with a list of groceries with us to the store. Moreover, today most devices can be monitored in one way or another using a smartphone.

But for now we are only skimming the surface: most of us do not go beyond using Fitbit. That is why the creation of “smart products” is great opportunity for business.

To make a device “smart,” you often just need to add a sensor and the ability to transmit data via Bluetooth. And the example of various fitness accessories that allow you to monitor your heartbeat, breathing, and the number of steps taken per day proves that making almost every accessory “smart” is beneficial.

Many people today track their activity and performance using watches, headphones, clothes and shoes

A quick look at the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which can be used to determine which startups are generating the most interest, shows that many new “smart” devices are about to conquer the market. Among them, for example, a luggage bag Neit with tracking capability via GPS and device WiFithing, which remotely monitors the heating and lighting in your apartment.

In the near future, there will be an increase in the number of devices that will allow buyers to improve their kitchen without spending money on it. big money. Among such inventions Smarter Mat- a rubberized mat that can be placed in a refrigerator or cabinet, and with its help you can find out which products placed on it are about to run out. With your permission, this device can even order these products from an online store.

Another similar device - The Fridge Cam- can be built into any refrigerator. It takes a photo of what's in the refrigerator, along with the date, and sends it to a special app on your smartphone. And finally, Smarter Detect- a device that responds to signals from your oven, microwave or dishwasher and sends a notification to your smartphone.

Natural and organic cosmetics

Buyers increasingly prefer natural and organic cosmetics. According to the British marketing agency Mintel natural remedies beauty maintenance is used by 42% of buyers. The British believe that organic products better for the environment.

And besides, today it is more important than ever for customers what exactly is included in their cosmetics. To see this, just visit the exhibition, where natural, organic, ethical (not tested on animals) beauty products from all over the world are presented. In February 2016, it attracted 33 thousand visitors.

It is obvious that natural and organic products are a key trend in the development of the beauty industry in the coming years. At the same time, there is a growing number of products that look like they were just made right in the kitchen, but at the same time reflect the latest cosmetic trends.

The easiest way is to start your own home production of natural cosmetics

Many do this, for example, making soap with their own hands and selling it at various markets and specialized stores. But the competition among soap makers is great, and you can’t earn much for one product.

Another interesting and much less expensive way to build an organic business is to create a subscription service for organic cosmetics. A visitor comes to your website, signs up for a subscription for a certain period of time for a certain fee, and you send him a set of ingredients from which he can make his own cosmetics.

You can work according to this scheme not only with components for homemade masks, but with ready-made products from foreign and Russian brands, which cannot be bought in every store. For example, this is what the Russian service does Live Organic Box, whose subscribers receive six boxes of organic creams, oils per year, “ household chemicals", products and even clothes.

The service began operating shortly before 2016, although its creator Tatyana Mikhailenko had the idea much earlier. Tatyana herself says that the idea was born out of a long-standing passion for “organic”, and was not spied on by foreign colleagues. This is probably true, but in the West, similar subscription services for organic cosmetics, for example, Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, have been operating for more than a year. One way or another, in Russia this niche can be said to be empty.

Business withInstagram

Unusual bars

Conventional bars and restaurants no longer satisfy millennials. Audiences aged 25 to 34 are looking for more original ways conduct free time. Today, young people, who most often spend money on entertainment, try to constantly gain some new experience.

You can play on this penchant for novelty by opening an unusual establishment. For example, a bar in which everything from the bar counter to the glasses is made of ice. Such establishments first appeared in Finland back in the late 80s, and then spread throughout the world. In Russia, however, ice bars did not take root: several of them opened in Moscow, but were closed.

But the cafes where they eat in complete darkness are to the taste of the Russians. The first such establishment called DansleNoir? opened in Paris in 2004. And in 2006, a similar restaurant opened in Moscow. Over time, similar establishments began to open in other Russian cities.

If such extremely unusual establishments do not seem to you good idea, you can do it easier and open a cafe with team sports games, for example, ping pong or darts. Or use modern technologies like the coffee chain did ITBar, where instead regular tables interactive. With the help of such tables, you can familiarize yourself with the menu, check your social network account, and even watch a movie. A total of four such coffee shops have opened in Russia.

If you are thinking about opening your own unusual bar, keep in mind that Russian catering today is going through a rather difficult situation.

Due to the crisis, many establishments had to close. This, on the one hand, is a big disadvantage, because it is quite difficult to develop in a falling market. On the other hand, the fewer players in the market, the fewer competitors you have. If you offer clients interesting way spend leisure time and reasonable prices, then you have every chance to successfully implement the idea of ​​your unusual cafe.

Some of the identified trends will be relevant throughout the world, others may remain unclear. In the Russian market you can find many examples of business stories that were successful abroad or, on the contrary, failed.

One way or another, before starting to implement a foreign business idea, you need to check its potential in your region. Find out whether it will be in demand, whether it will encounter legal restrictions, and then decide how exactly to adapt it to your needs. Russian reality and is it worth doing it at all?

Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a profitable business idea. Most often, they focus on the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always justified, so some newcomers take business ideas 2018 from the USA as a basis. In this article we have collected several best projects, which can bring good income in our country.

Features of business in American

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For residents of this country, entrepreneurship is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the USA will seem unusual and even outlandish to you. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, we need to take into account the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the USA can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture is made up of traditions different nations. Thanks to this, in the USA you can open a business related to the most different areas human activity. But there are also models that can only work overseas. They are unacceptable in our country.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully implement American business ideas that do not exist in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, in every field there is a certain level of competition. This is how the modern business world works. In principle, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the USA with a complete lack of competition. In this case, you will become a real pioneer. Of course, competitors will appear sooner or later, but by then you will have time to earn good money.


These interesting ideas for US businesses are great for pet lovers. The first option is a pet taxi. This service is usually used by wealthy people who are very busy with their own affairs. Your task is to accompany pets to the veterinary clinic. To work you will need a spacious car and special comfortable cages. It is most profitable to open such a business in large cities.

Another small business idea growing in the US is a pet hotel where you will house your pets and provide them with proper care. Such a business brings good income both in the USA and in European countries. In Russia, hotels for animals are also not uncommon. Their services are used by people who go on business trips or vacations and do not have the opportunity to take their pets with them. While the owners are traveling, hotel staff look after the unusual guests, providing them with proper care and food.

Personal consultations

This idea of ​​small business in the United States appeared relatively recently. Only specialists with extensive experience and the necessary knowledge in a particular field provide individual consultations in America.

In our country in outside help And good advice many citizens need. If you are a good economist, lawyer or psychologist, try acting as a personal consultant. This is one of the simplest American business ideas without investment. All you need to get started is knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet. At first, you can provide this service for free in order to attract the attention of customers to your business.

Rubber paving slabs

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bringing in good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens up broad prospects for newcomers. There is no high level competition. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tiles have many advantages. First of all, it has a long service life. It retains its original appearance and shape for more than 20 years. In addition, such tiles do not slip, crack or fade in direct sunlight.

These products are made from crumb rubber, which, in turn, is obtained from old car tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of their manufacture, color and fraction. If we talk about equipment, to implement such a promising business idea in the USA you will need:

  • Volcanic press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make multi-colored tiles, you can use different dyes.

Silent events

Holding parties, trainings and other noisy events in wireless headphones- this is one of the most cool ideas small businesses from Europe and the USA. This line of activity opens up incredible prospects for budding entrepreneurs.

If you are interested in organizing various events, try implementing such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on purchasing special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned within short time. Because this new business The idea from America and Europe has not yet become widespread; there is practically no competition in this market segment.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if a product is sold without packaging, it should cost much less. In some cases this does not work, because there are products that are difficult to sell unpackaged. But mostly, this trick attracts the attention of consumers.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try to sell various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, etc. by weight. To properly formulate an assortment, ask the experts. In difficult economic conditions, people try to buy inexpensive food products, so you need to focus on budget products. This could be mid-price segment pasta, cereals, inexpensive loose leaf tea, coffee, etc. Trading goods by weight is great idea small businesses in Europe and the USA, which will significantly increase sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like shopping, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torture for them. This activity is nerve-wracking and time-consuming. To make life easier for men, special stores are opening in the United States. Firstly, they only sell men's jeans. Secondly, they are not stacked on shelves, but are hung facing customers. Most often, models of the same size hang on racks.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile application to your phone, scan the model code and indicate the size. After a certain time, your smartphone receives information about which fitting room contains the jeans selected for you. If the item fits, you take it to the checkout. Jeans that you don't like must be thrown into a special hole provided in the fitting room.

Customers believe that shopping in such a store is a complete pleasure. This American business idea increases the profitability of a trading enterprise by 10 times.

Shopping at the airport

Another new American idea for small businesses is food delivery to the airport. Each person who leaves his home for a certain time removes all perishable food from the refrigerator. When he returns home, after a tiring flight, he has to stop at the supermarket to replenish his food supplies. According to experts, delivering goods to the airport is unique. The client places an order through a mobile application, and upon arrival at the airport a courier is waiting for him with his purchases.

Restaurant with calorie counting

In some European and American restaurants, the menu opposite each dish indicates its fat content and calorie content. This business idea for America and Europe in 2018 can be easily developed and made more attractive. For example, a person who ate the most high-calorie dish, can receive a glass of wine as a gift.

Luggage storage facilities on the motorway

The creators of such businesses in America receive huge income, since many citizens enjoy using this service. Storage lockers are installed on the highway, where you can leave any valuables for a certain period of time. This is very convenient for people who travel to another city. On the way back, the person picks up his things and pays for the service. Anyone can implement this American business idea from scratch, since it does not require large financial investments or any special knowledge.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Travel kits

If you can't think of one, try selling special camping kits for outdoor recreation. In tourist shops you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons, etc. It would seem impossible to offer anything new in this segment. But one American nevertheless figured out how to make money on such products. He developed a special portable travel kit consisting of a kitchenette, bed, shower, table and chairs. That is, it provides everything you need for a good rest in nature. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​activity.

Trade in used items

IN Western countries Selling second-hand items is considered quite common. If you are interested in this line of work, ask