How to choose room heating radiators. Which heating radiators are best for apartments and private houses?

Duration heating season in our latitudes it is close to 2/3 of the year. The indicator depends on the region, but on average it is about 250 days. For us, all issues related to the efficiency of the heating system are extremely important, which largely depends on the right choice her devices.

Let's look at which heating radiators are better and what the different types are. The article presented for consideration describes in detail the criteria for selecting heating devices. For independent home DIYers, we have provided tips from experienced plumbers.

Regardless of the complexity of the heating system, the main task is to maintain set temperature in a house or apartment. The heating radiator plays a key role in this, carrying out heat exchange between the air in the room and the coolant.

Uniform heating, efficient heat transfer, microclimate maintenance, stable operation - these are the basic requirements for a heating battery.

In residential premises, single, panel or sectional twin radiators are installed that do not emit toxins when heated

Main parameters influencing the choice specific model:

  • System operating pressure. Depends on whether it is autonomous or centralized network The device is turned on. It is arranged on a gravity or forced principle. On average it varies from 3 to 10 bar or in a similar atmosphere range.
  • Thermal power. A characteristic required to calculate the thermal power required to heat a room. It is also needed for selecting individual components sectional batteries. Approximately 1 kW is required to process 10 m².
  • Modularity. The quality inherent in prefabricated radiators, which makes it possible to assemble and disassemble the device to suit individual requirements.
  • Speed ​​of reaction to tº. More precisely, the ability to respond to changes in coolant temperature. period of time for cooling and warming up.
  • Possibility of equipping with automation. Devices that monitor weather conditions and independently eliminate air jams.

The devices now available for sale ensure free circulation throughout the system. They are characterized by corrosion resistance and attractive appearance.

Sectional radiators differ in the shape and size of the sections that provide required quantity thermal energy

The thermal efficiency of a radiator depends on the energy dissipation surface area. A flat metal convector has a much smaller area compared to a sectional aluminum convector of the same geometric size. Because the latter radiates heat over the entire area of ​​the fins.

Types of modern heating radiators

During Soviet times, the question of which heating battery is better to choose was never asked for a simple reason. The industry produced only two types of them - steel and cast iron. We live in a fortunate time of diversity, technological and environmental excellence.

The global and domestic industry offers a fairly wide range to choose from. There are several signs according to which it is advisable to separate heating radiators.

Radiators can be divided according to materials of manufacture:

  • steel panel convectors;
  • cast iron batteries;
  • aluminum radiators;
  • bimetallic radiators.

By design features:

  • sectional;
  • panel.

Each of these types the best way suitable for its operating conditions, and therefore has its own nuances. Separate view heating radiators are highly specialized. These are devices designed to solve one task, often to the detriment of overall functionality.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Useful tips from experts will help you understand the choice of heating device:

The most best choice A heating radiator can be considered the one that achieves the greatest comfort and coziness. The radiator can be invisible or, on the contrary, be part of general design. But the most important thing is reliability and no hassle.

You can tell us about how you chose a radiator to replace old batteries in an apartment or to furnish a new home in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful tips and photos related to the topic of the article. We are interested in your opinion.

When construction works completed in the house, the question arises of how to arrange the heating system so that the house is warm. The main component of the heating system is, of course, the heating radiators. Their choice must be approached with particular seriousness, because the strength, durability and reliability of your system depend on it.

The downside is the prohibitively high price, which is inaccessible to the middle class. You can buy cheap models of bimetallic radiators, but all that remains of their qualities is the name.

It is not advisable to use bimetallic radiators for a private home due to their high cost. They have the greatest strength, but the local network The heating system does not have high pressure, so the advantage of this radiator is useless in this case.

Based on their structure, radiators are divided into tubular, sectional, convector and panel.

Steel radiators

All batteries have their drawbacks, which are functional in nature. The convector radiator is durable, economical, safe and quite beautiful. The only negative is the high price, because they are made from high-quality and expensive materials.

Such a characteristic as power will help to correctly give preference to one or another type of radiator. It's easy to calculate: in a room with a ceiling height of 300 cm and one window, 100 W will be needed to heat one square meter. When the room has two external walls, add another 20%. If there are two external walls and two windows, add 30%. When the window faces north, you should add 10%. An important factor will be the installation of radiators, because no matter how good the batteries you purchase, if they are installed incorrectly, it will still be of zero use. Heat loss

  1. batteries must be placed under windows
  2. their length must correspond to the length of the window, or at least half the length
  3. V corner room you can install an additional pair of radiators along the outer wall
  4. It is better to install heating risers in corners. This will ensure they warm up and avoid blackening of the wall and the formation of mold.
  5. they must always be available.

When choosing heating radiators, you should rely on specifications radiators and the heating system itself, as well as the budget. With proper study, you can always find a middle ground for yourself.

The most common and traditional heating devices are radiators, which ensure the transfer of heat from its source to living spaces. In the domestic space, heavy and inconvenient cast iron radiators have been used for a long time. Such devices have long been obsolete, so owners are increasingly paying attention to more modern products with good energy efficiency and small in size. How to choose a heating radiator will be discussed in this article.

Types of heating radiators

In the modern construction market you can find many varieties heating radiators. All modern heating batteries for an apartment or house have their own characteristics and characteristics: for example, some radiators are only suitable for autonomous heating systems, while others are quite suitable for centralized heating. The main types of radiators are worth considering in more detail.

Cast iron radiators

Room heating radiators made of cast iron are familiar and familiar products that can still be found in any apartment. Of course, outdated radiators manufactured in Soviet times, they do not differ good quality, in contrast to modern analogues, which will be discussed further.

The updated models of cast iron heating radiators are quite compact, have a pleasant appearance and are distinguished by well-treated surfaces. If your financial capabilities allow you to choose more expensive products, then you should pay attention to retro-styled radiators that can fit perfectly into suitable design- the ideal answer to the question of which heating batteries are best for an apartment.

Main advantages cast iron radiators– the ability to release accumulated heat for a long time, resistance to corrosion and long service life, which with proper maintenance can be tens of years. Among the disadvantages, it is mainly worth noting the large weight and the associated installation difficulties. In addition, noticeable disadvantages are the long heating time of radiators, the large volume of coolant and the fragility of cast iron, which is why such devices sometimes cannot withstand strong water hammer.

Aluminum radiators

When deciding which heating radiators are best installed in a private home, you should pay attention to aluminum products, which are characterized by their relatively low cost and wide variety external characteristics. If the heating system is full clean water with a normal acidity level, then aluminum radiators can work for about 20 years without problems.

Due to the fact that the pressure in autonomous heating is low, the radiators will not be subject to stress. By filling the system with water without impurities, you can minimize chemical reactions, which provoke the release of hydrogen - they accelerate the destruction of the radiator and can cause a fire. Radiator products, among other things, are characterized by slight inertia.

Aluminum radiators are divided into two categories:

  • Extrusion radiators, consisting of glued and pressed sections ( central part manufactured by extrusion, and the upper and lower manifolds are cast);
  • Cast radiators, each section of which is injection molded, so finished goods are more reliable and durable.

Bimetallic radiators

To install a heating system in apartment buildings Bimetallic radiators are well suited because they can easily withstand high pressure and regular water hammer. Structurally, bimetallic radiators for central heating true to its name: outer layer made of aluminum, and underneath there are steel or copper pipes. In the end it turns out reliable design with excellent performance characteristics and good visual qualities.

There are two types of bimetallic radiators:

  1. Full bimetallic radiators. Inside such devices there is a core without aluminum. For the manufacture of the core, steel or copper is used - materials that are resistant to corrosion. Due to the corrugated body located outside the core, effective heat transfer is ensured.
  2. Semi-metallic radiators. The core of this type of radiator is almost entirely made of aluminum - steel is used only to reinforce the vertical channels. The degree of heat transfer due to this design increases, but the strength is significantly reduced. Pseudo-bimetallic radiators are cheaper compared to full-fledged products.

Bimetallic devices are also classified depending on the structure of the sections:

  • Regular sectional radiators consist of several sections, each of which, if necessary, can be easily replaced or removed;
  • Monolithic radiators, as the name implies, consist of a single element, which significantly increases the ability to withstand high pressure, up to 100 atmospheres.

If local central heating is characterized by constant pressure drops, then monolithic bimetallic devices will be the best answer to the question of which heating radiators are best for an apartment.

Steel heating radiators

Not bad and enough modern version radiators are steel, have a nice design, relatively light weight and high degree heat transfer.

Steel heating devices are divided into two types:

  1. Panel. Design panel radiators includes welded in pairs metal sheets, in which there are oval recesses for the passage of coolant. The number of such panels in one radiator can vary from one to three. To increase heat transfer by inner part convectors are welded onto the panels - the efficiency ultimately increases, but the devices collect more dust during operation. Standard models without welded ribs, due to their cleanliness, they are well suited for children's and medical institutions.
  2. Tubular. In tubular radiators, the connection of the collectors is carried out using vertically installed steel pipes. The advantages of such radiators compared to panel ones are an increased safety margin and more interesting design. The disadvantage is the rather high cost. If you do not take into account the price, then when trying to determine which heating radiators are better for an apartment, steel ones will definitely be one of the most interesting options.

Floor convectors

Another variety heating devices are sexual convectors. Such devices are based on a core, represented by a metal tube with ribs that increase heat transfer. Thanks to the shell, heated air moves to the upper zone.

It is worth noting that convectors can withstand high pressure and corrosive effects without problems. The convector body heats up to a temperature of no higher than 43 degrees, and adjusting the degree of heating is greatly simplified due to the small inertia of the device.

The disadvantage of this type of heating devices is uneven heating of the room and, as a consequence, low economic and thermal efficiency. It is most advisable to use convection devices in rooms with windows that occupy the entire wall - thanks to the radiator, a heat shield will be created along the entire window, preventing the spread of cold.

How to choose heating radiators

All heating devices have several parameters that must be considered before choosing a heating radiator. Each parameter must be studied separately, and when choosing, their totality must be taken into account.

Heating system type

The main parameter that most influences the choice of a heating radiator is the heating system, which can be designed according to two basic schemes:

Central heating. In the domestic space, single-pipe heating circuits, in which the radiators are connected in series. When deciding which radiators are best to choose for an apartment, you must take into account that the centralized heating system operates under high pressure, and its value is constantly changing within very wide limits. In addition, the coolant poured into the system is rarely of a sufficient degree of purity, so all elements of the system are susceptible to corrosion.

Dealing with centralized system, you need to know which batteries are best to install in the apartment:

  • Cast iron radiators that can withstand pressures from 6 to 16 bar and have good corrosion resistance;
  • Bimetallic batteries central heating systems that are not subject to corrosion and can withstand pressures from 35 bar (sectional) to 100 bar (monolithic).

Heating system. As a rule, an autonomous heating system has two operating circuits, operating pressure rarely exceeds 3-5 bar, and the water in the system has a neutral acidity level. All this suggests that for autonomous heating Any radiators are suitable (except for bimetallic ones, the use of which in this case cannot be called appropriate).

For maximum efficiency autonomous system worth using the following types radiators:

  • Aluminum with excellent heat dissipation;
  • Steel ones, which are inexpensive and look good;
  • Cast iron is the most familiar and democratic option.

Heat transfer of different types of radiators

The heat output level of different radiators varies depending on the material used. Exact value The effectiveness of a particular model, which is often used to decide which battery is best to install in an apartment, can only be found in the documentation attached to it.

The average heat transfer value of one radiator section is as follows:

Solid radiators have the following heat transfer rates:

  • Steel - 1200-1600 watts;
  • Convectors - 130-10000 watts.

Calculation of the size of heating radiators

To know exactly how to choose a heating radiator correctly, you need to accurately understand the following nuances:

  • Type of eyeliner (open or hidden);
  • Method of connecting pipes to the radiator (from above, from the side, from the floor, from the wall, etc.);
  • Diameter heating pipes;
  • Center distance between the pipes.

When deciding which heating radiators are best to install in an apartment, you also need to take into account their location. The fact is that there must be an air supply to the radiator - if the device is not properly ventilated, its heat transfer will decrease by 10-15%.

The general rules for installing radiators look like this:

  • The distance between the floor and the radiator should be 7-10 cm;
  • The radiator should be at a distance of about 3-5 cm from the wall;
  • There should be at least 10-15 cm of free space between the window sill and the radiator.

Considering these rules, deciding which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment will not be difficult.

Buying batteries

When all the parameters have been studied, and the most best batteries The heating systems for the apartment have been selected, all that remains is to purchase them. In the case of an autonomous heating system, there will be no problems at all - you can simply go to the store with your calculations and buy the most suitable devices.

Owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings before choosing radiators, it is advisable to go to local authorities heating network and ask what the operating pressure is in the centralized heating system. It is necessary to select heating radiators for central heating with a small pressure margin so that the system can withstand pressure changes, in particular seasonal ones - central heating is tested every year under a pressure increased by 1.5 times.


This article answers in detail the question of which batteries are best to buy for the greatest heating efficiency. It is enough to study all types of heating devices, their parameters and factors influencing the choice. Correctly selected radiators will work without the slightest complaints throughout their entire service life.