When is George's name day according to the church calendar? The name George in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

According to the calendar, the name day of George, including the holy new martyrs, is indicated repeatedly:

  • January: 11, 21, 30.
  • February: 04, 10, 17, 24, 27.
  • March: 06, 17, 18, 23, 24.
  • April: 05, 15, 17, 18, 20, 26.
  • May: 02, 06, 10, 26, 29.
  • June: 08, 18, 19, 27.
  • July: 04, 09, 10, 16, 23.
  • August: 02, 03, 13, 31.
  • September: 08, 10, 21.
  • October: 02, 11, 14, 15, 29.
  • November: 03, 10, 16, 20, 27.
  • December: 09, 16, 31.

It’s hard to imagine, but the meaning of the name is far from the heroic meaning that people are used to giving it. In fact, it Greek origin, literally as “cultivator of the land, tiller, tiller of the soil.”
Patronized by St. and is the protector of Yuri, Egor, and George. All these names carry a single meaning.

  • Church - George.
  • Diminutive: Zhorik, Goshenka, Zhorzhik, .
  • Brief: Gosha, Zhora, Goga.
  • George - English language
  • Giorgio - it.
  • Giorgi is a load. language
  • Georg - English
  • Georges - French
  • Jerzy - Polish.
  • Egory is a simpleton.
  • Duke, Gyurgi - other Russian.
  • Jiri - Czech.

Christian peoples also honor the name.

Person's character

The boy is characterized by responsibility and decency already from early years. He shows himself well as a friend, tries to assert himself, but not at the expense of others. Able to forgive. His qualities: kindness and gentleness, if no one interferes with the achievement of the goal.

Moderately dreamy. For all his complaisance, he treats others arrogantly. He tends to live, as it were, in several worlds. For him, reality is intertwined with dreams. No matter what happens in life, he does not lose his balance and is ready for challenges.

He is considered a sage among his loved ones. Will always lend a helping hand, in deed or good advice. He is able to quickly and correctly solve assigned tasks, sometimes even those that arise unexpectedly and independently of him.
Gosha is not averse to going out when he’s single, he has a lot of girls, and he’s close and kind to everyone. As soon as he gets married, he stops all ties, remaining faithful until the end of the marriage. A family usually has several children. Not inclined to long-term communication with strangers.

The Saints

Reverend George

Memorial Day: 19.06.

This saint is considered little-known among many peoples, but revered. There is almost no information about him. It is known that he only gave his life without hesitation for Jesus Christ.

Holy Confessor Yuri (Mkheidze)

Memorial Day: 21.09.

Resident of Georgia, death in the 60s of the last century. He may be chosen as a patron for a boy named Gorgias or, which, as mentioned above, is almost the same name.

Holy blessings Georgy Olgovich

Memorial Day: 02.10.

Being the ruler of the Kyiv principality, he was called. He was dethroned and forcibly tonsured. They dragged me out of the liturgy to be punished, and after the mockery they left me on the ground. So he lay in the middle of the square until the believers secretly buried him.

Day of the Three Namesake Saints

  • holy fool Shenkursky
  • Miracle Worker of Ptlemiade
  • Gergius the Victorious.

On this date, God himself ordered that the day of the angel be celebrated solemnly, with a visit to the temple.

St. George the Victorious

Great Martyr George, the third on the list, was killed by cutting off his head. Born in Beirut, into a wealthy family. He served in the military and commanded soldiers. The emperor himself doted on him, but was a secret Christian saint. He did not hide it and confessed this to the sovereign after he saw what kind of torment Christians were subjected to. He ordered him to be tortured so that the man would renounce his faith. Whatever they did for 8 days. They chased a man in boots with nails pointing inward, and beat him with the tight sinews of oxen. They kept him in a lime pit, broke his bones on a wheel, and raised him on a rack. Everything was in vain; the saint did not give up. Then they cut off the head, which was kept in Rome for a long time. The body itself was in the city of Lydda.

The Great Martyr is often depicted on horseback and with a spear piercing a monster. This is not a random plot. It is associated with miracles observed by the people of Beirut. In moments of danger, the rider came out and helped fight the enemies. He also dealt with the Serpent, who settled in the lake and demanded tribute from the inhabitants in the form of young men. It happened that a fair-haired warrior went out to the lake and, having fought, killed the bloodsucker.

Choosing your patron by church calendar, you can always show flexibility, since there are many saints with this name, but you should not only have fun wildly on the day of your angel, but also pray after receiving communion.

The name George is a name of ancient Greek origin, which came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. This name was and remains one of the most revered names in the Orthodox faith. Translated from Greek The meaning of the name Georgiy is “farmer”. This was one of the epithets of the main god of the Greek pantheon of gods - Zeus.

It is also worth noting that from the name George came such forms of the name as Egor and Yuri, which later became independent names. The appearance of these forms of the name is associated with the peculiarities of the phonetic apparatus of the Slavic languages. At the time of the transfer of the name Georgiy, the phonetic apparatus of these languages ​​could not fully convey the sound of the name, which in turn gave rise to modified forms of the name.

The meaning of the name George for a child

Georgy grows up as an obedient and quiet child. A boy with this name has been purposeful since childhood, which is very rare for children. He is quite reserved at this age, but this is more likely due to the fact that no one is particularly affectionate to him. Already in childhood George demands to be treated with respect. The boy does not accept stupid and unreasonable demands. Over time, he may develop an arrogant attitude towards others, so adults need to exercise some caution in this matter.

At school, Georgy usually does well. He doesn’t have a particular desire to study, but he studies very poorly; the boy considers it beneath his dignity. Georgy loves physical education, and especially competitions. Since childhood, he has been endowed with a considerable amount of vanity. You can also note his love for working with his hands. The boy is constantly constructing and inventing something. He enjoys visiting all kinds of technology-related clubs.

One can only envy George’s health. A child with this name has truly heroic health. In addition, the boy loves sports, and this has a positive effect on his physical condition. Georgy will be happy to go to the swimming section. Boxing and wrestling attract no less attention from the boy.

Short name Georgiy

Zhora, Zhorka, Zhorych, Hera, Gerka, Goga, Mountain, Gosha.

Diminutive pet names

Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Zhorochka, Zhorushka, Goshenka, Goshechka, Goshulya, Goshunya.

Children's middle names

Georgievich and Georgievna. Folk forms of abbreviation are Georgich and Georgichna.

Name George in English

IN English language The name Georgiy is written as George, but read as George.

Name Georgiy for international passport- GEORGII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name George into other languages

in Arabic - جرج
in Armenian - Գէորգ
in Belarusian - Georgiy
in Bulgarian - Georgi
in Hungarian - György
in Greek - Γεώργιος
in Georgian - გიორგი
in Danish - Jørgen
in Hebrew - יוגב (read as Yogev) and גיורא (read as Giora)
in Spanish - Jorge
in Italian - Giorgio
Latin spelling: Georgius
in German - Georg
in Norwegian - Jørgen
in Polish - Jerzy
in Portuguese - Jorge
in Romanian - Gheorghe
in Serbian - Georgije,
in Ukrainian - Georgiy
in French - Georges
in Swedish - Jörgen

Church name George(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - George. This name is very revered in Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Georgiy

The adult George is characterized by all the traits that he possessed as a child. He is still slightly withdrawn and cold-blooded. His serious attitude towards himself often borders on a certain narcissism. Seriousness and thoroughness are probably the most noticeable traits in George. You can also note his decency. George's integrity is so noticeable that it attracts many people to him. He has many friends, but he treats them more as “useful” acquaintances. He hides it in every possible way, but Georgy does not like unprofitable friendships.

Georgy loves to work for pleasure. He will rarely go to work just for the money. Usually he combines hobbies and making money. Georgy loves to travel, which often makes him a sailor or pilot. Georgy is also inclined to choose romantic professions. May become an explorer or geologist. His self-image is similar to Jack London's characters.

George's family relationships usually go well. His marriage is successful, and his masculine attractiveness allows him to choose from many suitors. It can also be noted that in household matters Georgy is completely flexible. He can be stern and serious at work, but at home he completely relies on his beloved. However, in public, his family leadership should not be questioned. She loves her children, but raises them in strictness. Special attention When raising, he pays attention to education.

The mystery of the name George

George's secret may be his arrogance. He tries his best to hide it, but it still appears regularly. This unpleasant trait is especially noticeable if Georgy is able alcohol intoxication. More than once this feature brought negative results to George's life.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Sapphire.

The military considers the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious their patron. He protects those associated with military service and is the protector of their family members. On one of the icons, St. George the Victorious is depicted killing a snake on horseback, which personifies greatness military strength and courage. There are even coins with this image.
In addition, Saint George patronizes people associated with agriculture. Prayers help him preserve the harvest and the health of livestock, and protect him from natural elements that harm agricultural work.
St. George the Victorious helps people who turn to him for help to protect them from enemies and gain victory and peace. The Holy Great Martyr also helps in curing serious illnesses; there is evidence of deliverance from female diseases.
The Holy Great Martyr George helps everyone who has faith that his request will be heard and fulfilled. All the suffering that the Great Martyr George the Victorious endured, he endured for the Orthodox faith, which he did not betray and did not exchange for wealth and power.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


Saint George was born in Lebanon in Cappadocia in the city of Belit (now Beirut in Lebanon) around 276. His parents were wealthy and pious people who lived according to Christian commandments. George was still small when he lost his father, who was tortured for confessing Christ.
St. George, having received a good education, chose military service for his activities, where he proved himself to be a courageous and talented commander. Thanks to his talents, he soon received the title of commander of a thousand, and in the war of the Romans with the Persians (296-297), George showed himself to be a brave warrior, after which he received the favor of the emperor Diocletian himself and was appointed to the personal guard as a comite (companion) of the ruler.

Diocletian was a talented ruler (reigned 284-305), but was distinguished by his fanatical attitude towards paganism, and therefore he went down in history as the most cruel ruler towards Christians. In 303 the emperor commanded:

"to destroy churches to the ground, burn holy books and deprive Christians of honorary positions"

Very soon there were two fires of the imperial palace in Nicomedia, the culprits of which Diocletian considered Christians and began their destruction. Those who confessed the true God were sent to prisons and executions.
When George witnessed the lawless trial of the innocent, and heard the order for the extermination of Christians, he sympathized with the persecuted and was inflamed with zeal for the faith.

Assuming that he, too, would suffer, George distributed to the poor everything he had, including gold and jewelry, freed all his slaves, and after that, at a meeting where Diocletian was present, he made an accusatory speech.
He said that the emperor and his princes and subordinates were mistaken in their faith. It is not idols that need to be worshiped, but Jesus Christ, whose faith they are trying to destroy. He denounced them for cruelty and injustice, and at the end of his speech, George declared himself a servant of Christ, a preacher of the truth.
The enraged emperor ordered his yesterday's favorite to be imprisoned in prison, where he was chained in stocks, placed on the floor, and rolled over with a heavy stone. But George bravely endured the test and continued to praise the Lord.

Then Diocletian ordered the torment to continue saint on a wheel with iron points. After this torture, when the executioners considered George dead, suddenly everyone heard a voice:

“Don’t be afraid, George! I'm with you!"

It was the Angel of the Lord who helped the righteous man. When His Holiness, glorifying God, himself came off the wheel, Queen Alexandra and some royal dignitaries wanted to convert to Christianity. For such disobedience of will, Diocletian gave the order to execute the dignitaries, and the empress was locked in one of the rooms of the palace.

The Great Martyr himself was thrown into a pit and covered with lime, believing that it would burn his flesh. George was in the pit for three days, after which he was pulled out alive and unharmed and brought to the astonished emperor.
« Tell Georgiy, asked Diocletian, Where do you get such power and what magic do you use?»
« Tsar, - answered Georgiy - you blaspheme God. Seduced by the devil, you are mired in the errors of paganism and call the miracles of my God, performed before your eyes, enchantments." The tsar ordered boots with nails inside to be put on George’s feet and driven to the very dungeon with beatings and abuse.

Then the emperor turned to the then famous sorcerer Athanasius and ordered him to defeat the holy power of the rebellious George. The sorcerer prepared two drinks, one of which was supposed to subjugate the will of the martyr, and the second was poison, after drinking which George was supposed to die. Having filled two goblets with these drugs, Athanasius offered them to George. He drank both, but remained alive, after which the sorcerer himself believed in Christ and confessed Him as the almighty God, for which he paid with his life.

And again the martyr is sent to prison, but people have already learned about the miracles that happened to St. George the Victorious, they bribe the guards to see the saint and ask him for instructions and blessings.
At night, before the next tests of Saint George, in his dream there was the appearance of Christ, who said:

“Don’t be afraid, but dare. You will soon come to Me in the Heavenly Kingdom.”

When the martyr was brought to the pagan temple, and Diocletian began to persuade him to worship the idols, George made the sign of the cross, demonic groans were heard in the temple, and the pagan statues began to collapse. The priests and pagans attacked the saint and began to beat him, but then Queen Alexandra herself, who came to the noise coming from the temple, came to his defense. The emperor was very surprised by his wife’s act:
« What's wrong with you, Alexandra? Why do you join the sorcerer and sorcerer and shamelessly renounce our gods?“But she only turned away from her husband and did not answer him, then Diocletian ordered her to be executed.

Saint Alexandra, going to her execution, fervently prayed to God; along the way she asked the guards for permission to sit by the wall, where she gave up her spirit to the Lord - God heard her prayers and delivered her from torment.

Saint George was executed on April 23 (May 6, new style), 303, by beheading.

Great Martyr George for his courage and for his undoubted spiritual victory over the executioners, who subjected him to the most severe tortures, but were never able to force him to renounce the saint Christian faith, The Church calls him Victorious. The holy relics of the passion-bearer George were placed in Lydda (Palestine) in the temple that bears his name, and his head was kept in Rome in a temple also dedicated to him.

After the martyrdom of St. George the Victorious, the merciful Lord, for our benefit and salvation, magnified the memory in the hearts of people saint many miracles, the most famous of which is his victory over the terrible monster, the devil's spawn - the serpent.

According to legend, not far from Beirut, the birthplace of St. George, there was a lake in which a large dragon snake lived. The monster came out onto the earth and devoured people, livestock, and destroyed crops. In order to calm him down, people were forced to cast lots and give their children as sacrifices to this dragon. One day it fell to the king-ruler to give his daughter to be torn to pieces by a snake; she was brought to a sacrificial place, where she began to obediently await her fate. When the evil monster began to approach the princess, unexpectedly for all the people watching from afar, a young man suddenly appeared on a white horse, attacked the snake and struck it with his spear, and then, taking out his sword, cut off its head. This brave man was Saint George the Victorious, who told the people:

“Fear not and trust in Almighty God. Believe in Christ. He sent me to deliver you from the serpent.”

After such a miraculous deliverance, people believed in Almighty God and accepted Holy Baptism.
There is another legend associated with the miracles of St. George; according to legend, this miracle happened in Ramel. After one of the Saracen warriors shot an arrow at the icon of George, his hand became severely swollen and, due to unbearable pain, he turned to a Christian priest for advice. He suggested lighting a lamp in front of the icon of St. George and leaving it burning all night. And in the morning you had to take oil from the lamp and anoint your sore hand with it. After the Saracen did everything as he was told, his hand was healed and he believed in Christ, for which the other Saracens martyred him.
Therefore, sometimes on the icon where St. George the Victorious slays the serpent, a small man is depicted with a lamp in his hands, sitting behind the saint.
This image, which comes from an Arabic legend, is also very popular in Greece and the Balkans.

St. George the Victorious is considered the patron saint of the Russian army; many victories in Tsarist and Soviet times are associated with his holy name. Before the revolution, awards included the Order of St. George, the Cross of St. George and the Medal of St. George. These awards included a two-color St. George's ribbon, black and orange colors which in one interpretation meant “smoke and flame,” a symbol of victory over the dragon. IN Soviet time this ribbon was slightly changed, it became known as the “Guards Ribbon”, it was used to decorate the Order of Glory and the medal “For Victory over Germany”.
Since 2005, in our country every year on Victory Day a voluntary action “ George Ribbon- I remember! I'm proud" when participants attach a ribbon to their clothing, to a bag or to the handle (antenna) of a car.
In honor of the founder of Moscow, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (Yuri is the Russian version of the name George), St. George the Victorious is depicted on ancient coat of arms Moscow.

Perhaps the protection of the inhabitants and their herds from the serpent was the reason for the veneration of St. George as the protector of cattle breeders. Before the revolution, on the day of his memory, after a prayer service to the saint, the peasants, having sprinkled the animals with holy water, drove their cattle out to pasture for the first time after a long winter.
In addition, the peasants, before the time of Boris Godunov, were very fond of “St. George’s Day,” on which they were allowed to move from one landowner to another.

Georgia was converted to the Orthodox faith by a saint († 335), who was George's cousin.
In memory of the wheeling of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, on November 10/23, Saint Nina established a day of remembrance, which is still one of the most important in Georgia.
Georgia is called Georgia (Georgia) in many languages ​​of the world and it is believed that this country received this name in honor of St. George the Victorious. The most popular names among newborn boys are George, Goga, George.

On November 16 (new style), the Russian Orthodox Church remembers the consecration and renovation of the Church of St. George in Palestine Lydda.

While still in prison and foreseeing his death, Saint George asked his servant to transfer his body after death to Palestine. This command was fulfilled - the saint’s body was transported and buried in the city of Ramla.
During the reign of Emperor Constantine, a beautiful temple was built in Lydda in honor of St. George the Victorious and the incorruptible relics of the saint were transferred from Ramla on November 3/16. After many years, this beautiful temple, the pride of Lydda, turned out to be neglected; the altar and the saint’s coffin remained intact.
And only thanks to the sacrifices of Russian philanthropists and the Russian government, the temple in Lydda was restored and on November 3/16 its secondary illumination took place, on the same day when this was done for the first time.

Prince Yaroslav, the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, received the name George in holy baptism.
In Kyiv, not far from the St. Sophia Cathedral, he planned to build a temple in honor of his guardian angel St. George the Victorious. The work began and one day, when the prince came to see the progress of construction, he was surprised by the small number of people working.
Calling the manager, Yaroslav asked: “Why are there so few workers at the temple of God?”
He explained that “since this is a ruler’s business” (i.e., princely), people do not want to work here, because they are afraid of being left without payment for their work.
When the prince announced that each worker would receive a coin a day, many people immediately went to work and the temple was completed quite quickly.
On November 26 (December 9, new style), 1051, the temple in honor of the Great Martyr George was consecrated by Metropolitan Hilarion, and Yaroslav the Wise ordered the day of consecration to be celebrated throughout the country every year.


The greatness of you, the passion-bearing holy great martyr and victorious George, and we honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.


George - Greek Georgios - tiller, farmer.

George's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 11:George, Bishop, Nicomedia. [creator of canons]
  • January 21:George Khozevit, Rev.
  • January 30:Georgy, martyr.
  • February 4:George of Develta, Adrianople, smch., bishop
  • February 10:Georgiy
  • February 17:Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, Grand Duke
  • 24 February:Georgy Sofiysky, martyr.
  • February 27:Georgy Mytilensky, martyr, Swedish
  • March, 6:George of Amastrida, bishop
  • March 17:Georgy Vladimirsky, Grand Duke
  • 18th of March:Georgy, martyr.
  • March 23:Georgy Arselsky, Venerable; George, St.. [brother of St. John Climacus]
  • March 24:George Sinait, St.
  • 5th of April:George of Diippus, St.
  • April 15:Georgiy Matskvereli, Rev.
  • April 17:George of the Peloponnese, Malein, St.
  • April 18th:George of Novo-Ephesus, martyr.
  • 20 April:George of Mytilene, confessor, metropolitan
  • 26 April:Georgiy
  • May 2:George of Antioch (Pisidian), confessor, bishop
  • the 6th of May:St. George the Victorious, martyr; George of Ptolemais, martyr; Georgy Shenkursky
  • May 10:Georgiy
  • 26 of May:George of Constantinople, confessor; Georgy Svyatogorets, Iversky (Athos). [ktitor, translator of Holy Scripture into the Iberian language]
  • May 29:George II, Bishop, Mytilene
  • June 8:Georgy Novy, Serbian, Sofia, Bulgarian, martyr.
  • June 18:Igor (baptized George, monastically Gabriel) Olgovich, Grand Duke of Chernigov and Kiev (Transfer of Relics)
  • June 19:George, St.
  • 27th of June:Mstislav (baptized George) Brave, Novgorod, prince
  • July 10:Georgy Svyatogorets, Iversky (Athos). [ktitor, translator of Holy Scripture into the Iberian language]
  • July 16:George, St.
  • August 3rd:Georgy, martyr.
  • August 13:Georgy, martyr.
  • August 31:George I of Constantinople, Patriarch
  • 6 September:Georgiy Limniot (lake dweller), confessor
  • September 21:George (Mkheidze), confessor, archimandrite
  • 2 October:Igor (baptized George, monastically Gabriel) Olgovich, Grand Duke of Chernigov and Kiev
  • October 15:Georgy Afonsky, martyr.
  • the 3rd of November:George of Jerusalem, martyr.
  • 10th of November:Georgy Kritsky, martyr.
  • November 16:St. George the Victorious, Grand Martyr.
  • 9th December:St. George the Victorious, martyr; George of Chios, martyr.
  • December 16:Georgy Cherniksky, St.. [Name of St. George is included in the monthly calendar according to the definition Holy Synod Russian Orthodox Church dated August 21, 2007. The glorification was performed by the Romanian Orthodox Church.]
  • 31th of December:George, stylite

Characteristics of the name Georgiy

Already in childhood, George was distinguished by a certain laziness and softness. And he doesn’t like helping around the house; he does it only after lengthy requests and persuasion. But he keeps his room clean, because he cannot stand dirt and negligence.

George consciously strives for knowledge. He studies quite well, but is more often a “good student” than an “excellent student.” He is diligent, unhurried, and tries not to conflict with teachers. If any conflict arises, Georgy will stubbornly withdraw into himself, stop answering in class, completing assignments, and, possibly, even attending the lessons themselves. He is extremely impressionable and touchy.

Georgiy is very honest and conscientious, and values ​​the same qualities in people. He is sociable, sometimes generous beyond measure, and good-natured. Georgy has many friends, he is a reliable friend, he will never reveal someone else’s secret. He knows how to treat people’s problems sensitively. In an unfamiliar society, Georgy stays somewhat aloof and does not impose his company and communication. In his inner circle, he is the “soul of the party.” Georgy has a sparkling sense of humor, he is ironic, knows how to make subtle jokes on his friends, but not evil.

Georgy takes his work responsibly and is attentive to details. He will make a good entrepreneur, philosopher, doctor, lawyer. Georgy is also capable of making an excellent political or military career. He is well versed in literature and music - success and fame await him in this field.

S. Georgiy is quite easy to communicate with, he is a sociable and cheerful person. These qualities attract women to him. In his youth, George had many partners, but he did not give any obligations to any of them. He cares very skillfully: caring, gentle, condescending towards women’s whims. He chooses a wife who is responsive, affectionate, and has good taste.

In marriage, George does not dominate; he entrusts all household chores and finances to his wife. He will not tolerate betrayal or deception - it deeply hurts him.

He can change himself, but he is unlikely to leave his family - he loves children and an established way of life too much.

The main features of this name: lightness, good nature, balance.

Other materials about the name Georgiy:

Saint George was called the Victorious for his courage and spiritual victory over his tormentors and for his miraculous help to people in danger.

Life of the Victorious

The future Saint was born in Cappadocia (a region in Asia Minor) in the 3rd century - George's parents were rich and pious. George's father, when he was still a child, accepted martyrdom for Christ. And the mother, who owned estates in Palestine, after the death of her husband moved to her homeland with her son, where she raised him in the Christian faith.

George, who was distinguished by physical strength, beauty and courage and received an excellent education, entered military service at a young age.

George the Victorious, for his excellent knowledge of military affairs, at the age of 20 was already appointed head of the famous cohort of invictiors (invincibles). Having reached the rank of commander of a thousand, the future Saint earned the recognition and patronage of Emperor Diocletian, a supporter of the Roman gods and an ardent persecutor of Christianity.

The emperor issued the first edict against Christians in February 303, in which he commanded: “to destroy the church to its foundations, burn sacred books, and deprive Christians of honorary positions.”

Saint George, having learned about the emperor's decision, set free the slaves, distributed his inheritance to the poor and appeared in the Senate, where he publicly denounced Diocletian for cruelty and injustice.

© photo: Sputnik / A.Sverdlov

The emperor, who loved and exalted George, tried to persuade him to renounce his faith in Christ and not destroy his youth, glory and honor, but he was adamant.

Then Diocletian, having first subjected the young Christian to numerous inhuman tortures and tortures, ordered his beheading. Saint George the Victorious, who endured all the torment and did not renounce the faith of Christ, was executed in 303.

The relics of the Saint rest in the city of Lod, where the Church of St. George the Victorious was erected, and his head and sword are kept in Rome.


Many miracles that the Victorious One performed are described in the life of St. George. The most common of them is the one in which Saint George defeated the terrible serpent with his spear and saved the daughter of the ruler of the city of Beirut from certain death.

According to legend, near the city of Beirut, in the homeland of St. George the Victorious, where many idolaters lived, there was a large lake in which lived a huge snake, which, when it came ashore, devoured people.

The inhabitants of that area could not do anything and began to regularly give a girl or boy by lot to a snake to be eaten in order to satisfy his rage.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Biatov

The daughter of the local ruler did not escape the same fate - the girl was taken to the shore of the lake and tied, where she began to wait in horror for the snake to appear.

A bright young man on a white horse appeared when the beast began to approach the girl - he struck the snake with a spear and saved the girl. It was Saint George the Victorious, who with such a miraculous phenomenon stopped the destruction of young people within Beirut.

The pagan inhabitants of the country, having learned about this miracle, converted to Christianity, and the plot served as the basis for painting icons in which St. George the Victorious is depicted sitting on a white horse and slaying a serpent with a spear.

The veneration of St. George the Victorious as the patron of cattle breeding and protector from predatory animals was promoted by the miraculous revival of the farmer’s only ox, also described in the life of the great martyr.

© photo: Sputnik / Eduard Pesov

The Slavs revered Saint George (Yuri) as the patron saint of warriors, cattle breeders and farmers. On St. George's Day (St. George's Day), since ancient times, peasants for the first time drove their cattle out to pasture after a long winter, having previously performed a prayer service to the Great Martyr with the sprinkling of holy water on houses and animals.


St. George's Day is one of the most revered religious holidays in the country. In Georgia it is called "Giorgoba". Festive services on this day are held in all operating churches in Georgia.

The Day of Remembrance of St. George the Victorious in Georgia, who is considered the patron saint of the country, is celebrated twice - on May 6 and November 23. In Georgia, November 23 is a public holiday and is declared a day off.

St. George the Victorious, the horseman slaying the serpent, became integral part Georgian consciousness and Orthodox faith and captured on state emblem countries. The Georgian flag adorns the St. George Cross.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

The holiday, according to legend, was founded by Saint Nino, a Christian educator of Georgia. As you know, she was a relative of St. George the Victorious, especially revered him and bequeathed to the country that she converted to Christianity to love him.

In Georgia, the first church in honor of St. George the Victorious was built by King Mirian already in 335 at the burial site of St. Nino, and from the 9th century the construction of churches in honor of St. George became widespread. Almost every Georgian church has an icon with the face of this Saint.

What are they asking for?

Saint George, who protects all the weak and innocent, is prayed for victory in any struggle. The Victorious One patronizes warriors and travelers, cattle breeders and farmers. Therefore, people ask St. George for protection from evil and evil spirits, good harvest, about healing and good offspring of livestock, good luck in the hunt, and so on.

Prayers to Saint George

First prayer

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His benevolence, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth and abundance in everything, and may we not turn into evil what you have given us from the All-Bountiful God, but into the glory of His Holy Name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and the entire God-loving army victory over the adversaries and may it strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing. May His angel protect us saints with a greater militia, so that after our departure from this life we ​​may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy airy ordeals and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that through His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession, we will find mercy with the Angels and Archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge and may we glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The material was prepared based on open sources