When is Vladislav's name day according to the church. Vladislav’s name day: the meaning of the name, holiday traditions

Since childhood, Vladislav loves his mother more than his father. He tries to be near her all the time. And the mother, in turn, spends all her time with the child. Because of his love for his mother, he has respect for the female sex since childhood.

Vlad is usually a creative person. That’s why he chooses creative professions. Also, another positive quality of his is his sociability. He also succeeds in professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. He does his work responsibly and never tries to shirk. Vladislav loves women who are sophisticated and who seem weak to him. Then he tries with all his might to protect them. She appreciates a calm environment in her home.

Open to people, yet has iron strength will. Can withstand any emotional shock due to inner resilience. For some reason, others often do not trust Vladislav, considering his openness to be unreal. Although in fact it’s in vain, because he really treats people with all his heart.

Fate: Vlad is often a hermit. Since childhood, he gives the impression of being pretty and nice guy, but rarely finds company for a long time. He is welcome everywhere, but he feels out of place. Not immediately, but after a certain time. If he finds “his” person, then he feels like the very best.

Day of Angel Vladislav

The origin is Old Russian, the meaning of the name is one who owns glory. Kind, hospitable Vladislav finds it hard to bear various creative gossip. As a result, out of desperation, he “throws himself headlong” into sprees with his clingy friends, who are always happy to make money at someone else’s expense.

In such companies, as a rule, there are always cheerful, daring women. And they all revolve mainly around Vladislav - cheerful, generous, rich, amorous. Vladislav’s face resembles his mother, and his character resembles his violent ancestors on his father’s side. As for Vladislav’s children, they behave the same way as their dad. Only their character is completely different - neither their mother nor their father. They are all mostly capricious silent people.

When church calendar Vladislav's name day: October 7 – Vladislav of Serbia, prince.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Vladislav:

The origin is Old Russian. The meaning of the name is one who owns glory. Kind, hospitable Vladislav finds it hard to bear various creative gossip. As a result, out of desperation, he “throws himself headlong” into sprees with his clingy friends, who are always happy to make money at someone else’s expense.

In such companies, as a rule, there are always cheerful, daring women. And they all revolve mainly around Vladislav - cheerful, generous, rich, amorous. Vladislav’s face resembles his mother, and his character resembles his violent ancestors on his father’s side. As for Vladislav’s children, they behave the same way as their dad. Only their character is completely different - neither their mother nor their father. They are all mostly capricious silent people.

Congratulations on Vladislav’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Vladislav's name day and congratulate Vladislav on his angel's day.

Congratulations lava

Today Vladislav!

How many beautiful words

On his personal holiday!

We will not be ashamed -

Let's join.

We wish Vladislav,

May he live his life well:

I didn’t grieve, I didn’t suffer,

Traveled more

Set the tone for the work

And I didn’t forget my friends,

To live together with everyone,

But he listened less to others:

The one whose name is Vladislav -

He is always and everywhere right.

God sent you an angel,

So that he saves you from troubles,

By name - you own fame,

But fame is fun for you

You don’t strive for her at all,

Although you want to help everyone.

Smart, active, firm, having given his word, -

The milk of glory is quite the basis!

But you're among your friends

You don't give it any importance:

You are just a friend, our Vladislav, -

You don't need preferential rights!

And we sincerely congratulate you

Happy Angel Day to you! We wish

Health, strength and goodness,

May life be generous to you!

(b. 1952), Soviet hockey player, three-time Olympic champion, public figure in Russia

Meaning:"Owner of Glory"

Origin: Slavic name.

Character: Vladislav has been very attached to his mother since childhood. He likes her to read fairy tales to him and then discuss what she read with him. If Vladislav notices that his mother is upset about something, he will definitely try to console her and distract her from unpleasant thoughts. Vladislav’s caring attitude towards women remains with him for the rest of his life. At school, he is tactful in dealing with girls and never offends them. The object of increased attention is the most beautiful girl in class.

Among Vladislav's favorite pastimes as a child was making fires. He experiences a magical attraction to fire. Adults need to constantly monitor the boy so that he does not burn something while playing.

Vladislav has a highly developed sense of beauty. He can become a musician, artist, writer. He will achieve great success in professions that require the ability to communicate with people - a doctor, teacher, coach, journalist, manager. Vladislav is hardworking and responsible.
Among girls, Vladislav likes refined natures who need protection and support in Everyday life. And vice versa - sharp and rude character traits in a woman are especially unpleasant for Vladislav. He also cannot stand the smell of tobacco and alcohol coming from a woman.

Vladislav loves his daughter more than his son. Prefers a calm, homely environment. Provides all possible assistance in housekeeping.

How to please the birthday boy?

Prepare a delicious holiday dish, such as flamekeche!
  • Phonosemantics: The word Vladislav gives the impression of something majestic, strong, loud, powerful, active, joyful.
  • Talisman: Cloud
  • Color: Blue-turquoise
  • Stone: Topaz
  • Zodiac sign: The name suits Aquarius and Pisces
  • Harmonious relationships with the owners of the name: Galina, Irina, Claudia, Lyubov, Marina, Olga, Sofia, Tamara, Yulia
  • You will have to work hard building relationships with the owners of the name: Angelina, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Zinaida, Margarita, Natalya, Rimma, Tatyana, Maya
  • Name day: October 7

    Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or follows your birthday itself.

In contact with


Famous bearers of the name:

  • 1921 — 1995

    1921 — 1995
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Vladislav Ignatievich Strzhelchik was born on January 31, 1921 in Petrograd, where his father, a native of Poland, ended up after the First World War. Strzhelchik was a late child, grew up as an ordinary boy, studied averagely and already at school dreamed of theater. He entered a theater studio, and in 1938 became an actor at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater. M. Gorky (now named after G. Tovstonogov). But the war interrupted my studies...

  • 1935 — 1971

    1935 — 1971
    Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

    Vladislav Nikolaevich Volkov was born on November 23, 1935 in Moscow, into a family close to the topic of aviation. His father was an aviation design engineer, his mother also worked at aircraft manufacturing enterprises. Vladislav’s interest in aviation therefore arose quite naturally. The path through life was straight and clear: Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, while studying at the institute - aero...

  • 1939 — 1978

    1939 — 1978
    Soviet theater and film actor

    Vladislav Vatslavovich Dvorzhetsky was born on April 26, 1939 in Omsk, into a creative family. His father was the actor Vaclav Dvorzhetsky, and his mother was the ballerina Taisiya Vladimirova. In 1959, Vladislav graduated from the Omsk Medical School. In 1967 - a studio at the Omsk Youth Theater. In 1967-1972, he was an actor at the Omsk Regional Drama Theater. The beginning of Dvorzhetsky’s film career is associated with the film directed...

Vladislav - ancient Slavic name. It means “endowed with glory,” or “glorious mistress.” Derived from male name Vladislav: yes Ancient Rus' often called princes, nobles and nobles. The female counterpart, the name Vladislav, also became aristocratic. Its origin and meaning are directly related to fame and nobility, which is why it sounds solemn and endows its owner with such character traits as seriousness and pride.


Little Vlada or Lada often looks like her father, but she gets her mother’s character. Having a weak immune system, the girl often gets sick. In kindergarten and school, she manages to catch all the known childhood infections, from the common cold to mumps and chickenpox. Parents should show maximum patience until the baby’s body gets stronger and begins to fight back against diseases.

Vladislava is very shy and silent. The meaning of the name affects the character: she feels special, so she proudly but willingly spends time alone. Avoids strangers, rarely participates in the games of his peers. Vlada is a “homey” girl. She loves to spend time with her parents, especially when they read fairy tales to her. Having learned to read and write, the little girl willingly sits down to read books. She is a diligent student and has no problems at school. The female name Vladislava, the meaning and origin of which has royal roots, endows the baby with many talents and abilities. She has good hearing, voice, plasticity. Therefore, Lada must be sent to a music school or dance club.


The matured Vladislava is practically no different from the little girl. The meaning of the name - “possessing glory” - is reflected in its bearer. She is impregnable, as if she is on a royal throne, to which only selected persons are allowed to approach. People often call her proud and arrogant. But this is not true at all. Behind the strong wall that the young girl built to separate herself from the outside world lies an easy-going, even too submissive and vulnerable person. She is withdrawn and spends a lot of time at home. She has many friends, but she truly opens her soul and heart to only one. Girls often invite her to the disco, but Vlada rarely agrees to join them.

While remaining a good student, she reads a lot. In her room, instead of the soft toys typical of other young girls, almost all the free space is taken up by books and encyclopedias. Thanks to the knowledge gained, she easily enters the university. Those Vladislavs who devoted themselves to music choose the conservatory.


We have already found out what the name Vladislav means. But how does it affect her future life? It turns out that, having become an adult, a woman no longer isolates herself from the world and does not consider herself a black sheep. On the contrary, having flown out of the parental nest, Vlad dives headlong into independent life. When making important decisions, she is guided by the prompts of intuition and inner voice, discarding logic and reasoning. People around her no longer avoid a woman, considering her arrogant. After all, Vladislava has learned to open up to people: she is no longer like that lonely girl who looked away if strangers spoke to her.

Lada is friendly and sociable. She is well-read, so she can carry on a conversation on any topic. Tolerant and reliable, she at the same time remains a little cautious towards new people. This is explained by her sensitivity to any external influence. She brilliantly manages to avoid problems and unpleasant troubles in life.


The meaning of the name Vladislav for a girl is very great. It reads: “Glorious Lady,” therefore it endows its owner with royal character traits, which are especially evident in her career. Vlada is persistent and persistently moves towards her goal. She is not afraid of work, on the contrary, she gives it all of herself. Hard work and the desire to achieve the most productive result often make her an inveterate workaholic.

People are very drawn to a woman. She supports her colleagues and helps them. They appreciate Lada for good advice and reliability. She often becomes a leader in a team; no one can organize the work of staff and the enterprise better than her. Based on this, she can easily become a director or manager, administrator or manager. The management sphere is what Vlada needs. She also makes a good doctor or nurse, teacher, architect, fashion designer, engineer, salesman. The main criterion when choosing a profession is feedback: Vladislava gives preference to activities that involve working with people.

Love and marriage

Vladislav... The meaning of the child’s name subsequently influences personal life. Like royalty, a woman easily copes with work and leadership functions, while remaining completely defenseless in household affairs. She doesn’t know how to organize her life, is terrified of the kitchen and hates cleaning up the house. But if she comes across an understanding and patient man who will endure all hardships, Vlada will gradually learn to be a good wife. She will never become a diligent housewife, but she will be able to awaken her dormant culinary talents.

Men like Lada. Beautiful girl, naive and kind, like a child, attracts the fascinated glances of the stronger sex. But this is only the first impression. Later, men are confronted with her desire to be a leader, even in relationships. Having a princely name, Vladislava behaves like a queen at home. She sets her own rules and demands a lot from her other half. Frightened by such pressure, men often run away from a woman, so she gets married late. Lada's chosen one is the wise and calm person, often much older than his wife. The woman adores children and easily finds a common language with them.


As already mentioned, at an early age, Vlad often visits doctors. She usually catches colds. To strengthen her immunity, parents often need to take the girl to the sea. Salty air has a very positive effect on the child’s health: after such a rest, she is less susceptible to diseases. To improve Vlada’s health, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, and pressure chambers are also recommended. Any procedures will only be beneficial, and in the future the girl will be able to boast of strength and endurance.

The name Vladislav gives its owner some vulnerabilities. Smoking is contraindicated for her. To strengthen her lungs, she should play sports: run long distances, as well as swimming and taking aerobics classes. It is also worth paying attention to the liver and kidneys. Vlad needs to limit his consumption of alcohol, smoked and spicy foods. Instead, you should add more vegetables, seafood and whole grains to your diet.

Vlads born at different times of the year

They are indeed very different in character and habits. Active and decisive - “winter” Vladislava. The meaning of the name “illustrious” in this case is reflected in the owner’s lifestyle: she is strict, knows her worth, is always specific and purposeful. She is attentive to people, friendly, which is what she demands from them. Educated.

“Summer” Lada, on the contrary, is unfriendly, very difficult to communicate, and contradictory. She cannot establish contact even with close relatives, although she has a generous soul and a kind heart. She is cold with her partner, not prone to romance and sentimentality. Often sacrifices work for the sake of raising children.

More prudent and pragmatic - “autumn” Vladislav. The meaning of the name - "possessing glory" - suits her very well. Like royalty, she is a strategist, knows what she wants and boldly goes towards her dream. "Spring" Lada loves passionate romances. Intimate relationships are an important part of her life. She is terribly jealous and demands complete submission from her partner.

What does the name Vladislav mean? “Illustrious”, “possessing glory”... Such a royal name is suitable for a girl born under the sign of the king of beasts - Leo. Under his influence, she will discover in herself such character traits as assertiveness, fortitude, and determination. "Lioness" Lada is capable of achieving a lot in life. The name goes well with the zodiac sign Cancer. Such women are usually open, energetic and kind. If the child was born Pisces or Aquarius, you can also name him Vlada. These signs lack leadership qualities, the lack of which is compensated by the name.

Vladislav's name day is celebrated on the same day as Vladislav - October 7th. According to the Catholic calendar, Angel Day is April 2. A woman should wear jewelry made from topaz, which will help reveal her multifaceted character, or lapis lazuli, a symbol of success and personal development. Vlada's color is blue, blue or turquoise. Famous personalities who bore this name: actress Vladislava Saurenko, Polish pianist Vladislava Markevichuvna, musician Vladislava Malakhovskaya and others.

Any person’s name has its own meaning and has a unique character, which is reflected in the creation of his personality. We are given a name at birth, and most people are very strict in choosing one for their child. He will have to live his whole life with this name. Today it has become fashionable to name children after saints, although some time ago many names remained unclaimed. People began to baptize their children and give them names at baptism. Every saint has his own rich story and many believe that their baby will become very famous at some point.

The name Vladislav comes from paganism, this Slavic name is very for a long time wasn't popular at all. If translated from Polish, it would mean good ruler. But Vladislav also has his own distinctive features, which make his personality individual and unique.

Little Vladislav

In childhood, children with this name cause a lot of trouble, they are very restless and love to play pranks. It is impossible to hide anything from them; in some strange way they find it and turn any thing into a toy. The most favorite hobby This is a game with matches; fire literally attracts them. Therefore, until a certain age, it would be better to keep them in a secluded place.

These mischievous people always behave very boldly, and sometimes it seems that they are not afraid of anything. If they set something on fire, they know how to catch it in time. Solve this problem immediately by calling an adult for help. These are not all the mischiefs that little Vladislav indulges in; some greatly upset and irritate his parents.

People with this name also have interesting behavior with the female gender. They behave so tactfully and nobly towards the weaker sex that any adult man would envy them. They treat their mothers practically the same way, to whom they express great gratitude and respect. This character trait will accompany such children throughout their lives.

Vladislav's school years

At school he is a complete fidget, who often irritates teachers with his behavior. Things are much better with classmates, they become real party people. Vladislav will remember these years throughout his life, they will be bright and the most beautiful.
Any representative of this name cannot be aloof from various events; he tries to get into the very center of everything that is happening, which sometimes causes some dissatisfaction. This does not prevent him from enjoying the actions done. They also receive a lot of attention from women, who like brave and decisive guys like Vladislav.

Adult man Vladislav

Age takes its toll little boy a real man is growing up. Now this is a responsible person. Which has many principles. Some traits of his character, such as commitment and hard work, help him reach certain heights. If he sees an unfair decision or situation before him, he acts very quickly and quickly, solving it. He can put on a whole performance and no one will suspect that he is just playing his own game.

His most important trait is irony; it is not always useful in life, but it is impossible to imagine him without it. It is precisely such people who have the ability to be creative; their nature is always unpredictable and mysterious. Vladislav can make a wonderful artist or architect. In this type of direction they are simply irreplaceable and, as they say, there is no price for them.
There are several divisions of character that relate to the seasons. Each of them has its own characteristics and properties.

Autumn Vladislav

Such people have great self-control and a highly developed sense of self-esteem. He does not need to be reminded of his responsibilities, he remembers everything perfectly and any invasion of his personal space would be a complete violation. He knows his worth very well and does not waste time on trifles.

If he decides to build a career, then it is better not to get in his way. He is very ambitious and sometimes does not want to listen to anyone or anything. Confidently and quickly avoiding everything unnecessary that comes under his feet, he will move towards his success. The woman who will be next to him must have great restraint; she must have enough patience for all his unforeseen antics. Wisdom will help such a woman appreciate him and accept him for who he is.

Summer Vladislav

People with this name born in summer are a bit like this time of year. They are carefree and good-natured. You can expect any pleasant surprises from such men. They will never give in and will always come to the rescue. They live in complete harmony with the whole world and themselves. Relationships with friends are on high level, they are very loyal and highly value Vladislav. With family, this relationship is simply wonderful, there are no quarrels, and only kindness prevails.

If things are going well for him, then at some moments in his life he achieves a certain harmony. His woman must have some feelings and properties that would suit him. A spiritually and intellectual woman will be an excellent option for Vladislav. She must be a good housewife and get along well with the whole family.

Spring Vladislav

This Vladislav is no stranger to gallantry, he communicates well with the female sex, is attractive and interesting to any woman. Usually people born during this period are distinguished by great external beauty. Which makes them very desirable for women. He can easily conquer women's hearts, which he does throughout the entire time until the one to whom he pays all his attention appears.
IN family relationships spring Vladislavs are simply ideal, they help around the house, try to take care of the children and pay attention to their spouse. Such men need a woman in the form of a good housewife and lover of love pleasures.

Winter Vladislav

Vladislav's winter type is very diplomatic; such people make good specialists in the field of diplomacy. Any little thing does not pass his attention; this attentiveness greatly helps him in life and at work. If a conflict is brewing in the team, then he remains on the sidelines, it is beneath his dignity to sink to the level of scandals. At the same time, he will definitely remember the entire situation and, after time, will be able to solve it.

Colleagues do not like Vladislav for his open straightforwardness. But his innate charm helps to maintain a certain non-traility. He uses all his charm on women who simply go crazy from his wonderful smile and sense of humor. He is a wonderful family man, his wife is very happy woman. She gets great amount attention from winter Vladislav.

Vladislav's health

This type of person is very hardworking, but this sometimes interferes with his life. Our society is accustomed to shirking a little from the main work, and if you come across a person like Vladislav, then he turns out to be very demanding not only of himself, but also of those around him. Therefore, most often such people have very frayed nerves.

If he fails in some matter, he does not give up and immediately chooses the next path. Basically, such people are in demand as artists; they have an early talent for painting. With his kind soul, such areas of work as pedagogy and medicine are perfect.
He chooses weak and defenseless women who bring him complete harmony. In the family he will be faithful and devoted until he gets tired of everything. Usually, almost all Vladislavs have mistresses, with them they try to escape from family and work, and sexually, sometimes variety is required.

If children appear in the family, then almost everything is yours free time he gives it to them. This is a wonderful father who pampers and at the same time raises his offspring with affection. It will not be a hindrance to him if he marries a woman with children. You can be sure that he will love them like family.

A type like the owner of this name loves everything forbidden. If he liked someone else's woman, he will do everything to win her favor. He is so proud that he chooses to do this openly, sometimes putting everything, family and career, on the line. He has more than enough irony, as well as a very well developed sense of humor. Many women love communicating with him for all these qualities. But if he is married, then he will be devoted to his wife, but of course until he gets bored.