The cat came home to die. What happens if a cat dies at home?

Our pets do not last forever and, unfortunately, live too short. No owner is ready to let go of their pet, even when the time has come. The owner who managed to understand that the cat is dying has time to get used to the thoughts of this, and this is a chance to survive the loss easier and faster.

Signs of a cat's imminent death from old age are not as obvious as they seem. Cats are naturally secretive and maintain their composure until the last moment. As soon as the pet gives in, it admits its vulnerability, and in the wild, this equates to death.

Cats older than 7–8 years are considered senior. It is important to distinguish between the concepts of old age and old age. As soon as a cat enters old age, its metabolic processes begin to slow down naturally.

These changes are in no way related to the imminent death of the pet, since there are cases where cats lived to 25–27 years of age. The natural slowing of metabolism allows the body to function longer.

Note! An older cat becomes less active, but continues to eat the usual amount of food, drink water, groom itself, etc.

The only factor that can cause serious harm to the body of an elderly cat and hasten its death is constant stress. Naturally, we are talking about animals that are provided with care and quality feeding.

It quickly and rapidly destroys the body, literally slows down metabolism and leads to rapid aging. The concept of aging is usually understood as the process of slowing down the functioning of organs and systems of the body until they stop completely.

A decrease in the activity of organs is indicated by the smell that appears from the cat. The reason for the foreign odor is the accumulation of toxins, which in a healthy animal are removed by cleaning systems. Foreign odors may come from the cat's fur, ears, and paws.

With kidney and liver failure, the animal's breath takes on a sour or metallic odor. If the state of oppression is intensified, the smell becomes more distinct and richer.

Before jumping to conclusions about your pet's imminent death, even if its age is respectful, consult a veterinarian. A depressed and even lethargic state may indicate a disease that can be stopped.

Many older cats suffer from chronic diseases that include the following symptoms:

  • Depressed breathing.
  • A sharp deterioration in wool quality.
  • Decreased heart rate.
  • The appearance of a distinctly foul odor of breath.
  • Deep yellow urine with a pungent odor.

Note! Symptoms similar to depression before death can occur with infection with tapeworms, infections of the genitourinary tract and oncology.

Do cats leave home to die?

In the wild, a dying cat realizes that it has become vulnerable. Avoiding violent death from the teeth of a predator, the cat looks for a secluded, safe and warm place. If a pet feels this type of dependence, it may deliberately leave the house or hide.

Whether to let a pet go knowing that it will not return is a purely personal decision. Veterinarians recommend not letting very elderly animals out of the house, as they are vulnerable to young cats and dogs.

If, after consultation with a doctor, it is revealed that drug intervention will not lead to relief of the condition and will not prolong life, then the owner has only one thing left - to provide the pet with maximum comfort.

Note! If your pet is experiencing pain or other discomfort, incontinence, inflammation or other ailments, ask your veterinarian to prescribe supportive care.

It is worth understanding that several months may pass from the moment of oppression of the animal’s organs to death. During this time, your pet may experience health difficulties, such as urinary or fecal incontinence.

In this case, the owner needs to think not about his own emotions, but about the well-being of the cat. Expected urinary incontinence is uncomfortable for the owner, but it brings even more suffering to the cat:

  • Skin irritation.
  • The appearance of ulcers.
  • A feeling of inadequacy, in the absence of the ability to take care of oneself and maintain cleanliness.

Important! Even if your pet's death is imminent, your main goal is to provide comfort.

Carefully monitor your pet's condition and take action if pain occurs. Severe pain may be indicated by withdrawn behavior, intermittent or rare breathing, reluctance to move, or complete refusal to eat or drink.

Symptoms and signs of a cat's imminent death from illness

Unfortunately, many owners lose their pets at a young age. The cat may die from illness or injuries. Depression of the body is accompanied by certain symptoms.

An obvious sign of deterioration is a slowdown in metabolism.
A natural consequence of slowing down the body’s functioning is oxygen starvation, which is not obvious at first.

Minor oxygen deprivation can be determined by pulse rate. Normally, a cat's heart rate is between 140 and 220 beats per minute. At the stage of chronic weakness and oxygen starvation, the pulse can drop to 60–100 beats per minute.

To measure a cat's pulse, you need to place an open palm on your pet's chest, under the paw:

  • Using a stopwatch, determine the number of heart beats in 15 seconds.
  • The resulting number of hits must be multiplied by four.

Important! In weak cats, the pulse may not be palpable due to a critical decrease in blood pressure. In this case, you must use a stethoscope or other equipment to measure your heart rate.

In parallel with the decrease in heart rate, the cat's breathing rate decreases. Normally, a healthy cat takes 20–30 breaths per minute. As the heart rate slows, the lungs open less efficiently, leading to oxygen deprivation. With significant oxygen starvation, open-mouth breathing may occur.

Unfortunately, severe weakness and open-mouth breathing indicate that the animal's lungs are partially filled with fluid. Only a veterinarian can make a final diagnosis; at home you can observe the following signs:

  • The chest should rise with each breath, if the stomach is swollen and the ribs are almost immobilized, this is a sign of fluid effusion into the lungs.
  • Measure the frequency of breaths using a stopwatch (for a minute) - if the cat takes less than 20 calm breaths, this indicates general depression. More than 40 quick, shallow, intermittent breaths indicate a struggle for oxygen, which is bad.
  • Wheezing and coughing, accompanied by rapid intermittent breathing, indicate significant filling of the lungs with fluid, and in this case it is more humane to resort to euthanasia (after a detailed examination by a doctor).

Depression of cardiac activity and oxygen starvation is indicated by a decrease in the basic body. Normally, a cat’s body temperature fluctuates between 38–39.5 degrees. A drop in temperature below 38 degrees indicates a loss of strength and an approaching lethargic state.

To measure a cat's body temperature you need to:

  • Use an electronic thermometer - the nose of the thermometer is warmed by the clenched palm to a comfortable temperature, generously lubricated with Vaseline or cream and inserted into the anus.
  • If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, your base body temperature is determined by: tactile sensations of the temperature of your ears, eyelids, abdominal skin, nose and gums. A decrease in body temperature may be indicated by a change in the color of the mucous membranes. Normally, a cat's mucous membranes appear bright pink or black (with dark pigmentation). In a lethargic state, the gums become discolored, becoming almost transparent or gray.

In a weakened state, cats usually refuse food and water. If the feeder and drinker remain untouched, it is necessary to monitor the feces. If your cat doesn't drink enough water, her urine will turn deep yellow and have a distinct odor.

Ignoring food is indicated by the absence of bowel movements or slight diarrhea with mucus. Quite often, cats continue to eat but are unable to digest the food. In this case, the pet defecates chewed but not digested food with mucus.

Note! Before death, many animals experience urinary and fecal incontinence.

How to Prepare for Your Cat to Die Soon

What to do if you already understand that your pet is going to die soon? In addition to making sure your cat is as comfortable as possible, you need to take care of yourself and your family members. If a cat is dying of illness and suffering, it is much wiser to consider euthanasia. Naturally, no owner would want to shorten the life of a cat with his own hands, however, if she is suffering, making a difficult decision is caring and compassionate.

If your pet dies of old age, naturally, all you can do is be there. Until death, cats remain sensitive to the owner’s emotions, so try to control yourself, no matter how difficult it may be. If you start crying and wailing, your pet will become scared. Try to stay close to the cat, pet it and talk to it more.

20-60 minutes before your pet's death, he will fall into a state of lethargy, which you can determine by dilated pupils. It is believed that in this state the cat does not feel anything. The only thing an animal can react to is tactile sensations.

When oxygen starvation increases, the cat begins to worry, even in a semi-conscious state. The nervous system of animals is designed in such a way that work in smaller and more numerous nerve fibers dulls sensations from larger nerve fibers. Simply put, if you constantly pet your cat (irritate its skin), it will experience less discomfort on a physiological level.

What to do when your pet passes away? When your pet's heart stops, you can give free rein to your emotions. Talking about the death of a pet is not only possible, but also necessary. An animal that has lived in a family for 10 years or more becomes a full-fledged member of the family.
Discuss the loss of your pet with family members; if you have children, calmly explain to them what happened. Try to convey to the child the idea that now the pet is not in pain or afraid.

By law, deceased pets cannot be buried in the ground. The only legal way to dispose of dead animals is cremation. By the way, no matter how senseless it may be, scattering ashes is also illegal.

Some cities have pet cemeteries where a pet can be buried without breaking the law. Most owners find themselves in a dead end and resort to burial in a remote location, for example, outside the city.

After the funeral, when you are ready, all of your pet's personal belongings should be collected and hidden. Naturally, we are not talking about destroying or throwing away things or a departed pet. However, if you stumble across your cat's bowl or litter box every day, you will feel a constant sense of loss.

Take your time and don’t get another cat to replace the dead one. Every pet deserves to be loved just the way they are. If you get a new pet too early, you will intuitively begin to compare it with your deceased pet.

Naturally, literally within the first month of living together, it will become clear that the new kitten is not like your usual pet, and this will again bring a feeling of emptiness and disappointment.

If more than six months have passed since the death of your pet, and your state of mind is not balanced, you need to seek professional help. The human brain does not distinguish between the “objectivity” of loss; it has been proven that many people fall into a state of deep depression after losing a pet.

There is nothing shameful in turning to psychologists and psychotherapists. Therapy will help if you can acknowledge your problem and are willing to move on.

The fact of losing a pet is connected with everything. Some owners blame themselves, others blame fate or karma, others nod to natural selection and are not particularly worried. If we put aside emotions and attempts to justify ourselves, then the wording that cats do not take root in the house does not even come to mind, there is always a reason for everything.

Naturally, “non-accommodation” cannot be associated with animal from old age. There is nothing you can do about it, every living being has its own time. When a pet goes over the rainbow in old age, the owner needs to accept it and not blame seb I, give myself time to adapt and move on. Not many people decide to have another pet, since the death of a cat from old age is equivalent to the loss of a family member.

There is another side of the coin, a person gets a cat, it doesn’t live even a year... and the person gets a new cat. This continues for some time and the owner either comes to terms with the fact that the animals are “short-lived”, or builds chains (not always logical) and looks for the cause of the tragedies.

The first people who are blamed by owners who regularly lose their pets are brownies, and when living in a private house, the courtyards also participate in the “showdowns”. Simply put, a certain spirit does not want you to have cats and in every possible way dares them... or kills them. “Mystical” forums are full of advice on what to do in such cases. To a skeptic, these recommendations will seem ridiculous, but why not try.

So, if cats do not take root in your house, you need to establish friendship with the brownie. This can be done through a “bribe”, exemplary behavior and a request to save the life of the pet. Instructions on how to give a brownie something nice are available on the same forums, but now there is a little skepticism.

If you delve into the primary sources and look for information about “what a brownie is,” you will be surprised to find that it is an assistant, protector, watchman, healer, but not a bandit and certainly not a killer.

Isn’t it strange that they don’t remember about brownies until something like this happens? Bad, scary, sinister? Most likely, the good spirit is confused with a poltergeist, whose “activities” are clearly described in Hollywood films. So, we’ve dealt with the brownies, courtyards and other household inhabitants, let’s move on.

Superstitions, omens, evil eyes

Folklore, or rather, folk omens, is the source of all the troubles and misfortunes of desperate people. Sometimes a series of negative events breaks a person so much that he refuses to accept responsibility and follows the truths already written (by someone, sometime ago). Psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and psychiatrists all over the world say the same thing - The evil eye, damage and coincidences do not exist until a person himself believes in them.

Read also: Why cats purr: interesting facts and assumptions

Just for fun, check out the number of good and positive signs about wealth, happiness, prosperity, health...why don’t they “work” (or rarely work)? The answer is simple - people do not tend to believe in miracles. Bad omens imply trouble, cause fear, and fear is a very strong lever that makes you believe in anything. Remember, “fear has big eyes,” and bad omens and superstitions too.

According to the law of meanness, from bad omens single people or childless families suffer who are in vital need of a pet. A person is so afraid of loss that he “brings disaster upon himself.” After a little analysis, the following unexpected facts are discovered:

  • Most losses of cats are associated with the fact that the family “is not allowed to have children.” The logic is simple: “we are alone, we treat the cat like a child and it is taken away from us.”
  • The second most popular reason is the evil eye. That is, the ill-wisher made the person suffer, since the pet is beloved and its loss brings pain, he dies from the evil eye.
  • The third and most disturbing reason is persecution. This is a curse or the same evil eye aimed at destroying the human race, that is, all family members and living beings living with the family.

Self-walking is a death sentence

Now let's return to the proven, substantiated, facts written in blood. Most young animals die while walking on their own. That is, the cat goes out into the street unattended, gets hit by a car, in the hands of knackers, in the teeth of a dog, or simply gets lost and dies. Realists are aware that their animals are dying, “optimists” believe that that the cat just left and didn’t take root...and stick to this thought for the rest of their lives.

Read also: The smartest cats in the world

The most colossal rates of injuries (often incompatible with life) are recorded in animals living in a private home:

  • Walking along quiet streets, pets “unexpectedly” fall under the wheels of cars.
  • Once in someone else's yard, the cat becomes a victim of a dog which protects its territory.
  • Cats, getting into fights for territory or the right to mate, they lose their eyes and receive serious injuries.
  • Often, very often quadrupeds die at the hands of friendly neighbors who just don't like cats.
  • A huge number of fluffies fall into traps for rats and ferrets.
  • Death by also on the list, since cats easily catch already poisoned rodents.
  • Cats die of hunger, without being intentionally locked in someone else's garage or shed.
  • Pets from the trees and if they do not get on high-voltage lines, then the paws will be seriously injured.
  • Hundreds of animals die at the hands of flayers and teenagers who, out of interest, kill those who are weaker.

If the animal dies before reaching home, the owners think that the cat has not taken root, The death of an animal while walking is the full responsibility of the owner! But that’s not all, let’s dig a little deeper.

All unsterilized animals walking on their own mate and bring offspring. Even if a cat lives in your house and he does not “bring in the lap”, this does not mean that he will not become the father of dozens of kittens, will not participate in fights, will not fall into the hands of the owner of the “future mother” or into the teeth of the dog guarding the yard , where the “wedding” takes place.

So, if you do not want to count yourself among the group of people who do not have cats, take care of the safety of your pet. Don't let your cat roam unattended, and if the four-legged one manages to run away in search of adventure, do the following.

Death is always a difficult emotional experience for those who observe it. People feel very strongly about the death of their pets. When a cat dies, how to survive this is a relevant question for both children and adults. And for an elderly person, such a loss often becomes completely unbearable.

In Western countries, it is customary to seek help from psychologists in such situations. There is no such tradition in our country, but one should not hide one’s own grief from friends and close acquaintances. Sitting in the kitchen and remembering a deceased pet is one way to cope with this bereavement.

How can you tell if your pet is dying?

When a cat dies of old age, it is always accompanied by certain manifestations, a kind of symptoms of the “last illness” in this life. They are the same for all animals - a cat lives its entire life in an apartment or on the street, the signs of imminent death will not differ. However, this sad list of habits and characteristics of the condition is typical only for old animals whose life has come to its logical conclusion. In case of illness or serious injury, the manifestations characteristic of imminent death will be different.

Signs that a cat is dying of old age are as follows:

  • decreased heart rate, slow heartbeat;
  • shallow, but whistling and at the same time quiet breathing;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • refusal to drink and eat;
  • the desire to retire to a secluded place;
  • urinary incontinence and bowel weakness;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor;
  • loss of shine, dull appearance of the coat.

Even if the animal is very old, if these manifestations occur, it is necessary to call a veterinarian. There is always a chance that your pet is just sick and needs help, and not preparation for a funeral.

About the pulse of a dying woman

A slow heartbeat is not the main indicator of impending death. But the heart rate can help figure out how to understand that a cat is dying. A low heart rate is one of the constant signs of impending death.

A cat's normal heart rate ranges from 140 to 220 beats per minute. A dying pet's heart rate drops significantly. In addition to heart rate, blood pressure also drops.

About breathing before death

Measuring the breathing rate is also one of the ways to understand that a cat is dying. In normal condition, the animal makes 20 to 30 exhalations per minute. But, unlike the pulse, the number of breaths will not decrease, but rather will increase. However, they will be weak, without depth.

This is due to the fact that a weakened heart also affects the efficiency of the respiratory system. Immediately before death, the breathing rate will drop, the number of breaths will be equal to the number of heartbeats.

About body temperature

Body temperature also changes before death. In normal conditions, this indicator is:

  • Fahrenheit - 100 - 102 degrees;
  • Celsius - 37.8 - 39.2.

A dying animal's temperature is below the normal minimum. This indicator can be measured with a thermometer, sold in every pet store. Among the things you don’t need to do if a cat dies is to determine body temperature by touch, by the pads of its paws.

About refusing to drink and eat

Refusal of both food and water is one of the main harbingers of imminent death, which is what animal owners most often focus on. This is true; some time before its death, the pet stops eating and refuses water. Even if you offer something tasty and favorite, there will be no reaction.

Refusal to eat and drink causes the animal to look emaciated and lose weight. The cat's stomach drops. This point is important. If a cat’s tummy is swollen, you should immediately take your pet to the clinic or call a doctor to her house, rather than grieve.

About the desire for solitude

Before imminent death, the cat does not eat; it dies alone. Therefore, it is important to observe your pet. If an animal does not come to the owner’s sofa in the evenings, but tries to hide under a closet or in any other dark and difficult-to-reach place for humans, then this behavior (together with refusal to eat) indicates an imminent death.

But a cat in an apartment only dies in old age. If the animal is in the middle of life, then the desire for solitude indicates a disease in which it is difficult to tolerate noise and light. For example, about encephalitis, in which the animal hides and also refuses water and food. There are a number of other diseases with similar manifestations.

About incontinence

In a cat near death, control of the urinary tract may be lost. The same applies to the rectum.

Although the animal does not drink or eat, droplets of waste products are constantly or frequently released from it. First, the cat tries to lick them off the floor and clean up after itself. Then he stops paying attention.

A very important point for owners trying to figure out what to do if a cat dies. You should stock up on diapers for bedridden patients. They will be useful for maintaining hygiene not only at home, but also for the pet itself. The excrement released before imminent death is concentrated, because water does not enter the body. That is, these drops settle on the fur, and sometimes corrode the cat’s skin.

About the unpleasant smell

Workers at hospitals, hospices, and nursing homes often say that you can smell the approach of death. This is true. A cat is no different from people in this matter. Shortly before death, the animal changes its smell.

We are not talking about the smell of excrement left by a cat, but about the skin, fur, and breath of the animal.

About appearance

A harbinger of the impending death is also the appearance of the animal as a whole. Even if a cat has not looked very good for a long time, the difference in appearance will still be colossal.

The color of the fur coat will fade, the wool itself will be different. Hair loss may begin in both fluffy and long-haired dogs.

What to do if your pet dies?

Most pet owners find themselves at a loss when they realize that their pet will soon leave them. The question of what to do if a cat dies worries every owner. After all, a person has a deep spiritual need to alleviate the torment of his pet. Many people think about euthanasia. But the owner of an animal on the verge of death is not able to adequately assess the situation. In emotional unrest, you cannot make decisions such as putting a cat to sleep.

The owner can be very mistaken in assessing what is happening. Every owner is convinced that the pet is old, which means that he is dying and suffering at the same time.

The question of what to do if a cat dies has only one answer - call a veterinarian. This must be done without delay. Only a doctor can tell if an animal is dying or is sick. Many ailments have similar symptoms to the harbinger of death. Given their advanced age and the internal fear of the death of their pet, people often make irreparable mistakes.

Is it necessary to euthanize?

Euthanasia is sometimes the best option. But the decision to euthanize a cat cannot be made on your own. A doctor's consultation is required.

Owners are often convinced that their pet is suffering. But this may not be the case. Cats are no different from people, meaning they can simply fade away from old age rather than experience pain. It is not always necessary to hasten the death of your pet.

How can we help?

How to help a dying cat? Just like a person. Make her last days and hours calm and happy. There is no need to cry or otherwise irritate the dying woman. Let these hours, the last ones next to your beloved, be filled with light sadness, like a calm autumn day, and not a storm.

In addition to warmth and being surrounded by love, you need to provide your pet with everyday comfort. If the cat no longer walks, absorbent diapers are required. A dry shampoo that does not require rinsing will come in handy to keep your animal's fur clean. You also need to take care of the absence of drafts. Of course, they will no longer affect the health, but will cause significant discomfort to the pet.

You should not assume that a cat cannot be picked up or otherwise disturbed. This moment depends on her state and on her internal intuitive feeling. If you want to take your pet home and watch a movie with her, that’s what you need to do.

How to survive this?

Surviving death is always very difficult. It is for this reason that people in ancient times invented rituals for funerals, seeing off the dead and commemorating them. These everyday simple actions help cope with feelings of loss.

You need to say goodbye to your beloved. This is a very important moment for overcoming a mental crisis. You cannot wrap a cat in a bag, put her mattress in it and throw it in the trash. Such an act will inevitably begin to eat away from the inside for many years. To the pain of loss will also be added pangs of conscience.

The animal must be cremated or simply buried. When organizing a funeral, you should not be ashamed of your own spiritual needs or think about how someone else will react to such manifestations of emotions. If you are convinced that a coffin and a wake are needed, that’s what you should do.

Farewell is the most important moment in mental rehabilitation. There is no need to rush, if you need to stand next to the cat's body and talk to it - this must be done. As for remembrance, the same rules apply as for funerals. You need to remember as the soul requires it and it doesn’t matter at all who thinks what.

Some people prefer to sit in silence and solitude, leafing through photographs. It is vital for someone to share their grief with loved ones and understanding people. Many owners who are experiencing the bitterness of loss are afraid to talk about their emotions out loud. People fear a lack of acceptance of their grief, a lack of respect for it, and a general lack of understanding of the full importance of what has happened.

But this is not entirely the right position - to close yourself inside your own grief. Many people are familiar with how painful, offensive and unfair it is - the death of a pet. Many have experienced such loss. Some in childhood, and others in older age. People can help cope with stress, distract from grief, and occupy free time. If you don’t talk about what happened, you won’t be able to get help.

What do psychologists say?

Psychologists often advise going to work in an animal shelter, putting all the things of the deceased cat out of sight, etc. But this is a very individual moment. You can go take care of the homeless or go to the cinema with friends.

Advice from psychologists does not take into account a person’s personality and what exactly he feels. Many owners of deceased animals do not experience good feelings when looking at living cats. Rather, they wonder why these cats are alive, but their beauty is no longer there. Of course, we are talking about emotions and feelings. With his mind, a person understands why his favorite is no longer around.

You need to take the advice of psychologists taking into account your own feelings. You can't force yourself to do something. If it’s completely unbearable at home, then you can go to another city for the weekend.

How to determine death in a cat. and got the best answer

Answer from EyrFyrka[guru]
Signs of death - no heartbeat or breathing, the cat is cold and later rigor mortis appears, the pupils do not react to light and become soft over time. Wait until the evening and watch for signs, because cats actually have this condition.

Answer from 123123123123 [guru]
can he hold a mirror to his face?

Answer from Oksana Nazarova[guru]
lack of breathing and palpitations are signs of death

Answer from Montmorency[guru]
She should already be numb, strange. Feel the ears, bend the paws - the paws should first begin to harden now.
My dog's ears and paws hardened a few minutes after death, but he died quickly. Your cat's brain is probably slowly failing, or has not yet completely failed. Maybe you can take it to the vet? We were going to go anyway

Answer from Vyachesl@v[guru]
When my cat died, after 2 hours she was numb. I don’t know how I’ll survive this death.
God forbid. My condolences.

Answer from Anastasia[guru]
The heartbeat can usually be felt if you put your hand around her chest under her paws.
Why don’t you take the animal to the doctor? why are you writing about this so calmly?)

Answer from Pink Floyd[guru]
Well, the heartbeat doesn’t stop even in a coma! (it just slows down, but it must be, otherwise the brain will die without oxygen and nutrients) There must be a pulse. Well, just to be sure, take it to the vet.
In general, I sympathize, it’s very sad to lose your favorite animal

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to determine death in a cat.

The cat is one of the most popular and beloved pets. The cat becomes a member of the family. The passing of a pet is always a difficult and sad event. What makes it even sadder is that cats leave home when they anticipate their death. However, sometimes approaching death can be predicted and prevented.

Lifespan of cats

The lifespan of a cat depends on several factors. Animals living on the street live on average up to 5 years, and pets live up to 15 years or more. There is also an intermediate option: the cat lives indoors, but can freely go outside (up to 8 years of life). Previously, cats died faster, but now veterinary medicine and vaccination have grown to such a level that the life expectancy of animals can depend on how the owners care for their pets.

The oldest (still living) cat lives in England; her name is Poppy and she is 24 years old

There are cases where cats lived for more than 30 years. A cat that lived for 38 years was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

A cat lives longer if it is vaccinated on time and correctly. The cat’s health may also depend on whether the animal is castrated (sterilized) in a timely manner. In general, sterilization helps prevent the risk of many diseases. These could be cancer or complications after pregnancy and lambing. In addition, a pet's life lasts longer under good conditions. The owner of the animal can recognize the cat’s illness in time and take the necessary measures to cure it.

Once upon a time my grandmother had a cat, Musya. She has not been spayed and has never been vaccinated. Musya gave birth every year. Each litter had at least four kittens. My grandmother's house was in the village, so Musya spent a good half of the day outside. Nevertheless, this cat lived for 19 years.

Common causes of death in domestic cats

Indoor cats often die of old age, while street animals do not have this luxury

If a cat has been living next to a person for a long time (more than 10 years), then old age will begin to manifest itself in its appearance and behavior. If we convert cat age to human age, we can say that a 15-year-old pet lived 76 human years. If a cat dies of old age, it is possible that she is not sick and therefore does not experience pain. This happens often, you just have to accept it. You can recognize the approaching death of an elderly cat by several signs:

  • the cat is apathetic and sleeps a lot without leaving its favorite place;
  • the animal stops eating and begins to lose weight;
  • the cat is unhappy or does not react if you stroke it or pick it up;
  • the cat begins to have poor orientation in space (it touches and bumps into objects, corners);
  • the animal is breathing heavily, the pupils are dilated, the lenses are cloudy.

No less often, cats die due to disease (healthy animals can die from an accident). The most common disease leading to death is kidney failure. This disease is typical for cats, especially neutered ones. Due to poor nutrition, metabolism is disrupted, leading to urolithiasis. The kidneys fail and the cat dies. It is possible to extend the life of a sick animal only if the cat is young. Prescribing the correct medication and diet are of great importance.

My sister has had a cat, Donut, for three years now. This is a mongrel, but very beautiful black cat. Donut is fed mainly dry food. The cat's favorite food is boiled fish. A year ago, the cat fell ill: he lost his appetite, began to urinate frequently and painfully, and the urine contained blood. The veterinarian said that such symptoms indicate urolithiasis due to an unbalanced diet. After treatment, Donut recovered. All this time the cat is on a diet. He is given less fish, dry food has been replaced with better quality food, and dairy products have been introduced into his diet.

Males are more likely to suffer from kidney failure than male cats

Quite often, furry pets “burn out” from cancer. Perhaps this is one of the most painful diseases. The older the cat, the greater the risk of developing this disease, and the more painful it is. An old animal may suffer for several days. Cancer does not spare the weak. And young individuals can suffer for months. Only surgery to remove the tumor can save a cat with cancer. However, it is not always possible to find such a qualified and caring pet surgeon.

The cat is 13 years old and has a mammary tumor. Today we went to the veterinarian: he said that we need to operate, otherwise it will be flayering. But the cat will survive in 50% of cases, and there will be a difficult recovery period ahead. The extent of the damage will be determined only during the operation, but they already said by eye that it had metastases.

Some cats die not because of the main tumor, but because of metastases or inadequate treatment. However, in addition to oncology, the cause of death of an animal can be panleukopenia (distemper). This disease kills even a young cat in just a few days. It is very difficult to survive with such a disease. Older individuals can survive if they survive the first 4–5 days after the onset of the disease. Sometimes the disease progresses very quickly: the pet dies abruptly and for no apparent reason. Plague is just one of many infectious diseases, and there are dozens of them, just like viral ones. Veterinarians are also trying to treat “feline AIDS.” This is the feline immunodeficiency virus. The disease can be asymptomatic for several years. But without immunity, a cat can “catch” any infection, and this will lead to the death of the animal.

How to understand that a cat is dying

You can tell by the cat's behavior that she is about to die.

A cat that has lived with one owner all its life can “give clues.” A dying animal may become calmer than usual. However, a cat that senses its demise will try to spend as much time as possible with the person. Typically, such “clues” are typical for old cats, for whom death is a predictable event.

Look into your cat's eyes. I was still a child, but I remembered Musya’s face. In recent months, she had become completely thin, her cheekbones became sharp, her fur looked dry, and her eyes became cloudy. But she often lay on my lap for a long time (and not only on me). When they started petting her, she looked into the person’s face. Her eyes seemed large, sad and somehow grateful. Grandmother said that Musya would soon leave home.

In addition to the behavior of an elderly animal, symptoms of the disease may also indicate the approach of death. You should pay attention to the presence of signs:

  • redness, peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of bald patches;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • blood in the discharge, difficulty urinating or stopping it altogether;
  • diarrhea, vomiting.

You can tell when a cat is approaching death by its breathing rate, pulse, and body temperature.

Even if one of the listed symptoms is present, you need to pay special attention to your cat. If you did not know about the disease, it is possible that all is not lost and the cat can be cured. To accurately determine any deviations from the norm, you need to remember the animal’s basic vital signs. The body temperature of an adult cat ranges from 37.5 °C to 39 °C. The older the cat, the closer its temperature is to the upper “bar”. Respiration rate also depends on age. Kittens breathe more frequently (60 breaths per minute) than young cats (22–24 breaths). Adults and elderly individuals breathe least often (17–23 breaths). The pulse in cats is frequent - 100–130 beats per minute (regardless of age).

Some fatal animal diseases are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, a specific smell may emanate from the cat (not from excrement, but from the cat). If the disease has not yet manifested itself, you need to examine the animal. If there is a problem with the digestive system, the pet's stomach will be dense and hard. You can contact your veterinarian for diagnosis.

I noticed that there was some strange smell from the kitten, once at night I locked him in the room, and in the morning I went into the room, and the smell immediately “rushed” into my “nose”... It was some kind of specific smell. The kitten smells. I already tried to wash it, but the smell still appeared. He’s so caustic... and I began to notice that I couldn’t stay in a closed space (room) with a kitten for a long time - my head started to hurt, there was pressure on my temple.
Although we already have one cat and have never smelled anything from her.

Nimishkina, owner of a sick kitten

A dying cat may refuse to eat. A weak animal does not eat because it no longer has the strength to do so. A cat can turn away even from its most favorite treat. If a pet dies due to illness, refusing food will only worsen its condition, but it will not be possible to force feed it.

Why do cats leave home to die?

If a cat has this opportunity, it will definitely leave the house before it dies.

For as many years as cats have lived next to people, for the same number of years the question has been asked: why do cats leave home? There are many theories about this. Despite its popularity among people, the cat remains one of the most amazing and mysterious animals. Some believe that the cat wants to remain in the owner’s memories as a beautiful and gentle pet. After all, often before leaving the house forever, a cat goes into a person’s arms to say goodbye. The owner may not even suspect that such a surge of tenderness is the last. There is also a theory that cats leave, taking with them the illnesses and misfortunes of a loved one.

When Musya left home, I was sleeping. In the morning the grandmother looked for her, but did not find her. It became clear in the evening that Musya would not return. It's hard to describe, but for many years I believed that the cat carried away some kind of trouble. Perhaps I am still inclined towards this version. After all, it is very difficult to imagine how an adored animal looks for a soft lawn, how it “lays down” and falls asleep forever. It’s easier to imagine your pet healthy and going “off into the sunset.”

People who are more skeptical believe that a dying animal is not thinking about anything like that. On the contrary, from their point of view, the cat does not understand that the end is near. Therefore, they perceive the painful state as some kind of illness that should pass. To prevent humans from interfering with the animal’s healing, the cat leaves the house for a while. However, there is no strength left to return after a walk, so the pet quietly dies alone with itself.

On the eve of death, a cat may push away a person, refuse help and try to leave the home at any cost. The owner may become upset and decide that he must have somehow offended the pet. In fact, a person cannot influence a cat's decision to leave home. And you shouldn’t be offended by her behavior, even if she has become aggressive.

How do cats behave in an apartment when they can’t leave?

A dying cat will try to leave the house as long as it has the strength to do so.

If the cat could not leave the apartment, it will hide. If we consider the theories about this phenomenon in more detail, it becomes clear that in any case the cat wants to be away from the person in the last minutes. An animal may experience pain, and a person may be regarded by it as the source of this suffering. And some believe that the cat is hiding “out of spite” or because it is proud. In any case, a weakened pet will look for a secluded place. The cat will hide in the closet, under the bed or other dark corner.

My cat died last night. He hid deep under the closet, which was unlike him. He lived for almost 10 years, a whole month short of his little anniversary. The terrible fact is that I could not help him in any way.

Artyom, lost the cat with whom he lived for 10 years

However, there are exceptions to this pattern. Only the cat who has the time to do so can afford the luxury of choosing the last place. Animals that die from an accident do not have this opportunity. However, pets who do not want to die and are not ready to say goodbye to life will try to come home to a person. So a cat hit by a car will crawl towards the house until the last moment.

How to care for your pet to ease its suffering

Cats who are about to die need special treatment

If you sense that your cat is getting ready to leave, give it your full attention. The animal may hint that it needs affection (walking into your arms, purring, being caressed, etc.). Some owners, realizing that their furry friend is about to pass away, take time off from work and put off everything. A cat, like a person, will be much calmer if its beloved owner devotes several hours to it and sees it off on its last journey. Cats suffering from fatal diseases do not have the strength to hint. The poor animals suffer until they fall into unconsciousness. They die quietly, without bothering anyone, but even in such cases special treatment is needed.

The cat may not be able to say “thank you for being with me,” but it can feel the presence of a person and his care.

Actually, caring for a cat depends on the circumstances. If your pet is sick, a diagnosis has been made, and any medications are being taken, a veterinarian can give advice. For example, increase the dose of painkiller, put on an IV, etc. But most often, the cat still needs moral support. Some believe that such care is needed not for the cat at all, but for its owner, in order to calm his conscience and not feel any guilt later.

Euthanize a dying cat or let it die on its own

Special drugs are used for euthanasia

The decision to euthanize an animal is one of the most difficult. To decide to euthanize your beloved pet, you need to look at the situation from the outside. Even if a dying cat were offered royal terms, she could still die. And sometimes it is no longer possible to look at this suffering, and the most humane way to save a cat from suffering seems to be killing. And even if a person clearly understands that pity for a cat is stronger than the reluctance to part with it, it is extremely difficult to decide on such a step. It's always hard to part with a friend about whom there are so many vivid memories. And how much joy he brought when he was little. The pranks once committed by a cat no longer seem like a universal catastrophe, but a trifle. Therefore, after thinking it over again, you need to consult a veterinarian. It is easier for a stranger to soberly assess the situation.

I believe that there is no need to euthanize cats (if a cat has a person, it has a reason to live). Imagine a situation where a loved one is sick. Only a few will agree to euthanasia of a loved one. And this is not selfishness, as many people think. After all, even people with cancer fight to the last, want to live and believe in miracles. But cats (almost the same as people) devote their lives to family, to humans. She has earned her right to life, and no one can deprive her of her last minutes, hours, days.

If the decision is made, you need to choose a method of euthanasia:

  1. The cat is given anesthesia, and after switching off, a drug is given that stops the heart or respiratory activity.
  2. An injection of ditilin (listenone), a drug that stops the functioning of the respiratory muscles, is given.

The first method is softer. Strong anesthesia causes the cat to fall asleep. While asleep, she does not feel the injection of magnesium sulfate (or ammonia solution). The injection is given intravenously or into the heart. Sometimes after the injection there will be agony, but the cat will not feel anything because it will be unconscious. The second method is tougher: your pet will be conscious until death. After the injection, the cat will begin to choke, will feel it, fight in agony, but will not be able to do anything about it. Euthanasia is carried out in a clinic or at home (for this, a veterinarian is called in advance). You also need to decide in advance what to do with the body (bury or cremate).

The cat can be buried in a special cemetery for animals or in the backyard (for example, in a country house)

To survive a loss, you need to maintain some consistency. First you need to say goodbye to your pet's body. After the funeral, you can mourn the cat. Mourning an animal is useful, it makes it easier for a person to let go of a pet. After this, you need to remove objects that remind you of the cat: toys, bowl, tray, etc. However, all this is just a dry instruction; the person himself must realize that life goes on, and that it is time to let his friend go. Of course, the memories will still remain. But let these be bright and pleasant memories. After a couple of years, love and light sadness should remain in the memory, and not heavy depressing grief.

I remember every cat my family has ever had. Some of them lived long lives, while others died in childhood. We had a white kitten, Bim. He died on the third day from the plague. No one had time to play with him, and no one had time to get used to him. But I remember with a smile how fluffy he was. So fluffy that the ears were not visible in this root, and it looked like a lump. And I really wanted to cuddle him, but my parents forbade him.

Often, to forget about the loss, people get a new kitten. This is a good way to shift attention, but it is not suitable for everyone. In each case, the death of a pet is experienced differently, so there cannot be a single recommendation. To survive this sad event, a person must go through all the stages of grief himself. The main thing is that there is no feeling of guilt. Everything else will be corrected by time, because it heals.

Video: what awaits animals after death

Those who do not adhere to religious beliefs may imagine another option for life after death. On forums about saying goodbye to your beloved cats, you can find phrases such as “walk your furry paws on the rainbow”, “meet me on the bridge”, etc. According to one of the myths, the soul of a pet goes to a better world (cat paradise), which is located over the rainbow. When the time comes, the cat will climb onto the rainbow bridge to meet its owner there.

When should you get a kitten?

If you want to adopt a kitten after the death of a cat, you need to remember that no one can replace your beloved pet. The new kitten will not be the same furbaby you had before. The new kitten will have its own character and habits. The kitten will become an outlet if only it becomes the object of new love. Taking care of a small animal will make it easier to forget about the loss. But you can’t take a kitten the very next day after the funeral. We need to prepare for the arrival of a new friend at home. If the cat died from an illness, then you need to prepare the apartment. And also purchase everything necessary for the kitten. For example, an adult cat's litter box may not be suitable for a baby.

Yesterday our Barsik died, he was 9 years old, also Siberian... Cancer (he had lymphoma) takes the lives of many pets! Only bring a vaccinated kitten into a disinfected apartment after a year.

Natasha Gordeeva, lost her beloved cat

Before you bring a kitten, you need to prepare the apartment

When the apartment is ready, a place for the kitten has been prepared, everything necessary has been purchased, you need to start looking for the kitten. Many families know in advance where they will take their pet. But not just any animal will do. For example, you cannot take a newborn kitten if you do not have the skills to care for such small animals. The kitten must be healthy and confidently standing on its feet. The animal must also feed itself. If a cat eats only mother's milk, then in the new conditions he will have nothing to eat and will get sick. The age of the kitten is of great importance. It is advisable to adopt an animal aged three months or older.

An important reason why a kitten should be taken home only after three months is vaccination. The first vaccinations are given to the animal at the age of 8 weeks. Revaccination is carried out after 3–4 weeks. That is, a kitten that leaves home later than 12 weeks is maximally protected from various viruses and infections.