Frame houses with panoramic windows. Projects of houses with large windows

Great amount developers want to build new house, the rooms in which will be flooded with the light of the sun, and from the windows of which you can look at a beautiful view of the garden in the courtyard or the city at night. These desires are feasible if private houses have large areas of glazing. Among modern developers, one-story houses with panoramic glazing are quite popular, since they are characterized by rooms with high level comfort and indescribable charm.

Project plans for one-story houses with large windows: nuances

When deciding to buy standard or order custom designs of cottages with panoramic glazing, it is important to consider the following features:

  • Since glass is characterized by high thermal conductivity due to the thermal properties of the material and its small thickness, when choosing projects with large panoramic windows It is important to take into account such a factor as the location of the panoramic glazing in relation to the cardinal directions. For creating better conditions For comfort, panoramic windows are recommended to be installed on the southwest or south side. Due to this arrangement of windows, the entry of sunlight into the premises will be increased.
  • Layout one-story houses With large windows must also be taken into account during design and construction. It is extremely important to choose the right width, height of panoramic windows and their location in the room so that there is no feeling of a storefront.
  • When implementing architectural projects for houses with large windows, special attention must be paid to the quality of materials used to install panoramic glazing. Special attention window fittings required. Fittings of poor quality and at a low price may not withstand the weight of large windows and lead to the destruction of the entire structure.
  • Large windows will look original in the living room, bedroom, winter garden, hall or dining room. But it is important to foresee the installation of curtains or blinds in advance. Often enough cottage with large windows allows for additional panoramic glazing terraces or verandas and organize there winter Garden. Many developers mistakenly believe that panoramic windows are only suitable for large premises. In fact, large windows can harmoniously fit into absolutely any interior, the main thing is that the size of the windows is proportional to the area of ​​the premises. In such cases, even small rooms will visually seem more spacious.

Plans for one-story houses with large windows: taking into account the climate zone

It is important to understand that residential building projects with panoramic glazing designed for one climate zone, are not suitable for turnkey implementation in a different climatic region. Only a competently performed thermotechnical calculation of the premises during the installation of panoramic glazing allows us to determine the measures the implementation of which will ensure comfortable conditions indoors even in the coldest winter.

It is also important to pay attention to the material used to make window structures. In this section of the catalog we have collected projects of one-story houses with large windows (photos, videos, sketches, diagrams and drawings are available for viewing on the website). Such house designs break the stereotypes that large windows are only suitable for multi-story buildings.

When it was not possible to choose a project that suits the developer’s requirements from the options for ready-made projects offered in the collection, then for an additional cost you can use the service

Huge floor-to-ceiling windows allow you to feel the spaciousness and enjoy the scenery at any time of the year. Among other things, they give the interior of a house or apartment a special chic and luxurious atmosphere. What is worth knowing before building a house with panoramic windows? Photos of apartments and interiors, expert recommendations and much more in this material.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of huge windows

Before discussing the pros and cons of panoramic glazing, you should pay attention to two important aspects:

  1. Panoramic windows were invented in French Provence, Where winter temperature does not fall below seven degrees Celsius.
  2. High-quality execution of panoramic glazing is only possible if it was provided for at the design stage of the house. Attempts to make changes to existing walls for the purpose of installing such structures can lead not only to loss appearance building, but also to its partial or complete destruction.

Now let’s break down, as they say, the advantages and disadvantages of large windows.

pros Minuses
An unparalleled view, especially if there is something to look at. If you have a garden or a pond, if the house is located on a hill with an excellent view, these windows are simply a treat for the eyes.Even with the installation of the most modern warm double-glazed windows, energy losses will be greater than with the usual size of windows. Houses with such glazing require on average thirty percent more heating costs.
Panoramic glazing allows the room to be well illuminated with natural light until sunset.Placing glass directly above the floor can be an additional source of danger for small children. An awkward movement, a successful goal with a ball, or simply the fall of an object can lead to serious injuries. Prudent owners install special fences in front of such windows.
Houses with such windows have a beautiful facadeTo enjoy a beautiful view, you need to keep the glass clean. Washing panoramic windows will require additional effort and expense.
Realtors claim that with panoramic windows or a bay window you can sell for much more than a cottage with conventional windows.Huge glass makes the house look like. Not only curious neighbors, but also intruders can admire its inhabitants. They can use glass wall for penetration.
Any damage to a panoramic window entails significant costs. Replacing such glass will not be easy; you will have to hire professionals.

The pros and cons of large windows are a reason to think twice before making a decision. It is much easier to refuse a panoramic view if there is nothing special to admire - if, for example, only the dull wall of a neighboring house or a dusty road is visible opposite.

Bay window as a facade decoration

Without a doubt, a bay window, one of the types of panoramic glazing, is a decoration of the façade of a cottage. Due to this protrusion, you can significantly increase the area of ​​​​the living room, kitchen or. In that cozy corner It’s nice to sit at home with a book or receive guests.

Types of bay windows:

It has frame glazing, in which there are opening sashes in the side frames. Typically the frames are placed at angles of thirty degrees relative to each other and the wall.

This is not a standard projection; the windows in it are located at right angles. This area is ideal for relaxation.

In such structures, in addition to frames, a flexible profile is used, additional connecting elements. The higher the glass in such a bay window, the more attractive it looks in the facade ensemble.

This is perhaps the most difficult form to perform. Such designs can only be done by professionals. They require the use of curved glass and are located mainly in the corner part of the building.

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In the article we will look in more detail domed houses: projects and prices, photos and recommendations from experienced specialists. The knowledge gained will be useful when choosing the method by which the building will be erected.

What is important to know about panoramic glazing

In order for glazing to be reliable and beautiful, you need to approach the selection of materials with all responsibility.

Important! The impressive glass surface area will place a large load on the frame. Part of this weight is the profile. You need to select a material that is not too heavy, but durable.


Selection of double-glazed windows – important aspect. For large surfaces you need to choose special glass:

  • hardened - has a strength five times greater than normal;
  • laminated (triplex) - consists of several plates held together with a special film, this structure gives the material special strength;
  • covered with a special film – the reinforcing film strengthens the surface and additionally protects from bright ultraviolet radiation;
  • tinted and reflective - used for the sunny side of the building;
  • energy-saving - the material of double-glazed windows is coated on the inside with silver or tin oxide for better heat retention.

Advice! Washing panoramic windows is not simple procedure requiring patience and sustainability. Special magnetic brushes have appeared on sale that allow you to wash the outside of a window without leaving the room.


Glazing frames can be vinyl - this material is very easy to care for and retains its color for a long time. Vinyl does not dry out, crack, or be damaged by fungus.

PVC profiles are not very suitable for glass panoramas. PVC tends to deform when the temperature changes and, if this is little noticeable on small areas, on huge windows such deformation can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Wooden frames are traditional and environmentally friendly. But when choosing this option, you should remember that such frames will require constant supervision and care.

Aluminum profile- almost eternal material. To improve its thermal insulation qualities, such profiles are equipped with polyamide “insides”.

For your information! The most “advanced” glazing option is the so-called “smart windows”. They are equipped with a ventilation system and sensors that control ventilation and closing. They may become opaque if the sun is too bright. The glass coating has water- and dirt-repellent properties. Such windows can be controlled via the Internet and maintain the necessary microclimate in the house even during a long absence of the owners. The cost of a panoramic window with such properties is estimated at a six-figure sum.

Installation tricks

The main thing in installing panoramic structures is to ensure their complete safety. When glazing a balcony or loggia in an apartment, as a rule, blank frames are placed on the sides, and two swing-out doors are made in the center for ventilation. In a bay window, on the contrary, the side parts are made to open.

Canopies are placed on top of such structures to protect from rain. Bottom - . An internal fence is installed if there are children in the house or if the owners are simply not confident in their agility. Fences are usually made of stainless steel. Less often - from forged metal. I must admit that the latter look very beautiful.

On verandas and terraces, glazing can be with an accordion mechanism. In this case, glass without frames is connected by a special mechanism that allows the structure to be assembled and disassembled as needed.


Heat loss due to large area can be reduced using special heating systems. Since a regular one cannot be installed under a window sill, a low one is used for a panoramic window. Its height is only twenty to thirty centimeters. If you can’t use it either, you can purchase thermal curtain, this is very effective remedy to maintain a stable room temperature. The curtain can be installed on top of the window or built into the floor below it. Convectors in the floor should be located at a distance of thirty centimeters from window opening, to warm air didn't get confused in . In addition to those listed, the task with a panoramic view can be performed by:

  • heated floors (electric or water;
  • heating baseboards;
  • fireplaces (real or electric).

Architects' fantasies: designs of houses with panoramic windows and a terrace

The use of new technologies in construction allows designers to approach the design of panoramic windows or glazed terraces more and more boldly.

Here are a few example projects:

Panoramic windows in a private house: photo, price

The cost of panoramic windows depends not only on their area. This is just one of many factors. In addition to size, the price is affected by:

  • additional structural elements (window sills, ebbs, mesh,);
  • accessories (handles, mechanisms);
  • work of craftsmen (installation of new windows and dismantling of old ones, finishing and thermal insulation);
  • transportation cost.

The main expense item is the profile. Good profile can't be cheap. It is cheaper to purchase a white profile. All other colors and finishes will vary in price. The cost of a window sill depends on its width: the wider, the more expensive.

It's better to choose triple glazing, it will provide reliable thermal insulation. A solid frame will cost the least.

This is how the cost of panoramic windows works out.

Luxurious photos: a house with panoramic windows

You should also make the interior environment comfortable for future residents. This “zest” will help you with this: frame house with panoramic windows.

Many owners frame houses they give preference to them over ordinary ones, since large window openings allow them to save on lighting in the warm season and create cozy atmosphere. But first of all, you will need to develop the following documentation before building a frame house with large windows: a project (architectural and engineering), as well as an approximate estimate for the purchase of necessary materials.


Panoramic structures are made from the most various materials :

  • plastic;
  • metal (including aluminum);
  • wood;
  • glass composite

Advantages of metal frames are considered high strength, fire resistance, good thermal insulation properties, burglary resistance and high corrosion resistance. However, these will be quite expensive.

Aluminum panoramic windows will not only provide excellent illumination for your home, but also weigh little. They will organically fit into the decor of a high-tech room.

Wooden double-glazed windows also retain heat perfectly and are absolutely safe for human health., due to its environmental friendliness, and are additionally treated with compounds that protect the frame from mold and mildew.


Large windows for frame houses can be:

  • ordinary;
  • corner ones, which are often used if there is a garden behind it with a lot of shade or there is a forest nearby;
  • false windows, which are installed when the landscapes outside the window are not very picturesque (they are panels with artificial lighting, on which photographs of nature are applied).

The sizes of double-glazed windows can vary significantly depending on the area of ​​the building and the wishes of its owner. However, it is important to remember that the maximum area of ​​the panoramic window should not exceed 6 m2. At the same time, the length of each side of the window structure, according to standards, is no more than 400 cm. Oval plastic double glazed windows usually have a length of no more than 250 cm along the major axis.

Important! For panoramic window structures it is used only strained glass, the thickness of which should not be less than 5-6 mm.


If your house is located in such a way that even on a sunny day it seems dark and uncomfortable, panoramic windows will help correct this small drawback.

To make your home truly comfortable, you should install floor-to-ceiling windows in a frame house, adhering to some rules for installing large double-glazed windows:

  1. Try to install panoramic windows so that they face south or southwest. Thanks to this, the room will always be not only light, but also warm even in the coldest winter.
  2. Consider the layout of the building. To prevent a frame house with large windows from looking too impersonal and standard, you need to choose optimal sizes glass unit and its location on the wall. The number of large window structures also depends on the climate. For cold regions, manufacturers offer heated double-glazed windows, and in the hot south, panoramic windows with a special coating that allows luminous fluxes, but preventing heating of the room.
  3. Don't have too many panoramic windows in a small building: you will feel uncomfortable, remaining in full view of passers-by and neighbors.


Large windows in a frame house should not only delight you with a charming view and streams of light.

And they must also perform practical functions, having the following characteristics:

  • security;
  • strength to withstand accidental impacts and mechanical loads, and durability;
  • air and moisture tightness;
  • heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties.

Reference! To prevent outside sounds from entering your home, experts recommend purchasing multi-chamber double-glazed windows filled with special sound-proofing material.

Types of double-glazed windows

At the request of the customer, a three-, four- or five-chamber double-glazed window can be installed in a panoramic window structure, but in terms of the price-heat loss ratio in the house this is often unjustified. The most common types of double-glazed windows in this case are:

  1. Single-chamber double-glazed window, consisting of two glasses spaced 16 mm apart.
  2. Double-glazed window with three glasses, the distance between which is standard 10 mm.

Such products may have additional performance characteristics and be:

  1. Energy saving: a special coating is applied to the surface of the glass unit, reflecting the rays of the infrared spectrum. This does not in any way affect the transparency of the glass, however, it makes it possible to retain up to 40% of the heat in the house during the heating season.
  2. Impact resistant. They are made from special tempered and impact-resistant glass. Sometimes a film is applied to the surface of a panoramic glass unit to prevent fragments broken glass scatter around the room.
  3. Soundproofing. This property is achieved by filling the chamber inside the glass unit with argon or other inert gas, using different distances between glass or glass more than 6 mm thick.
  4. Tinted or mirrored. They are ideal for sunny areas or hot climates, preventing excessive heating of the room and reducing visibility inside the house for passers-by from the street.

Window selection

If you want a one-story frame house with a panoramic window to look organic, you should give preference to a wooden structure.

However, it is desirable that hardwood treated with special antiseptic solutions be used for its manufacture. This will significantly extend the life of the product.

In any case, before starting construction, it is recommended to contact specialized companies that can provide these types of services before building frame houses with panoramic windows: projects, other necessary documentation, consultations on the selection of materials, etc.

Reference! Aluminum panoramic windows are installed “forever” and, due to their low weight, are very easy to install, but at the same time they are quite expensive. U plastic structures big size heat loss is average and they are very easy to care for, however, they are very fragile and require careful use.

It is also important to pay attention to way to open panoramic windows. It happens:

  1. Lift-and-slide: very convenient, provides tightness, heat retention and absence of noise, but will not be cheap.
  2. Accordion folding: These panoramic windows are suitable for the south because they can be completely folded. An open large opening in the wall guarantees good ventilation of the room, but there is no need to talk about thermal insulation.
  3. Parallel sliding: guarantees excellent thermal protection and tightness, but the window often breaks due to failure of the seals.
  4. Tilt&Turn: traditional type of opening the window structure both completely and for ventilation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of large panoramic windows include:

  • long service life due to resistance to environmental factors;
  • good visibility from the window and minimizing energy costs due to excellent room illumination;
  • the ability to use both single-chamber and multi-chamber double-glazed windows;
  • without additional reinforcement;
  • variety of shapes: large double-glazed windows can be used to create domed and oval window structures;
  • choice between hinged and sliding panoramic structures, as well as solid glazing;
  • safety in operation, thanks to the protective film coating;
  • excellent sound insulation properties.

Flaws There are few such window designs. Among them it is worth noting:

  • some ventilation in cheap double-glazed windows;
  • good visibility from the street of everything that happens in the house;
  • inconvenience of care, in particular washing.


In the photo below there are frame houses with panoramic windows of various types:

Useful video

How to choose the right double-glazed windows for panoramic windows is additionally described in the video below:


A frame wall with panoramic windows will become a true decoration of your home, allowing you to add special notes to its interior and at the same time performing practical tasks to create a cozy environment.

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A house project with panoramic windows can be considered a modern hit design idea. Many private developers want to build a house with large windows. Some realize their dream, while others see a lot of nuances and costs in such projects. It is worth taking a closer look at what these unusual projects are.

Project one-story house studios with panoramic windows

Let's start with the fact that the style of panoramic glazing was borrowed from French designers. Years later, this type of window is designed in modern houses and apartments, however, everything has its pros and cons, but first things first.
Until recently, panoramic windows were installed exclusively in warm regions, but with the development of technology, everything has changed dramatically.

A special layer is applied to modern double-glazed windows, which significantly reduces the heat transfer of glass, which makes it popular for installation in homes middle zone countries.

A house with panoramic windows can be built from various materials. Below are the types of projects.

Brick houses with panoramic windows

Original project two-story cottage with panoramic windows

Considered warm and durable. But won't it be cold in a brick house with panoramic glazing? This is a rather thorny issue among private developers, since everyone has the goal of building a beautiful and cozy home. Brick, as you know, is quite studied and in demand construction material. There are many analogues of bricks on the market, which can be cheaper and claim to have better load-bearing qualities. But it is worth noting that brick houses will always find their place among modern architecture.

Like a mid-budget project, where construction costs play a role important role, you can consider a one-story house with panoramic windows. Of course, erecting load-bearing pillars and full glazing around the perimeter of the house would look beautiful and make the room bright, but this is only possible in countries with a tropical climate.

Project brick house with panoramic windows

Whatever modern materials and double-glazed windows were not installed, it will be quite difficult to heat such a room.

  • If Vacation home built with an attic, then panoramic double-glazed windows can be installed there. This will make the house much more beautiful and allow you to observe nature from.

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Modular residential country houses

An alternative could be modern houses, the design of which is planned taking into account partial panoramic glazing. Typically, panoramic windows are installed on sunny side home, that is, in the southern or southwestern part of the building. This will allow you to accept more heat and light for the room. As an option for installing panoramic glazing, ordinary windows up to one meter wide and almost the entire length from floor to ceiling can be used. Of course, this is not exactly a panorama, but appearance deserves respect.

Frame houses with panoramic windows

The most relevant and popular solution today in favor of material for building a house with panoramic windows is sandwich panels. They have many advantages, which include price and ease of assembly of the entire structure. Usually a frame house with panoramic windows is designed in the style of minimalism or high-tech house. The first floor of the house can be designed with ordinary window openings, but the second floor can consist half of a glass panorama.

There are also many varieties one-story projects, which includes panoramic doors and windows on the ground floor. This could be a living room with a studio layout. Why are sandwich panels most suitable for combination with panoramic windows?

There are many reasons for this:

Interior and arrangement of a frame cottage with panoramic windows
  • Low thermal conductivity of sandwich panels;
  • Relatively inexpensive material;
  • Easy to assemble a house and install double-glazed windows.

Due to the good thermal properties of SIP panels, the heat loss in the house is quite small. This material goes well with glass. Thanks to the low cost of the panels, you can significantly improve your private home and try to compensate for heat loss from panoramic windows. For some, a panorama throughout the entire house is important, but it’s worth thinking about what the view will be from the windows, since aesthetics should be present in everything. It’s good if the house is in the forest and opens beautiful view to nature, then the project is worth the cost and time.

  • Installation of panoramic windows should be done qualified specialists, since they are heavy and can be damaged or fall if installed poorly.

Wooden houses with panoramic windows

View and interior wooden house with panoramic windows

Modern trends are so large-scale that private developers quite often think about designing a wooden house with panoramic windows. In fact, such a house looks beautiful and modern. It doesn’t matter if it’s suburban or built for year-round residence, anyway, wood combines very succinctly with glass. But again the question arises whether such a house will be warm. If you install too much glazing, the answer is clear that it will be cold.

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Building a house on a slope. Projects

However, the following factors need to be taken into account:

  • In what region is the house being built?
  • What kind of heating is installed;
  • What variety?
  • What quality are the double glazed windows?

Wooden project two-story house with panoramic windows

In fact, there are still heat losses, but they will be insignificant, and in some cases noticeable. To avoid the dilemma, wooden house projects can be planned with partial panoramic glazing.

The south side of the house is selected and the panorama is planned. Such a plan must be implemented at the project stage, since panoramic glazing will affect all aspects of the structure, including its load-bearing parts.

A wooden house with panoramic windows will let more light into the room, and this is a definite plus. However, setting the panorama to log houses it is preferable to carry out if a two-story house is being built or. If this is a country house, then this option offers the best view of nature.

Small house with panoramic windows

Typically, such projects refer to houses with an area of ​​60 - 80 square meters. m. These are non-standard buildings in modern style. It will be difficult to heat such a house, but it is possible. It is necessary to add approximately 30-35% of the planned heating capacity to the project. It all depends on the layout of the glazing. If panoramic double-glazed windows are partially installed, then the heating power can be set to low.

On a note:

  • Panoramic windows go well with the minimalist style; therefore, the structure of the house can be designed accordingly.

Small house with panoramic windows in high-tech style

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Room lighting plays a huge role not only in decor, but also in a person’s mood. If there is sun outside the window, and its rays penetrate into the room as much as possible, then your well-being will improve. Moreover, a house with panoramic windows, the photo of which can be seen below, looks beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside. What are the features of such structures, cost and interior decor options?

Endless room space

Modern technologies allow you to plan buildings in the most different ways. One of the new and fashionable solutions is glazing a large area from floor to ceiling in many rooms. This design solution not only externally beautiful, but also internally completely change the perception of space, allowing natural light to completely fill the area.

Such designs have their pros and cons. The first include:

  • uniqueness of external and internal appearance;
  • expansion of space, even small room with such a design it will seem much larger;
  • improving the quality of lighting, daylight is better for vision;
  • the most diverse different variants decor.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of products;
  • installation complexity, most often requires the work of professionals;
  • washing panoramic windows, which will also require calling a specialist or having special devices;
  • the security indicator of the house decreases, since a thief can easily find out the presence of people inside.

Despite the shortcomings, houses with panoramic windows, photographs of which are often posted on the global network for pride in the property, are in great demand.

House with panoramic windows: photos of glazing options and technical requirements for structures

Very strict requirements are applied to such structures, since they must meet all safety standards, retain heat and have an attractive appearance.

You can’t do without a strong frame, of which there are several options:

  • PVC is a relatively cheap option, but there are size restrictions;
  • wood (laminated veneer lumber);
  • aluminum is the most reliable and durable.

Depending on the design, different installation options are used:

  • A window-door system, when the glazing is enclosed in frames, that is, these are large windows with ceilings.

  • Structural. There is no frame outside. What remains is the internal lathing (post-transom), while the glass is attached with a special glue, and the joints are filled with sealant.

Both options are used for monolithic, sliding and combined structures. The first option is cheaper in cost, but there is no possibility of ventilation during the hot period.

There are also high requirements for glass that must be met:

  • The thickness of the product is at least 6 mm, it is advisable to install shockproof, mutil format or low-emission.
  • The air gap is at least 12 mm.
  • Stained glass class M1, that is, the most transparent.

Responsible developers will write down all the data in the house or glazing project, so you can compare their data with the necessary parameters.

The use of panoramic windows in a private house: photos and prices for projects

The cost of panoramic windows varies depending on the design, thickness, protection and transparency, as well as the design of the frame. In this case, it is better to order a ready-made project for a private house with such lighting, since then it is almost impossible to “cut” a hole, especially in load-bearing walls.

Let's consider several project options with photos and costs.

Single-story structures

You can order a ready-made one with panoramic windows or hire planners and designers who will plan it from scratch.For example, the company Z500 offers the cost of a project like this for 45,300 rubles:

General living space will be 134.3 sq.m., roof area 246.36 sq.m., walls made of aerated concrete and ceramic blocks.You can order the whole thing right away finished building for 3 million 420 thousand rubles. The finished pulp will look like this:

The foundation is made of a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation slab, the walls are made of blocks (gas-plastic), made of metal tiles, total area 209.3 sq.m.

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From this review you will learn about frame construction technologies, prices for some models and many myths about frame houses.

Two-story house designs with panoramic windows and or without a terrace

More common finished projects two-story premises, since there is more space for the flight of imagination of designers together with planners.

The Pophouse company offers a two-story structure with a reliable foundation and walls made of gas silicate blocks. Eat attic floors from wooden beams. Price finished house 4 million 730 thousand rubles, and it will look like this:

Or an option with an area of ​​316.2 sq.m. for 3 million 960 thousand rubles. and construction period of 60 days:

It is not necessary to choose stone buildings; there are ready-made house designs from profile beam with panoramic windows. Below is an overview of several options:

Table 1. Projects of houses made of profiled timber with panoramic windows

FirmPhotoShort descriptionCost, rub.
Door module, “Starodub”
The area of ​​the house made of timber is 153.46 square meters. m, second floor height 2.6 mProject from 7,600 to 31 thousand rubles, but buildings with fully equipped up to 3 million rubles
Swedish houses

The total area is 200 sq.m, the veranda is 65 sq.m, the insulation is 200 mm, there is plasterboard finishing, painting and wallpapering. The total height of the house is 6.4 m.For finishing 5 million rubles.
Ready to move in 8 million rubles.
Log house 2-16
Area 124 sq.m. with a terrace, the outside is finished with rounded logs, the roof is made of metal tiles.2 million rubles

A house with panoramic windows, photos and sizes of which may vary, is very popular. It is made from various materials and can be built on one or several floors. There are a variety of projects, so it’s quite easy to choose the one you need or order work with an individual design.

But not only with outside Such lighting solutions give scope for creativity. In the interior you can also use a large and beautiful window in different ways.

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Options for interior decoration of panoramic windows

You can simply leave a large window open and enjoy the view, however, this solution is not suitable for every interior. Therefore, you can decorate a large window opening in different ways:

  • curtains;
  • light drapery;
  • roller blinds
  • Roman;
  • Japanese;
  • blinds.

If you decide to choose curtains, then do not forget about large quantities light, for which panoramic windows are designed. You should choose lightweight options without dense material, and in a traditional, classic interior. Moreover, the multilayer option is also not suitable, as it will visually reduce the space.

It is better to use draperies light colors, translucent or with discreet patterns. You can add tassels or fringe. Any type of fabric can be used; rail fabrics are considered popular.

Roller blinds are also often used on large window openings, as they are very convenient to assemble. Moreover, they can be equipped with remote control.

Roman ones are made from a whole piece of fabric, assembled in horizontal folds. Heavy fabrics are not used. Mounted directly into the opening or on the ceiling.

Interior in oriental style will complement the lungs Japanese curtains. The use of fabric of different densities and textures is allowed. Moreover, such decor is possible in any room.

The most common option is blinds. Which is used not only in office premises, but also in modern apartments.

You can use other options, the main requirement is that they should not block the natural light from the window.

  • The use of panoramic windows in the construction of country and private houses is an excellent solution if you want to skip maximum amount natural light.
  • You can order ready-made projects made of brick or timber, with turnkey construction or just planning.