Talisman stones suitable for Capricorns according to the horoscope. Stones talismans for Capricorn by zodiac sign

Choosing a mascot is not an easy task. Character traits and many other factors must be taken into account. Astrologers usually divide minerals according to zodiac signs. Stones affect health and the future.

Capricorns are practical people. They are characterized by patience and prudence. They can work long and painstakingly. As a rule, they achieve their goals. Capricorns make wonderful friends. You can rely on them in the most difficult situations. They are very reserved and rarely show their feelings. Stones for a Capricorn woman must be selected very carefully. After all, this is not just a decoration, but a real talisman.

This mineral has powerful energy. It suits discreet ladies. Gems for a Capricorn woman help her achieve her goals, and jade is a prime example of this. It will give you confidence own strength and will tell you the right way out difficult situation. Jade adds vital energy and improves performance. Among other things, it strengthens the immune system. Thanks to it, you will quickly regain strength after a hard day at work. Jade will become a wonderful talisman and for married ladies. He protects the family hearth from various kinds troubles.


Considering that this zodiac sign is distinguished by great hard work, stones for a Capricorn woman should help in this: maintain strength, fill with energy, and so on. It is ideally suited for this. It stimulates intellectual activity and greatly facilitates the perception of information. In a difficult situation, he will help you put your thoughts in order without unnecessary emotions and accept correct solution. Rock crystal will help reserved Capricorns establish communication with the outside world.

Stones are of great importance for a Capricorn woman, especially if she has devoted her life to creativity. In this case, any jewelry with pomegranate would be appropriate. This stone helps Capricorns influence others. It promotes the development of emotional experiences that are very necessary for artists, actors, directors, and writers. Gives women pomegranate good mood and helps to have a philosophical attitude towards various everyday problems.

Stones for Capricorn women, in addition to practical benefits, have beautiful appearance. One of the brightest is fluorite. It is a transparent mineral of blue, white, purple or pink color.

It can be used as decoration for almost any occasion, be it friendly party, going to work or going out. In addition, it sharpens logic, helps concentrate and improves memory.


This rare smoky brown mineral guards this zodiac sign. A Capricorn woman (the stone will be an excellent amulet for her) who wears it will discover a lot of new things in herself. It is suitable for people involved in science and the study of spiritual life. The stone is very strong mystical talisman. It helps to rethink established norms and open the way to new knowledge. Rauchtopaz has a calm energy. It protects against momentary weaknesses and impulsive actions.

Properly selected stones will help Capricorns reduce their influence negative traits character and strengthen good qualities, because they have a great influence on people and can protect their owner from the evil eye, bad environment, and diseases. Stones are not only decorations, but also excellent amulets. They can be selected by date of birth, gender, eastern horoscope. There are also minerals that Capricorns should not wear.

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      Amulet by date of birth

      People born in the first ten days of the sign from December 22 to January 2 are characterized by integrity in their views, a tendency to hoard, and a craving for new knowledge and experience. The horoscope suggests giving preference to such “early” Capricorns:

      • agate;
      • rock crystal;
      • malachite;
      • coil;
      • tiger's eye.
      • People born in the second decade (from January 3 to January 13) easily manage to take leadership in a team or company. It is always important for them to have a goal, a direction vector that sets the path. If the goal is unclear and has not yet taken shape, then Capricorn may be overtaken by laziness. The following will help combat passivity and strengthen leadership skills:

        • onyx;
        • sardonyx;
        • chrysoprase.

        People born from January 14 to January 20 often lack vital energy. Their amulets can be:

        • opal;
        • tourmaline;
        • ruby.

        List of minerals for women

        Minerals for women born under the zodiac sign Capricorn:

        • pomegranate;
        • cornelian;
        • agate;
        • rhinestone.


        Considered a mineral of love and passion, it will help representatives of this sign let go of old painful relationships and find their destiny. The stone will add mystery to its owner and will help attract worthy men. This mineral for Capricorn girls will become a talisman against diseases, stress, and strengthen cardiovascular system. Increases vitality and mood. The owner of the pomegranate will show sincere feelings and will not be able to lie, even to save herself.


        The mineral whose medicinal properties scientifically confirmed. Carnelian is suitable for unmarried Capricorn girls. The stone interacts with the aura and character of a woman, giving her increased attractiveness to gentlemen. This stone is a must-have for a representative of this sign who is looking for a life partner. Carnelian will protect a woman from nervous breakdowns, will relieve swelling, normalize sleep and increase the overall tone of the body.


        It will become a reliable talisman for a Capricorn woman who needs to be protected from merciless gossip and the sharp tongues of enemies. Agate protects well from the evil eye, accumulating all negative energy on myself. Such a stone will protect a Capricorn woman from misfortunes and help structure her thoughts. The mineral will protect beautiful representatives of the Capricorn sign from

        • poisoning;
        • stomach pain;
        • intestinal disorders;
        • seizures;
        • nightmares.


        If someone born under this sign is too frank, offends people with her frankness, is often distrustful and sees only bad traits in people, then she definitely needs to take a closer look at rock crystal. This gem will help improve your character, give it femininity and gentleness, and help you recognize the kindness in people. Rock crystal framed in silver will enhance its positive influence on Capricorns. The stone accumulates only positive energy and is able to increase mental activity.

        What stones are suitable for men

        List of stones for Capricorn men:

        • amethyst;
        • emerald;
        • rauchtopaz;
        • onyx;
        • chrysoprase.


        One of the most suitable stones for representatives of the strong half of this sign. Careerists should take a closer look at it: amethyst makes a person more sociable, responsible, and efficient. Helps increase intuition.


        Also very good for Capricorn men. The energy of the stone practically merges with the energy of its owner, increasing positive traits and helping to protect its owner from external troubles.

Explaining which stone is suitable for Capricorn, astrologers draw attention to the fact that a precious amulet must be chosen not only according to the zodiac sign, but also according to the date of birth of a particular person.

Selection of stones by decades

  1. Capricorns of the first decade ( December 22 - January 2) are included in the sphere of influence of Jupiter. They calmly and confidently move towards their goal, achieving great success in life. The Capricorn stones of this period are agate, quartz, amethyst, tiger's eye, malachite, rock crystal, ruby, jade and jasper.
  2. Capricorns, by date of birth ( 3rd - 13th January) belonging to the second decade are under the protection of Mars. They are characterized by ambitious thoughts and actions, but they do not like to show emotions. Suitable stones for Capricorn in the second decade it is ruby, jadeite, onyx, turquoise, heliotrope, opal, charoite, sardonyx, chrysoprase and chalcedony.
  3. In the third decade ( January 14th - 19th) Capricorns enter, feeling the influence of the Sun. These are strong and courageous people who love to work hard. They can become precious talismans garnet, ruby, alexandrite, tourmaline, hyacinth, opal and zircon.

Amulet stones for Capricorn

One of the most powerful astrological signs is Capricorn; stones for it should also have powerful energy. Ruby, according to astrologers, the most successful stone for Capricorn. It makes the representative of this zodiac sign, who is rather dry in communication, softer and more tolerant of other people’s shortcomings. Ruby helps fight excessive caution and suspicion. A precious talisman with a bright red stone guides the practical and prudent nature of the sign to achieve noble and high goals.

Ruby makes you more affectionate and gentle towards family members, helps to reveal feelings and express them correctly. The sign often falls into a depressed state if it cannot fulfill its ambitious plans. A talisman with this precious stone will share energy with its owner and help fight the fear of failure. Ruby calms the sanguine Capricorn, gives wisdom and prudence.

This sign has a hard time finding true friends and finding happiness in marriage. Talisman with pomegranate makes its owner more tolerant, sociable and cheerful. The mineral helps Capricorn according to their zodiac sign to show their creative abilities and teaches them not to be afraid of outside opinions. In moments of danger, pomegranate gives courage, energy and clarifies thoughts.
Decoration with onyx- a good talisman for Capricorns of any gender. It makes them determined and independent. Onyx, according to astrologers, promotes long life without disease. The mineral protects the sign from enemies, envy and the evil eye. The stone directs the stubbornness of its owner towards achieving the most important and lofty goals. Onyx as a talisman improves memory and overall well-being.

Gems for the Capricorn woman

A talisman with an amethyst is very suitable for a typical Capricorn woman. The stone softens the sharp edges of her character, making her more feminine, affectionate and gentle. Jewelry with amethyst has a positive effect on a woman’s health, helps her get pregnant and become a good mother. The gem helps relieve stress and calms, reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with shocks to the nervous system.

It is useful for Capricorn women to wear a talisman with hairy. This mineral helps, first of all, in personal life, makes women sexy, liberated and attractive. It is believed that the hairworm can prolong youth and relieve loneliness and melancholy. The stone promotes professional growth and financial well-being, enhances intuition and feminine instinct.

The Capricorn woman worries very much about herself and her family; she sees dangers everywhere. Talisman with coil will bring her a feeling of security and confidence in the future. The energy mineral corresponds to a strong Capricorn woman, so this sign can wear a serpentine quite often. The stone is very suitable for doctors and nurses, scientists and researchers.

Gems for Capricorn men

According to the horoscope, a Capricorn man is suitable as a talisman for decoration with onyx. The stone makes its owner confident, fearless and noble. Onyx has a positive effect on the financial situation of Capricorn according to the zodiac sign and helps to achieve much-desired heights in his chosen field. The mineral promotes success among women and attracts love into a man’s life.

Some stone experts believe that onyx enhances male strength and fights diseases.

Amethyst also very suitable for . The gem increases the intellectual abilities of its owner and enhances intuition. The mineral promotes professional growth and creative development. A talisman with an amethyst makes Capricorn's zodiac sign flexible and sociable, helps to negotiate and make useful contacts.

It is useful for a male Capricorn to have a talisman with obsidian. The mineral, first of all, protects the sign from the negative aspects of its own character. Obsidian does not allow you to despair in moments of defeat or become arrogant during the period of takeoff. The stone reduces nervousness and makes the sign less gloomy and withdrawn. In addition, obsidian helps repel the negative energy of ill-wishers.

Dangerous minerals sign

Sapphire is a rather controversial stone. Astrologers do not advise the sign to wear this mineral often, although sapphire is considered the stone of Saturn, the patron saint of Capricorns. The soft influence of the gem is practically incapable of influencing the down-to-earth nature of the representatives of the sign. Sapphire is neutral in most cases, but sometimes it can make Capricorn even more wary and distrustful.

If this zodiac sign still really likes sapphire, you can conduct a kind of test for energy compatibility with the stone. The gem is tied to the left hand and they sleep like that all night. If sapphire brings good and pleasant dreams, then Capricorn can sometimes wear jewelry with it. If your sleep was restless, it is better to avoid sapphire altogether.

Astrologers say that Capricorn should be suitable for those minerals that favor the Earth. They are the ones who will give the right energy, help make informed decisions, avoid mistakes and protect their Capricorn owners from troubles. The talisman must have very specific qualities - to help in work and profession, because Capricorns take their career very seriously, and also to maintain health, especially the musculoskeletal system, which is the weakest and most vulnerable point for this sign.

The patron saint of Capricorn, the planet Saturn, connects these people with cold, dark-colored stones. It is these minerals that help you achieve your goals. It is best to choose not one, but several stones of green, orange (reddish) and dark colors and wear them according to the season.

Capricorn Stones

Many astrologers call dark obsidian, especially a dark red hue, the best stone for the sign of Capricorn. This mineral provides internal protection - it clears the mind, helps to make correct and informed decisions, and prevents mistakes and temptations.

The stone does not protect against external troubles, but helps its owner to endure them more steadfastly and calmly.

Ruby - stone of luck

Ruby, a red colored gemstone, is capable of catching Capricorn's love, happiness and good fortune. In addition, in the old days it was believed that a ruby ​​could protect its owner from such misfortunes as floods, lightning strikes and even poisoning. People believed that near poisons the mineral changed its color.

Onyx - stone of power

In ancient times, this semi-precious stone was called the “stone of leaders.” He is able to give Capricorn power over people, helps to recognize their secret plans and even read thoughts, strengthens fortitude and protects from death.

Onyx is a stone of modest, restrained beauty. But at the same time it looks interesting both in decorations and as an ornamental material. Glasses, miniature sculptural figures, etc. are made from it.

Malachite for strength of mind and health

Malachite has unique properties, which have been known in the East since ancient times. It clears the mind, strengthens the spirit and body. It is recommended to wear it especially for those Capricorns who are engaged in scientific activity, because the mineral helps to achieve great heights in this area. In addition, malachite was believed to cure rheumatism, and its powder added to food helps with stomach upsets.

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People born under the sign of Capricorn are usually very reserved. They subconsciously put a barrier between themselves and others. They always have a corner of their soul where even very close friends and relatives are prohibited from entering. By nature, Capricorns are loners. It is sometimes difficult for them to find happiness in family life.

What signs are compatible with a Capricorn woman?

Capricorn women are endowed with innate charm and nobility. They are not interested in boring and inert men. It is necessary that the man next to her fully corresponds to her.

An ambitious Aries will be able to create a strong and lasting union with a Capricorn woman. She will fully support her man in the fight for promotion career ladder, will be able to become his faithful companion and caring wife.

Capricorn also has a good relationship with Taurus. Both Capricorn and Capricorn are Earth signs, and their common traits are patience, determination and a love of nature. The marriage will be comfortable for both.

A Capricorn woman often chooses a Cancer man as her lover. They are simply drawn to each other. They have common views on life, family values are a priority, both value tradition. In their home there is no place for jealousy and stormy showdowns, but there is complete mutual understanding, support and calm love.

The Virgo man will become reliable support for Capricorn. This kind of union occurs very often. Capricorn admires Virgo's hard work and tenacity. It is the Capricorn woman who is able to awaken in Virgo ambition and the desire to make a career and achieve success.

Capricorn has a very stormy and passionate relationship with Scorpio. They give each other unforgettable, bright emotions. In family life, from time to time there will be conflict situations, but the disputes will be resolved soon. Their union has every chance of being long and happy.

Capricorn is the most conservative sign of the Zodiac, and the union of two Capricorns has the right to exist. This will be a marriage based on deep mutual understanding and friendship. Hand in hand, they are able to move towards their goal, sweeping away all obstacles along the way and turning their home into a “full cup.”

Signs Compatible with a Capricorn Man

Capricorn is a man with incredible ambition. He is very calculating and loves to manipulate people. In family life they are prone to traditional relationships.

Capricorn will feel comfortable and cozy with Taurus. Taurus women are incredibly economical and are able to create a home that you will always want to return to. For a purposeful Capricorn, it is difficult to imagine a more suitable partner.

There is no passion in Capricorn and Cancer, but there is calm and deep love. They are not jealous of each other and their relationship can become very long and harmonious.

Oddly enough, it is Libra women who can give the stubborn and ambitious Capricorn a harmonious relationship. They understand and complement each other perfectly.

The Libra woman admires Capricorn, his determination and strength of character, and he is calm about her frequent mood swings. This couple is able to overcome obstacles together and build a strong family.

Capricorn has a turbulent relationship with a Scorpio woman. However, they are still drawn to each other. This is a union strong people, with complex characters, but since both signs differ in constancy, then their family life it will turn out quite well.


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People born under the Capricorn zodiac are distinguished by their resilience in life, the desire to achieve their goals, prudence and patience. A special talisman stone will help Capricorns achieve their goals and increase their virtues.


Ruby, according to astrologers, is one of the most important stones for Capricorn. Ruby is a stone of passion that can bring its owner good luck in love and personal happiness. In addition, a ruby ​​is able to ward off the evil eye and induced damage from Capricorns, as well as protect its owner from all kinds of natural Disasters. If danger is approaching Capricorns, then the ruby ​​will give them a sign - it will darken.

For people born under the Capricorn zodiac, this blue gemstone can bring wealth, luck and prosperity in business. In addition, it will help mentally unbalanced Capricorns to maintain calm, calm raging passions and maintain a sober mind.


Rock crystal will help fill the hardworking Capricorn with energy. It is able to stimulate the intellectual abilities of its owner, make his mental activity more fruitful, and also make the most correct decisions. It is interesting that rock crystal will help Capricorns who are reserved in communication and shy in communication with the outside world.

This semi-precious stone helps develop leadership qualities in Capricorns and also helps them successfully lead people. Together with silver, the stone can cure insomnia and ward off the dark thoughts of envious people from its owner. In addition, onyx drives away sadness, negative emotions, and also helps some careless Capricorns understand the meaning of their lives.

Malachite is best known as a stone that fulfills certain wishes of its owner. An amulet made of malachite is suitable for creative Capricorns, as it helps expand their horizons and achieve harmony with themselves and with the world around them. Positive energy Malachite will allow Capricorns who are disappointed in life to wipe away the tears, gain hope for a bright future, feel the ground under their feet, and also believe in themselves.

This stone of fidelity and hearth and home will help people born under the constellation Capricorn acquire friendly family and comfort in the house. In addition, this stone can help proud Capricorns discover the possibility of a truce with others, as well as find balance in this world.

Jade is a mineral that can increase the performance of Capricorn several times, and therefore help him achieve his goals. The stone gives its owner determination and courage, and also gives him vital energy. But that’s not all: thanks to this stone, Capricorn will be able to quickly and easily regain strength after working day.

Tip 4: How to choose a stone for a person born under the sign of Capricorn

Even ancient healers and magicians noted the power of stones and minerals. But it is worth noting that each mineral has its own special energy and, if you want to use a stone as a talisman, it is important to choose the one whose energy matches yours, strengthening it, and not stopping or weakening it.

In addition to the main character traits, it should be noted that representatives of this sign very rarely admit their mistakes and mistakes, and it is opal that helps wayward and stubborn Capricorns expand their horizons, indicating alternative ways to solve emerging issues and problems.

Opal to achieve your goals

He descended to earth from a rainbow, and the moment he touched the ground, wherever he passed, stones were formed, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. These were the opals.

Jade for the family

It should be noted that Capricorns are very loyal partners, constantly striving to protect their family from trouble. However, it is precisely because of these qualities that Capricorn’s family life often becomes boring and monotonous.

  • In order to avoid this, you should have jade figurines in your house. They are the strong talisman of family happiness, bringing newness and resurgent energy into relationships.

In addition, it is believed that jade is a stone of strength, which means that for Capricorns with their strong character, it will be an excellent talisman that will strengthen this quality and bring good luck.

So, for example, according to legend, Alexander the Great had a talisman - a pendant made of jade , which accompanied him everywhere and everywhere. When he lost her while swimming in the Euphrates River, his luck left him and never returned.

The Earth sign Capricorn is strong and more than self-sufficient, so he almost doesn’t care what stones he wears. Moreover, he can afford to limit their selection and wear any stones regardless of the time of year and without looking at the month and the dominant zodiac sign in them.

Capricorn is considered a sign of hope, because according to the horoscope it effective December 22, on Solstice Day with the shortest day of the year, but after its completion the night begins to wane. Therefore, people born under this sign are characterized by activity, assertiveness and offensiveness. However, at the same time, they have difficulty completing the work they have started and some inconsistency in their actions. Fire stones, which are considered dangerous for other signs (for example, Labradorite, serpentine, Arabic onyx), will help Capricorn women cope with this.

Dark, cold stones with strong energy, which no other sign can cope with, because its planet is the gloomy but powerful Saturn.

Women of this sign only need to choose a few stones. different types and wear them at will, regardless of the circumstances. This set must include one dark color, one fiery and one rich green, they will help the owner in different moments of life.

  • Black or steel hematite.
  • Black and gray pearls.
  • Black or bright red corals.
  • Black or blue Labrador (Lunnik).
  • Dark blue lapis lazuli (with pyrite).
  • Black or dark brown obsidian.
  • Dark green malachite (with patterns).
  • Arabic onyx (preferably with contrasting stripes).
  • Green coil (serpentine).
  • Bright green garnet (uvarovite).
  • Blood red garnet (pyron).
  • Intense red dark ruby.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of some stones.

Talismans for women

As already written, Capricorn is one of the most powerful signs of the horoscope, so it can easily wear those stones that are contraindicated for most other signs. In Capricorn, on the contrary, they bring out the inner powerful essence and allow one to cope with some confusion and inconsistency. How do stones influence the character of this sign?

Arabic onyx. This is the stone of a person - a leader. Onyx will help you achieve success on a difficult career path, help the owner to achieve the respect of colleagues and recognition of merit from his management. And in modern world This is no less important for women than for men. This stone also helps the owner control his emotions and actions. At first glance, this is not necessary for the seemingly cold-blooded Capricorn, however, sometimes a whole whirlwind of emotions can be hidden under the icy mask.

Malachite. This stone is simply necessary for the health of Capricorn, maintaining his mental and physical strength, improving well-being and restoring the internal balance of the body. Women of this sign strive for stability in everything, so malachite will be an excellent talisman for them.

Ruby. One of the most beautiful precious stones, which will also help in your career and advancement on the path to success, and will add financial stability. It should be among the jewelry of any business woman seeking recognition in this field. But among other things, the ruby ​​will become a great assistant and in your personal life, it will help create a strong, friendly family, ensure understanding and harmony between partners.

But remember that this is a very strong fire talisman with too powerful energy, so it should not be worn often by women who have health problems (high blood pressure and heart disease).

Coil. It has a second name - serpentine and is considered one of the most dangerous semi-precious stones. It’s rare that a horoscope sign can afford to wear it, because quite often serpentine, instead of helping, on the contrary, puts up obstacles. But he takes away negative energy from Capricorn without a trace, but it is not advisable for him to wear a coil all the time.

The most valuable stone is considered to be one that has been inherited, as it has the ability to remember family problems and helps protect its current owner from them.

Other useful stones

Also useful for a Capricorn woman will be:

Jasper. This red stone will help strengthen women's heart health, and also reduce blood pressure, relieve headaches and insomnia. For Capricorns, the stone will also bring prosperity to the home, help them find strong friendships and achieve success in their studies and work.

Agate. Black agate is more suitable for men, it will help them become more attractive to women, and will also strengthen relationships that already exist. White agate is suitable for both sexes; it will make its owner softer and help awaken good and kind qualities. In addition, a stone of any color will relieve lingering coughs and throat diseases.

Nephritis. This stone is an assistant in married life; it will preserve family relationships, find understanding between a woman and a man, help avoid quarrels and increase sexual desire. But jade cannot be worn as jewelry; its place is on the bedside table in the form of a talisman figurine.

What should Capricorns not wear?

Capricorn, of course strong sign, but there are stones that he is not recommended to wear. And there are those that are completely contraindicated, because they can turn all its advantages into disadvantages and create obstacles in achieving the goal.

  • Sapphire.
  • Amethyst.
  • Aventurine.

First two stones will take away all the strength from its owner, bringing in return irritability and constant fatigue, which will not go away until Capricorn takes them off and puts them away. But aventurine will endow the owner with unnecessary frivolity and a tendency to rash actions, which is highly undesirable for this horoscope sign, which sometimes finds it difficult to bring its undertakings to completion.

Yellow pearls, mother-of-pearl, beryl, emerald, amazonite, white opal and yellow diamond are also contraindicated for Capricorn.

It is not recommended for this zodiac sign to wear jewelry made of blue aquamarine and turquoise, moonstone and black opal, orange agate and carnelian, and also use chalcedony, carnelian and chrysolite as talismans.

Obsidian can be used in rare cases, when it is necessary to concentrate forces on a specific task or to hone the art of an orator, but it is also unsuitable for constant wear, since it turns a person’s caution into elementary cowardice.

We carry stones correctly

It’s not enough to choose a stone that suits the owner’s horoscope; you also need to learn to wear it correctly. Each stone requires special treatment, and the strong fire and dark talismans of Capricorn are even more so. Otherwise, they may become “offended” and, instead of helping, bring harm to the owner.

For example, malachite cannot tolerate unnecessary pretentiousness and will categorically not accept a gold frame. His ideal companion in jewelry will be silver, which will reveal the true rich essence this stone. For a Capricorn woman, jewelry made of large malachites framed in silver would be ideal.

Onyx also does not like gold settings; it is a modest stone and simple silver chains will be an excellent companion for a pendant made of this stone.

Ruby- a precious, expensive and very strong stone, so only special works of jewelry are created with it, which, of course, flatters him. He loves gold in any form and will look great in rings, earrings and pendants. But remember not to wear it too often, especially large stones.

Agate jewelry For Capricorn women, it is best to wear it in the form of beads or as a pendant.

The serpentine is a special stone, one of the strongest and most dangerous, but at the same time it does not like to be shown off. It is best worn in a breast pocket or as a pendant on a long leather cord or chain hidden under clothing. He will protect you well, albeit secretly.

Jasper, on the contrary, loves to show off and will be an excellent assistant in the form of rings and beads.

If there is a temporary need to use obsidian, place it away from your heart, for example, in a trouser pocket, or insert it into silver ring and wear it on your middle finger.

Well, and most importantly - remember, all the stones that suit you according to your horoscope are, first of all, amulets and talismans, accordingly, they drive away all negativity and bad energy, absorbing it into yourself. To clean the stone and allow it to work well again, do not forget to place it under cold running water at least once a week, which will take away all negative emotions.