Who did the test show 9 dpo? What DPO test showed pregnancy?

There comes a moment in the life of every married couple when they decide that it’s time for them to become parents. Of course, you want to know as early as possible that pregnancy has occurred.

For this purpose, a special test is used at home. It is necessary to consider when this tool will be able to show an accurate result.

Every woman should know what a pregnancy test is, the rules for using such medications, and from what day after ovulation it is taken. This can help determine at what day of delay (and before) a true result can be obtained.

What is the device?

Any pregnancy test has the same principle of operation. Such devices contain a substance that is sensitive to the hCG hormone. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with how the research process works before using the presented tool.

Operating principle

Chorionic gonadotropin in the human body produces a fertilized egg from the moment the process of implantation of a fertilized cell into the epithelium of the uterus occurs. This occurs a few days after ovulation.

Most often, the implantation process occurs on the 7th day after ovulation. But it happens that this date shifts. Then implantation should be expected even 10–13 days after ovulation (DPO).

The hormone that indicates pregnancy rises every 24 to 48 hours. Its quantity doubles. Therefore, even the most sensitive test can show a true result no earlier than 11 DPO.

The calculations take into account the characteristics of a woman’s cycle, how long it lasts, and what day ovulation occurs. This is the only way to calculate when to do the test.

The amount of hCG increases in the urine, and on the 11th day after fertilization it is captured only by a hypersensitive pharmaceutical product. However, this happens in ideal conditions. In fact, the specifics of the cycle should be considered before testing.

For precise definition Once pregnancy occurs, all test manufacturers recommend carrying out the procedure from the moment of missed menstruation.


There are 3 main types of sensitivity of drugs that allow you to determine pregnancy 2-3 days after the delay. In order for the device to show a true answer already on the 11th day after conception, accuracy should be taken into account medical product. Testers are made with different sensitivity:

  • 25 mIU/ml.
  • 20 mIU/ml.
  • 10 mIU/ml.

Each of them is able to show pregnancy when 2–2.5 weeks have passed since DPO. If the period is too short, it is necessary to use products with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml. They are able to detect the presence of hCG in the urine even 11 days after conception. But there may be an error.

If the active substance of the tester reacts to a hormone concentration of more than 25 mIU/ml, then even on the fourth day of the delay an erroneously negative result is possible.

On the 9th day after ovulation, even a test that reacts to 10 mIU/ml of hCG in the urine will not determine pregnancy. A woman cannot know when the moment of implantation of a fertilized cell will occur. Therefore, the test is done no earlier than on the 11th day after ovulation. In this case, only the hypersensitivity agent (10 mIU/ml) is used.

However, all manufacturers still indicate that the earliest date when testing can be done is determined from the first day of the delay. Therefore, when wondering how long after DPO they check for the presence of the hormone in the urine, you still need to wait until the day of your expected menstruation.

Types of devices

When a woman decides to take a pregnancy test early, she encounters great diversity pharmaceuticals. Their differences lie in ease of use and the size of the error.

The period from which a device can show a true result depends on its sensitivity and error. Whatever tester is chosen, it is better if its sensitivity is 10 mIU/ml. There are different types pharmaceutical products that allow early detection of pregnancy:

  1. Paper strips.
  2. Inkjet and tablet tests.
  3. Digital devices.

Paper strips are the cheapest, and therefore in demand. They can be used when the period after conception is 14–15 days. The error of this method is great. He can make mistakes more often than other varieties.

At 11–12 days after ovulation, a tablet or inkjet type of device can be used. In the first case, a drop of urine is applied to the sensor using a pipette, and in the second, the tip of the device is placed under the stream. It is convenient to do such manipulations even when you are not at home. When it is not possible to collect material for analysis in a jar in the morning, this option is ideal.

Most often, sensitive devices detect a hormone concentration of 10 mIU/ml. To minimize the measurement error, you should use an electronic device. It is even able to show the period of development of new life in the belly of the expectant mother.

Even on the 12th day after conception, it will show the exact result. 4 days before your expected period (not earlier than 11 DPO), you can conduct a similar study. If the result is positive, a “+” icon will appear on the screen, and a period of time will be indicated next to it, for example, 1–2 weeks. It should be noted that the device shows how long the development of the fetus lasts from the moment of conception.

How to do testing?

To increase the reliability of the analysis, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer's instructions.

The test should be done no earlier than 11 DPO. 3-4 days before the delay, for research it is necessary to take only morning urine and a test with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml. In such urine the concentration of the hormone is the highest. After a few days of delay, testing time and test sensitivity will no longer be as important.

Hands should be washed thoroughly and the container for collecting material should be disinfected. If a cardboard strip is used, it must be immersed strictly to the indicated level.

The result is assessed no later than 5 minutes from the start of the study.

In any case, it is better to repeat the study after 2-3 days. If even a faint second line is visible, you should contact a medical professional. This will make it possible to accurately determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

Having become familiar with the types and technology of using a home tester to determine pregnancy, every woman has the opportunity to conduct the research on her own and receive a reliable answer with a high degree of probability.

Research errors

When testing is carried out several days before next menstruation, you may get a false answer. Why it is better not to take a pregnancy test before a delay should be understood by every woman.

False positive response

Moreover, an incorrect positive test result is possible if a woman takes products containing hCG or certain infertility medications.

In cases where fetal development has recently been interrupted, hCG levels may not decrease quickly. This also leads to a false positive result.

False negative

But more often than not, women still get the wrong negative answer. The research tool may show a false answer if not enough time has passed since DPO.

Indeed, 11–12 days after ovulation and expected fertilization, the concentration of the hormone is not so high that it can be determined. There are a number of reasons why the device may show an incorrect negative result:

  1. Poor quality of the device reagent.
  2. When there is a threat of miscarriage.
  3. Pathology of the kidneys or cardiovascular system.
  4. Ectopic development of pregnancy.
  5. Testing is carried out before 10 DPO.
  6. The instructions are not followed.
  7. The study was carried out an hour after visiting the toilet or drinking a lot of liquid.

If you incorrectly calculate how much time has passed since DPO, you may not be able to detect the hormone in the urine. After 2-3 days, a repeat study is carried out.

A more accurate result before a missed period can be provided by a laboratory examination. IN blood hCG determined 1–2 days earlier than in urine. In any case, only a gynecologist can confirm that a woman is expecting a child after an examination.

I warn you: NO FLOOD! NO SNEEZES! CONGRATULATIONS without fanaticism!!(or better in PM!)

Tests come with different sensitivities. 10 mIU/ml recognizes the pregnancy hormone (hCG) at a lower concentration. This test can detect pregnancy at an earlier stage. Typically, most pregnancy tests have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml.

There are 4 types of pregnancy tests:

Test strips.

Attention! Spoiler!

(strip test)
You need to lower the test strip for 10-20 seconds to a certain mark in a container with morning urine. The strip strip is impregnated with a reagent (antibodies to hCG). Morning urine contains maximum amount pregnancy hormone (hCG). After this, place the strip on a horizontal surface and evaluate the result after a few minutes. If there is one red stripe, you are not pregnant; if there are two stripes, congratulations!

Tablet tests.

Attention! Spoiler!

(test cassettes)
This is most often the same test strip, but in a plastic tablet.

It does not need to be immersed in liquid. There are two windows on the front side of the dough. You should drop a little urine into the first window of the small box with the pipette that comes with the test, and the second (control) window will show you the result within a few minutes. Sensitivity and quality are the same as test strips, but the price is higher.

Jet tests.

Attention! Spoiler!

The most modern tests.
You just need to place the receiving end of the test under a stream of urine at any time of the day and after a few minutes - the result is ready, two strips or one. Inkjet tests are more expensive than tablet tests.

Electronic tests.

Attention! Spoiler!

In the electronic test, instead of a strip, the inscription “pregnant” appears if you are pregnant, and “not pregnant” if you are not pregnant. Electronic test It’s convenient because you don’t have to break your eyes to see whether there is a strip or not.
Electronic tests are the most expensive.

In what cases do incorrect results occur?

False negative:

Attention! Spoiler!

1. if the test is done too early, when the hCG level is very low
2. if the instructions are not followed and the test is carried out incorrectly
3. if you drink a lot of liquid, which can dilute the urine and reduce the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in it
if the test is overdue

False positive:

Attention! Spoiler!

1. for dysfunctional ovarian diseases
2. when the pregnancy hormone is produced by the tumor

Good to know:
Speaking about the fact that implantation usually occurs 7-10 days after ovulation, you need to know that early and late implantation occasionally occurs. The probability of implantation depending on DPO is presented in the list:
* 3-5 dpo – 0.68%
* 6 dpo – 1.39%
* 7 dpo – 5.56%
* 8 dpo – 18.06%
* 9 dpo – 36.81%
* 10 dpo – 27.78%
* 11 dpo – 6.94%
* 12 dpo – 2.78%
At the moment of implantation, the hCG is 2nmol, then 4nmol, 8nmol, 16nmol, 32nmol - and only in this case, when the hCG exceeds 25nmol, will the tests show the second pregnancy streak!!! That is, only on day 5 after implantation the test will show a positive result...
Therefore, according to statistics, the test will show only 14 DPO!!! HCG in urine is lower than in blood.
From the moment of implantation, hCG increases exactly 2 times every day.

When to take a pregnancy test? -

Why you shouldn't take the test before the delay? Yes, at least out of economy, and if you don’t have a lot of money, out of common sense. Let me explain why. The test reacts to the beta subunit of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which begins to be produced only after implantation of such a tiny fetus of your love into the endometrium, and this happens 3-12 days after conception. Of course, if this fruit is a sprinter, then the chance of seeing the coveted second stripe is greater than ever. But I’ll immediately cool your possible ardor: the value of this chance is 0.68%.

3-5 dpo - 0.68%

6 dpo - 1.39%

7 dpo - 5.56%

8 dpo - 18.06%

9 dpo - 36.81%

10 dpo - 27.78%

11 dpo - 6.94%

12 dpo - 2.78%

Original table: http://www.babyplan.ru/biblioteka/populjarnye_temy/preg_test#ixzz1ibDyUsr1

What if the fruit of love is unhurried? Why get upset ahead of time? After all, it’s enough to wait just a few days to know for sure. ABOUT! I can directly see the indignant faces of those especially suffering (I myself was in their place!), because in these few days you can die of impatience! they will say so and they will be right, of course, but for me it is much worse to die from disappointment. Yes and good tests- pleasure is not cheap. It’s better to buy yourself an extra kilogram of apples, really!

It’s not for nothing that I mentioned GOOD tests. Let's talk about this in more detail. The famous “ghosts” that those suffering are so happy to believe.... Oh, these ghosts that make you sob into your pillow! In bad, cheap tests, the reagent can also be bad. And he reacts to everything...

By the way, the same good tests can falsely show a second line, and in vain many people sin on tests, it is their own “fault”. Wikipedia kindly shared the following information with me: human chorionic gonadotropin has biological properties both LH and FSH, and binds to both types of gonadotropin receptors, but the luteinizing activity of hCG significantly prevails over the follicle-stimulating one. HCG is significantly superior in luteinizing activity to “regular” LH, produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Next we turn on the logic. What if LH is, so to speak, not ordinary? Well, that is, its level is off scale beyond normal for the second phase of LH or is it some kind of cyst? or some other bug? In a healthy woman, the test simply won’t show a “ghost”! But how many of those who wait for years for a stork are truly healthy? hmmm.... here come the tears into the pillow. But the fact is that the test reagent reacts (forgive the tautology) to abnormal LH and, instead of pregnancy, shows hope for it, which is immediately and mercilessly taken away by the coming menstruation. And the awaiting aista thinks "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao! Away I’ve dreamed about fish twice already!” It's not that I don't believe in omens or that I deny unconventional methods. No! what do you! I screamed like that myself. I just want to give food for thought. And finally: there really are early miscarriages. Yes, they do exist. But what's the point in shedding tears? It’s much easier to go to the laboratory and find out your hormone levels so that you can bury yourself in your pillow and sleep peacefully, and not sob into it, exclaiming “Why do I need this, Lord! I want it that way, but the alcoholic Alla, s...a, already gives birth to a third healthy one after six abortions, ahhh!”

Okay, let's move on. There are no problems with hormones, we have already found that out. But there is impatience. Moreover, there are some insidious tests, expensive and good, which promise to show the result, if any, even 4 days before the delay. Is it necessary?

Do we remember about hCG during implantation? Let's take a sprinter for example. Well, yes, the same sprinter who, already at 3 DPO, screwed himself into mommy as hard as he could and let’s produce hCG. So, for the first 2-3 weeks, the hCG value in the blood doubles every 24-48 hours. Well, if our baby is a sprinter, let’s take it as a truth that his hCG doubles every 24 hours. Wow!

At 4 DPO the hCG value is 2, at 5 DPO - 4, at 6 DPO - 8, at 7 DPO - 16, at 8 DPO - 32 - oops! at 8 DPO, a test with a sensitivity of 25 will show clear two stripes. But this is only if a woman clearly knows the day of ovulation (not according to a schedule, but from an ultrasound!), her baby is a sprinter - 0.68% probability, and even produces hCG at breakneck speed. The probability of such a scenario is less than 1%.

Now let's look at the average scenario. Implantation at 8 DPO and hCG doubles every 48 hours. At 9 DPO - 2, at 11 DPO - 4, at 13 DPO - 8, at 15 DPO - 16, i.e. on the first day of the delay, the test will show a weak line! and on the third it is already clear and bright.

Well, what if the baby is delayed in attaching? At 10 DPO, as many as 27% of cases occur. Let's count!

11 DPO - 2, 13 DPO - 4, 15 DPO (first day of delay) - 8 in total, 17 DPO (3rd day of delay) - 16, i.e. a faint strip can be seen only on the 2-3rd day of the delay, but not before it. And is it worth crying?

Would you say it’s hard not to cry, not to worry, not to count? Yes, it is difficult. I know. She cried, worried and counted. Yes, just to pull yourself together and distract yourself (it helped me), it’s enough to know the following: “British scientists conducted research on the effect of stress on women’s ability to conceive. Studies have shown that in women experiencing the greatest stress, the ability to conceive decreases by 12%. The study involved 274 women aged 18 to 40. Moreover, the fact is that after several unsuccessful attempts When a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to experience even more stress and her chances of conceiving fall even further."

Why reduce your chances of becoming a mother with tears and hassle? here is the answer to the question, why do alcoholics give birth easily, while we, who want and wait so much, cry into our pillows? because alcoholics don’t worry, they don’t have stress. Therefore, it is necessary, if not to completely “de-cycle”, then at least not to do tests before the delay. Since disappointment is very likely, which is oh so undesirable for those planning a pregnancy!

I'm not talking about those who are in the IVF protocol, who have been diagnosed serious problems, requiring the earliest possible detection of pregnancy. But as a rule, in these cases, the woman is under the supervision of a doctor and donates blood to determine hCG, and does not look out for ghosts in the tests.

It was a long article. Thanks to those who read to the end! maybe it will help someone. At least this knowledge helped me a lot. And I’m also a plush person, I like to save money. A pregnancy test costs at least 50 rubles. If you don’t do tests after 10 DPO, in total it’s at least 5-6 tests = 250-300 rubles; with a year of planning experience, you can save 3000-3600 rubles and a lot of nerves in addition. For 3,000 rubles you can buy your baby new onesies!

And pregnancy comes when you least expect it. This is no longer from the Internet, but word of mouth has worked. Of all my acquaintances who were concerned about the problem (I’m not talking about those who simply said “let’s try” and gave up, moving on with their lives and rejoicing), only one couple managed to get pregnant as planned the first time, and then only under the IVF protocol. The rest went through all the circles of hell until they learned to live without thoughts of pregnancy. And then it worked!

Thirteen days after ovulation (13 DPO) and the test is negative? You shouldn’t unequivocally assume that “it didn’t work out again” and get upset in advance. At such a short period of time, not all tests for determining the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine will show an accurate result.

From what day do you count your period as late?

Many mistakes in early pregnancy diagnosis occur only because women do not know how to calculate their menstrual cycle. You definitely need to have a special calendar. It regularly marks the days when menstruation begins and ends. Several months of working with a regular paper calendar or a special smartphone application will allow you to thoroughly study the features of your menstrual cycle. This is important for determining the moment of ovulation and delay.

The duration of a normal cycle is on average 28-30 days. Frequency is an individual indicator. Therefore, for every woman, menstruation can be either short (3 days) or long (7 days).

Your period may start a little earlier or later, and this is not a cause for concern. The moment of the onset of menstruation directly depends on external and internal factors: hormonal disbalance, stress, climate or time zone changes, unhealthy diet, women's diseases and, of course, pregnancy.

To understand whether this is a delay, or the cycle has been slightly rearranged, you need to look at the calendar. It marks the end date of the last menstruation. From this day you need to count the usual duration of the cycle. For women with irregular menstruation, another option has been developed. Here are the longest and longest short cycles, and then the resulting number is divided by two. For accuracy, you can calculate the arithmetic average of the last three to six menstrual cycles. By the way, all this is done independently by the mobile application.

The day of ovulation is determined in the same way. However, with an irregular cycle, it will be more difficult to understand this issue. If the number of days between menstruation is approximately the same, then it is enough to subtract 12-14 days from this figure. This will be the approximate day of ovulation. Sometimes the release of an egg from the follicle can occur closer to the end of the last menstruation or the beginning of the next. With an irregular cycle, ovulation can only be determined using special tests.

Why shouldn't you trust the results before the delay?

When will the test show pregnancy, if any? Most special strips can be used from the first day of the delay. However, you should know that there can be a negative test at 13 DPO. This is not surprising, since in a cycle lasting 28 days, it falls just on the last one. That is, in fact there is no delay yet. The hCG concentration may not yet have reached the required minimum, so that the test “reacts” to it.

The strips have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml. Recognize before delay interesting situation Only expensive and high-quality pregnancy tests can. Within seven to ten days after the expected conception, strips with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml can determine whether a woman will become a mother in the next nine months.

Will the test show pregnancy on the 13th day after ovulation (DPO)? After all, almost two weeks have passed, and it seems that this time is enough to determine an interesting situation. In fact, this is a very short period of time. When there is no delay in menstruation yet (including at 13 DPO), a negative test should not be taken seriously. To get a reliable result, it is better to wait a few more days.

Pregnancy tests for use at home respond to the hCG hormone, which begins to be produced only after the embryo has implanted. Implantation in 18% of cases occurs at 8 DPO, in 36% at the ninth, and in 27% at the tenth. On the remaining days from 3 to 12 after ovulation, the probability of implantation is less than 10%. After attachment, the fertilized egg should begin to produce hCG, a specific pregnancy hormone (chorionic gonadotropin). For the test to accurately determine pregnancy, the hCG level must reach at least 20 mIU/ml.

"Ghost" stripe

A negative test at 13 DPO can also occur during pregnancy. It’s just that the level of the hCG hormone is not yet sufficient for the reagent to react and clearly show the second strip. But at the same time, some women see a pale line on tests. This result also cannot be considered reliable. The test needs to be repeated in a couple of days.

The line of evaporation is also called a “ghost” stripe, when there was a colored mark, but after a while it became completely invisible. The Phantom has the same width and length as the control sample. It is colored blue, pink or lilac, but is paler and barely noticeable. In some ways, the “ghost” resembles a smoky trail where there should be a brightly colored second stripe.

Negative test at 13 DPO: is there hope?

Since there is no delay on this day yet, this result does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Of course, it's hard not to worry when you've already had several unsuccessful attempts to conceive. However, you will have to wait. To worry less, it is recommended to distract yourself. The results of numerous studies prove that a woman who experiences stress reduces her chances of successfully conceiving by 12%.

In the first two weeks after implantation, the hCG level doubles every 1-2 days. If the fertilized egg entered the uterine cavity on the fourth day after ovulation, then at 13 DPO the hCG level will be only 2 mIU/l. At 5 DPO this figure will increase to 4, at the sixth - to 8, at the seventh - to 16, and at the eighth - to 32. An ultra-sensitive test will show pregnancy a week after ovulation. Normal - on the eighth day. But this is only if the woman knows exactly the day of ovulation, having determined it not by a schedule or tests, but by ultrasound. After all, the probability of attachment at the third to fifth DPO is only 0.68%. And the fertilized egg can produce hCG at different rates.

If we take average statistics, everything will go even slower. For example, implantation occurred on the eighth day after conception, and hCG increases by 2 times every two days. Therefore, at 9 DPO the hormone concentration will be only 2 mIU/ml, at 11 DPO - 4, at 13 DPO - 8, and at 15 DPO - 16. On the first day of the delay, even a high-quality sensitive test will show only a weak second line. But on the third day you will be able to admire the bright and clear line.

It happens that pregnancy develops even more slowly. It's quite normal. Conception at 10 DPO occurs in 27% of cases. Then the hCG will “grow” to 16 mIU/ml only on the third day of the delay, or at 17 DPO.

How else can you find out if pregnancy has occurred?

When will the test show pregnancy? It is possible to reliably find out whether the delay was caused by an interesting situation only on the third to fifth day of the delay. By this point, the hCG level will reach the required minimum, even if implantation occurs late and the embryo is in no hurry to synthesize the hormone. If you can’t wait to find out if you are pregnant, you can do a blood test to detect hCG at the clinic. Blood is donated from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. The laboratory will also determine the exact gestational age.

Medication support

For some illnesses or unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, the doctor may prescribe an appointment medicine. For example, Duphaston. And at 13 DPO the test was negative. Should we cancel Duphaston in this case or not? Before making a decision, the doctor will send you to a laboratory for a blood test. Further actions will depend on its outcome. If pregnancy is confirmed, then Duphaston is usually not canceled for some time. If conception does not take place in this cycle, then the medication should be abandoned.